Larian Perdana Mahkota

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THE "Larian Perdana Mahkota" was a huge success and in the process, Johor became the first

state in the country to do it, with Tunku Mahkota of Johor Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim setting the
pace by running 3.8km complete with a haversack in Johor Baru yesterday.

It set the tone for the state-wide run which attracted some 635,000 participants, including
students, teachers, school staff and parents.

The staggering figure was an overwhelming success as it surpassed Johor's previous record of
626,921 participants from 1,044 schools in 2002, which earned a place in the Malaysia Book of

Johor education director Markom Giran said the Larian Perdana Mahkota figure, however, cannot
be recognised as a new record as only half the participants were able to register due to the
massive floods which hit the state recently.

To make it all the event even more memorable, Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar graced the event
held at Johor Bahru's Dataran Bandaraya.

The run was flagged off by the Tunku Temenggong of Johor Tunku Idris Sultan Ibrahim. Earlier
the Tunku Mahkota held a teleconference with Deputy Education Minister Datuk Puad Zarkashi in
Batu Pahat.

The Larian Perdana Mahkota was also held in all the other districts in the state and Markom
announced that it will become an annual event in the Johor Education Department's calendar.

The Education Ministry's director sports Puan Ee Hong, was more than pleased with Johor's
efforts to implement the "Passion for Sport" programme under "1 Student 1 Sport" and take
sports to a new level.

"The ministry hopes to organise a similar event nation-wide in April. I salute Johor for taking the
lead in inspiring the public to participate in an event involving the masses." -- JJ SHAH

Read more: Runners take Larian Perdana Mahkota by

storm "Larian Perdana
Mahkota" was a huge success and in the process, Johor became the first state in the country to
do it, with Tunku Mahkota of Johor Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim setting the pace by running
3.8km complete with a haversack in Johor Baru yesterday.

It set the tone for the state-wide run which attracted some 635,000 participants, including
students, teachers, school staff and parents.

The staggering figure was an overwhelming success as it surpassed Johor's previous record of
626,921 participants from 1,044 schools in 2002, which earned a place in the Malaysia Book of
Johor education director Markom Giran said the Larian Perdana Mahkota figure, however, cannot
be recognised as a new record as only half the participants were able to register due to the
massive floods which hit the state recently.

To make it all the event even more memorable, Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar graced the event
held at Johor Bahru's Dataran Bandaraya.

The run was flagged off by the Tunku Temenggong of Johor Tunku Idris Sultan Ibrahim. Earlier
the Tunku Mahkota held a teleconference with Deputy Education Minister Datuk Puad Zarkashi in
Batu Pahat.

The Larian Perdana Mahkota was also held in all the other districts in the state and Markom
announced that it will become an annual event in the Johor Education Department's calendar.

The Education Ministry's director sports Puan Ee Hong, was more than pleased with Johor's
efforts to implement the "Passion for Sport" programme under "1 Student 1 Sport" and take
sports to a new level.

"The ministry hopes to organise a similar event nation-wide in April. I salute Johor for taking the
lead in inspiring the public to participate in an event involving the masses." -- JJ SHAH

Read more: Runners take Larian Perdana Mahkota by


One of the greatest habits you can get into in your life is jogging in the morning. It’s simply
the best way that I know of to start the day off right.

But why first thing in the morning? Why not wait until after work or later in the evening?

Don’t get me wrong, jogging every day is extremely beneficial no matter what time you do it.
But doing it in the morning is much better in my opinion. And here’s why…

An experiment was done once with a large group of people who exercised sparingly. They
were given the same workout routine to perform each and every day for a month.

However, half of the group did their workout first thing in the morning. The other half did it
when they got off of work. They were forced to stick with it. And then after a month, they
were free to do as they pleased.

After a few months past, they asked the group if they planned on continuing their exercise
routine. Surprisingly, the group that exercised in the morning were 80% more likely to
stick with their workout compared to the other group.

