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Novendi, Dewi S. : Local Wisdom-Based Accountability As An Effort To.....

Page 285-295


A Case Study at BAZNAS Kebumen Regency, Central Java Province

Novendi Arkham Mubtadi, M.Akun

Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Peradaban, Central Java
Dr. Dewi Susilowati
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Central Java


The purpose of this study is to measure and analyse the
Article History: accountability of zakat institutions in Indonesia which is
Received Sept 15, 2017 based on local wisdom values. This study is conducted with
Revised Oct 18, 2017 qualitative approach by using BAZNAS Kebumen Regency
Accepted Oct 2, 2017 as the research sample. The result shows that for the past
4 years, there have been fluctuations in zakat disbursement
JEL Classifications program at BAZNAS Kebumen. In addition, this study also
D73; L31; Q56 examines how the zakat institution has improved in terms
of disbursement activities. The result of this research is
Key Words: expected to be useful for future discussions on the potential
Accountability, ways to prevent corruption of zakat funds in Indonesia.
Local Wisdom, Thus, the outcomes of the discussions would be useful
Zakat Funds, guide for policymakers in improving the zakat institution’s
Corruption disbursement system.

10.21532/apfj. INTRODUCTION
Despite an increase in the amount of zakat in
Indonesia every year, it has never reached its real potential.
The collection of zakat funds is still far from expectations
(Nikmatuniyah, 2014). The low receipt of zakat funds is
caused by the low awareness of Muslims in giving and
distributing their zakat through the Zakat Management
Organization (Indonesian: Organisasi Pengelola Zakat
/ OPZ) due to the lack of socialization and information
obtained from the organization. In fact, the distribution of
zakat through OPZ will be more targeted to those who need
it. There are several factors that influence some muzakki
not to distribute their zakat funds through OPZ, such as
transparency in financial reports and OPZ accountability
and satisfaction. Some people feel more satisfied to

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distribute their zakat funds directly to those in for what is managed with its management
need than through OPZ (Septiarini, 2011). performance. Accountability in question is the
The decline in public trust in OPZ is also accountability to God, humans and nature. In a
caused by the lack of caution of the OPZ itself in broader understanding, accountability not only
channeling zakat funds so that the community belongs to individuals or organizations but
believes that there is a misappropriation of becomes the rights and property of the general
zakat funds carried out by the OPZ. One public who have closeness or integration
prominent case occurred in Surabaya, in which with the individuals or organizations. This is
the Mayor of Surabaya, Tri Rismaharini once in accordance with the paired epistemology,
stopped the operational funds of the Regional that is, horizontal accountability and vertical
Budget (APBD) for the operation of the accountability (Triyuwono, 2006).
National Zakat Agency (Indnesian: Badan Many studies on accountability have
AmiL Zakat Nasional / BAZNAS) in Surabaya been done in many different contexts, such
during 2013-2015. Risma suspected that as business organizations, governments, and
BAZNAS had used more than 50% of the zakat socio-religious organizations both Christian
funds collected for its operations. Whereas and Islamic. Research conducted by Triyuwono
in its provisions, amil or zakat committee and Roekhuddin (2000) regarding the
is only entitled to get 12.5%, so there is a understanding of management accountability
suspicion of misappropriation of zakat funds in Lembaga Amil Zakat, Infaq, Shadaqah
made by BAZNAS employees (Fasabeni and (LAZIS) in Jakarta shows that accountability
Putri, 2015). The case above reflects the poor in LAZIS organization consists of three
management of zakat in Indonesia, so there layers, namely physical layer, mental layer
needs to be an appropriate measure to assess and spiritual layer. Research conducted by
the zakat distribution system carried out by the Nikmatuniayah and Marliati (2015) related to
Amil Zakat Agency (Indonesian: Badan Amil the presentation of ZIS’s financial statements
Zakat / BAZ). The misappropriation of zakat to the public shows that presenting zakat
funds occurs for various reasons, including lack reports to the public can create public trust
of professional / competent human resources, in the manager of the organization. While
ineffective distribution of zakat funds, and lack research conducted by Yulinartati et al. (2012)
of government oversight of BAZ’s performance shows that the application of the principle of
in Indonesia. These reasons make BAZ in accountability has many benefits in increasing
Indonesia unaccountable. muzakki trust in OPZ. From the studies above,
Islamic accounting sees that accounting it can be concluded that the accountability that
can serve as a liaison among stockholders, has been implemented so far emphasizes more
entities and the public while still refering to on physical aspect and mental aspect than on
accounting values ​​and sharia worship. OPZ is spiritual aspect.
required to be able to guarantee its transparency Several studies on spiritual aspect
and accountability, not only containing the have been carried out in the context of Islamic
values of​​ worship, morality, spiritual, and accounting, but this research focuses on the
spiritual, but also containing economic values​​ spiritual aspect which is based on local wisdom
related to the ability of the OPZ to increase originating from Kebumen Regency, such as
the confidence of the muzakki (Fadillahet lawang kori, gerigan, pring sabtu, and wit
al., 2012). Accountability is an arena for larangan. Sartini (2004) explains that local
complex domination and legitimacy (Efferin, wisdom can be understood as local ideas that
2015). Accountability includes accountability contain wise and good values embedded and

