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Rizky Hidayatullah, Andika Ari Saputra, Dian Risky Amalia,

dan Umar Alfaruq A. Hasyim
Fakultas Tarbiyah, Institut Agama Islam Ma’arif NU Metro

This research is aimed to improve the reading comprehension through schema
activation strategy. Classroom Action Research (CAR) was conducted in two cycles and
each cycle consisted of four phases. They were planning, acting, observing, and reflecting.
The subjects of the study were 34 students of Class VIII A of SMP Muhammadiyah 1
Godean. There were two forms of data in this study. The qualitative data were collected
through observation and interview. The data were presented in the form of field notes and
interview transcripts. Then, the quantitative data were collected through Pre-test, Posttest I,
and Posttest II. In reference to the application of the two cycles, the results of the research
revealed that use of schema activation strategy successfully improved the students‘ reading
comprehension. The students‘ interest and attention in the process of teaching and learning
English, especially reading improved. They were also able to explore many words related to
the topic of the lesson. In relation to their comprehension of English texts, the students were
able to identify main ideas and supporting details of paragraphs correctly.

Keywords: reading comprehension, Schema Activation Strategy, student interest



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman reading comprehension
melalui penggunaan Schema Activation Strategy. Dalam melakukan penelitian ini, Peneliti
menggunakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) sebagai metode penelitian. Penelitian
dilakukan dalam dua siklus dan masing-masing siklus terdiri dari empat fase. Yaitu fase
persiapan, aksi, observasi dan refleksi. Subjek penelitian adalah 34 siswa dari kelas VIII A
SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Godean. Ada dua macam data yang dihimpun pada penelitian ini.
Data kualitatif dikumpulkan melalui observasi dan wawancara. Kemudian data
dipresentasikan dalam bentuk catatan dan transkip wawancara. Sedangkan, data kuantitatif
dikumpulkan melalui Pre-Test, Post-test I, dan Post-test II. Hasil yang didapatkan setelah
menerapkan dua siklus, yaitu penggunaan Schema Activation Strategy berjalan sukses
meningkatkan pemahaman siswa pada bab Reading. Minat siswa dan perhatian dalam
proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, khususnya peningkatan dalam
pemahaman Reading. Para siswa mampu mengeksplorasi banyak kata terkait topik
pelajaran. Para siswa juga mampu memahami teks Bahasa Inggris, siswa juga mampu
untuk mengindentifikasi ide pokok dan juga detail paragaraf secara benar.

Kata Kunci: Strategi Schema Activation, pemahaman reading, minat siswa

INTRODUCTION be a good writer, they have to be a good

Mastering reading is very important reader. Unfortunately, common readers,
for students to be able to master English’s especially young learners, do not have a
skills. For example, a student who wants to good reading comprehension in


understanding English passages well and depends on how much related schemata
effectively. There are several problems that which the readers possess while reading.
appear in the field of education. First, the Anderson’s (1994:469) states that
students usually found difficulties in research stresses that more than one
comprehending the text if they did not interpretation of text is possible; the schema
know a lot of the words in the text. Making that is activated is based on the culture of
prediction activity was also successful to the reader. Relation between schema theory
build connection between the students‘ and reading comprehension cannot be
prior knowledge and the new material. denied that schema or readers‘background
Students were able to make some knowledge gives a big contribution for the
predictions about the text by looking at the success of comprehending a text. Relevant
detail of the pictures and the title of the text. research according to Tanjung, Astuti, &
Those activities made the students Arisandi (2019: 377), interest can increase
comprehend the text more easily. student participation in learning, and make
According to Moreillon (2007), there students more active and responsive in
are Schema Activation Strategy. A schema understanding a lesson. The importance of
is a mental structure in which people store activating readers‘ background knowledge,
all the information they know about people, teachers should be able to create and
places, objects, or activities. If people have conduct some strategies which are able to
no schema for a particular topic, they begin recall and relate students‘ background
that encounter with an immediate loss of knowledge with the text given.
comprehension. This metaphor helps Moreillon (2007) suggests that
educators think in terms of the necessity of readers make three types of connection in
familiarity and comfort with a topic if the building their schema. They are text-to-self,
reader is to be successful at making text-to-text, and text-to-world. Text-to-self
meaning. By assessing students‘ schemas connections require that educators know the
and activating or building background children in their care and be familiar with
knowledge, they offer students critical students‘ home lives and local
support for comprehension. In addition, communities. When modelling text-to-self
Brown (2001) also states that content connections, educators can use think-aloud
schemata includes what we know about questioning to share their thinking
people, the world, culture, and the universe, processes. Posing and answering questions
while formal schemata consists of our can be an effective vehicle for making
knowledge about discourse structure. comprehension through background
Zhao & Zhu (2012:111) said that knowledge accessible to students. When
comprehension is termed as an interactive educators make effective connections
process which works between the text and between students’ home and school lives,
reader's background knowledge. Therefore, and as students build their school-based
it always happens that readers contribute background knowledge, learners can be
more information than the print on page. guided to make connections between texts.
Readers understand what they read since Snow (2002: 11) defines reading
during reading they tend to take the comprehension as the process of
stimulus beyond its graphic representation simultaneously extracting and constructing
and assign its membership to an appropriate meaning through interaction and
group of concepts which are already stored involvement with written language. Such
in their memories. The reading process, three dimensions as the reader, the text and
therefore, involves comprehend it. the activity are entailed from the definition.
Nevertheless, they must be able to relate The identities and capacities of readers, the
new things to what they already know if texts that are available and valued, and the
they are to comprehend texts. In other activities in which readers are engaged with
words, readers‘ understanding of a text those texts are all influenced by, and in

