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Non-enzymatic glucose electrochemical sensor

based on silver nanoparticle decorated organic
Cite this: RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 60926
functionalized multiwall carbon nanotubes
Ali A. Ensafi,* N. Zandi-Atashbar, B. Rezaei, M. Ghiaci, M. Esmaeili Chermahini
and P. Moshiri

An efficient, fast and stable non-enzymatic glucose sensor was prepared by decorating silver nanoparticles
on organic functionalized multiwall carbon nanotubes (AgNPs/F-MWCNTs). MWCNTs were functionalized
with organic amine chains and characterized using energy-dispersive X-ray and FT-IR spectroscopy.
Moreover, the decorated AgNPs monitored using transmission electron microscopy showed spherical
shapes with a mean size of 9.0  2.8 nm. For further study, a glassy carbon electrode (GCE) was
modified using the synthesized composite and evaluation of the modification was conducted using
cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The electrochemical data revealed
that modification of the GCE leads to easier electron transfer compared to the bare unmodified GCE due
to the presence of the functionalized MWCNTs accompanied with the electrocatalytic effect of the
decorated silver nanoparticles. Furthermore, the fabricated modified electrode was applied as a non-
enzymatic glucose sensor using electrochemical techniques including cyclic voltammetry and
hydrodynamic chronoamperometry. The results obtained from the amperometric analysis of glucose in
Received 25th April 2016
Accepted 14th June 2016
a 0.1 M NaOH solution indicated an efficient performance of the electrode with a low detection limit of
0.03 mM and a high sensitivity of 1057.3 mA mM1, as well as a linear dynamic range of 1.3 to 1000 mM. A
DOI: 10.1039/c6ra10698f
practical application of this sensor was also examined by analyzing glucose in the presence of common interfering species that exist in a real sample of human blood serum.

high surface areas and electrocatalytic properties, have been

1. Introduction used as the modier for glucose detection.11–14 Moreover, these
Diabetes and its serious health complications have a main properties can be improved by stabilizing the nanoparticles on
position in medicinal sciences, as a principal humanity chal- an appropriate support. Multiwall carbon nanotubes
lenge. Thus, each inuential factor, such as the levels of insulin (MWCNTs), due to their excellent conductivity, good chemical
and glucose in human blood, should be investigated.1 Insulin stability, large surface-volume ratio, and high adsorption
has been determined using various analytical methods, espe- capacity, have been utilized as a nanoparticle support.15,16
cially electrochemistry.2 Moreover, since the level of glucose in However, nanoparticles decorated on a bare MWCNTs support
blood should be critically regulated, usually in the range of 3.0– can be removed from it, aer repeated usage, because of the
8.0 mM,3 different approaches have been proposed to measure absence of strong interactions between them, whereas covalent
it, including spectroscopy,4 spectrouorimetry,5 electrochem- functionalization of the MWCNTs with organic ligands can
istry,3 and chromatography.6 Among these methods, electro- result in a more effective loading of the nanoparticles.16–18
chemical sensors have been developed based on enzymatic and Herein, silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) decorated on newly
non-enzymatic applications.7 Although enzyme-based sensors synthesized and functionalized MWCNTs were employed as
have presented some advantages such as high selectivity and a new non-enzymatic sensor to detect glucose. The modier was
a low detection limit, some drawbacks including poor repro- synthesized based on step by step organic bonding to form
ducibility, low thermal and chemical stability, and high cost functionalized MWCNTs. The synthesis was veried using
have been reported for these sensors.8–10 Hence, enzyme-free Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, transmission
electrochemical sensors have been developed as a result of electron microscopy (TEM), cyclic voltammetry (CV) and elec-
electrode modication. Metal nanomaterials, because of their trochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Moreover, the
sensing performance of the synthesized modier was studied
using hydrodynamic chronoamperometry. The resulting data
Department of Chemistry, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan 84156-83111,
Iran. E-mail: Ensa; Ensa; aaensa; Fax:
showed high sensitivity and selectivity accompanied with a fast
+98-31-33912350; Tel: +98-31-33913269 analysis of glucose. At last, in this work, the reliability of the

