Europe and Canada Partners in Space

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June 2000

Europe and Canada

Partners in Space
Mark Burbidge & Jason Clement, CSA

Published by:
ESA Publications Division
ESTEC, PO Box 299,
2200 AG Noordwijk,
The Netherlands

Gilles Leclerc & Bruce Battrick

Design & Layout:

Carel Haakman

Willem Versteeg

Industry Canada/Communications Research Centre
Institut national d'optique
Kinetic Sciences Inc.
MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates Ltd.
Canadian Embassy, Paris/Jean-Bernard Poree

© 2000 European Space Agency
ISBN No.: 92-9092-623-6
June 2000

Europe and Canada

Partners in Space

European Space Agency Canadian Space Agency

n the 21st Century, space has become a truly international (ESA) comes into effect in 2000, this

I venture. No single country can absorb the full risk of

developing new technologies for this most demanding
environment. Moreover, many of the benefits of space
cooperation promises to reach new

programmes also cross political boundaries, as essential The nations of Europe, like Canada and
knowledge gained from space-based Earth observation helps other space-faring nations, see
humanity deal with global environmental challenges, and unlimited potential for future growth of
global satellite-based services such as multimedia the knowledge-based economy through space ventures. In
communications and navigation enter our daily lives. Europe, ESA has created a European space programme
with great depth and capability beyond the reach of
The Canadian and European space programmes provide an individual Member States, from launch to orbital
outstanding model for this international cooperation, proving facilities, to deep-space probes. It has 15
that the whole can indeed be much greater than the sum Member States (including Canada, as a
of its parts. Since 1978, a far-reaching Cooperating State), a budget equivalent to
cooperation agreement has brought C$ 5.7 billion and some 1700 employees (1999
significant benefits to both sides of the figures). Canada’s cooperating membership
Atlantic, including the development of key brings additional financial resources and advanced
technologies for both space programmes, technological capabilities to European programmes,
the creation of alliances between space while Europe provides partners with capabilities that are
companies, and greater returns on the essential to fulfilling Canadian Space Programme goals.
investments. As a further 10-year
agreement between the Government of Canada’s geographic and demographic imperatives (surface
The 1978 Agreement
Canada and the European Space Agency area triple that of all ESA Member States combined, and

1/12 th of the population), make it relationship with ESA. Other aspects of Europe–Canada
one of the World’s largest users of cooperation in space include a science and technology
space systems and services, for such cooperation agreement between the European Union (EU)
applications as communications, and Canada under which Canadian companies and
search and rescue, navigation, organizations partner with Europeans and participate in the
resource management, surveillance EU’s Research and Technology Development Framework
and environmental monitoring to Programme. There are also numerous bilateral cooperation
name just a few. Canada was the projects between some of the ESA Member States and Canada
third nation after Russia and the USA in space science and technology development.
to enter the space age, with the 1962 launch of Alouette-I.
Today, it maintains an active astronaut office, as well as long- Europe and Canada are
standing activities in space science (notably in atmospheric partners, along with the
research, astronomy, space environment, microgravity and USA, Japan and Russia, in
space medicine) and space technology the International Space
research and development. Canada’s Station (ISS) project. The ISS,
national investment ranks seventh the largest-ever cooperative
among space-faring nations, and venture in science and
Canada’s space industry earned $ 1.4 technology, is the next
billion in revenues in 1999, of which great step in establishing a
over 40% was from exports. human presence in space. International Space Station (ISS)

ESA’s primary contribution is the Columbus laboratory, while

Canada and the Canadian space Canada is drawing upon its expertise in space robotics to
industry have actively participated in supply the Space Station’s Mobile Servicing System (MSS). The
many ESA programmes, especially MSS will be used to assemble and maintain the ISS over the
in satellite communications, Earth course of its lifetime in orbit.
observation, and generic space-
technology development. Canada
participates directly in ESA programmes,
activities and decision-making, and
Canadian companies bid for and
receive contracts on the same basis as
their European counterparts. No other
non-European country has such a
Olympus at the David Florida Laboratory ISS Columbus laboratory ISS Mobile Servicing System

hile many aspects of satellite

W communications have become fully

commercial, space agencies have a
vital role in developing new capabilities and
applications. In this role, CSA and ESA are co-
operating to achieve the greatest results from their
respective investments. Meanwhile, Canadian and
European satellite communications companies have
developed important partnerships in many areas.

