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What is lacking in us?

What do you think

we, human beings ,
when we lack the
CAN DO sanctifying grace of
One of the sacrament of
initiation. It is also considered
as sacrament of FAITH which
brings us new life in Christ and
forgiveness of sins through
water and Spirit.
Matter Minister Formula Effects/Purpose

Water • Bishop _(name)_____I • Reception of the

Chrism oil • Priest baptized you in Holy Spirit who
White cloth • Deacon the name of the brings us new life in
• Anybody Father, and of Christ;
(in case of the Son and of • Brings forgiveness
emergency) the Holy Spirit. of sins
• Makes us adopted
Pouring of sons and daughters
water and of the Father and
anointing of the incorporates us into
chrism oil the Church
• Imprints a lasting
indelible mark on
the soul which we
call “character”
Sacrament in which, through
the power of the Holy Spirit, a
baptized person is drawn into
closer union with the Church
and endowed with strength to
actively spread the Gospel.
Matter Minister Formula Effects/Purpose
• Increases sanctifying
Chrism oil • Bishop _________, be grace to strengthen
• Priest sealed with the and confirm the grace
(as long as Gift of the Holy of baptism
given Spirit. • Imprints a lasting
permission indelible mark on the
• Renewal of
by the soul which we call
Bishop) “character”
• Helps us to live our
• Laying on of faith loyally and to
Hands profess it courageously
• Makes every Christian
• Anointing
soldier in the army of
with Chrism
oil on the
• Public witness of
Faith; mission
Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Knowledge, Wisdom,
Understanding, Counsel,
Courage/Fortitude, Piety, Fear
of the Lord
Which gift
of the Holy
Spirit is
active in
your life?
Fruits of the Holy Spirit
Charity (love), joy, peace,
patience, kindness,
goodness, generosity,
gentleness, faithfulness,
modesty, self-control, and
Think of a tree. It fixes its
roots in the lowly soil in
order to stretch out its
topmost branches to the
sky... With Christ dwelling
in your hearts through
faith, be rooted and
grounded in love that you
may be filled with all the
fullness of God.

St. Augustine
Sermon 117, 17
In the sacrament of Confirmation,
“Christians become true witnesses of
Christ, obliged to spread and defend
the faith by WORD AND DEED”
(CCC 1285).

How do we do this?
•To share the goodness of God with all
•To make Christ present in daily
•To offer the love of the Holy Spirit to
the community
•To serve one another in any way
Christians in Name Only
Many call themselves Christians,
but that they certainly are not!
They are not what their title
signifies – not in their life, not in
their morals, not in their faith, not
in their hope, and not in their
St. Augustine
Holy Eucharist
Mystery of Faith and Gift of God’s
Love for us.
Is the Catholic Church’s fundamental
act of thanksgiving worship of God
constituting at once a sacrifice-
sacrament, communion-sacrament
and a presence - sacrament
Matter Minister Formula Effects/Purpose
Receiving Holy
Word of Christ in the Communion worthily
• Liturgy of
God person of
the Word • Unites us with Christ
Bread Bishops and
Wine Priests • Separates us from sin
• Liturgy of • Reconciles us with one
the Eucharist another
• Took • Builds up the Christian
• Blessed community, the
• Broke Church
• Gave • Makes us spiritually
strong and nourished
Communion - Sacrament
Eucharist is essentially the
“sacrament of love, a sign of unity, a
bond of charity, a Paschal Banquet”
(SC 47; CCC 1382). Instituted by
Christ Himself at the Last Supper, the
Eucharist was known among the
early Christian communities as “the
breaking of Bread.” All who ate one
blessed, broken Bread that is Christ,
were drawn into communion with him
and with one another, to form one
single body with Him (CFC 1702).
Thus, in the Eucharistic meal,
through the sign of physical
nourishment in a meal, Christ
becomes the Bread of our spiritual
lives, nourishing our faith, hope, and
love. The Eucharist responds to the
deepest hungers of our lives, both
personal and communal. Such are
the basic human hungers for—
 love and acceptance,
 understanding,
 purpose in life, and
 Justice and peace
The self-giving love
of Christ challenges
all of us to grow in
faith toward holy life
which leads to
communion with one
another especially
with the needy.

The situation of basic human hunger in our time

is an urgent call for action. Let us unite as a
Presence - Sacrament
The specific points of this descriptive definition
of the Eucharist lead us to a deep understanding
of its centrality in our Catholic faith. In the
Eucharist, Christ is the SUPREME
WORSHIPPER, offering to the Father:
 the perfect sacrifice in which he is both Priest
and Victim,
 in a sacred meal of communion in which he is
the food for eternal life, really present to us
under the appearance of bread and wine (CFC
Presence - Sacrament
In the Eucharistic celebration, Christ is
present in:
 the assembly,
 the person of the priest celebrant,
 the Holy Scriptures,
 substantially and unceasingly under the
Eucharistic species of bread and wine
(CFC 1752)

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