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sensor for real sample analysis was examined using human 2.3. Procedure
blood serum samples.
The synthesis of the functionalized multiwall carbon nanotubes
(F-MWCNTs) is schematically summarized in Fig. 1. The
MWCNTs were functionalized by reuxing in a mixture of HNO3
(6.0 M) and H2SO4 (2.0 M) for 12 h. Aerwards, the function-
2. Experimental alized MWCNTs (CNT-COOH) were continually and sufficiently
2.1. Reagents rinsed with distilled water, and then dried under vacuum
Published on 15 June 2016. Downloaded by University of California - San Diego on 14/12/2016 07:08:06.

conditions for 12 h. 500 mg of the MWCNTs-COOH was thor-

Silver nitrate (AgNO3), glucose, sodium hydroxide (NaOH),
oughly dispersed in THF in an ultrasonic bath. Aer that, 12.0
phosphoric acid (H3PO4) and sucrose were purchased from
mL of SOCl2 was added to the former suspension and stirred at
Merck. Ascorbic acid, uric acid, fructose and the multiwall
room temperature for 24 h. The product, MWCNT-COCl, was
carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) were supplied by Sigma-Aldrich.
reuxed with 15.0 mL of ethylenediamine at 60  C for 12 h. The
Phosphate buffer solutions (PBS, 0.1 M) at various pH values
resulting mixture was reacted with 1.0 g of cyanuric chloride
were prepared by the addition of 0.10 M NaOH to a 0.10 M
and then 5.0 mL of diethylenetriamine in THF under a nitrogen
H3PO4 solution. All the other chemicals were of analytical
atmosphere to form MWCNT-CO-NH-cyanuric and MWCNT-
reagent grade and used without further purication. All of the
CO-NH-cyanuric-NH2, respectively. At last, the F-MWCNTs were
water used for preparing the solutions in this work was double
prepared by centrifuging and drying MWCNT-CO-NH-cyanuric-
distilled water. Three human blood plasma samples were
provided by Alzahra Hospital (Isfahan, Iran). The proteins
0.10 g of the F-MWCNTs was dispersed in 200 mL of distilled
contained in the plasma were removed by ltration as in the
water using ultrasonic waves for 30 min. To form Ag(I)/F-
pretreatment of real samples.
MWCNTs, 10.0 mL of a AgNO3 solution (1.0 mM) was added
drop by drop to the F-MWCNTs suspension over 24 h. The
AgNPs/F-MWCNTs were prepared by reducing the silver ions to
2.2. Apparatus silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) using NaBH4.

The products obtained from each step of the synthesis were

monitored by recording the FT-IR spectra, as KBr-mixed pellets, 3. Results and discussion
using a FT-IR Spectrometer (Jasco, FT/IR-680 Plus). The 3.1. Characterization of the synthesized composite
morphology and size of the generated AgNPs decorated on the
The synthesis of AgNPs/F-MWCNT was veried using several
functionalized MWCNTs were analyzed using a transmission
techniques including energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy
electron microscope (TEM, TECNAI, Model F30, USA). Energy
(EDX), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), and
dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) spectra were recorded with
transmission electron microscopy (TEM). EDX analysis indi-
a Philips XLC instrument.
cated that the F-MWCNTs were prepared with weight percent-
All the electrochemical experiments were performed using
ages of 79.74, 9.68, and 10.58 corresponding to carbon, oxygen,
a common three-electrode system (Autolab, PGSTAT-30
and nitrogen. It conrmed that the MWCNTs were satisfactorily
potentiostat/galvanostat, Eco-Chemie, Netherlands). The
functionalized with the organic compounds. FT-IR spectra
modied glassy carbon electrode (GCE), a Pt rod and Ag/AgCl/
exhibit the products from the steps of the organic compound
3.0 M KCl were used as the working, auxiliary and reference
synthesis, as can be seen in Fig. 2A. The spectrum (a) of the
electrodes, respectively. The recorded data were processed by
MWCNTs shows C–C stretching bands in the range of 1580–
applying a General Purpose Electrochemical System (GPES,
1650 cm1 and the peak located at around 850 cm1 is due to
version 4.9) and Frequency Response Analyzer (FRA). All the
the nanotube symmetrical modes.19 The band at 1640 cm1 can
electrochemical experiments were conducted aer stabilizing
be associated with –C]O stretching of the carboxyl group. As
the surface of the electrode through the operation of 20 cycles in
shown in the spectra (b and c), this characteristic band was
the potential window of 1.00 to +1.00 (V vs. Ag/AgCl). Cyclic
moved to 1690 and 1630 cm1 by conversion of COOH to COCl
voltammograms were recorded using solutions of PBS and 0.1
and an amide group, respectively. As shown in Fig. 2B, the silver
M NaOH at various pH values with a scan rate of 100 mV s1, for
nanoparticles (AgNPs) fabricated on the F-MWCNTs presented
which the results were optimal in the alkaline medium of
a size distribution of 3.0 to 17.0 nm with a mean size of around
NaOH. Thus, the amperometric measurements were conducted
9.0  2.8 nm.
at a hydrodynamic electrode by the sequential addition of
a glucose solution to a 0.1 M NaOH solution. The electron
transfer resistances of the electrodes were measured using 3.2. Electrochemical characterization
electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). All the EIS The AgNPs/F-MWCNTs were further characterized using cyclic
studies were conducted with a frequency range of 0.01 Hz to 100 voltammetry (CV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
kHz, an amplitude wave potential of 10 mV and with 0.20 V as (EIS). In a comparison of the unmodied glassy carbon elec-
the applied potential in a 10.0 mM Fe(CN)63/4 solution. All trode (GCE), F-MWCNTs-GCE, and AgNPs/F-MWCNTs-GCE, the
these electrochemical measurements were carried out at modied electrodes showed a capacity for electron transfer as
ambient temperature. indicated in Fig. 3(A and B). Accordingly, the cyclic