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followed by members of the community. Local There have been many studies on
wisdom is human wisdom which relies on accountability. One of them is the study
traditionally institutionalized values, ethics, conducted by Huda and Sawarjuwono (2013)
ways and behaviors. which discusses the accountability of zakat
It is expected that, with the four local management through an action research
wisdoms, the accountability in the management modification approach. The results show the
of ZIS funds in BAZNAS Kebumen Regency overlap between OPZ empowerment programs,
can produce good governance and increase the inaccurate muzakki and mustahiq data,
muzakki trust in the organization. The muzakki limited OPZ partnerships, conflict between
trust in BAZNAS of Kebumen Regency will government policies and empowerment
be obtained when there is no corruption case programs, expensive promotional models, and
committed by an OPZ employee. The prevention the limitations of professional amil workers.
of corruption is expected to be carried out by Research on accountability was also conducted
taking the values contained in local wisdom by Sadjiarto (2000) related to accountability and
in Kebumen Regency such as lawang kori, measurement of government performance. The
gerigan, pring sabtu, and wit larangan. Based results show that departmental performance
on the background explained above, this study cannot be measured by the ratios usually
will analyze the role of BAZNAS Kebumen obtained from a financial report such as return
Regency in preventing corruption of ZIS funds on investment, the amount of resources used,
based on the local wisdom values: lawang kori, or income ratio to the resources used. This is
gerigan, pring sabtu, and wit larangan. due to the fact that there has never been any
net profit in the government’s performance. So,
THEORETICAL BASIS the higher the accountability of an organization
Accountability in Islamic Accounting manager, the greater the results obtained, which
According to Triyuwono (2003), in turn will have implications for people’s view
Islamic accounting has a more complex form of the organization he manages.
of accountability, that is, the organization
manager is responsible not only to the owner of Local Wisdom in Kebumen Regency
the organization, but also to the public, nature, Local wisdom can be interpreted as
and God. This theory is often known as sharia local ideas that contain wisdom and good
enterprise theory. values embedded and followed by members
Islamic accounting considers that the of the community (Hermansyah, 2013). Local
survival of an organization is determined wisdom is a form of environmental wisdom
by many factors. In this case, trust and existing in community life in a place or region.
professionalism are the main capital for OPZ. Local wisdom is learned, practiced, taught and
The concept of accountability in this study passed down from generation to generation
emphasizes local wisdom values, that is, while forming a pattern of human behavior
understanding the basis of spiritual / cultural towards fellow human beings, nature and the
values, in which the local wisdom is also occult. Local wisdom not only stops at ethics,
supported by three values of honesty that can but also reaches the norms and actions and
be applied in order to succeed in carrying out behavior, so that local wisdom can be like a
the mandate, namely intended honesty, outer religion that guides people in acting, both in
honesty, and inner honesty. Honesty in Islam is the context of everyday life and in determining
not only the need of honesty behavior, but more further human civilization (Suhartini, 2009).
than that (Kholis et al., 2013). Local wisdom which can be conceptualized as

