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Naga College Foundation, Inc.



Name: NICO PLETA Course: BSED-SCI Date: _______

General Instructions:
i. Answer the following questions using your knowledge and experiences about the topic discussed. ii. Connect your
insights/realization with the recent pandemic turmoil that we are experiencing along the careful use of any social
media platforms.
iii. Be creative in expressing your opinions or ideas.

1. As a student, what do you think are the effects of cyberbullying? Give at least three (3) effects
and elaborate your answers.
For me the three main effects of cyber bullying are: you’ll lose your confident about things that
includes expressing yourself to other, next is you will have a hard time having friends because people
will always avoid lastly you’ll develop social anxiety, lastly you’ll develop social anxiety, you’re afraid
at people you feel that they always look and think that they have a bad thought about you.

2. Share your experience or insights about how do I stop cyberbullying without giving up access
to internet?
So for me, if I where the one experiencing this, I think I will just block and unfriend them knowing
that they are a bunch of toxic people, that doesn’t know what is privacy and respect is, letting them
go is the best thing I can do to have peace of mind and healthy mental health.

3. How can I help my friends report a case of cyberbullying especially if they don’t want to do it?
I’ll do it for them, I’ll go where ever I need to go, like the teacher’s its surely is safe to tell them such
thing like this, because we will have a good conversation and privacy that will surely assess and solve
the issue for my friend and also teacher will try to counsel or give advice to us what are the things
that we need to do in order to avoid them.


Naga College Foundation, Inc.


4. Internet companies don’t seem to care about cyberbullying and online harassment. Are they
held responsible?
For me they are not accuse to be a suspect at this crime, charr, so internet companies or providers
should not be included in such a way that they need to give a proper attention to those people who
suffer on cyber bullying because they are not the ones that encourage to do that, they are just the
one who created the tool on the crime, but it’s on us whether we use it for our selfishness or on
good, maybe they can help on tracing the suspect or give an awareness on cyber bullying.

5. How do I prevent my personal information from being used to manipulate or humiliate me on

social media?
If that’s the case I will just not going to make one, just kidding, so I will try not to upload some
important information about myself on social media, by doing this it will lessen the probability of
someone that will use that information against me without my affirmation.


6. Explain the saying below:

By these phrases “nothing ever goes away once it is posted online” it’s like the digital foot prints,
that everything you post or show at the social media will be recorded until or even when you die,
regarding of shutting down your account it will always be there no matter what, so avoid on posting
to many about and important information about yourself and avoid going to malicious website always
remember that “think before you click”

Criteria VERY GOOD (5) GOOD (3) FAIR (2) POOR (1)
Ideas and Content Well-organized ideas and Good ideas but limited Impartially answered the Didn’t answer the question/ no
substantial content and content were discussed, questions and few ideas were answer at all
answered the question lack of elaboration given in answering the question
Creativity/Originality Creative choice of words and Limited choice of words Lacks of creativity in explaining No effort shown in answering the
uniqueness of answers. and uniqueness in and elaborating answers. questions
presenting ideas
Punctuality On or before the due date. Late by 24 hours Late by 36 hours Late by more than 36 hours

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