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Composites Science and Technology 60 (2000) 705±716

The analytical characterization of 2-D braided textile composites

Joon-Hyung Byun *
Composite Materials Lab, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials, 66 Sangnam-Dong, Changwon, Kyungnam, South Korea

An analytical model based on the unit cell was developed for the prediction of the geometric characteristics and three-dimen-
sional (3-D) engineering constants of 2-D braided textile composites. The crimp yarn angle and the ®ber-volume fraction were
obtained from the geometric model. The elastic model utilizes coordinate transformation and the averaging of sti€ness and
compliance constants on the basis of the volume fraction of each reinforcement and matrix material. Seven di€erent fabric
architectures have been fabricated and tested by tensile loading to verify the model. The classical thin laminate theory has also
been applied to the braided composites in order to compare the predictions with the averaging method. Although the two ana-
lytical approaches are well correlated with experimental results, the averaging method is more accurate when the braider-yarn
angle is small or when the bundle size of axial yarns is much larger than that of the braider yarns. Parametric studies have been
conducted to investigate the e€ects of the braider-yarn angle and the axial-yarn content to the elastic properties of the composites.
The results are demonstrated in the form of property maps for selected moduli and Poisson's ratios. # 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd.
All rights reserved.
Keywords: Unit cell; Braided textile; Coordinate transformation; Averaging method; Fiber architecture

1. Introduction full layer of yarns in one pass along the mandrel,

resulting in a higher ®ber-deposition rate. Like the
The development of composite parts requires that woven structure, the braided layer exhibits yarn interla-
material selection and design process should be linked cing, which contributes structural stability during the
with manufacturing costs. The labor-intensive aspects of braiding process and improves the damage tolerance of
tape laying-up and the slow production rate of auto- the composite parts. Because of the damage resistance
clave processes have limited the application of compo- of these materials and the manufacturing ¯exibility of
site materials mostly to the aerospace and military near-net-shape forming with high production rates,
industries, where the performance was the most impor- braided composites have been considered as a candidate
tant factor. As the application areas of composite material for aircraft structures [1].
materials are steadily expanding, it is essential to In general, it is feasible to design textile composites
develop the technology for designing and manufactur- with considerable ¯exibility in performance with a wide
ing cost-e€ective structures. Even in the aerospace and variety of ®ber architectures. Since there are many
military sectors, the pressures on productivity and costs parameters involved in the mechanical properties of tex-
have been a major force. tile composites, such as the fabric pattern, yarn bundle
Recent advances in liquid molding processes, coupled size, yarn types, and the yarn orientation angle, etc., it is
with the higher-rate of production of textile preforms, necessary to develop a reliable model to characterize the
have brought a renewed interest to textile structural composites analytically. Signi®cant e€ort has been
composites. Among many types of textiles, braided made in predicting the elastic properties of textile com-
preforms can provide a wide range of ®ber orientations posites but, compared with the achievements in model-
and preform cross-sections. Because yarns are deposited ing work on 2-D woven composites [2±6] or even 3-D
on the mandrel, braiding is similar to ®lament winding. textile composites [7±12], very little work has been car-
Unlike ®lament winding, however, braiding produces a ried out on 2-D braided composites. Yang and Chou
[13] have analyzed triaxially-woven composites on the
* Tel.: +82-551-280-3312; fax: +82-551-280-3498. basis of an extension of the crimp model [2]. Although
E-mail address: (J.-H. Byun). the geometry of this fabric is di€erent from that of
0266-3538/00/$ - see front matter # 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0266-3538(99)00173-6
706 J.-H. Byun / Composites Science and Technology 60 (2000) 705±716

