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Balance Sales Journal Voucher Registry CHECK REGISTER CASH RECEIPT


100 Cash 271,571.20 1,825,208.15 2,442,067.20
101 Petty Cash 16,000.00
110 Notes Receivable 240,000.00
111 Interest Receivable 2,400.00
112 Accounts Receivable 313,600.00 463,680.00
113 Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts 9,408.00
120 Merchandise Inventory 871,200.00
130 Supplies 14,500.00 17,772.00
140 Prepaid Insurance 12,750.00
141 Prepaid Rent 150,000.00
150 Furniture and Fixtures 650,000.00 36,000.00 10,000.00
151 Accum. Dep. - Furniture & Fixture 74,250.00
152 Equipment 735,000.00
153 Accum. Dep. - Equipment 134,500.00
154 Service Vehicle 410,000.00
155 Accum. Dep. - Service Vehicle 33,000.00
160 Rent Deposit 150,000.00
161 Utilities Deposit 18,500.00
200 Notes Payable 500,000.00 500,000.00
201 Interest Payable 16,166.67 16,166.67
202 Accounts Payable
210 Salaries Payable
211 SSS and EC Contribution Payable
212 Philhealth Contribution Payable
213 PAG-IBIG Contribution Payable
214 Withholding Tax Payable
220 Rent Payable
221 Utilities Payable
230 Value Added Tax Payable 137,102.40
230-1 Input Vat 92,932.80 2,400.00 1,248.00
230-2 Output Vat 49,680.00 676.80
240 Voucher's Payable 532,801.48 22400 1,974,168.40 1,836,856.15
300 Therese Ballada , Capital 2,555,395.05
301 Therese Ballada, Withdrawals 205,000.00
400 Sales 414,000.00
401 Sales Discounts 5,640.00
402 Sales Returns and Allowances
410 Interest Income
500 Purchases 684,400.00
501 Transportation In PhP 4,000.00
502 Purchases Discounts 10,400.00
503 Purchases Returns and Allowances 10,000.00
600 Advertising Expense 8,000.00
601 Supplies Expense
602 Insurance Expense
603 Rent Expense
604 Utilities Expense 22,300.00
605 Repairs and maintenance Expense 7,400.00
610 Salaries Expense 224,084.85
611 SSS and EC Contribution Expense 10,563.60
612 Philhealth Contribution Expense 2,928.75
613 PaG-IBIG Contribution Expense 900.00
620 Uncollectible Accounts Expense
630 Dep. Exp. - Furniture and Fixture
631 Dep. Exp. - Equipment
632 Dep. Exp - Service vehicle
640 Miscellaneous Expense 784.00
650 Interest Expense 3,833.33
3,855,521.20 3,855,521.20 463,680.00 463,680.00 1,996,568.40 1,996,568.40 1,836,856.15 1,836,856.15 2,448,384.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
888,430.25 888,430.25 0.00
16,000.00 16,000.00 0.00
240,000.00 33,600.00 33,600.00 33,600.00 0.00
2,400.00 0.00 PhP 739.20 739.20 0.00
544,320.00 44,800.00 188,160.00 188,160.00 0.00
6,720.00 2,688.00 5,779.20 0.00 8,467.20
871,200.00 871,200.00 0.00
32,272.00 17,340.00 14,932.00
12,750.00 2,750.00 10,000.00
150,000.00 50,000.00 100,000.00
676,000.00 676,000.00
74,250.00 7,575.75 0.00 81,825.75
735,000.00 735,000.00 0.00
134,500.00 12,250.00 0.00 146,750.00
410,000.00 410,000.00 0.00
33,000.00 5,500.00 0.00 38,500.00
150,000.00 150,000.00 0.00
18,500.00 18,500.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 486,625.20 486,625.20
0.00 0.00
0.00 5,086.50 5,086.50
0.00 2,928.65 2,928.65
0.00 1,800.00 1,800.00
0.00 14,170.98 14,170.98
0.00 0.00
137,102.40 0.00 137,102.40 137,102.40
89,284.80 0.00
177,864.00 226,867.20 0.00
647,713.73 647,713.73 0.00
2,555,395.05 2,555,395.05
205,000.00 205,000.00
1,482,200.00 1,896,200.00 1,896,200.00
5,640.00 5,640.00
4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00
1,600.00 1,600.00 PhP 739.20 2,339.20
684,400.00 684,400.00
4,000.00 4,000.00
10,400.00 10,400.00
10,000.00 10,000.00
8,000.00 8,000.00
0.00 17,340.00 17,340.00
2,750.00 2,750.00
50,000.00 50,000.00
22,300.00 22,300.00
7,400.00 7,400.00
224,084.85 224,084.85
10,563.60 10,563.60
2,928.75 2,928.75
900.00 900.00
5,779.20 5,779.20
7,575.75 7,575.75
12,250.00 12,250.00
5,500.00 5,500.00
784.00 784.00
3,833.33 3,833.33
5,365,746.78 5,365,746.78 749,647.88 749,647.88 5,397,590.93 5,397,590.93