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Fig. 1 The schematic synthetic steps for the organic chain functionalized multiwall carbon nanotubes (F-MWCNTs).

voltammograms recorded in 0.1 M NaOH with a scan rate of 50 the nanoparticles, i.e. Ag to Ag(I) and Ag(I) to Ag(II).20 To further
mV s1, as exhibited in Fig. 3A, indicate a corresponding elec- conrm the effect of the modier, further investigations were
trochemical oxidation that generates a surface Ag-oxide layer on conducted using EIS analysis in a 10.0 mM Fe(CN)63/4 solution.

Fig. 2 (A) FT-IR spectra of the products formed in each step of the F-MWCNTs synthesis (CNT-COOH (a), CNT-COCl (b), and CNT-CO-NH-
cyanuric-NH2 (c)); (B) TEM image of AgNPs/F-MWCNTs and size distribution of the generated nanoparticles.

60928 | RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 60926–60932 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016
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Fig. 3 (A) Cyclic voltammograms of the GCE (a), F-MWCNTs-GCE (b), and AgNPs/F-MWCNTs-GCE (c) in 0.1 M NaOH with a scan rate of 50 mV
s1; (B) Nyquist plots of the GCE (a), F-MWCNTs-GCE (b), and AgNPs/F-MWCNTs-GCE (c) in 10.0 mM Fe(CN)63/4 solution with a frequency
range of 0.01 Hz to 100 kHz and an amplitude wave potential of 10 mV.

Using the Nyquist plots (Fig. 3B), electrical conductivity 3.3. Electroanalysis of glucose at AgNPs/F-MWCNTs-GCE
between the redox probe and the modied electrode was
Analysis of glucose was studied using the AgNPs/MWCNTs-GCE
conrmed and it was conrmed that the electron transfer was
and compared with the non-AgNP decorated F-MWCNTs and
increasingly improved by the modication of the GCE, using bare GCEs, as shown in Fig. 4. The electrocatalytic effect of
F-MWCNTs and AgNPs/F-MWCNTs, as the semicircle that the AgNPs/MWCNTs resulted in a signicant increase in the
corresponds to the electron transfer-limited process was
oxidation currents in the presence of glucose, compared to the
decreased. In other words, the charge transfer resistance (Rct)
results obtained for the two other unmodied electrodes.
at the surface of the electrode was decreased because of the
Thus, the further investigations for glucose sensing were per-
good conductivity of AgNPs/F-MWCNTs, which could make
formed with the AgNPs/MWCNTs-GCE. Fig. 5 shows that the
electron transfer easier.
CVs in the presence of 5.0 mM glucose at different scan rates

Fig. 4 Cyclic voltammograms of the GCE (A), F-MWCNTs-GCE (B), and AgNPs/F-MWCNTs-GCE (C) in 0.1 M NaOH solution in the absence of
glucose (a) and in the presence of a 2.5 mM glucose solution at a scan rate of 50 mV s1 (b).