JURNAL PENELITIAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN Volume 12, Nomor 2, September 2019


some cases, determined by, the elements and work down towards smaller
sociocultural context. The sociocultural elements to build comprehension of what is
context mediates students‘ experiences, just being read (Anderson in Nunan, 2003: 71).
as students‘ experiences influence the In this process, reading begins with the
context (Snow, 2002). reader background knowledge.
In relation to the above theories, Lenz Another process is the combination of
(2005) puts forward that reading bottom-up and top-down. It is usually
comprehension is the process of construting called as an interactive processing.
meanings from the text. It means that the Proccesing sees reading as a process of
reading comprehension process involves interaction between top-down and bottom
the student‘s ability to make relationship up skills, supporting a combination of
between his/her background knowledge and language development, decoding and
their purpose of reading with the meanings strategy development. It combines the
of the text. Koda (Grabe, 2009) highlights ability when reading the text itself and
that comprehension occurs when the utilizes the background knowledge in mind
student extracts and integrates various to understand what a text is about.
information from a text, and combines it The use of comprehension strategies
with what is already known. Furthermore, in the teaching of reading is important. It
Carrel and Eisterhold (1983) claim that influences the students‘ reading
comprehending a text is an interactive comprehension. In relation to the use of
process between the student‘s background reading comprehension strategies
knowledge and the text. Efficient compre- Zimmerman and Hutchins cited in
hension requires the ability to relate the Moreillon (2007) propose seven strategies.
textual material to one‘s own knowledge. Some of them are as follows.
In general, the processes of Activating or Building Background
comprehension involve top-down, bottom- Knowledge; Activating background
up, and interactive process. Carrell & knowledge refers to students recalling what
Eisterhold (1983: 557) notes that bottom-up students know about the topic of a text
processing is evoked by the incoming data; before reading and during reading for
the features of the data enter the system learning the content as fully as possible and
through the best fitting, bottom-level linking the new content to prior
schemata. Schemata are hierarchically understanding. When the reader can
organized, from most general at the top to connect what he/she is reading to something
the most specific at the bottom. In bottom- already known, background knowledge is
up processing, readers have to recognize being utilized to make sense of the new
linguistic signals such as letters, information.
morphemes, syllables, words, phrases,
grammatical cues, discourse markers and Second is Using Sensory Images;
impose them with their linguistic data- Sensory experiences are a significant aspect
processing mechanisms (Brown, 2001). of student‘s background knowledge. When
The readers identify the components of a people think about their sensory
text from smaller components up to the experiences, they are creating represen-
bigger one. tations of those experiences in their
Top-down is the process used by the memories (Marzano in Moreillon, 2007). In
readers to understand a text through their this strategy, the use of senses (sight,
knowledge. Goodman in Brown (2001: hearing, touch, taste and smell) in
299) notes that in top-down model, readers understanding texts plays an important role.
were required to make use their background Inviting students to close their eyes and
knowledge to make prediction and imagine the text as it is read aloud, and then
inference in order to understand the reading asking them to share the pictures in their
texts. Readers start with the largest