braid, the methodology can be readily applied to triaxi- 2. 2-D braid structure
ally-braided composites.
Masters et al. [14] have investigated the mechanical A 2-D braided fabric consists of two sets of yarns
properties of braided composites experimentally and passing over and under each other. In addition to the
analytically. Four di€erent models have been utilized to braiding yarns, axial yarns are often inserted for
predict elastic moduli: the laminate model, the laminate dimensional stability and improved mechanical proper-
model with a correction factor, the diagonal brick model, ties in the longitudinal direction. Since the ®ber direc-
and the ®nite-element (FE) model. The model predictions tions are ‹ and 0 with respect to the longitudinal
were correlated well with experimental values and the FE direction, this type of preform is called a triaxial braid.
model showed the best agreement, although the improve- Fig. 1(a) shows the schematic pattern of a regular braid
ment was not drastic. The laminate model has the limita- to demonstrate the yarn interlacing. It can be seen that
tion of predicting only the planar property of the yarns pass over two and under two yarns oriented at
composites. This is critical when the elastic constants in the opposite angles to each other. The axial yarns are nor-
thickness direction are required in the analysis of compo- mally introduced from stationary yarn carriers behind
site structures. The diagonal-brick model based upon rod the machine bed. Because the tubes for the axial yarns
skeletons over-simpli®es the geometry of the preform, and locate between the paths of two sets of braider yarns
does not represent the yarn curvature. Although the FE moving clockwise and counter-clockwise, axial yarns are
model showed the best prediction, it involves complicated located between two braider yarns in the thickness
geometric modeling and a long period of calculation time. direction.
It is a tedious job because the FE geometry should be The pattern in Fig. 1(a) seldom occurs in the actual
reconstructed whenever the fabric geometry changes. braiding. Normally, the yarns are in contact with each
Smith and Swanson [15] utilized three kinds of models other to make a compact structure, as shown in Fig.
to predict the sti€ness and applied the failure criterion 1(b). The geometry of triaxial braids is characterized by
of maximum ®ber strain to predict a biaxial failure of the orientation of braider yarns, , and the pitch length,
triaxially-braided textile composites. The three sti€ness h. Although the braider-yarn angle is the more important
models are the laminated plate theory, the 3-D lami- for the mechanical property of composites, it is not directly
nated-plate theory, and the ®ber inclination model [7]. controlled during the fabrication. Instead, the pitch length
Although the latter two models are more re®ned that is adjusted to set the desired yarn angle according to a
the ®rst one, the ®ber undulation has been modeled as a reciprocal relation between these two parameters.
straight rod, not having a curvature. The in-plane engi- As a result of the repeating motion of the carriers,
neering constants have been obtained from these models. braids have the smallest repeating structure, termed a
When the crimp angle of braider yarns becomes large, unit cell. The line in Fig. 1(b) indicates the unit cell,
the through-the-thickness properties of the composites where two braider yarns at   angles and two axial
should be taken into account. yarns are contained. The unit cell can be represented in
A re®ned model of braid geometry has been proposed the x±y±z coordinate system. The x-axis is along the
by Naik et al. [16]. Based upon yarn discretization and longitudinal direction or the length-wise axis of the
volume-averaging technique, they predicted the 3-D braid-forming direction. The braider-yarn direction is
e€ective sti€ness of triaxially-braided composites. The denoted as x0 -axis. The y-axis and z-axis are the width
correlation of elastic moduli with test results was generally direction and thickness direction, respectively.
good, although comparison of geometric characteristics
such as the yarn crimp angle or the ®ber-volume fraction
has not been made explicitly. Yarn discretization
involves much computational work, and the input data
may be sensitive to the selected values obtained by the
iteration procedure.
In this paper, the elastic model based upon the unit-
cell geometry and the averaging technique [17] has been
established to predict the engineering constants of the
triaxially-braided composites. This methodology was
successfully applied in the 3-D textile composites [9,18].
From the realistic description of the braid structure, the
geometric parameters and the elastic constants are
derived in closed-form expressions. The calculation pro-
cedures are simpler and easier to use than those based
upon the lamination theory or the yarn-discretization Fig. 1. 2-D braided textile preform: (a) schematic pattern; (b) compact
approach. structure.
J.-H. Byun / Composites Science and Technology 60 (2000) 705±716 707

3. Geometric relation the crimp at opposite angles. The undulation section of

braider yarns along the x0 direction, however, shows a
3.1. Yarn architecture typical shape of yarn crimp. As a result of the appear-
ance of the yarn crimp and more regular shapes of yarn
The properties of textile structural composites depend sections, the geometric model is based upon the section
on the geometric pattern of the textile preform, the along the braider-yarn direction (x0 - direction). Fig. 3
properties of the constituent materials, and the ®ber- shows the schematic of the yarn sections and the yarn
volume fraction. In order to link the microstructure of crimp. Within the undulation repeat, the braider yarn
the preform to the mechanical property of the composite, interlaces one axial yarn and two braider yarns of oppo-
a geometric model for the triaxial braid is developed. site directions. To describe the wavy geometry of the
The yarn geometry is identi®ed from the braid's crossing yarn, the axial yarn cross section is assumed to
microstructure. Fig. 2(a)±(c) shows the yarn sections in be lenticular shape [19], which corresponds to the over-
the y, x0 , and x directions, respectively. The letters `A' lapped area of two circles. It is noted that the cross-
and `B' indicate the axial yarns and the braider yarns, section of braider yarns changes to irregular shape
respectively. The cross-section of axial yarns in Fig. 2(a) because they are located on the fabric surface, and tend
reveals relatively consistent shapes as a result of the to ¯atten when in contact with mold surfaces or other
straight placement of the yarns in the longitudinal fabric layers.
direction, as shown in Fig. 2(c). The braider yarn in Fig. The following parameters are de®ned to obtain the
2(a) shows an irregular cross-sectional shape because of geometric relations: ta,tb,tu=the thickness of axial

Fig. 2. Photomicrographs of yarn sections: (a) in the width direction; (b) in the braider-yarn direction; (c) in the longitudinal direction, (A, axial-
yarn; B, braider-yarn).
708 J.-H. Byun / Composites Science and Technology 60 (2000) 705±716