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The study of the AgNPs/F-MWCNTs-GCE in a 0.1 M NaOH solution and in the presence of 5.0 mM glucose at a potential scan rate of 10–
Fig. 5
300 mV s1. Inset: plot of the oxidation peaks vs. the square root of the scan rates.

3.4. Chronoamperometric study of AgNPs/F-MWCNTs-GCE

in the presence of glucose
Chronoamperometric responses of the AgNPs/F-MWCNTs-
GCE with a working potential of 0.58 V in a 0.1 M NaOH
solution for sequential additions of glucose are displayed in
Fig. 6. Further amperometric investigations were performed at
0.58 V due to the lower potential values presenting lower
increases in the amperometric responses and as the signal
obtained at higher potentials could be affected by interfering
species, as well as being less stable to changes in the glucose
concentration, so, 0.58 V was selected as the optimum
Fig. 6 Current–time study of the AgNPs/F-MWCNTs-GCE vs. glucose potential. Moreover, the signal obtained from the glucose
addition in a 0.1 M NaOH solution using a hydrodynamic electrode at
an applied potential of 0.58 V vs. Ag/AgCl and 1200 rpm, with the
injection using 0.58 V quickly became stable with a response
corresponding two linear ranges of the calibration curve shown in the time of less than 3 s. According to Fig. 6, two linear ranges of
inset. calibration were observed: at a lower glucose concentration
range from 1.3 to 1000 mM, with a regression of I (mA) ¼
31.720C (mM)  0.245 and R2 ¼ 0.998; and at a higher glucose
(10 to 300 mV s1) had a linear relationship between the concentration range from 1.11 to 4.14 mM, with a regression
oxidation current (in the range of 0.60 to 0.65 V, depending on of I (mA) ¼ 3.144C (mM) + 30.370 and R2 ¼ 0.955. The two
the scan rate) and the square root of the scan rate (i.e. v1/2). This linearities may result from the adsorption of an interme-
proportional linearity, with a correlation coefficient of 0.995, diate.21 In other words, at a low glucose concentration, the
shows that the mass transfer of glucose at the surface of the amperometric responses resulted from the oxidation of
electrode was controlled by diffusion, which is perfect for diffused glucose, and with higher amounts of glucose the
quantitative sensing objectives.

Table 1 Performance of the various reported functionalized MWCNT nonenzymatic modified electrodes for glucose detection

Sensor Response time (s) Applied potential (V) Linear range (mM) Detection limit (mM) Literature

CuO/MWCNTs 3 0.55 4–5000 4.0 23

CuFe2O4/MWCNTs 5 0.40 0.5–1400 0.2 24
RuO2/MWCNTs — 0.50 500–50 000 33 25
Pt-PbNPs/MWCNTs 12 0.30 Up to 11 000 1.8 26
Cu/MnO2/MWCNTs 3 0.60 10–1000 0.17 16
CuNWsa/MWCNTs 1 0.55 Up to 3000 0.26 27
PdNPs/MWCNTs 3 0.025 1000–10 000 — 28
MWCNTs-COOH-P2ATb-AuNPs — — 100–3000 3.7 29
Fe3O4/MWCNTs 12 0.50 500–7000 15.0 30
AgNPs/F-MWCNTs 3 0.58 1.3–1000 and 1100–4140 0.03 This work
Cu nanowires. b Poly(2-aminothiophenol).

