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Department of Education

Region VI - Western Visayas

Banica, Roxas City


General Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer, unless otherwise

1. It is defined as any communication that uses spoken or written words to convey a

A. Non-verbal communication C. Verbal communication
B. Oral communication D. Written communication

2. Communication really takes place when…

A. the sender sends the message
B. the message enters the channel
C. the receiver receives the message
D. the receiver understands the message

3. The following statements define communication EXCEPT:

A. Communication involves transaction.
B. Communication is sharing of ideas among a group of people.
C. Communication is a confusion of ideas in the mind of the other.
D. Communication is a transfer of messages from one person to another.

4. The following statements states the truth about communication EXCEPT:

A. Support claims with facts, figures, and examples.
B. Give positive remarks in a conversation and show interest.
C. Use technical words to impress the audience.
D. Use appropriate speaking volume, pitch rate, proper enunciation, stress and
acceptable pronunciation.

5. What element of communication makes linear communication different from interactive

and transactional communication?
A. channel B. feedback C. receiver D. sender

6. For communication to take place, it is the responsibility of the receiver to:

A. feedback C. perceive the message
B. show non-verbal clues D. acknowledge barrier

7. You are eating apples. Your friend came and asked you, “Is that sweet?” while looking
at your apples. How will you respond appropriately?
A. “Yes, these apples are sweet.”
B. “No, please leave me alone!”
C. “Yes, would you like some?”
D. “Absolutely!”
8. Which is the BEST expression in asking for a repetition?
A. Sorry, let me explain.
B. Sorry, I didn’t get your point.
C. What do you mean by that?
D. I’m sorry, would you mind saying that again?

9. Which of the following shows positive feedback or remark?

A. You distract everyone in the office.
B. You feel concerned about other people’s jobs.
C. You show dishonesty in working with your colleagues.
D. You cooperate consistently with your team members.

10. Which of the following is an example of a one-way communication model?

A. Pres. Duterte delivered his 6th SONA.
B. The principal delivers his speech during the opening of classes.
C. Lorenzo asked her mother to allow her to go to the mall and she said yes in
D. both A & C

11. The following are the strategies to avoid communication breakdown EXCEPT:
A. Keep focused. C. Speak intelligibly.
B. Listen inattentively. D. Be specific.

12. It refers to ability of the receiver to pay attention to the verbal and non-verbal cues to
avoid communication breakdown.
A. Keep focused. C. Listen with your eyes and ears.
B. Do not jump to conclusions. D. Be specific.

13. You ask permission from your sister to borrow her shoes. She nodded in reply.
What model of communication is presented here?
A. Conversational C. Linear
B. Interactive D. Transactional

14. The comedian goes on stage and shared witty and humorous lines which made the
the audience laughed into tears. What type of speech is this?
A. Entertainment C. Persuasive
B. Informative D. both A & B

15. Belvin felt betrayed when he learned that his secret shared only with his best friend
Louis became known to all his classmates. The conversation between Belvin and
Louis is an example of what speech style?
A. Formal B. Casual C. Intimate D. Consultative

16. Online interview shows what type of speech?

A. Impromptu B. Informative C. Manuscript D. Memorized

17. You deliver a pre-written speech word for word. It is called a __________ type of
A. Impromptu C. Manuscript
B. Extemporaneous D. Memorized

18. When you deliver a speech with the aid of short notes and an outline, it is called:
A. Extemporaneous C. Manuscript
B. Impromptu D. Memorized
19. The nature of a reporter’s job that exposes most explosive news is an example of:
A. Impromptu speech C. Manuscript speech
B. Informative speech D. Persuasive speech

20. The news anchor delivers news with a teleprompter. This is an example of:
A. Extemporaneous speech C. Manuscript speech
B. Impromptu speech D. Memorized speech

21. “Please maintain the cleanliness of your room.” What category of illocutionary act is
A. Assertive B. Commissive C. Directive D. Expressive

22. “From this day forward, I will love no one but you.” This is an example of what
illocutionary act?
A. Assertive B. Commissive C. Directive D. Expressive

23. Marie recalled her activities for the entire day and wrote them in her diary. This is an
example of ________ type of speech context.
A. Intrapersonal communication C. Mass Communication
B. Dyad communication D. Small Group communication

24. You console your sister who is broken hearted. What type of speech context is evident
in this situation?
A. Intrapersonal C. Mass Communication
B. Interpersonal D. Public Communication

25. The class valedictorian delivers her speech of gratitude. This is an example of what
type of speech context?
A. Intrapersonal C. Mass Communication
B. Interpersonal D. Public Communication

26. The TV newscaster broadcasts the latest news update. What type of speech context
does this show?
A. Intrapersonal C. Mass Communication
B. Interpersonal D. Public Communication

27. Which of the following is NOT a type of speech context?

A. Dyad communication C. Long Story communication
B. Interpersonal communication D. Mass Communication

28. You are having a discussion with your group mates on how to finish your assigned
task. This is an example of what speech type?
A. Dyad communication C. Public communication
B. Intrapersonal Communication D. Small Group Communication

29. Which of these is an example of Dyadic Communication?

A. two brothers arguing
B. the coach and the players discussing last week’s game
C. a husband and wife making plans for the summer vacation
D. both A & C

30. Sermons of priests, State of the Nation Address, and welcome addresses are
examples of ___________ speech style.
A. Consultative B. Casual C. Formal D. Frozen

31. Which of the following statements of a speaker shows a commitment?

A. “I am sad and feeling blue.”
B. “I checked her output last week.”
C. “I promise to help you with your problems.”
D. “I think following the law makes us responsible citizens.”

32. A 12-year old girl shares her secret crush to her friends. This is an example of
_________ speech style.
A. Consultative B. Casual C. Formal D. Intimate

33. What speech style is evident in the situation where the teacher and the students are
discussing the lesson?
A. Consultative B. Casual C. Formal D. Intimate

34. The students recite the “Panunumpa sa Watawat ng Pilipinas” during the flag
ceremony. This is an example of what speech style?
A. Consultative B. Casual C. Formal D. Frozen

35. Which of the following shows a locutionary act?

A. It persuades or convinces.
B. It issues an order or a decision.
C. It utters a sound, a word or even a phrase.
D. It states an opinion, conform, or deny something.

36. Which of the following statements show an illocutionary act?

A. “Get out!” (command)
B. “Hello!” (greeting someone)
C. “I’ll clean my room tomorrow”. (promise)
D. “We can do this. We heal and win as one!” (inspiring)

37. It is a communicative strategy which requires that a speaker, to speak only when it is
his turn during an interaction.
A. Nomination C. Turn-taking
b. Topic shifting D. Repair

38. The listener is constrained with his response. He is forced to respond only within a
set of categories set by the speaker. What communicative strategy is this?
A. Repair C. Termination
B. Restriction D. Topic-control

39. It refers to the word choice, grammatical correctness and proper breathing by the
speaker to deliver effective speech.
A. Audience Rapport C. Modulation
B. Articulation D. Stage Presence

40. It is the ability of the speaker to own the stage, fill the space, and project his personality
to the audience.
A. Audience Rapport C. Modulation
B. Articulation D. Stage Presence

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