Fig. 3. Schematic yarn sections in the braider-yarn direction.

yarns, braider yarns, and the unit cell, respectively; …Ls =2†2 ‡ t2h
ru ˆ …3†
fa=the aspect ratio of the axial yarn cross-section along 2th
the width directions (Fig. 4); Ls=the repeat length of the  
braider-yarn undulation; ru=the radius of the braider- Ls
 ˆ sinÿ1 …4†
yarn undulation; and =the yarn-crimp angle. Since the 2ru
shape parameters of the axial yarn, ta and fa, can be
measured from the sample photomicrograph [Fig. 2(a)], Since the yarn-crimp angle has been determined,
the following parameters can be determined from the another important parameter for the geometric char-
known quantities: acteristics is the ®ber-volume fraction, which is treated
in the following section.
Ls ˆ …1†
cos  3.2. Fiber-volume fraction
tu ÿ ta tu ÿ tb
tb ˆ ; th ˆ …2† Since the basic relations for the yarn architecture have
2 2
been obtained, we are now ready to determine the ®ber-
volume fraction of the braided composites. First,
Since the shape of the axial-yarn section is lenticular, volumes of axial yarn and braider yarn in the unit cell
the braider-yarn undulation on it can be assumed to be are calculated by multiplying the area with the length of
an arc. It can be shown that the arc angle is the same as the yarn. Because the bundle sizes of axial and braider
the yarn-crimp angle. The radius of the braider-yarn yarns are given when the preform is made, we can con-
undulation and the crimp angle can be expressed as a ®ne the calculation of the yarn area to the axial yarns
function of parameters, Ls and th: only. The area of the braider yarn is expressed as a
fraction or a multiple of the axial yarn area.
Because of the regular shape of the axial-yarn cross-sec-
tion, the area is calculated in the width direction of the
sample [Fig. 2(a)]. Denoting as the inner angle of the
lenticular shape (Fig. 4), the cross-sectional area of the yarn
can be expressed as:

Aa ˆ r2a … a ÿ sin a † …5†


ta 2fa
ra ˆ …1 ‡ f 2a †; a ˆ 2 sinÿ1 …6†
4 1 ‡ f 2a

Thus, volumes of axial yarns (Va) and braider yarns

(Vb) are determined from the yarn cross-sectional area,
the yarn length, and the number of axial and braider
Fig. 4. The cross-sectional shape of an axial-yarn. yarns within the unit cell:
J.-H. Byun / Composites Science and Technology 60 (2000) 705±716 709

Va ˆ 2hAa ; Vb ˆ 4Aa lLc …7† especially when the crimp angle becomes large. It is
interesting to examine the range of validity of this
where l is the bundle size ratio of braider yarn to the equation. Utilizing the sine series up to the second term,
axial yarn, and the undulation length of the braider the ratio of Ls to Lc is:
yarn, Lc, is expressed as:
Ls sin  2
Lc ˆ 2ru  …8† ˆ ˆ1ÿ …13†
Lc  6

Denoting w as the width of the unit cell [Fig. 1(b)], the Thus, the ratio of the axial yarn content can be
yarn volume fraction is expressed as: expressed as:

Va ‡ Vb va cos  ‡ 2l
Vy ˆ …9† 0 ˆ …14†
hwtu va cos  ‡ 2l…1 ÿ 2 =6†

It should be noted that the yarn is assumed to be a Fig. 5 shows the variation of the axial-yarn content
solid in the calculation of Eq. (9). If the yarn volume ratio as functions of the braider angle and the crimp
fraction is multiplied by a ®ber packing fraction, , angle divided by the bundle-size ratio. It can be seen
which is the local ®ber-volume fraction of a yarn bun- that, as the braider-yarn angle increases or the bundle-
dle, the ®ber volume (Vf) of the braided composites can size ratio decreases, the error percent decreases. For the
be obtained as: crimp angle below 30 , the error is less than 5%. Thus,
for this range, the axial yarn content in Eq. (12) is a
Va ‡ Vb good approximation.
Vf ˆ  …10†

It is assumed that the ®ber packing fractions for the 4. Elastic constants
axil and braider yarns are the same.
The mechanical properties of braided-textile compo-
3.3. Axial yarn content sites can be predicted based upon the ®ber and matrix
properties and the ®ber architectures resulted from the
Since the axial-yarn content is directly connected with geometric model. Since the principal material direction
the mechanical property of the composites in the long- of spatially-located yarns does not coincide with the
itudinal direction, determination of this is important in coordinate direction of interest, a method is needed of
designing the braided preform. The percentage of the transforming the stress/strain relations from one coor-
axial yarn content (va) with respect to the total volume dinate system to another. Then, the e€ective elastic
of the braid can be obtained from Eq. (7). constants of the composites can be obtained by assum-
ing uniform strain state or uniform stress state in the
Va h unit cell.
va ˆ ˆ …11†
Va ‡ Vb h ‡ 2lLc

