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Construction and Building Materials 143 (2017) 234–246

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Toxicity characteristics and durability of concrete containing coal ash as

substitute for cement and river sand
Mahdi Rafieizonooz a,⇑, Mohd Razman Salim b, Jahangir Mirza c, Mohd Warid Hussin d, Salmiati b,⇑,
Rawid Khan e, Elnaz Khankhaje a
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Skudai, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Center of Environmental Sustainability and Water Security (IPASA), RISE, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Dept. of Materials Science Research Institute of Hydro-Québec Varennes (Montreal), Québec J3X 1S1, Canada
UTM Construction Research Centre (UTM CRC), Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Skudai, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan

h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t

 Sustainable concrete produced with

coal bottom ash and fly ash as
Fly Ash Cement
substitute for fine aggregate and OPC, Sulphate Attack

respectively. Blended Cement

 Compressive strength, sulfate attack,

acid attack and elevated temperature Ash
effects on the coal ash concrete are Fine Aggregate Age (days)

Change in compressive strength %

 Pulse velocity, reduction in mass, Water
ơf = 6.6581ơm - 10.94
R² = 0.9288
Coal Fired Power Plant
change in strength and micro- Coarse Aggregate Elevated
structural tests are performed. Temperature
Fabrication of Coal Ash Concrete
 TCLP test is performed to analyze the
leaching behavior of BA, FA and coal
Mass loss in %
ash concrete.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The main aim of this study was to investigate the toxicity characteristics and durability of concrete con-
Received 11 December 2016 taining bottom ash (BA) and fly ash (FA), as partial or total replacement of fine aggregate and Ordinary
Received in revised form 3 March 2017 Portland cement (OPC), respectively. Concrete mixtures were prepared containing 0, 20, 50, 75 and
Accepted 16 March 2017
100% of BA as a substitute for river sand and 20% of FA as a replacement for OPC. Tests carried out were
Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure (TCLP), sulfate and acid attack (change in compressive
strength, microstructure and weight) and elevated temperature effects (loss in compressive strength
and mass as well as change in pulse velocity). Results showed that submerging coal ash concrete
Bottom ash
Fly ash
(CAC) mixtures in 5% sulfuric acid solution resulted in less reduction of compressive strength and mass
Toxicity characteristics loss compare to that of the control concrete. Moreover, sulfate resistance tests on concrete mixtures indi-
Coal ash concrete cated that there were no mass loss and no reduction in compressive strength of all the mixtures after sub-
Compressive strength mersion in 5% magnesium sulfate solution. CAC showed higher weight loss and greater compressive
Sulfate attack strength reduction at elevated temperatures. From TCLP results, it is concluded that none of the elements
Sulfuric acid attack leached higher than the maximum concentration of contaminants for toxicity characteristics. It indicates
Elevated temperature that transportation, disposal and utilization of BA and FA as clean construction material’s replacement
could be utilized to reduce their environmental problems, increase efficiency and reduced unit cost pro-
duction of concrete.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

⇑ Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: (M. Rafieizonooz), ( Salmiati).
0950-0618/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Rafieizonooz et al. / Construction and Building Materials 143 (2017) 234–246 235

