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ED 201



Name: Talaña , Jenelyn L.

Section: A

Schedule: M-W (10:30 - 12:00 AM)

Instructor: Mrs. Disafe Apatan Dini-ay

Task # 1 and 2

1.Those are only few of the many forms found in our ward cloud, explore in the web or reference book
how other terms are defined and understood you will discover that there are many terms that we have
not included in the list.

TABLEAU - is a data visualization tool that can be used by data analysts, scientists, statisticians, etc. to
visualize the data and get a clear opinion based on the data analysis.

FIREWALL - is a network security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network
traffic based on predetermined security rules.

HYPERLINK - is a reference to data that the user can follow by clicking or tapping. A hyperlink points to a
whole document

WPA - is a security standard for computing devices equipped with wireless internet connections.

TABLET - is a mobile device, typically with a mobile operating system and touchscreen display processing
circuitry, and a rechargeable battery in a single, thin and flat package.

ENCRYPTION - is a means of securing digital data using one or more mathematical techniques, along
with a password or "key" used to decrypt the information.

BROWSER - software that allows a computer user to find and view information on the Internet

GATEWAY E-LEARNING - The gateway converts information, data or other communications from one
protocol or format to another.

2. Make a glossary of terms of at least 20 ICT-related terms with each having a conceptual or operational
definition or description. Cite the source of your definition

1. Bluetooth

is a short-range wireless communications technology to replace the cables connecting electronic

devices, allowing a person to have a phone conversation via a headset, use a wireless mouse and
synchronize information from a mobile phone to a PC, all using the same core system.
2. Modem

The word modem was originally coined in the days when computers communicated by converting
numbers into sounds that could then be transmitted over a regular telephone line. At each end you
needed a “modulator” to generate the sounds to transmit and a “demodulator” to convert received
sounds back into numbers. From “Modulator / DEModulator” came the word modem.

3. Internet

The Internet is essentially the wiring that allows computers all over the world to communicate. The
World Wide Web is a system that operates via this wiring.

4. Memory

Another very common source of confusion. In computing, “memory” generally refers to the temporary
storage used by a computer whilst it is switched on. A computer loads programs and data into its
memory in order to carry out tasks. This is more accurately called RAM or “random-access memory”.

5. Web Browser

A program you use to look at, and navigate between, pages on the World Wide Web. Examples include
Internet Explorer and Firefox although there are many others. Again, people sometimes refer to web
browsers as “the Internet”, whereas they really only provide the means to view pages on the web.

6. Virus/Worm

A virus is a piece of software that can copy itself and which attaches itself to some other program in
order to survive and replicate. It may have some malicious intent or it may exist simply to reproduce. A
worm is similar but it can exist independently; it doesn’t need to attach to a separate program.


is an indication of how quickly data travels along a connection. The greater the bandwidth, the faster
data will be sent and received. Broadband is a rather vague term that refers to bandwidth somewhere
above that of an old dial-up modem, although there is no precise definition of the term.

8. Bits, Bytes

At a basic level, all computer data is just a series of 0s and 1s. Each of these is referred to as a “binary
digit”, for which “bit” is just an abbreviation. A byte is a collection of eight bits, so called because of the
pun with bit and bite.


CAPTCHA checks are the strings of letters and numbers that have to be typed in on some web pages
before something can be saved. They exist because, although humans find interpreting these strings
relatively easy, computers do not. Setting up these checks therefore blocks an automated process – such
as one generating spam – from using the page, whereas a human is still able to.

10. Reboot
To switch a computer off and on again, allowing its operating system and programs to be reloaded. Note
that this is not the same as placing a computer into standby/hibernate and then resuming. A reboot
requires that all software is completely reloaded.

11. Spam

Unsolicited email messages sent out in bulk and generally commercial in nature. In fact the term is used
more widely these days to refer to such messages in a variety of places, not just on email – for example
comments on blogs.

12. Cookie

A small text file sent to your computer by a web site you have visited. These can be very useful in that
they can allow the web site to recognize who you are when you return. Cookies cannot store viruses or
other threats, although they can be used to track your activity across different web sites in order to
provide, for example, “targeted” advertisements.

13. Animation

is a method in which figures are manipulated to appear as moving images. In traditional animation,
images are drawn or painted by hand on transparent celluloid sheets to be photographed and exhibited
on film.

14. Cache

In computing, a cache is a hardware or software component that stores data so that future requests for
that data can be served faster; the data stored in a cache might be the result of an earlier computation
or a copy of data stored elsewhere.


16. World Wide Web

Web pages are transmitted via Internet connections but there is more to the Internet than just the web.
Many other types of data travel across the Internet too, for example email.


is a piece of software that gains access to a computer by pretending to be benign or by hiding within
some innocent-looking application.

18. Disk Space

is a more permanent store that holds files even when the computer is switched off. It’s from here that
the computer loads things into its memory. Strictly speaking you don’t store things in the computer’s
memory as that vanishes when you turn the machine off.

19.QR code

Is a type of matrix barcode invented in 1994 by the Japanese automotive company Denso Wave. A
barcode is a machine-readable optical label that contains information about the item to which it is

A VPN connection establishes a secure connection between you and the internet. Via the VPN, all your
data traffic is routed through an encrypted virtual tunnel. This disguises your IP address when you use
the internet, making its location invisible to everyone. You can still access them using the VPN.


Task 3.

With an ICT gadget, find a friend in the FB, Twitter or Instagram who is also a college student. Preference
should be given to a pre-service teacher from the Philippines. Choose at least 3 important concepts that
you can discuss with him/her. Record your thoughts in the discussion and also your friend's thoughts.
Are they similar or different? If they differ, why?

Concepts Identified My Thoughts about the My Friend’s Thought about the

Concept Concept (Ask your friend to get
an answer)
Concept A Students will have a regular and It is simple to be updated with
Technology as indispensable dependable reference point. every activity.
information gateway
Concept B Inspires creativeness and makes Utilize virtual world for teaching
Technology can be used to it simple for instructors to keep and learning.
benefit the teaching styles records of student activities.
Concept C Increases instructor-student students are becoming
Technologies exist that can communication increasingly more connected
enhance student with the Internet


1. How best did you learn about the different concepts in ICT?

D. A and B

2. When did educational technology become part of teacher's conversation in a learning action cell (LAC)
with their peers?

A. During the digital age with the use of computers

3. What is the fastest way to find the meaning of a word in the Webster?
C. Google the word in the internet.

4. Which of the following encompasses all these concepts?

A. Technology

5. What does digital literacy imply

IV. All of the above

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