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coresuite country package

Version 2.95

Includes relevant information about

functionalities of the coresuite country
coresuite country package

© coresystems

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or by any means - graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including
photocopying, recording, taping, or information storage and retrieval
systems - without the written permission of the publisher.

Products that are referred to in this document may be either trademarks

and/or registered trademarks of the respective owners. The publisher
and the author make no claim to these trademarks.

While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this

document, the publisher and the author assume no responsibility for
errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of information
contained in this document or from the use of programs and source code
that may accompany it. In no event shall the publisher and the author
be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage caused or
alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly by this document.

Printed: Februar 2011 Windisch, Switzerland

Table of Contents
1 Introduction 12
1.1 What's new? 14
1.2 Guide Structure 15
1.3 Glossary 16

2 Getting Started 18
2.1 System Requirements 18
2.2 Installation 18
2.3 Getting Help 20

3 Training Guide 21
3.1 Designer - Creating a report 21
3.1.1 Planning the C ontents of a Report 21
What is the main purpose of this report? 21
Who will use this report? 22
What will be the title of this report? 22
What Information must be displayed on Page Header and Footer? 22
Identifying and Finding the correct data 23
Organizing and Processing data 23
3.1.2 C reating the prototype 23
3.2 Integrated Designer - Sharpshooter 24
3.2.1 Beginners Guide 24
C reating a Layoutdefinition 24
Overview Designer 26
C reating a Layout 27
Printdefinition 30
3.2.2 Advanced Guide 32
C reating a Data Source (Query) 32
Designing 36
C reating a Layout 37
3.3 Crystal Reports Designer 40
3.3.1 Beginners Guide 41
Adjusting a standard C rystal Report 41
3.4 Crystal Dashboard Designer (former XCelsius) 42
3.4.1 Beginners Guide 43
C reating a Simple Dashboard 44
Preview the Dashboard 46

4 coresuite accounting 49
4.1 Objectives and General Information 49
4.2 Account Mapping 50
4.3 Accounting Classes 53
4.4 Accounting Class Groups and Subtotals 57
4.5 User tables 60
4.5.4 C OR_FIN_AC C TC LASS 61

5 coresuite cube 63
5.1 Advantages 63
5.2 Getting Started 64
5.2.1 System Requirements 64
Start SQL Server Services 65
5.2.2 Recommended Pre-Installation 65
C onfigure Reporting Services 67
5.2.3 Installation 69
Step 1 - C ube Type 71
Step 2 - Data Warehouse 71
Step 3 - ETL Database 73
Step 4 - Analysis Server 75
Step 5 - Staging Database 76
Step 6 - Source Database 77
Step 7 - Report Server 78
Step 8 - Perform Installation 79
Finish 80
5.2.4 Access to Reports 81
5.3 cube Reports 81
5.3.1 Finance 83
Excel 83
Balance 83
ProfitLoss 84
VAT 85
Report Server 86
Balance 86
ProfitLoss 87
ProfitLoss ProfitC enters 87
5.3.2 Sales 88
Excel 88
OpenSales 88
Revenue 89
SalesDocuments 90
5.4 Reference Guide 91
5.4.1 Access C onfiguration 91
5.4.2 Reporting Services advanced configuration 93
User access to web interface 93
Email Delivery 95
Deploy Reports 97
5.4.3 Subscribe to a Report 99

6 coreuite customize 102

6.1 Getting Started 102
6.2 Form Details 103
6.2.1 Optimizer 105
Editors 112
6.2.2 Item Placement 115
6.2.3 Function Button 118
6.2.4 New Items 120
6.2.5 New Menu 123
6.2.6 Extended C ode 125
6.2.7 Export 126
6.2.8 Import 127
6.2.9 Authorization 128
6.3 Reference Guide 130
6.3.1 Basic course code 130
Matrix 131
Select values 131
C reate Items 132
C reate Grid 132
6.3.2 C ustom DLL installation 133
6.3.3 Editor 136
6.3.4 FormType 137
6.3.5 Import/Export 140
Import rules 140
Import Examples 143
Export rules 144
Delete rules 146
Import Excel rows to UDT 147
6.3.6 Installed examples 149
6.3.7 Item Placement Assistant 153
6.3.8 LinkedObjectType 154
6.3.9 PaneLevel 157
6.3.10 Right C lick Wizard 160
Add C FL 161
Add new folder 164
C olor field 167
Declare mandatory fields 169
Hide field 171
Lock field 173
Move an element 175
Move an element with a reference field 178
Place UDF on main form 180
6.3.11 Rule 183
6.3.12 SAP Window 185
6.3.13 Select parameter 186
6.3.14 Translation Parameter 188
6.3.15 User defined Tables 189
6.3.16 Validation 190

7 coresuite designer 193

7.1 Form Details 194
7.1.1 C onfiguration 196
General 197
Text 198
Preview 199
Install 200
Select Grid 201
Email(smtp) 202
Startlayout 203
Batchprint 204
Editor 205
7.1.2 Layoutmanagement 205
Filter Section 206
Browser Section 207
Action Section 209
Export 211
Import 212
7.1.3 Layoutdefinition 214
Queries 217
Parameter 218
Details 220
Printer 220
Users 221
External Report 222
Menus 224
7.1.4 Printdefinition 225
Extended Definition 227
Document 228
Email/Fax 229
7.1.5 Text List 230
Translate 231
7.1.6 Sample Queries 233
7.1.7 Parameter 234
7.1.8 Form Types 235
7.2 Reference Guide 237
7.2.1 General 237
Batch Printing 237
Define Query 237
Setup SAP Business One Alarm 239
Adjust Designer configuration 240
C opy Queries 241
C opies with UDF 242
C opies country 243
Data Sources 243
C reating Queries 243
Saving Queries 245
Opening and changing Queries 246
C reate Report from Query 247
Dealing with marketing documents 248
Deploy Data for External Report 250
E-Mail 250
Multilingual Text C ollection 252
C reate Text 252
Translate Text 253
Using Texts 254
Automatic Language Selection 255
Parameter 258
Available Systemparameter 258
C reating new Parameter 259
SQL Query Syntax 262
Parameter Design 262
Parameter modes 263
Designing parameter values 263
Entering Text 263
C ombobox 264
C hoose from List 265
SQL Parameter Query 266
Input Sequence 267
PDF Export 267
Print 268
Printdefinition 269
Layoutdefinition 269
Document Variations 270
Remote Printing 272
SAP Menu functions 273
Select Grid 274
Layout Letter 274
Query Business Partner 275
SelectGrid erstellen 275
Defining Form 276
Defining Parameter 276
Printdefinition_grd 276
SIP Export 278
Overview SIP 278
(1) Rootfile 279
(2) Datadefinition 279
(3) Formparameterdefinition 280
(4) Layoutfolder 281
(5) RST-File 282
(6) Definition File 282
sip Export 283
coresuite administration 283
7.2.2 Integrated Designer - Sharpshooter 284
C omponents 284
Textbox 285
Advanced Text 286
Picture 287
Shape 288
Barcode 289
Page Header 289
Advanced Data Band 290
Header 291
Detail 291
Advanced Group Band 292
Footer 292
Side by Side 293
Page Footer 294
Page Overlay 294
C ontent 294
Bookmarks 294
Datasource 295
Document tree 295
Filtering Data 296
Functions 297
Basic Principles 297
Example 298
getData / Data 301
Grouping Data 301
Hyperlink (Drill Down Arrows) 304
Open the Designer 305
Page properties 305
Pivot Tables 306
Standard Functions 308
AddAttachement 308
AddHyperlink 310
BookmarkText 311
C reateTableFromText 311
Date 315
DrawImage 315
Fstr 315
GetDesc 316
GetDimensions 318
GetEANC heckDigit 319
GetFormattedAddress 319
GetMLDesc 320
IsEmpty 321
IsPurchase / IsSales 322
MultiLine 322
MultiLine RTF 323
OneNewLine 323
OpenLayout 324
OpenObject 325
OpenPrintdef 325
ParamDate 326
ParamDateTime 327
QueryData 327
QueryDataDate 328
ReplaceTextParam 328
WeekOfYear 329
WeekOfYearISO8601 329
Template properties 329
Texttools 330
Totals 331
Work Areas 336
7.2.3 C rystal Reports Designer 337
File Storage 337
Multi-Language reports 338
Multi-Layouts 338
Opening C rystal Reports Designer 339
Pre-Defined Datasources 340
Remote Designing 342
Subreports Links 343
7.2.4 C rystal Dashboards Designer (former XC elsius) 344
Data Transfer 344
File Storage 347
Flashfile Integration 348
Multi-Language Dashboard 349
Opening the C rystal Dashboards Designer (former XC elsius) 350
Refresh Interval 351
Sample Dashboards 351
Sample C olumn C hart - Stock (GEN70002) 352
Sample Gauge - Finance (GEN70001) 354
Sample Pie C hart - Sales (GEN70002) 357

8 coreuite enterprise search 361

8.1 Quick access 362
8.2 Reference Guide 367
8.2.1 Enabled Fields 367
8.2.2 C onfiguration 370
Superuser Settings 370
C ompany field settings 370
User Defined Fields (UDF) 371
User Settings 372
Search only in my documents 372
Include document lines 373
Include closed douments 374
Included categories 374
8.2.3 Search 376
Indexed Search with autocompletion 377
Free Text Search 378
Search Results 380
8.2.4 Open documents view 383
8.2.5 History view 384

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 386

9.1 Overview 386
9.2 Banking 410
9.2.1 Outgoing Payment - LD (BAN1000) 411
9.3 Documents 411
9.3.1 Document DIN - LD (DOC 00008) 411
Example 414
Print Definitions 415
9.3.2 Document DIN - C R (DOC 40000) 415
Print definitions 418
9.4 Financial Reports 420
9.4.1 Profit and Loss 422
Profit and Loss - KPI (FIN05438) 422
Profit and Loss (FIN05404) 424
Profit and Loss by Template (FIN05405) 426
Profit and Loss by Profitcenter - KPI (FIN05430) 426
9.4.2 Balance Sheet 429
Balance Sheet (FIN05402) 429
Balance Template (FIN05403) 431
Opening Balance (FIN05413) 433
9.4.3 Journal / Statement 437
Journal Transactions (FIN05420) 437
Trial Balance (FIN05533) 441
Journal Entry (FIN05419) 442
9.4.4 Budget 444
Profit and Loss vs. Budget - KPI (FIN05439) 444
Profit and Loss vs. Budget (FIN05408) 448
Budget Report - KPI (FIN05440) 450
Budget Report (FIN05433) 453
Profit and Loss vs Budget Dashboard - XC (FIN600001) 456
9.4.5 C ustomer (A/R) 458
C ustomer (A/R) Ageing Report (FIN05406) 458
C ustomer (A/R) Ageing Statement (FIN05418) 461
C ustomer (A/R) Account Journals (FIN05410) 462
9.4.6 Vendor (A/P) 463
Vendor (A/P) Ageing Report (FIN05406) 463
Vendor (A/P) Account Journals (FIN05410) 465
9.4.7 Lists 467
C hart of Accounts (FIN05401) 467
C hart of Accounts KPI (FIN05401) 468
C hart of Accounts Template (FIN05401) 469
9.4.8 Tax Report 470
VAT by C ode (FIN05414) 470
VAT by Account (FIN05415) 471
Tax Report Switzerland (FIN05450) - C H Only 473
Tax Report Switzerland 01.01.2010 - 30.06.2010 (FIN60002) - C H
Only 474
Sample German 477
Sample French 478
Sample Italian 479
9.4.9 C ash Flow 479
Liquidity Forecast (FIN60000) 480
C ashflow Statement (FIN60004) 484
9.5 Sales Reports 484
9.5.1 Sales Revenue Dashboard - XC (SAR130003) 484
9.5.2 Sales Documents (SAR06000) 487
9.6 Service 490
9.6.1 Service Dashboard - XC (SRV140000) 490

10 coresuite widgets 493

10.1 Prerequisite 493
10.2 Overview 494
10.3 dashboards 495
10.4 enterprise search 500
10.5 social networks 501
10.6 world time 503
10.7 coresuite time balances 504

11 FAQ 505
11.1 Document_88 vs Document Datasource 505
11.1.1 How to use new Datasource 516
11.1.2 How to adjust VAT Subtotals 517
11.1.3 How to adjust Batch Number details 518
11.1.4 How to adjust Serial Number details 520
Index 523
1 Introduction

The package that significantly simplifies the usage of your ERP.

Would you like an AddOn that simplifies work in SAP Business One and optimizes
business processes in your company?
With the coresuite country package, you can supplement financial evaluations
optimally and change the presentation of marketing documents to meet your
requirements. Searching for data in SAP Business One will be as easy as searching
the Internet with Google and you can customize your SAP environment aligned to
your in-house processes without any high additional programming costs.

The coresuite country package includes different modules such as:

coresuite designer - Extended printing and layout management

The package includes standard documents that range from quotations, order
confirmations, delivery notes and layouts to reports for CRM, sales, purchasing,
service, warehouse or production departments, and much more. With the core
suite country package all you need to do is to manage and update one single
layout for all marketing documents. Thanks to this layout system, changes can be
made within a few minutes and print jobs can be created according to the type of
document to be printed.

For technical information about the coresuite designer module see the online
More information about standard layouts and reports delivered with the coresuite
country package is available in this documentation under coresuite Layouts &

coresuite designer module Version 2.51 and higher is supported for SAP
Business One Version 2007A and higher.

The last valid Version for SAP Business One 2005 is coresuite designer

coresuite accounting & reporting - Your accounting at a glance.

Finally, you can access account statements, charts of accounts, budget reports,
cash flow calculations or even just balances in a matter of seconds. Our
dashboards provide you with quick information on your business. The accounting
functionality provides you a clearer presentation of data and data grouping,
improved drill-down functionality and concrete evaluations at the level of a profit
centre, distribution rule or project. Furthermore, classification have been
introduced to give you reliable financial indicators at the push of a button.

Within the coresuite country package you receive numerous sales, accounting
and service dashboards which are created with SAP Crystal Dashboards (former
Business Objects Xcelsius). These exiting dashboards can be integrated completely
as a widget in SAP 8.8 PL 12 (or later).

Furthermore you can modify and adapt all dashboards to you personal needs.

More information about standard layouts and reports delivered with the coresuite
country package is available in this documentation under coresuite Layouts &

More information about coresuite accounting mapping is available in this

documentation under accounting Configuration & Mapping

coresuite accounting module Version 1.5 and higher is supported for SAP
Business One Version 2007A and higher.
The last valid Version for SAP Business One 2005 is coresuite accounting

coresuite enterprise search - Simple search function for your ERP

In all of the important fields in SAP Business One (including user-defined- fields),
you can find documents and business partners within seconds, using various search
Whether you are searching for files by contact name, open quotations, tasks,
opportunities, receipts or even dates – looking for files with this search engine is a

For technical information about the coresuite enterprise search module see the
chapter coresuite enterprise search.

coresuite customize - Your ERP, customized for you

1 Introduction 13
The coresuite country package is the perfect tool for customizing a new or an
existing SAP Business One environment.
Have you seen a function at a presentation or on our website that you would also
like to have? No problem – in just a few clicks the function can be in your system
and will be in operation. Thanks to the simple import and export support, you have
access to all existing customize rules. Furthermore, you can tailor the existing
rules to your personalized requirements or can also create new rules with the help
of an assistant.

For technical information about the coresuite customize module see chapter
coresuite customize.

coresuite widgets

As part of the coresuite country package, you receive a selection of exciting

widgets that can be used in the new SAP Cockpit – like for instance the simple
enterprise search functionality, KPI dashboards and iGoogle.

More information about widgets delivered with the coresuite country package is
available in this documentation under coresuite Widgets.

1.1 What's new?

To see the latest updates of the coresuite country package, please refer to the
online change log ( Plans
for future changes can be reviewed online on our Road Map (

New in this Guide

Every software developer knows it is important to implement new functionalities

and resolve any errors in order to get and keep as many users as happy as
possible. Due to the time constraint documentation is often negleted. We want to
let you know that we are currently focusing on this existing documentation and on
making it accessible directly from SAP Business One via the F1 function.
This is the first and not the final Version of a comprehensive documentation for
the coresuite country package. We apologise for any errors.
This chapter will be updated again with relevant remarks once the documentation
is complete, up to date and of better quality.

coresuite customize - Import Examples

New explained in the guide is how to import example rules into your database.
For more details see the chapter coresuite customize > Reference Guide > Import/
Export > Import Examples

coresuite designer - Parameter

New since version 2.90: It is possible to define default values for a parameter so
that the parameter does not have to be defined in each Layoutdefinition which
uses the same datasource.


For more details see the chapter coresuite designer > Reference Guide >
Parameter > SQL Query Syntax

coresuite designer - Translation of valid values for User Defined Fields

In order to print the translated description of a User Defined Field, additionally

provide the Language Id as a parameter in the LD.GetDesc Function.

LD.GetDesc("<Table>","<Definition UDF>",<Value UDF>, <Language Code>)

For more details see the chapter coresuite designer > Reference Guide >
Integrated Designer - Sharpshooter > Standard Functions > GetDesc

coresuite reports - Sales Documents Report explained

The Sales Documents (SAR06000) report which displays relevant data for selected
Sales Documents is documented.

New sinc e V ersion 2.90 is a Parameter "Inc lude doc ument Freight/Rounding" to be
able to c alc ulate Freight and Rounding from Doc ument Header in the Amounts display ed.

For more details see the chapter coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards > Sales
Reports > Sales Documents (SAR06000)

coresuite reports - New Balance Report for Swedish Databases only

The Balance report "Balansrapport - LF (FIN60005)" specific for the Swedish

Localization is accessible from the main menu Reports --> Financials --> Financial
--> Balansrapport - LF (FIN60005)

1.2 Guide Structure

This Guide was intended as a user guide to provide a complete overview and
detailed information about the functions and content of the coresuite country

This guide is structured such that it can be used as a manual or training guide as

1 Introduction 15
well as a reference book.

If it is the first time you are using the coresuite country package, we suggest you
start with the chapter Getting Started. Here you will find instructions, how to
acquire and install the coresuite country package and activate each module.

The chapter "Training Guide" is designed to be used as a Self Training Guide to get
to know the coresuite country package with detailed step by step description and
use cases.

Each module coresuite country package has its own chapter with more detailed
information like Objectives, Settings, Form Details, Reference Guides and an
overview over existing content.

1.3 Glossary

Useful tips and warnings are marked with the listed symbols below:

Icon Term




Sy ntax

Open tasks, not y et defined

Extension, not y et realised but in dev elopment

Already existing objects and functions of SAP® Business One

This document also holds information about which reports and layouts are available
in all coresuite country packages some reports and layouts are created with
external designer such as Crystal Reports or XCelsius.

Country Specific Layouts and Layouts and Reports created with an external
application are marked specifically.

See the legend below:

Designer type

LD - Created with integrated Sharpshooter Designer

CR - Created with external Crystal Reports

To view the report on versions prior to SAP 8.8 ensure that Crystal Reports
Runtime (CR2008) is installed on the system.
This is free of charge and available to download at the following website:

XC - Created with external XCelsius

To view the report on ensure that Flashplayer is installed on the system.
We recommend the free Adobe Flashplayer 10.0.

CD - Also available in the coresuite designer Standalone Version

Country specific

CH - Only available for coresuite switzerland

DE - Only available for coresuite germany, austria and switzerland

FR - Only available for coresuite france and belgium

SE - Only available for coresuite sweden

US - Only available for coresuite usa

UK - Only available for coresuite uk

1 Introduction 17
2 Getting Started

2.1 System Requirements

Minimum hardware requirements

Processor: Intel Pentium 4 (or comparable), Dual core processors are advantageous
Memory (RAM): 250 MB free memory
Hard Disc: 50 MB free memory

Software requirements operating system

Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7 –
32 Bit or 64 Bit
Runtime: Microsoft .Net 3.5 SP01
SQL-Server: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 SP3, Microsoft SQL Server 2008
Version SAP® Business One: 2007A SP1, 8.8 or higher

Hardware and Software Requirements for SAP Business One

For detailed information about the hard- and software of SAP® Business One go to or the SAP Partner Portal (requires SAP® S-User Number).

2.2 Installation

Step 1 - Install the coresuite framework

A detailed Installation Guide and Files required to install the coresuite framework
which is the base of any coresuite module can be downloaded from the core
systems website (

Step 2 - Register your system

In order to get a License for the coresuite country package your system needs to
be registered on Only coresuite partners can request the

If y ou are an end user please c ontac t y our SAP® Partner!

If y ou are an SAP® Partner but not a c oresuite partner c ontac t info@c oresy stems.c h
for more information on how to bec ome a c oresuite partner.

Once the system is registered the license can be downloaded automatically (1)
within SAP® Business One or manually imported (2) from the email sent after the

To display the form

Select Administration --> AddOns --> coresuite administration --> Administration
--> License Management Tab

Step 3 - Get the latest Version

In the coresuite administration the latest version of all modules can be

downloaded automatically (1) within SAP® Business One or manually imported (2)
after download from the coresystems website. A restart of the coresuite Add-On
(3) is required for the upgrade to start.

To display the form

Select Administration --> AddOns --> coresuite administration --> Administration
--> Sip Management Tab

2 Getting Started 19
Each Module can be activated for the whole company (Global module configuration)
or for each user (user module configuration).

2.3 Getting Help

Should you have questions or suggestions about our products, please contact us at
the following address:

coresystems ag
Villa im Park
Dorfstrasse 69
5210 Windisch
Hotline.: +41 (0) 848 088 088
Fax: +41 (0) 56 444 20 50

For support and service please follow the described process as described on the
coresuite support website or contact .

3 Training Guide

The training guide is can be used as a self training book on the different modules
of the coresuite country package.

3.1 Designer - Creating a report

This section explains the process of creating a report following a structured


· planning the contents of the report

· designing a prototype

3.1.1 Planning the Contents of a Report

First, you should decide upon which information should be displayed in the report.
The steps describes in the following chapter will help to plan the contents of your

What is the main purpose of this report?

Reports are management tools. The purpose of a report is to allow the user to
retrieve the most important facts and connections from existing data as quick as
possible, in order to make the best decisions. A report is only helpful if the correct
data is presented in logically organized form. If the data displayed is not correct or
not structured, the report can delay the decision process or even result in wrong
decisions. Therefore, describing the purpose of the report in one or two sentences
is a good starting point when creating a report. Defining the purpose of your report
helps you focus on its fundamental requirements, and defines both the starting
point and the goal of the report. Here are some examples:

· The purpose of the report is to demonstrate the monthly and yearly turnover of
the sales department, compare current year’s sales results with those of the
previous year and identify sales employees whose results do not comply with
company's requirements
· The purpose of the report is to demonstrate the turnover of each article in stock
and present a proposition regarding the volume of repeated orders based on

3 Training Guide 21
· The purpose of a the report is to calculate the average punctuation and handicap
of each member of a golf club.

Defining the purpose of a report before starting to design and create is an

important step in the overall process.

Who will use this report?

Most often reports are used by many people. A detailed turnover report concerning
the whole company, for example, is useful for Sales Representatives, the regional
and national Sales Managers and the Board of Directors. Each of these parties is
interested in a different aspects of the report.

· Sales Representatives use the report to check their individual turnover and to
compare them with the results of other Sales Representatives in the same area.
· Regional Sales Managers use the report to evaluate Sales Representatives in
their area and to compare their result with those of Sales Representatives in
other areas.
· National Sales Management uses the report to evaluate sales results at a
regional level and to compare the global turnover with the current sales forecast.
· The Board of Directors uses the report to evaluate the results of the Marketing
Director and the Sales Department as a whole and to organize specific areas,
such as production needs, storage capacity, etc.

As every user of the report has different interests, it is important to plan the
report such that it will contain all the necessary information required.

What will be the title of this report?

Give your report a meaningful title. You might change it later. The title is only
important once creating the prototype for your report.

What Information must be displayed on Page Header and Footer?

You can insert the printing date, the names of the people who created the report,
a written description of the purpose of the report, which areas are covered or
similar information. If you want to include such information, make a list to help
you prepare the draft of your report. Depending on the type of information you
want to display, the data can be received from a number of different sources.

· A text block can be created as text object and positioned in any desired
place in the report.
· Data about people who view and print the report can be collected from the
specific fields of the database tables. If the data is to be collected from a
database table, which one(s) are the right one(s)?

The coresuite country package will not only provide you with general information

such as printing date or page number but also with information about the SAP®
Business One Company or the user who prints and views the report.

Identifying and Finding the correct data

The central area of the report should contain all the data required the fit the
purpose of the report. It should also contain all the necessary data for the different
users who will view the report. This step requires examining the available
database tables. The coresuite country package allows you to combine data from
different databases in order to create simple or complex reports as by
requirements of the users.

· Most data for a standard report is taken directly from database fields.
Which fields do you want to use, and where are they located?
· Other data is calculated based on database fields. Which data is used for
the calculation?
· Some other data is specific for the report and inserted as text objects
(titles, notes, definitions)

Some information of the report (for example, turnover data) can be loaded directly
from database fields; other information must be calculated from database fields
(for example, sales provisions which are calculated based on the relationship
between turnover results and ratio). When planning your report, is is useful to
separate (or to specifically highlight) the data which needs to be calculated from
the data which can be directly retrieved from the database directly.

Organizing and Processing data

How do you wish to organize your report? By customer names? By dates? By

hierarchy? Or by other criteria?

Which information is to be highlighted in the report? You can direct the attention
of the reader towards certain data by highlighting it in your report. In the case of
stock reports, for example, all articles which have not been displaced are
highlighted, so that special attention is dedicated to them.

When you have answered all the questions in this chapter and have an idea of what
your report should look like, proceed to the next step.

3.1.2 Creating the prototype

Creating a prototype on paper is a good idea even for more experienced , but it
has an essential meaning for beginners. Using the drawn draft as model, you can
concentrate your full attention on getting to know the use of commands instead of
simultaneously trying to create the report and learn the functions and effects of
the design tool. This way, you can separate planning from execution.

How to create a prototype

3 Training Guide 23
1. Take a piece of paper the same size that you want the completed report to be.
2. Draw the title and other important headers; you can use rectangles and lines to
represent the different elements of the report.
3. Draw the footnote information.
4. Check if the page layout is balanced.
5. Consider the information you want to include in the central area of the report.
· Count the number of necessary fields and calculate the appropriate distance
between these fields.
· Draw rectangles to represent the fields, bearing in mind the calculated
· Change the distances if necessary.
· Establish the logic sequence in which data in the central area of the report is to
be displayed.
· In order to determine the logic sequence, write definitions for the fields
6. Use small boxes for group values and sums.
7. Randomly add some labels in the column where labels are to be displayed.
8. Write some elements which should be highlighted in bold, so that they stand out
from the rest of the report.

3.2 Integrated Designer - Sharpshooter

3.2.1 Beginners Guide

The following learning program was designed to provide you with basic information
required to create your first report. In this chapter we will create a simple report
which provides an overview about the business partners in SAP® Business One.
For that purpose, we will use the default coresuite designer data sources and
parameters. In the next chapter ‘Next Steps – Advanced’ we will demonstrate how
to define data sources yourself using database queries and parameters.

Creating a Layoutdefinition

The report created in this chapter refers to the Business Partner Master Data in
SAP® Business One. The first step is to define the Layoutdefinition for the

To display the Layoutdefinition window choose

>> Administration > AddOns > coresuite designer > Layoutdefinition (more detailed
information under Form Datails > Layoutdefinition)

The fundamental information is inserted in the upper (Header) Area of the


· Description

Specify an appropriate name for your layout that describes the report best.
· Design Form Type
Here you can find predefined form types supplied by coresuite designer for all
SAP® Business One forms. Select the form type ‘Business Partner” appropriate
to your form.
· Category
This field determines category. Our report belongs to category ‘Business
· Layout Type
You can insert your layout type here. For our example, select ‘Document’
· Menu Position
If you want the report to appear on the SAP® menu as well, select the location
here. In our example, the report will appear in the Business Partner Reports file.
In future to access our report, select: ‘Business Partner >Business Partner
Reports > Getting Started – Beginners‘.
· Menu Description
Insert the definition which appears in the menu (see previous point).
· Use Data
Select ‘Business Partner’ as the data source for our reports. The Designer
prepares data sources for different areas.

You don’t need to fill in the ‘Queries’ separator. This separator will be necessary
in the next chapter, when you prepare data sources with your own data base
queries. Move on to the separator ‘Parameter’. Load the relevant parameters using
the button ‘get data source’. In fact, we will only need the parameter Card Code.
Select ‘Card Code’ as well for as definition for this parameter. Select ‘No prompt if
already filled’ from the parameter mode and the input sequence ‘1’. We won’t
need the remaining separators yet. Click on ‘Add’ at the lower left.

You can find further information regarding layout definition in the form layout

3 Training Guide 25
Lay outdefinition

Now open the Designer using the ‘Open Designer’ button. You are asked to insert
the Card Code. In order to be able to view the result of the report you must enter a
valid ID. In our model data base the card code C1000 would correspond to our
supplier Funsports.

open designer

If C1000 already exists in the layout definition under ‘Design Param Value’,
this entry will be shown when you access the Designer or the preview.

Overview Designer

The Designer is composed of several areas. Chapter Designer contains more

detailed information on this subject.

oveview designer

Creating a Layout

A simple layout consists fundamentally of a page header, a data band and a page

princ iple lay out

Page Header
The header can contain information such as document names, firm logos and the
like. It is displayed at the top, as is usually the case with text processing

3 Training Guide 27
In the current example, the data band is displayed immediately below the header
and corresponds to the area which is repeated in each layout. There is a header
box and a detail box in the data band. You can name the columns in the header
box, for example, BP code, BP name and country. The entries of the queries
together with the data sources are listed in the detail box. The designer also offers
you the possibility of inserting a footer which functions in the same manner as the

Page Footer
The footer is displayed in the lower section of the page. It contains information
such as author, page number, or the like.

Select the first level from the separator ’document directory’. Afterwards, you can
write the description and the title of our report in the separator ‘properties’. The
title will appear afterwards in the layout in the place of the marker ‘Document
title’. You have different elements in the data band of your working area. You can
delete them so that only your data band remains.


Use the mouse to select the Advanced Data Band in the middle of your working
area. You can select in the list box ‘Data Source’ under the title ‘data’ from the
‘properties’ separator (on the right, on your screen). Select your data sources for
this data band. We want to display the Business Partner Details in this data band.

You can structure your report based on the Business Partner Details.

1. Open a header section in your data band (1). Fill in the information regarding
‘Partner Details’ in the header section using the Text box tool.
2. Open a Detail Area under the header. You can write the titles of the lines on the
left using the text tool again. You can use the copy command to copy the text
boxes and then double click to edit. The dynamic parts of your report should be
displayed on the right. Select the separator ‘Data Sources>Bands’. You will see
all the structural elements you have introduced in the data band. To move these
structural elements into the layout, click on the mouse button, drag and drop
them there.
3. If you want to see a preview, click on page preview. Make sure you entered a
correct parameter (here C1000 for the firm Funsport) when opening the
Designer. Otherwise, an empty report will be displayed.

c reate databand

After completing this data band, you can add a new data band following the above
described procedure. As data source, you can select the information of your

3 Training Guide 29
contact person, for example. To do so, select that item from the data source in
separator ‘properties’ as done in the previous example. The data band once more
features a header with the title (contact person here) and the Detail Area. The
textboxes appear in the Detail Area again, featuring the line titles and the
elements you pull out from the data source into your report.

additional databand

This is what the report should look like in the preview:

preview report


After completing the layout, apply it to the Business Partner Form using the Print
Definition command. To do so, use the mouse button to select ‘Administration >
AddOns > coresuite designer > Print definition’ from the menu. You can easily
access the Business Partner Form by clicking on the button. To create a new

Print Definition, simply use the mouse to select:

The form which creates the print definitions is opened in a new window. A default
Form Type has already been defined for our Business Partner. Select form type
‘134: Business Partner’. Under language, select the option German. Set the status
to ‘active’ and then notify your form type for printing.

Using the right mouse button, insert a new line in the list box, where you can also
immediately select the layout we have created. Define 1 as the number of copies.
To save the print definition, click on the list box at the lower left side.

c onfigure printdefinition

You have just created your first layout, which can be accessed from SAP®. You
have saved both your report and the business partner form in the menu. From here
on, you will be able to access your report in two different ways:

3 Training Guide 31
Access the Report from the Menu

report in the menu

Access the Report from the Business Partner Form

Select the desired partner from the business partner master data. To display the

report, click on the symbol in the menu toolbar. In this case, you don’t need to
enter the ID, as it is entered automatically when you open the business partner.
Chapter Print Definition gives you further information on Print Definition.