To calculate the volume fraction in Eq. (11) we need

to measure the geometric parameters as expressed in Eq.
(8). The measurement of these parameters from photo-
micrographs of the composite samples is a tedious job.
An approximation for the volume percentage of axial
yarns can be more useful, especially at the beginning of
preform fabrication. If we assume that the crimp part of
the braider yarn is straight, Lc can be replaced with Ls
in Eq. (11), and the percentage of axial-yarn content can
be expressed as:

0 Va cos 
va ˆ ˆ …12†
Va ‡ Vb cos  ‡ 2l

Eqn (12) is easy to apply in determining the approx-

imate fraction of the axial-yarn content. However, Fig. 5. Variations of the axial-yarn content as functions of the brai-
because of the braider-yarn crimp, it is no longer valid, der-yarn angle, the bundle-size ratio, and the crimp yarn.
710 J.-H. Byun / Composites Science and Technology 60 (2000) 705±716

4.1. Coordinate transformation

Fig. 6 shows the coordinate systems of a crimp yarn.

The local coordinate system is indicated as 1±2±3, where
axis 1 coincides with ®ber direction. In the global coor-
dinate system, x0 -axis is in the braider-yarn direction,
and z-axis is in the thickness direction of the compo-
sites. The basic assumption in the analysis is that the
yarns are considered unidirectional composite rods after
resin impregnation. The compliance matrix of the com-
posite rod in the 1±2±3 coordinate system is expressed
as follows as a result of the transverse isotropy:

2 3
1=E11 ÿv21 =E22 ÿv21 =E22 0 0 0
6ÿv12 =E11 1=E22 ÿv32 =E22
6 0 0 0 7 7
6ÿv12 =E11 ÿv23 =E22 1=E22 0 0 0 7 7
‰SŠ ˆ 6
6 0
6 0 0 1=G23 0 0 7 7
4 0 0 0 0 1=G12 0 5
0 0 0 0 0 1=G12 Fig. 6. Coordinate systems of a crimp yarn.

Sc11 ˆ U1 ‡ …U2 =2† sin 2 ‡ …U3 =4† sin 4 …19†
The Young's and shear moduli are obtained from the
®ber and matrix properties using micro-mechanics ana- Sc12 ˆ U6 ‡ …U7 =2† sin 2
lysis [20].
Since the braider yarns have a crimp in the thickness Sc13 ˆ U4 ÿ …U3 =4† sin 4
direction, its deformation properties in the 1±2±3 coordi-
nate system are transformed to the x0 ±y±z reference coor-
Sc15 ˆ ÿ…U2 sin2  ‡ U3 sin2 2†=
dinate system. From the direction cosines between the x±
y±z coordinate system and the 1±2±3 coordinate system,
Sc22 ˆ S22
the following transformation matrix can be established:
0 2 1
m 0 n2 0 ÿ2mn 0 Sc23 ˆ U6 ÿ …U7 =2† sin 2
B 0 1 0 0 0 0C
B 2 C
B n 0 m 2
0 2mn 0 C Sc25 ˆ ÿ…2U7 =† sin2 
‰T Š ˆ BB C …16†
0 0 0 m 0 n C
@ mn 0 ÿmn 0 m ÿ n 2 2
0A Sc33 ˆ U1 ÿ …U2 =2† sin 2 ‡ …U3 =4† sin 4
0 0 0 ÿn 0 m
Sc35 ˆ ÿ…U2 sin2  ÿ U3 sin2 2†=
where m ˆ cos  and n ˆ sin . Thus, the compliance
matrix of the unidirectional composite rod, referring to Sc44 ˆ U8 ‡ …U9 =2† sin 2
the 1±2±3 coordinate system, is transformed to [S0 ],
referring to the x±y±z coordinate system:
Sc46 ˆ …U9 =2† sin2 
c t c
‰S Š ˆ ‰T Š ‰SŠ‰T Š …17†
Sc55 ˆ 4U5 ÿ …U3 =† sin 4
where [Tc]t is a transpose matrix of [Tc]. The e€ective
compliance matrix of a crimp yarn can be obtained by Sc66 ˆ U8 ÿ …U9 =2† sin 2
averaging the transformed compliance matrix of the
in®nitesimal yarn segment through the crimp angle, . Sb14 ˆ Sb16 ˆ Sb24 ˆ Sb26 ˆ Sb34 ˆ Sb36 ˆ Sb45 ˆ Sb56 ˆ 0
… 0
1 0
Scij ˆ Sij d0 …i; j ˆ 1ÿ6† …18†
 0 Here, constants U's are given as follows:

Carrying out the integration gives the following U1 ˆ …3S11 ‡ 3S33 ‡ 2S13 ‡ S55 †=8 …20†
J.-H. Byun / Composites Science and Technology 60 (2000) 705±716 711

U2 ˆ …S11 ÿ S33 †=2 Sb23 ˆ Sc23 ÿ R3 sin2 

U3 ˆ …S11 ‡ S33 ÿ 2S13 ÿ S55 †=8 Sb24 ˆ …Sc15 ‡ R5 cos2 † sin 

U4 ˆ …S11 ‡ S33 ‡ 6S13 ÿ S55 †=8 Sb25 ˆ …Sc25 ÿ R5 sin2 † cos 

U5 ˆ …S11 ‡ S33 ÿ 2S13 ‡ S55 †=8 Sb26 ˆ ÿ…R1 ÿ R2 ÿ 2R1 sin2 † sin  cos 

U6 ˆ …S12 ‡ S32 †=2

Sb33 ˆ Sc33
U7 ˆ …S12 ÿ S32 †=2
Sb34 ˆ Sc35 sin 
U8 ˆ …S44 ‡ S66 †=2
Sb35 ˆ Sc35 cos 
U9 ˆ …S44 ÿ S66 †=2
Sb36 ˆ ÿ2R3 sin  cos 
The components in Eq. (19) are the compliances of
braider yarn composites in the x0 ±y±z coordinate sys- Sb44 ˆ Sc44 ÿ R6 sin2 
tem. In order to transform these quantities into the x±y±
z coordinate system of interest, the same transformation Sb45 ˆ ÿR6 sin  cos 
rule in Eq. (17) is applied.
Sb46 ˆ …Sc46 ÿ 2R5 sin2 † cos 
‰Sb Š ˆ ‰Tb Št ‰Sc Š‰Tb Š …21†
Sb55 ˆ Sc55 ‡ R6 sin2 
Sb56 ˆ …Sc46 ÿ 2R5 cos2 † sin 
0 1
p2 q2 0 0 0 2pq
B q 2
p2 0 0 0 ÿ2pq C Sb66 ˆ Sc66 ‡ 4R1 sin2  cos2 
B 0 0 1 0 0 0 C
‰Tb Š ˆ B
C …22†
B 0 0 0 p ÿq 0 C C
@ 0 0 0 q p 0 A Here, constants R's are given as follows:
ÿpq pq 0 0 0 p 2 ÿ q2
R1 ˆ Sc11 ‡ Sc22 ÿ 2Sc12 ÿ Sc66 …24†
and p ˆ cos  and q ˆ sin . The matrix multiplication
in Eq. (21) gives the following results: R2 ˆ Sc11 ÿ Sc22

R3 ˆ Sc23 ÿ Sc13
Sb11 ˆ Sc11 ÿ …R1 ‡ R2 † sin2  ‡ R1 sin4  …23†
R4 ˆ Sc46 ÿ Sc15 ÿ Sc25
2 4
Sb12 ˆ Sc12 ‡ R1 sin  ÿ R1 sin 
R5 ˆ Sc46 ÿ Sc15 ‡ Sc25
Sb13 ˆ Sc13 ‡ R3 sin2 
R6 ˆ Sc44 ÿ Sc55

Sb14 ˆ ÿ…Sc25 ‡ R4 ÿ R5 sin2 † sin 

4.2. Volume averaging

Sb15 ˆ …Sc15 ‡ R5 sin2 † cos 
Although the braider yarn has orientations with
Sb16 ˆ ÿ…R1 ÿ R2 ÿ 2R1 cos2 † sin  cos  respect to the thickness and the longitudinal directions,
its deformation properties have been decomposed after
carrying out the coordinate transformations. Accord-
Sb22 ˆ Sc22 ÿ …R1 ÿ R2 † sin2  ‡ R1 sin4  ingly, the speci®c geometry of the braider yarn is no
712 J.-H. Byun / Composites Science and Technology 60 (2000) 705±716