1. Introduction Elevated temperature is also capable of affecting the perfor-

mance of concrete during its intended lifetime. The main
At present, concrete is one of the most extensively used materi- causes, which influence the heat resistance of concrete, are
als in construction projects. Most of the materials used in the pro- temperature and duration of fire, type of cement and aggre-
duction of concrete are natural aggregates such as river sand and gates used in its structure, the relative humidity of concrete
crushed stone. In Malaysia, natural resources used as fine aggre- and size of structural members. Once the temperature
gate are diminishing rapidly. High consumption of natural surpasses 100 °C, the existing water in the concrete will begin
resources has led to environmental degradation [1]. Consequently, to vaporize and subsequently build up internal pressure inside
decreasing the utilization of these resources as construction mate- the concrete. Excessive internal pressure causes cracks and
rials through the application of industrial by-products wastes in spalling of concrete. At temperature of near 500 °C, the calcium
manufacturing concrete is a right step towards sustainable devel- silicate hydrate (C-S-H) in concrete starts to decompose and
opment [2–5]. dehydrate and at near 900 °C, C-S-H gel will decompose
Previous researches showed that it is possible to produce dur- completely. The compressive strength of concrete decreases
able and sustainable concrete utilizing industrial by-products due to C-S-H gel decomposition which then results in the
waste materials such as red mug aggregates, silica fume, blast fur- development of cracks.
nace slag, coal fly ash (FA) and coal bottom ash (BA), etc. [5–7]. In BA is a spongy material and its presence as substitute for river
Malaysia, generating power results in a staggering production of sand in concrete will result in a spongy structure. Concrete with
BA and FA with rates of 1.7 and 6.8 million tons annually respec- higher sponginess can be assumed as positive when it is exposed
tively. By the year 2024, it is predicted that Malaysia will have to to high temperature of up to 200 °C. The cause might be due to
rely on coal and gas (58% and 25% respectively) to generate elec- the incomplete evaporation of internal water. Yuksel et al. [17]
tricity [8]. Although there are some disparities between the afore- assessed the effects of high temperature on the performance of
mentioned figures and those of 2014 (43% coal), it is likely that the BA concrete and found that by increasing the temperature, residual
requirement for fossil fuels could increase. This increase in utiliza- compressive strength reduced with increasing in the replacement
tion of coal will lead to generate of more coal ash that could even- ratio.
tually result in more environmental problems. However, our literature study reveals that some of these wastes
Several studies have investigated the performance of concrete contain heavy metals, which can be leached to the environment.
incorporating BA as a river sand (fine aggregate) replacement [9– Therefore, during production process, evaluation of leaching per-
11]. Accordingly, the microstructure and strength properties of formance of replacement materials is essential. There are several
concrete incorporating BA as replacement of fine aggregate researches documenting heavy metal concentrations and leachates
showed encouraging results [12,13]. Mohammadhosseini et al. in coal ash from different countries such as Australia [18], USA
[14] studied the durability performance of concrete incorporating [19], India [20], South Africa [21], Zimbabwe [22] and Pakistan
palm oil fuel ash (POFA) as cement replacement with the addition [23], etc. The majority of these studies focused on leaching behav-
of waste carpet fibers. They reported that the effect of POFA on ior of heavy metals from unbound coal ash. However, their findings
durability performance of concrete at longer curing periods was are in contrast with each other: Some researchers [24,25] stated
more significant. Hyeok-Jung et al. [15] investigated the effects of that some heavy metals could be leached out from coal ash;
tire derived fuel ash (TDFA) as replacement of cement on the dura- whereas others [22,26,27] reported that the leaching of mentioned
bility of binder concrete. They reported that concrete containing elements from coal ash was unimportant. These conflicting find-
TDFA could provide a reasonable improvement in durability due ings might be due to differences in leaching method and proce-
to packing effect. dures, variability in type and origin of coal burned, types of
The durability performance of concrete containing palm oil boiler, degree of coal pulverization, firing conditions in the furnace,
waste materials was studied by Islam et al. [16]. They found that ash handling practice and processing technologies used in thermal
the increase in POFA by up to 50% gave improved sulfate resistance power stations.
of the OPS concrete. Singh and Siddique [13] studied the perfor- The objectives of this research were to evaluate the leaching
mance of concrete containing BA as sand replacement when behavior of BA, FA and crushed concrete particles containing
exposed to sulfuric acid attack. According to their study, after 100% BA as river sand and 20% FA as cement replacement respec-
84 days of immersion time, BA concrete containing 100% BA as tively. Furthermore, effects of utilizing BA and FA as partial or total
replacement of natural river sand, showed 56% reduction in 28 d substitution of fine aggregates and OPC, respectively, on concrete
compressive strength as compare to 66% reduction for normal con- properties such as toxicity characteristics, compressive strength
crete at the same period of immersion. However, the combination and durability were investigated. Durability characteristics of the
of utilizing FA as partial replacement of OPC and BA as partial or concrete were determined using micro-structural analysis with
total replacement of sand had been studied by only few researches Scanning Electron Micrographs (SEM) for both sulfate and sulfuric
[7]. The detailed studies concerning the durability of concrete acid attacks and Ultra Pulse Velocity (UPV) for elevated
incorporating BA as sand and FA as OPC substitute are required temperature.
before they can be accepted in the production of concrete as con-
struction material.
Moisture movements in concrete are able to cause deterioration 2. Experimental program
due to the effects of both sulfuric acid and sulfate attack. Concrete
made with BA as fine aggregate replacement have demonstrated 2.1. Materials
notable performance when subjected to the aforementioned chem-
ical attacks. Singh and Siddique [13] studied the performance of 2.1.1. Cement
concrete containing BA as sand replacement when exposed to sul- In this research, Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) used met the
fate and sulfuric acid attack. The authors observed that durability standard requirements of ASTM C150 [28]. Table 1 summarizes its
of BA concrete increased slightly compared to that of control con- chemical compositions. In addition, the OPC possessed a blain sur-
crete when subjected to sulfuric acid attack. In addition, they also face area of 3990 cm2/g, specific gravity of 3.15 and soundness
found that the resistance characteristics of BA concrete to sulfate value of 1.0 mm as well as initial and final setting times of 125
attack were almost similar to that of normal concrete. and 210 min, respectively.
236 M. Rafieizonooz et al. / Construction and Building Materials 143 (2017) 234–246

Table 1
Chemical composition of OPC, FA and BA.

Compound OPC (%) FA (%) BA (%) ASTM C 618 – 15 (%)

SiO2, Silicon dioxide 20.4 47.6 45.3 –
Al2O3, Aluminium oxide 5.20 23.8 18.1 –
Fe2O3, Iron oxide 4.19 7.4 19.84 –
CaO, Calcium oxide 62.39 10.7 8.70 –
MgO, Magnesium oxide 1.55 1.50 0.69 5.0 max
Na2O, Sodium oxide – 2.1 – –
K2O, Potassium oxide 0.005 1.4 2.48 –
TiO2, Titanium oxide – 2.92 3.27 –
P2O5, Phosphorus pentoxide – 1.16 0.351 –
MnO, Manganese oxide – 0.12 0.248 –
SO3, Sulfur trioxide 2.11 0.73 0.3 5.0 max
BaO, Barium oxide – 0.1 0.311 –
LOI Loss on ignition (%) 2.36 0.43 0.1 6.0 max
SiO2 + Al2O3 + Fe2O3 29.79 78.82 83.24 70 min

2.1.2. Fly ash (FA) BA Sand Lower Limit Upper Limit

The FA was obtained from Tanjung Bin coal power plant, located 100
in Johor, Malaysia. It was incorporated as 20% substitution of 90
cement in all coal ash concrete (CAC) mixtures with specific gravity 80

Percent Passing
of 2.45, blain surface area of 3450 cm2/g and soundness of 1.0 mm.
Table 1 shows its chemical composition. 50
Through FESEM image (Fig. 3), it is shown that in contrast to BA, 40
FA had a regular and spherical shape. It also had smaller particles. 30
As shown in Fig. 1 and through XRD result, Quartz (SiO2), Mullite 20
(Al6Si2O13) and iron oxide (Fe2O3) are the main phases present in 0
FA. The sum of SiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3 was approximately 78.82%, 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
which can be categorized as Class F in accordance to ASTM C618 Particle Size (mm)
Fig. 2. Grading curve of BA and Sand.