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local knowledge or local intelligence is a view is transported using a pickup truck and it is not
of life and knowledge in the form of activities permissible for one of the remaining Lawang
carried out by local people in answering various Kori to be left behind, wrapped in women’s
problems to meet their needs including elements clothing and 7 layers of cloth obtained from the
of life, religion, science and technology, social, Yogyakarta area. So, the cloth is only sold in
and art which are considered very valuable Yogyakarta. If it is not carried out, some things
and have certain benefits in people’s lives that do not make sense will happen in the
(Suparmini et al., 2013). According to Iskandar village. The moral value we can learn is that we
(2013), there are several local wisdoms found live in the world side by side with other God’s
in Kebumen Regency, including: creatures that cannot be seen by naked eyes.

1. Lawang Kori 2. Gerigan

Lawang Kori, derived from the word This event is an unusual event among
“Lawang” means door and “Kori” which is the the villagers in Kebumen Regency, because
name of the door, is one of the historic sites Gerigan is a local wisdom that is not owned
in Nampudadi Village, Petanahan District, by all villages in Kebumen. Only few villages
Banyumas Regency, Central Java Province. uphold Gerigan tradition, for example Ngasinan
Strangely, the roof of the building may not be Vilage, Patuk Village, and Singoyudan Village.
built with zinc or tile. And if it is intentionally The villages are located in eastern Kebumen
built using zinc / tile, the zinc / tile will soon Regency, because Gerigan is from the eastern
fall off on its own. region. Gerigan is carried out by mobilizing all
In addition, Lawang Kori must be male heads of households to jointly improve
installed in front of the village head’s house, the irrigation system of the rice fields as well
meaning that if there is a change of village as the cleanliness of the fields and eradicate rat
head, then the Lawang Kori must also be pests manually. This gerigan is usually done by
moved in front of the new village head’s house. many people, so that the atmosphere looks nice.
According to local residents, if Lawang Kori In gerigan, however, women are not allowed to
is not installed, many villagers will experience participate, but it is an obligatory for men who
trance. More strangely, the villagers who are are married and have rice fields.
possessed will be conscious after being carried
on the back of the local village head, who does 3. Pring Sabtu
not install Lawang Kori in front of his house. Pring Sabtu is an activity to cut
According to another villager, since a long time bamboo trees on special days, that is, once
ago, the people who have become the village a week. Each village usually has different
heads are those whose houses are facing south, beliefs. Pring Sabtu means that we are not
so that the villagers whose houses face north allowed to cut down trees continuously but
never dare to run for the village head, because periodically. So Pring Sabtu is a very effective
they will always lose in the election. local wisdom to curb logging. But it is different
Moving the Kori Lawang is a unique from Javanese beliefs. It is said that there are
tradition because it requires a special ceremony many spirits inhabiting the bamboo trees, so
which is carried out like a procession and is it is not allowed to cut them down carelessly.
accompanied by a Kuda Lumping performance. According to surrounding beliefs, a person who
The kuda lumping performance is taken place cuts down the tree on Saturday, he will be sick.
until the Lawang Kori is completed. In the Belief is part of Human Rights so that everyone
procession, the entire device of Lawang Kori is obliged to respect it without having to blame.

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4. Wit Larangan inductive and deductive thought frameworks.

This local wisdom is the most widely In analyzing the data, the researchers first
respected for fear of being hit by a severe explain the data obtained in the field, regarding
disaster. Wit Larangan is a belief which means the implementation of zakat management in
that we are not allowed to cut down a large tree BAZNAS Kebumen Regency then continued
(two meters or more in diameter). It is said that by presenting theories related to the research
this big tree has many occult inhabitants, so in order to get a conclusion whether or not the
until now most Kebumen people let the big tree local wisdom-based accountability of zakat
flourish by itself. The people who have strong management in BAZNAS Kebumen Regency
belief in Wit Larangan are in the Wergonayan is in line with Islamic law and positive law
area. They don’t dare to cut down big trees and contained in the concept of shariah enterprise
let them grow to hundreds of years of age. theory.