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3.5. Repeatability, stability and selectivity of the glucose

To evaluate the performance of the AgNPs/F-MWCNTs-GCE in
glucose sensing, ten continuous additions of a 0.2 mM glucose
solution were performed and this provided a relative standard
deviation (RSD%) of 2.2% as can be seen in Fig. 7A. The addi-
tion of a 0.70 mM glucose solution into a 0.1 M NaOH solution
Published on 15 June 2016. Downloaded by University of California - San Diego on 14/12/2016 07:08:06.

at the surface of the modied electrode provided a relatively

stable signal up to 1000 s with only a 6.3% decrease in the
amperometric signal as shown in Fig. 7B. The selectivity of the
glucose sensor was examined in the presence of different
interfering species including sucrose (Su), fructose (Fr), uric
acid (UA), ascorbic acid (AA) and dopamine (DA). The physio-
logical level of glucose in human blood plasma is within 3 to 8
mM, while the other interfering species including UA, AA, and
DA exist at a concentration of 0.1 mM, i.e. one 30th of the
glucose concentration.3 Moreover, the existence of other
carbohydrates, such as sucrose and fructose, can affect the
performance of the AgNPs/F-MWCNTs-GCE. As shown in
Fig. 7C, the inuence of the presence of interfering compounds,
Fig. 7 Chronoamperometric study of the glucose oxidation current at
the AgNPs/F-MWCNTs-GCE in 0.1 M NaOH solution, based on 10 including ascorbic acid (AA) (0.07 mM), dopamine (DA)
successive additions of a glucose solution (0.20 mM) (A); stability of the (0.07 mM), uric acid (UA) (0.07 mM), sucrose (Su) (0.70 mM) and
sensor signal up to 1000 s with addition of a glucose solution (0.70 fructose (Fr) (0.70 mM), on the amperometric response for
mM) (B); and selectivity of the glucose sensor towards the glucose a 0.70 mM glucose solution at the AgNPs/F-MWCNTs-GCE was
solution (0.70 mM) in the presence of interfering species including
investigated. The interference study showed that the ampero-
sucrose (Su) (0.70 mM), fructose (Fr) (0.70 mM), uric acid (UA) (0.07
mM), ascorbic acid (AA) (0.07 mM), and dopamine (DA) (0.07 mM) (C). metric signals were insignicantly affected by the two carbo-
hydrates sucrose and fructose, while an easy oxidation of the
other three compounds in alkaline media had a relatively
interfering effect on the signals. As mentioned, since the levels
Table 2 Determination of the glucose level in real samples using the
of the three interfering species of ascorbic acid, uric acid and
AgNPs/F-MWCNTs-GCE non-enzymatic sensor
dopamine are normally much lower than the glucose concen-
Reference valuesa Determined RSD tration, the low interfering effects of them can be resolved by
Sample (mM) values (mM) (%) diluting the sample to the real concentrations of the species in
human blood plasma, i.e. one thirtieth.3
Human serum 1 61.4 62.9 2.4
Human serum 2 112.2 110.6 3.8
Human serum 3 85.7 87.3 3.1 3.6. Real sample analysis
The values provided by the hospital with a relative population To verify practical application of the AgNPs/F-MWCNTs-GCE as
standard deviation of 5%. a non-enzymatic glucose sensor, a series of protein-ltered
human blood serum samples was examined. The detection of
glucose was conducted using a standard addition method. In
this case, the serum samples were diluted with a 0.1 M NaOH
slope of the calibration curve was decreased due to adsorption solution until the glucose content was in the range of 61.0–103.0
of the oxidation products of glucose, which decreased the mM, within the linear range of the calibration. The resulting
number of active sites of the AgNPs/F-MWCNTs and hindered data from amperometric analyses of the real samples are
the glucose diffusion into the electrode surface. summarized in Table 2. These results were satisfactorily
The limit of detection (LOD) was calculated using the comparable with the ones obtained using the hospital’s glucose
signal to noise ratio of three. The sensitivity of the modied analyzer.
electrode in relation to the glucose concentration was ob-
tained using the ratio of the calibration slope to the standard
deviation of the current steps.22 Accordingly, using the
4. Conclusion
AgNPs/F-MWCNTs-GCE, the LOD and sensitivity for glucose In summary, the applicability of a non-enzymatic glucose
determination were obtained as 0.03 mM and 1057.3 mA sensor based on the decoration of silver nanoparticles on
mM1, respectively. The analytical gures of merit for this organic functionalized multiwall carbon nanotubes (AgNPs/F-
sensor are comparable to and even better than those obtained MWCNTs) was investigated. The sensor was characterized
using other reported non-enzymatic sensors, as tabulated in using energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, FT-IR spectroscopy,
Table 1. microscopic images from TEM, cyclic voltammetry,

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