2.1.3. River sand

The river sand used complies to the description of ASTM C778
[30] and its gradation was in agreement to the requirement of was 83.24%. In addition, the loss on ignition (LOI) value of BA
ASTM C33/C33M [31]. The fine aggregate of river sand was was around 0.1%. Physical characteristics of BA, sand and coarse
obtained from Sungai Sayong quarry, Johor (Malaysia). Its physical aggregate are shown in Table 2. The particles of BA in contrast to
characteristics are displayed in Table 2. FA particles are irregular, bigger in size and have rough texture
(Fig. 3). Fig. 1 indicates that Quartz, Mullite, Tridymite syn and iron
2.1.4. Coal bottom ash (BA) oxide are the main phases present in the BA.
Similar to FA, BA was obtained from Tanjung Bin coal power
plant. Fig. 2 illustrates the particle size distribution of both the 2.1.5. Coarse aggregate
BA and river sand. BA was graded according to the requirements The crushed limestone was collected from Bukit Namu quarry,
of ASTM C33/C33 M [31]. Prior to using BA as sand replacement, Johor, Malaysia. Its physical properties are presented in Table 2.
it was sieved through a 4.75 mm sieve. Its chemical composition In this research, the maximum size of the coarse aggregate was
is summarized in Table 1. The total SiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3 in BA 20 mm.

Q: Quartz
M: Mullite
I: Iron oxide
Q T: Tridymite syn



Fig. 1. XRD spectrum of FA and BA.

M. Rafieizonooz et al. / Construction and Building Materials 143 (2017) 234–246 237

Fig. 3. FESEM image of BA and FA.

Table 2 is extensively applied to categorize hazardous solid wastes and

Physical characteristics of BA, sand and coarse aggregate. estimate the maximum leachate concentration under landfill con-
Material BA River sand Coarse aggregate ditions [33]. 50 g oven dried samples of BA, FA and crushed CAC4
Specific gravity 1.88 2.62 2.69
under investigation was weighed and placed in a 2 Liter High Den-
Water absorption (%) 11.61 7.4 0.61 sity Polyethylene (HDPE) bottles. The particle size of the crushed
Fineness modulus 3.44 2.67 6.48 concrete and BA was kept less than 9.5 mm according to the
requirement of the TCLP procedure [34]. It was then extracted for
18 h with an amount of extraction liquid equal to 20 times (Liquid
2.2. Concrete mixture Proportioning and casting to Solid 20:1) the weight of the solid phase.
The extraction liquid employed was chosen based on the waste
Various percentages of BA (0–100%) as fine aggregate and FA alkalinity: Extraction Fluid 1: pH = 4.93 ± 0.05 for sample with ini-
(0–60%) as OPC replacement were used to prepare sixteen batches tial pH < 5 and Extraction Fluid 2: pH = 2.88 ± 0.05 for sample with
of concrete. Based on the compressive strength and workability initial pH > 5. For this study extraction fluid 1 was selected due to
results of initial sampling, the concrete mixtures with 20% FA as initial pH for materials (BA, FA and CAC4 particles) below 5. Anal-
OPC substitute and various percentages of BA (25, 50, 75 and ysis of the samples was performed in triplicate and the pH of the
100%) as river sand substitution were selected for further analysis. filtrate was measured. The leachates were maintained highly acidic
In this research, saturated surface dry (SSD) BA and river sand (using nitric acid) to avoid any change in concentration and stored
were utilized. BA was used by mass in concrete as fine aggregate at 4 °C for metal analysis.
substitute. In addition, 205 kg/m3 of water was used for all mixes
to obtain a fixed water to cement ratio (w/c) of 0.55. The amount 2.3.2. Compressive strength
of cement and slump range were the same for all prepared Based on BS EN 12390-03 [35], the compressive strength was
concrete mixes, which were 375 kg/m3 and 6–18 cm respectively. measured at the intervals of 7, 28, 91 and 180 days of curing. The
To calculate the mixture propositions (Table 3), the British cube specimens with SSD condition were exposed to a 3000 kN
method, BS EN 206 [32] was utilized. The components of concrete compression testing apparatus. Subsequently, a constant load
were blended in a 0.03 m3 capacity mixer. Concrete cubes of was applied to all the samples at the rate of 5.0 kN/s. This was done
100 mm  100 mm  100 mm size were cast to evaluate the until the samples could no longer withstand any further additions
compressive strength and durability properties when subjected load.
to sulfuric acid attack, sulfate attack and elevated temperature.
2.3.3. Acid resistance
2.3. Test methods The resistance of concrete cube samples were examined after
being subjected to external sulfuric acid attack [36]. Each concrete
2.3.1. TCLP sample was weighed after initial curing period of 28 days in water.
The United States of Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) Subsequently, the samples were exposed to 5% sulfuric acid solu-
established toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP). TCLP tion. The changed in compressive strength and mass reduction of

Table 3
Mixture proportion.