Schema Activation Strategy in Reading Comprehension to Improve Student’s Interest


heads, is the basic technique used to teach ways. It is especially important that
visualization. students should be allowed to express their
Then, Questioning; Questioning feelings about the topic.
refers to students asking or writing self- And third, Types of Classroom
initiated questions about the content of a Performance in Reading. According to
text, before and during reading, to help Brown (2001), variety of reading
them understand the text and the topic. performance in the language classroom is
Students‘ reading processes change derived more from the variety of texts than
dramatically when they pose questions from the variety of overt types of
about the topic of a book or text before performance. Those types of classroom
reading. Their questioning serves several reading performance are explained as
roles in the comprehension process. If they follows.
are students‘ personal questions, they come Oral and silent reading.
from the students‘ knowledge. They flow Occasionally, a teacher has a reason to ask
out of personal experiences and represent a student to read orally. At the beginning
those experiences as the students encounter and intermediate levels, oral reading can
new ones. serve as an evaluative check on bottom-up
In teaching English, a teacher as the processing skills, double as a pronunciation
center and facilitator to the students in the check, andserve to add some extra student
classroom needs to prepare some teaching participation if the teacher wants to
strategies and principles to teach the highlight a short segment of a reading
students so that they can understand well passage (Brown, 2001).
what the teacher teaches in the classroom. Intensive and extensive reading,
According to Harmer (2001), there are six according to Brown (2001), silent reading
teaching principles that may be appropriate may be subcategorized into intensive and
in teaching reading that is summarized extensive reading. Intensive reading is
below. First, reading is not a passive skill. usually a classroom-oriented activity in
Reading is an incredibly active occupation. which students focus on the linguistic or
To do it successfully, readers have to semantic details of a passage. Intensive
understand what the words mean, see reading calls students‘ attention to
pictures the words are painting, and grammatical forms, discourse markers, and
understand the arguments. If readers do not other surface structure details for
do those things, then they only just scratch understanding literal meaning, implica-
the surface of the text and quickly forget it. tions, rhetorical relationship, and the like.
Second, students need to be engaged Intensive reading may also be a totally
with what they are reading. Students who content-related reading initiated because of
are not engaged with the reading text, not subject-matter difficulty.
actively interested with what they are Extensive reading is carried out to
doing, are less likely to benefit from it. achieve a general understanding of a longer
When they are really fired up by the topic text. Most extensive reading is performed
or the task, they get much more from what outside of class time. Therefore, pleasure
is in front of them. Students should be reading is often extensive. By stimulating
encouraged to respond to the content of a reading for enjoyment or reading where all
reading text, not just to the language. concepts, names, dates, and other details
It is important to study reading texts need not be retained, students gain an
for the way they use language, the number appreciation for the effective and cognitive
of paragraphs they contain and how many window of reading (Brown, 2001).
times they use relative clauses. However, When having a reading activity in the
the meaning, the message of the text, is classroom, teachers should not ask students
important and teachers must give students a to read certain text on certain page without
chance to respond to that message in some any introduction or hints on anything

JURNAL PENELITIAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN Volume 12, Nomor 2, September 2019


special to do while reading. According to following steps: preliminary activity,

Brown (2001), there is three-part planning, action and observation,
framework in teaching reading. They are reflection.
Before reading. In this part, teachers should The first technique of collecting data
spend some time introducing a topic, using qualitative method consists of
encouraging skimming, scanning, predic- observation, fieldnotes and interview. The
ting, and activating schemata. Students can researcher did an observation dealing with
bring the best of their knowledge and skills the real situation of the teaching and
to a text when they have been given a learning process. Notes or field notes are
chance to ease into‖ the passage. descriptions and accounts of events in the
While reading. In this part, teachers research context which are written in
should give students a sense of purpose relatively factual and objective style
from reading rather than just reading (Burns, 1999). The researcher took notes in
because they are ordered to do that. After each observation done. The researcher took
reading. The focus of this part is a form of notes to all activities during the lesson and
activity appropriate for post-reading. The also noted about the students’ reaction and
activity can be in the form of studying response to the learning.
vocabulary, identifying the author‘s The teacher conducted interviews
purpose, discussing the author‘s line of from pre-research, in the process of action
reasoning, examining grammatical struc- and at the end of the research. The
tures, or steering students toward a follow researcher made interviews with the teacher
up writing exercise. and the students. In the pre-research, the
researcher made interviews in order to
METHODS know problems that both the teacher and the
Burn (1999) states that action students faced especially in reading a
research is the application of fact finding to lesson. The interview were given in the
practical problem solving in a social process of the action and at the end of the
situation with a view to improve the quality research was aimed to know how far the
of action within it, involving the action influences the students’ reading
collaboration and cooperation of re- comprehension.
searchers, practitioners and laymen. Second, the technique of collecting
This action research uses the model the data using quantitative method is a test.
developed by Kemmis and McTaggart. In this research, the researcher used the
According to the model, the implemen- objective test type for both pre-test and
tation of the action research includes four post-test. The result of the test was analyzed
steps. They are as follows, identifying to know the students ability in reading
problems and planning the action, comprehension. The result could indicate
implementing the action and observing or whether the use of schema activation
monitoring the action, reflecting the result strategy was effective or not.
of the observation, and, revising the plan for
the following step (Burns, 1999). RESULT AND DISCUSSION
The subject of the research was the Result
eighth grade students of SMP Preliminary activity
Muhammadiyah 1 Godean. The eighth The first step in conducting this
grades are divided into five classes. They research was diagnosing the problems in the
are class VIII A up to VIII E. In this reading comprehension and learning
research, the writer chose VIII A. This class process. A field survey would be carried out
consists of 30 students. to know the real condition of the class that
The researcher will use the action would be used to apply the researcher’s
research procedures suggested by Burns classroom action research. The forms of the
(1999). The procedures consisted of the survey were interview, class observation

