Test - IV: I. Fill in The Blanks 15 Marks

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Test - IV

I. Fill in the blanks 15 Marks

Fill in the blanks with appropriate Preposition:

a. The parliament is composed ______ two houses.
b. The facts point _________ a different end.
c. We always disagree __________ everything.
d. It is best __________ ignore her request.
e. Please don't pay any attention _________ her.
f. Could we go ____ the next class to share notes _______ them?

Choose the correct verb

g. The earth _____ round the sun.
h. My friend _________ the Prime minister last week.
i. Don’t disturb the kid. She __________________her homework
j. This Newspaper _________________ twice a week.
k. He ________________ T.V most evenings.
l. Everyday last week my aunt ________________ a plate.
m. I __________________ to do a lot of work today.
n. The town _______________ its appearance completely.

II. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions. 5 Marks
Argentina is a country that has absolutely fascinating animal life, totally different from anything found
anywhere else in South America. As nearly the whole country is composed of the vast grasslands called
the pampas, naturally all the creatures are adapted to life on these open plains

The pampas in the Argenine are remarkably flat; standing at one point you you can see the great
grassland stretching away as smooth as a table top until it mingles with the sky on the horizon.

Hunting for animals in this open grassland is not quite as easy as it might seems at first. To begin with,
most of them live in holes and only venture out at night. Secondly there is very little cover in form of
bushes or trees so the hunted animals can usually spot the hunters some way off.

a. Provide some synonyms for ‘grasslands ‘

b. Describe the grasslands in your own words.
c. Why is ‘hunting for animals’ not very simple there?
d. Do you think hunting animals is a sport?

III. Write a short paragraph in anyone of the following topics 10 Marks

a. Should students be involved in Politics
b. Why is corruption deep rooted in India
c. What can we do to save our mother earth

IV. Correct the sentences given below. 10 Marks

1) We went for a picnic to the lakes next weekend.
2) The sound of the river was so quiet that it cannot bother her.
3) The little girl was gone to school by the bus.
4) When you heard her come in late at night, please let me knew.
5) The two friends is laughing together.
6) Who are going to the wedding yesterday?
7) There is many pretty flowers in the garden.
8) The train come in late so she miss her train to Mumbai.
9) The boy is gone to the market yesterday.
10) The training had been finished but we do not know when the test would have take place.

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