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Semi - Detailed Lesson Plan in Environmental Science

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

A. Identify and Describe the Factors Contributing Different Environmental

B. Understand the impact of these on the Environment and Other Living and
Non living Organism.
C. To Practice Some Ways of Mitigation to These Different Environmental

II. Subject Matter:

A.Topic: Environmental Issues
B.Materials: LCD Monitor, Laptop (Powerpoint Presentation)
D.Science Process: Observing, Communicating, Classifying
F. Values Integration Be Solution Not The Pollution.

III. Procedure:
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activity

1. Prayer
Class, please stand up, A student will lead the prayer.
Before we start, (Name of Student) Dear God ........ Amen.
kindly lead the prayer.

2. Greetings
Good Morning class. Good Morning Ma’am.

3. Checking of Attendance
Is everybody present for today? Yes Ma’am, everybody is present.

B. Review of Past Lesson

What is the last topic have we
disscused last meeting?

Very Good
C. Motivation
So before we proceed to our lesson What kind of activity is it Ma’am?
I have here small activity for you.

This activity is called So Connect

Wherein i will flash a Addition
Problem needed to solved. All you
Guys need to do is think carefully
Add the letters or pictures flashed Yes, Ma’am!
In the screen. So are you all ready?

Who wants to answer??

Ma’am the answer is Deforestation.

Very Good.
Next, Anyone from the back?

Ma’am the answer is Air Pollution.

Very Good Again.

Next, raise your hand if you want
to answer.
Ma’am the answer is Land Pollution.

Very Good.
So now what do you think is the
connection of the following to our
lesson for today??

Yes?? (Name of Student) Ma’am, I think the following are example

of Environmental Problems happened in
our surrounding.

Very Good (Name of Student).

D. Lesson Proper
The following are Examples are
All About Environmental Issues
Happenings in our surroundings.

So When we say Environmental

Issues what do you thinks does it (Some student will give their answer)

Very Good, The answer your gave

Somewhat related.
So when we say Environmental

(The student will listen attentively)

(The teacher will add some information)

Under to this lesson we will
disscused some example of
Environmental Issues that is currently
affect many lives in our world.

First Example

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