longer signi®cant, and it can be assumed to be a layer of because it is less brittle compared to T300 type: the
orthotropic materials. Since the triaxially-braided textile tensile strength and elongation at break of T700S ®ber
composites consist of four elements Ð braider yarns of are 40% higher. The importance of the improved tensile
 ; orientations, axial yarns, and matrix materials Ð it strength of ®bers is signi®cant in the textile preforming,
can be considered as a four-layered structure of di€erent where ®bers are susceptible to damage through to the
materials. In the unit cell, these layers are arranged in contact with machine parts.
parallel in the longitudinal direction. When load is applied By varying the ®ber-bundle size and the braid angle,
in the x-direction of the composites, each layer can be seven di€erent architectures were fabricated. Because
assumed to be in the state of constant strain. Thus, the only 12K bundle is available for T700S ®ber, the size
sti€ness of each layer is averaged based upon the volume was varied as 12K, 24K, and 36K by putting two or
to get the e€ective sti€ness of the composites. three bundles together. For a ®xed bundle size of 12K,
Since axial yarns are assumed to be straight, as shown three braider-yarn angles was selected: 30 , 45 , and 60 .
in Fig. 2(c), the e€ective compliance is the same as Eq. Table 1 speci®es the identi®cation code of the selected
(15). For the determination of the e€ective sti€ness of architectures in this study. The ®rst character designates
the composites, the compliance of axial and braider the bundle size of the axial yarn, and the second one the
yarns is inverted to sti€ness, and then they are averaged braider yarns. The bundle sizes are designated as S
over the unit cell volume. (small), M (medium), and L (large) for the 12K, 24K,
and 36K, respectively.
Va Vb Vb The braided preforms were consolidated with epoxy
Cij ˆ Caij ‡ Cbp
ij ‡ Cbm
ij ‡ Cm …1 ÿ Vy †
Vt 2Vt 2Vt resin by the resin-transfer molding process. The samples
…i; j ˆ 1ÿ6† were cured at 120 C for 2 h. Because of the large unit
cell size, as indicated in Table 1, the width of all samples
where Vy is de®ned in Eq. (9). Caij ; Cbp bm
ij , and Cij are the was at least 25 mm. The widths of SS30 and SS45 braids
inverted sti€ness of axial and braider yarns of  ; were less than 25 mm when they were fabricated in
orientations, respectively. Cm is the [66] sti€ness tubular form. Thus, they were unfolded by cutting along
matrix of the matrix material. Then, the sti€ness in Eq. the longitudinal direction. Three layers of SS30, SS45,
(25) is inverted to the compliance, Sij, which ®nally and SS60 were required in making equivalent thickness
results in the following engineering constants of the with other types of sample. Although the sample width
triaxially-braided textile composites: of 25 mm was required, a relatively large tolerance was
inevitable from one type of architecture to another. This
Exx ˆ 1=Sc11 ; Eyy ˆ 1=Sc22 ; Ezz ˆ 1=Sc33 ; …26† is because the unit cell should be contained in the sample
width without loss of the size.
Gyz ˆ 1=Sc44 ; Gxz ˆ 1=Sc55 ; Gxy ˆ 1=Sc66 ;
5.2. Experiment and input data
vxy ˆ ÿSc12 =Sc11 ; vzx ˆ ÿSc13 =Sc33 ; vyz ˆ ÿSc23 =Sc22
The geometric model was veri®ed with respect to the
crimp angle and the ®ber-volume fraction. They were
measured from photomicrographs and by the acid-
5. Model veri®cation digestion method, respectively. The yarn-packing frac-
tion is the critical parameter that can drastically change
5.1. Sample preparation the elastic properties of the composites. Although the
measurement can be easily carried out by the image
The triaxial braids were fabricated using T700S car- analysis, it is a tedious job to get as many sectional
bon ®bers. The selection for this type of ®ber was photomicrographs as possible for achieving a reliable

Table 1
Yarn architectures of braids

Architecture Axial bundle Braider Braider No. of Axial yarn Unit cell
code size (K) bundle size (K) angle ( ) layers volume content size, h, w, t1 (mm)

SS30 12 12 30 3 0.3 4.67/5.73/0.85

SS45 12 12 45 3 0.26 3.81/7.30/0.84
SS60 12 12 60 3 0.2 3.0/10.5/0.82
SM45 12 24 45 2 0.15 4.82/8.71/1.13
SL45 12 36 45 2 0.1 5.39/10.43/1.3
MS45 24 12 45 2 0.4 4.24/8.50/1.14
LS45 36 12 45 2 0.5 4.51/8.54/1.29
J.-H. Byun / Composites Science and Technology 60 (2000) 705±716 713