Codes Mix proportions (Kg/m3) Slump (mm)

Cement Fine aggregate W (w/c =0.55) Coarse aggregate
FA Cement BA Sand
Control 0 375 0 780 205 1035 73
CAC1 75 300 141 585 205 1035 92
CAC2 75 300 281 390 205 1035 76
CAC3 75 300 422 195 205 1035 53
CAC4 75 300 562 0 205 1035 37
238 M. Rafieizonooz et al. / Construction and Building Materials 143 (2017) 234–246

the samples were evaluated after 28 d, 91 d and 180 d of submer- compared to BA and FA. It might be due to encapsulation process
sion period in 5% sulfuric acid solution respectively. The percent- caused by cement paste. From previous studies, it is revealed that
age loss in mass of each sample after submersion in acid solution cement paste yields a chemical bonding and physical encapsula-
was calculated using Eq. (1): tion for retaining trace elements including heavy metals effectively
Winitial  Wt
W ð%Þ ¼  100 ð1Þ The results of this research are in agreement with the findings
by [22,27,38]. They also found that the leaching of heavy metals
where W (%) is the percentage mass loss, Winitial is the mass of the from coal ash concrete were insignificant and should be ignored.
samples before submersion in sulfuric acid solution and Wt is the In fact, disposal, transportation and utilization of BA and FA could
mass of the samples at (t) days after submersion in sulfuric acid be considered as construction materials in production of sustain-
solution. able concrete. However, long term leaching test as well as pH
The decrease in compressive strength after submersion in sulfu- dependant leaching test should be carried out for understanding
ric acid solution was calculated using Eq. (2): the leaching behavior of compacted and impermeable material like
f cð28 dÞ  f cðtdÞ
f c ð%Þ ¼  100 ð2Þ
f cð28 dÞ
3.2. Compressive strength
where fc is the compressive strength reduction, fc (28 d) represents
28 days compressive strength of the concrete specimens and Fig. 4 illustrates the findings of the compressive strength test.
fc (t d) is the compressive strength at (t) days after submersion in From the Figure, it is clear that the development of compressive
sulfuric acid solution. strength for CAC mixtures upon curing time were almost compara-
SEM determined the microstructure analysis of concrete speci- ble to that of the control concrete. Additionally, with the increment
mens exposed to sulfuric acid solution. of BA content as sand substitute, the compressive strength of CAC
mixtures reduced after 7 d of curing. At the curing time of 7 d, the
2.3.4. Sulfate resistance compressive strength of mixtures CAC1 (20% FA – 25% BA), CAC2
The sulfate resistance of concrete was determined by evaluating (20% FA – 50% BA), CAC3 (20% FA – 75% BA) and CAC4 (20% FA –
the decrease in compressive strength and weight loss observed in 100% BA) were 9.9%, 18.6%, 22.8% and 25.8% less when compared
the concrete mixtures after submersion in 5% magnesium sulfate to the compressive strength of the control concrete mix, C0,
solution at different ages. The decrease in compressive strength respectively.
and weight of samples were evaluated after 28 d, 91 d and 180 d Likewise, at the age of 28 d, all four experimental mixtures
of submersion in 5% magnesium sulfate solution respectively. showed lower compressive strength in comparison to the control
Compressive strength reduction was calculated using Eq. (2). concrete. In contrast to the control concrete, the compressive
SEM was used to determine the microstructure analysis of con- strength of the experimental CAC mixtures increased at a higher
crete mixtures after being exposed to magnesium sulfate. rate with the increase in the curing age. After 91 d of curing time,
the compressive strength of all mixtures was almost similar to
2.3.5. Heat resistance each other. It could be due to pozzolanic activity of BA and FA
The heat resistance of concrete specimens was evaluated by particles.
heating them in a furnace at temperatures of up to 800 °C. Concrete At the age of 180 d, the compressive strength of CAC mixtures
cube specimens were prepared as per procedure outlined in com- CAC1, CAC2, CAC3 and CAC4 were 35.9 MPa, 36.0 MPa, 36.6 MPa
pressive strength test and with the same mixing proportion as and 36.1 MPa respectively. On the contrary, the control concrete
shown in Table 3. Prior to testing, three specimens of all concrete attained 35.9 MPa. It can be concluded that at the curing age of
mixtures were weighed, tested for UPV and compressive strength 180 d, all the experimental CAC mixtures exhibited almost identi-
without any elevated temperature at normal temperature of cal compressive strength when compared to the normal control
27 °C. Subsequently, other concrete specimens were exposed to concrete. This increase in compressive strength of CAC mixtures
temperatures of 200 °C, 400 °C, 600 °C and 800 °C (three specimens can be attributed to pozzolanic activity of BA and FA particles.
for each temperature for each mixture) at an incremental rate of The pozzolanic reaction between BA and FA particles and free lime
4.4 °C per minute. Upon acquiring the desired temperature, the in concrete leads to the creation of secondary C-S-H gel in CAC
specimens were placed inside the furnace for approximately 1 h. mixtures which is responsible for better mechanical properties
The specimens were allowed to cool naturally inside the furnace after 180 d of curing time.
at 25 ± 2 °C. Finally, hardened concrete tests were conducted for The outcomes of this research were comparable to that reported
the compressive strength and UPV test. by [12,39,40]. They similarly found no considerable change in the
compressive strength of concrete incorporating BA as sand
3. Results and discussion

