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Course Name: Introduction to Environmental Science Lab

Course Code: ENV107L Section: 28; Semester: Fall 2021

Task: Assignment 2
Topic: Conservation of resources & Water

Submitted to
Sohana Shabnam (Ph.D.)
Assistant Professor
Department of Environmental Science and Management
North South University

Submitted by
Group D
Name ID Contribution
Aisha Akter Shemu 1722410630 R3- Q1, Q6 ; R4- Q1
K.M. Shamran Hossain 1811355030 R3- Q3, Q4 ; R4- Q2
Md. Safiullah Saikat 1813078030 R3- Q2, Q5 ; R4- Q4
Mir Abidur Rahman 1821439630 R3- Q7, Q8, Q9 ; R4- Q3

Submission Date: October 24, 2021

Table of Contents
Lab Report 3..........................................................................................................................................2

Answer to Q1.....................................................................................................................................2

Answer to Q2.....................................................................................................................................3

Answer to Q3.....................................................................................................................................4

Answer to Q4.....................................................................................................................................5

Answer to Q5.....................................................................................................................................6

Answer to Q6.....................................................................................................................................7

Answer to Q7.....................................................................................................................................8

Answer to Q8.....................................................................................................................................9

Answer to Q9...................................................................................................................................10

Lab Report 4........................................................................................................................................11

Answer to Q1...................................................................................................................................11

Answer to Q2...................................................................................................................................12

Answer to Q3...................................................................................................................................13

Answer to Q4...................................................................................................................................14

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Lab Report 3
Electricity bill analysis to calculate personal energy consumption, some question
regarding energy consumption pattern and conservation of energy, and Ecological
footprint calculation.

Q1. How much did you pay for electricity for that month (Include both including
and excluding vat)? (This may be listed as “Total bill.” Total Dues (Rounded)” is
the amount without VAT. Check to see if your bill includes other utilities, such as
gas, or if your bill covers more than 1 month.)

Answer to Q1.
By Aisha Akter Shemu, 1722410630

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Q2. How many kilowatt hours of electricity did your household use in that
month? (This may be listed as “meter usage,” “recorded demand,” “kWh
consumed,” or “electricity usage.”)

Answer to Q2.
By Md. Safiullah, 1813078030

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Q3. What is the cost you pay per kilowatt hour? (You have to divide the
“Total Energy Charge” by “KWH Consumed”. “Demand Charge” is the
charge that is a set fee paid monthly or seasonally – most customers pay for
the energy they use.)

Answer to Q3.
By K.M. Shamran Hossain, 1811355030

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Q4. Energy efficiency refers to completing a task using less energy input
than usual. For example, an LED light bulb produces the same amount of
light as other bulbs, but with less energy. Where do you see opportunities
to become more energy efficient at your home (mention any two

Answer to Q4.
By K.M. Shamran Hossain, 1811355030

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Q5. Energy conservation refers to behaviors and actions that people can do
to save or use less energy. For example, turning off the lights when you
leave a room is an action you can take that reduces the amount of
electricity you use. Write down any two actions you can take to reduce the
amount of energy you use?

Answer to Q5.
By Md. Safiullah, 1813078030

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Q6. Mr. and Mrs. Rayan went to the market to buy a new Air Conditioner,
a Television and a Stove for their new apartment. a) One Air Conditioner
they like is energy efficient, but a bit more expensive and another one is
cheap but consumes more energy. Which one they should buy and why? b)
They observed both LED and LCD televisions have similar price. Which
one they should choose for better environment? Explain. c) Mrs. Rayan
also likes an expensive electric stove (two burners) with many
implementations and gets confused to see a double gas burner with
cheaper price. Now please help her to choose the most appropriate burner
for their apartment.