data. Thus, the yarn-packing fraction has been obtained Table 3

by iteration calculation until the ®ber-volume fractions Comparison of geometric parameters
of the prediction and the experiment coincide with each Architecture Crimp angle  ( ) Fiber volume Fiber packing
other. code content, Vf (%) fraction, 
In order to verify the elastic model, tensile tests have
Measured Predicted Measured Predicted
been conducted for the straight-sided coupons with
tabs. Specimens were instrumented with biaxial gages. SS30 16.5 14.2 53.9 53.6 0.77
The gage length was 10 mm, and the width was 3 mm. SS45 14.2 13.0 45.1 44.9 0.74
SS60 14.3 11.4 46.4 46.3 0.77
Although the gage did not cover the whole unit cell, it
SM45 16.2 13.6 61.7 61.8 0.75
was much longer than the length of the unit cell, as SL45 17.6 13.1 61.8 61.6 0.70
indicated in Table 1. This satis®es the gage selection MS45 16.2 17.2 40.3 40.5 0.72
criterion [21] for this material, which requires that the LS45 35.0 20.0 42.8 42.4 0.74
gage length should at least equal the length of the unit
cell in the loading direction. Ten samples for each type
of architecture were tested, and average was taken for The predicted angle of the yarn crimp was con-
eight samples after discarding the largest and the smallest sistently smaller than the measured data. This may be
values. because the geometric model assumes one layer of the
The geometric input data for the model predictions braid, and the yarn undulation of the multiple layer
were obtained from the photomicrographs of the sam- stacking is in-phase. In this case, the yarns tend to
ple section. The thickness and width of the axial yarn compress each other in the thickness direction, resulting
were measured in the section along the sample width in the lower angle of the braider yarn. Fig. 2(b) shows
[Fig. 2(a)]. For the mechanical data of T700S ®ber, the in-phase stacking of layers for the architecture type
those for the T300 ®ber were adopted because there are SS45, and the measured and the predicted data were
not enough data available and the tensile modulus of better correlated than the types SS30 and SS60.
the two materials are the same. These data were utilized The architecture of the triaxial braid is similar to the
in the calculation of the mechanical properties of the ‰0=  Š laminates as far as the in-plane direction of the
yarn composites from the micromechanics expressions. It reinforcement is concerned. As a simple approximation
is noted that the ®ber-volume fraction in the expressions method to predict the elastic properties, the classical
should be replaced with the yarn-packing fraction, . lamination theory has been applied to the braid com-
Table 2 summarizes the input data of the sample geo- posites. The lay-up of laminates is the same as ‰0=  Š
metry and the mechanical properties of the ®bers and with a di€erent lamina thickness. The thickness of 0 and
matrix.   laminae was calculated as the volume percentage of
axial and braider yarns, respectively (Table 1). The ®ber-
5.3. Correlation volume fraction of each type of laminate was set as the
overall ®ber-volume fraction of the braided composites.
Table 3 summarizes the comparison between the model The data summarized in Tables 1 and 2 and the ®ber-
predictions and test results for the geometric parameters. packing fraction in Table 3 have been utilized to predict
As mentioned in the previous section, the ®ber-packing the elastic constants of the braided composites. Figs. 7
fraction has been obtained by the iteration calculation. and 8 show the comparison between and experimental
For the validation of these data, an image analysis has results of tensile tests and the model predictions, based
been conducted for selected samples, which resulted in a upon the averaging method and the lamination theory.
range between 0.7 and 0.8. Relatively good agreement between the model predic-
tions and the test results can be observed. It is surprising
that the lamination theory is correlated well although it
Table 2 does not take into account the yarn undulation. This is
Input data for the model prediction because the yarn undulation in the thickness direction
Architecture Geometric data Mechanical data has little e€ect on the in-plane properties of the compo-
code sites when the braider-yarn angle is relatively small. It
ta (mm) fa l Carbon ®ber Epoxy can be seen that the lamination theory in the case of
SS30 0.49 3.14 1 E1f=230 (GPa) Em=4 (GPa)
LS45 architecture, where the braider angle is quite large,
SS45 0.39 4.72 1 E2f=40.0 (GPa) m ˆ 0:35 over-predicts the Young's modulus. The yarn undula-
SS60 0.38 5.28 1 G12f=24.0 (GPa) tion, however, increases the through-the-thickness
SM45 0.49 3.72 2 G23f=14.3 (GPa) property, which directly re¯ects the improvement of
SL45 0.46 4.48 3 12f ˆ 0:26 impact property of the braided composites. Although
MS45 0.67 3.69 0.5
LS45 0.95 2.60 0.33
the experimental data was not enough to support the
predictions as a result of the limited test results, the
714 J.-H. Byun / Composites Science and Technology 60 (2000) 705±716