3.2.2 Advanced Guide

This chapter describes the creation of a report using your own data source. The
difference from Beginners Guide is that here you will work with your own SQL

Creating a Data Source (Query)

The first step is the definition of the data source. With coresuite designer you
can use predefined data sources or create a report based on SQL query data
sources. In this first example, data is queried with SQL from SAP® Business ONE
master data.

Our report is based on business partner master data from SAP® Business One.
First of all, a table with the necessary information must be created. For that
purpose, we select the system information line under ‘View>System information’.
After that, we choose an existing business partner from the Business Partner
Master Data and drag the mouse over ‘Code’ to select it. The System Information
line will now display the name of the table. In this specific case, the name of the
table is 'OCRD’.

business partner master data

Next, we will create the query. For that purpose, we will use the SAP® Query
Generator under ‘Extras > Queries >Queries Generator’. You can select the tables
for our queries in the white field on the upper left area. We will use the ‘OCRD’
table and also the ‘OCRY’ table, which contains the names of the countries. Next,
click on the field ‘select’ (highlighted in yellow) and after that choose the different
From the OCRD table choose: Balance, CardCode, CardName, Address, ZipCode
From the OCRY table choose: Name

3 Training Guide 33
SAP query generator

After the query has been executed as shown above, it can be executed using the
command button ‘execute’. SAP® Business One then executes following SQL

SELECT T0.[Balance], T0.[CardCode], T0.[CardName], T0.[Address], T0.

[ZipCode], T0.[City], T1.[Name]
INNER JOIN OCRY T1 ON T0.Country = T1.Code


The query can now be saved. We will click on ‘save’ and name our report ‘Business
Partners Balance’. We create the category ‘My reports’ under ‘Manage

saving the query in 'my reports'

3 Training Guide 35

You can access again the query you have created, through ‘Extras > Queries >

Query Manager’ or using the icon in the selection toolbar. To apply the query
in the coresuite designer, click on the list box ‘Create Report’.

c reate report

You can start a new report using the assistant. In this example, we won’t be using
the assistant, so we will close it. We will now create a new report, using ‘File >
New’ (blank report) and reject the current report.

c reate 'Blank Report'

The data from the query is now integrated in the layout. You can view all structural
elements from the previous query in ‘Data sources > Data sources’.

data sourc e

Now the page will be created

define data sourc e

C reating a Layout

Document Setup
Choose the separator ’Document Directory’ on the right side and select the first
level. Next, change to separator ‘properties’. We activate the ‘Double Pass’
function (more information on this subject will be given further on) and give our
document a title and a description.

3 Training Guide 37

Page Header
As it happens with regular text processing programs, we will now provide our
layout with a header. Select the page header icon from the left column and draw it
over the working area. Next, change to ‘data source > data source’ in the right
column and open ‘special fields’. Choose the document title and drag it into the
header with the mouse, keeping the mouse button pressed. The mouse becomes a
pencil and the field in which the title is to appear can be expanded. When defining
areas, bear in mind that the fields are aligned with the raster. The same will be
done with the document title. Finally, align both lines to the left and the title will
appear in bold.

page header

To view the report, click on the ‘report preview’ button.

Data Band
As said, the Data Band is the area which is always repeated in your document.
First, draw the Data Band under the Header. Next, the Data Band must be coupled
with the right Data Sources. To do so, open ‘properties’ in the right column and
double click to select your business Partner’s data under ‘Data > Data Source >

Datenband, Data Sourc e

Following this, a Header (not repeated) and a Detail (repeated according to number
of Data Lines) are inserted in the Data Band. In this example, the titles of the
columns are placed in the Header. In the Detail area the text elements
corresponding to the Data Band are pulled out of the Data Sources into the working

3 Training Guide 39
insert elements

3.3 Crystal Reports Designer

Data prepared by a Layoutdefinition using Crystal Reports is processed, ordered

and developed with Crystal Reports. Here you may visualize your predefined or
user-defined data sources to be included in Business Letters, to view in lists, pivot
tables, graphics, etc.


This chapter provides

· a Beginners Guide with information on how to adjust an existing Crystal Report
delivered with the coresuite country package and how to integrate a report
created previously without using the coresuite integration


· In order to view any Crystal Reports in SAP® Business One prior to Version 8.8 it
is required to install Crystal Reports Runtime (CR2008). This does not require a
license and can be downloaded from the SAP WIKI SDN (Software Developer

· In order to customize the layout delivered with coresuite it is required to have

Crystal Reports 2008 SP01 HF03 for SAP Business One or Crystal Reports
2008 SP2 or later installed on the system. For licensing information regarding
Crystal Reports 2008 contact the coresuite Sales Department (info@coresystems.

For more detailed information on how to use Crystal Reports go to SAP Crystal
Solutions Support.

3.3.1 Beginners Guide

In the Beginners Guide we will demonstrate Step by Step how to make adjustments
to the DIN Layout Document DIN - CR (DOC40000) to print company specific
information on all the Marketing Documents sent to the Business Partners.

Furthermore we will explain at the example of a Standard Crystal Report delivered

with SAP Business One 8.8 how to integrate an existing Crystal Report into SAP
Business One using the coresuite External Report integration.

Adjusting a standard Crystal Report


1. Open the Layoutdefinition via

Module Administration --> Add-ons --> coresuite designer --> Layoutdefinition
2. Find the DIN Layout Document DIN - CR (DOC40000) (search with wild character

3. Select the button Open Designer to launch the report in Crystal Reports 2008

The launc h of Cry stal Reports might take several sec onds. The lay out w ill be display ed in
design mode.

3 Training Guide 41
4. Adjust the report by dragging any fields required from the Field Explorer to the
appropriate location on the Report and save the changes.
5. To update the changed in the SAP Business One Database select the Save in DB
button in the Layoutdefinition

Further References

For more information regarding how to design reports with Crystal Reports go to
SAP Crystal Solutions Support.

3.4 Crystal Dashboard Designer (former XCelsius)


The software application Crystal Dashboards (also known as XCelsius) is used to

create interactive dashboards with data visualized from an Excel Spreadsheet.
Since SAP® took over Business Objects the product was renamed from XCelsius to
Crystal Dashboards. Since the integration with the coresuite country package to
SAP® Business One was developed before the product was renamed and
descriptions in the are XCelsius.


· In order to view any Crystal (former XCelsius) Dashboard in SAP® Business One it
is required to Flashplayer. We recommend the free Adobe Flashplayer 10.0.

· In order to design Dashboards it is required to purchase Crystal Dashboard

Design (former XCelsius 2008). For more information contact the coresuite Sales
Department (

For more detailed information on how to use there are several Forum, Blogs and
Training Offers available online. Also review our Webinar Creating Charts and
Interact with XCelsius for a demonstration of the integration of XCelsius and SAP®
Business One using coresuite.

In this guide we will highlight and demonstrate the Integration of Crystal

Dashboards (former XCelsius) with SAP Business One using the coresuite country

Knowledge Requirements

· Creating a Simple Dashboard

No special knowledge required
SQL knowledge is

· SAP Business One Form Types and System Information option

· An understanding of events
· B1 Validation Configuration

3.4.1 Beginners Guide

Similar to the principles on creating a new report there are a few important steps
to consider when creating a Dashboard.

Step 1

Before starting with the design with the software create the design of the XCelsius
Dashboard on Paper. Discuss the design and Information with prospective users.

Consider the following:

1. Who will review the information

2. What is the most relevant information
3. What is the work flow of the person to view the information

Step 2

Once the Design is decided on paper start with the design of the Dashboard in
XCelsius. Use sample data in the Excel Spreadsheet for the design.
At this point it is not yet relevant how I get the correct Data.

Create a flashfile with sample data to discuss the design in a group and gather

Step 3

Once the XCelsius Design is completed create the SQL Queries to get the data from
SAP Business One in the correct format. Ensure that the data is returned with the
exact number of row and columns required for the XCelsius Dashboard.

3 Training Guide 43
Save the queries in SAP Business One under your own Category (do not use
Store the exact Query Name and Region in XCelsius as described in the Reference
Guide Crystal Dashboards under Data Transfer.

Step 4

Create the final SWF file and load it to SAP Business One as described in the
Reference Guide for Crystal Dashboards under the section Reference Guide ->
Crystal Dashboard Designer -> Flashfile Integration.

Creating a Simple Dashboard

Simple Dashboards contain one component (for example Pie Chart, Column Chart,
Gauge,...) only. The Flash File of these Dashboards can be reused with different
datasource queries, in order to display different data, without having to change
the Dashboard design itself. Therefore there is no knowledge or access to the
Crystal Dashboards Designer required.

The Simple Dashboards are created by using one of the Sample Dashboards (or
Dashboard Containers) provided with the coresuite country package.

Step by Step Guide

In the following few steps we demonstrate how to create your own Pie Chart
displaying the Top 10 Countries which made the highest Sales Revenue over the
last 12 months

Step 1 - Find and view an available Sample Dashboard

>> Administration > Add-Ons > coresuite designer > Layoutmanagement

To filter the displayed Layoutsx

· Enter sample in the Objectname textbox
· Select the Category General from the Drop Down Box
· Select the Filter Button
· Select the Collapse/Expand Button to display all available samples

· Double Click on the Row Sample Pie Chart (GEN70003) to open the
Layoutdefinition of the Sample Dashboard which contains a Pie Chart

Step 2 - Duplicate the Layoutdefinition

To create your own Dashboard duplicate the layout of the Sample Dashboard first
> Right Click > Duplicate

Step 3 - Adjust the settings

Only 3 Settings in the Layoutdefinition have to be adjusted to create your own


3 Training Guide 45
1. Enter the name "Top 10 Customers"

This name w ill be display ed as Title in the Dashboard

2. Select the category "Sales Reports" from the Drop Down Box

W hen using the Dashboard in a W idget they w ill be sorted first by Category and
Sec ond by Name. For details on the c oresuite dashboard w idget review the user guide.
3. Select the Query "SWA_LD_SYS_SAR:COR_PIE_Top10BusinessPartners" from the
Drop Down Box

Any of the Sample Queries w ith prefix COR_PIE c an be selec ted to be used in the
Simple Pie Chart Dashboard

Preview the Dashboard

Update the Layoutdefinition and Preview the Dashboard by selecting the Preview

Top 10 Customers > W ith Legend

Click on the magnifier to hide the Legend and enlarge the Pie Chart.
To go back to the previous view select the information icon.

3 Training Guide 47
Top 10 Customers > W ithout Legend

4 coresuite accounting

4.1 Objectives and General Information

The coresuite account mapping divides the accounts defined in the SAP Business
One Chart of Accounts into account classes (three-digit numbers).

The coresuite accounting has the following objectives with the new mapping

· Overview / contraction of the key figures on one side (for example income
· Meaningful financial ratios (KPI or Key Performance Indicators)
· Due to a standardization (division into class and class groups) it will be easier to
poll more complex financial ratios such as liquidity levels, profit margins, etc.
The goal is to provide all responsible personal with the help of these
classifications and the resulting Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) a holistic
overview of the enterprise in short time.
· Standardized financial reports for SAP® Business One customers that look the
same for all customers (various industries, various countries, several companies
in a corporate group). This enables a comparison between each other.

4 coresuite accounting 49
· Sums and consolidated data, which cannot be modified. This results in less
issues for the customers (no or few support cases).

The mapping is necessary to achieve international standards and comparisons.

With the correct mapping configuration it is possible to represent intermediate
results (eg. gross profit, EBIT) and the significance of the reports is increasing.
Furthermore, the next versions of the coresuite accounting will provide new
reports, which are built on the mapping configuration. Through the mapping it is
also possible to create analytical evaluations (eg. business assessment or KPI) both
standardized as well as individual for each customer.

It is ensured in coresuite accounting that most of the financial reports will work
as well without the mapping configuration. However, the user will not be able to
benefit from the advantages of the correct configuration.

4.2 Account Mapping

General Information

coresuite accounting provides for each coresystem country package country a

standard mapping, which has been created by one of our partners in the respective
countries. After the first installation it is required that the SAP® partner or directly
the clerk of the end customer (possibly together with his accountant) review the
mapping and perform any individual adjustments as soon as is possible.

To display the form

Select Financials --> coresuite accounting --> Mapping

Procedure and Explanation

Each account must be assigned to one class (three-digit number). If a class is not
used, it will not be used or displayed in reports. It is also possible that certain
classes are not relevant for individual countries. In this case, the affected class
can be ignored. Below is an explanation of the "Mapping Form":

It is possible to select several lines. As soon as a selected line is mapped,
all other selected lines are automatically mapped as well.

The class codes are pre-installed and should never be changed. The class
tables are managed by the coresystems ag. Suggestions for adjustments
and improvements are very welcome. When upgrading coresuite
accounting the tables will be overwritten with the possibly modified or
improved standard tables.

coresystems ag delivers a mapping for databases with a standard chart of

accounts as a sample. coresystems ag does not take responsibility that
the mapping is correct for any chart of accounts

Overview of classes including class groups and Subtotals

In order to view all assignments of the current client select the button "Mapping
Overview". The various groups are explained in the next chapter of this manual.

4 coresuite accounting 51
Not assigned accounts

Account that are not assigned will be highlighet at the beginning or the Mapping
Report as shown below:

If one or more account is not assigned, it is not possible to display the

related KPI financial reports.

4.3 Accounting Classes

For the financial reports all accounts are assigned to a specific class (three-digit
number). These classes are assigned fix to a class group (four-digit number
assigned). This assignment cannot be changed. Subtotals (two-digit number) are
calculated according to the class groups and classes. Any financial report, which is
named with "KPI" (Key Performance Indicators), is based on the account allocation
in classes.

Below is a list of all classes and a brief explanation which account type should be
assigned to the appropriate class.


Current assets

100 : Petty Cash

Physical money, which could be accessed immediately

110 : Cash at Bank

All currently available bank accounts

115 : Bank Loan

Bank loans granted to third parties, which can be claimed at short notice

120 : Investments
Short-term investments, which are easily recoverable

130 : Trade Debtors domestic

Short-term domestic debts without intercompany

140 : Trade Debtors foreign

Short-term foreign debts without intercompany

150 : Trade Debtors intercompany

Short-term intercompany debts

160 : Other Debtors domestic

Long-term domestic debts without intercompany

170 : Other Debtors foreign

Long-term foreign debts without intercompany

180 : Other Debtors intercompany

Long-term intercompany debts

190 : Prepayments

4 coresuite accounting 53
Prepaid expenses and not yet received income (deferred and accrued assets)

200 : Stocks
Stocks in general, including finished and semi-finished goods and raw materials

205 : Work In Progress

Work in Progress (WIP)

Tangible Fixed Assets

210 : Investments
Long-term financial assets (including investments, awarded loans)

220 : Tangible Fixed Assets

For example machinery, furniture, IT equipment, motor vehicles, tools,
appliances, etc.

230 : Land and Building

Real Estate

240 : Capitalised Costs

For example formation expenses and business expansion costs

250 : Intangible Fixed Assets

For example patents, licences, goodwill, etc

255 : Assets not assigned

This is a collection of asset accounts, which cannot be specifically assigned to any
other class.

Trade Creditors

260 : Trade Creditors domestic

Short-term domestic liabilities without intercompany

270 : Trade Creditors foreign

Short-term foreign liabilities without intercompany

280 : Trade Creditors intercompany

Short-term intercompany liabilities

285 : Other Creditors

Other liabilities which should be in a separate group according to the SAP® end

290 : Accruals
Not yet paid expenses and income received in advance (deferred and accrued

300 : Provisions
Short-term liabilities, which are still uncertain (reason, date or amount)

310 : Creditors Due After One Year domestic

Long-term domestic liabilities without intercompany (< 5 years)

320 : Creditors Due After One Year foreign

Long-term foreign liabilities without intercompany (< 5 years)

330 : Creditors Due After One Year intercompany

Long-term intercompany liabilities

335 : Liabilities due after 5 years

Long-term liabilities which are due after 5 years or more

340 : Other Provisions

Long-term liabilities, which are still uncertain (reason, date or amount)

Capital and Reserves

350 : Capital
Share capital, issued capital

360 : Reserves and Profits

For example reserves, profit and loss, retained earnings, provision for own shares,
capital reserve

370 : Liabilities not assigned

This is a collection of liability accounts, which cannot be specifically assigned to
any other class.

500 : Sales Revenue
Revenue from the sales / distribution / retail, etc. ( "general" sales class)

505 : Services
Option to additionally divide revenues into services

507 : Revenue from Production

Revenue from production

510 : Change in Stock

Stock changes for products and production work in progress or semi-finished and
finished goods

520 : Capitalised service

4 coresuite accounting 55
Internally produced and capitalised assets

530 : Cost of Sales

Miscellaneous expenses and purchases, which are directly related to transactions

540 : Miscellaneous Revenue

Operational income, which does not result from the core business

550 : Salary and Benefits

For example salaries, social insurance, expenses, personnel expenses

555 : Social Costs

Social insurance, Other social costs which are not assigned as salary and benefits

560 : Utilities
For example rent, energy, cleaning

570 : Tax
For example industrial or motor vehicle tax

580 : Insurance
For example company insurance (excluding motor vehicles)

590 : Specific Costs

Other costs which should be in a separate group according to the SAP® end

600 : Motor Vehicle Expenses

For example current costs for motor vehicles, repairs, motor vehicle insurance,

610 : Travel & Entertainment

For example advertising, marketing, entertainment expenses

620 : Freight
For example packaging, freight, sales commissions, warranty costs

700 : Control Cost Accounting

This class can be used for an accounting transfer of indirect costs (eg rent and / or
personnel costs) in direct costs which will be posted to the gross profit.

"Control Cost Accounting" can be used to transfer costs from the indirect

cost (class group: Total Costs) in direct costs which will be posted to the

gross profit. Examples are salaries or rent, which clearly can be assigned

directly to a turnover.

630 : Depreciation
Depreciation on investments (loss due to retirement)

640 : Maintenance & Repair

Maintenance, repair and replacement of fixed assets, real estate, etc.

650 : Other Operational Costs

Other costs that are directly related to the operation

660 : Financial Charges

For example interest expense, default interest, bank charges, losses from
securities, exchange rate differences

670 : Other Expenses

Neutral / non-operational / extraordinary expenses

680 : Financial Income

For example interest income, income from securities, exchange rate differences

690 : Other income

Neutral / non-operational / extraordinary income

710 : Unassigned / Miscellaneous

This is a collection of turnover accounts, which cannot be specifically assigned to
any other class.

720 : Tax on Profit/Loss on Ordinary Activities

Corporation or deferred tax expense

4.4 Accounting Class Groups and Subtotals

The assignment of all accounts to the various classes enables a standardised

determination of totals and subtotals or class groups (four-digit numbers) and
subtotals (two-digit numbers). Due to these fixed allocations and dependencies, it
is possible to compare the numbers of different companies (different countries,
affiliates, and even different branches).The individual class groups and subtotal
and their significance are explained below.

SubTotal: Assets (10)
The sum of all assets

SubTotal: Liabilities (20)

The sum of all debts and obligations (the sum of all liabilities exclusive equity)

4 coresuite accounting 57
SubTotal: Own Capital (30)
Sum of the assets minus liabilities (debts / obligations)

SubTotal: Turnover (40)

All revenues from the core business, including capitalised service and decrease in

SubTotal: Gross Profit (50)

Revenues minus direct costs (material and product purchasing) not including
personnel costs

Gross Profit I = Sales Profit; important comparative measure (with this

profit all indirect costs are balanced)

SubTotal: Operating Gross Profit (60)

Gross Profit minus Miscellaneous Revenue (540)

SubTotal: Operating Gross Profit after Salary (65)

Revenues minus direct costs (material and product purchasing) including personnel

Gross Profit II = Operating Gross Profit after Salary; important comparative

measure (with this profit all indirect costs are balanced)

SubTotal: Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization

(EBITDA) (70)
Operating profit excluding the financing of the company, the external personal
achievements and not cash-flow-related write-offs

SubTotal: Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT) (75)

Operating profit excluding the financing of the company, the external personal
achievements and the tax burden (location)

SubTotal: Earnings Before Taxes (EBT) (80)

Operating profit excluding the tax burden (location)

SubTotal: Profit(loss) (95)

Sum of all income and expenses of the enterprise (company's profit)

Class Groups
1000 : Cash at Bank and In Hand
Banks and cash

1010 : Trade Debtors
Short-term debts (domestic, foreign, intercompany)

1020 : Other Debtors

Long-term debts (domestic, foreign, intercompany)

1030 : Prepayments
Prepaid expenses and not yet received income (deferred and accrued assets)

1040 : Stock
Sum of all stocks

1045 : Work in Progress (WIP)

Work in Progress (WIP)

1050 : Tangible Fixed Assets

Tangible assets, including real estate and financial assets

1060 : Intangible Fixed Assets

Intangible assets such as patents and licenses, and capitalized services

1065 : Assets not assigned

not assignable asset accounts

1070 : Trade Creditors

Short-term liabilities (including Accrued liabilities)

1080 : Long-term Liabilities

Long-term liabilities

1090 : Capital
Share capital, subscribed capital

1100 : Reserves and Profits

Equity, which can not be allocated to share capital (eg, profits, reserves)

1110 : Liabilities not assigned

Asset accounts with cannot be assigned

5000 : Turnover
Operational revenue from the core business, including stock changes and
capitalised service

5010 : Cost of Sales

Miscellaneous expenses and purchases, which are directly related to transactions

5020 : Miscellaneous Revenue

Operational revenues that do not result from the core business

4 coresuite accounting 59
5025 : Salary and Benefits
Salary, social insurance, other charges

5030 : Total Costs

Operating expenses from ordinary activities

5035 : Depreciation
Depreciation of assets

5040 : Financial Expenses

Financial expenses and neutral / non-business / extraordinary expense, which has
no direct relationship to the operating expenses

5050 : Non-Operating Income

Financial income and neutral / non-business / extraordinary income, which has no
direct relationship with the operating income

5060 : Unassigned / Miscellaneous

Income accounts which cannot be assigned otherwise

5070 : Tax on Profit/Loss on Ordinary Activities

Sum of corporation taxes

4.5 User tables

The following chapters focus on the user tables which are created during the core
suite country package installation.
Only fields most relevant for the basic understanding will be explained.


It is not supported to manipulate the data in coresuite user tables with

direct UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE or DROP statements.
We will support you to solve issues caused by direct data manipulation but
we will have to charge you for the service.


Field descriptions

Field name Description

CoreMask subtotals

CoreDesc description of subtotals

With the help of these fields, the name of the subtotals is made available to the
coresuite accounting module.


Field descriptions

Field name Description

ClsGroup class group.

GroupDesc code used for multi-language functionality.

With the help of these fields, the name of the class groups are made available to
the coresuite accounting module.


Field descriptions

Field name Description

GroupMask drawer as per Chart of Accounts.

Typ "P" is used for Profit and Loss (P&L) and "B" is used for
balance sheet.

CoreMask simple mapping on the respective subtotal.

With the help of these fields, the coresuite accounting module can provide simple
Key Performance Indicators (KPI) such as "Gross Profit" without the full completion
of the class mapping.
These fields are also responsible for a standardised breakdown in P&L and balance


Field descriptions

Field name Description

ClsCode the actual class (three-digit code)

4 coresuite accounting 61
ClsGroup the class group (four-digit code)

ClsDesc code used for multi-language functionality.

With the help of these fields, the coresuite accounting module can provide
standardised and country independent simple KPI Reports.
The field for the multi-language functionality allows for the naming of the classes.


Field descriptions

Field name Description

ClsGroup the class group.

CoreMask subtotal for the class group

With the help of these fields, the coresuite accounting module knows where to
place the subtotals in the KPI reports.

5 coresuite cube

With coresuite cube you extend your existing ERP by an efficient Reporting
component. coresuite cube allows the analysis of data by mouse click and without
programming knowledge. Evaluations are fast processed, topically available and,
besides, visually attractive.

5.1 Advantages

Create your own Evaluations.

Thanks to the Drag and Drop function the data can be evaluated fast and simply.
Putting together of own reports is very easy. As soon as your evaluation has the
desired form, the settings can be stored locally and you can access at it

Subscribe Evaluations.

Your supervisor needs the weekly product turnovers, the production manager the
stocks at the end of the month and the administrative council the liquidity
overview per quarter. Quite simply: Subscribe for your tailor-made report. The

5 coresuite cube 63
desired evaluation with topical information is automatically dispatched by mail.
Manual interventions become superfluous.


coresuite cube is a multidimensional data cube. All data are stored away in pre
aggregated values and the access needs only minimum arithmetic achievement.
This brings you the advantage that, e.g., complicated evaluations about several
years are processed in short time.

5.2 Getting Started

Find relevant information about how to get the coresuite cube running on your

5.2.1 System Requirements

The following products and shared features must be available in the mentioned

Function Product
Source Database (SAP · SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition or higher
Business One company · SAP Business One 2007A SP01 or higher.
Database(s)) · coresuite country package with an updated
version of the accounting module installed for at
least one user (only for finance cube)

Staging Database SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition or higher

If the sourc e database has a higher level than the BI
instanc e (e.g. the sourc e database is SQL Server 2008 R2
and the BI instanc e is SQL Server 2008) appropriate
drivers must be installed on the BI instanc e for ac c essing
the SQL Server 2008 R2 data sourc e.

Data Warehouse SQL Server 2008 Standard Edition SP2 or higher

(coreDWH database) and
ETL Database (coreETL)

coreCubes Analysis Services 2008 SP2 Standard Edition or


SQL Server Agent and SQL Server Brow ser must be

running. See also Start SQL Server Servic es.

Reports · Microsoft Excel 2007 or higher for reports

created with Excel

Function Product
· Reporting Services 2008 SP2 for the Reports
created with the report server, R2 not supported.

Shared Features · Management Tools Complete (MS SQL

Management Studio)
· Business Intelligence Development Studio

In general it is rec ommended to use the latest servic e pac k levels to avoid any
c omplic ations. (SQL 2008 R2 Management Tools or at least Native Client 10.5)

Start SQL Server Services

The SQL Server Analysis, SQL Server Agent and Browser Services can be started in
the Services on the Server.

To open the Service go to

--> Start --> Enter services.msc in the search field

5.2.2 Recommended Pre-Installation

Second SQL Server Named Instance

Technically it is possible to install all components (SAP Business one, coreStage,

coreETL, coreDWH and the cubes) of the coresuite cube on the usual SAP Business
One SQL Server instance. The condition is that this instance must provide all
features mentioned in the chapter System Requirements.

5 coresuite cube 65
For data security and performance reasons it is strongly recommended to install a
dedicated BI instance to store the Data Warehouse Database, which is the central
database that collects relevant data from the SAP Business One company database
(s). This enables you to create user-defined access to different cubes and data.

The installation of additional instances of Microsoft SQL Server on an existing

server does not cause additional costs.

Recommended SQL Server configuration

Function e Features
Productive SAP Any Database engine only

coreETL, coreDWH BI Database engine, analysis services, reporting

and coreCube services

For more the information on how to install a second SQL Server Instance and
configure security refer to the Microsoft SQL Server documentation.

Microsoft Reporting Services 2008

We recommend to install Microsoft Reporting Services 2008 in order to view the

Reports created with Reporting Services included in the country package. If the
Reporting Services is not installed only Excel Reports can be used to analyse the

Basic configuration required in order to install the coresuite cube is available in the
chapter Configure Reporting Services some more tips on how to configure the
Microsoft Reporting Services is available in the chapter Reference Guide >
Reporting Services advanced configuration
· User access to web interface
· Email Delivery
· Deploy Reports
· Subscribe to a Report
For additional the information on how to install and configure the Microsoft
Reporting Services 2008 refer to the Microsoft SQL Server documentation.

Configure Reporting Services

First ensure that the SQL Server Reporting Services are installed and running. See
also chapter Start SQL Server Services.

1. To configure the Reporting Services open the Reporting Services Configuration

Manager under
> Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2008 > Configuration Tools >
Reporting Services Configuration Manager

2. Connect to the SQL Server Instance

3. Create a Database for Reporting

If the SQL Server w as installed w ith the default settings the database w as c reated

5 coresuite cube 67
4. Specify SMTP settings according to the customer's needs and environment

5. Specify an execution account for unattended report execution

6. For the installation of the cube you will need the Report Server URL which can be
configured under the Web Service URL: "http://servername/

5.2.3 Installation

The coresuite country package includes the installation wizard for the coresuite
cube that can be executed from within SAP Business One under:

Main Menu --> Administration --> Add-Ons --> coresuite Administration --> core
suite cube

5 coresuite cube 69
The cube is installed in 8 simple steps.

Step 1 - Cube Type

Select which cube type to install and click Next to continue.

Step 2 - Data Warehouse

Enter the relevant information for the Data Warehouse which is the central
database that collects relevant data from the SAP Business One company database
(s) and click Next to continue.

After selec ting Next to proc eed the c onnec tion w ill be tested. Is is required that the
SQL Server Analy sis, SQL Server Agent and SQL Server Brow ser Servic es are running to
proc eed further.
See the c hapters Start SQL Server Servic es and for details.

5 coresuite cube 71
Further description

It is required to enter the SQL Server connection information where the database
will be automatically created by the installation wizard. For more flexible security
settings we recommend to install the Data Warehouse Database on a second
named instance of the SQL Server (see Recommended Pre-Installation for details).

Field Description

SQL Server Instance Enter the Name of the of the SQL Server including
(*) (SQL Server named SQL Instance.
name\SQL Instance
name) If there is only one loc al SQL Server instanc e enter:
loc alhost
information If there w as an SQL instanc e c reated for the data
w arehouse enter: loc alhost\bi
W here "bi" is the name of the instanc e c reated for the
data w arehouse.

SQL Username (*) Enter the Username to connect to the SQL Server.
The user must has full administrator rights.

SQL Password (*) Enter the Password for the user to connect to the
SQL Server.

FromDate (yyyymmdd Optionally set a filter for the data to be transferred
) from the company database(s) to the Data
Warehouse for Reporting.
Optional The FromDate is the earlist reference date of the
postings which will be transferred.

If if y ou are only interested in doc uments and

postings, w hic h w ere posted in the y ear or after 2009
enter: 20090101

If y ou leave this value empty it w ill automatic ally take

all doc uments from January 1st of the c urrent y ear. For
example y ou install the c ube on February 15th 2011 the
date w ill be: 20110101.

ToDate (yyyymmdd) Optionally set a filter for the data to be transferred

from the company database(s) to the Data
Optional Warehouse for Reporting.
The ToDate is the latest reference date of the
postings which will be transferred.

If if y ou are only interested in doc uments and

postings before the y ear 2011 enter: 20101231

If y ou leave this empty it w ill automatic ally take all

doc uments until Dec ember 31st 15 y ears from the c urrent
y ear. For example y ou install the c ube on February 15th
2011 the date w ill be: 20261231.

Step 3 - ETL Database

Enter the relevant settings for the Mail alert of the ETL Database and click Next to

5 coresuite cube 73
Further description

ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) is the process to Extract data from different
sources and transform this data into a unique format to finally Load it into the
Data Warehouse.

Field Description

Mail alert ETL Select this Checkbox to receive Mail alerts of

errors (Checkbox) processing errors of the SQL Server Agents.

Mail alert ETL Select this Checkbox to receive Mail alerts of expired
expired facts facts of the Sales Cube.
Spec ify if y ou w ant to get informed about deliveries,
Only available for invoic es, returns or c redit memos w hic h are
sales c ube -- deleted or c anc elled in the sourc e database.
-- based on this notific ation, y ou are provided w ith the
ability to c orrec t inc orrec t
-- data c aused by the sourc e sy stem manually .

Mail Recipients Enter the email address(es) of the recipients. For

(Textbox) more than one recipient use semicolon (;) as

Step 4 - Analysis Server

Enter the relevant settings for the Analysis Server and click Next to continue.

Further description

The Analysis Server will process the data and update the data warehouse with
actual data.

Field Description

Analysis Server Enter the Name of the of the SQL Server of the
Instance (*) (SQL Analysis Server Instance.
Server name\SQL
Instance name) W e rec ommend to use the same SQL Server as the
SAP Business One c ompany database server.
information If this is a loc al installation leave the default:
loc alhost

Scheduled Enter the time of day or night when the processes to

Processing Time ( load the cube should be scheduled to start.
W e rec ommend to enter a time during least w orkload
Optional of the server.
If this is left empty the proc ess w ill start at 2AM

5 coresuite cube 75
Step 5 - Staging Database

Enter the relevant settings for the Staging Database which is the is the storage
area and click Next to continue.