Schema Activation Strategy in Reading Comprehension to Improve Student’s Interest


and pre-test. The interview was done with Post-Test II

an English teacher and some students from The post-test was conducted on
their classes. The questions were about the Thursday, August 4, 2016. The result
general condition about teaching reading showed that There was one student or 2.94
comprehension, the teachers’ activities and % who belonged to very poor category
strategy, and the students’ problem in because his score was between 0-49 There
reading class. were three students or 8.82% who belonged
to average category because their scores
Pre-Test were between 60 – 75. There were fourteen
The test was conducted on July 20, students or 41.17% who belonged to
2016 then the result of the data showed that average category because their scores were
twenty five students or 73.52 % belonged to between 76 – 85. There were sixteen
very poor category because they got score students or 47.05% who belonged to very
less than 50. There were six students or good category because their scores were
17.64% who belonged to poor category between 86 – 100. The mean was 83.17%.
since they got score between 50 – 59. Two It was higher than the mean in post-test 1.
students or 5.44% who got score between The highest score obtained was 96, and the
60- 69 and they belonged to average lowest score obtained was 44. There was
category. There was a student or 2.94% some improvement in the students’ reading
who belonged to good category because he comprehension after schema activation
got score between 70 – 85 and none of the strategy was applied. The majority of the
students gained more than 85. The mean students passed the passing score based on
was 45.21 The highest score obtained was KKM or Minimum Competence Criteria.
76, and the lowest score obtained was 28. It Interview
could be said that only one of thirty four A conversation had been discussed
students or 2.94% passed based on KKM, with teacher who taught eighth grade
while others failed. students. The result of interview with the
teacher were as follows: student enjoyed in
Post-Test I learning reading comprehension, and the
Post-test II was carried out on teacher got easy in reading teaching
Thursday, July 28 , 2016. The result showed learning process.
that eleven students or 32.35 % got score An interview had been done with
between 60- 75 and belonged to average some students of eighth grade about reading
category. There were nine teen students or comprehension. the students had been
55.88 % belonged to good category because found out in reading comprehension were
they got score between 76 – 85. There were as follows: the students felt enjoy with the
four students or 11.76% achieved more than strategy, the students were not bored of the
85 the mean was 76.58, It was higher than reading class, the students found it easy to
the mean in the pre-test. The highest score comprehend reading text, the students
obtained was 88, and the lowest score found it easy to comprehend the meaning of
obtained was 60. There was improvement question in English.
of the students’ reading comprehension
after schema activation strategy was Discussion
applied. The majority of the students Based on the data analyzed in this
increased their score but the target had not research, the use of Schema Activation
been achieved yet because only twenty four Strategy was effective to improve the
of thirty four students or 67.64 % who had students‘ reading comprehension. The four
passed KKM or Minimum Competence steps, i.e. building the students‘ interest and
Criteria or KKM while the other student attention, accessing prior knowledge and
failed. exploring key words, building connection
between the students‘ prior knowledge and

JURNAL PENELITIAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN Volume 12, Nomor 2, September 2019


the new material, and comprehending the REFERENCE

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text more easily. Memory. Theoretical models and
The uses of pictures and of processes of reading. Newark, Del.
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effective to assess the students‘ prior Burns, Anne. (1999). Collaborative Action
knowledge. Making prediction activity was Research for English Language
also successful to build connection between Teachers. New York: Cambridge
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background knowledge. Therefore, it Guthrie, John, T., Allan Wigfield, Kathleen
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group of concepts which are already stored London: Longman Group Ltd.
in their memories. The reading process, Lenz, K. (2005). An Introduction to
therefore, involves comprehend it. Reading Comprehension. Available
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new things to what they already know if
they are to comprehend texts. In other Moreillon, Judy. (2007). Collaborative
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effective to improve student’s interest in Snow, C E. (2002). Reading for
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Schema Activation Strategy in Reading Comprehension to Improve Student’s Interest


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JURNAL PENELITIAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN Volume 12, Nomor 2, September 2019

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