methodology proposed in this paper can be e€ectively ®xed. In order to reduce the number of operating para-
utilized in obtaining the 3-D elastic constants of the meters to a minimum, more sets of geometric relations
braided-textile composites. are required. Noting that the axial yarns are contained
within two sets of ‡  or ÿ  braider yarns in the
5.4. Parametric study width direction [Fig. 1(b)], the following relations for
the unit cell size can be obtained:
Analyses have been performed in an attempt to
ascertain the e€ects of various geometric parameters on 2fa ta
w ˆ 4fa ta ; h ˆ …27†
the elastic properties of triaxially-braided textile com- tan 
posites. Two parameters are considered: the braider-
yarn angle and the axial-yarn content. The format of the It can be seen from Eq. (10) that the axial yarn con-
parametric study is, to start with, a set of values for tent is a function of overall ®ber-volume fraction of the
these parameters and then to vary each parameter composites, and Eq. (12) indicates the braider-yarn
independently while keeping the others at their original angle, the axial yarn content, and the bundle-size ratio
values. Although this procedure does not uncouple the are inter-related. Combining Eqs. (10) and (11), the
parameters, the e€ects of the various parameters can be axial-yarn content can be obtained as:
examined individually.
In this study, the parameters for the ®ber-volume Vf Vt h
Va ˆ …28†
fraction (Vf), the ®ber-packing fraction (), and the …h ‡ 2lLc †
cross-sectional shape of the axial yarns (ta, fa) have been
where Vt=hwtu. For the ®xed parameters of Vf, , ta
and fa, the operating parameters are varied to set Eq.
(28) equal to Eq. (7).
In the parametric study, ®xed parameters were selected
as Vf ˆ 0:5;  ˆ 0:75; ta ˆ 0:5 mm, and fa ˆ 2. The e€ect
of the braider-yarn angle on the elastic property has been
examined for the angle variation between 25 to 75 . The
bundle-size ratio has been changed accordingly to render
30% volume content of axial yarns. The e€ects of the
axial-yarn content and the bundle size have been exam-
ined for 45 of braider-yarn angle. In this case, the unit-
cell thickness, tu, was also varied.
Figs. 9±11 show, respectively, the Young's moduli,
the shear moduli, and the Poisson's ratios of the com-
posites. The crossing point of two curves corresponds to
the values: l = 0.8, y = 45 , va=0.3.
Fig. 7. Comparison of Young's moduli between the model predictions As the braider yarn angle decreases, Exx increases
and the test results. with decreasing Eyy to an asymptotic value. The reverse

Fig. 8. Comparison of Poisson's ratio between the model predictions Fig. 9. The property map of the in-plane Young's moduli for 2-D
and the test results. braided textile composites.
J.-H. Byun / Composites Science and Technology 60 (2000) 705±716 715

The e€ects of the braider-yarn angle and the axial-

yarn content on the Poisson's ratio are described in Fig.
11. With braider yarns aligning more closely to the
longitudinal direction, xy increases as can be expected.
Increasing the axial-yarn content has little e€ect on the
xy variation. Decreasing zx with increasing axial-yarn
content can be similarly explained as for the case of Gzx.

6. Conclusion

1. The geometric characteristics and the engineering

constants of 2-D braided-textile composites have
Fig. 10. The property map of the shear moduli for 2-D braided-textile been predicted based upon the analytic model. The
composites. crimp-yarn angle, the axial-yarn content, and the
®ber-volume fraction were obtained from the geo-
metric model. Using the geometric parameters, 3-
D engineering constants have been determined
from the elastic model, which utilizes the coordi-
nate transformation and the averaging of sti€ness
and compliance constants based upon the volume
of each reinforcement and matrix material.
2. In order to verify the model, seven di€erent fabric
architectures have been fabricated and tested in
tensile mode. The longitudinal Young's modulus
and the Poison's ratio have been obtained. The
classical lamination theory has also been applied
to compare the predictions with the averaging
method. Relatively good agreement has been
observed between the model predictions and the
test results of carbon/epoxy composite samples.
The lamination theory is correlated well in some
Fig. 11. The property map of Poisson's ratios for 2-D braided-textile cases, although it does not take into account the
composites. yarn undulation. On the other hand, the averaging
method is more accurate when the braider-yarn
angle is small or when the bundle size of axial
trend can be seen for the case of increasing braider-yarn yarns is much larger than that of the braider yarns.
angle. The asymptotic values correspond to the long- 3. Parametric studies have been conducted to investi-
itudinal and the transverse Young's moduli of the uni- gate the e€ects of braider-yarn angle and the axial-
directional composites, respectively. The bundle-size ratio yarn content to the elastic properties. The long-
and the axial-yarn content are in reciprocal relation. As itudinal Young's modulus varied signi®cantly by the
can be expected, increasing the axial-yarn content sub- axial-yarn content and braider-yarn angles smaller
stantially improves Exx, but has little e€ect on Eyy. that 45 . The transverse Young's modulus was
Fig. 10 shows that both shear moduli, Gxy and Gzx, greatly in¯uenced by braider-yarn angles higher that
increase as the braider-yarn angle decreases, but the 45 , but varied insigni®cantly according to the axial-
trend is reversed when the angle is below 35 . This trend yarn content. The e€ects of the braider-yarn angle on
is quite deviant from that of the laminated composites, the in-plane shear modulus and the Poisson's ratio
where the shear modulus reached a maximum at 45 . were more signi®cant than the axial-yarn content.
This may be because the compliance or the sti€ness in 4. The experimental data was not enough to support
the thickness direction is also involved in the averaging the model predictions because of the limited test
process and matrix manipulation procedure. As the results and the lack of reliable test methods in the
axial-yarn content increases, Gxy increases. But the thickness direction of the composites. However,
trend is reversed for Gzx because the increased axial-yarn the methodology proposed in this paper can be
content may sacri®ce the content of braider yarns in the successfully utilized in obtaining the 3-D elastic
x- or z-direction. constants of the braided composites.
716 J.-H. Byun / Composites Science and Technology 60 (2000) 705±716

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