Further description

The Staging Database is the storage area of the cube. Here the source data from
the SAP Business One Company Database is cleaned, transformed, combined and
prepared for the Data Warehouse.

Field Description

SQL Server Instance Enter the Name of the of the SQL Server including
(*) (SQL Server named SQL Instance.
name\SQL Instance
name) W e rec ommend to leave the default settings and use
the SAP Business One c ompany database server.

SQL Username (*) Enter the Username to connect to the SQL Server.
The user must has full administrator rights.
information The user must has full administrator rights.

SQL Password (*) Enter the Password for the user to connect to the
SQL Server.

Step 6 - Source Database

Enter the relevant settings for the Source Database which is the SAP Business One
Company Database and click Next to continue.

Further description

The Source Database is the SAP Business One Company Database from which the
data is gathered for reporting.

Field Description

Source Database (*) Select an available Database from the Drop Down
(Drop Down Box) Box. This will be the database from which the data is
gathered for the reporting.
information The original Database w ill not be modified.

Display Name (*) Enter the name for the Database to be displayed in
(Text Box) the reports.


Import Time ( Enter the time when the import of the data is
yyyymmdd) started.

Optional If this is left empty the import w ill start at midnight.

The import is automatic ally initiated after the

5 coresuite cube 77

Step 7 - Report Server

Enter the relevant settings for the Report Server and click Next to continue.

Further description

The Microsoft Reporting Services 2008 is an optional functionality and needs to

be installed separately. If is installed on the system it is possible to install reports
included in the coresuite country package.

Field Description

Install Reports Select this Checkbox to install the reports included in

(Checkbox) the coresuite country package.


Report Server URL Enter the correct URL of the Report Server where the
(*) reports should be installed. See also chapter
Configure Reporting Services for more information.
information if the
reports should be

Step 8 - Perform Installation

Select which items (Data warehouse, ETL Database, Staging Database, Reports) to
install and click Next to continue.

Further description

In the last step select which items to install. Here you can decide to leave out
certain functionality or install other at a later stage.

In the first installation all items should be installed.

If the item already exists it w ill be overw ritten.

Field Description

Data warehouse Select this Checkbox to install the Data Warehouse

(Checkbox) which is the central database that collects relevant
data from the SAP Business One company database.

ETL Database Select this Checkbox to install the ETL (Extract,

(Checkbox) Transform, Load) Database which is the process to
Extract data from different sources and transform
this data into a unique format to finally Load it into
the Data Warehouse.

Staging Database Select this Checkbox to install the Staging Database

(Checkbox) which is the storage area of the cube.

5 coresuite cube 79
Reports (Checkbox) Select this Checkbox to install the reports for the
Microsoft Reporting Services 2008 included in the
coresuite country package.


Click Finish to complete the installation.

5.2.4 Access to Reports

Once the installation is completed a new Main Menu entry is created in the SAP
Business One Menu from which the cube reports can be launched.

The menu is split in the different cube types (e.g. Finance, Sales) and then in the
different Report Types (Excel and Report Server).

5.3 cube Reports

The following Reports for the coresuite cube are included in the coresuite country

Usage and
Name Content Description
Menu entries
Balance Overview of the Balance on Accounts To display the form
(Excel) from the Main
Select cube -->
Finance --> Excel --
> Balance

5 coresuite cube 81
Usage and
Name Content Description
Menu entries
ProfitLoss Profit and Loss Statement To display the form
(Excel) from the Main
Select cube -->
Finance --> Excel --
> ProfitLoss

VAT (Excel) VAT Overview To display the form

from the Main
Select cube -->
Finance --> Excel --

Balance Overview of the Balance on Accounts To display the form

(Report from the Main
Server) Menu
Select cube -->
Finance --> Report
Server --> Balance

ProfitLoss Profit and Loss Statement To display the form

(Report from the Main
Server) Menu
Select cube -->
Finance --> Report
Server --> ProfitLoss

ProfitLoss Profit and Loss Statement by Profit To display the form

ProfitCenters centers from the Main
(Report Menu
Server) Select cube -->
Finance --> Report
Server --> ProfitLoss

OpenSales Information about Open Sales To display the form

(Excel) from the Main
Select cube -->
Sales --> Excel -->

Usage and
Name Content Description
Menu entries
Revenue Revenue Overview To display the form
(Excel) from the Main
Select cube -->
Sales --> Excel -->

SalesDocumen Overview about all Sales Documents To display the form

ts (Excel) from the Main
Select cube -->
Sales --> Excel -->

5.3.1 Finance

Find details to all standard reports for the finance cube in this chapter.


Reports created with Excel are opened in the external application Microsoft Excel.
Data can be dynamically analysed via Pivot Tables.


Overview of the Balance on Accounts

To display the report from the Main Menu

Select cube --> Finance --> Excel --> Balance

Preview Sample

5 coresuite cube 83

Profit and Loss Statement

To display the report from the Main Menu

Select cube --> Finance --> Excel --> ProfitLoss

Preview Sample


VAT Overview

To display the report from the Main Menu

Select cube --> Finance --> Excel --> VAT

Preview Sample

5 coresuite cube 85
Report Server

Reports created with the Report Server are open internally in SAP Business One.


Overview of the Balance on Accounts

To display the report from the Main Menu

Select cube --> Finance --> Report Server --> Balance

Preview Sample


Profit and Loss Statement

To display the report from the Main Menu

Select cube --> Finance --> Report Server --> ProfitLoss

Preview Sample

ProfitLoss ProfitC enters

Profit and Loss Statement by Profit centers

To display the report from the Main Menu

5 coresuite cube 87
Select cube --> Finance --> Report Server --> ProfitLoss ProfitCenter

Preview Sample

5.3.2 Sales

Find details to all standard reports for the sales cube in this chapter.


Reports created with Excel are opened in the external application Microsoft Excel.
Data can be dynamically analysed via Pivot Tables.


Information about Open Sales

To display the report from the Main Menu

Select cube --> Sales --> Excel --> OpenSales

Preview Sample


Revenue Overview

To display the report from the Main Menu

Select cube --> Sales --> Excel --> Revenue

Preview Sample

5 coresuite cube 89

Overview about all Sales Documents

To display the report from the Main Menu

Select cube --> Sales --> Excel --> SalesDocuments

Preview Sample

5.4 Reference Guide

This chapter explains more advanced settings to configure and use the coresuite

5.4.1 Access Configuration

The predefined role "Brow sers" is already c onfigured for ty pic al needs.

If you wish to add additional roles, this can be done with SQL Server Management

1. Start the SQL Server Management Studio

2. Connect to your Analysis Services

5 coresuite cube 91
3. Navigate to the "Browsers" role and open it's Properties

4. Open the "Membership" tab and add your user or group

5.4.2 Reporting Services advanced configuration

User access to web interface

1. Log in to your Report Server's windows machine as an Administrator. (See

chapter Configure Reporting Services for details)
2. Open the Report Server's web interface (http://ServerName/

3. Open the site properties and select security

5 coresuite cube 93
4. Choose "New Role Assignment" and enter an active directory user or group that
shall be allowed to access the web interface.
5. Choose role "Browser". Hit "OK".

6. Navigate back to the directory "Data Sources" and open it's properties pane.
7. Go to "Security" and edit the element's security.

8. Remove the users or group you created before. These users do not need to see
your data sources.

Your Report Server's basic security settings are configured.

Email Delivery

To provide individual E-Mail subscriptions to your user's, the following steps must
be accomplished.

Adjust the Reporting Services configuration file

1. Search for a file called "rsreportserver.config" on your Report Server's disk

2. Open the file with Notepad.exe and adjust the following sections.
a. Add a default host for E-Mail delivery. Usually it's the part after the "@"
of your companie's E-Mail adresses.
b. Set default rendering format to PDF or Excel

3. Restart the Report Server via services.msc (see also chapter Start SQL Server
Services) or the Reporting Services Configuration Wizard.

Prepare a predefined schedule for report delivery

1. Open your Report Server's web interface.

2. Navigate to "Site Settings". Open the "Schedules" section.

3. Create and save your schedule.

This sc hedule c an be used by y our users for automated report delivery via E-Mail.

Allow your user's to see predefined schedules

1. Open the "Security" section.

2. Create a new role for your report users. Define this role as "System User".

5 coresuite cube 95
3. Hit "OK"

Provide an execution account for your subscriptions

To provide your users with subscriptions, the execution account for the specific
data source must be stored on the report server.

1. Open your Report Server's web interface.

2. Navigate to "Data Sources". Open the "Sales" datasource.
3. Provide a active directory user and it's password. (Important: The user must be
able to access the cube)

4. Save your settings.

Y our Report Server is now c onfigured properly .

Deploy Reports

MS SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio is installed on your server

Deployment guide

5 coresuite cube 97
1. Open the following file: "C:
2. Adjust both data sources "DS_Sales_OLAP" and "DS_Sales_OLTP" to the
appropriate settings.

3. Adjust the report project's deployment settings to your local needs.

Set the "overwrite datasources" option to false and provide your report servers

4. Deploy the whole project to your report server.
5. Check the following URL: "http://servername/reports_instancename". Two new
folders must appear (Data Sources and Sales)

Y our reports are now deploy ed to the c ustomer's site.

5.4.3 Subscribe to a Report

Subsc ribe to a report if y ou w ant the report server to provide y ou w ith the latest
reports automatic ally .
If y ou don't c hange the c onfiguration settings, the server w ill automatic ally send y ou an E-
Mail w ith the report attac hed as a PDF.

Set up your subscription

5 coresuite cube 99
1. Open the Report Server's web interface with your Internet Explorer (http://
2. Open the report you want to subscribe to.
3. Hit "New Subscription"

4. Adjust the subscription form and choose a shared schedule or define your own
schedule if you want to do so.

5. Hit "OK".

Y our subsc ription is registered now .

Y ou c an manage y our existing subsc riptions in the "My Subsc riptions" area of
Reporting Servic es.

5 coresuite cube 101

6 coreuite customize

6.1 Getting Started

The coresuite customize module is powerful tool to implement new business logic
and change the look and behavior of SAP® Business One forms. To implement this
we use so called "customize rules". There are 3 ways to create these rules:

1. Create your own rules by yourself from scratch.

Some information on basic code is available in the Reference Guide under Basic
Course Code.

2. Use the examples delivered with the coresuite country package and make
adjustments if required.
More information on how to get the examples is available in the Reference
Guide under Import Examples.
More information on each examples is available in the Reference Guide under
Installed Examples.
3. Use the right click wizard to create simple rules like mandatory fields, colored
fields, field placement and more.
More information on the functions of the right click wizard is available in the
Reference Guide under Right Click Wizard.

6.2 Form Details

The following chapters describes the forms, that are created by coresuite
customize and where all rules can be defined and adjusted.

To display the forms

Select --> Administration -> AddOns -> coresuite customize

6 coreuite customize 103

Since version 1.51 there is the possibility to set authorizations for every rule. More
information is available at the section coresuite customize -> Form Details ->

6.2.1 Optimizer

The mask coresuite customize Optimizer has the function of creating new and
working on already existing rules. What a rule is and how this operates will be
described in the chapter Usage more precisely.

Every row corresponds to a rule and every column is therefore a feature of the rule.
The columns will be described mire precisely in the following. You will find examples
for Optimizer in chapter Usage.
With "Add row" / "Delete row" ("Duplicate row" only available in the right click
menu) new rows can be added and marked rows can be deleted. Changes are only
effective, when the button "Update" has been pressed.

The columns are kept in terms of color, so that the individual areas can be structured
and therefore distinguished.

Blue Area: General Settings

These columns contain general settings. Preferably these columns shall be filled
first, because some of the following columns depend on their selection.


Chart description
Name of the Description

6 coreuite customize 105

Active Determines whether the corresponding row is to be used or not.
If the tick has not been set, the rule is deactivated.

Name of the Name of the rule. Enables differentiation of the rules ( the list
rule will be sorted by this name). The name should be inimitable.
Type The type decides the execution type of the rule. There are 4
different types:

- 0: CSCode(c# Code)
- 1: VBCode (Visual Base Code)
- 10: SQL (Structured Query Language)
- 20: RegEx (Regular Expression)
Action This column defines the action, which shall be accomplished.
This is especially important for the type 'SQL'. With 'Change
Values' a return value from the SQL Statement can be written
into a field.

- 0: Validate (Check)
- 1: Change Values (Change values, only for SQL!)

Name the rules usefully (for example with logogram for the maker)! It
helps you to find them easier later on.

Red Area: Warning message

Warning messages can be defined in the red area, which are being displayed at a
possible false function of the rule. A false function must not mean, that a rule was
compiled wrongly. It can come up to a false function, when the checking of a field
with RedEx fails, in other words when the field doesn't correspond with the
requested values.

Chart description
Name of the Description

Only warning States, whether a warning shall be issued, in case the check
fails. The user can continue working as usual.

Text of the The text, which is being issued in a warning. This text can be
warning translated to different languages. To do so you need the
translation parameter syntax from the coresuite designer. More
information in the chapter Translation Parameter.

Warning box States, whether a warning shall be shown as a MessageBox. The

user must confirm the MessageBox with a click on "OK".

Status bar States, whether a warning shall be shown as a status bar. The
message status bar message appears as a red bar at the bottom edge of
SAP® Business One.

If „Only Warning“ has not been chosen, the action will not be
accomplished. In this way it can be prevented, that a data base is
added or a field abandoned, until the corresponding condition has been

White Area: Base element

These three columns serve the purpose, to define a base element. A value can be

6 coreuite customize 107

written in this element, when instead of "Action" "Change Values" was selected.
Therefore the SQL-Query must return an exact value. coresuite customize adds
this value into the defined basic element itself. Basically one only requires a base
element if the element of the trigger and the element, on which the action
(Check / fill in value) shall be accomplished, are not the same.

Chart description
Name Description

FormTyp of the FormTyp of the base element (see definition: FormType).

base elements More than one form types can be indicated, but they have to be
separated by a comma.

ItemUID Base Item UID of the base elements (see definition: ItemUID of the
If it es a matrix or a grid, the column description must be
indicated additionally.

Column Base Column description of the base element (empty, when not used)

Green Area: Triggering element

In this area the element is being specified, which starts the rule. In addition to the
element of triggering, the EventType, BeforeAction and the FormModus must be
selected as well.
All events, which are found in SAP® Business One, can be chosen as EventType
(see definition: Events in SAP® Business One). The mode of a form is a further
parameter for specification (for example, only events while adding a data base).

Chart description
Name Description

Form Typ The FormType of the triggering elements. (see definition:

More then one FormTypes can be indicated, they have to be
separated by a comma.
ItemUID The UID of the triggering elements (leave empty, when not used)
More then one item UID can be indicated, they have to be
separated by a comma.
Column The column of the triggering elements (leave empty, when not
More then one column can be indicated, they have to be
separated by a comma.
Event Type The event type of the triggering. All event types of SAP®
Business One are selectable .

6 coreuite customize 109

The different event types are explained in the SAP Business One
SDK. The following summary contains the most important ones:
· ItemPressed, Raised when a button is clicked (e.g. "Add" on
sales order)
· Click, Raised if a mouse click is registered on a field.
· ComboSelect, Raised if the user chooses a value inside a drop
down box.
· ValueChanged, Raised after changing and leaving a field.
· Validate, Raised after leaving a field.
· FormLoad, Raised if a form is loaded.
· FormDataAdd/Update/Load, Raised when a new document is
added or loaded (e.g. switching between documents using the
red arrows)
· Startup, Raised during startup of SAP Business One
Before Event States, whether there shall be a response to the Before or After-
event (at SAP® Business One there are almost always two
events: one before SAP® does something and one after SAP®
has accomplished something). One has to opt in on the Before-
Event if a SAP® action shall be prevented (e.g. Prohibit adding,
when something is not correct).
Form Mode State of the form
There are 8 different states of a form:

When „ALL“ has been chosen, it doesn't matter what state it is.
MODIFY contains ADD and UPDATE.

Attention at combing elements with events. Not all events through the
same events. E.g. a button doesn't have a ValidateEvent!

Grey Area: Expression

The most important column is the expression column, in which is being defined,
what should be checked in particular. It's not possible to edit it directly. Through a
click on the button, through a double click on the column or on the row button an
editor opens (according to the selected type from the chapter General Settings
(Blue) ). The individual editors are being explained in chapterEditors.

6 coreuite customize 111


Code Editor

This editor opens, when either 'CSCODE' or 'VBCODE' has been chosen in the column
'Type'. The code editor allows writing normal C# or VisualBasic code, which will then
be compiled and executed when the corresponding event is triggered. In order to
validate the code, it can be parsed (using the third symbol from the left).
Compiling errors will then be shown. The code will be accomplished in a method in
a help class. The „pVal” object can be used and provides the following properties:

· ActionSuccess: the latest successful SAP® action (true/

· CharPressed: pressed key (number)
· ColUID: current column (string)
· EventType Event type, which triggered this action
· Form: current form
· FormUID: Unique ID of the form (string)
· InnerEvent: it's an InnerEvent (true/false)
· Item: current item
· Row: current row (number)
· Value Changed the value of the field has been changed

It's important, that a Boolean-value returns to show if the validation was successful
or not. ("return true;" or "return false," at the end)! „False” means the validation
was not successful and SAP® Business One will abort the started action. If global
variables or classes (see chapter Extended Code) are used, these may be accessed
here as well.

By clicking on „Save” (first symbol from the left), the code is written into the

Editor Description

Saves the code (Ctrl + S)

Prints the code (Ctrl + P)

Checks the code for the correct syntax (F5)

Reverses the latest change (Ctrl + Z), resp. reinstalls changes

Enables search in the code (Ctrl + F)

Enables the installation of small code sequences (Ctrl + K + X)


RegEx Editor

The regular expression editor is also opened by double-clicking the correct cell. The
editor allows you to select a template (e.g. email address) or an expression can be
written into the „Expression”-field. The „Example Value”-field allows you to test

6 coreuite customize 113

the entered expression (e.g. you can enter a valid email address and with a click
on "Test expression" the entered text will be checked and a success or false
message will be returned on the status row).
If the expression is complete you can use the „OK”-button to let the value be
written into the „Expression”-field.

For more detailed information on RegEx visit

SQL Editor

If the type SQL is selected, a double-click on the „Expression”-field will open the
SQL editor. A special feature, is that parameters can be defined.
For example: To use the CardCode of the current form in the SQL statement you
can use the following syntax:
More information in selecting parameters can be found in chapter Select parameter

If a value is validated, the validation will be unsuccessful, if NULL or an empty
value is returned. Everything else will be interpreted as a successful validation!

6.2.2 Item Placement

The primary function of the mask coresuite customize Item Placement is to

compile new and handle already existing rules. What a rule is and how it works is
described more precisely in chapter Usage.

Every row corresponds to a rule and every column is therefore a feature of the rule.
The columns will be described mire precisely in the following. You will find examples
for Item Placement in chapter Usage.
With "Add row" / "Delete row" ("Duplicate row" only available in the right click
menu) new rows can be added and marked rows can be deleted. Changes are only
effective, when the button "Update" has been pressed.

6 coreuite customize 115

Chart description
Name Description
Active States, whether this row shall be valid or not. If the tick has not
been set, the rule is deactivated.
Form Type FormType of the element, which will be relocated. More then
one FormTypes can be indicated, they must be separated by a
ItemUID UID of the element, which will be relocated.
Reference Item The ID of a reference element. All other fields (left, top, width,
height) are according to this reference element. You can use 'H'
and 'W' for the Height or Width of the reference element. '-H2'
in the column 'Top' means, that the item will be placed at: Top
of the reference item minus 2 times the height of the reference
Left Left gap of the element, which will be relocated from the edge.
Top Top gap of the element, which will be relocated from the edge.
Width Width of the element, which will be relocated.
Height Height of the element, which will be relocated.
From From Pane of the element, which will be relocated. (see chapter
PaneLevel PaneLevel)
Until PaneLevel To Pane of the element, which will be relocated. (see chapter
TabOrder Number which defines the sequence of the tabulator

Invisible Visibility of the element, which will be relocated (checked ==

Deactivated States, whether the element is "activated" (works only in the

conception mode)
Change with States, whether the values shall be changes via XML or Code
Code (XML is more performant, but doesn't always work).
Assistant Starts the Wizard. With one click on a field the information in
the status row will be shown (Height, length, position ect.) A
double click on a field will add it as a new row into the chart.

„Invisible“ and „Disabled“ can only be changed from „false“ to

„true“. A „Disabled“ element cannot be changed to „Enable“ as well!
This values are active when opening the form at the first time, as
soon as SAP® steps in again (e.g. when changing a data base), it will
overwrite these settings with the default values.
When an attribute shouldn't be changed, it can be left empty. The
current values can be retained this way. Values can be relocated
"relatively". The old value can be changed to the new value with "+"
and "-".
Many attributes of existing elements can be discovered with the


The assistant provides the possibility to see the property of an existing field in
SAP Business One. The properties are written to the status bar -> see screenshot).
Use double click to insert the field directly into the Item Placement.

6 coreuite customize 117

6.2.3 Function Button

The primary function of the mask coresuite customize Item Placement is to

compile new and handle already existing rules. What a rule is and how it works is
described more precisely in chapter Usage.

Every row corresponds to a rule and every column is therefore a feature of the rule.
The columns will be described mire precisely in the following. You will find examples
for Function Button in chapter Usage.
With "Add row" / "Delete row" ("Duplicate row" only available in the right click
menu) new rows can be added and marked rows can be deleted. Changes are only
effective, when the button "Update" has been pressed.

Chart description
Name Description
Active States, whether a row is active or not.
Description Describes the function.
Type Type of the function:

- CSCode, c# Code sequence
- VBCode, Visual Basic Code sequence
- Shell, Shell order (as the commando row order)
Name Name, which shall be shown. This text can be translated to
different languages. To do so you need the translation parameter
syntax from the coresuite designer. More information in the
chapter Translation Parameter.
Form Type FormType, which shall be placed on the button. More then one
FormType can be indicated, they must be separated by a comma.
Picture path Path for a picture (JPG or BMP, 16x16 Pixel), which will show in
the right click menu.
No button Shall the function be lodged to a button or only be visible in the
right click menu.
Printout Executive function, click on the arrow or double click on the cell
will open the Editor for the editing.

The code editor as well as the relevant code sequences can be opened as well as
written with a click on the arrow or a double click on the column 'Expression' (see
chapter Editors).

The FunctionButton is placed beside the cancel button from SAP® B1

(normally the button with ID=2). If the place is taken or if a
replacement is wanted anyway, the FunctionButton with the
ItemPlacementTool form chapter Item Placement can be displaced!

6 coreuite customize 119

6.2.4 New Items

The primary function of the mask coresuite customize New Items is to compile
new and handle already existing rules. What a rule is and how it works is described
more precisely in chapter Usage.

Every row corresponds to a rule and every column is therefore a feature of the rule.
The columns will be described mire precisely in the following. You will find examples
for New Items in chapter Usage.
With "Add row" / "Delete row" ("Duplicate row" only available in the right click
menu) new rows can be added and marked rows can be deleted. Changes are only
effective, when the button "Update" has been pressed.

Chart description
Name Description
Active States, which row is active or not.
Item Type Selection on the type of the element

TextEdit is a normal text field

ComboBox is a DropDownList
ExtendedTextEdit is a text field, which allows more then one rows

Name Description of a new element

Form Type FormType, on which the element shall be placed. More then one
Formtypes can be indicated, they must be separated by a
ItemUID A clear ID (maximum length: 8) for the element (Attention:Error,
if not selected clearly)

Table name Table, which contains the UDF

Column name Column name of the UDF
Reference The ID of a reference element. All other fields (left, top, width,
Item height) are according to this reference element. You can use 'H'
and 'W' for the Height or Width of the reference element. '-H2' in
the column 'Top' means, that the item will be placed at: Top of
the reference item minus 2 times the height of the reference
Description Description of the elements (is shown on the form). This text can
be translated to different languages. To do so you need the
translation parameter syntax from the coresuite designer. More
information in the chapter Translation Parameter.
Description Length of the label, which goes ahead of the elements
Left Left gap of the elements
Top Upper gap of the elements
Width Width of the elements
Height Height of the elements

From FromPane of the elements (see PaneLevel)

Until ToPane of the elements (see PaneLevel)
TabOrder Number which defines the sequence of the tabulator
Changed States, whether the FormMode shall change when the value
Form mode changes.
Deactivated States, whether the element is editable or not.
Linked object Number, with which the type of the LinkedButton will be
type referenced with. When nothing is indicated, no LinkedButton will
be created.
A list with the available types can be found in chapter

6 coreuite customize 121

LinkedObjectType or in the forum of
All categories > coresuite customize > coresuite customize >
SQL Query SQL-Statement, which will be accomplished and shown in the form
of a ChooseFromList when the tabulator key has been pressed.
The value, which has been written, must be referred to as
E.g.: SELECT ItemCode AS VALUE, ItemName AS Description
shows a list of all items and writes the code of the chosen item
back into the field. It is possible, to read the parameter from the
form (see chapter Editors)

With „Source“ and „Alias“ data of UDF can be referred. Unfortunately

it is not possible, to display the data from the system twice.


The assistant provides the possibility to see the property of an existing field in
SAP Business One. The properties are written to the status bar -> see screenshot).
Use double click to insert the field directly into the Item Placement.

6.2.5 New Menu

The primary function of the mask coresuite customize Item Placement is to

compile new and handle already existing rules. What a rule is and how it works
is described more precisely in chapter Usage.

Every row corresponds to a rule and every column is therefore a feature of the rule.
The columns will be described mire precisely in the following. You will find examples
for New Menu in chapter Usage.
With "Add row" / "Delete row" ("Duplicate row" only available in the right click
menu) new rows can be added and marked rows can be deleted. Changes are only
effective, when the button "Update" has been pressed.

Chart description
Name Description
Active States, whether the row is active or not.
Description Description of a new menu point.
Menu name Name of the menu point (will be shown). This text can be
translated to different languages. To do so you need the
translation parameter syntax from the coresuite designer. More
information in the chapter Translation Parameter.

6 coreuite customize 123

UID of the Unique ID of the menu point (may not occur twice in the whole
Menu SAP®).

Father MenuUID of the father element.

Position Defines the new menu position within the menu. Empty value
means attaching the new menu at the end.
Picture path Path of a picture (JPG or BMP, 16x16 Pixel), which will be shown.

Menu type Type of the menu. There are 3 different menu types:

- String: Normal menu point, functions can be added.

- PopUp: MenuOrdner, no functions can be added, only serves as
submenu for other menu points.
- Seperator: Separation line, in case the menu point shall be
FunctionType Type of the function:

- CSCode, C# Code sequence

- VBCode, Visual Basic Code sequence
- Shell, Shell order (like commando row order)
Printout Performable function.

The Code Editor can be opened and the corresponding Code sequence written with
a click on the arrow or a double click on the column 'printout' (see chapter Editors).

6.2.6 Extended Code

Simple problems may be solved using code in simple methods, as described in the
chapter Optimizer. Bigger problems on the other hand may be to complex for this.
For these problems, the menu point „Extended Code” provides the possibility to
define global variables and classes. In this menu point, global variables and classes
can be defined, which you can have access from everywhere. Also the „Using”
import can be set here, so you do not need to write the complete namespace every
time. Further explanations about the code, can be found in chapter Basic course
There are two programming languages available: C# and Visual Basic. The
ComboBox on the right top allows you to select your corresponding code version.
A double-click on the field „Usings” and „Script” will open the editor from the Code
Editor chapter and allows you to edit the corresponding code.

It is not possible to access VB code with C# code nor the other way

Chart description
Name Description
Using Using-declarations, allows using other namespaces
Script Global code
Realise in States, whether the editor with the error code description will
Debugmode be shown when run-time errors occur.
Code Type Selection between C# and VB code

6 coreuite customize 125

6.2.7 Export

The mask Export fulfills its name and serves the purpose of exporting the core
suite customize rules from the SAP® Busniess One system. Thereby all rules are
being written in a file (File with the ending *.cocu).


With one click on „Export“ all data from the database will be fetched and saved
into a file with the ending *.cocu (coresuite customize). The exact process of the
exporting is being explained under coresuite customize -> Referenec Guide ->
Import/Export -> Export rules.

Chart description
Name Description

Opens a new window to select the memory location

Export A click on this button saves the selected rules

A notification confirms the path, name and success of export.

A click on the column description "Export" selects resp. reselects all

rules at once.

6.2.8 Import

The mask Import serves the purpose of downloading rules from a file. Thereby all
rules are being written into a file (File with the ending *.cocu). The exact process
of an import is being described under coresuite customize -> Reference Guide ->
Import/Export -> Import rules.

Chart description
Name Description

Opens a new window to select the .cocu file.

Import (Button) Takes over the selected rule into the data base.

Examples Possibility to import the example rules again.

Delete rules Additional possibility, to delete old rules (see below).

Import This rule will be imported, when the tick has been set.

Overwrite When the tick has been set, an already existing, same named
rule will be overwritten with anew rule.

A notification confirms the number and the success of the takeover of the rule.

6 coreuite customize 127

A click on the column description "Import" or "Overwrite" selects resp.
reselects all rules at once.

Delete rules
If you want to delete a lot of rules at once, you can click on the button "Delete
rules" in the import-form. A new form shows the different modules, which can be
marked with a tick each. ALL rules of the ticked modules are being deleted when
clicked on "Delete".

6.2.9 Authorization

Every rule of every module can be activated or deactivated for every user. That
means that certain rules can be set as active for certain users. coresuite
customize creates therefore 15 new user groups in the SAP Business One
authorization folder (Group 1, Group 2, ... Group 15).

You can now define the rights for this 15 groups for every SAP Business One user
(Full / No Authorization).

We do recommend to define some groups of user (e.g. Finance, Production,

Backoffice, etc) before you start using the coresuite customize authorizations.
These groups are represented by the authorization groups of SAP Business One
(Backoffice = Group 1, Finance = Group 2, etc)

After this declaration you can now set the authorizations for every coresuite
customize rule (see below). If you don't use the coresuite customize authorization
all rules are for all users activ.

6 coreuite customize 129

6.3 Reference Guide

Questions to the application of coresuite customize are being answered here.

6.3.1 Basic course code

Here are some examples for the programming with C# , which will simplify the
handling with coresuite customize.

Additional information about developing with SAP Business One is available on the
official SAP developer homepage (

The SAP Business One SDK objects can be retrieved using the following code:

' VB .Net
Dim application As SAPbouiCOM.Application = customize.B1Connector().Application
Dim company As SAPbobsCOM.Company = customize.B1Connector().Company

// C#
SAPbouiCOM.Application application = customize.B1Connector.GetB1Connector().Appli
SAPbobsCOM.Company company = customize.B1Connector.GetB1Connector().Company;


Often it is helpful, to make calculations or examination on finance documents for

the whole list of items. Therefore one needs a loop, which goes through the whole
list and that way has access to every row.
This can be realised with Code. A base frame is provided by us.The example has
been adjusted to the item list of the customer assignment (Matrix UID = 38).

Matrix m = Matrix.GetFromUID(pVal.Form, "38");

for(int i = 0; i < m.Rows.Count-1; i++)
// Read the value from column "1" and row i
string wert = m.GetValue("1", i);

Select values

If one wants to select a value from a form, first of all one has to know, which type,
the to be selected element, it is.
In SAP® Business One there are following element types:

Name Description Select value

TextEdit Normal Textfeld string value = TextEdit.GetFromUID(pVal.

Form, "id").Value;

ExtendedText Multiline Textfeld string value = ExtendedTextEdit.

Edit GetFromUID(pVal.Form, "id").Value;

ComboBox DropDownListe string value = ComboBox.GetFromUID

(Selection list) (pVal.Form, "id").Selected.Value;
string description = ComboBox.
GetFromUID(pVal.Form, "id").Selected.

Matrix List string value = Matrix.GetFromUID(pVal.

Form, "id").GetValue("ColumnID", row

CheckBox Checkbox bool hook = CheckBox.GetFromUID(pVal.

Form, "id").Checked;

After selecting the value, this value will be in the variable "value" (string == Text
With the element CheckBox you get a Boolean-Wert back (Boolean == true or
false), whether the checkbox has a tick or not.