That’s quite a startling conclusion! So…

It might not be easy at first, but once you get in the habit of jogging in the morning, you will
be very likely to stick with it for a lifetime. Of course, that’s where the problem occurs. You
have to get in the habit of doing it.

I know what you’re thinking, “No way! That’s just not me.” Well, it can be you! And it’s much
easier then you think.

Benefits Of A Morning Jog

Some people think that jogging in the morning will make them tired the rest of the day. But
in fact, the complete opposite is true.

You will simply be amazed at how much more energy you will have during the day. Before I
started this habit, I had a very hard time making it through the afternoons. Right after lunch
I could barely keep my eyes open!

Doing any kind of work proved to be very difficult. But instantly, my morning jog completely
changed all of that.

You will start to notice that you will be able to get so much more done. Your metabolism will
be working for you throughout the entire day. You will also find yourself being much happier
with life and everything in it.

The grass will seem greener. The air fresher. Everything you do will have more meaning and

Another thing you will begin to notice is you will start sleeping better. It will be much easier
for you to fall asleep each night. And you will also find yourself sleeping deeper and deeper
throughout the entire night.

It’s really something you have to experience first-hand. Your self-esteem will go way up. You
will feel so much better about yourself. You will start to see yourself as a highly effective and
hard working person.

And you will notice that you are much sharper and more alert. It will add confidence in
yourself in everything that you do.

But don’t take my word for it, see for yourself!

Making It A Routine
I get asked all the time how I can get up so early and start jogging. And the answer is

It’s just habit.

It’s just as easy to get in the habit of jogging as it is to get in the habit of watching television.
Most people just choose the TV because it requires less effort.

The hardest thing in the world to do is break old habits. You’ve probably made it a habit to do
very little when you first wake up. The longer you have done it, the harder it is to break out
of the habit. But if you want to get in the habit of a morning jog, here is what I suggest you
First, get out your workout clothes and place them beside your bed. Have it all out so you can
get dressed and go. Have this be the last thing you do before you go to bed each night.

Second, tell someone about it. Tell a close friend that tomorrow you are going to start getting
in the habit of jogging in the mornings. This will help you take action. You don’t want them to
ask you the next day how your job was and you disappointedly tell them you didn’t do it. This
will be the final thing that goes through your mind before you decide if you’re actually going
to do it.

Finally, don’t take days off. OK, I guess you can rest on Sunday. But don’t skip a weekday
“just because.” This is extremely important when you are first starting out.

It’s been said that it takes 21 days to make something a habit. So make sure that the first 21
days you don’t let yourself off the hook. This is something that is going to change your life,
so stay committed to it.

If you want, start setting your alarm 10-20 minutes earlier to allow yourself plenty of time.
This will make sure that you don’t have any excuse to skip a day.

No matter how tired you are when you wake up, after about two minutes into your jog the
fog will start to go away in your mind and you will be wide awake. And you’ll stay awake
throughout the entire day, no matter how little you slept the night before.

Update: One thing that has worked really well for me is that I made a rule that I'm not
allowed to eat breakfast until I've had my morning jog and shower. When I wake up, I'm
usually very hungry. So by making this rule, it forces me to want to hurry up and get my jog
over with so I can start chowing down!

A Change For The Better

At first, you’ll probably hate me for talking you into jogging. You might even start sending me
hate mail. But it won’t take long before you start to love it. It will be a way for you to turbo
charge your day. A great alernative to coffee.

You’ll be ready to tackle whatever life brings you. And you’ll do it with more energy, and
more excitement then you have had in your entire life.

I sincerely hope you try it for yourself. You will be thankful you did.

Note: If you enjoyed this article, be sure to read my follow-up article about how to make
your jogging workout a habit.