The type of research conducted in this BAZNAS Kebumen Regency was
study is qualitative research. In a qualitative established in 2007 and inaugurated by the
approach, researchers should involve Regent of Kebumen Dra. Hj. Rustriningsih,
themselves as instruments, because non-human M.Si and Deputy Regent of Kebumen KH.
instruments are difficult to use flexibly to Muhammad Nasirudin Al Mansyur. In its
capture the various realities and interactions development on February 14, 2011, the
that occur. Researchers must be able to uncover Regional Government issued Regional
social symptoms in the field by mobilizing Regulation Number 13 of 2011 concerning the
all their sensory functions. (Mulyadi, 2011). Management of Zakat in Kebumen Regency.
The type of data used in this study is subject With the issuance of the Regional Regulation,
data obtained from respondents in the form of BAZNAS Kebumen is increasingly developing
documentary data. Data sources in this study and its performance is getting better. On this
are primary data. While the data collection basis, this study is interested in analyzing the
method in this study uses documentation and performance data of the organization from
internet searching methods. The data analysis 2011-2015 as follows:
method used is qualitative data analysis using

Table 1. Performance Achievements of BAZNAS Kebumen Regency 2011-2015


Vertical Contribution: Allah SWT
1. Socialization 2,660,129,896.00
Horizontal Contribution: Human
1. Scholarship 703,745,000.00
Computer Course and Training
2. 108,542,250.00
3. Elementary Education Support 75,400,000.00

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1. Health Assistance
2. Medical Device Assistance  
a. Wheel Chair
b. Crutch
c. Hearing Aids
d. Walker
e. Walking Stick
f. Fake Legs
g. Ambulance Service
SUB-TOTAL KEBUMEN SEHAT 1,032,284,800.00
1. Revolving Funds 584,500,000.00
2. Productive Economy 2,215,000.00
3. Utilization 120,250,000.00
TOTAL HORIZONTAL (HUMAN) 2,626,937,050.00
Horizontal Contribution: Nature
1. Home Rehabilitation 564,180,000.00
2. Natural Disaster Relief  
a. Clean Water Assistance
b. Flood Victim Assistance
c. Water pump
d. Infrastructure Improvement
e. Sacrificial Animals Aid
f. Mosque Development Assistance

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g. Coaching Assistance for the

Teaching of Al-Qur’an (TPQ) 11,195,000.00


TOTAL 5,979,751,946.00
Source: Data Processed, 2017

Tabel 2. Local Wisdom-Based Accountability of BAZNAS Kebumen 2011-2015

1. Lawang Kori Contribution - Kebumen
2,660,129,896.00 44.5%
to Allah SWT Sadar Zakat
2. Gerigan Contribution - Kebumen
to Human
- Kebumen
2,626,937,050.00 43.9%
- Kebumen

3. - Pring Sabtu Contribution - Kebumen
- Wit to Nature 692,685,000.00 11.6%
Larangan Peduli

5,979,751,946.00 100%
Source: Data Processed, 2017

1. Local Wisdom Value “Lawang Kori” in 2,626,937,050.00 and contributions to nature,

Preventing Corruption of Zakat Funds amounting to IDR 692,685,000.00.
The local wisdom value “Lawang Kori” The program “Kebumen Sadar Zakat”
means believing in something unseen as one aims to increase the awareness of Kebumen
of the characteristics of believers as stated in Muslims to fulfill zakat, infaq, and shadaqah.
QS.Al-Baqarah: 2. This is in accordance with The main type of the activities is to socialize
the first concept of accountability in the Islamic the program to the Regional Work Unit
accounting perspective, namely contribution (SKPD), agencies, schools, and villages. In
to Allah SWT. BAZNAS Kebumen has addition, the program also aims to increase
implemented this concept as reflected in the devotion to Allah SWT in general through
work program “Kebumen Sadar Zakat”. In spiritual guidance and regular recitation by
fact, the disbursement of funds for this program ulama or religious instructors. Through this
was the biggest nominal, or with a total amount program, BAZNAS Kebumen appeals to the
of at least IDR 2,660,129,896.00 from 2011 to community to always set aside material for
2015. This figure is higher than the amount of zakat. One interesting thing from BAZNAS
contributions to humans, amounting to IDR Kebumen is that the Regent of Kebumen also