6 coreuite customize 131

Create Items

With the help of the code editor you are able to create your own SAP elements
(Textfields, DropDownBoxes). Every element has the same base, there are only a
few specific attributes which can be set.

Create a new item:

// Creates a new element (UID = 'COR_TE1')

TextEdit te1 = TextEdit.CreateNew("COR_TE1");

// Set position with the help of a reference element(textfield with uid '4')
te1.SetSizeAndPosition(TextEdit.GetFromUID(pVal.Form, "4"));
te1.Top += 20;

// All attributes can be set manually


// Set additional attributes (depends on type, look for more details in the SDK o
te1.AffectsFormMode = false; te1.FromPane = 98; te1.ToPane = 98

// Add the new element to the form (current form == 'pVal.Form') and refresh the

Create Grid

With the help of a grid you can display a list of results from a SQL query.

This grid can be created like this:

SwissAddonFramework.UI.Components.Grid grid = SwissAddonFramework.UI.Component
grid.Width = 380; grid.Height = 260; grid.Top = 5; grid.Left = 5;


SwissAddonFramework.UI.Components.Form form = SwissAddonFramework.UI.Component
form.Height = 300; form.Width = 400; form.Top = pVal.Form.Top; form.Left = pVa
form.Value = "Results";




string query= "SELECT ItemCode, ItemName FROM OITM";




grid.Columns["ItemCode"].Editable = false;
grid.Columns["ItemName"].Editable = false;
catch(System.Exception ex)
SwissAddonFramework.UI.Dialogs.MessageBox.Show("Unexpected error happend whil

This code creates a SAP form with a list which will be filled with the results of the
query ("SELECT ItemCode, ItemName FROM OITM").

Row Description
string query= "SELECT ItemCode, ItemName
Query which will fillsFROM OITM";
the list. Replace it with your
own one!
grid.Columns["ItemCode"].Editable = "ItemCode"
Sets the row false; and "ItemName" to 'not-
grid.Columns["ItemName"].Editable = false;

This function can be set on a new menu (with the modul NewMenu) or a function
button (with the modul FunctionButton).

6.3.2 Custom DLL installation

For advanced developers coresuite customize allows the user to import custom dlls
compiled with the .NET Framework 2.0.

To import a custom DLL correctly the user needs to follow the procedure here

6 coreuite customize 133

1. Check the .NET Framework Version

Be sure that the .DLL you're going to import has been compiled with .NET
Framework 2.0.
If you are using MS® Visual Studio you can check the version in the Solution
Explorer Properties

If your .DLL has not been compiled with .NET Framework 2.0 please recompile it.

2. Create the Installation Structure

Create a folder named exactly COR_Customize (please respect capital letters).

Within such folder create a new folder called DLL (all capital letters).

6 coreuite customize 135

Within the DLL folder you can now place your .dll.

At the end the structure should be as per the following picture:

3. Create the .sip file

Zip the COR_Customize folder and rename it with a unique name. We suggest to
assign to the .zip file the same name as the .dll.
Change the extension of the package from .zip to .sip.

You are now able to import your .sip file using the coresuite Administration menu
under Administration -> Add-Ons -> coresuite administration -> Administration
Please check the coresuite Installation Manual on how to import .sip packages.

Once coresuite has been restarted you will be able to use the imported .dll into
your customize rules.

6.3.3 Editor

How do I open the Code Editor

The Code Editor can be opened by a click on the orange arrow, a double click on
the row header or a double click on the field "Usage". The Editor defined in the
column "Type" will always be opened.

6.3.4 FormType

Every document (or mask or window) in SAP® Business One has a clear
characterisation, named FromType, which are mostly numbers. With the help of
these numbers, a print layout (coresuite designer) or a rule for a function (core
suite customize) can be permanently determined on a document.

Here a list of some forms and the corresponding FormType:

Description FormType
Accounts code 804
Journal posting 392
Posting pre-acquisition 229
Allocation to an account sample 800
Continuant posting 670
Exchange rate balance 370
Conversion balance 372
Finance report template 704
Document print 184


6 coreuite customize 137

Description FormType
Opportunity 320

Decription FormType
Offer 149
Customer's order 139
Delivery 140
Retoure 180
Outgoing payment condition 65308
Outgoing payment invoice 65300
Outgoing invoice 133
Outgoing credit 179
Outgoing advanced invoice 60091

Description FormType
Order 142
Goods inward 143
Retoure 182
Receipt payment condition 65309
Receipt payment invoice 65301
Receipt invoice 141
Receipt credit 181
Receipt advanced invoice 60092
Goods debut price 992

Business partner
Description FormType
Business partner historical data 134
Activity 651

Warehouse management
Description FormType
Article master data 150
Goods inwards 721
Goods outwards 720
Stock rearrangement 940

Description FormType
Stock list 672
Production order 65211
Receipt of the production 65214
Output of the production 65213

Description FormType
Service call 60110
Historical data customer equipment 60150
Service contract 60126
Solution database 60120

Description FormType
Employees historical data 60100

6 coreuite customize 139

6.3.5 Import/Export

The import/export of already existing rules will be executed through a file with the
ending *.cocu.
The following two chapters explain the process of imports and exports.

To display the form

Administration -> AddOns -> coresuite customize -> Import / Export

The exact form descriptions as well as functions of the individual fields or columns
are being elucidated more precisely in chapter Export and Import.

Import rules

The file can be read in the following submenu:
Administration -> AddOns -> coresuite customize -> Import / Export -> Import

The File Dialog opens through a click on (1):

The *.cocu file can be chosen (1) and opened (2). The File Dialog will be closed
after that and all existing rules will be loaded into the list. The list can be extended
depending on how many rules there are. In the status bar you can see, the number
of rules, which are already loaded in the list.

6 coreuite customize 141

As soon as all rules are displayed, the rules, which should be imported, can be
selected with the column "Import" (1). If a rule with the same name already exists,
the old rule can be overwritten by selecting the column "Overwrite" (2). Through a
click on the button "Import" (3) the selected rules will be imported and are
operational straightaway (without restarting of the AddOns). A notification will
confirm the success as well as the number of deleted (overwritten) and imported

The button "Delete" will delete all rules of the selected module (4).

A click on the column description "Import" or "Overwrite" will select /

deselect all rules at once.

The "Examples" button offers the possibility to import the examples which are
shipped with coresuite customize.

Import Examples

When installing the latest Version of coresuite customize on a new system the
sample rules are already installed but not activated.

When upgrading the system the new or updated example rules are not
automatically installed to prevent that existing rules are overwritten. In order to
get the new rules and/or the latest version of a rule you can import them from the
Import Form.

To display the form

Select --> Administration --> Add-Ons --> coresuite customize --> Import / Export
--> Import Rules

6 coreuite customize 143

Select the button Examples (1) to load the rules. A System Message (2) allows to
set if the rules will be activated or not.

As soon as all rules are displayed, the rules, which should be imported, can be
selected in the column "Import" (3). If a rule with the same name already exists,
the old rule can be overwritten by selecting the checkbox in the column "Overwrite"

By click on the button "Import" (5) the selected rules will be imported. A
notification will confirm the success as well as the number of deleted (overwritten)
and imported rules.

Export rules

In order to export created rules in a file, open the window "Export", which can be
found under:
Administration -> AddOns -> coresuite customize -> Import / Export -> Import.

As soon as the window is open, all existing rules will be filled into the list (1),
which has been sorted according to the modules. A status bar shows, how far
advanced one is (in percent).
When all rules are loaded, the requested rules can be selected by the column
"Export" (2). One click on the button "..." (3) opens a FileDialog, in which the
location and name of the file can be determined, in which the rules will be written.
Through a click on the button "Export", the export process can be started (4), if
one is content with the selection and has chosen a location on the hard disk.

A notation confirms the success and the number of exported rules.

A click on the column description "Import" or "Overwrite" will select

resp. deselect all rules at once.

6 coreuite customize 145

Delete rules

In order to delete rules, there is a possibility to delete all rules form an area at
once. On the implementation mask there is a button "Delete rules" (4) for that.

After a click the following window opens:

By clicking on "Delete", the rules of the clicked modules are definitely deleted.

Import Excel rows to UDT

This functionality allows the user to import data from an Excel Sheet to a User
Defined Table.

The columns to import must have the same name as the fields name into the
target user defined table. Furthermore the data type for such column must match
the field type.

In the following example the user wants to import the columns Country, Zip , City,
StateName and State.

The target user defined table can be selected from the combobox on top of the

6 coreuite customize 147

After selecting the target UDT the user can have a look at the fields defined into
that table (Alias, Description and Type).

Clicking on "Browse .xls file" the user can select the Excel file to import.

Clicking on "Import .xls file" the system check the correspondence between the
column names defined into the Excel file and the UDT. All the column that match
are highlighted in orange.

At this stage the user can confirm the import or refuse it.
Clicking on "YES" the import process will start. In the status bar the user can
observe the line currently imported.

RollBack Option

The user has the possibility to decide either to confirm or delete the inserts if an
error occurs.
Enabling the "Rollback on error" option all the inserts executed since the error
occurred will be rolled back.
Disabling the "Rollback on error" option all the inserts executed since the error
occurred will be committed into the UDT.

Maximum insertable rows are 100.000.000.

During the import process it is assumed that SAP default columns Code and
Name contains numeric values. If this precondition is not satisfied we do not
guarantee that the import process will accomplish.

6.3.6 Installed examples

coresuite customize offers a lot of pre-installed examples ready to use. Existing

coresuite customize installations can import the examples using the Import

6 coreuite customize 149

All examples are disabled by default. The desired examples have to be activated
before using them.

The following list show an overview of all pre-installed examples.

Form Optimizer
Name Description
BUP:0004: Do not allow * in business partner name Doesn't allow characters of
type * in field name on the
business partner form
BUP:0009: Validate email address on BP Validates the email address
on business partner form
BUP:0010: Validate website on BP Validates the website
address on business
partner form
BUP:0011: Increase card code Copies the business
partner billing address to
the delivery address. If a
delivery address is selected
it will be copied to the
billing address. The function
is available directly on the
business partner form.
DOC:0002: Show Business Partner Info Shows a message box with
business partners remarks
when choosing the
business partner on sales
and purchase documents.
The remarks are taken from

the text in the field or the
folder "Remarks" of the
business parter form.
SRV:0003: Show Business Partner Info Shows a message box with
business partners remarks
when choosing the
business partner on a
service call form. The
remarks are taken from the
text in the field or the folder
"Remarks" of the business
parter form.
GEN:0001: Wallpaper Generates a dynamic
wallpaper including the
company name, shortcuts
and other usefull
information. The wallpaper
is generated during the
SAP Business One startup.
ITM:0005: Do not allow * in item name Doesn't allow characters of
type * in field name on the
item form
ITM:0006: Do not allow * in item group name Doesn't allow characters of
type * in field name on the
item group form
ITM:0007: Do not allow * in warehouse code Doesn't allow characters of
type * in field code on the
warehouse form
ITM:0008: Do not allow * in warehouse name Doesn't allow characters of
type * in field name on the
warehouse form

Form Function Button

Name Description
BUP:0002: Open new Sales Quotation Opens a new sales
quotation and fills the
cardcode from the business
partner form to the new
BUP:0003: Open new Sales Order Opens a new sales order
and fills the cardcode from
the business partner form to
the new form.
BUP:0004: Open new Delivery Opens a new delivery and
fills the cardcode from the
business partner form to the
new form.
BUP:0005: Open new Invoice Opens a new invoice and
fills the cardcode from the
business partner form to the

6 coreuite customize 151

new form.
BUP:0006: Open new Service Call Opens a service call and
fills the cardcode from the
business partner form to the
new form.
BUP:0007: Open new email Opens a new email on the
standard email client. The
rule fills the emailadress
which is saved on business
partner form. The rules
fills also the subject with
the business partner name.
BUP:0008: Show on google maps Opens the standard
internet browser and shows
the address in google maps
BUP:0009: Show route on google maps Copies the business partner
billing address to the
delivery address. If a
delivery address is selected
it will be copied to the
billing address. The function
is available directly on the
business partner form.
BUP:0010: Copy address Copies the business partner
billing address to the
delivery address. If a
delivery address is selected
it will be copied to the
billing address. The function
is available directly on the
business partner form.
FIN:0001: Update exchange rate Gets the current exchange
rate from the Yahoo! Inc.
finance service (http://
currency). Make a right
click on a currency in the
"Set Rate for Selection
Criteria" form tu use the

Form New Menu

Name Description
GEN:0001: Help-->Open Remotesupport Opens the support website
of coresystems. It is
recommended to change
the link to the website of
the SAP Business One

The examples can be copied and adapt to provide a quick start with
coresuite customize. These examples are tested against the SAP
demo databases and are shipped without any warranties.

Additional settings can be made if an example rule is opened with the Editor. The
examples provide an introduction and a settings part.

6.3.7 Item Placement Assistant

At the creation of rules for the module ItemPlacement and New Items, the
assistant helps with additional information.
Press the button "Assistant on" to activate it (available on the masks of Item
Placement and New Items ). Now there's the possibility to get to know the
characteristic of any element by a click on the particular element (will be displayed
on the status bar -> see Screenshot). This element with all it's parameters will be
entered into the list through a double click on this element.

6 coreuite customize 153

6.3.8 LinkedObjectType

A strength of SAP® Business One is the link between independent data. In this
manner the relevant business partner or the item details can be opened with one
click on an orange arrow.

With coresuite customize it is possible to create an orange arrow and therefore a

link as well. For this purpose the internal link numbering of the documents from
SAP® is needed.
So, if a link to a business partner is needed, it would be the number 2 (Business
Partner Object).

Description Value
No target object. -1
User-defined object. 0
G/L account object. 1
Business Partner object. 2
Item object. 4
Sales employee object. 53
Transaction template. 55
Journal Posting object. 30
Loading Factor object. 62
Recurring Transaction object. 34
Product Tree object. 66
Check for Payment object. 57
Payment Terms object. 40
Deposit object. 25
Predated Deposit object. 76
Warehouse object. 64
Import File object. 69
Budget System object. 78
Sales Tax Authorities object. 126
Sales Tax Codes object. 128
Run External Application object. 86
Due Date objects. 71
User Defaults object. 93
Financial Period object. 111
Sales Opportunity object. 97
Confirmation Level object. 120
Confirmation Template object. 121
Confirmation Document object. 122
Draft object. 112

Goods Issue object. 60
Goods Receipt object. 59
Project Code object. 63
Contact object. 33
Journal Voucher object. 28
Profit Center object. 61
Vendor Payment object. 46
Receipt object. 24
Quotation object. 23
Order object. 17
Delivery Note object. 15
Delivery Note Return object. 16
Invoice object. 13
Invoice Credit Memo object. 14
Purchase Order object. 22
Goods Receipt PO object. 20
Goods Return object. 21
Purchase Invoice object. 18
Purchase Invoice Credit Memo object. 19
Correction Invoice object. 132
Stock Transfer object. 67
Work Instructions object. 68
Alerts Template object. 80
Special Prices object. 85
Customer/Vendor Catalog Number 73
Special Prices object. 7
Serial Numbers for Items object. 94
Item Batch Numbers object. 106
User Valid Values object. 110
User Display Categories object. 114
Address Format object. 113
Indicator object. 138
Cash Discount object. 133
Delivery Type object. 49
VAT Group object. 5
VAT Indicator object. 135
Goods Shipment object. 139
Expense Definition object. 125
Credit Card object. 36
Business Partner Central Bank Indicator object. 161
Business Partner Bank Account object. 187

6 coreuite customize 155

Discount Code object. 3
Block Payment object for vendors and customers. 159
Agent Person object. 177
Period Indicator object for document numbering. 184
Holidays Table object. 186
Employee object. 171
Pre-defined Text object for sales and marketing
Territory (geographic location, brand, or item)
SAP® Business One User object. 12
Production Order object. 202
Bill of Exchange object. 181
Bill of Exchange Transaction object. 182
Address Pattern object. 131
Account Segmentation Code object. 143
File Format object. 183
Stock Revaluation object. 162
Inventory Pick List object. 156
Dunning Term object. 196
Service Contract object. 190
Contract Template object. 170
Install Base object. 176
Service Call object. 191
Service Call Solution object. 189
Item Groups object. 52
Package Type object. 206
Sales Forecast object. 198
Payment Method object. 147
Withholding Tax object. 178

6.3.9 PaneLevel

At the processing of the surface view from SAP® Business One you will meet the
term PaneLevel (PL).

PaneLevel is a term, which has been invented by SAP®. It's being represented by a
number (e.g. 6) and is a character on a window(e.g. Business partner historical
It helps, to show the different information fields on individual folders.
Furthermore every element has two specifications: "From PaneLevel" (FromPane)
and "To PaneLevel" (ToPane). Therewith it is possible to define, when an element
is being shown or not.

An example
The mask "Business partner historical data" has altogether 8 folders. Each of these
folders covers a PaneLevel. By a click on this folder, the PaneLevel of the mask will
change and only these elements will be shown, which are assigned to this
The register "General" for example represents the PaneLevel 1. All elements, which
are shown in this folder, have "From PaneLevel=1" and "To PaneLevel=1". If one
changes to another folder, e.g. "Contact person", the PaneLevel will change to 3
and the elements will be faded in, which contains the number 3 between "From
PaneLevel" and "To PaneLevel".

PL ist die Abkürzung für PaneLevel

The head as well as the bottom information has the character "From PaneLevel=0"

6 coreuite customize 157

and "To PaneLevel=0" and will always be shown, no matter which PaneLevel is
active at the moment.

An element with "From PaneLevel=1" and "To PaneLevel=4" will be shown in the
folder "General", "Contact person" and "Character".

The character of an element (among others "From PaneLevel" and "To PaneLevel")
can be shown with the Assistenten, which is available in the forms ItemPlacement
and New Item.

Here is a list with the PaneLevel of some Business One window::

Business partner historical data

Folder PaneLevel

Head and bottom data 0

General 1

Contact partner 3

Character 4

Remark 5

Payment term 6

Addresses 7

Payment system 8

Accounting 9

Item historical data

Folder PaneLevel

Head and bottom data 0

Purchase data 1

Sales data 2

Stock data 3

Character 4

Remarks 5

General 6

Planning data 7

Purchase and Sales documents

Folder PaneLevel

Head and bottom data 0

Content 1
Logistic 6
Finance 7

6 coreuite customize 159

6.3.10 Right Click Wizard

The coresuite customize right click menu allows a quick configuration of SAP
Business One. The menu is only available to SAP super user. To enable / disable
the menu for the current user click in the SAP main menu on "Enable / Disable
Wizard" .

The right click menu is available on all SAP forms.

The following chapters explain the different functions.

· Declare mandatory field
· Color field
· Hide field
· Lock field
· Replace field


On a new created field on the main form we want the user to select a value from a
list instead of just typing in a random value.

Click with the right mouse button on the field you want to add a ChooseFromList
(CFL = list of values, the user can select, which pops up when he/she presses the
'TAB' key). Choose now in the coresuite customize sub menu "Add CFL".

There will be a pop up where you can specify the query of which the result will be
shown and the write back column.

Field description
Name Description
Query The results of this query will be shown in a new window. It
makes sense to develop the query in the query generator and
then copy-paste it here in the text field.
Write back Specify the column which will be written back to the field on the

6 coreuite customize 161

column main form.

After your selection you have to press "OK" and the window is going to be closed
and reopened again. When you now press tab on the field the ChooseFromList is
being opened.

The user can now select a line in the list and the value in the 'write back column'
will be written back into the field on the main form.

To remove the ChooseFromList you can click with your right mouse button on the
field and choose 'coresuite customize' -> 'Remove CFL'

6 coreuite customize 163

Add new folder

A new folder is in need (e.g. in order to display UDFs on the main window or
additional information).

Click with the right mouse button on the folder you want to add an additionally
folder. Choose now in the coresuite customize sub menu "Add folder".

There will be a pop up where you can specify the description of the folder.

After you entered a description for the folder and pressed "OK" the window is going
to be closed and reopened again and you see your new folder.

If you don't need the folder you can remove the folder by just right clicking on it
again and hit 'Remove folder'

6 coreuite customize 165

Please be aw are that it is not possible to put a new folder on ev ery w indow of SAP Business

Color field

The background of a field (for example Label, Textbox, ComboBox, ...) should be
changed to a different color.

Click with the right mouse button on the field where you want to change the color.
Choose now in the coresuite customize sub menu "Color field".

To choose the color a color picker is displayed after clicking the menu.

6 coreuite customize 167

After that the field will be colored.

The background color can be reset using the right click menu.

Declare mandatory fields

A field (for example Textbox, ComboBox, ...) must contain a value before adding a
new document.

Click with the right mouse button on the field which should be made mandatory.
Choose now in the coresuite customize sub menu "Make field mandatory".

6 coreuite customize 169

In a new window you can enter a text, that will be displayed to the user.

As soon as the user tries to add the document the following message appears.

The mandatory field can be removed the same way as making it mandatory.

Hide field

Hide a field (for example Label, Textbox, ComboBox, Folder, ...) to make it
invisible to the user.

Click with the right mouse button on the field which should be hidden from the
user. Choose now in the coresuite customize sub menu "Hide field".

6 coreuite customize 171

A message box will be displayed for fields which have additional label fields. Press
Yes to hide the label field as well.

Hidden fields can be make visible again by using the right click menu.

Lock field

Lock a field (for example Textbox, ComboBox, ...) to make it unchangeable for the
user. The field can only be changed in the form Add mode.

Click with the right mouse button on the field which should be locked. Choose now
in the coresuite customize sub menu "Lock field".

6 coreuite customize 173

The lock is active as soon as the form has been restarted.

The lock can be removed using the right click menu.

Move an element

A field of SAP Business One is on a wrong place / has the wrong size / shall not be
displayed at all.
As an example, the invoice receiver address from the register "Logistic" will be
moved to the head of the document.

6 coreuite customize 175

The rules can be created using the Item Placement.

Pan the text field

Module Item Placement

Form Type 139

ItemUID 6

Left 510 (depends on the user settings and the resolution)

Top 94 (depends on the user settings and the resolution)

Width 164 (depends on the user settings and the resolution)

Height 35 (depends on the user settings and the resolution)

From 0

Until 0

RunAsCode Yes

Pan the description

Module Item Placement

Form Type 139

ItemUID 7
Left 360 (depends on the user settings and the resolution)
Top 85 (depends on the user settings and the resolution)
Width 135 (depends on the user settings and the resolution)
Height 35 (depends on the user settings and the resolution)

From 0
Until 0
RunAsCode Yes

Relative data can be made for the parameter Left, Top, Width and
Height, e.g. +20. The new value is then the old value +20.

Careful when using of deactivated and invisible: These two parameters

overwrite SAP® Business One again, as soon as data is available for
that (e.g. when loading a database). In order to make something
invisible, it can be moved to not existing PaneLevel (e.g. 99).
Therefore the parameter "From PaneLevel" and "Until PaneLevel" must
be set at 99.

If no information has been made, the element will keep it's initial

6 coreuite customize 177

Move an element with a reference field

An existing system field (like a textbox or a drop-down box) shall be placed to a

new position.

Click with the right mouse button on the field you want to move. Choose now in
the coresuite customize sub menu "Move Field".

There will be a pop up where you can specify the new parameters.

Field description
Name Description
Reference Item ItemUID of the field which will be the reference point in the
window (e.g. the 'Document Due Date' is 46). To turn the system
information on, please activate it under 'View -> System


Position Exact: at the same position as the reference item, the

parameter 'Factor' will be ignored.
Above: Above of the reference item.
Below: Below the reference item.
Factor If you have selected 'above' or 'below', this number defines the
number of times of the placement.
E.g. 'Above' and 'Factor 3' means, that the UDF will be placed
three times above the reference item.
Visibility Only on current folder: The new field will only be visible on the
current folder, if you click on a different folder it will be not
Always: The new field will be always visible, e.g. if you want to
place the field on to the header or footer section of the
document or if there are no folders at all.

After your selection you have to press "OK" and the window is going to be closed
and reopened again and you see your new field.

To put the field back to the position it was before you can click with your right

6 coreuite customize 179

mouse button on the field and choose 'coresuite customize' -> 'Set field back to
standard position'

The window is going to be closed and reopened again and you see that the field is
being set back to the original position.

Place UDF on main form

An UDF shall be displayed on the main window.

Click with the right mouse button on the UDF you want to move to the main form.
Choose now in the coresuite customize sub menu "Copy UDF to main window".

There will be a pop up where you can specify the new parameters.

Field description
Name Description

Description Description of the field (how it's going to be labeled). You can
use the translation from the Text-Table from the coresuite
designer, e.g. '[@T0150000]' for the name 'Picklist'. For a list of
all T-Codes see 'Tools -> Default Forms -> SWA_LD_TEXT - Text'

Reference Item ItemUID of a label which will be the reference point in the
(Label) window (e.g. the 'Journal Remark' on the folder 'Accounting' is
19). To turn the system information on, please activate it under
'View -> System Information'

Position Exact: at the same position as the reference item, the

parameter 'Factor' will be ignored.
Above: Above of the reference item.
Below: Below the reference item.

Factor If you have selected above or below, this number defines the
number of times of the placement.
E.g. 'Above' and 'Factor 3' means, that the UDF will be placed
three times above the reference item.

Visibility Only on current folder: The new field will only be visible on the
current folder, if you click on a different folder it will be not
Always: The new field will be always visible, e.g. if you want to
place the field on to the header or footer section of the
document or if there are no folders at all.

After your selection you have to press "OK" and the window is going to be closed
and reopened again and you see your new field.

6 coreuite customize 181

To remove the field you can click with your right mouse button on the field and
choose 'coresuite customize' -> 'Remove UDF from main window'

The window is going to be closed and reopened again and you see that the field is
being removed.

6.3.11 Rule

What is a Rule
A rule is a term for a specific function, therefore a check, calculation or change in
SAP® Business One. Each module of coresuite customize consists of rules, which
is being represented through a row in the list at a time.

Example: Rule which generates a new card code before saving the business

6 coreuite customize 183

How do I activate a rule
A rule will be activated / deactivated, through clicking on the particular checkbox
in the column "Active" (1) and the clicking on "Actualise". The AddOn or even SAP
® Business One must not be restarted so that the change will take effect!

6.3.12 SAP Window

All windows in SAP® Business One (Forms or mask as well) have a height and a
width. These will be quoted in pixel. The starting point (0,0) is on the top left of
the window.
There are different types of windows. Some have a static size (Business partner in
SAP® B1 2005), some can be enlarged or belittles by the user.

All elements on the windows have four pixel values.

Height: The height of the elements
Width: The width of the elements
Left: The gap from the left window side
Top: The gap from the top edge of the window

Eigensc haften eines Fensters und eines Textfeldes in SAP Business One

6 coreuite customize 185

6.3.13 Select parameter

A special Syntax must be used, in order to proceed to a SQL Statement or a Shell

call parameter.

This is defined as following:


Name Description

TYPE There are 4 different typs: ‚G‘ = General, ‚A‘ = Alphanumeric,

‚D‘ = Date and ‚N‘ = Numeric.
When your not sure what you need, then take 'G' (that fits in 90%
of all cases)

ITEMUID The description (UID) of the to be chosen element

COLUID If the element is a matrix (== List, e.g. on the sales document of
UID 38), then the column can be indicated, from which it shall be

ROW If the element is a matrix (== List, e.g. on the sales document of
UID 38), then the row can be indicated, from which it shall be
selected (if nothing is indicated, the current row will be picked).

KEY If the element is a ComboBox (== Selection list), then the key
can be selected with 'K'. A ComboBox always consists of a key
and a value. Mostly the value will be shown, but the key will be
saved (e.g. "Swiss Francs" is visible, but CHF is written in the
database) (If nothing else is indicated, the value (visible) will be

The square brackets are being used as a beginning and a end characterisation

Start: [%
End: ]

Some examples

Selection of a business partner code from a sales document [%G;4]
Selection of a currency (CHF) from a sales document [%G;63;;;K]
Selection of a column (Amount) of a row (1) from a sales [%G;38;11;1]

Selection of a column (Amount) of the current row from a sales [%G;38;11]

If the parameter selection isn't enough to get to the requested target, there is the
possibility, to let everything being run per code. Thereby one has more
possibilities, but looses on the account of the performance.

6 coreuite customize 187

6.3.14 Translation Parameter

All text definitions in the module coresuite customize can be translated with the
help of the coresuite designer. This includes the following fields:

· Optimizer: Text of the warning

· Function Button: Name
· New Items: Description
· New Menu: Menu name

The syntax is like that:


The value T0000001 represents the key for the Text-Table. The Text-Table can be
found in the menu Tools -> Default Forms -> SWA_LD_TEXT - Text

There you can translate the standard text to different languages.

Depending on the language of the current user, coresuite customize takes the
translated text.

6.3.15 User defined Tables

coresuite customize creates UDT, in which the entered information are being

A UDT is a User Defined Table.

The following charts are being kept:


It is not advisable, to set your hand to this charts yourself!

6 coreuite customize 189

6.3.16 Validation

While the acquisition of a new business partner, it is mandatory, to state

a) a telephone number
b) a valid email address.
Otherwise it shall not be possible, to set up a business partner.

The two rules a) and b) can be created using the Optimizer form. An example is
already installed coresuite customize is used the first time.

Module Optimizer
Action Validate
Text of the warning Please indicate telephone number
Status bar message Yes (clicked)
FormTyp of the basic 134
ItemUID of the basic 43
FormType 134

ItemUID 1

Event Type ItemPressed

Before Event Yes (clicked)
Form Modus MODIFY
Printout ^.+$ (equal to template "Must field TextEdit")

Module Optimizer
Action Validate
Text of the warning Please indicate a valid email address
Status bar message Yes (clicked)
FormType of the basic 134
ItemUID of the basic 60
FormType 134
ItemUID 1
Event Type ItemPressed
Before Event Yes (clicked)
Form Modus MODIFY
Printout ^\w+([-+.']\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*$ (equal
to template "Email")

6 coreuite customize 191

7 coresuite designer

For detailed information on all functions and settings on the forms for the core
suite designer module under the Administration module of SAP® Business One
review the chapter Form Details.

Once you use the coresuite designer module and need specific information about
the functions and settings, the chapter Reference Guide will be helpful. This
chapter includes tips and advanced functions for the coresuite designer.

7 coresuite designer 193

7.1 Form Details

This chapter presents a full description of all the windows for the coresuite

Overview of the different Windows and Menu Links

· Configuration - Define General Print and Design Settings

· Layoutmanagement - Find, Import and Export Layouts
· Layoutdefinition - Create new or adjust existing Layouts
· Printdefinition - Create new or adjust existing Printdefinition
· Text List (GEN00001) - Find existing Text used for Translations
· Sample Queries (GEN70000) - Find Sample Queries used for Simple Dashboards
· Parameter - Find and create Parameters
· Form Types - Find and create Form Types


To display the Configuration, Layoutmanagement, Layoutdefinition, Printdefinition

or the Reportwizard window choose
>> Administration > Add-Ons > coresuite designer > relevant menu entry

To display the Default Form for the Texts, Parameter or Form Types settings
window choose
>> Tools > Default Forms > relevant menu entry

7 coresuite designer 195

or a report of the Text List

The Text List c an also be ac c essed from a Report under >> Administration > Add-Ons
> c oresuite designer > Text List (GEN00001)

The default form for Texts, Parameters or Form Ty pes c an also be ac c essed from the
Func tions Button from the Lay outdefinition or the Printdefinition.

7.1.1 Configuration

General Settings and Functions are defined in the Configuration Window of the
coresuite designer module.


To display the Configuration, Layoutmanagement, Layoutdefinition, Printdefinition

or the Reportwizard window choose
>> Administration > Add-Ons > coresuite designer > Configuration

Overview of the different Tabs

· General - General Settings for Design and Printing

· Text - Import / Export Texts and define the Main Language
· Preview - Define Settings for Preview
· Install - Reinstall missing Parameters, Form Types and Standard Layouts
· Select Grid - Define Settings when viewing a Select Grid
· Email(smtp) - Define settings for the Email Server
· Startlayout - Define Layouts to be launched once a certain user starts coresuite
· Batchprint - Define Settings relevant to setting up batch printing

· DMS - Not in use any longer
· Editor - Define general settings for the coresuite editor


Configuration > General


Text Displays the default language for the translations. This language is
Language used when language is selected that is not available. To change the
Textbox language see details for the register Text.
Log Queries Select this Checkbox to write all SQL queries executed when
Checkbox viewing coresuite reports and layouts in a Textfile under
This function should not be activated during productive usage as it
may cause performance issues.
Force Select this Checkbox to always use the default printer and
Default overwrite all settings under the Layoutdefinition > Printer settings.
Set Print - Select here after which action(s) the print flag (Printed = 'Y') for a
Flag when Marketing and Inventory Documents in SAP® Business One is set.
Checkbox · Printing: Print Flag is updated after printing a document (default
· Emailing: Print Flag is updated after the document was sent via
· Faxing: Print Flag is updated after the document was sent via

7 coresuite designer 197

· PDF: Print Flag is updated after the document was exported to
Print in Select this Checkbox to allow printing in update mode. Update
Update mode means the form has been changed in the user interface but
Mode the data was not yet updated in the database.
Printing of the Dunning W izard is only possible w hen this option is

selec ted.