2,448,384.00 271,187.20 271,187.20

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Kashato Shirt Company
Income Statement
For the Month Ended Oct. 31, 2020

Net Sales
Gross Sales 1,896,200.00
Sales Discounts 5,640.00
Sales Returns and Allowances 4,000.00
Less: 9,640.00
Net Sales 1,886,560.00
Cost of Goods Sold
Merchandise Iinventory 10/1/10 871,200.00
Add:Purchases 684,400.00
Purchases Discounts 10,400.00
Purchases Returns and Allowances 10,000.00
Less: 20,400.00
Add:Transportation IN 4,000.00
Available for Sale 1,539,200.00
Less:Merchandise Iinventory 10/31/10 700,360.00
Cost of Sales 838,840.00
Gross Profit
Operating Expenses
Selling Expenses
Advertising Expense 8,000.00
Supplies Expense 17,340.00
Insurance Expense 2,750.00
Total:Selling Expenses 28,090.00
Rent Expense 50,000.00
Utilities Expense 22,300.00
Repairs and maintenance Expense 7,400.00
Salaries Expense 224,084.85
SSS and EC Contribution Expense 10,563.60
Philhealth Contribution Expense 2,928.75
PaG-IBIG Contribution Expense 900.00
Uncollectible Accounts Expense 5,779.20
Dep. Exp. - Furniture and Fixture 7,575.75
Dep. Exp. - Equipment 12,250.00
Dep. Exp - Service vehicle 5,500.00
Miscellaneous Expense 784.00
Interest Expense 3,833.33
Total:Admistrative Expenses 353,899.48
Total:Operating Expense 381,989.48

Add: Interest Income 2,339.20

Profit 668,069.72
Kashato Shirt Company
Statement of Changes in Equity
For the Month Ended Oct. 31, 2020

Therese Ballada , Owners Equity 10/1/13 2,555,395.05

Add:Profit 668,069.72
Total 3,223,464.77
Less:Withdrawal 205,000.00
Therese Ballada , Owners Equity 10/31/13 3,018,464.77
Kashato Shirt Company
Balance Sheet
Oct. 31, 20220

Current Assets
Cash 888,430.25
Petty Cash 16,000.00
Notes Receivable 33,600.00
Interest Receivable 739.20
Accounts Receivable 188,160.00
Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts 8,467.20
Merchandise Inventory 700,360.00
Supplies 14,932.00
Prepaid Insurance 10,000.00
Prepaid Rent 100,000.00
Total Current Assets 1,943,754.25
Non-current Assets
Furniture and Fixtures 676,000.00
Accum. Dep. - Furniture & Fixture 81,825.75
Equipment 735,000.00
Accum. Dep. - Equipment 146,750.00
Service Vehicle 410,000.00
Accum. Dep. - Service Vehicle 38,500.00
Rent Deposit 150,000.00
Utilities Deposit 18,500.00
Total Non-current Assets 1,722,424.25
Total Assets 3,666,178.50

Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable 486,625.20
SSS and EC Contribution Payable 5,086.50
Philhealth Contribution Payable 2,928.65
PAG-IBIG Contribution Payable 1,800.00
Withholding Tax Payable 14,170.98

Value Added Tax Payable 137,102.40

Total Liabilities 647,713.73
Therese Ballada , Owners Equity 10/31/13 3,018,464.77
Total Liabilities and Owners Equity 3,666,178.50
Kashato Shirts
Bank Reconciliation

Balance per book

Add: Note collected by bank
Less:Service Charge
Adjusted book balance

Balance per Bank

Add: Deposit in Transit

Less: Outstanding Checks

Check No. 81213 16,800.00
Check No. 81214 8,176.00
Check No. 81215 8,960.00
Adjusted bank balance



₱911,009.49 ₱0.00
Kashato Shirt Company
Post closing Trial Balance

Cash 888,430.25
Petty Cash 16,000.00
Notes Receivable 33,600.00
Interest Receivable 739.20
Accounts Receivable 188,160.00
Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts 8,467.20
Merchandise Inventory 700,360.00
Supplies 14,932.00
Prepaid Insurance 10,000.00
Prepaid Rent 100,000.00
Furniture and Fixtures 676,000.00
Accum. Dep. - Furniture & Fixture 81,825.75
Equipment 735,000.00
Accum. Dep. - Equipment 146,750.00
Service Vehicle 410,000.00
Accum. Dep. - Service Vehicle 38,500.00
Rent Deposit 150,000.00
Utilities Deposit 18,500.00
Accounts Payable 486,625.20
SSS and EC Contribution Payable 5,086.50
Philhealth Contribution Payable 2,928.65
PAG-IBIG Contribution Payable 1,800.00
Withholding Tax Payable 14,170.98

Value Added Tax Payable 137,102.40

Therese Ballada , Owners Equity 10/31/13 3,018,464.77
Total 3,941,721.45 3,941,721.45

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