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H.C.G. - Paper – 2
Std: X
Marks: 40 Time: 1 hour
General Instructions


Time allowed: One hour (inclusive of reading time)
The marks intended for questions are given in brackets [ ].

Select the correct option for each of the following questions.



Question 1 [1]
Study the toposheet extract and answer
1.Give the four figure grid reference for the ∆ 208.

A. 2208

1 Std : Subject :
B. 2108
C. 2210
D. 2308
Question 2 [1]
What does the number 180 in the grid square 6826 represent?

A. Contour Height
B Contour Interval
C. Benchmark
D. Triangulated Height
Question 3 [1]
State the developments you can see in Panthawada.

2 Std : Subject :
A.National Highway
B. Post Office and Police Station
D.Railway Station
Question 4 [1]
What is the drainage pattern in the grid square 2190.?

A. Trellised
B. Disappearing
C. Dendritic
D. Radial
Question 5 [1]
What does Falls 7 m mean?

3 Std : Subject :
A. Water is falling in 7 m.
B. A waterfall of 7 m.
C. A waterfall of 7 m depth
D.The slope of the hill
Question 6 [1]
What is the direction of Idarla from Dhann?

A. North east.
B. Northwest.
C. South East.
D. South west.
Question 7 [1]
Sluice is a

4 Std : Subject :
A. Pipeline for dam water.
B. Gate for regulating the flow of water.
C. A bent pipe for water supply
D. Masonry Dam
Question 8 [1]
A causeway constructed over the stream is used
A. To Cross the river.
B. For Irrigation.
C. To stop the soil erosion by water.
D. To conserve the water. .

Question 9 [1]
The main occupation of the people in the given map extract is. .
a. Agriculture.

5 Std : Subject :
b. Forestry.
c. Fishing.
d. Mining
Question 10 [1]

Mention the directions to which Gomti Nadi flows

A. North east.
B. Northwest.
C. South East.
D. South west.
(Choose the correct answer)
Question 11 [1]
Which of the following area has an equable climate?
a. Delhi.
b. Mumbai
c. Nagpur
d. Kanpur
Question 12. [1]
The pre-monsoon showers in Kerala is known as ______.
a. Mango shower.
b. Cherry blossom shower.
c. Bardoli Cheerha
d) Loo
6 Std : Subject :
Question 13 [1]
Which type of climate is experienced by India?
a. Tropical Monsoon
b. Equatorial.
c. Temperate to tropical monsoon.
d. Subtropical Monsoon
Question 14 [1]
Tamil Nadu gets winter rainfall from:
a. Western Disturbances.
b. North-East monsoon.
c. South-West monsoon.
d. Eastern Disturbances
Question 15 [1]
In Which of the following months does India experience Retreating monsoon
a. December, January, February.
b. October & November.
c. June, July, August, September.
d. March, April, May
Question 16 [1]
Which of the season is depicted here?

7 Std : Subject :
a. Advancing South West monsoon winds.
b. North east monsoon wind
c. Retreating monsoon winds
d. Tropical Cyclones
Question 17 [1]
Identify the wind which is marked on the map.

a. Arabian Sea branch of South-west monsoon

b. North East monsoon
c. South West monsoon of Bay of Bengal branch
d. Western Disturbances.
Question 18 [1]
8 Std : Subject :
Read the Climate Data and answer the following questions.

The annual range of the temperature here is,

A. 12.2°C
B. 12. 1 F
C. 12°C
D. 12.1°C

Question 19 [1]
The scientific study of soil in their natural environment is called________.
a. Petrology
b. Geology
c. Pedology
d. Ecology.

Question 20 [1]
Which of the following is not an in-situ soil?
a. Red soil
b. Alluvial soil
c. Black soil.
d. Laterite soil

Question 21 [1]
Black soil is suitable for dry farming-as
a. High moisture holding capacity
b. It is rich in magnesium.
c. It is black in colour.
d. It is in-Situ soil.

Question 22 [1]
Which of the following soil is found in the summits of Western Ghats?

9 Std : Subject :
a. Laterite soil
b. Black soil
c. Alluvial soil.
d. Red soil
Question 23 [1]
Identify the method of soil conservation.

a. Strip cropping
b. Terrace farming
c. Shelter belts.
d. Crop rotation.

Question 24 [1]
24. Which soil is formed by weathering of ancient crystalline and metamorphic rock?
a) Laterite Soil.
b) Red Soil.
c) Alluvial Soil.
d) Mountain Soil.
10 Std : Subject :
Question 25 [1]
The ____ sequence of soil horizons found at a given location is collectively called the soil
a) Lateral.
b) Vertical.
c) Horizontal
d) Parallel
Question 26 [1]
It refers to the assemblage of plant species living in association with each other in a given
environmental frame.
a) Forest
b) Vegetation
c) flora
d) Climax Vegetation.

Question 27 [1]
The trees in these forests do not have a fixed time to shed their leaves.
a) Tropical deciduous
b) Desert type
c) Tundra vegetation
d) Tropical evergreen.

Question 28 [1]
These forests have luxuriant growth of vegetation of all kinds.
a) Tropical deciduous
b) Montane
c) Tundra vegetation
d) Tropical evergreen.

Question 29 [1]
29) These forests are most widespread in India
a) Montane
b) Tundra vegetation
c) Tropical evergreen
d) Tropical Deciduous.

Question 30 [1]
11 Std : Subject :
30) They are in pure strands-
a) Montane
b) Tundra vegetation
c) Tropical evergreen
d) Tropical deciduous

Question 31 [1]
The type of forest found in the picture is

A. Tidal Forest.
b. Tropical deciduous forest.
C. tropical evergreen forest.
D. Coniferous forests.

Question 32 [1]
The fire line in the forest is created to prevent

12 Std : Subject :
A. Deforestation
B. Soil erosion
C. Forest fire.
D. Floods.

Question 33 [1]
33) Which of the tree is used for making furniture and railway sleepers?
A: Teak.
B. Hintal.
C. Ebony.
D. Shisam.

Question 34 [1]
34) The trees found here are hard wood, broad leaved and in mixed strand.
A. Tropical evergreen forest.
B. Tropical deciduous forest.
C. Tropical desert forest.
D. Tidal forest.

Question 35 [1]
35) This mode of irrigation can be used to irrigate extremely large area in various regions single
A. Sprinkle.
B. Drip.
C. Sprinkle.
D. Canal

Question 36 [1]
36) The state which has the largest area under irrigation.
A. Uttar Pradesh.
B. Madhya Pradesh.
C. Punjab.
D. Jharkhand.

Question 37 [1]

13 Std : Subject :
37) Identify the image of the means of irrigation.

a. Aqueduct
b. Lined Canal
c. Perennial Canal
d. Inundation Canal

Question 38 [1]
38) This method of irrigation is practiced in

a. Bihar
b. Meghalaya
c. Rajasthan
d. Maharashtra

Question 39 [1]
14 Std : Subject :
In the Western Himalayas the rain water storing mechanism is called:
a. Khatri
b. Diggi
c. Bhandara
d. Zing

Question 40 [1]
The largest irrigation project in India is
A. River joining project.
B. Indira Gandhi Canal.
C. recharge Trenches.
D. Construction of tanks.

15 Std : Subject :
16 Std : Subject :

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