SWA_LD_DR Enables automatic conversion of SWA_LD_DRAFT FormType to its

AFT to corresponding FormType
Version The current Version of the coresuite designer module is displayed
Textbox here.


Configuration > Text


Text Select a language from the Drop Down Box to change the main
Language language used for the multi language Text Codes.
Drop Down
After c hanging the main language w e suggest to reinstall all texts to

prevent a mixture of languages as basis
Export Export Texts created and translated in the company to an XML file
Import Import Texts and translations from an XML file
Importing new texts overw rites any existing texts and translations
and adds additional texts and translations.

The defaults texts delivered w ith the c oresuite c ountry pac kage are

stored under the SAP® Business One Client installation folder. Example:

C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\SAP Business

One\AddOns\COR\c oresuite\SW A_LD_Pac kageBase\text


Configuration > Preview


Preview Select one of the available options to define the size of the preview
Window Drop window once a user selects the Preview in SAP® Business One
Down Box
1 - Normal

7 coresuite designer 199

Opens the preview window in half screen size

2 - Maximized
Opens the preview window in full screen size

3 - Minimized
Opens the preview window and minimizes it immediately (in the
lower left section of the window)

4 - User
Opens the preview window in the same size the user closed it the
last time
100% Select this Checkbox to display the layout always in 100% mode
Checkbox instead of fitting it into the window


Configuration > Install


Layoutmanag Select this button to open the Layoutmanagement Window.

ement button
Spec ific Lay outs, Reports and Printdefinitions c an be imported or

reinstalled from the Lay outmanagement.

Reinstall Select this button to start a reinstall for the coresuite designer
button module. This will install any missing Parameters, Formtypes,

Layoutdefinitions or Printdefinitions.

Selec t this func tion in c ase there are any issues during the

installation of the c oresuite c ountry pac kage or if any lay outs or reports

w ere deleted by ac c ident.

Select Grid

Configuration > Selec t Grid


Autoselect Select this Checkbox to automatically select all entries in a select

Checkbox grid once it is displayed.
Step X Enter the number of Pixels to define the X position of a second
Textbox Select Grid form in comparison to the first Select Grid form.

Only relevant if there is more than one Selec t Grid defined in the
Lay outdefinition.

Step Y Enter the number of Pixels to define the Y position of a second

Textbox Select Grid form in comparison to the first Select Grid form.

Only relevant if there is more than one Selec t Grid defined in the
Lay outdefinition.

7 coresuite designer 201


Configuration > Email (SMTP)


Smtp Server Enter the address of the SMTP server here

Port Textbox Enter the Port Number here (if required)
Smtp User Enter the SMTP User name here
Smtp Enter the SMTP Password here
Use SSL Select this checkbox to use SSL connection
Notification Select an available option from the Drop Down Box to define when a
Drop Down notification is sent to the sender's address as defined in the
Box Printdefinition.

Preview Mail Select an available option from the Drop Down Box to define the
Mode Drop default mode when the user select to send an e-mail button from
Down Box SAP® Business One.

The Smtp settings are ac tivated onc e they are selec ted in the e-mail/Fax tab of a


Configuration > Startlay out


User Drop Select the user from the Drop Down Box for who the layout should
Down Box be started automatically once coresuite is started.
Layout Drop Select the Layout from the Drop Down Box which should be loaded
Down Box automatically once coresuite is started.

The manager w ants to see the Servic e Dashboard every day so the Dashboard w ill be

loaded onc e he logs on to SAP® Business One

7 coresuite designer 203


Configuration > Batc hprint


User Drop Select the user from the Drop Down Box for which the Batch Print
Down Box Job should start
Alert Drop Select an SAP Business One Alarm notification from the Drop Down
Down Box Box that should be executed
PrintMode Select the Print Mode to be used from the Drop Down Box. Available
Drop Down modes are:
Box - Preview
- Print
- Email
- Fax
Parameter Enter the Path for Remote Printing in this Text Box.
Text Box
Intervall Enter the amount of minutes for the interval how often the Batch
[min] Text Print Job should be executed.
Box In order for the changes to take effect a restart of the coresuite
Add-On is required.


Configuration > Editor


Write back Select this Checkbox to write back <BR/> when a new line is
<BR/> for entered in the coresuite editor.
Newline By default the Checkbox is not selected.
Preserve Select this Checkbox to preserve spaces in the coresuite editor.
Spaces By default the Checkbox is not selected.

7.1.2 Layoutmanagement

The Layoutmanagement window provides an overview of all Categories, Layout-

and Printdefinition in the database an allows to export, re-install, deactivate or
open existing Layout- and Printdefinitions and to import new ones.

To display the Layoutmanagement window choose
>> Administration > Add-Ons > coresuite designer > Layoutmanagement

7 coresuite designer 205

Lay out management > General

The following Sections will be described here in detail:

· Filter Section
· Browser Section
· Action Section
· Import

Filter Section

To display only the relevant Layout- and Printdefinitions in the Browser apply the
appropriate Filter.


Objectname Enter the name or part of the name of a Layout- or Printdefinition

Textbox to search for it.
Category Select a Category to filter the displayed Layout- and
Drop Down Printdefinitions by this Category. Available Categories are:

Type Drop Select a Type to filter the displayed Layout- and Printdefinitions by
Down Box this Type. Available Types are

Status Drop Select a Status to filter the displayed Layout- and Printdefinitions
Down Box by this Status. Available Status are

Only Menu Select this Checkbox to filter the displayed Layoutdefinitions by

Reports only those which are accessible from a menu entry.
Filter Button Select this Button to apply the filter. Only the Layout- and
Printdefinitions that fit the filter settings are now displayed in the
Browser Section.

Only after the Filter Button is selec ted the defined Filter is applied to
the list in the Brow ser Sec tion.

Browser Section

The Browser Sections provides an overview of all Print- and Layoutdefinition

available in the Database.

7 coresuite designer 207


Category All results displayed in the Browser are grouped first by the
Column category defined in the respective Layout- and Printdefinitions.

Double Clic k on the Marker to expand / c ollapse the Grid and display
/ hide all Print- and Lay outdefinition under this Category
Form Type All results displayed in the Browser are grouped second by the Form
Column Type defined in the respective Layout- and Printdefinitions.

Double Clic k on the Marker to expand / c ollapse the Grid and display
/ hide all Print- and Lay outdefinition under this Form Ty pe

If a Lay outdefinition does not have any Form Ty pe it w ill be

display ed under None.
Printdefiniti All results displayed in the Browser are grouped third by the
on Column Printdefinitions.

Double Clic k on the Marker to expand / c ollapse the Grid and display
/ hide all Lay outdefinitions w hic h are assigned to this Printdefinition

If a Lay outdefinition is not assigned to any Printdefinition it w ill be

display ed under None.

Double Clic k on a row to launc h the c orresponding Printdefinition

Layoutdefini The last detail in the Browser are the Layoutdefinitions.
tion Column
Sinc e a Lay outdefinition c an be assigned to several Printdefinitions it
is possible that it w ill be display ed several times (under eac h
Printdefinition) in the Brow ser.

Double Clic k on a row to launc h the c orresponding

Lay outdefinition.
Version If the Layout- or Printdefinition is delivered with the coresuite
Textbox country package the Version currently installed in the Database is

displayed in this column.
The column is empty if the Layout- or Printdefinition is user-
Sys Checkbox If the Layoutdefinition is delivered with the coresuite country
package and will be automatically overwritten with the latest
Version available it is called a System Definition. This Checkbox
marks which Layoutdefinitions are System Definitions.

Sy stem Lay outdefinition c annot be exported.

In general all Reports are Sy stem Lay outdefinitions w hereby all

Lay outs w hic h are meant to be used as letters to Business Partners are
not Sy stem Lay outdefinitions, w hic h means they are not automatic ally
updated and overw ritten w ith an update of the c oresuite c ountry
pac kage.
Collapse/ Select this Button to Collapse/Expand all.

Action Section

The Action List displays all single actions to be performed once the Execute Button
is selected. Select an row in the Browser and click on the respective Action Button
(described below) to add an action to the action list. To remove an action from the
list Right Click the corresponding row and select Delete Row from the Context


Selected Once a Print- or Layoutdefinition is selected in the Browser the

Label Type (Layout or Printdef), Code and Name will be displayed here.
Export v Select this button to export the selected Layout- or Printdefinition
Button to an XML file.
vv Button Select this button to export the all Layout- and Printdefinitions
(next to displayed in the Browser above to an XML file.
Reinstall v Select this button to reinstall the selected Layout- or
Button Printdefinition. That means the current Layout- or Printdefinition
in the database will be overwritten with the latest version available

7 coresuite designer 209

on the Filesystem.

This ac tion is only available for Lay out- or Printdefinitions delivered

w ith the c oresuite c ountry pac kage.

W e strongly suggest to duplic ate the Lay out- or Printdefinitions

before a reinstall in a produc tive sy stem to prevent any c hanges to get
overw ritten and lost.
vv Button Select this button to reinstall all Layout- or Printdefinition
(next to displayed in the Browser above which were delivered with the core
Reinstall) suite country package. That means the current Layout- or
Printdefinition in the database will be overwritten with the latest
version available on the Filesystem.
Deactivate v Select this button to deactivate the selected Layout- or
Button Printdefinition.

To prevent that Printdefinition automatic ally delivered and installed

w ith the c oresuite c ountry pac kage are used when printing certain forms in
SAP we recommend to Deactivate instead of Deleting those to have the option
to use them at a later stage.
Open Button Select this button to open the selected Layout- or Printdefinition.
Execute Select this Button to Execute all actions in the list.
Only after the Exec ute Button is selec ted the defined Ac tions w ill be
exec uted.

If any of the Ac tions in the List is of ty pe Export a new W indow w ill

open to define the Export Settings for eac h Lay out- and Printdefinition.

The progress of the exec ution of all ac tions w ill be display ed in the


Once the Execute Button is selected and any of the Actions in the List are of type
Export a new Window will open to define the Export Settings for each Layout- and

> Lay outmanagement > Export > List

> Lay outmanagement > Export > Buttons


Your Enter your company prefix (Namespace) here. This will simplify the
namespace Optional Code entry.
Optional new Enter the new unique codes for each Print- and Layoutdefinition
Code Column here.

7 coresuite designer 211

Lay out- and Printdefinitions w ith unique c odes c an be referenc ed
from other Lay outs (e.g. by the LD.OpenLay out(..) - Func tion) or from
c oresuite c ustomize rules. Therefore it is important to assign unique
Codes. All the referenc es w ithin this pac kage w ill be updated
ac c ordingly .
Execute Select this button to open the start the Export of the Layout- and
Button Printdefinitions to an XML file. A Filedialog will be opened to enter
the Filename of the package. Once this dialog is closed the export
will start and the progress displayed.

Together with the selected Print- and Layoutdefinitions the

following elements will be exported automatically:
- Datasource Queries
- Copy Queries
- Language Queries
- Formtypes
- Parameters
- Texts
Previous Select this Button to go back to the previous window without
Button executing the Action.


To import any packages which include Print- or Layoutdefinitions follow the steps
described below:

To initiate the import of any packages which include Print- or Layoutdefinitions

select the Import Button located at the bottom of the Layoutmanagement Window:

Once prompted select your Export File.

If the V ersion from the Export File differs from the one y ou are w orking w ith an
w arning Message w ill pop up.

Once the Export File is loaded a window will be displayed to adjust the import
settings for the 4 Objects
- Queries
- Layouts
- Printdefinitions
- Texts


Import Select a Query Category which will be used to store the Queries to
Queries to import.
Drop Down Selec t "Auto assign" to generate the same Query Category as in the
Sy stems the queries w ere exported from.
Exists This Checkbox is selected in case the Layout- or Printdefinition
Column with the same name already exists in the database.
Set all Select an Action Type from the Drop Down Box that will be applied
actions to to all Layout- and Printdefinition in the Import Package. The Action
Drop Down Type can be set for each layout afterwards accordingly.
Box There are 3 Action Types:
- Add new: Always adds the Layout- or Printdefinition new to the
- Overwrite: Overwrites the Layout- or Printdefinition in case it
already exists.
- Ignore: The corresponding Layout- or Printdefinition is not

W hen selec ting "Add new " all Referenc es (e.g.: Lay out1 linked to
Lay out2) w ithin the Import Pac kage are automatic ally adjusted
Action Select an Action Type from the Drop Down Box that will be applied
Column with to the corresponding Layout- or Printdefinition
Drop Down There are 3 Action Types:
Boxes - Add new: Always adds the Layout- or Printdefinition new to the

7 coresuite designer 213

- Overwrite: Overwrites the Layout- or Printdefinition in case it
already exists.
- Ignore: The corresponding Layout- or Printdefinition is not

W hen selec ting "Add new " all Referenc es (e.g.: Lay out1 linked to
Lay out2) w ithin the Import Pac kage are automatic ally adjusted
If Text Select an Action Type from the Drop Down Box that will be applied
Already to the Texts in the Import Package that already exist in the
exists Drop Database.
Down Box There are 3 Action Types:
- Add new: Adds all Texts new to the database.
- Overwrite: Overwrites the existing Texts.
- Ignore: The existing Texts are not imported.
Execute Select this button to open the start the Import of the Queries,
Button Texts, Layout- and Printdefinitions from the Import Package. A
message will be displayed to show the status of the Import:

Cancel Select this button to Cancel the Import Action.


7.1.3 Layoutdefinition

All information which concerns the layout or report itself is defined in

Layoutdefinition. In order to define settings to preview / print or email an SAP®
Business One form, a Printdefinition in addition to the Layoutdefinition is required.
The next chapter provides more details in the Printdefinition.


To display the Layoutdefinition window choose

>> Administration > Add-Ons > coresuite designer > Layoutdefinition

Lay outdefinition > General Information

Name Enter a name of the Layoutdefinition in this Textbox that describes
Textbox the Report best. We also advise to enter a unique code in order to
find and determine the report later on.
Category Select an appropriate Category from the Drop Down Box here. This
Drop Down will influence the available selection of predefined Datasources as
Box described below.
Design Select an appropriate Formtype from the Drop Down Box.
Formtype Formtypes for standard SAP® Business One forms are always
Drop Down available. Formtypes for User Forms can be created as described
Box under coresuite designer -> Form Details -> Form Types and will
then also be available to select. Displayed is the unique id and the
name of the Formtype.

The Formtype selected will be used in the Preview of the Report if

the report is related to a specific SAP® Business One object.

Example: If y our report w ill display data about a spec ific Business
Partners, selec t the form ty pe ‘134 Business Partner’. Relevant Codes and
data is then taken from this Form.

For general Reports which are viewed from a Menu Entry rather
than a specific form it is not required to select a Formtype.
Type Drop Defines the type of layout. The following Selections are available:
Down Box · Master Layout - Select this type when the layout is to be used as
Master Layout in the Sharpshooter designer. See here for more
detailed information.
· Document - No special effect on the layout

7 coresuite designer 215

· Data - No special effect on the layout
· Other - No special effect on the layout
· Select Grid - Select this type to create a Select Grid. See here
for more detailed information.
· External Report - Select this type to use an external Report such
as Excel, Crystal and more. See here for more detailed
· User Query - No special effect on the layout
Version Text This Text Box displays the actual Version of the Layoutdefinition if
Box (Read- it was provided with the coresuite country package. Else this Text
Only) Box is empty.
Code Text This Text Box displays the unique Code of the Layoutdefinition that
Box (Read- can be used as a reference from other Layouts (e.g. by the LD.
Only) OpenLayout(..) - Function) or from coresuite customize rules.
Datasource Depending of the Category selected for the Layoutdefinition one of
Drop Down the pre-installed data sources can be selected from this Drop Down
Box Box.
Format Drop Select a Format used for Numbers and Dates in a report created
Down Box with the Sharpshooter from the Drop Down Box
Status Drop Select the Status from the Drop Down Box
Down Box · Active
· Inactive
· Reinstall - This option is only valid for Layouts delivered with
the coresuite country package. When selecting this option the
Layoutdefinition will be overwritten with the original Version
delivered with the coresuite country package on the next start
of the coresuite Add-On.
Functions Click on this Button to view available functions which link to further
Button forms and settings relevant for the Layoutdefinition.
Available functions are
· Open Data Viewer to view the data created by the system, the
selected datasources and/or any attached Queries
· Open Querygenerator and create your own SQL Queries as
Datasource in SAP Business One
· Open Querymanager and view and edit any SQL Queries stored
in the SAP Business One Database.
· Open Texts to view, adjust and create new Texts
· Open Parameters to view, adjust and create new Parameters
· Open Formtypes to view, adjust and create new Formtypes
Preview Select this Button to view a preview of your report with the
Button Parameters defined in the Layoutdefinition
Open Select this Button to launch the relevant designer (Integrated
Designer Sharpshooter, Word, Excel, Crystal Reports, Dashboard...) in order
Button to adjust the report itself.


To create your own data sources you can save them in the SAP Business One Query
Manager and attach them to the layout definition in the Queries Tab.

To attac h a new query add a new row by right c lic k on the Grid Header and selec ting
Add Row

Lay outdefinition > Queries


Query 1 Select an available Query from the Drop Down Box to be used in the
column with report.
Drop Down
Boxes All queries saved in the Query Manager are available to selec t. They
are sorted first by Query Category and then by Query Name
Query 2 Select a subquery when required.
column with
Drop Down The first query returns information about the c ompanies Employ ees
(name, telephone number, etc ). If y ou w ant to display the latest Sales
Orders of the c orresponding Employ ee, a subquery to return the data
from the Sales Order(s) must be c reated.
Link Field 1 This Text Box is only relevant when a subquery is selected in the
column with Query 2 column.
Text Boxes Enter a Field returned by the Query selected in the Query 1 Column
in this Text Box which will be used to link to the subquery.

Example for Employ ee Master Data unique key : empID

Link Field 2 This Text Box is only relevant when a subquery is selected in the
column with Query 2 column.
Text Boxes Enter a Field returned by the Subquery selected in the Query 2
Column in this Text Box which will be used to create the link to the
Main Query.

Example for the key of Ow ner of a Sales Order doc ument s linked to
the Employ ee Master data is: Ow nerCode
My Form Displays the form type if the layout is used as Select Grid.
Type column
with Drop
Down Boxes
Title column Displays the title if the layout is used as Select Grid.

7 coresuite designer 217

with Drop
Down Boxes


In order to allow the user to filter the data display in the report or change the look
of the report, parameters can be defined in the Data Source Queries or used in the
layout itself. In order to use and fill these parameters the relevant data has to be
entered in the Parameters Tab of the Layoutdefinition.


Get from Select this button to automatically fill the list of Parameters from
Datasource the Parameters defined in the Data Source Queries
Parameter Select an available Parameter from the list. The name and type of
combo box the parameter selected has to match the parameter defined in the
Description Enter your own description of the parameter. It is displayed when a
text box user opens a report and can be translated by using Text Codes

Use translated Text Codes: [@X X X X X X X X ]

Design Enter the Values used when designing the report or define a Choose
Param Value from List or Combo Box for the Parameter Form displayed to the
text box User.

Choose from List: {SELECT X , Y FROM TABLE}
Combo Box: [value1;desc ription1;value2;desc ription2]

Parameter Select a Parameter Mode from the list. The options are:
Mode combo · default
box default setting
· No Prompt if already filled
When a parameter has been defined by an activated form, for
example, when you are already working on a business partner,
the ID is automatically provided as a default parameter and does
not have to be entered additionally.
· Always use design value
The parameter from is always opened even if a parameter was
Input Order Enter a value here in order to display the Parameter Form to the
text box user. When several Parameters are displayed they are order
alphabetically by the values entered here.
History check Select this checkbox to enables the parameter input history. That
box means the last entered values in the Parameterform will be saved
and displayed the next time you run the report.
If the checkbox is not selected the value defined in the Design
Param Value with always be displayed.

Tips & Samples

A Parameter empID or ac c ount c an be used to display a Parameter Selec tion Form to

the user to selec t by w hic h Sales Employ ees or Ac c ounts the data should be filtered in the


The Parameter Doc Entry for marketing doc uments or CardCode for Business Partners

is automatic ally provided w hen launc hing the report from the open form.

Alw ay s enter a value in the c olumn Input Order, even if there is only one parameter
to display . If nothing is entered the Parameter Form w ill not be display ed to the user.

To add a new parameter add a new row by right c lic k on the Grid Header and
selec ting Add Row or selec t the Get from Datasourc e button to enter all parameters
defined in the Queries attac hed to the Lay outdefinition.

To c reate y our ow n parameters, open and edit the parameter form w ith the func tion

Further information
For more details on how to create and use Parameters see the Parameter chapter
in the Reference Guide.

7 coresuite designer 219


Further information and tips to the layout can be added in the Details Tab. This
information will then also be displayed in the Parameter Form to the user.

Lay outdefinition > Details


Numerous printer settings can be defined with the coresuite designer. Several
printer cells and others can be assigned to the layout. For example, in the case of
invoices, a receipt of payment can be added as last page.

Lay outdefinition > Printer


User combo Select the users for who the settings in this row should be applied.
box If nothing is selected the settings are valid for all users.

A printer has been assigned to the employ ee ‘manager’, a spec ial

definition c an be c reated for him/her here.

Copy text Enter the number of copies to be printed from a print definition in
box Print definition.

If y ou w ant tw o c opies to be printed, but one should be printed by

printer ‘A’ and the other by printer ‘B’, then tw o lines c an be c reated. In

one line, c opy = 0 is entered (and printer A) and in the other line, c opy =

1 (and printer B).

Page combo Define the page for which the settings in this row should be

box applied. Available options are:

Formtype Select one available form type for which the settings in this row
combo box should be applied. This is useful when one layout is the basis for
different form types.

The DIN Lay out is used for AR Invoic e, Delivery , Purc hase Orders,...

Free Text Enter a Free Text that can be used as a parameter provided by the
text box Printdefinition here.

Tw o printing orders (e.g. a Sales Order and a Produc tion Order) are
to be exec uted w ith one lay out, the free text ‘prod’, for example, c an
be added in the definition. This variable enables y ou to define variations
to the normal Sales Order lay out in the Designer.
Lang combo Select the language to overwrite all other language settings for this
box printer.
Choose Select this Checkbox to display the Settings Window of the Printer.
Check Box
Printer text This field displays the selected printer…
box (read-
P combo box ...which can be selected from this column.
Tray text box This field displays the selected tray...
P combo box ...which can be selected from this column.
Backside Select the Layout that should be printed on the Backside of the
Layout report.


Authorized users for each layout can be defined in this tab.

Only c ertain users are allow ed to view c ertain financ ial reports or dashboards.

Lay outdefinition > Users

7 coresuite designer 221


Enable only Select this checkbox to activate the authorization handling

for following
Authorizatio Select this button to open the SAP Business One Authorization
n button Window
User Combo Select the corresponding user from the list

External Report

All settings relevant for external reports such as Excel, Word, Crystal Reports or
Dashboards are defined in the External Report Tab.

Lay outdefinition > External Report


Data Export Select an available Export Format from the Drop Down Box.
Format Drop Depending on the Export Format different settings for the External
Down Box Report will be displayed or not.
The following Export Formats are available:
· No Export
· Excel / Word - use this Format to prepare the data to be used in
Excel / Word
· CSV File(s) - use this Format to prepare the data to be used in
Excel / Word
· Crystal Reports XML - use this Format to prepare the data to be
used in Crystal Reports
· XCelsius XML - use this Format to prepare the data to be used in
Crystal Dashboards (former XCelsius) keeping the query name as
defined in SAP Business One

· Simple XCelsius XML - use this Format to prepare the data to be
used in Crystal Dashboards (former XCelsius) renaming the query
name to SWA_LD_Data_X where X is the number of the query
starting with 1
· DataSet XML - use this Format to store the data in a DataSet
XML file
· DataSet Schema - use this Format to store the data in a DataSet
Schema file
Company/ Select this Checkbox to export additionally the Company and User
User information of the current database.
Parameter Select this Checkbox to export additionally the System and Layout
Checkbox Parameters of the current Layoutdefinition.
Text Select this Checkbox to export additionally the Texts in the
Checkbox corresponding language.
Refresh Enter the number of seconds for the time interval to refresh the
[seconds] data.
Text Box
Only relevant for Dy namic Reports suc h as Cry stal Dashboards
(former X Celsius)
Generate Select this Checkbox prevent launching the preview when the data
Data Only is generated.
Can be used to view a dashboard from an external applic ation suc h
as Flashplay er. The Lay outdefinition itself c an then be set as Startlay out
so that the data is generated as soon as the c orresponding user starts the
c oresuite add-on. In this c ase the user might not w ant the dashboard
itself to open but only to generate the data.
File Path Select the Browse Button to attach an existing File used when
Text Box launching the Preview/Print/Email... Function in SAP Business One.
with Browse
Use Design Select this Checkbox when an additional Design File is used. When
File this Checkbox is selected the file under the Use Design File text
Checkbox Box is opened when selecting the Open Designer Button.

W hen integrating a Dashboard it is possible to attac h the X LF file to

launc h the Cry stal Dashboards Designer (former X Celsius) direc tly from
the Lay outdefinition. In c ase of a Cry stal Report the Design file is equal to
the Preview file so this option is not available for Cry stal Reports.
Use Design Select the Browse Button to attach an existing File used when
File Text Box selecting the Open Designer Button.
with Browse
Button This file is only used w hen the "Use Design File Chec kbox is
selec ted
Save in DB Select this Button to Save the File used when launching the

7 coresuite designer 223

Button Preview/Print/Email... in the Database.

W e rec ommend to alw ay s use this option. For more details refer to
the referenc e guide Deploy Data for External Report

Do not forget to save any c hanges in the Database by selec ting this

Button onc e there are c hanges performed in the File itself.

Remove from Select this Button to Remove the File used when launching the
DB Button Preview/Print/Email... from the Database and store the the
content in a physical file. The Preview/Print/Email... will then be
launched directly from this physical file.

W hen using this option it is not possible to duplic ate or export the

Lay outdefinition.

Ensure that the file is ac c essible for all users w ho need to use the


Deploy File This Checkbox displays if the file is currently deployed from the
from Database or a physical File. Select the appropriate Buttons to
Database change this setting.


Define the Menu entries from which the Layout should be launched in this register.

The Update Menu button updates all entries in the SAP Business One Menu

The Sy stem - Part is managed by the Sy stem w ith the exc eptions of the Position and
the Desc ription - Columns w hic h c an be modified by the user.

The User - Part c an be used for all User defined Entries. Add a new row via Right Clic k
-> Add New .

Lay outdefinition > Menu


Parent Select the Father of an existing SAP Business One Menu from the
Combo Box list.
Description Optional: Enter the description of the menu. You may use
Textbox Textcodes to translate the description. If the description is empty
the name of the Layoutdefinition will be used.
Pos Textbox Optional: If there is more than one Layout assigned to the same
Fathermenu you may use this Column to sort the menu entries.
Function Optional: The Value of this Textbox will be stored in the
Textbox Systemparameter [%MenuFunction]. With this parameter you
may use a Layout in different Contexts.

7.1.4 Printdefinition

The print definition allows you to assign a layout to a specific form type. This is
necessary, among other reasons, because different layouts can be defined for a
single form.

7 coresuite designer 225



Description Defines print definitions

Formtype Selecting form types for which layouts have to be defined.
Language Language in which the selected print definition is to be loaded.
Shortcut A button can be defined for the print definition. The following
buttons can be used:

This button is used when several print definitions are defined for a

form. Usually, when the button is activated, a selection of

saved print definitions is introduced in the form. When, for
example, print definition ‘A’ is used more often then print
definiton ‘B’, a button, such as ‘ctrl’, can be defined for print

definition ‘A’. Subsequently, the button + ctrl can be

activated in the form; the selection of print definitions is skipped
and ‘A’ appears.
Checkboxes You can select which of the buttons in SAP® the print definition
should apply to. The following buttons are possible:

· Print after Saving
· Print
· E-mail
· Fax
· MS Word
· MS Excel

SAP Leiste

Status Determines the status of the print definition. Possible options are:

Open Form
· The print definition can be opened in the SAP® menu under ‘Administration >
AddOns > coresuite designer > Printdefinition’.
· It is also possible to open the print definitions in each form using

Extended Definition

Define extended settings for the printer definition.

Printdefinition > Extended Definition


Matrix Id The ID of the grid / matrix used


7 coresuite designer 227

Parameter Enter an expression used to distinguish between different
Expression separators.
Open Word/ Select this Checkbox to Open Word/Excel/PDF
Name Id Enter a the name id in this Textbox
Enables the usage of Lay outOpener.Exec utePrintdef(“NameId”,true,

mode.PDF,”Doc Entry ”,”1”) ac ross multiple c ompanies

Use a unique naming sc heme on this parameter Name Id if y ou have

Rollouts of the Printdefinition to multiple c ompany


Layouts with corresponding definitions can be determined in the separator


Printdefinition > Doc ument


Layout Selecting which layout is to be displayed. Adding a new line allows

you to define that several reports, possibly with different layouts,
are to be printed when a print definition is executed.
Copies Determines the number of copies to be printed.
Copies M. M. stands for mass printing.

Examples when the Copies M. parameter is used instead of the

Copies Parameter to determine how many copies of a certain layout
should be printed:
· Printing documents via the Document Printing function of SAP
Business one (Printdefinition defined for Form Type 191)
· Printing documents via Select Grid. An Example is the Dunning
Letter Printing.
· Batch Printing or Remote Printing
Free Text You can insert a free text in this column, which can be used as
parameter in the Designer.
Export File The file name, which is inserted in case of PDF exports, is defined

Name in this field.
Language Indicates which layout is to be printed for what language.


coresuite designer can generate e-mail and fax messages. The corresponding
settings are activated in this separator.

Printdefinition > Email/Fax


File Type Determines the file type of the attachment. Possible options are
Send Mode Mode used to send the message. The following modes are possible:

This mode prioritizes Outlook.

SAP® prompt
Uses the B1 mailer service and displays the e-mail one more time
before it is sent.

SAP® direct
Sends directly using B1 mailer service

Smtp prompt
Sends the e-mail via configured Smtp service and displays the e-
mail one more time before it is sent.

Smtp direct

7 coresuite designer 229

Sends the e-mail directly via configured Smtp

MAPI prompt
Uses Window default client and displays the e-mail one more time

MAPI direct
Attempts to send directly using Windows Standard Client
Res. Res. stands for resolution and indicates the resolution of the
attachment at export. The resolution is given in dpi (dots per
Quality The quality of the export is rated between 0 and 100.
Exportpath Determines the export path. If empty,
tempfolder\swald\dbname\export is used.
To Address Determines the target address of the e-mail message.
CC Contains the address for the copy.
BCC Contains the address for the blind copy.
Subject Contains the subject.
Email Text Contains the text in the e-mail message.
From Defines the e-mail sender.

7.1.5 Text List

Predefined texts can be added to coresuite designer. You can also define the
corresponding translations for each structural element of the text. They are then
dynamically loaded into the corresponding layout.



Code Enter a user defined code as unique identifier for the new Text
Textbox here.
If the code is not entered the next available user code UXXXXXXXX
will be automatically entered
Text Textbox Contents of structural elements of the text. It can also be edited
with coresuite editor using the right mouse button

Open Form
The text collection can be opened from the print or layout definition using the
function button:

Func tions > Texts


Each of the defined texts in Text collection can be translated in this window. This
is the default translation function of SAP® Business One.

7 coresuite designer 231

Description of Fields
Table Displays the translation table.
Field Displays the translation field
Code Displays the ID of the structural elements of the text
Default Displays the description of the structural elements of the text.

These fields are default areas in SAP® B1 and cannot be changed.