Satu daripada hobi terbesar hari ini ialah berjoging pada waktu pagi. Ia adalah semata-mata jalan terbaik yang
saya tahu hari cuti.
Tetapi mengapa perkara pertama pada waktu pagi? Kenapa tidakmenunggu sehingga selepas kerja atau
kemudian pada waktu petang?
Jangan mendapat saya salah, joging setiap hari sangat berfaedah tidak kira pukul berapa anda lakukannya.
Tetapi melakukan ia pada waktu pagisemakin baik pada pendapat saya. Dan di sini mengapa…
Satu ujian telah dilakukan sekali dengan kumpulan orang yang besaryang bersenam berjimat. Mereka
telah diberikan senaman sama biasamembuat persembahan setiap hari untuk satu bulan.
Bagaimanapun , separuh daripada kumpulan melakukan perkarapertama senaman mereka pada waktu
pagi. Sebelah yang lainlakukannya apabila mereka turun dari kerja. Mereka telah dipaksa untuk bersama ia.
Dan kemudian selepas satu bulan, mereka adalah bebaslakukan ketika mereka gembira.
Selepas beberapa bulan-bulan yang lalu, mereka meminta kumpulan jika mereka bercadang
meneruskan rutin senaman mereka. Mengejutkan,kumpulan yang bersenam pada waktu pagi ialah 80% lebih
berkemungkinan bersama senaman mereka berbanding dengankumpulan yang lain.
Itu agak satu kesimpulan mengejutkan! Jadi…
Ia mungkin bukan mudah pada mulanya, tetapi sekali anda masuk tabiatjoging pada waktu pagi, anda akan sangat
berkemungkinan bersama ia untuk seumur hidup. Sudah tentu, bahawa ialah di mana masalah berlaku. Anda
perlu masuk tabiat melakukan ia.
Saya tahu apa anda adalah berfikir, “Tiada cara! Itu adalah bukan saya.” Begini, ia boleh jadi anda! Dan ia lebih
mudah kemudian anda fikir. atu daripada tabiat-tabiat terbesar anda boleh memasuki dalam hidup anda joging pada
waktu pagi. Ia adalah semata-mata jalan terbaik yang saya tahu memulakan kanan hari cuti.
Tetapi mengapa perkara pertama pada waktu pagi? Kenapa tidakmenunggu sehingga selepas kerja atau
kemudian pada waktu petang?
Jangan mendapat saya salah, joging setiap hari sangat berfaedah tidak kira pukul berapa anda lakukannya.
Tetapi melakukan ia pada waktu pagisemakin baik pada pendapat saya. Dan di sini mengapa…
Satu ujian telah dilakukan sekali dengan kumpulan orang yang besaryang bersenam berjimat. Mereka
telah diberikan senaman sama biasamembuat persembahan setiap hari untuk satu bulan.
Bagaimanapun , separuh daripada kumpulan melakukan perkarapertama senaman mereka pada waktu
pagi. Sebelah yang lainlakukannya apabila mereka turun dari kerja. Mereka telah dipaksa untuk bersama ia.
Dan kemudian selepas satu bulan, mereka adalah bebaslakukan ketika mereka gembira.
Selepas beberapa bulan-bulan yang lalu, mereka meminta kumpulan jika mereka bercadang
meneruskan rutin senaman mereka. Mengejutkan,kumpulan yang bersenam pada waktu pagi ialah 80% lebih
berkemungkinan bersama senaman mereka berbanding dengankumpulan yang lain.
Itu agak satu kesimpulan mengejutkan! Jadi…
Ia mungkin bukan mudah pada mulanya, tetapi sekali anda masuk tabiatjoging pada waktu pagi, anda akan sangat
berkemungkinan bersama ia untuk seumur hidup. Sudah tentu, bahawa ialah di mana masalah berlaku. Anda
perlu masuk tabiat melakukan ia.
Saya tahu apa anda adalah berfikir, “Tiada cara! Itu adalah bukan saya.” Begini, ia boleh jadi anda! Dan ia lebih
mudah kemudian anda fikir.