Cooperation between Canada and Europe in this

field dates back to the early 1970s, when ESA’s fore-
runner, the European Space Research Organisation
(ESRO), provided critical elements for Canada’s
Hermes-CTS satellite. This satellite, the first to operate in the Ku- third largest participant, with involvement in the solar array,
band, opened the way to a variety of direct-broadcasting assembly integration and testing, payload amplifiers and
applications. Canada’s David Florida Laboratory (DFL), microwave components. Final assembly and testing was
established in 1972 to integrate and test the Hermes satellite, performed at DFL.
is now active in international space markets as a commercial
spacecraft testing service. In the 21st Century, Canada and Europe are working together
to develop a range of key satellite-communications
The Olympus programme was initiated by ESA in 1978, technologies. For example, more efficient on-board antenna
building on CTS/Hermes and Canada’s Anik-B. Canada was the systems will make satellites more energy-efficient. Digital and

advanced transmission techniques, including the V-, Ka- and
Ku-bands, provide greater capacity to handle the vast amounts
of data required for multimedia applications.

Inter-satellite links are another important field of cooperation

between Canada and Europe. In this field, the Institut national
d’optique (INO) of Quebec City is working under a series of
contracts from ESA to develop optical communications for
high-speed data transfer between
geostationary satellites, which
could provide an alternative to
terrestrial fibre-optic systems. INO
has developed a transmitter for
short-distance inter-satellite optical
communications and a power
fibre amplifier capable of
operating in space. Galileo will be an open, global system.
Based on Medium Earth Orbit (MEO)
Galileo is Europe’s proposed global navigation satellite system. satellites, it will be developed as a
This civilian system will be compatible with existing public–private partnership, with funding
American (GPS) and Russian (GLONASS) military-based from the EU and ESA. Canada is
systems, which have begun a revolution in participating in the definition of the ESA-led
navigation practices around the World. space segment of Galileo called ‘GalileoSat’.
As a fully civilian system, backed by Canadian companies like EMS Technologies,
adequate service guarantees and a COMDEV and CAE are currently involved in
legal framework to support the full the definition phase, and NovAtel of
range of civilian uses, Galileo will open Calgary is working with RACAL of the UK on
wider possibilities for using satellite the European Geostationary Navigation
navigation. It will direct air and sea Overlay Service (EGNOS).
movements, cut traffic congestion by routing cars
and trucks more efficiently, and find many other applications in
farming, fishing, crime prevention, infrastructure planning,
mineral exploration and land surveying. GalileoSat

he view of Earth from space may not show environmental concerns, matches

T political boundaries, but other information

vital to human existence comes clearly into
focus: from crop conditions to the spread of oil
Canada’s interest in using remote-
sensing activities to monitor and
protect our global environment
spills, from iceberg movements to ground and climate. For example, it has
subsidence. Earth-observation satellites have also provided close monitoring of the
become indispensable in monitoring crucial El Niño phenomenon in the Pacific
changes in the Earth’s environment and climate. Ocean, which affects weather around the
globe. It has been particularly active in the
In Earth observation, Canada and Europe have development of the ground segment and
worked together for decades to advance the state microwave hardware.
of the art, particularly in the development of radar
satellites and the commercial application of satellite The SAR technology developed and acquired
data to meet a wide range of human needs. in this programme, and the experience
gained in the reception, processing and use of
Earth observation has been a focal point for the ERS-1 and ERS-2 data, in turn, facilitated the
Canadian Space Programme from the very development and operation of Radarsat-1.
beginning. The concept of a Synthetic Aperture
Radar (SAR) was developed in Canada, with the Radarsat-1, developed and operated by the
first digital SAR image from space being produced Canadian Space Agency, is Canada’s first Earth-
in 1978. Canada brought this experience into observation satellite and the World’s first
ESA’s European Remote-Sensing Satellite (ERS) operational commercial SAR system. Launched in
programme. The ERS mission, which focuses on November 1995, it provides all-weather, day-and-

Radarsat-1 ERS-1

night imagery for very fast British Columbia, is building

delivery to customers this lighter, cheaper satellite
around the World. Radarsat- that improves on Radarsat-1
1 can acquire images in with new modes, higher
variable modes of ground resolution, multi-polarisation,
resolution, coverage swaths, more frequent revisits and an
and incident radar-beam increased downlink margin,
angles. Different beam selections allow for the imaging of a which allows lower-cost receiving systems.
swath from 35 to 500 kilometres, with resolutions from 10 to
100 metres, respectively. Incidence angles range from less than Further plans for wide-ranging cooperation with ESA in
20 degrees to more than 50 degrees. Radarsat are under discussion, including the possibility of a
joint venture between Canada and Europe for Radarsat-3.
Radarsat-1's capabilities are fully proven in vital applications Canada will be an active participant in many missions of ESA’s
such as ice tracking, cartography (including the first complete Living Planet programme, a major Earth-observation effort over
map of Antarctica), geological exploration, maritime the coming years focussing on increasingly urgent
surveillance, disaster relief, agriculture and forest monitoring, environmental and climatological needs. Canada shares many
etc. Radarsat-1 is the primary source of images for a of ESA’s objectives for this programme, such as
Canadian remote-sensing industry that has won some studying the Earth’s gravity field, ocean
12% of the global market for Earth-observation data. circulation, atmosphere dynamics, and ice
cover. Working with ESA will also provide
Canada is now preparing a follow-on satellite, opportunities to further develop Canadian
Radarsat-2, a state-of-the art space venture involving capabilities in fields such as multi-band SAR
the public and private sectors. A Canadian industry and hyper-spectral imaging.
team led by MacDonald Dettwiler MDA of Richmond,