Table Descriptions

Language Select language for translation

Translation Translation

Open Form
The translation can be opened from the text collection using the right mouse

7.1.6 Sample Queries

Sample Queries are delivered with one Layoutdefinition "Sample Queries

(GEN70000)" which can be used by the administrator to integrate in Simple
Dashboards or other reports.


To display the List of all available Sample Queries choose

>> Administration > Add-Ons > coresuite designer > Sample Queries (GEN70000)


Navigation All available queries are displayed sorted by Category

window on
the left Navigate to the query y ou are interested in to view the details in the

7 coresuite designer 233

Report The report itself displays the SQL Query Text as it is stored in SAP
Overview Business One. Detailed explanation is available in the comments at
the beginning of the Query.

Use this Sample Queries to c reate y our ow n c ompany spec ific


Further reference

For more details on how to use the sample queries see the comments in the
respective query itself and refer to the training Guide Creating a Simple Dashboard
or the reference guide Sample Dashboards

7.1.7 Parameter

All the parameters used by coresuite designer are defined in Form Parameter.

Table Description

Code Parameter code. Attributed automatically after saving.

Key (In Indicates which is the key of the parameter in the query.
The parameter "empID" muss appear in the query in the
following form: [%empID]
Type of Indicates the type of parameter. Following types are possible:

Idem Id Indicates the Item ID in the form. Identifiable in the corresponding
form when ‘View > System Information’ is activated.

Example: To see the ItemID of the parameter ‘empID’ in the

employee form, open employee master data and move the mouse
over the employee number. The following information is displayed
at the bottom of the SAP® window:

Matrix Id Defines the matrix which is to be considered.

Open Form
The parameters can be opened from the print or layout definition using the
function button:

Funktionen > Öffne Parameter

7.1.8 Form Types

All form types are listed in this window. The form types of all relevant Forms from
SAP® B1 are available in coresuite designer. You may find it necessary to create
your own form types for special extensions or the like.

7 coresuite designer 235

Formty pes


Code ID of form type (atttributed automatically after saving)

Formtype Clear assignment of form type. It can be read from the
corresponding form using ‘View > System Information’:

Name Definition of form type

Object Id Indicates the object ID. It is contained in SAP®’s Help for
Developers. In some forms, it can be read from the correspondig
table with a query.
Replace Used for forms with identical components.

For example, offer (OQUT), order (ORDR), delivery (OLDN)

have individual letters after the O. They should be replaced like
this: @@RDR
With Replace the expression in Replace with

for order = "RDR", for delivery = "DLN"

Open Form
The form types can be opened from the print or layout definition using the function

Func tions > Open Formty pes

7.2 Reference Guide

7.2.1 General

Batch Printing

The Batch Printing functionality in the coresuite designer module allows you to set
up the system to automatically print or send specific documents.

The following example demonstrates how to print customer orders, which have not
yet been printed. A sample query, which has to be adjusted slightly, is
automatically installed with the coresuite country package. The SAP Business One
standard alarms will be used to trigger the start of the print job.

To set up everything there are 3 steps required:

· Adjust the Sample SQL Query

· Set up the SAP Business One alarm
· Adjust the designer configuration

Define Query


To display the sample Query window choose

>> Tools > Queries > User Queries > SWA_LD_Data >

7 coresuite designer 237


The following columns are required in order to be able to use the query for our
example of Batch Printing:
· FormType: Enter the Formtype of the Document here. In our example we want
to return not printed Sales Orders, therefore we use '139' as the form type for
Sales Orders.
· PrintDef: Enter the Code of the relevant Printdefinition here. In our example we
want to use the standard Printdefinition for Sales Orders. Therefore we enter
the Code 'T0000010' of the Printdefinition for Sales Orders here. To find the
correct code of the Printdefinition see the screenshot below.
· DocEntry: The correct Document Entry is selected from the appropriate table.
· AttGroup: Enter the column by which the Documents should be grouped. This is

Setup SAP Business One Alarm

Once the Query is defined you will have to set up the Alarm in SAP Business One to
trigger the automatic printing.


To display the Alarm window choose

>> Administration > Alarm management

7 coresuite designer 239

To set up the Alarm the following settings are required:
· Enter an appropriate Name and Priority for the Alert
· Activate the Alarm by selecting the Active Checkbox
· Attach the query, which was created and saved in the previous step
· Select the User(s) for who the Alert will be activated
· Enter the appropriate the frequency. (In this example for demonstration and
testing purpose we set the frequency to 2 Minutes. In a real environment
another frequency, for example once a day or once a week is more appropriate.)

Adjust Designer configuration

In the last step we will set up the coresuite designer to start the Batch Printing
automatically. To do this we will define the relevant settings in the Batchprint


To display the Batchprint Configuration window choose

>> Administration > AddOns > coresuite designer > Configuration > Batchprint Tab

In order to start the printing an SAP Business One user has to be selected and the
Alert defined in the Previous step has to be selected.

In addition, the time interval how often the batch printing job are run has to be
set at the bottom of the form.

Copy Queries

In the printdefinition > documents the copies can be defined. The "1" which is
shonn in the image below is a query which is saved as "1".

In the folder "SWA_LD_Copy" are every queries, which can be chosen in the
printdefinitions under "Copies" and "Copies M." With this system, there are
endless possibilities to define the number of copies in documents.

7 coresuite designer 241

C opies with UDF

A practise example is the definition of copies with UDF. Therefore a new query
must be saved

ELSE T0.U_Copies
WHERE T0.CardCode = '[%CardCode]'

This query must be saved in the folder "SWA_LD_Copy" and can so be used in the
printdefinition. If in the UDF is a NULL-value, the designer will print one copy. If
the UDF contains a value, the designer will print the copies defined in this UDF.

C opies country

A further example is the definition of copies dependent of the business partners

country. Herefore following Query can serve:

WHEN T0.Country <> (SELECT T2.Country FROM OADM T2)
WHERE T0.CardCode = '[%CardCode]'

Data Sources

The most frequent data sources for each form are saved in the layout definition.
Besides the saved sources, own queries can be defined, too.
See the next Chapters for details.

C reating Queries

The default SQL generator is opened under ’Tools > Queries > Query Generator’.
The query can be entered here. After the entry is complete, the result can be
displayed using the ‘Execute’ button.

7 coresuite designer 243

ty pe in the query

The query you have created is displayed in the usual notation in the upper field.
The result of the query is shown in the lower field. The query can be edited using
the button. Experienced users create their own queries directly in this view or
copy the query from the SQL server manager into this view. When both the query
and the result are correct, the query you have just created or edited can be saved.

edit the query

Saving Queries

The query can now be named and saved in a category. After naming the query, the
desired category must be selected, so that it is displayed in the ‘query category’.
As final step, you must confirm the actions with the ‘Save’ button. New categories
are created under ‘Manage Categories’.

7 coresuite designer 245

Don’t use special characters or ’.’ signs in the name of the query, as it can
cause errors.

Opening and changing Queries

Existing queries can be executed or changed in the Queries Manager. To access

Queries Manager use ‘Extras > Queries > Queries Manager’ or use the button
to go there directly. The query can be opened with the button OK. This enables you
to edit or execute it.

query manager

C reate Report from Query

It is possible to create a new report (Layoutdefinition) directly from an existing

query in the Queries Manager.
To access Queries Manager use ‘Extras > Queries > Queries Manager’ or use the
button to go there directly.
The button ‘Create report’ creates a new layout definition.

7 coresuite designer 247

query manager

The definition is applied directly from the query and the layout type is set
automatically at ‘User Query’. The query in line 1 is also automatically applied. If
the layout definition was correctly created, the layout can be created in the
Designer (button ‘Open Designer’). The form for the layout definition is described
in the Forms chapter under Layout definition. The layout configuration is explained
in the chapter Designer.

Dealing with marketing documents

When you work with marketing documents coresuite designer will help you in
several areas.

1. DocEntry retrieval

When working with coresuite designer is essential to read out datatable keys from
the form.
Those keys are called Parameters and can be used in all the queries related to this
They can even be used in a Printdefinition to get for example an dynamic
But when working with marketing documents we cannot read out the DocEntry from
the form which is the regular way for coresuite designer to get parameters.
In the case of marketing documents coresuite designer creates the DocEntry -
Parameter automatically for you using the predefined parameters: DocNum,
DocDate and DocSeries.

Y ou c an alw ay s use [%Doc Entry ] for all y our marketing doc related queries and

2.Formtype defines the Object

Since we can read out the FormType of every SAP- Form by SDK we use it as our
unique Object Identifier.
A lot of scripts in our standard layouts are using the FormType Parameter to
enable/disable Areas and for other conditional stuff.
So as soon as we have a FormType on the marketing documents we may use:
- Unified Queries (Using the Placeholder @@RDR)
- The ObjectId Parameter
- Conditional formatting and other individual things.

Check: SWA_LD_FORMTYPE - Table

3. DataSource

The Document_88 datasource gives you already a lot of information.

If you miss something you can:
- Extend the datasource with your own queries using @@Placeholders
- Use the quick and dirty LD.QueryData(...) - approach

Please be aware that there is already an translated ItemDescription and a

translated PaymentTerm
As a general rule: All Columns which are called MLDesc are alreeady translated for
For the others you can use LD - Functions:
- GetMLDesc(...) for regular Translations of Fields
- GetDesc(....,LangCode) for UDF Valid Values Translations.
- QueryData(...) for getting Values out of related UDF Tables

4. Formtype and Draft Documents

First of all if you are dealing with regular documents opened as draft Form in SAP
or using the Draft List directly from SAP B1 you don't need to care about drafts at
As written in point 2. coresuite designer is FormType driven.So how can we deal
with Draft Documents in other than above cases (they do not have a FormType)?
For example if you would like to use draft documents which are using our
Document_88 datasource from SelectGrids, Remote- or Batchprinting you need to
specifiy the SWA_LD_DRAFT Formtype in the related Printdefinition. This
indicates coresuite designer that you would like to use the DRF - Replacement for
the @@RDR - Queries and will set the Parameter AddMode to "Y".

7 coresuite designer 249

But then you still need to deal with a lot of conditions in the Layout itself because
the scripts doesn't take care of FormType "SWA_LD_DRAFT".
If you check our scripts they are using Formtypes like "133","139" which are regular

To automatically transfer the SWA_LD_DRAFT - Formtype into its real FormType

just check SWA_LD_DRAFT to FormType in the corsuite designer general
Then all the existing scripts will aslo work as expected.

Deploy Data for External Report

When working with External Reports such as Excel, Crystal Reports, Dashboards
and others there are 2 options to deploy the data to the report displayed.
1. Deployment from the Database
2. Deployment from a File stored on an accessible Folder


To adjust the settings for deplyoment choose

>> Administration > Add-Ons > coresuite designer > Layoutdefinition > External
Report Tab

At the bottom of the tab are 2 buttons to change the Deployment Option

In order to give access to the report to all users and to be able to export the report
we recommend to deploy the file directly from the database instead of using a
Shared Folder to ensure data integrity.

To do this select the Save in DB button (Deploy File via DB)

Do not forget to Save any changes of a Design File that is deployed by

the database!
Select the "Save" button to save the changes back to the database for
any changes to take effect!

In case you wish to export and import the Layoutdefinition from one to
another database you have to deploy the data via database.


The documents generated can be sent by e-mail with coresuite designer. The
settings of the e-mail function can be established under E-Mail / Fax in the Print
Definition. The fundamental fields in this form are presented in the form

descriptions in Print definition.

Printdefinition (example servic e c all)

In this example, (Print Definition Service Order) the target address was taken from
the contact person of the business partner with a SQL query. The corresponding
query parameter is [%callID]. Likewise, the CC address (e.g. defined technician)
and the BCC can be defined.

You can either work with an SQL query or with text elements, but you can’t
use both simultaneously in a field.

The subject was created with a text from the Text Collection --> [@0000021]
and the current [%callID].

7 coresuite designer 251

You can also use defined elements from the Text Collection for the e-mail text.

Multilingual Text Collection

coresuite designer enables you to produce multilingual reports without effort and
in a very short execution time. You can save time, as you don’t need to define a
new layout for each individual language. All you need is a single layout with
multilingual textboxes. These textboxes are stored in a Text Collection and loaded
into the report. You can save time even if you make changes to the texts. For
example, when general terms and conditions are altered, you don’t have to look
for each document and adjust it. The adjustment can be very easily made in the
Text Collection and all documents will be updated.

This chapter describes how to create, translate and finally use new texts.

C reate Text

In order to edit or create texts, the Text Collection must be opened. To do so, you
can use the ‘Functions’ button in the print or layout definition and select the
option ‘Texts’.

The text table is opened in a new window. Here, a new text can be added in the
text column. You don’t have to insert the code as it is given automatically. The
text entry is confirmed with the button ‘update’.

input text

Translate Text

You can translate the element by using the right mouse button on the text.

The translations for the selected text block can be created in the new window. The
language to be used for the translation can be selected in the left column and the
element you want to translate can be entered in the right column. Use the ‘Add’
button to confirm the added element. In this example, the text is added to the
table ‘swissLD Text’ with the label "U0000275". The label will be used later to
integrate the text block in a layout.

7 coresuite designer 253

Using Texts

In this example, a new layout is created. In the following chapter we intend to use
this layout on the business partner to add language information. But first, we will
address only the layout and layout definition. A new layout is defined under ‘
Administration > AddOns > coresuite designer > layoutdefinition’:

c reate new lay out

In this example, only Master Data is used as data source, because the example
does not really use data sources. After saving the layout, the Designer is opened.
To test the textboxes, a single Advanced Data Band containing a detail component
is enough. The created text component ‘U0000275’ can be selected from ‘Data
Sources > LD > Txt’ and pulled into the Detail (highlighted in orange, in this

use of the text elements

After saving the layout, the preview shows the added text in the default language,
in this case German:


Further use of Texts

The saved texts can also be used in print definitions and the like, among others.
As it is not possible to pull the structural element into the working area, you must
work with markers. The syntax of such markers is as follows:

(The code of the text block must always be placed between square brackets
with a ‘@’)

Automatic Language Selection

The next question is: how does the Designer recognize what language to use for
the layout output? This is established in the print definition. In this example, a
print definition is created in which the language defined for the business partner
should be read and added to the layout. First, a new print definition is created in
the business partner form. As layout, we will select the layout ‘translation tool’ we
have created and attribute the language statically first.

7 coresuite designer 255

Example frenc h

When the business partners’ preview is accessed now, the layouts are always
displayed in French (as the language was attributed statically). Next, a query is
created which returns the language dynamically to the print definition. For that
purpose, a new query is created:

query the business partners language

This query does nothing more than return the corresponding language to the
business partner in the OCRD table. The query must absolutely be saved in the
‘SWA_LD_LANGUAGE’ category.

save query

The print definition will be now updated. Each query which is saved in this category
can be selected in the print definition in this language.

dy namic report language

Now the layout is shown in the language corresponding to the business partner.
What happens when, for example, ‘Russian’ is assigned to a business partner, but
no translation has been created yet? These elements appear in the Import language
which was defined in the Designer configuration.

7 coresuite designer 257


In order to allow the user to filter the data display in the report or change the look
of the report, parameters can be defined in the Data Source Queries or used in the
layout itself. In order to use and fill these parameters the relevant data has to be
entered in the Parameters Tab of the Layoutdefinition.
See bellow information for more details on how to configure and use parameters.

Available Systemparameter

coresuite designer supports you with a bunch of Systemparameter which you can
use in:
- Scripts ( per GetData("LD.Par.ParamName"))
- Queries ( per [%ParamName])

List of the most used Systemparameters together with a sample Use Case:

Parameter Beschreibung
PrintMode Contains the Mode/State in which the
Layout is during Rendering .
"N" -> Print oder Preview
"P" -> PDF
"E" -> Email
"F" -> Fax
"W" -> Word
"X" -> Excel
Typical Use Case : Print on a preprinted
Form and use the same Layout for Emails
(-> In Emails the Logo should be visible
but on the Printout not)
Solution : Logo visible if PrintMode<>"N"
FormType Contains the Formtype of the Form from
which the Layout was started.
"139" -> Sales Order
"140" -> Delivery
Typical Use Case : Printing of a specific
Sales Quotation Footer.
Solution : Footer visible if
Preview "Y" if in Preview Mode, "N" if not.
Typical Use Case : Hyperlink Arrows
should only be visible in Preview Mode.
Solution : Set the Visible Property of the
Hyperlink to Preview="Y".
UserId Contains the logged on User
Typical Use Case : Get the from
Emailaddress automatically when

emailing via coresuite designer
Solution : Add a Query in the Email/Fax
Tab of the Printdefinition.

Overview over System- and Userparameters:

To get an idea what Parameters are used you may use a preinstalled Layout called
"Parameters Check" for example on the Sales Order Printdefinition:

Result ( in this case the form was in Add-Mode):

C reating new Parameter

coresuite designer presents default parameters for the most frequent SAP® form
types. These can be imported from ‘layout definition>parameter’, using the
following button:

7 coresuite designer 259

When no corresponding parameter is available in data source, you must create a
parameter yourself. To do so, access the parameter form. It is important that the
key matches the [%expression] in the query. The parameter type must be defined
depending on what type of value is to be fed.
· For numeric inputs, select ‘Numeric’.
· For text inputs, select ‘Alphanumeric’
· For date formats, select ‘Date’

Item ID
This ID is the clear label of a form field. If, for example, the parameter
(employee) ‘empID’ is selected, the ID of the ‘employee nor‘ field must be read as
the form ‘personnel > employee master data’. The ID on the form can be identified
by activating ‘view > system information’:

read sy stem informations

Parameter FormType
After creating the parameter, a matching form type has to be assigned to it. It is
important that the parameter always knows in which form it works. In the case of
labelled parameters, the Form Type form can be opened using the
‘ParamFormType’ button.

define parameter, open form ty pe

A parameter does not necessarily have to apply to only one form. Several
parameters can be used for several different forms – this is the case with
‘DocNum’ below, which applies to several forms. All forms must be indicated. All
usual form types are available in the Designer. If a specific form type is not
available by default, it must be previously created. To do so, use the form

parameter form ty pes, example: Doc Num

7 coresuite designer 261

SQL Query Syntax

A special syntax must be used to activate parameters in the query.


Square brackets and percent sign must be used to ensure the connection between
the query and the defined parameter.

The following example uses the 'Account' parameter and filters the data for

account codes selected be the user in the parameter form or displays data of all

accounts if nothing is selected:

WHERE (T0.FormatCode = '[%Account]' OR '[%Account]' = '')

New since version 2.90 it is possible to define default values for a parameter so
that the parameter does not have to be defined in each Layoutdefinition which
uses the datasource.


The following example uses the 'AddVoucher' parameter and sets the default

value to 'N':

DECLARE @AddVoucher AS VARCHAR(1) SET @AddVoucher='[%


Parameter Design

There are different ways of entering parameters, depending on the query. Some
parameters must be entered manually as is the case, for example, when the
starting date and the end date of a report period must be entered. But the
parameters can also be fed in directly. This happens, for example, when a business
partner form is opened and the print preview button is activated. In this case, the
SAP® obviously does not ask for the BP’s ‘card code’ anymore. The different
possibilities for designing parameters are presented in this chapter.


Parameters are designed in the layout definition in the separator Parameter.

The columns Parameter and Description have no effect on the design. The
columns ‘Design Param Value’, ‘Parameter Modes’ and ‘Input Sequence’ are used to
design parameter inputs. The definition of the columns is made in the Form

Parameter modes

Parameters have modes:

Always use design value

When this option is selected, this value is always used, even if a parameter was
automatically input.

No prompt if already filled

Contrary to the first variant, the parameter entry is skipped when a parameter has
been input.
If the layout is a thrill down layout you can select this option and already provide
the parameter when opening it.

Designing parameter values

Parameters can be entered in different ways:

· Text entries
The user must enter the parameter precisely by hand.
· Combobox
It is used for a small range of parameters.
· Choose from List
It is used for a wider range of parameters.

Next, you will be shown how to define parameters. In a further step, a more
detailed presentation is made on how to incorporate small SQL queries, in order to
define the parameter list automatically. For example, when using Choose From
List, you can only work with this kind of queries.

The user must enter the parameter manually. For this mode, the parameter
doesn’t have to be defined. The column ‘Design Param Value’ can be left empty.

7 coresuite designer 263

The user can select his parameters from a Combobox. The notation for the ‘Design
Param Value’ column is explained below:

To generate a Combobox, the parameters must be placed inside square

brackets [,,,,,,]. A parameter and the corresponding description must be
inserted for every line. The syntax should be as follows:


c reate a c ombobox

Each parameter has a corresponding description!

The user can select the parameters from a Choose from List. The notation for the
‘Design Param Value’ column is explained below:

Choose from List only works if a Query has been manually created. The
parameters must be inserted in SQL notation.

To generate a Choose from List, a SQL query must be placed inside curly

{SELECT.... FROM......}

7 coresuite designer 265

c reate a c hoose from list

Instead of normal values, small SQL queries can be inserted between the brackets
of the Parameterdesigns (in the case of Choose from List, the query is absolutely
necessary). The SQL query must be structured at least in this form:

For Combobox

[SELECT T0.[empID], T0.[firstName] FROM OHEM T0]

With Combobox, it is important that exactly two columns are generated.

One of them must carry the parameter (here empID), and the other the

For Choose From List

{SELECT T0.[empID], T0.[firstName], T0.[lastName] FROM OHEM T0}

Contrary to the Combobox, you can generate here as many columns as


Tables and respective columns can be read as such using systeminformation.

To ignore the Parameterhistory add a .../*@@Default*/.. this

ensures that always the designvalue will be used ot the one from
the history

Input Sequence

Some queries require several parameters. To order them correctly, the input
sequence must be defined in the layout definition under Parameters:

input sequenc e

To maintain a line, which does not generate a field or Combobox, the

parameter SWA_Space can be used.

PDF Export

Based on the print definition, this chapter shows you how to create a PDF export.
Both a PDF of the order and a PDF of the production order should be created. First,
the PDF Export must be activated in the print definition. coresuite designer then
autonomously generates names for the files. The file names can obviously also be
created manually. You can do so in the separator ‘Documents’. The corresponding
name must only be noted in the column ‘Export File Name’.

export filename (pdf)

7 coresuite designer 267

When the PDF function is now executed in the Client Order, coresuite designer
saves the files in Temp-directory (exports). The export path can also be
established manually. To do so, define the path in the ‘Export Path’ field of the
separator ‘e-mail/fax’:

define export path


To print a document, the layout definition and the print definition must be
correctly established.
· the print definition essentially establishes the number of copies which are to be
printed in the SAP® when the print button is activated
· the layout definition establishes the printer and tray selection, as well as the
user and the language

The following example shows how to complete the printing of a newly created
report while a production order is printed with the printer in Production. The two
documents should be slightly different:

2 doc uments: 1 Sales Order, 1 Produc tion Order


To access the Print Definition in the Order form, use the button. A new line is
then added to it. In this new line you will work with the default Din Layout again. A
copy should be printed from both layouts. The layout for Production is labelled in
the field ‘Free Text’. The separator can be defined any way you want. In this case,
it was named ‘prod’. The Production layout is special, because the Production
Department always gets the receipts in German only. This is defined in the field



The next step is the Layout Definition. The working of the Printer Settings is
explained in the Layout definition chapter. This case has a special feature: there is
a second line with the note ‘prod’. This Free Text must be exactly the same as the
one in the Print Definition. A separate printer was also assigned to his line, as the
Production department is in a different place.

Lay outdefinition

When the printing command is given, both Production and the Office get an
identical copy. For the moment, the Free Text is useless. It would have sufficed to
have a line with two copies and the layout definition set to copy ‘0’ and ‘1’. But
variations for these documents will be created next.

7 coresuite designer 269

Document Variations

Variations in terms of document structure are set in the Designer. In the present
example, two changes are made:

1. Different title in the Production Order

2. Hiding the footer in the Production Order

First, the document footer is hidden. For that purpose, ‘Document Footer’ is
selected from the document directory:

In the settings under Bindings the ’visible’ field is activated. The Script Editor is
opened in the new window. The purpose of this small script is the following
‘When ‘prod’ does NOT appear in the parameter, the footer should be visible. To
do so, the following script is used:


to access the parameter Free Text, the command ‘Data Sources > LD >
Par > FreeText’ can be loaded into the Editor

disable footer

The second step is changing the document title. For that purpose, you must click in
the working area, on the document title. This time, the existing script is expanded
under ‘Generate Script’ In Characteristics. The completed script now says:
‘When the parameter ‘Free Text’ says ‘prod’, the document title is overwritten
with ‘Produktionsauftrag' (in german)’ The corresponding syntax is

If GetData("LD.Par.FreeText") = "prod" Then

txtDocTitel.Value = "Produktionsauftrag"
End If

7 coresuite designer 271

rename doc ument title

The layout can be saved now. When the print button of any given business partner
is activated now, coresuite designer prints the documents as in the initial

Remote Printing

coresuite designer can receive print orders in a file and then carry them out. In
order to carry out such orders, the following steps are needed:

· Set up files
· Configurate designer
· Compile print job file

Set up file
A file will be set up at a random place, in which the print jobs will be saved later

Configurate designer
Next, the designer must be configurated. For this purpose the configuration will be
activated under "Administration > AddOns > coresuite designer > config". In the
index "Batchprint" in the right column "Parameter Scan-Pfac" the just compiled file
can be declared. Mode and user will be handled analog to the Batchprinting. (The
interval is not needed for Remote Printings).

Restart coresuite after the setting up.

Compile print job file

After the restart of coresuite, all print jobs, which get into this file as a text file,
will be printed. The syntax of this text files must look as the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>

<type mode="Print" layoutid="0" formtype="139"/>
<param key="DocEntry" value ="3"/>
<param key="PrintDef" value ="T0000007"/>
<param key="DocEntry" value ="4"/>
<param key="PrintDef" value ="T0000007"/>

SAP Menu functions

The following layout functions are available in SAP® Business One:

Menuleiste SAP

Opens a preview window

7 coresuite designer 273

Prints the active element
Generates attachments, reads the respective information from the
corresponding print definition
Generates a fax form
Exports to MS Excel
Exports to MS Word
Saves current view as PDF
Opens saved Printdefinition

Select Grid

A SelectGrid allows the user to select and mark several lines and subsequently print
them, for example. Next, a SelectGrid is created with business partners with an
account balance > 5000. The business partners can be selected and a letter is

Layout Letter

A new layout is defined for the letter. The Card Code is selected as parameter:

Next, the letter is formatted in the Designer. In this example, only the business
partner’s address is added.

Query Business Partner

The following query reads the business partners who generated an account balance
> 5000.

SELECT T0.CardCode, T0.CardName, T0.Balance

Where T0.Balance > 5000

SelectGrid erstellen

The SelectGrid is created by means of a new layout definition. Using the ‘Just
Grid’ option prevents the layouts from opening immediately. The query we have
just created is added. The opened grid must have a form type, so the name is
saved in the ‘My form type’ area. It is also possible to insert an additional
definition in ‘FormDef’, which will show up at the same time. The layout is saved
in the ‘Business Partner Reports’ directory.

The grid can already now be viewed with the preview button, although it has
absolutely no functionalities yet.

7 coresuite designer 275

Defining Form

The ’formAction’ form must be defined now. For that purpose, a new entry is
created in Form Types.

Defining Parameter

The parameter Card Code appears in the SelectGrid. Although we have already
used a Card Code parameter in the layout of the letter, a new parameter must be
created for the SelectGrid.


Finally, a print definition must be created for the grid. The print definition applies
to the form type ‘formAction’ and contains the layout ‘Christmas promotion’. As
far as copies are concerned, only the ‘Copies M.’, meaning mass print, are
relevant in this case. The usual number of copies is not considered in SelectGrids.

To end the configuration, you only have to define the Matrix ID under ‘Extended
Definitions’. In the case of SelectGrids, the ID is ‘grdSelect’.

The SelectGrid can now be opened in the business partner reports.

7 coresuite designer 277

SIP Export

To export personal layouts, SIPs, or Simple Installation Packages, must be created.

All rst and xml files are created according to the following directory structure.
Next, the whole directory is marked, exported as .zip and then renamed .sip.
Afterwards, these files can be imported using coresuite administration and
subsequently be installed.

Overview SIP

The rootfile is located on the first level. The beginning of the file name is of your
own choice and must be followed by the ‘_ldpack’. The _ldpack contains all
references concerning sub-directories and file names. The ‘SWA_LD_PACKAGE’
directory is located on the same level. It must begin exactly as stated but the end
of the file name can freely be chosen. This directory contains all queries, layout
templates and parameters. The next chapter describes the contents of these xml

(1) Rootfile

The root file contains all important references regarding directories and
definitions. The pkg name can be freely chosen in the package definition. The pkg
prefix is attributed to developing companies by SAP® and is added here. The
layout folder name defines which directory is to appear afterwards in the
installation list in coresuite and can be freely be chosen as well. The layoutdefpath
and the layoutdatapath refer to the RST-File and to the Definition File. The
Formparamdefpath refers to the Formparameterdefinition. The Datadefpath refers
to Datadefinition. Note: For the layout to be automatically installed in the client’s
system, each release requires the pkgversion to be updated.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>

<package xmlns:xsi=""
<packagedef pkgversion="1.00" pkgname="your package name (will appear
on the AddOn-Management)" pkgprefix="your developer namespace"
<layout foldername="foldername on your harddrive after installation">

(2) Datadefinition

Queries are saved in Data Definition. All queries and query definitions (the same
principle as in the layout definition under ‘queries’) are saved in a container using
an ID. The container ID is then selected as data source from the Definition file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>

7 coresuite designer 279

<container key="mytitle">
<query id = "myquery1">
SELECT * FROM OCLG T0 WHERE T0.CardCode = '[%CrmCardCode]'
<query id = "myquery2">
SELECT * FROM OCRD T0 WHERE T0.CardCode = '[%CrmCardCode]'
<querydef query1="myquery1" query2="myquery2" linkfield1="" linkfield2=""/
<formtype id="all" />

In xml-Files, the characters ‘>' and ‘<’ must compulsorily be replaced.

> : &gt;
< : &lt;

SELECT * FROM OCRD WHERE DocDate > [%FromDate]

SELECT * FROM OCRD WHERE DocDate &gt; [%FromDate]

(3) Formparameterdefinition

Form types and parameters are contained in the form parameter definition. An 8
character code (with attributed prefix, please) corresponds to each form type, as
well as the type which can be read from the system information of each form.
Similarly to data collection, the remaining information on the form type is saved
directly in SAP®. The listed parameters belong to the form types. In this case,
there is an 8 character code too and it must be provided with a prefix. The U_key
is the parameter key, identical to the one shown in the query.

Global parameters can also be collected outside the form type, directly under
parameters. This can be used, for example, for universal parameters, such as

‘visible Yes / No’ and the like. U_ptype is the format of the parameter (A=
Alphanumeric, D=Date, N=Numeric)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>

<formtype code = "12345678" formtype = "134" name="myname"
u_objectid="" replace="" with="">
<parameter code = "12345678" u_key="CrmCardCode" u_ptype="A"
u_itemid="5" u_matrixid="" u_visorder="" />
<parameter code = "12345678" u_key="CrmFromDate" u_ptype="D"
u_itemid="" u_matrixid="" u_visorder="" >

12345678: The codes must have a prefix, be clear and have 8 characters.

(4) Layoutfolder

You can create as many layout folders as you wish. These must be correctly
activated in the root file. In each layout folder there must be a definition file, as
well as the RST file, which can be saved from the Designer.

7 coresuite designer 281

(5) RST-File

The rst file can be directly exported from Designer under ‘save as’.

(6) Definition File

The 8 character code must be provided with a prefix. The category, design form
type and name are identical to the Form in coresuite designer. Several categories
can be selected from the layout type (T0000002 = Document, T0000003 = Data,
T0000004 = Other, T0000099 = UserQueery). The name of the Containers must be
selected from Usedata. To prevent clients from changing the layout, you can select

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>

<layoutdef code="12345678" category="" designformtype="" usedata="
NameOfTheContainer (Datadefinition)" name="myname"
layouttype="T0000099" version="0.91" onlygrid="" istemplate="Y">
<parameter paramid="COR00301" desval="01.01.2007" inp="01" />
<parameter paramid="COR00302" desval="" inp = "02" />
<printdef name ="CRM Dashboard Demo" nameid ="CRMDashBoard"
formtype="134" lang="" attachment="P" emailto="" subject="" forceactive="Y">

<printorder layoutid="COR00301" count="1" countM="1" />

12345678: The codes must have a prefix, be clear and have 8 characters.

sip Export

Both elements on the first level (xml file and directory) must be packed together as
a zip file. After this, the file must be renamed to .sip so that it can be imported
into the AddOn Manager.

coresuite administration

The SIP can be imported under ‘Administration > AddOns > coresuite
administration > Administration’ and then be installed.