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participates in socializing zakat awareness by value of Lawang Kori so that the accountability
asking “have you paid zakat this month?” every of BAZNAS can be maintained. So, people are
time he comes to an event, both in front of the expected not to hesitate to leave their zakat
State Civil Apparatus (ASN) and the general funds to OPZ.
public. Since 2011, BAZNAS Kebumen has
had a target to conduct socialization to at 2. Local Wisdom Value Gerigan in
least 50 villages and 5 Regional Work Units
Preventing Corruption of Zakat Funds
/ State-Owned Enterprises / Village-Owned
The local wisdom value Gerigan
Enterprises / Private Business Entities. The
emphasizes the importance of good interaction
target is realized 100% every year.
among fellow human beings. This is in line
The highest amount of distribution with the second concept of accountability in
for the program of “Kebumen Sadar Zakat” the sharia accounting perspective, namely
occurred in 2012, amounting to IDR contribution to humans. BAZNAS Kebumen
1,476,419,947.00. This figure is much higher has implemented this concept as reflected in
than the distribution in 2011, 2013, 2014 its three work programs, namely “Kebumen
and 2015 which did not reach even 1 billion Cerdas”, “Kebumen Sehat”, and “Kebumen
rupiah. This was triggered by the existence Makmur”. These three programs focus on
of Law Number 23 of 2011 concerning the community development in the fields of
latest Management of Zakat launched by education, health, and economics which are
the government and the Indonesian Ulema three important sectors in the development of
Council Fatwa Number 8 of 2011 concerning Human Resources (HR).
Amil Zakat. Both of these regulations require
The “Kebumen Cerdas” program aims
the participation of BAZNAS in each region
to provide scholarship assistance to poor
in disseminating what is contained in it to
people whose children have achievements and
the community. BAZNAS Kebumen in this
provide educational support to elementary
case has contributed significantly. This can be
school children or poor parents. Activities that
seen from the great number of socialization
had been carried out during 2011-2015 include
activities carried out in that year. Initially
education scholarships, computer courses, and
BAZNAS Kebumen scheduled this zakat
elementary education support. The target set is
socialization activity by itself, but along with
education scholarships for 50-100 high school
the development of the era, many people felt
/ university students and school supporting
that they needed a deeper understanding of
facilities for 500-1,000 elementary / MI students
zakat so they asked BAZNAS to conduct
each year. For educational scholarships,
socialization at the agency and its environment.
BAZNAS Kebumen gave the scholarship
Based on the explanation above, the the most in 2015, or 154 students. This even
performance of BAZNAS Kebumen, in its exceeded the actual target of only a maximum
relation to Allah SWT, can be said to be good. The of 100 students. This could happen because in
distribution of zakat for this program with a large that year, BAZNAS Kebumen received high
nominal and even the largest of other programs ZIS funds. For supporting elementary school
further proves the high priority of Kebumen education, the highest acquisition was in 2015
BAZNAS as a form of accountability in the first as many as 574 students. As for computer
concept of the sharia accounting perspective, courses, this program only run in 2011 and
namely hablumminallah. Therefore, it can be 2012, or 85 people in 2011 and 74 people in
concluded that misappropriation of zakat funds 2012.
can be prevented by taking the local wisdom