the stream of radar images is

Reliable information for

natural-disaster management
The Radarsat system has
proved its ability to provide
Sea-surface temperatures, from ERS
reliable, rapid delivery of
In 2000, Envisat, Europe’s largest and most sophisticated satellite images and updates
satellite to date, is following up the two ERS missions with an that meet the urgent needs of
ambitious Earth-observation mission. Its package of 10 civil authorities dealing with Envisat
instruments has combined capabilities natural disasters around the World. Whether it be rivers
greater than those of any previous or overflowing in Québec and Manitoba, an earthquake in Italy,
planned Earth-observation satellite. or a cruise ship threatened by Arctic ice, Radarsat consistently
Canada’s participation in this mission provides the most timely and reliable source of essential
includes a project by ABB Bomem, of information for officials responsible for disaster management.
Quebec City, to simulate and validate
the MIPAS instrument for measuring When the Russian oil tanker ‘Hakhoda’ ran aground in a storm
trace elements in the atmosphere. near Japan in 1997, causing the worst oil spill in that country’s
history, Radarsat images allowed Japanese authorities to clearly
Radar satellites provide new levels identify the location and extent of
of marine safety the spill, vastly facilitating clean-up
MIPAS Today, as ice floes drift into North operations and dealing with the
Atlantic shipping lanes, the Canadian Ice Service of potential threat caused by the spill
Environment Canada tracks them from space using Radarsat. to the intake of a nuclear power
Until recently, a vastly more costly and less effective, and at plant.
times more dangerous, system of air surveillance was needed
to provide this vital support for safe marine transportation. The
Centre has saved some $ 7 million per year in the switch to
satellite imaging, while improving its capabilities to provide
unprecedented levels of precision and reliability. Radar satellites
make this possible. In heavy weather, when visibility closes in,
and the need for close tracking becomes even more urgent,

From deep space to cold oceans to forest fires Saskatchewan. SED Systems, which has been providing
Space technologies are advancing rapidly, though TT&C systems for nearly 20 years, is building on its
the process is not easy. It requires investigation of core technologies to meet the challenge of
promising concepts, and investment to bring them to communicating reliably with a spacecraft that will
the point where they can be effectively evaluated. travel up to 900 million kilometres from Earth (a
Not all ideas succeed and so there is considerable distance that signals take 100 minutes to travel at
financial risk attached. Cooperation between Canada the speed of light). This antenna will also be used for
and Europe helps to share that risk, and pool future missions to Mars.
resources to achieve the
maximum possible progress. Adapting space technologies for harsh terrestrial
A few examples of this environments
cooperation follow. Technologies developed for operations in the unforgiving
environment of space can have valuable applications in harsh
Tracking Rosetta through deep aa environments on Earth. In Newfoundland, C-CORE, an
space independently funded engineering research and development
ESA’s Rosetta spacecraft will be corporation affiliated with Memorial University, adapts space
launched in 2003 on a 10-year mission technologies such as smart robotics and sensors, advanced
to study Comet Wirtanen and two materials, satellite-based remote sensing, advanced
asteroids. Throughout its mission, its communications, and control and power systems for use in
Telemetry, Tracking & Control (TT&C) harsh environments. These environments, such as cold oceans,
will depend on the performance of a Arctic, Antarctic, underground and undersea locations, are of
35-metre antenna built by an industrial growing interest to resource industries, but present great
team led by SED Systems of Saskatoon, challenges to operations.