7 coresuite designer 283

You must restart coresuite after installing each new SIP file.

7.2.2 Integrated Designer - Sharpshooter

This reference guide for the integrated designer Sharpshooter provides

information on relevant components, functions and basic work sequences. The
different topics are sorted alphabetically.


This chapter describes the main components of the Designer. Components can
either be selected from the menu bar under ‘Paste’ or directly in the components

The text box allows you to insert unformatted texts simply and quickly by
means of an Editor.
Advanced Text
This text box is used to structure data into the text or to import data from
coresuite editor.
Insert images in the report
Insert and format different forms
Makes it possible to insert a barcode. The display of the barcode (EAN 13, etc)

can be defined.
Chart Control
Inserts existing diagrams in the report.
Inserts dynamic graphics, such as indicator graphics.
Page Header
Inserts a page header similar to the ones in MS Office.
Adds a header to the data band (not repeated in every data sentence)
Adds a repeating area to the data band (is repeated in every data sentence)
Advanced Data Band
The data band is the basis and passes on data sources such as filter and
sorting conditions.
Advanced Group Band
The group band can be added to the data band and provided with grouping
Adds a footer to the data band (not repeated in every data sentence)
Side by Side
Allows displaying several data bands side by side.
Page Footer
Adds a page footer similar to the ones in MS Office
Page overlay
The overlay is needed in order to overlay whole pages or to create a
Contents allows you to define the Design area in the master layout.
Group header
These are only present in the Designer for the sake of compatibility.
Group Footer
These are only present in the Designer for the sake of compatibility.


The text box can be pulled into the working area using the button. A simple
editor is enough to work in the text box.

7 coresuite designer 285


Settings (static)

Appearance This area allows you to define different display options for the text.
Among others, orientation, font, margins, colours, etc.
Data The tag defines the additional information for components.
Design The name contains the definition of the components. This way, the
component appears afterwards in the Document Directory as well.
Layout Location defines the distance to the upper and the left margin of
elements in a superior position. Size defines width and height.

Advanced Text

The advanced text box can be pulled into the working area with the button.
The formatted Text Editor is suitable to work in this field.

Erw eiterter Editor

Settings (static)

Component settings in this case are the same as in the normal Text box.


The image can be pulled into the working area using the button. After
stretching the image, you must indicate which image is to be loaded into the area.

Bild definieren

Eigenschaften (statisch)

Appearance The Size Mode indicates the scale mode of the image. Possible
options are ‘stretch’ and ‘normal’.
Data The Tag defines additional information for the components.
Design The Name contains the definition of the components. This way, the

7 coresuite designer 287

component appears afterwards in the Document Directory as well.
Layout Location defines the distance to the upper and the left margin of
the element in a superior position. Size defines width and height
Navigation Bookmark adds a bookmark to components. The field Hyperlink
allows you to insert a link which is executed when you click on the
Render Grow to bottom indicates whether the component may be stretched
up to the lower limit of the components in a superior position.
Visible defines visibility in the document.
Script Defines the script code which will be called before reproduction.


A shape can be inserted using the button. You can select a suitable shape
from the properties in ShapeStyle.

Shape ausw ählen

Settings (static)

Appearance Display enables you to define colour, aspect and style of the shape.
Data The Tag defines additional information on the components
Design The Name contains the definition of the components. This way, the
component appears afterwards in the Document Directory as well.
Layout Location defines the distance to the upper and the left margin of
the element in a superior position. Size defines width and height
Navigation Bookmark adds a bookmark to components. The field Hyperlink
allows you to insert a link which is executed when you click on the
Render Grow to bottom gibt an, ob die Komponente sich bis zum unteren
Ende der übergeordneten Komponente vergrössern darf. Visible
bestimmt die Sichtbarkeit im Dokument.
Script Defines the script code which will be called before reproduction.


A barcode can be inserted with the button. The inserted code and the type of
presentation can be defined in the properties.

Settings (static)

Appearance The corresponding code can be entered in the field ’Code’. ‘Code
type’ defines how the code will subsequently be presented.

Page Header

The page header can be inserted into the working area using the button. The
header is opened directly on the page and displayed similarly to a header in MS
Office. The area of the header can be formatted with the usual means (e.g. text
boxes, images or shapes).


Settings (static)

Render CanGrow defines whether the header section can be stretched when
the contents of the header increases. CanShrink has the opposite
function: it determines whether the header section can be shrunk
to a minimum. ‘Mode’ defines where the header is to be displayed.
Possible options: All Pages, Odd Pages, Even Pages.

7 coresuite designer 289

Advanced Data Band

The Advanced Data Band is inserted into the working area using the button.
The Data band is the most important element in a layout. A DataSource is
attributed to each Data Band when it is introduced in the Layoutdefinition. You can
then work with the loaded data in the form of headers, details and corresponding
contents. Consequently, the most important setting in a data band is the data
source. The settings of the data band allow you to filter and sort data and more.

When importing a data band, it is important to immediately define the name

in the settings under Design. If you insert the name after having worked with
the band (adding components) correspondences will not function anymore!

Advanc ed Data Band

Settings (static)

Data The data intended for a particular data band is selected from the
‘Data Source’ field. The ‘Filter Expression’ field allows you to filter
data according to defined criteria. The listing sequence can be
defined in the ‘Sort’ field. The expression corresponding to the
Total of a particular band can be defined in the ‘Totals’ field. This
total can be called by means of a function.
Design The name of the data band can be defined in the ’Name’ field.
Important: Define the name at the very beginning.
Layout -
Render CanGrow and Can Shrink define if the data band can be stretched

and shrunk together with the Page header. NewPageAfter and
NewPageBefore define whether the beginning of the data band
should be displayed in a new page and whether you should proceed
to a new page after the data band. Using Visible you can define if
the Data Band is to be shown or hidden during rendering.
Others AlignBottom orientates the data band in accordance with the
background of the document. Empty Text and EmptyNum converts
NULL contents of a table contents. Empty Text transforms NULL
into ‘’’’(empty string) and EmptyNum transforms NULL into 0.


The Header can be inserted into the working area using the button. The
Header is opened in a data band. Contrary to Detail, the header in a data band is
not repeated after each data sentence. At most, settings can be established to
define if the header is to be displayed in each new page. This setting and other
important parameters are activated in Settings under ‘Render’.

Settings (static)

Render CanBreak defines whether a break can be inserted at the next page
in the header or, if that is the case, whether it should begin at the
next page. Can Grow and CanShrink define if the header can be
stretched and shrunk. MinSpaceAfter defines how much space must
be available after the header. If there is too little space, it will be
displayed on a new page.


Detail can be inserted into the working area using the button. Details are
opened in a Data band. Detail is the area which gets repeated as many times as
the number of data sentences to be fed into the reports. The most important
settings are activated in Settings under ‘Render’ (Analogue Header)

7 coresuite designer 291

Settings (static)

The settings for these components are the same as those in Header.

Advanced Group Band

The Advanced GroupBand is inserted into the working area using the button.
This band is appropriate for grouping the sources which are sent to the data band.
In the case of the group band as well, it is advisable to define the GroupExpression
and the Name of the Group Band at the very beginning.

Advanc ed GroupBand

Settings (static)

Data The criteria of grouping must be indicated under GroupExpression.

This must always be the first step, so that the Group Band can fulfil
its function. Under Order you can define whether the original
sequence is to be maintained or whether you should sort data by
ascending or descending the order. So that the group Band knows
which grouping criterion to apply, this information must be inserted
in the GroupExpression field.


The footer can be inserted in the working area using the button. It will be
opened in a Data band. Contrary to Detail, the footer in a Data Band is not
repeated after every data sentence. The settings for the footer are the same as
those for the Header.

Settings (static)

The settings for these components are the same as those for the Header.

Side by Side

The ’Side by Side’ component can be inserted in the working area using the
button. It is opened directly in the working area. Several data bands can be placed
in this component. Depending on the structure of the data band, they can be
placed side by side.

In the following example, no data has been defined in the Designer. The data
sentences in both data bands will be simulated in properties with the ‘Instance
Count’ field.

Seite bei Seite

Results in the Report

The two data bands are now ordered side by side:

7 coresuite designer 293

Report Seite bei Seite

Page Footer

The footer can be inserted in the working area using the button. It functions
similarly to Page header.

Settings (static)

The settings for these components are the same as those of the Page header.

Page Overlay

The Page Overlay can be inserted into the working area using the button. Page
Overlay does not affect data bands or the like. It is only used as overlay or
watermark. Text blocks or images can be inserted in Page Overlay.

C ontent

The contents components are used only in the Master Template to signal the
Design Area of the report.


Bookmarks can be added to any object in the Designer which will then
automatically add an entry in the Navigator in the Preview to link to this


You may define several levels in the Navigation by separating the text with a '/'


Use the Standard LD func tion LD.BookmarkText w hen y ou w ant to inc lude spec ial
c harac ters suc h as ‘/’ or a ‘\’ in the bookmark text to prevent the Designer to interpret it
as a sub level.


In coresuite designer, there are different possibilities to work with Data. To get
optimal results, please follow the instructions below:

· Data inside a Band

If Data is needed, for example for a TextBox inside a Band, e.g. Data- or
GroupBand, the Data must always get directly from the Band over it. This can be
a Data- or a GroupBand.
· GroupCriteria GroupBand
Also when there are different GroupBands nested, the GroupCriteria of each
GroupBand must be Taken from the DataBand over it. Also when between the
GroupBand and the DataBand some more GroupBands are placed.
· Data outside of Bands
If Data is used outside of Bands, e.g. PageHeader or -Footer, Commonsript and
so on, always get the Data by DataSource with getData or Data.

Document tree

The Document tree shows you which element in the layout has been selected. The
different component correspondences and sequences are also clearly visible. In the
following example, you can recognise that the barcode belongs to ‘page header 1’
which, in turn, belongs to ‘page 1’ and that this is part of ‘doc 1’. The document
tree becomes more helpful as the scope of the layout gradually increases. Naming
components clearly can help you maintain visibility.

7 coresuite designer 295

doc ument tree

Filtering Data

Data sentences can be filtered directly in coresuite designer. To do so, use the
‘FilterExpression’ setting. FilterExpression is displayed using the personnel list
from the previous chapter. The FilterExpression is defined in the
AdvancedDataBand under properties: the data band should only display the
employee with emplD 1.


When executing the report, only Marc Manager, who holds emplD 1, should be



Functions are an important topic for Designer. They are irreplaceable for
generating dynamic reports. The Designer is supplied with many standard functions
, which can be activated. Additionally, own functions can be defined in the layouts.
In this chapter, we will work with Visual Basic.

Basic Principles

Functions have fundamentally always the same syntax

Function <Functions name>(<Parameter list Inputs>) As <Data type>

End Function

The following data types are frequently used:

Data Type Memory Requirements Value Range

Boolean 2 Bytes True oder False
Date 8 Bytes Date value ranging from
01.01.0001 to 31.12.9999
Decimal 16 Bytes Floating-point number
between -7,9 * 10^28
to +7.9*10^28
Double 8 Bytes Floating-point number in
double precision between -
1,7*10^308 bis +1,7*10^28
Integer 4 Bytes Whole number between -
and +2.147.483.647
String 2 Byte Character string from 0 to
ca. 2 billion Unicode

The function can be accessed afterwards in the components bindings (settings) and
returns the value calculated by the instructions. It can be accessed with the
following syntax:

<Function name>(<Inputs>)

7 coresuite designer 297


The following example uses the item list (stock control). First, a SQL query is
generated, presenting our data source. The query was created and saved in the
query generator.

SELECT T0.ItemCode, T0.ItemName, T0.OnHand


Based on this query, a new layout definition is initialized. In it, both the saved SQL
query and the design form type 150 are selected.

Lay outdefinition

After creating the layout definition, the Designer is initialized. In the Designer, a
simple item list is created. First, the data band with the data source from the SQL
query is called. The band has a header section, which describes the columns, and a
detail area. Text components which describe the item code and description and
stock control (OnHand) are placed in these two areas.

Aufbau Lay out

Next, the text colour of the stock control (OnHand) should be coloured dynamically.
The point is that the stock is coloured ‘red’ when the number of items in storage
reaches 0 or less, ‘orange’ when the number ranges from 1 to 100, and ‘green’
over 100. The easiest way to do so is to work with styles. The basics on this
subject can be found in the Text tools chapter. Three new styles were defined. The
only difference between them is the name (rot, orange, gruen) and the filling
options, in which colours correspond to names.

Sty les
Next, a script is created. For that purpose, the first level of the document
directory is selected and the function is defined in the settings in CommonScript.
The function syntax is:
Function Farbe(bestand As Double) As String
Dim col As String
If bestand <= 0 Then
col = "rot"
Else If 0 < bestand AND bestand < 101 Then
col = "orange"
col = "gruen"
End If
Return col
End Function

The function is called ’Farbe’, requires the stock in Double format and returns a
string. A variable named ‘col’ is initialized which will give a value to the If then
Else condition. This variable will finally be returned with ‘Return’.

7 coresuite designer 299

Common Sc ript

This script does nothing more than check the stock and then return the style
definition. Next, the function must be applied to the settings of the text
components in stock control. This is accomplished in the bindings. The function
‘Colour’ is called from the binding ‘Style Name’ and the necessary input value is
inserted. The value is taken from the band into the script editor.

V erw endung der Funktion

When called, the report is displayed as follows. The stock is coloured in accordance
with the definition in the function:

getData / Data

If Data is read from an Advanced Databand, coresuite designer transforms NULL-
Entries into Empty Strings (Alphanumeric Data) and 0 (Numeric Data). But if you
load some data directly with getData("Expression"), coresuite designer submits
the original values. That means, also NULL can be loaded in this case.

To avoid this NULL-Entries, the Function must be Data("Expression"). Now, the
characteristics are the same like in the Advanced Databand: NULL gets to
"" (Alphanumeric) or 0 (Numeric).

Grouping Data

The AdvancedGroupBand allows several grouping options. This example shows a

simple personnel list grouped by department. First, a new layout is created. In this
example, a small SQL-query was executed as data source:

SELECT T0.[empID], T0.[lastName], T0.[firstName], T0.[remark], T1.[Name]

AS [Department], T2.[USER_CODE],
ON T0.dept = T1.Code

With this data source, a new layout is created in personnel master data and
subsequently formatted in the Designer. Start with an Advanced Data Band, which
uses the created query as Data Source. As the personnel list is to be displayed
grouped by department, an Advanced Group Band will be inserted in this Advanced
Data Band, featuring, as usual, the Details and respective contents. In this
example, a header with a text element indicating the department was inserted at
the top. The Header is repeated for every new group, the Details for every data
sentence, as usual.

7 coresuite designer 301

c reate the lay out

The GroupBand must be told what grouping criteria to use. For that purpose, click
on the AdvancedGroupBand and define the ‘GroupExpressions’ under properties. In
this example, the Group Expression is ‘Department’.

Definition GroupExpression

When accessed, the report will be presented as follows:


7 coresuite designer 303

Hyperlink (Drill Down Arrows)

Previews from Designer can be provided with link buttons. This allows you to open
SAP® forms directly from Preview. Next, the link button is explained using the
business partner based on the CRM report.

link arrow

A new Shape is created in the Detail area where the ID of the business partner is
located, too. The XML Code of the arrow in the example, which can directly be
inserted in the layout with ctrl+V, is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" standalone="yes"?><root

type="PerpetuumSoft.Reporting.Designer.ReportClipboard" id="1"
version="2"><Controls type="PerpetuumSoft.Reporting.DOM.
ReportControlCollection" id="2"><Item type="PerpetuumSoft.Reporting.DOM.
Shape" id="3" Location="425.19683837890625;64.774421691894531"
Size="41.338581085205078;35.433071136474609" Name="shape1" Line="1
Solid DarkRed"><ShapeStyle type="PerpetuumSoft.Framework.Drawing.
ArrowShape" id="4" Direction="Right" /><DataBindings type="PerpetuumSoft.
Reporting.DOM.ReportDataBindingCollection" id="5"><Item
type="PerpetuumSoft.Reporting.DOM.ReportDataBinding" id="6"
Expression="&quot;[OpenForm;2561;5;;&quot; &amp; BusinessPartnerDetails
(&quot;CardCode&quot;) &amp; &quot;;;Close]&quot;"
PropertyName="Hyperlink" /></DataBindings><Fill type="PerpetuumSoft.
Framework.Drawing.LinearGradientFill" id="7" StartColor="OrangeRed"
EndColor="Orange" /><Shadow type="PerpetuumSoft.Framework.Drawing.
Shadow" id="8" DY="2.3622047244094491" DX="2.3622047244094491"><Fill
type="PerpetuumSoft.Framework.Drawing.LinearGradientFill" id="9" /></

How you can link this Arrow you learn in the sections:

· OpenLayout
· OpenPrintdef
· OpenObject

Open the Designer

Designer is opened from the ’Layoutdefinition’ form. Existing layouts can be

selected and subsequently processed with ‘Opening the Designer’. When a new
layout is defined, data sources must be fed into the Designer. This is accomplished
either with predefined data sources or with user defined queries. After the
necessary information has been entered, the Designer can be opened using the
same button.

start Designer

Page properties

Using the Designer, you can create several completely different pages. (Use to
create a new page). These pages are configured in Page Settings. To access them,
click on the corresponding page and select settings. It is also possible to access

them directly using the button on the upper line. The following settings can be
defined per page:

Appearance StyleName allows you to define which style is to be used as default

in new elements.
Data Under Tag further information can be added to the page settings.
Design The page definition is introduced under Name. This way, the page
will appear afterwards in the Document Directory as well.
Layout The actual page size is defined under Size. The relative position to

7 coresuite designer 305

elements in a superior position can be defined under Location. In
the case of pages, it is usually 0,0.
Navigation The definition in Bookmark appears under page structure in the PDF
Page The page margins can be defined under Margins. These margins will
Settings be shown as thin red lines, which may be helpful when positioning
the components. Paper orientation can be defined under
Orientation. Paper size is established under PaperKind.
TemplateSize, on the other hand, has nothing to do with the output
size, but only with the working area in the Designer. When working
with many elements, it is advisable to increase the template size in
the y-direction, in order to gain more space to order the
Script GenerateScript allows you to define a script which will be executed
based on the reproduction of the report.

Pivot Tables

In this section, a pivot table will be built. The pivot shows the availability of items
in the different stocks. As datasource, a simple query will be used:


After, a new layoutdefinition will be built containing this query. In the designer, a
pivot-table is placed by the corresponding tool. In the properties the Datasource
(query) must be defined like the advanced databand. With double click on the
pivot-table, a new property window opens:

In the source fields area, the elements of the query are listed. With drag and drop,
they can placed into the sections in the middle. In this example, the warehouses
are defined in the x-dimension and the different items in thy y-dimension. In the
facts-field, the actual stock (onHand) is showed. Of course, its also possible to
build the report in several dimensions, for example in the y-dimension first
grouped by the article group and then by the articles.

In the section "Styles", for each fieldtype in the table, a style can be chosen. In the
designer installation, several styles are already pre-installed. They can be used like
in the following example:


7 coresuite designer 307

Standard Functions

Chapter Functions introduced the creation of own Functions. The present chapter
describes the existing default functions in Designer. These are always called into
the Bindings with LD.<function name>. You should bear in mind that these
functions must be activated. This can be defined in Imports.

ac tivate Lay outHelper



The Attachement-Function helps you to Attach several Files to a Layout which is

sent by the E-Mail Functionality of the Designer. Next, an Example is shown, which
sends a Sales Quotation with E-Mail. The goal is, to send with each Item in the
Quotation a FactSheet in PDF Format. All Factsheets in this example are saved in
the same folder and named by the Item Code:

Next, in the DocumentRow of the DIN Layout the function is insertet, which sends
to every Item the Sheet

The path in this example is static. But the Filename is generated in a dynamic
way: Its the ItemCode. The File Format is again Static. So, when this Quotation is
sent by mail, for each article which has a FactSheet, an attachement will be sent.
LD.AddAttachment("C:\workshop\FactSheets\" & DocumentRow("ItemCode")
& ".pdf")^

7 coresuite designer 309


With the function AddHyperlink several functions can be opened by click. As

example the article image in the DIN marketing document will be openet in ms
Paint by click.

Hy perlink

As value in the hyperlink field in the bindings, the name and the parameter is
transmittet. As Example, here is the name 'MyClick123' and the parameter is the
path and also the name of the article image.

"[Name; Parameter]"

"[MyClick123;""" & GetData("B1_Data.CompanyDefaults.BitmapPath") &

DocumentRow("RowRowItems.PicturName") & """]"

Generate Skript
In the generate script of the document the hyperlink is called and connected with a
funcion of the Common Script (see next point).

LD.AddHyperLink("MyClick123", Addressof MyClick)

Common Skript
In the Common Script of the document, the function (called MyClick) is defined and
opens the msPaint.

Private Sub MyClick(rawUrl As String, sPath As String)
Dim p As System.Diagnostics.Process = New System.Diagnostics.Process()
p.StartInfo.FileName = "mspaint.exe"
p.StartInfo.Arguments = sPath
End Sub


LD.BookmarkText(<Text As String>)

Bookmarks can be added to any object in the Designer. A lozenge is inserted

before the bookmark: "#Bookmarktext". If a ‘/’ or a ‘\’ appears in the bookmark,
the Designer will interpret it as a subchapter. If you want this type of notation, you
must use the LD-function. In this case, ‘one/two’ becomes ‘one_two’ and not a
chapter ‘one’ with subchapter ‘two’.


C reateTableFromText

CreateTableFromText(<Engine As Render Engine>, <name As String>, <text As

String>, <column Splitter As String[]>, <row Splitter As String[]>)

The name which will later be used for recalling, can be defined under ‘name’.
The text element from the data source is entered under "text". The line or
column break is entered under column and rowsplitter.

Next, the standard layout is adjusted (document DIN), in order to allow small tables
to be created with the text editor. This is the only way to create tables, as the
editor does not recognize html tables.

Creating a Table
First, a small table is created in a sales order. In the present example, the line
extension of an item is used and a small table is inserted. In this example, the
table is structured like this: if a new line is created in the editor with the enter
command, a new line will be displayed afterwards in the table. If an empty space is
created with 4 strokes of the space key, this will be interpreted as a new column.

7 coresuite designer 311

c reate a table

Adjustments to the Layout (Document DIN)

First, a new variable is initialized on the top level in the common script. This
variable will read the number of columns in the table, afterwards:

The variable we have just defined is overwritten with the return value from the
Create TableFromText function. The fact is that the function indicates the

maximum number of columns in the table. The following script is inserted in the
GetDataScript of the ‘Document Row’ data band under ‘properties’.

GetDataSc ript

anzSpalten = LD.CreateTableFromText(Engine, "Zeilenerweiterung",

DocumentRow("Text"),new String() {" "},new String(){vbcr})

The following values must be fed into the function: Just select ‘Engine’ as
render engine. In this example, the string ‘Zeilenerweiterung’ is inserted as
name. As text, the corresponding element is sent from the data sources. In
our example, the line extension, the element in question would be this
DocumentRow("text"). To finalize, we only need to define the condition for
inserting a new line and column. A new column is inserted by means of a string
of 4 strikes of the space key {" "}. An ‘enter’ is created
together with the {vbcr} string. This function now creates the table and
displays the maximum number of columns as return value (numColumns).

Now, a new data band is created in the document under DocumentRows. The name
which was defined earlier on can be entered here. In this case: Zeilenerweiterung.

7 coresuite designer 313

The text fields must be told what to display now. For that purpose, the name and
column must be entered again in the bindings, under value. Next, the second
column, with ‘Col2’. The first column would have ‘Col1’ and so on. It is possible
that 3 columns are created in the layout now, but only 2 columns are used in the
text field afterwards. So that no problems are caused by the designer, the
‘unused’ column had to be hidden. To do so, the corresponding option was selected
in the bindings, under ‘visible’. The following is an example: column 2 should only
be displayed when the table in the text editor has more than one column.
Consequently, column 3 should feature: numcolumns>3...etc.

When you view the layout, the table is shown:

row 1 column 1 row 1 column 2 row 1 column 3
row 2 column 1 row 2 column 2 row 2 column 3



This function works just like the ‘’Fstr’’ function. The only difference is that in
this function we will work with date formats. As an example, an extended text
filed is inserted here and its contents are defined under Bindings.

"Today is " & LD.Date(Now, "dd.MM.yyyy")

The different elements are joined with a &. Strings must always be written
between ‘’’’. You can find a reference to the different date formats (here dd.MM.
yyyy) at

When the layout is rendered, the text box is displayed as follows: ‘’Today is


LD.DrawImage(<Path As Object>)

coresuite designer can generate images dynamically. In the case of image

elements, an image can be assigned in a permanent way, using the properties in
‘Image'. You can work with the image functions in Bindings or Generate Script.

Example: Display product images. This function uses the default bitmap path
and the picture name from the Marketing data source to produce complete
dynamic bitmap paths.

LD.DrawImage(GetData("B1_Data.CompanyDefaults.BitmapPath") &



This function allows you to define the contents of simple text. As an example, we
will use the stock control list from chapter Functions. In the case of stock control,
the entered value is a simple number:

7 coresuite designer 315

This example demonstrates that, instead of featuring a simple number, the
expression should be as follows: ‘’This position contains xxxx items’’. For that
purpose, the text must be defined for different texts in the Bindings. The following
code was used in the example:

‘’This position contains &nbsp;" & LD.FStr(articles("OnHand"),"######") &

"&nbsp; items’’

The different elements are joined with a &. Strings must always be written
between ‘’’’. You can find a reference to the different number formats (here
#######) at

When the layout is rendered, the display is as follows:


This function returns the description of User defined fields (UDFs). This
description exists for UDFs where valid values are defined.

> Define User Defined Field (UDF) w ith valid values in SAP Business One

In the SAP Business One Form the left column displays the value which can usually
be queried and is returned by the default datasources.

In order to obtain the value on the right (description) the LD.GetDesc Function
must be used.

LD.GetDesc("<Table>","<Definition UDF>",<Value UDF>)


LD.GetDesc("ORDR", "U_NameUDF", Datasource1.U_NameUDF)


The description of the valid values can also be translated (1). In order to print the
translated description of the UDF additionally provide the Language Id as a
parameter and consider to use the correct table (2) as displayed in the definition.

7 coresuite designer 317

The table in w hic h the translation is stored c an be diffferent from UDF to UDF. Alw ay s

use the table as display ed in the Translations Form (point 2 in Sc reenshot below ).

LD.GetDesc("<Table>","<Definition UDF>",<Value UDF>, <Language Code>)




LD.GetDimensions(<maximum with As Integer>, <maximum height As

Integer>, <Image>)

In the next example, an image which is in item settings must be displayed with
maximum 320px width and height. This function cannot be used in the bindings, as
it doesn’t give a return value. In the example, an image was inserted in the layout
and given the name ‘ProductImage’ in the properties. The following code was
inserted in the Common Script:

ProductImage.Size = LD.GetDimensions(320, 320, ProductImage.Image)

To be able to use this function, the DrawImage function must be run first. If
not, the input parameter ‘Productimage.Image’ is missing and the function is
unable to calculate the new dimensions!

GetEANC heckDigit

LD.GetEANCheckDigit(<Code As String>)

This function generates a check digit for Codes. In an EAN-13 code, for example,
the last digit is a check digit:

If the 12 first digits of the code are fed into the function, it will generate this
check digit.


Return Value: 5


V1 For Default Adress

LD.GetFormattedAddress(<CardCode As String>)

V2 to distinguish different addresses

LD.GetFormattedAddress(<CardCode As String>, <AdressCode As String>,
<Adresstyp As LayoutHelper.LD>)

When new marketing documents are added, SAP® B1 inserts the shipping and
billing addresses in the separator ‘Logistics’. Several addresses can be entered per
business partner. They are essentially divided into two address types: ‘Ship to’ and
‘Bill to’. However, several addresses can be saved under these address types,
using the ‘AddrCode’ label.

7 coresuite designer 319

address ty pes in SAP B1

If you want to print addresses which have been formatted as explained above,
other than in these documents, you must use this function. Using V1, only the
standard address (usually the billing address) is printed. V2 allows you to print any
address you want. Bellow, the shipping address of Funsport Solo is shown.(C1000).

LD.GetFormattedAddress("C1000", "Ship to", LayoutHelper.LD.AddressType.



Althardstr. 999
8105 Regensdorf



GetMLDesc function enables you to trial print several field entries from the SAP®-
form in a desired language. Designer offers default translations for the values in
some fields. These can be called into the layout using ‘DescML’. The following
example presents the translation for the name of an item.


Adjusting the language as design parameter




LD.IsEmpty(<Element As String>)

This function gives back information on whether a table field has contents or not.
If so, the output is TRUE, if not, FALSE. The next example checks if a product
image has been attributed to an item.

7 coresuite designer 321


If an image has been attributed, the answer is FALSE, if no image exists, the
answer is TRUE.

IsPurchase / IsSales

LD.IsPurchase(<Formtype As String>)

LD.IsSale(<Formtype As String>)

You can simultaneously query whether a specific document is originated from

purchase or from sale. The form type can be added to the function, which will
subsequently return a ‘True’ or ‘False’ output.

Example: "Form 139 = Sales Order"


Return value of the function: FALSE


LD.MultiLine(<Expression AS String>)

Manual line breaks which are defined in SAP® can be lost in Designer. The
Designer uses a different format to work on line breaks. Example follows. A text
component ‘Remarks’ was integrated in the layout. Two lines of text were written
there and subsequently shown in the print preview.

initial situation

The function can now be called from Bindings under properties for this text
component. The following value was entered under Value: LD.MultiLine(Document
("Comments")). Now, the line break will be correctly applied:

MultiLine RTF

LD.MultiLineRTF(<Expression AS String>)

This function works just like the LD.MultiLine. However, it is used for Advanced
Text fields. These text fields process and convert line breaks from SAP®. The
function LD.MultiLineRTF corrects the line breaks so that they are correctly
presented in the layout.


LD.OneNewLine(<Expression AS String>)

This function can be used in address boxes for example. When the post office box
is omitted, an empty line can be created:

7 coresuite designer 323

These unnecessary empty lines can be hidden with the ‘OneNewLine’ function. But
provided line breaks are to be generated, one of the multiLine functions must still
be chained to this function. This can look like that, for example:



LD.OpenLayout(<LayoutCode As String>, <Parameters As String>)

In the case of parameters, the description comes first, then the value, even if
there are several parameters. Example: "CardCode", "C1000"

This function allows you to open a layout, for example, using a shape, an arrow or
a similar object. In the following example, an arrow is entered before the card
code of a function, which opens the corresponding CRM report.

The following code was entered in the arrow’s hyperlink under bindings:

The CRM report corresponding to the CardCode is opened.


V1 without SAPbouiCOM (the objecttype must be entered manually)

LD.OpenObject(<ObjectType As String>, <ID As String>)

V2 with SAPbouiCOM (the layoutHelper presents all objects)

LD.OpenObject(<Object Type As BoLinkedObject>, <ID As String>)

Using ‘SAPbouiCom.BoLinkedObject.’, the following suggestions are presented

Objec t Ty pes

This function opens an object. In the following example, an arrow-shape is used to

open the corresponding BP.

LD.OpenObject("2", "C1001")

LD.OpenObject(SAPbouiCOM.BoLinkedObject.lf_BusinessPartner, "C1001")

Both variants open the business partner with the card code "C1001"


LD.OpenPrintdef(<mode As OpenLayoutModes>, <Formtype As String>,

<Parameters As String>)

Using "LayoutHelper.LayoutOpener.OpenLayoutModes.", you will get the

following modes in the Designer:

7 coresuite designer 325

The parameters are processed as in OpenPrintdef

This function can open a print definition. In the following example, an offer is
opened, using an arrow shape:

The following code was entered in the arrow’s hyperlink under bindings:
"149", "DocEntry", "1")

The corresponding document for the offer is opened.



This function works just like the ‘’Date’’ function. It is used for data which
requires parameterization.

example of a date in param format



This function works just like the ParamDate. It will return a Datetime format which
enables, for example, subsequent calculations based on that date. In the following
example, a parameter (FromDate) is read as it would appear, for example, in the
CRM report.


