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Family Planning and Contraception

1. The following are principles of Family planning EXCEPT:

a. Know your own belief first to be nonjudgmental and respectful
b. Method of choice is an individual decision and inform consent is needed
c. Never advise a permanent method
d. None of the above
2. The only method accepted by the Catholic Church.
a. Natural Method
b. Symptothermal Method
c. Lactational Amennorrhea Method
d. Social Method
3. A method that is a combination of Billings and BBT method?
a.Natural Method
b.Symptothermal Method
c.Lactational Amennorrhea Method
d.Social Method
4. Which of the following are examples of natural method?
a. Billing’s or cervical mucus method and Basal Body Temperature ( BBT)
b. Coitus interruptus and Coitus reservatus
c. Coitus interfemura and Coitus intramammas
d. Both b & C
5. The following are examples of social method of family planning;
a. Billing’s or cervical mucus method and Basal Body Temperature ( BBT)
b. Coitus interruptus and Coitus reservatus
c. Coitus interfemura and Coitus intramammas
d. Both B & C
6. The basis of this natural method is the flow of mucus from the cervix of the
uterus. In this method the woman can decern her fertile and infertile days
based on her sensory and visual observations of the cervical mucus, when
it becomes thin and watery the term is spinnbarkeit. The intercourse is
avoided 4 days prior up to 3 days after spinnbarkeit.
a. Billing’s or cervical mucus method
b. Basal Body Temperature ( BBT)
c. Symptothermal method
d. Lactational Amenorrhea method (LAM)

7. This natural method involves observing the temperature of the woman at rest,
free from any factor that may cause it to fluctuate, the temperature is taken
immediately after awakening before arising. As soon as the temperature drops
slightly and then increases ( when temp. increases it means the woman is now
ovulating) the woman should count 3 to 4 days to abstain from intercourse.

a. Billing’s or cervical mucus method

b. Basal Body Temperature ( BBT)
c. Symptothermal method
d. Lactational Amenorrhea method (LAM)

8. This is the most effective natural method of family planning. The combination
of billings and BBT. Fertile and infertile days are determined after having
established as accurate record of sex immediately preceding menstrual cycles
then watching out for BBT fluctuations.

a. Billing’s or cervical mucus method

b. Basal Body Temperature ( BBT)
c. Symptothermal method
d. Lactational Amenorrhea method (LAM)

9. This method is only effective if the mother is purely breast feeding and is not
yet having her menses.

a. Billing’s or cervical mucus method

b. Basal Body Temperature ( BBT)
c. Symptothermal method
d. Lactational Amenorrhea method (LAM)

10. Menstruation of a mother who bottle feeds her infant resumes between 2 – 3
months while mother who breast feeds resumes between;
a. 3 – 4 months
b. 4 – 5 months
c. 4 - 6 months
d. 5 – 6 months

11. The following are social method of family planning, this is also known as the
withdrawal method and said to be the least effective method due to premature

a. Coitus interruptus
b. Coitus reservatus
c. Coitus interfemura
d. Coitus intramammas

12. A sex without ejaculation and is popular among sex workers;

a. Coitus interruptus
b. Coitus reservatus
c. Coitus interfemura
d. Coitus intramammas

13. A penis rubbed in between the femur is termed as coitus interfemura while
when it is rubbed in between the breast the term is;

a. Coitus interruptus
b. Coitus reservatus
c. Coitus interfemura
d. Coitus intramammas

14. This method is also known as the Calendar method wherein the couple
abstains from intercourse on days that the woman is fertile;

a. Biological method

b. Physiological method
c. Natural Method

d. Mechanical Method

15. This method is under biological method, and is effective if the mother has a
regular cycle. The 1st step is to determine the cycle then subtract 14 days from the
beginning of the next cycle. From the ovulation day, subtract 4-5 days and add 4-5
days then the result will be the unsafe days and abstinence is advised. Take note
ovulation day occurs 14 days before the next menstruation.

a. Rhythm method

b. Pills

c. Depo Medroxy Progesterone Acetate or Depo Provera ( DMPA)

d. Norpalant

16. All of the following are example of Physiological method of family planning

a. Rhythm method

b. Pills

c. Depo Medroxy Progesterone Acetate or Depo Provera ( DMPA)

d. Norplant

17. This physiological method is 99.9 % effective, the actions is it prevents

ovulation by inhibiting the APG ( Anterior Pituitary Gland) production of FSH (
Follicle Stimulating Hormone) and LH ( Leuteinizing Hormone) which are essential
for the maturation and rupture of follicle.