Answer to Q6.
By Aisha Akter Shemu, 1722410630

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Q7. Explain the results (number of earths, ecological footprint, carbon
footprint and carbon footprint )

Answer to Q7.
By Mir Abidur Rahman, 1821439630

Quiz Results:

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Number of Earths: From the above results we can see the number of earths is 2.7. This
indicates that, if everybody on earth lived the same lifestyle as mine, then we will require 2.7
earths to meet the required resources to support such lifestyle.

Ecological Footprint: The ecological footprint refers to the biological productive area that is
need in order to produce the things that I am consuming and as per the results of the quiz, for
my lifestyle it comes at 4.7 global hectares. This is a lot high as our plant can only support for
1.7 global hectare area for ecological footprint per person.

Carbon Footprint: The first carbon footprint score refers to the amount of carbon dioxide
that I am producing each year in tons. So according to my lifestyle the CO 2 emitted per year
is about 7.7 tons.

Carbon footprint: The second carbon footprint score tells us the percentage of the carbon
footprint compared to total ecological footprint. For my lifestyle this comes at a 56, meaning
56% of my ecological footprint was due to the amount of carbon that was emitted due to my

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Q8. Write down some suggestions to reduce your ecological footprints
without compromising your lifestyle.

Answer to Q8.
By Mir Abidur Rahman, 1821439630

Answer: To reduce the ecological footprint without compromising my current lifestyle we

can take the following steps:

 Using LED bulbs at home for more energy efficiency.

 Introduction of renewable energy sources like solar energy for producing electricity at
 Shift to electric car/Hybrid cars to reduce fuel consumption and carbon emission.
 Using paper bags instead of plastic bags.
 Start eating freshly grown food instead of processed food.
 Using energy efficient electric appliances at home.

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Q9. If your results show that the people on earth need more than one earth
to live like you then how do the people are surviving on a single earth with
limited resources?

Answer to Q9.
By Mir Abidur Rahman, 1821439630

Answer: The main reason that we are still surviving on single earth, even though the result
shows that we will need more earth for such a lifestyle is because there are people in this
plant who are leading a lifestyle that has way less ecological footprint than ours. Especially
for the people in less economically developed country the ecological footprint is low due to
their simplistic lifestyle. Therefore, even though we have a high ecological footprint for our
lifestyle, the low ecological footprint of other people makes it balanced as of now. As a
result, we are still able to survive on a single earth.

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Lab Report 4
Graphs/tables demonstrating the parameters of different samples and the relationship
between temperature and DO

Q1. a) Identify from the following data table which liquids are acidic and
which are alkaline. b) Prepare a graph showing their pH value.

Answer to Q1.
By Aisha Akter Shemu, 1722410630

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Q2. Prepare a graph from the following data and show their relationship
and explain.

Water Temperature (Degree Celsius) DO (Mg/L)

17.2 12.11
24.1 6.42
40.6 4.77

Answer to Q2.
By K.M. Shamran Hossain, 1811355030

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Q3. In the following table the data are showing the values of EC and TDS
when NaCl is added to water in different doses. Prepare a graph and show
their relationship and explain.

Sample Type EC (in μs/cm) TDS (in ppm)

Only tap water 466 233

Tap water + NaCl (0.5g) 1011 505

Tap water + NaCl (1g) 1403 704

Tap water + NaCl (2g) 1925 1055

Answer to Q3.
By Mir Abidur Rahman, 1821439630
Answer: The graph showing the relationship between EC and TDS is given below.


2000 Figure: Relationship

between EC and TDS when
EC (in μS/cm)

NaCl is added to water in
1000 different doses


0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 From the above graph, we
TDS (in ppm)
can observe that as the
TDS (Total dissolved
solids) increases in water the EC (Electrical Conductivity) also increases. Meaning they are
positively related. This is because the TDS increases when more salt is added to the water,
and the increase in TDS increases the number of dissolved ions present in water. Which as a
result increases the EC.

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Q4. Take a picture of any waterbody/waterway adjacent to your home and
describe its cause of (visible) pollution (if any). If you find it clear then
explain how it is kept clean.

Answer to Q4.
By Md. Safiullah, 1813078030

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