3.1. TCLP 3.3. Acid resistance

The toxicity of BA, FA and crushed concrete particles of CAC4 Sulfuric acid might be produced from either sulfur dioxide pre-
mixture (containing 100% BA as sand replacement and 20% FA as sents in the atmosphere or bacterial processes in the sewerage sys-
replacement of cement) were analyzed by the Toxicity Characteris- tem which attacks the concrete due to the presence of acid. The
tic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) test. According to U.S. EPA [34] and formation of sulfuric acid in pipe lines by bacteria results in the
based on initial pH of BA, FA and CAC4 particles, extraction fluid 1 deterioration of concrete sewer pipes. Sulfuric acid reacts with C-
was selected for TCLP method. Table 4 shows the results of TCLP in S-H gel in the concrete and forms calcium sulfate. The reaction of
comparison with standard regulation. According to this table, all of C-S-H gel with sulfuric acid also leads to the production of silicate
the elements showed much lower leaching results than standard oxide (SiO2). The reduction in compressive strength, weight loss
regulation as mentioned by US EPA SW-846. In addition, the con- and change in microstructure of CAC samples against submersion
centration of heavy metals in CAC4 particles was reduced when in 5% sulfuric acid solution are discussed. The average of the three
M. Rafieizonooz et al. / Construction and Building Materials 143 (2017) 234–246 239

Table 4
BA, FA and CAC4 particles TCLP test result (mg/L).

Materials As Ba Be Cd Cr Co Cu Pb Hg Ni Se Ag Tl V Zn
BA 0.004 0.491 0.005 0.005 0.027 0.002 0.020 0.023 0.047 0.033 0.006 0.073 0.030 0.004 0.196
FA 0.093 0.107 0.019 0.011 0.294 0.008 0.037 0.024 0.000 0.082 0.033 0.028 0.008 0.000 0.047
CAC4 0.000 0.426 0.002 0.001 0.015 0.009 0.000 0.011 0.000 0.014 0.001 0.006 0.002 0.000 0.021
Standard Limitation 5.00 100.00 0.75 1.00 5.00 80.00 25.00 5.00 0.20 20.00 1.00 5.00 7.00 24.00 250.00

Control CAC1 CAC2 CAC3 CAC4 decomposition of C-S-H gel. Furthermore, the mixtures experi-
40 enced loss of cement paste and sample size reduction.
Upon 180 days of submersion, the percentage reduction in
Compressive Strength (MPa)

strength for CAC mixtures CAC1, CAC2, CAC3 and CAC4 were
47.83%, 46.96%, 40.86% and 41.68% respectively as compared to
25 52.68% reduction in the 28-day compressive strength control con-
20 crete. The percentage reduction of 28-day compressive strength of
15 CAC mixtures decreased with the increase in BA content as fine
aggregate replacement. These observations may be due to the
lower permeability of CAC samples, which subsequently improved
the resistance to the external sulfuric acid attack.
0 50 100 150 200
Age (days) 3.3.2. Microstructure
SEM image of concrete mixtures CAC1, CAC2, CAC3 and CAC4
Fig. 4. Change in compressive strength with time for control and CAC mixtures. after 180 days submersion in 5% sulfuric acid solution are shown
in Fig. 6. The SEM images indicated that all CAC mixtures became
more permeable upon submersion for up to 180 days. In general,
samples taken from the same mixture was used to evaluate the as the sulfuric acid attack progresses, the C-S-H gel decalcifies
reduction in compressive strength and mass loss. and therefore the Ca/Si molar ratio decreases. Moreover, because
of the loss of cement paste, the specimen’s size is reduced. As
shown in Fig. 6, the permeability decreased by increasing the con-
3.3.1. Compressive strength reduction
tent of BA in CAC. It could be due to creation of extra C-S-H gel by
Fig. 5 presents the development of the compressive strength of
pozzolanic reaction between BA and FA particles with free lime in
all concrete mixtures after submersion in 5% sulfuric acid solution.
concrete. This demonstrated that concrete containing higher per-
Compressive strength of CAC mixtures CAC1, CAC2, CAC3 and CAC4
centage of BA as replacement of river sand would exhibit better
decreased by 29.22%, 27.11%, 27.83% and 27.21% respectively after
performance against sulfuric acid attack than that of the normal
28 days of submersion period, as compared to 35.82% reduction in
the control concrete mixture, C0. In fact, after 28 days of submer-
sion, the compressive strength of CAC mixture CAC3 incorporating
75% BA and control concrete mix, C0, decreased from 25.0 MPa to 3.3.3. Loss in weight
18.0 MPa and 31.0 MPa to 19.9 MPa respectively. Fig. 7 represents the percentage of mass loss in concrete speci-
After 91 days of submersion period, the values of the 28-day mens after submersion in 5% sulfuric acid solution for up to
compressive strength of all concrete mixtures showed a decrease. 180 days. Generally, CAC mixtures showed slightly better perfor-
Reduction values in the 28-day compressive strength of concrete mance than the control mixture after the said submersion time.
mixtures C0, CAC1, CAC2, CAC3 and CAC4 were 47.03%, 40.66%, Following 28 days of submersion, loss in mass of CAC mixtures
39.77%, 36.23% and 36.72% respectively. The decrease is due to sul- CAC1, CAC2, CAC3 and CAC4 were 10.44%, 10.66%, 10.35% and
furic acid affecting the concrete matrix to weaken and led to 10.39% respectively as compared to 10.62% that of the control


Compressive strength (MPa)




28 91 180
Age (days)

Fig. 5. Compressive strength reduction after submersion in sulfuric acid solution.

240 M. Rafieizonooz et al. / Construction and Building Materials 143 (2017) 234–246


Fig. 6. SEM of concrete mixtures CAC1, CAC2, CAC3 and CAC4 after 180 days submersion in sulfuric acid solution.