a. Rhythm method

b. Pills

c. Depo Medroxy Progesterone Acetate or Depo Provera ( DMPA)

d. Norplant

18. Adverse effect of this contraceptive is breakthough bleeding;

a. Rhythm method

b. Pills

c. Depo Medroxy Progesterone Acetate or Depo Provera ( DMPA)

d. Norplant

19. Which of the following are contraindications to the use of pills?

a. History of thromboembolism and estrogen- dependent tumor

b. Active liver pathology,Hypertriglyceridemia, Hypertension and Diabetis


c. Undiagnosed dysfunctional bleeding, Pregnancy and age greater than 35

years with associated heavy smoking ( 15 cigarettes per day)

d. All of the above

20. The following are side effect of oral contraceptive (pills) EXCEPT:

a.Poor memory for compliance

b. Diabetes

c. Thrombophlebitis and varicosities

d. Vulvular heart disease

21. Which of the following are side effects of oral contraceptives and Depo-

a. Breast Cancer and Liver Diseases

b. Undiagnosed vaginal bleeding of all forms

c. Retrofexed or irregular shaped uterus, valvular heart disease

d. . Infection, cystocele and rectocele

22. Which of the following are side effects of Intra Uterine Device (IUD)?

a. Breast Cancer and Liver Diseases

b. Undiagnosed vaginal bleeding of all forms

c. Retrofexed or irregular shaped uterus, valvular heart disease

d. . Infection, cystocele and rectocele

23. In case a mother who is taking an oral contraceptive (OC) for a long time
plans to have a baby, she would wait for at least how many months before she
should be pregnant?

a. 3 months

b. 6 months

c. 9 months

d. 1 year

24. If a new oral contraceptive is prescribed, the mother should continue taking
the previously prescribed contraceptive and begin taking the new one when?

a. on the 1st day

b. on the 1st day of the next menses

c. before going to bed on the day it was prescribed

d. all of the above

25. If OC is forgotten for one day, immediately take the forgotten tablet plus the
tablet scheduled that day. If forgotten for 2 consecutive days or more days, your
advice as a nurse is?
a. Take all together the forgotten OC

b. Take 1 in the morning and take the other 2 in the evening before going to

c. Use another method for the rest of the cycle and then start again

d. any of the above

26. Immediate discontinuation is advised to the mother if she

experience/experiences which of the following?

a. Severe leg cramps

b. Abdominal pain and Chest pain

c. Headache and eye problem

d. all of the above

27. DMPA or Depo Medroxy Progesterone Acetate or Depo Provera is a type of

contraceptive given intramuscularly, and is advice the nurses,midwives or
mothers not to massage the injection site as this can shorten the duration of
effectivity . And this method is given every how many months?

a. every 6 months

b. every 3 months

c. every 9 months

d. every year

28. This is a 6 match sticks like capsule or rod, implanted subdermally . It contains
progesterone that inhibits ovulation and is good for 5 years. What is this?

a. Norplant

b. Diaphragm

c. Cervical cap
d. Condom

29. A mechanical method that affects motility of the sperm and ovum, prevents
implantation , 99.7 % effective and is inserted during menstruation of after
delivery. What is this?

a. IUD

b. Diaphragm

c. Cervical cap

d. Condom

30. Most common complication of this device is excessive menstrual flow while
the most common problem is expulsion of the device, what is this?

a. IUD

b. Diaphragm

c. Cervical cap

d. Condom

31. A barrier that is made up of latex inserted to the erected penis or lubricated
vagina to prevent sperm to enter to the vagina. It gives highest protection in the
prevention of STD’s and is disposable however it lessens sexual satisfaction.

a. IUD

b. Diaphragm

c. Cervical cap

d. Condom

32. A barrier that is made of rubberized material, it has a dome shape and is
inserted into the cervix to prevent sperm to get inside the uterus. It is reusable,
needs to be kept in place 6 hours after sexual intercourse.And must be refitted
especially if there is weight gain or loss of 1.5 lbs.

a. IUD

b. Diaphragm

c. Cervical cap

d. Condom

33. It is more durable than diaphragm that snugly fits to the cervix. It can stay in
place for more than 24 hours and no need to reapply spermicides.

a. IUD

b. Diaphragm

c. Cervical cap

d. Condom

34. Abnormal pap smear is a contraindication to;

a. IUD

b. Diaphragm

c. Cervical cap

d. Condom

35. Foams,Jellies and creams are chemical barriers. This one is responsible for
killing the sperm;

a. Foams

b. Jellies

c. Spermicide

d. all of the above

36. The two general methods of family planning are reversible and irreversible.
Irreversible means;

a. Permanent

b. Temporary

c. Both A & B

d. None of the above

37. It is an irreversible type of family planning for woman;

a. Vasectomy

b. Bilateral Tubal Ligation

c. Isthmus

d. Vas deference

38. It is the removal of vas deference and is no immediate sterility.

a. Vasectomy

b. Bilateral Tubal Ligation

c. Isthmus

d. Vas deference

39. The father must be taught that he should have at least 30 ejaculations or 0
sperm count before considering a safe sex, is a nursing intervention for?

a. Vasectomy

b. Bilateral Tubal Ligation

c. Isthmus

d. Vas deference
40. This method gives immediate sterility to woman, preparation before the
surgery are: NPO for 8 hours, no medication for 24 hours and no coitus for 1

a. Vasectomy

b. Bilateral Tubal Ligation

c. Isthmus

d. Vas deference

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