Membuat Ia Satu Rutin

Saya kena meminta sepanjang masa bagaimana saya boleh bangunbegitu awal dan memulakan joging. Dan jawapan
Ia baru tabiat.
Ia sebaik sahaja mudah mendapat dalam tabiat joging sambil iamendapat dalam tabiat sedang
menonton televisyen. Kebanyakan orangsekadar memilih TV kerana ia memerlukan kurang usaha.
Benda yang paling susah di dunia buat ialah memecahkan tabiat lama. Anda miliki mungkin dibuat ia satu
tabiat lakukan sangat sedikit apabila anda terlebih dahulu bangun. Lebih panjang anda miliki dibuat ia, lebih keras ia
ialah untuk memecahkan daripada tabiat. Tetapi jika andahendak dapatkan dalam tabiat satu joging di waktu pagi, di
sini ialah apa saya mencadangkan anda buat…
Pertama, keluar pakaian senaman anda dan meletakkan mereka di sebelah katil anda. Adakah ia berhabis-
habisan jadi anda boleh bersiapdan pergi. Adakah ini jadi perkara terakhir anda buat sebelum anda tidur setiap malam.
Kedua, memberitahu seseorang mengenainya. Beritahu seorang sahabat yang esok anda
akan bermula masuk ke tabiat joging dalampagi. Ini akan membantu anda bertindak. Anda tidak mahu mereka pada
menyoal anda keesokan harinya bagaimana kerja anda ialah dan anda dengan kecewa memberitahu mereka kamu
tidak lakukannya. Ini akan menjadi perkara terakhir yang bersetuju fikiran anda sebelum andamemutuskan jika
anda sebenarnya merupakan akan lakukannya.
Akhirnya, tidak mengambil hari cuti. OK, saya meneka anda boleh berehatpada hari Ahad. Tetapi tidak langkau satu
hari kerja “hanya kerana.” Inisangat penting apabila anda ialah pertama mula bertolak.
Ia telah dikatakan yang ia mengambil 21 hari untuk membuat sesuatusatu tabiat. Demikian
membuat pasti yang pertama 21 hari anda janganbiarkan diri anda mati. Ini adalah sesuatu yang ialah akan
mengubahhidup anda, jadi terus terlibat bagi ia.
Jika anda mahu, mula menetapkan penggera anda 10-20 minit terdahulumembenarkan diri anda banyak masa. Ini
akan memastikan yang andatidak mempunyai sebarang alasan untuk langkau satu hari.
Tidak kira bagaimana letih anda apabila anda bangun, selepas kira-kira dua minit ke dalam anda joging kabus akan
memulakan pergi jauh dalamfikiran anda dan anda akan jaga. Dan anda akan bersengkang matasepanjang sepanjang
hari, tidak kira betapa sedikit anda tidur malam semalam.

Kemas Kini: Satu perkara yang telah bekerja benar-benar baik untuk saya adalah saya membuat
satu peraturan bahawa saya tidak dibenarkanmakan sarapan sehingga saya telah mendapat joging di waktu
pagi danhujan saya. Bila saya bangun, saya biasanya sangat lapar. Jadi dengan membuat undang-undang ini,
ia memaksa saya untuk mahu cepatlahdan mendapat saya joging atas dengan jadi saya boleh
memulakanchowing jatuh!

Satu Perubahan Bagi Lebih Baik

Pada mulanya, anda mungkin akan membenci saya untuk bercakap anda ke dalam joging. Anda mungkin juga mula
menghantar saya surat benci.Tetapi ia tidak akan mengambil masa yang lama sebelum
andamemulakan kasihkan ia. Ia akan menjadi satu cara untuk anda untuk casturbo hari anda. Seorang yang
hebat alernative untuk kopi.
Anda akan siap menyelesaikan walau apa pun hidup membawa anda. Dan anda akan lakukannya dengan lebih
banyak tenaga , dan lebih banyak keriangan kemudian anda dapat dalam keseluruhan hidup anda.
Saya ikhlas berharap anda cuba ia untuk diri anda. Anda akan bersyukurmemang.
Nota: Jika anda menikmati artikel ini, jadi pasti membaca artikel lanjutansaya tentang bagaimana untuk
membuat senaman joging anda satu tabiat.

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