Mass loss in % age

7 14 28 60 91 180
Age (days)

Fig. 7. Influence of BA and FA on resistance of concrete to the external sulfuric acid attack (mass reduction).

mixture, C0. The mass loss of CAC specimens reduced with the Next, at 180 days of submersion, concrete mixtures CAC1, CAC2,
increase in BA content in CAC. It might be due to more water is CAC3 and CAC4 recorded mass loss as high as 13.25%, 13.11%,
withhold with BA particles. 12.71% and 12.94% as compared to 13.41% for the control mix,
At 91 days of submersion period, loss in weight of CAC mixtures C0. It is believed that by increasing the BA content in concrete
CAC1, CAC2, CAC3 and CAC4 increased to 12.66%, 12.61%, 12.11% and due to the pozzolanic properties of both BA and FA, the perme-
and 12.39% respectively. Similarly, the loss in weight of control ability of CAC reduced, unlike the normal concrete. The lower per-
mix, C0, during the same period increased to 12.78%. meability of CAC resulted in lower percentage of loss weight in the
M. Rafieizonooz et al. / Construction and Building Materials 143 (2017) 234–246 241

CAC specimens in comparison to that of the normal concrete 3.4.1. Changes in compressive strength
specimen. The increment in compressive strength of all concrete speci-
mens following the submersion in 5% magnesium sulfate solution
was compared to their obtained 28-days compressive strength, as
3.3.4. Relation between reduction in compressive strength and
shown in Fig. 9. After 91 days period of immersion, the increase in
percentage of weight loss (acid resistance)
the 28-days compressive strength of CAC mixtures CAC1, CAC2,
Fig. 8 represents the relation between the weight loss of
CAC3 and CAC4 were 22.35%, 24.64%, 24.39% and 23.38% respec-
concrete specimens and their decrease in compressive strength
tively as compared to 21.44% increase for the control concrete mix-
against the submersion in 5% sulfuric acid solutions. The higher
ture, C0.
value of coefficient of determination, R2, demonstrated that
Upon 180 days period of immersion, the increase in the 28-days
there was a good relation between the regression trend and
compressive strength of all concrete mixtures C0, CAC1, CAC2,
data points. The mass loss increased almost linearly with the
CAC3 and CAC4 were 25.18%, 27.67%, 29.81%, 31.99%, and 30.66%
reduction in compressive strength of the concrete samples.
respectively. The increment in the strength of CAC after submer-
The relation between the reduction in compressive strength
sion in 5% magnesium sulfate solution might be due to the contin-
and weight loss could be due to sulfuric acid submersion and
uous hydration of cement paste and the filling of voids with extra
is given by:
C-S-H gel formed due to the pozzolanic action of both BA and FA.
The confined voids within the formation of ettringites could be
f ¼ 1:5687m þ 35:183 R2 ¼ 0:8605 ðauthorÞ the reason that there was no reduction in compressive strength
Singh and Siddique [13] reported virtually similar relationship and mass loss. The formation of ettringites in voids and continued
between the two variables, which was given by: hydration of concrete mixtures disrupted the connectivity of pores,
which caused the higher decrease in concrete mixtures’ permeabil-
f ¼ 4:2383m þ 7:21 R2 ¼ 0:9467 ity. Due to the reduction in connectivity of pores in the concrete
specimens, the penetration of sulfate ions reduced. Moreover, the
[13] where ơf is the percentage of compressive strength loss and ơm increase in durability of CAC mixtures subjected to sulfate attack
is the percentage of loss in weight. could be due to the lower permeability of CAC mixtures than con-
The percentage reduction of CAC specimens’ compressive trol mix. Singh and Siddique [13] found that the compressive
strength following 28 days was approximately 1.57 times the strength of the concrete incorporating BA as a substitute for river
percentage of weight loss. This is in accordance with the linear sand increased over their 28-days compressive strength after
regression line, obtained in current research. 180 days of submersion in 10% magnesium sulfate solution. Simi-
larly, Irassar et al. [44] indicated that the compressive strength of
concrete specimen incorporating 40% FA as a substitute of cement
3.4. Sulfate resistance showed an increase of 86% compared to its 28-day compressive
strength after an submersion period of one year.
Sulfate attack can cause changes in microstructure, mass loss
and alteration in compressive strength in concrete. One of the 3.4.2. Microstructure
most important factors in protecting the concrete against external The deterioration of hardened concrete due to creation of
sulfate exposure is the permeability of concrete. Given that the ettringite and gypsum undergoes a process, which results in the
exposure to magnesium sulfate has more intense effect on con- decrease in both strength and stiffness. The first step of ettringite
crete, all concrete samples were subjected to 5% of magnesium formation is also known as the gypsum formation, which can be
sulfate solution. In extensive diversity of resources such as under- identified as the main reason of deterioration of concrete upon
ground water, soil with high levels of clay, storm water, sea water exposure to sulfate attack. SEM images of CAC mixtures CAC1,
and mines, sulfate ions could be found [41]. The effects of sulfate CAC2, CAC3 and CAC4 after 180 days of submersion period in 5%
on concrete are ascribed to the expansion of gypsum and ettrin- magnesium sulfate solution are shown in Fig. 10. It can be seen
gite. The sulfate ions intrude into the concrete and react with that there were no considerable creation of any new distinct
portlandite Ca(OH)2 to generate ettringite and gypsum. The phases. Actually, Fig. 10 illustrated that no sulfate ion diffusion
ettringite then absorbs moisture to produce expansion and thus existed on or near to surface of the specimens. Indeed, no monosul-
causes expansion which leads to cracking and spalling in concrete fate morphologies and gypsum were detected in all the specimens
structure [42,43]. to demonstrate the effects of sulfate attack. Additionally, all the
SEM images showed spread and dense C-S-H gel.
3.4.3. Mass loss
Compressive strength (MPa)