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The “Kebumen Sehat” program aims is slightly below the contribution to Allah
to provide health assistance to the poor in the SWT. This is natural because the primary
form of assistance for companion costs to accountability is to Allah SWT. However,
the poor who are hospitalized in the hospital, with a small amount of difference between
medical equipment for the poor who suffer contribution to Allah SWT and contribution
from disabilities (wheelchairs, crutches, to humans show the seriousness of BAZNAS
walkers, hearing aids, fake legs) and free Kebumen in maintaining relations with
ambulance shuttle service for the poor. During fellow human beings or hablumminannas.
2011-2015, BAZNAS Kebumen distributed In the future, this fact is expected to help the
health assistance for 92 people amounting to regional government in alleviating poverty in
IDR 91,308,150.00 and medical equipment Kebumen Regency in general and Muslims in
assistance for 1,549 people amounting to IDR particular. This shows the importance of good
940,976,650.00. human relations in the distribution of zakat.
The “Kebumen Makmur” program The government needs to increase operational
aims to empower the people’s economy to assistance for BAZNAS taken from the Regional
the poor who have small businesses through Budget so that the distribution of zakat funds
productive zakat assistance (with a rolling can be even greater. Thus, misappropriation of
infaq system). The main target of this program zakat funds can be prevented by seeing the high
is poor people who have productive businesses zakat funds distributed in the three programs
but are powerless in the capital sector. The that take the local wisdom value “Gerigan”.
background of this program is the phenomenon
of the number of traders / small businesses 3. Local Wisdom Values Pring Sabtu and
that are ensnared by moneylenders, so they Wit Larangan in Preventing Corruption
need capital assistance. In its implementation,
of Zakat Funds
this program provides assistance for interest-
The local wisdom values of Pring
free business capital from a small scale
Sabtu and Wit Larangan emphasize the
and gradually its capital can be increased
importance of good interaction with nature.
in accordance with its development. The
This is in accordance with the third concept
philosophy of capital assistance is when they
of accountability in the sharia accounting
get their capital as mustahiq, they are required
perspective, namely contribution to nature.
to pay infaq from the results of their business
BAZNAS Kebumen has implemented this
one tenth each month. Thus, after completing
concept as reflected in its work program,
the infaq 10 times, then it is declared that their
namely “Kebumen Peduli”. Natural disaster
capital loan is fully paid and can propose more
care activities that include drought, floods,
capital twice to five times as much as the initial
landslides and other calamities. In addition,
capital assistance. If they are deemed to have
there is also assistance to care for uninhabitable
had capital strength in their business and want
homes for the poor in the form of rehabilitation
to expand their business, they will be further
with stimulant funds. In its implementation,
guided by BAZNAS Kebumen through Islamic
this activity is divided into two, namely in the
banking services. During 2011-2015 BAZNAS
form of proposals and impacts of disasters.
Kebumen contributed the economy to 737
people amounting to IDR 706,965,000.00. During 2011-2015, BAZNAS conducted
home rehabilitation activities of 147 heads of
From the three programs above,
families, 300 tanks of clean water assistance,
Kebumen BAZNAS has channeled funds
assistance for flood victims 150 people, 2
totaling to IDR 2,626,937,050.00. This total
water pumps, 1 location of infrastructure

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rehabilitation, 2 sacrificial animals, assistance by the BAZNAS Kebumen Regency will

for the construction of 2 new mosques, as well further prove its existence as an accountable
as the assistance for 8 Qur’an Recitation Places government zakat institution. In addition, this
(TPQ). As for special assistance for natural can narrow the movement of unscrupulous
disasters are incidental. OPZ employees who have bad intentions of
Based on the explanation above, the misusing zakat funds. This preventive action
BAZNAS Kebumen performance in relation is expected to eliminate the public’s mistrust
to Nature can be said to be good. Although towards OPZ.
the distribution of zakat for this program is the It is suggested that the local governments
smallest compared to other programs, or only also prioritize the values of local wisdom
IDR 692,685,000.00, this figure is enough to existing in each region. This is proven that the
prove the priority of BAZNAS Kebumen as a establishment of accountable zakat institutions
form of accountability in the third accounting can prevent the occurrence of misappropriation
concept, namely hablumminal’alam. This of zakat funds. In addition, it is suggested that
shows the magnitude of OPZ’s concern for the next researchers conduct empirical research
the mustahiq. Thus, it is expected to prevent that examines the influence of local wisdom
the misappropriation of zakat funds by on the accountability of zakat institutions. It is
unscrupulous OPZ employees because the hoped that the accountable zakat institutions
accounting concept with a social environment can prevent corruption of zakat funds.
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294 Asia Pasific Fraud Journal

Volume 3, No.2nd Edition (July-December 2018)
Novendi, Dewi S. : Local Wisdom-Based Accountability As An Effort To.....
Page 285-295

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Volume 3, No.2nd Edition (July-December 2018

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