This unprecedented initiative is which aims to design, implement
attracting significant matching and test an innovative approach
funds from the private sector. C- to telerobotics for interventions in
CORE is building on a successful harsh environments. The focus
launch of the Harsh Environments application for the development
Initiative, which involved 14 is the supervisory control of
European and 33 Canadian multiple mining robots. This project includes R&D in the areas
companies in eight demonstration of interactive 3D sensing, enhanced perception, intelligent
projects. For example, PetroGraFx is mediation, and intelligent control.
a collaboration with Hibernia
Management and Development Fighting forest fires with help from space
Company Ltd. (HMDC) to develop a In managing emergency situations, for example the fighting of
software tool to carry out automated analysis and database forest fires in British Columbia, real-time communications are
management of core and thin-section images. These images crucial to connect command centres with the entire operation
are collected from core samples taken during exploration and over the affected region, including helicopters, vehicles, heavy
drilling. The tool will allow the accurate analysis of fire-fighting equipment, and handheld terminals.
petrographic images in terms of important visual
characteristics, such as porosity, mineral content, and shape ESA’s REMSAT (REal-time Management of emergency situations
and size distributions. Another project, SMART (Sensori-Motor via SATellite) programme bridges the gap between satellite
Augmented Reality for Telerobotics), is an IRIS/PRECARN project service providers and emergency management end-users, to
offer a powerful network that brings together telecom-
Augmented Reality Telerobotic Control Concept
munications, positioning, and Earth observation.

REMSAT’s capabilities were successfully demonstrated in British

Columbia in September 1999. Under an ESA contract, MDA –
a company with extensive expertise in space-based operations
and transportable equipment – teamed up with the British
Columbia Forest Service, which has the responsibility for
fighting forest fires, protecting communities and timber
resources in an area of over one million square kilometres. The
Service deals with over 3000 fires per year, and is
internationally recognized for its emergency-management
The SMART concept operations.

REMSAT can access a variety of satellite systems currently
available. During the 19-day fire simulation, positioning
functions were provided by GPS, messaging by the Orbcomm
satellite system, and low/high-data-rate voice and video
services by the Canadian satellite system Anik. This included
high-speed communications for fire-fighting crews, augmented
data and video images, and up-to-date position and status
information for all resources (including aircraft, heavy
equipment and fire crews). It supported fire attack planning,
REMSAT in action in British Columbia
while providing high-speed communication between mobile
fire-control centres and additional background information to
help in fire modelling, prediction and suppression.
Arrangements are under way for the system to be fully tested
through deployment to fight a major fire.

REMSAT can also be adapted to meet the needs of many other

types of emergencies, such as earthquakes, floods,
exceptionally severe winter
conditions, and those involving
hazardous materials. MDA has been
working with emergency and
disaster-management agencies in
Canada, the USA, Mexico and
Europe to supply REMSAT-based
disaster-management systems.

While Canada and the countries of Europe share a conviction programmes have led to numerous
that space offers unlimited prospects for the future, they other commercial opportunities for
recognize the fundamental need to spread risk and financial Canadian industry. Canadian
burdens as widely as possible, to obtain the involvement in ESA projects has
maximum leverage for their investments in helped Canadian space projects such
space. Also, since diverse expertise and as Radarsat and the Anik series of
experience is required for success in space communications satellites.
programmes, international cooperation allows Anik-D

each party to focus on developing specialities in The European partners were also convinced that cooperation
areas of greatest interest. with Canada had brought similar benefits to Europe. Canada’s
worldwide lead in certain technologies has also been of
Space-derived fingerprint reader
(Kinetic Services Inc.) Experience suggests that the cooperation benefit to ESA, to which Canadian industry brings a strong
between Canada and Europe has been beneficial to both technology base. Also, when working as partners in ESA
sides, and studies have borne this out. In 1996, CSA com- programmes, Canadian and European companies have
missioned a complete external evaluation of learned much about their respective management practices
Canada’s cooperation with ESA since 1978, and business cultures, and have developed numerous close
which showed that Canada’s objectives for commercial partnerships.
this relationship have been achieved.
Canadian investments in ESA have resulted In summary, Canada and Europe have similar objectives for
in significant direct contracts to Canadian international cooperation: to diversify and reinforce their roles
companies and follow-on spin-off sales, in space, and to foster closer collaboration in science and
promoting the development of the industry technology research. They seek to develop and demonstrate
as a whole. Corporate alliances for the ESA advanced systems and technologies by participating in large
Flameproof textiles from Ariane, in Toronto’s Skydome

space projects on a cost-sharing basis, and to support the
competitiveness of their space industries through alliances and
two-way technology transfers between Europe and Canada.

ESA and CSA mission objectives are almost identical. Both have
a mission to promote the development of space science and
technology for exclusively peaceful purposes. Both agencies
seek to promote the competitiveness and success of their
industries through technology development programmes and
innovative and flexible funding mechanisms. Cooperation has
brought substantial socio-economic benefits on both sides of
the Atlantic, and strengthened the bonds between Canada
and Europe in critical areas of science and technology.
Increasingly, this inter-agency cooperation is now
complemented by strong commercial partnerships between
Canadian and European space companies.

Looking to the future, space cooperation between Canada and

ESA promises to continue to be mutually beneficial and
productive, resulting in solid benefits for both Canada and
Europe while providing benefits for all humanity – benefits that
transcend all borders.

ESA Head Office, Paris

Vancouver B.C., from ERS


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