20 No spalling and cracks were detected in all the specimens dur-

ing the entire period of experiment. Furthermore, no weight loss in
18 all the mixtures was detected, even after 180 days of submersion in
5% magnesium sulfate solution. The results of this study is compa-
16 rable to that stated by Singh and Siddique [13]. In their research,
the authors observed no loss in mass in their specimens after
f = -1.5687 m + 35.183
14 210 days of submersion in 10% magnesium sulfate solution.
R² = 0.8605

12 3.5. Heat resistance

The most important factors, which influence the resistance of
8 10 12 14 16
concrete to the elevated temperature, are the types of cement
Mass loss in %
and aggregate used and their mixing ratio, moisture content of
Fig. 8. Relationship between reduction in compressive strength and weight loss the concrete, size of the structural member as well as the temper-
after 180 days submersion in 5% sulfuric acid solution. ature and duration of fire. During the heating progression, certain
242 M. Rafieizonooz et al. / Construction and Building Materials 143 (2017) 234–246



Change in compressive strength %






28 91 180
Age (days)

Fig. 9. Alteration in compressive strength after submersion in magnesium sulfate solution.


Fig. 10. SEM images of concrete mixtures CAC1, CAC2, CAC3 and CAC4 after 180 d submersion in magnesium sulfate solution.

transformations may arise such as chemical decomposition, mois- Fig. 11 shows the development of cracks in the CAC3 mixture
ture evaporation and internal vapor pressure. During the early surface when subjected to elevated temperature. It is clear that
stages of the heating process, transformations may not be suffi- by increasing the temperature, the number, size and depth of
cient to cause any cracks. cracks increased. The compressive strength of the concrete is thus
The presence of water in the concrete will only begin to vapor- reduced because of the dehydration of C–S–H gel and cracks
ize when the temperature surpasses 100 °C and subsequently, development.
building up internal pressure inside the concrete. The excessive
internal pressure then leads to few spalling and cracks of concrete. 3.5.1. Effects on compressive strength
At a temperature of approximately 500 °C, the C-H-S gel in the con- Table 5 displays the effects on compressive strength of the con-
crete begins to dehydrate and decompose and at approximately crete mixtures when subjected to elevated temperatures. Consid-
900 °C, the C-H-S gel decomposes completely. ering the results of residual compressive strength achieved at
M. Rafieizonooz et al. / Construction and Building Materials 143 (2017) 234–246 243

200 ° C 400 C

a b

° °
600 C 800 C

c d
Fig. 11. Development of cracks in surface texture of CAC3 specimen when subjected to different elevated temperatures.

different temperatures, the evaluation of temperature effects was the control concrete performed better in contrast to all the CAC
based on three temperature zones, namely, zone A, B and C with mixtures. This may be due to the complete dehydration and
temperature ranges of 27–200 °C (zone A), 200–400 °C (zone B) decomposition of extra C-H-S gel in the CACs. Also by increasing
and 400–800 °C (zone C). the BA content, the compressive strength of CAC mixtures
The residual compressive strength of all concrete specimens decreased. It could be attributed to the fact that more water was
decreased gradually with the increase in temperature in zone A withheld by BA particles thus, more evaporation and internal pres-
but at a quicker rate within zone B. On the other hand, a sudden sure existed in CAC mixtures. Eventually it results in more reduc-
reduction was observed in zone C. The decrease in compressive tion in compressive strength with increased disruption in
strength in zones A and B could be ascribed to the steady dehydra- concrete matrix and cement paste.
tion and decomposition of the cement paste, therefore changing
the physical properties of the concrete from SSD condition to a 3.5.2. Mass loss
dry condition. While in zone C, the sudden reduction in residual The influence of high temperature on the mass reduction of
compressive strength detected may be caused by the complete both normal and CAC are shown in Fig. 13. Test data revealed that
decomposition of calcium hydroxides and partial dehydration of mass loss occurred in both control concrete and CAC specimens
C-H-S gel, which occurred at a temperature of over 450 °C. due to the exposure to elevated temperatures. In addition, mass
Fig. 12 represents the decrease in compressive strength of both loss increased with the rising of temperature. This was expressed
normal and CAC mixtures when exposed to elevated temperature as a percentage of original weight (weight before heating) between
of up to 800 °C. It is seen that in zone A, the CAC showed better per- room temperature (27 °C) and mass when subjected to a targeted
formance than the control concrete. However, in the zones B and C, temperature.

Table 5
Effects of elevated temperatures on compressive strength of concrete.

Change in compressive strength (MPa)

Mix Normal 91 d Temperature ° C
200 400 600 800
C0 34.48 31.41 26.67 18.12 6.64
CAC1 33.44 29.41 22.44 15.88 4.27
CAC2 34.55 31.72 22.94 16.94 5.31
CAC3 34.20 33.14 28.06 17.49 5.02
CAC4 33.85 32.85 28.14 17.99 4.62
244 M. Rafieizonooz et al. / Construction and Building Materials 143 (2017) 234–246

Control CAC1 CAC2 CAC3 CAC4




Mass loss in %

200 400 600 800
Temperature °C

Fig. 12. Reduction in compressive strength when subjected to elevated temperatures.

