Variables & Commands: Susovan Jana

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Variables & Commands

Susovan Jana
Department of Information Technology
Institute of Engineering & Management, Kolkata, INDIA
Email (O):
Email (P):
Creating a Variable
 A variable is simply a name that we assign to a specific value
 The newly created variable will be in the matlab workspace
memory until you clear it or quit the matlab application
 Syntax
─ <variable name>=<value>;
 Example 1:
─ x=7;
 Example 2:
─ name="Suvo“;
 Example 3: Matrix
─ A=[2 4 7; 3 5 1; 6 7 4];

Susovan Jana, Department of Information Technology, IEM, Kolkata, INDIA

Creating a Variable
 Semicolon in the end is not
mandatory. If you do not give
semicolon in the end it will print
the variable and value once in
the command window.
 Type of variable can be will be
determined by the type of value
assigned to it.
 To check the run command:
class(<variable name>)

Susovan Jana, Department of Information Technology, IEM, Kolkata, INDIA

View Variable Contents

Susovan Jana, Department of Information Technology, IEM, Kolkata, INDIA

View Variable Contents

Susovan Jana, Department of Information Technology, IEM, Kolkata, INDIA

View Variable Contents

Susovan Jana, Department of Information Technology, IEM, Kolkata, INDIA

Rules for Naming a Variable [1/4]
 A valid variable name starts with a
letter, followed by letters, digits, or
 MATLAB is case sensitive, so A and a
are not the same variable.
 To get the maximum allowable length
of a variable name in the current
version of MATLAB
─ Run the namelengthmax command

Susovan Jana, Department of Information Technology, IEM, Kolkata, INDIA

Rules for Naming a Variable [2/4]
 MATLAB keywords can’t be used as
variable name, such as for or end.
 To get the complete list of keywords in
your version
─ run the iskeyword command

Susovan Jana, Department of Information Technology, IEM, Kolkata, INDIA

Rules for Naming a Variable [3/4]
 Examples of valid & invalid variable
Examples of valid Examples of invalid
names: names:
x6 6x

lastValue end

n_factorial n!

Susovan Jana, Department of Information Technology, IEM, Kolkata, INDIA

Rules for Naming a Variable [4/4]
 Conflicts with Function Names
─ Avoid creating variables with the same
name as a function.
─ In general, variable names take
precedence over function names.
─ If you create a variable that uses the name
of a function, you sometimes get
unexpected results.
 To check if any variable or function
exists with same name exist in MATLAB
─ exist <proposed name>

Susovan Jana, Department of Information Technology, IEM, Kolkata, INDIA

Predefined Variables [1/3]
 Predefined variables in MATLAB are not considered
as keywords
 We can change their values and use them for our
own purposes
 Be very careful when you are using them
 Example
─ true

Susovan Jana, Department of Information Technology, IEM, Kolkata, INDIA

Predefined Variables [2/3]
Expression Description
pi The number π up to 15 significant digits.
i, j The complex number √−1.
inf Represents the mathematical Infinity concept, for example, a result of division by
NaN Stands for Not-A-Number. Represents the result of a meaningless mathematical
function, like 0/0.
clock Contains the current date and time in the form of a 6-element row vector: year,
month, day, hour, minute, second.
date Contains a string representing today's date.
eps Stands for epsilon. It represents the smallest number that can be represented by your
MATLAB software.
ans A special variable that MATLAB uses to store the result of MATLAB's command line.

Susovan Jana, Department of Information Technology, IEM, Kolkata, INDIA

Predefined Variables [3/3]

Susovan Jana, Department of Information Technology, IEM, Kolkata, INDIA

Display Variables
 Syntax
─ disp(<variable name>);
 Examples
─ disp(x);
─ disp(name);
─ disp(A);

Susovan Jana, Department of Information Technology, IEM, Kolkata, INDIA

Editing Variable Contents

Susovan Jana, Department of Information Technology, IEM, Kolkata, INDIA

Basic MATLAB Commands
 clc
─ clears the command window
 clear <variable name>
─ used to remove particular variable from workspace
 clear all
─ used to remove all variable from workspace
 close all
─ closes all open MATLAB figure windows
 quit
─ stops MATLAB
 help
─ finding help on particular topic
 version
─ Used to know the version of the current matlab

Susovan Jana, Department of Information Technology, IEM, Kolkata, INDIA

Basic MATLAB Commands
 who
─ shows the list of variables in the current workspace
 whos
─ shows the details of the variables in the current workspace

Susovan Jana, Department of Information Technology, IEM, Kolkata, INDIA

Basic MATLAB Commands
 date
─ display the current date of the system
 delete
─ delete a file from system
 cd
─ gives the current directory/used to change the directory
 dir
─ gives the list of files in the current directory
 save
─ save workspace variables into a .mat file
 load
─ load the variables from a file into workspace

Susovan Jana, Department of Information Technology, IEM, Kolkata, INDIA

Input / Output commands
 disp
─ display the contents of a variable
 input
─ accepts inputs from command window

Susovan Jana, Department of Information Technology, IEM, Kolkata, INDIA

Input / Output commands
 fscanf
─ read formatted data from a file
 fprintf
─ performs formatted write on screen or file

Susovan Jana, Department of Information Technology, IEM, Kolkata, INDIA

Some format code & it’s uses
Format Code Purpose
%s Format as a string
%d Format as an integer
%f Format as a floating point value
%n Insert a new line in the output string
%t Insert a tab in the output string

Susovan Jana, Department of Information Technology, IEM, Kolkata, INDIA

Arithmetic operators in MATLAB
Symbol Role Alternative

+ Addition plus()

+ Unary plus uplus()

- Subtraction minus()

- Unary minus uminus()

.* Element-wise multiplication times()

* Matrix multiplication mtimes()

./ Element-wise right division rdivide()

/ Matrix right division mrdivide()

.\ Element-wise left division ldivide()

\ Matrix left divison (also known as backslash) mldivide()

.^ Element-wise power power()

^ Matrix power mpower()

.' Transpose transpose()

Susovan Jana, Department of Information Technology, IEM, Kolkata, INDIA

Relational Operators in MATLAB
Symbol Role Alternative
== Equal to eq()
~= Not equal to ne()
> Greater than gt()
>= Greater than or equal to ge()
< Less than lt()
<= Less than or equal to le()

Susovan Jana, Department of Information Technology, IEM, Kolkata, INDIA

Logical operators in MATLAB
Symbol Role Alternative
& Logical AND and()
| Logical OR or()
~ Logical NOT not()

Susovan Jana, Department of Information Technology, IEM, Kolkata, INDIA


Susovan Jana, Department of Information Technology, IEM, Kolkata, INDIA

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