Mass loss observed in all zones was a result of evaporation of 100

Change in Compressive strength in %

moisture from the concrete surface to the environment [45]. The 90
loss in mass of concrete when subjected to elevated temperature
might be ascribed to the changes in mechanical properties and
stiffness of the concrete. The structure of the concrete deteriorates 70 f = 6.6581 m - 10.94
as confirmed by the high weight reduction with the increase in 60 R² = 0.9288
temperature. Owing to the fact that the evaporation of water in 50
C-S-H formation and disintegration of Ca(OH)2, the binding proper- 40
ties of the cement paste is lost [13,46]. CAC showed higher loss in 30
weight when exposed to higher temperature. This might be due to
the greater moisture content withheld by BA and FA particles.
Moreover, the loss in weight escalated with the increase of BA con- 10
tent in CAC. 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
3.5.3. Relation between compressive strength loss and mass reduction Mass loss in %
(heat resistance)
Fig. 14. Relation between reduction in compressive strength and mass loss.
Fig. 14 shows the relation between compressive strength loss
and mass reduction of all concrete mixtures due to exposure at ele-
vated temperature. The higher R2 value demonstrated that there is
a good relation amongst the regression trend and data points. The
where ơf represents the percentage of compressive strength loss
reduction in compressive strength due to elevated temperature
and ơm signifies the reduction in weight in percentage.
almost increased linearly with increase in weight loss of the con-
According to the linear regression line that was achieved in this
crete mixtures. The following equation presents the relationship
research, the percentage reduction in the compressive strength of
between both variables when exposed to a high temperature:
CAC mixtures at 91 days was almost 6.65 times the percentage of
f ¼ 6:6581m  10:94R2 ¼ 0:9288 loss in their weight.

Control CAC1 CAC2 CAC3 CAC4

Change in Compressive strength in %

200 400 600 800
Temperature °C

Fig. 13. Effect of BA and FA on resistance of concrete to elevated temperature (mass loss).
M. Rafieizonooz et al. / Construction and Building Materials 143 (2017) 234–246 245

Table 6
UPV of concrete specimens exposed to high temperatures.

Ultra Pulse Velocity (UPV)

Mix Normal 91 d Temperature ° C
200 400 600 800
C0 4313 3816 2513 574 438
CAC1 4218 3745 2617 520 263
CAC2 4263 3610 2487 537 305
CAC3 4339 3731 2462 561 467
CAC4 4301 3773 2427 568 471

3.5.4. UPV of concrete mixtures subjected to elevated temperatures 75% BA as fine aggregate replacement and 20% FA as cement
Table 6 illustrates the concrete deterioration through Ultrasonic replacement upon 180 days.
Pulse Velocity (UPV) measurements performed at selected temper- 4. The study on the sulfate resistance of concrete indicated better
atures. Initially the changes in UPV values were low, but with the changes in compressive strength of CAC specimens in compar-
increase in temperature, the UPV values reduced drastically. The ison to the normal concrete. Moreover, no weight loss in all
UPV values of C0, CAC1, CAC2, CAC3 and CAC4 mixtures at initial the mixtures was detected even after 180 d period of submer-
temperature were 4313 m/s, 4218 m/s, 4263 m/s, 4339 m/s and sion in 5% magnesium sulfate solution. These results might be
4301 m/s respectively. However, the values in the range of 3610– due to the continuous hydration of the cement paste and filling
3816 m/s were obtained for all concrete mixtures at a temperature of voids with extra C-S-H gel formed, as a result of pozzolanic
of 200 °C. This indicated that all concrete mixtures were of good action of both BA and FA.
quality. However, at temperatures between 400 °C and 800 °C, 5. The CAC mixtures demonstrated higher loss in weight when
the results obtained were believed to be doubtful in terms of qual- exposed to higher temperature rate. This might be because of
ity [47]. larger content of moisture withheld by both the BA and FA par-
The deterioration of the microstructure in the concrete mix- ticles. Reduction in mass due to elevated temperatures
tures resulted in the reduction of UPV values. Topçu and Canbaz increased with the increase in BA content of CAC specimens.
[46] attributed the said form of changes to the decomposition of The CAC mixtures performed better than the control concrete
C-S-H gel at a temperature of over 450 °C, which results in the in the first zone. Conversely, the control concrete showed better
increase in the pores volume and air voids in the structure of performance than all the CAC mixtures in the second and third
concrete. Hence, the speed of sound waves transmission is reduced zones. This was probably due to the complete decomposition
through the concrete samples, which increases the time required and dehydration of extra C-H-S gel in the CAC mixtures. Finally,
for ultrasonic pulse to be transmitted. the results of UPV test showed that at temperature rates of
between 400 °C and 800 °C, the performance and quality of all
4. Conclusions concrete mixtures were believed to be doubtful.

The leaching behaviors of BA, FA and CAC4 particles as well as

effects of the external chemical attack and high temperature on
the concrete properties incorporating both BA and FA as replace-
ment of sand and OPC respectively were studied. The following
The authors thank to Universiti Teknologi Malaysia for the
conclusions can be drawn from this study:
financial support provided through the Ministry of Education
Malaysia under OTR grant, Vot. R.J1300000.7301.4B145. They also
1. Based on the data obtained from TCLP test, it can be concluded
appreciate the support given by the Japan International Coopera-
that none of the elements leached higher than the maximum
tion Agency (JICA) under the scheme of SATREPS Program (Science
concentration of contaminants for toxicity characteristics. It
and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Develop-
indicates that transportation, disposal and utilization of BA
ment) for the project Development of Low Carbon Society Scenar-
and FA as sand and OPC replacement are beneficial to reduce
ios for Asian Region.
their environmental problems as well as increase efficiency
and reduce unit cost production of concrete.
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