02.04.2008 00:00:00



This function makes it possible to extract contents from tables outside the Data
source. The return value is always displayed in the first line and first column of the
query result. If errors are detected in the query, an error report is displayed in its

With the function QueryData, the current user name should be printed. The
following function is inserted as the value for one of the text boxes.


("LD.Par.UserId").ToString() + "'")


list w ith ac tual user

This example serves only for demonstration purposes. The current user name
can also be easily printed using the GetData ("B1_Data.UserDetails.U_NAME").

7 coresuite designer 327


LD.QueryDataDate("<SQL-Query As String>")

When data which is to be subject to processing, for example, by means of

functions, is read from a SLQ query in the DB, it is convenient to embed the SQL-
query in the function ‘QueryDataDate’ instead of ‘QueryDate’. Using the normal
QueryData function can lead to undesirable complications, as the value of a
function cannot be correctly calculated. Next, we will present an example of how to
calculate, for example, a 30 day term of payment counting from the present date.

Bellow, a function is created which wishes to use the present date as

‘DateTime’, adds 30 days to it and returns the date. In order to transmit the
Datetime to the function, you must work with LD.QueryDataDate:

1. Common Script -> Create a Function

Function Date(Today As Datetime) As Datetime

Dim Deadline As DateTime
Deadline = Today.AddDays(30)
Return Deadline
End Function

2. Value in den Bindings des Textelementes

Date(LD.QueryDataDate("Select GetDate()"))

30 days are added to the current date and inserted in the text field. This
example serves only to demonstrate the idea, as there are more reasonable
ways of adding 30 days to the present date.


LD.ReplaceTextParam(<String>, <Langcode As String>)

This function replaces all text markers which are queried in the form "[%
@U0000276]" by the corresponding inserted text. This function is useful, for
example, when default markers are entered in UDFs instead of text. In the
following example, "[@U0000276]" was inserted in the business partner’s remarks.
When this field is queried in the layouter, the return output "[@U0000276]" is
given without this function.

LD.ReplaceTextParam(LD.QueryData("SELECT T0.Free_Text FROM OCRD T0

Where CardCode = [%CardCode]"), GetData("LD.Par.LangCode"))


LD.WeekOfYear(<Date As Object>)

The WeekOfYear function calculates the corresponding week based on a given data
object, for example, ‘Now’.

"Week " & LD.WeekOfYear(Now)

For example, inputting 11th March will return the following ‘Week 11’.

Calculation Monday
When the week calculation is to start on Monday, the following syntax can be used:
LD.WeekOfYearMon(<Datum als Objekt>)


Calculates the Week according ISO 8601.

Template properties

When the Designer is opened from a layout definition for the first time,
preconfigured settings are loaded into it, allowing you to work directly. Model
settings can naturally be adjusted as well. To access these settings, click on the
upper level of the Document directory and then select properties.

7 coresuite designer 329

Alternatively, you can access Document settings using the button in the upper
line. The following settings are defined at this level:

Behaviour When Double Pass is set to True, the Designer renders twice when
the report is accessed. This can be useful, for example, when ‘page
x from y’ appears in the footer. The Designer generates the pages,
counts them and corrects the number of pages in the second cycle.
Without Double Pass, this would not function.
Appearance When Double Pass is set to True, the Designer renders twice when
the report is accessed. This can be useful, for example, when ‘page
x from y’ appears in the footer. The Designer generates the pages,
counts them and corrects the number of pages in the second cycle.
Without Double Pass, this would not function.
Design You can define the name of your document in this area. The default
name is usually ‘doc1’, as you can see on the top of the document

Grid The Grid is the background raster which helps you position
Settings elements. You can define the size of the raster under GridStep, and
whether to show or hide the raster in ShowGrid.
Render The defined style sheet of the document can be changed in
Stylesheet.However, a single style sentence per document will
usually suffice. More Info on styles are to be found in the Texttools
Script Under Common Script you can define functions which can be used in
the document. More info on this subject can be found in Functions
chapter in Advanced Designer. Visual Basic is the standard language
in the Designer, but you can change to a different language under
Script Language.
Others You can save further information about the document under Title
and Description. This information can be accessed in Datasources
under ‘Special Fields’, and can be used in the layout.


The Text tools in the Designer function like the Office tools. They can be used not
only as simple text formatting options, but also to format styles. To format text
blocks without styles you can work as usual with text tools. Formatting possibilities
include font, orientation, borders, text and background colour and margins

To work with styles, a text field must be selected and a style must be attributed
from the Dropdownlist. New styles are created with the format model editor. To

open it, click on the button. You can select existing styles under Format and
subsequently work with them in the properties Area. A new style is defined with
the button. It can be formatted again in properties and provided with a name.
This name will also appear in the Dropdown List.



The following Aggregate Functions can be executed with coresuite designer:

· Sum (will be addressed in this chapter)

· Quantity
· Min
· Max
· Average
· Standard deviation
· estimated Standard deviation
· Variation
· Estimated variation
· Median
· Inclination
· Kurtosis

Next, an example is prepared based on Opportunities. A simple list is created,

which details all Opportunities and subsequently calculates the sum of pondered
values. For that purpose, a small SQL-query was saved and a new Layout definition
was created.

7 coresuite designer 331

new lay out definition

After creating the new Layout definition, the layout is formatted in the Designer.
First, the Data Band is extracted from where the Data source ‘Opportunity’ is
shown in properties. This data band features a header section where the columns
are identified using simple text elements. A few details follow the header section.
In this example, the first detail components include service job number, the card
code and the BP name, as well as the pondered value. This is followed by another
detail at full width, which displays the call definition. The third detail in this
example serves only as separation. It contains no text elements. All these details
are then repeated as many times as there are data sentences in the Opportunity
table. At the end, the sum of all these pondered values should be displayed. This
element should obviously not be repeated. Consequently, a footer with a text box
is inserted after the data sentences.

c reate lay out

The next step is about calculating the sums in the data band and displaying them
in the text box in the footer area. First, the sum has to be calculated. For that
purpose, this aggregate function must be added to the data band. Next, use the
mouse to select the data band and choose ‘Totals’ from properties. All aggregate
settings are defined in properties. In this example, ‘Sum’ must be selected from ‘
Aggregate function’. From ‘Expression’ select ‘Pondered Value’ as this will have to
be summed. The name ‘Summe’ will have to be used in the exact same manner
later on.

new aggregate

We have now defined the manner in which the sum is to be calculated. Next, the
sum still has to be displayed in the text element in the footer. To do so, use the
mouse to select the text box. Under the properties of this text box you can change

7 coresuite designer 333

to Bindings using the button. There, you can define ‘Value’ (contents). The
editor is opened in a new window. From there, you can call the getTotal function
(‘Sum’) which will finally define the contents of this text box.


The layout will finally be displayed like this:

In some Cases, a Running Total like in the example below is needed:

To design this running Totals, a now column is needed. In the Textbox of the
column, the function getRunningTotal is used. The Aggregate "Summe" is already
defined in this case on the Databand and can be reused in this Case again:

7 coresuite designer 335

Work Areas

Next, we present you a summary of the tool groups in Designer:

overview Designer

Working area
The working area is the area where the report is designed and configured.
Components can be pulled into this area using a drag and drop command, and be
processed there.

Components (Objects)
These are the structural elements that make up a report. From simple text
structural elements to data bands and data pivot tables: all the necessary elements
to create a report can be found here.

Text tools are used for text processing of structural elements, as is the case with
usual MS Office products.

Current object
The components of the report can either be selected from the working area or
from the drop down list. All settings in separator properties refer to the displayed

properties, data sources and document directory

In properties you can activate settings for individual components, pages or the
whole project.

7.2.3 Crystal Reports Designer

This reference guide for the Crystal Reports Designer provides information on
relevant functions and basic tips for the Crystal Reports Designer in relation to the
integration with coresuite into SAP® Business One. The different topics are sorted

File Storage

File Path

If defined all relevant files are stored under: Extension Folder +

"\SWA_LD\ExternalReport\FILE ID"

Where the path for the Extension folder can be defined in SAP® Business One
Module Administration --> System Initialization --> General Settings --> Path Tab

If no Extension Folder is defined the AddOn Folder in the SAP® Business

One Client will be used instead.

File ID
In order to view the files relevant for the External Report such as Crystal Reports
you may select the browse button next to the File ID:

Relevant Files
Two files are required to design reports with Crystal
1. Crystal Reports Design File (*.rpt) which is stored in the folder "FileToDesign"
2. The dataschema which stores both, the data used in the report and the schema
(information if a field is string or integer,...).
This xml file is created as soon as Crystal Reports is launched from the
Layoutdefinition and stored in the Extension Folder:

7 coresuite designer 337

"Extension Folder + "\SWA_LD\ExternalReport\FILE ID\dataSchema.xml"

Process to change the Extension Folder

1. Change Extension Folder

2. Restart coresuite (-> Folders get copied)

Initiate a Reinstall in the coresuite designer Config Menu (-> Paths get

Multi-Language reports

Together with the data relevant for your documents or reports coresuite also
provides the Datasource for all translated texts in called SWA_LD_Txt.

Via Drag and Drop from the Field Explorer into a textbox in your report you can
ensure your reports will always be translated to the required language.


The best practise is to look at the DOC_Document DIN - RPT (DOC40000) layout
delivered for all Marketing layouts to get some details.
The general idea is to to use
1. Formula Fields in Crystal Reports store the dynamic values
2. Either the Object Type from the data field {Document.ObjType} or the FormType
from the data field {SWA_LD_Par.FormType} to get the actual document or
object type.
3. Different cases for each object type

Opening Crystal Reports Designer

Crystal Reports can be opened from the Layoutdefinition Form with the following

1. Enter your Layout Name

2. Select the corresponding Category (this will allow you to select pre-defined
3. Select the relevant Datasource (ensure to set the correct parameters when using
a pre-defined datasource)
4. Select Type External Report
5. Open the External Report Tab and select Crystal Reports Xml as Data Export
Format and add the Layoutdefinition
6. After loading the Layoutdefinition again launch the browse button to select a
Crystal Reports design file "*.RPT"
7. Update the layout
8. Select the button "Open Designer" to launch the report in Crystal Reports 2008

7 coresuite designer 339

The launch of Crystal Reports might take several seconds. The layout will be
displayed in design mode.

Pre-Defined Datasources

With the layout definition you can use certain pre-defined datasources relevant for
different categories such as documents, crm, sales documents, etc. To use these
datasources in your crystal report follow the steps described below:

1. Create a new connection with the Database Expert in Crystal Reports --> Menu
Database --> Database Expert
2. Make new connection with ADO.NET (XML)
3. Enter the file path of the dataSchema.xml file provided by coresuite. This file is
created and refreshed every time Crystal Reports is launched from the
Layoutdefinition. It is stored under Extension Folder +
"\SWA_LD\ExternalReport\FILE ID". In order to have a dynamic File path you may
also use
as file path

4. Select the "Finish" button to create the new connection which will be named
5. Now you can add and remove any datasource you need for your report

7 coresuite designer 341

You can add or remove data any time via the Database Expert. In case you
try to remove data that is used in the report you will get a warning message.
In this case we suggest NOT to remove the data as all connected fields will
be emptied.

Remote Designing

If you want to design your report on a system that only has Crystal Reports but not
SAP® Business One installed you only need to copy the 2 files
1. Crystal Reports Design File (*.rpt) which is stored under "SAP Extension Folder
+ "\SWA_LD\ExternalReport\FILE ID\FileToDesign"
2. dataSchema.xml
to your system. The dataSchema.xml provides the correct schema and sample data
to design your report.

Subreports Links

When creating subreports it is important to set the correct link and filter to
prevent any duplication of data in the Details section of your main report.
You can adjust links and filters in your subreport after it has been added with the
following steps.
1. Right-Click on your report and select Change Subreport Links...

2. Select all Fields from the Main report you will have to use in the subreport. This
includes the fields to be used as a filter (for example LineNum) and also fields
that will be displayed in the subreport but are coming from the main report such
as Texts, Formula Fields or General Data. IN general DO NOT select the
Checkbox "Select data in subreport based on field:"

3. Inside the Subreport set the correct filter in the Select Expert

7 coresuite designer 343

7.2.4 Crystal Dashboards Designer (former XCelsius)

Data Transfer

To set the database connection in XCelsius go to --> Database --> Connections.


In the XCelsius template provided with the coresuite country package the
definition for the Database connection is already predefined and should not be
The settings are as displayed below:

Load Data

For our Dashboards we only load the data from the cache. In the XCelsius template
provided with the coresuite country package one sample query to load the
Company Name and display it in the Header of the Dashboard is already included.

To load your data into the XCelsius Dashboard follow the steps described below:
1. Create and Save the Query in SAP Business One under your own component. (Do
not use the General Component)
2. Attach the Query to your Layoutdefinition

3. In XCelsius enter the correct name of the Query. More information on the
correct Query name for the 2 Export Types "XCelsius XML" and "Simple XCelsius
XML" is available under Query Naming Conventions.
4. Define the Range in the Excel Spreadsheet when the data should be entered

7 coresuite designer 345

Now the database connection has been set properly to load the data.


Do not forget to set the correct Refresh Interval under Usage Tab.

File Storage

File Path

If defined all relevant files are stored under: Extension Folder +

"\SWA_LD\ExternalReport\FILE ID"

Where the path for the Extension folder can be defined in SAP Business One
Module Administration --> System Initialization --> General Settings --> Path Tab

If no Extension Folder is defined the AddOn Folder in the SAP Business One
Client will be used instead.

File ID
In order to view the files relevant for the External Report such as XCelsius you may
select the browse button next to the File ID:

Relevant Files
Two files are required to display reports with XCelsius

7 coresuite designer 347

1. Flash File (*.swf) which is stored in the folder "FileToView"
2. The data.xml which stores the data loaded to the XCelsius Dashboard
This xml file is created as soon as XCelsius is launched from the
Layoutdefinition and stored in the Extension Folder:
"Extension Folder + "\SWA_LD\ExternalReport\FILE ID\data.xml"

In order to design the XCelsius Dashboard a third file is required:

3. XCelsius design file (*.xlf). This file is stored in the folder "FileToDesign" and
is not required to display the Dashboards in SAP Business One.

The info.txt file stores the timestamp when the cache in the data.xml was
refreshed the last time.

Process to change the Extension Folder

1. Change Extension Folder

2. Restart coresuite (-> Folders get copied)

Initiate a Reinstall in the coresuite designer Config Menu (-> Paths get

Flashfile Integration

Once the XCelsius Dashboard is completed and exported to Flasfile (*.swf) you may
save the Flashfile anywhere on your system on integrate it to the Layoutdefinition
as described below:

1. Go to the External Report Tab in the Layoutdefinition for your Dashboard

2. Launch the browse button at the end of the File Path to select the Flashfile (*.
3. Update the Layoutdefinition

Multi-Language Dashboard

In order to be able to display the labels and data of the Dashboard in the current
language set in SAP Business One you may use the Multi-Language Textcodes of
the coresuite designer.

For performance reaseon we suggest to only load the textcodes used in the
XCelsius Dashboard.

In the XCelsius template provided with the coresuite country designer there are
already a few examples of how we translated the labels in our dashboards.
Sample Query in SAP Business One

SELECT T0.Code, ISNULL(T2.Trans, T0.U_Text) AS 'Text'

FROM [@SWA_LD_Text] T0
LEFT JOIN OMLT T1 ON T1.PK = T0.Code AND T1.TableName =
'@SWA_LD_Text' AND T1.FieldAlias = 'U_Text'
LEFT JOIN MLT1 T2 ON T2.TranEntry = T1.TranEntry AND T2.LangCode =
WHERE T0.Code IN ('T0070013')

Code in the XCelsius Spreadsheet


7 coresuite designer 349

Opening the Crystal Dashboards Designer (former XCelsius)

The XCelsius can be opened from the Layoutdefinition Form with the following

1. Enter your Layout Name

2. Select Type External Report
3. Go to the External Report Tab
4. Select XCelsius Xml as Data Export Format
5. Select the checkbox Use Design File and add the Layoutdefinition
6. Open the Layoutdefinition again and launch the browse button to select an
XCelsius design file "*.xlf"
7. Select the button "Open Designer" to launch the report in XCelsius.

A sample XCelsius (XLF) File is delivered with the coresuite country package that
can be used to create your Dashboard. The Database connections are already
defined here. This file is stored in the externalreport folder in the default
installation path of the coresuite designer.

The Dashboards delivered with the coresuite country package do not use the

design file. That means you may not make any adjustments to these Dashboards
besides adjusting the Refresh Interval

Refresh Interval

All standard XCelsius reports delivered with the coresuite country package are
refreshed automatically in a pre-set time Interval. That means in this time interval
the queries from the datasource are executed and refreshed in the cache for the
XCelsius Dashboard.Depending on the requirements of the company and the
amount of data to be retrieved, the time interval can be adjusted for each
Dashboard in the Layoutdefinition on the "External Report" tab.

Notice that the minimum refresh interval for the Dashboards delivered with the
country package is 10 seconds. This is defined as the default refresh interval in
XCelsius itself.
This also means that the actual refresh interval might be up to 10 seconds more
than the interval set in the Layoutdefinition as explained above.

For user specific created Dashboards the time interval in XCelsius can be adjusted

Sample Dashboards

The coresuite country package includes several "Sample Dashboards" which are
designed with one component only. These dashboards can be used to create your
own Dashboards without requiring the knowledge or access to Crystal Dashboards
Designer Software.
When these Simple Dashboards are combined (for example in the SAP 8.8 Cockpit)
they make a new user defined dashboard with data only relevant for the specific

7 coresuite designer 351


To find and use an available Sample Dashboard choose

>> Administration > Add-Ons > coresuite designer > Layoutmanagement

To filter the displayed Layouts

· Enter sample in the Objectname textbox
· Select the Category General from the Drop Down Box
· Select the Filter Button
· Select the Collapse/Expand Button to display all available samples

Lay outmanagement > Sample Dashboards

Available Sample Dashboards are:

· Sample Column Chart - Stock (GEN70002)

· Sample Gauge - Finance (GEN70001)
· Sample Pie Chart - Sales (GEN70002)

The Layoutdefinition of the sample dashboards is set to Inactive by default. The

sample dashboards need to be duplicated to a user defined layout and adjusted

For more details on how to use those sample dashboards to create your own
dashboard see the Training Guide Creating a Simple Dashboard.

Sample C olumn C hart - Stock (GEN70002)

The Sample Column Chart Dashboard displays the Quantity of the Top 12 items in
Stock in comparison to the Quantity Committed on Sales Orders.


Sample Column Chart

All Sample Queries delivered w ith the c oresuite c ountry pac kage w ith prefix
COR_COL c an be used for this Dashboard Container

Datasource SQL Query

***** General Information *****
Name: COR_COL_Top12ItemsOnHand
Returns the in Stock Quantity in Comparison to the Is
Committed Quantity of the 12 Items with most in Stock

Creator: coresystems ag, muf

Create Date: 16.07.2010

***** StartConfDesc *****

This is a sample query for theComparison Bar Chart Widget
which has to return
* 6 Columns
** Column 1: Serie = Label for the Bar Chart X Axis
** Column 2: Category1 = Name of the first Category
** Column 3: Value1 = Values of the first Category per month

7 coresuite designer 353

** Column 4: Category2 = Name of the second Category
** Column 5: Value2 = Values of the second Category per month
** Column 6: Color1 (Optional) = Color of the first Category
in Hexadecimal Format (Empty Value = Black, Not in the Select
Query = Default Colors)
** Column 7: Color2 (Optional) = Color of the second Category
in Hexadecimal Format (Empty Value = Black, Not in the Select
Query = Default Colors)
* 1 to 12 Rows
** Return the data per series

***** EndConfDesc *****


/* @@Timeout=[1200]*/

/* Label ItemCode */
ItemCode AS Serie
/* Monthly Balance */
,'In Stock' AS Category1
,OnHand AS Value1
/* Monthly Budget */
,'Is Committed' AS Category2
,IsCommited AS Value2
,'234767' /* BLUE */ AS Color1
,'EAA013' /* YELLOW */ AS Color2
ORDER BY OnHand Desc

Sample Gauge - Finance (GEN70001)

The Sample Gauge Dashboard displays the Quantity of the Top 12 items in Stock in
comparison to the Quantity Committed on Sales Orders.


Sample Gauge

All Sample Queries delivered w ith the c oresuite c ountry pac kage w ith prefix
COR_GAU c an be used for this Dashboard Container

Datasource SQL Query

***** General Information *****
Name: COR_GAU_TurnoverVsBudget
Returns the Percentage of Turnover in Comparison of the
Budget for the current financial year
(Total Journal Entries)
The data is gathered from the View: [COR_VIEW_FIN_FINANCE]

Creator: coresystems ag, muf

Create Date: 16.07.2010

***** StartConfDesc *****

This is a sample query for the Gauge Widget which has to

7 coresuite designer 355

* 7 Columns
** Column 1: Value = Value for the Indicator in Percent
** Column 2: MaxLimit = Maximum Limit of the Gauge, since the
value is determined as percentage the default would be 1
** Column 3: FromRange1 = Range until when the alerts are red
and go to yellow
** Column 4: FromRange2 = Range until when the alerts are
yellow and go to green
** Column 5: Actual Value as amount
** Column 6: Target value, example budget
** Column 7: Delta (difference between Target and actual
* 2 Rows
** Row 1: Labels
** Row 2: Values


Value MaxLimit FromRange1 FromRange2 Turnover Budget

0.574056 1 0.6 0.9 516650.960000 900000.000000

***** EndConfDesc *****


/* @@Timeout=[1200]*/


/* Get the current Finance Year */
SET @FinancYear = (SELECT T0.FinancYear FROM OACP T0 INNER
JOIN OFPR T1 ON T0.PeriodCat = T1.Category
WHERE T1.F_RefDate <= @Today AND T1.T_RefDate >=

DECLARE @ThousSep AS nvarchar(10) SELECT @ThousSep = ThousSep


'Value' AS Value
,'MaxLimit' AS MaxLimit
,'FromRange1' AS FromRange1
,'FromRange2' AS FromRange2
,'Turnover' AS Value
,'Budget' AS [Target]
,'Delta' AS Gap


CASE WHEN SUM(DebMonthlyBudget - CredMonthlyBudget) = 0
THEN '1.0' ELSE CAST(SUM(Debit - Credit)/SUM(DebMonthlyBudget
- CredMonthlyBudget) AS nvarchar(521)) END AS Value
,'1' AS MaxLimit
,'0.6' AS FromRange1
,'0.9' AS FromRange2
/* Retun the amounts in with SAP Business One settings
for Thousand Seperator and always 0 decimals */
- Debit),0) AS money),1),'.00',''),',',@ThousSep) AS Value
CredMonthlyBudget - DebMonthlyBudget),0) AS money),1),'.00',
''),',',@ThousSep) AS [Target]
CredMonthlyBudget - DebMonthlyBudget) - SUM(Credit - Debit),0
) AS money),1),'.00',''),',',@ThousSep) AS Gap
/* Use current Finance Year Only */
Year = DatePart(year,@FinancYear)
/* Only use acoremask 40 of postable account and
groupmask not eqal to 9*/
AND V1.CoreMask = '40'
AND V1.Postable ='Y' AND V1.GroupMask <> 9
AND V1.Type <> 'BTF1_JournalVoucher'

Sample Pie C hart - Sales (GEN70002)

The Sample Pie Chart Dashboard displays the Quantity of the Top 12 items in Stock
in comparison to the Quantity Committed on Sales Orders.


7 coresuite designer 357

Sample Pie Chart > W ith Legend

Click on the magnifier to hide the Legend and enlarge the Pie Chart.
To go back to the previous view select the information icon.

Sample Pie Chart > W ithout Legend

All Sample Queries delivered w ith the c oresuite c ountry pac kage w ith prefix
COR_GAU c an be used for this Dashboard Container

Datasource SQL Query

***** General Information *****
Name: COR_PIE_TopItems
Returns the Top 10 Items by Sales Revenue
(Total of all Invoices and Credit Memos)
The data is gathered from the View: [COR_VIEW_SAR_SALES]

Creator: coresystems ag, muf

Create Date: 16.07.2010

***** StartConfDesc *****

This is a sample query for the Pie Chart Widget which has to
* 2 to 3 Columns

7 coresuite designer 359

** Column 1: Name = Description in the Legend
** Column 2: Value = Value to display in the Pie Chart
** Column 3: Color (Optional) = Color to display in
Hexadecimal Format
* 0 to 10 Rows
** Maximal 10 parts are displayed in the Pie Chart

***** EndConfDesc *****


/* @@Timeout=[1200]*/

SUBSTRING(ItemName,0,20) AS Name
,SUM(LineTotal) AS Value
WHEN '1' THEN '43900A' /* GREEN */
WHEN '2' THEN 'EAA013' /* YELLOW */
WHEN '3' THEN 'B80D02' /* RED */
WHEN '4' THEN '234767' /* BLUE */
WHEN '5' THEN '161616' /* DARK GREY */
END AS color*/
WHERE ObjType IN ('13','14')

8 coreuite enterprise search

How much time do you spend searching for SAP® Business One documents every
day? How great would be to have just one tool to search Business Partners,
Marketing Documents, Master Data and much more... With coresuite enterprise
search you can do this! Now you can access all objects of your SAP® Business
ONE Systems in a single screen!

A couple of function examples:

· Search for partners using contact person: You know the contact person's
name is Urs Meier, but you can't remember the company name?
· Overview of all open sales orders of a customer: Do you need need a brief
overview over a certain customer?
· Which activities do I have to complete? Do you want an overview of all your
open activities or opportunities?
· Track a sales workflow: Do you want to follow the steps of a sales process?
· History: Are you interested in which documents you were working on last?
· Exclude some documents from the search result: Do you want to get all the
Sales Quotations and the Sales orders of a certain Business Partner but not the
Delivery documents?
· Extend the search to user defined fields (UDF): Do you want to search for
particular user defined fields?

8 coreuite enterprise search 361

8.1 Quick access

coresuite enterprise search is ready to use after installation without a predefined

configuration that the user could eventually customize.

On the left of the enterprise search the user has the possibility to switch between
the "search" mode ( ), the "my objects" mode ( ) and the "history" mode (

"Search" Mode
Two search capabilities are provided: the indexed search and the free text search.
In this section the indexed search will be briefly discussed. Please refer to the
specific sections to understand the functionalities provided by each research

While typing some letters the autocomplete offers you possible matches. After
selecting one entry from the drop down list, all the documents related to this entry
are displayed on the main result box.

The autocomplete feature contains all the Business Partners, the Business Partner
Contacts, the Employees and the Items currently recorded into SAP® Business

If a new Business Partner, Contact, Employee or Item is added to the Master

Data, it will appear automatically after ten minutes from the recording time.

All search results are displayed in a tree view. Every category header displays
within brackets the number of found documents. All open overdue documents are
highlighted in red.

8 coreuite enterprise search 363

It's possible to perform several actions via the right mouse click. For example if
you right click a certain Business partner you have the possibility to create
different kinds of documents related to that Business Partner or open the Business
Partner Master Data details. A simple double-click opens the selected document.

"My Objects" Mode
This functionality gives an overview about the documents currently assigned to the
logged user. After selecting the "my objects" tab all the documents assigned will be
automatically loaded and displayed to the user.

8 coreuite enterprise search 365

"History" Mode
Selecting the "History" tab the user gets an overview about all the documents
recently modified, sorted by date.

8.2 Reference Guide

8.2.1 Enabled Fields

After the first installation some fields are search enabled by default.
The following table defines the default settings for each category.


Activities Activity Name
BP Code
BP Name
Business BP Code
BP Name
Zip Code
BP Contacts Name

8 coreuite enterprise search 367

BP Code
BP Name
Drafts Document Number
BP Code
BP Name
BP Contact Code
BP Contact Name
Item Code
Item Description
Employees First Name
Last Name
Items Item Code
Item Description
Default Vendor Code
Default Vendor Name
Sales Opportunity Code
Opportunity Name
BP Code
Marketing Document Number
BP Code
BP Name
BP Contact Code
BP Contact Name
Item Code
Item Description
Production BP Code
Description in Foreign Lang.
Item description
Item Nr. (line)
Journal Remark
Mfr. Catalog No.
Product No.
Production Order Num.
Service Call ID
Customer Code
Customer Name
Contact Person Code
Contact Person Name

Service Contract ID
Customer Code
Customer Name
Contact Person Code
Contact Person Name

coresuite time integration

The enterprise search is now integrated with coresuite time. It is now possible to
search for projects and subscriptions.
If coresuite time is installed, the following fields are enabled by default during the
first installation:


Time Project Code
Channel Contact Emp. Name
Leader Name
Project Name
Subscriptio Subscription Code
Contact Emp. Name
Customer Ref. Nr.
Subject integration

The enterprise search allows to search for work orders in case your Company is
using Add-On 2009-SP01 Build 19 or higher.
By default, the following fields are enabled by default after the first installation:


8 coreuite enterprise search 369

Work Work Order Id
Doc. Entry
Customer Nr.
Customer Name
Item Code

8.2.2 Configuration

Superusers can define the searchable fields for each type of SAP® Business ONE
searchable object.
Business ONE users have the possibility to choose different kind of options that will
affect the search results.

Superuser Settings

The settings icon allows the superuser to access the full configuration menu.

C ompany field settings

The entry "Company field settings" shows enabled \ disabled fields scanned by the
search engine for all the users.

The new configuration will take effect for all the users after restarting SAP®
Business ONE

Selectable fields are all the most relevant standard fields of Business ONE plus all
the user define fields of each category.

Fields marked with are those taken into consideration by the search engine.

Selecting too many fields you could face performance issue. Please select
carefully the fields you really need.

User Defined Fields (UDF)

If some UDFs have been defined into a certain table related with a certain
category, such UDFs will be also displayed and searchable as well.
Please note that UDFs are not activated by defaults and need to be enabled by a

Consider for example the Business Partner Master Data, where a new UDF called
"Served Area (UDF)" has been created.

The coresuite enterprise search allows you to set this field as searchable in the
company field settings menu associated to the Business partners category.

8 coreuite enterprise search 371

User Settings

Every user can choose different parameters to refine the search result.
The following sections explain the purpose of each setting.

Search only in my documents

This category allows the user to restrict the search only to the documents assigned
to him.

In the following example only one Sales Order has been assigned to the current
logged user "Peter Knecht". When an extended research is performed, only the
sales order 245 assigned to him is displayed.

Categories affected by the "only my documents" setting are: All the marketing
documents, drafts, service calls and sales opportunities.

Include document lines

"Include document lines settings" allows to search in the body of the document.

In the following example the user searches for item I00008 in the body of the
document. All the documents which contain this item number in the body are
displayed by the coresuite enterprise search.

8 coreuite enterprise search 373

Include closed douments

If the users want to search closed documents, they should activate the "Include
closed documents" setting.

With this setting enabled both open and closed documents are searched by the
search engine.

Included categories

The user has the possibility to define the categories which he is interested to
Searchable categories are displayed below.

coresuite time integration

If coresuite time is enabled, the following categories are also available: integration
If the external Add-On is installed, the following categories are also

8 coreuite enterprise search 375

8.2.3 Search

The integrated search is the main feature of coresuite enterprise search. The
following documents are now supported by the search engine:

· Activities
· Business Partners
· Business Partners Contacts
· Drafts
· Employees
· Items
· Production Order
· Sales Opportunities
· Marketing Documents
- Sales Quotations
- Sales Orders
- Deliveries
- Returns
- A/R Down Payment Requests
- A/R Down Payment Invoices
- A/R Invoices
- A/R Credit Memo
- A/R Reserve Invoices
- Purchase Quotations (only available in SAP Version 8.81 and higher)
- Purchase Orders
- Good Receipts PO
- Good Returns
- A/P Down Payment Requests
- A/P Down Payment Invoices
- A/P Invoices
- A/P Credit Memo
- A/P Reserve Invoices
· Service Calls
· Service Contracts

In the chapter Enabled Fields it is described which fields are automatically
activated by default when installing coresuite enterprise search the first time.

Indexed Search with autocompletion

Indexed Search allows the user to gather all the documents related to the selected
entry in the drop down list.
The autocomplete drop down list allows the users to select between Business
Partners, Business Partners Contacts, Employees and Items.

· Each Business Partner is identified by the icon .

· Each BP Contact is identified by the icon .

· Each Employee is identified by the icon .

· Items are identified by the icon .

· Service Calls and Service Contracts are identified by the icon .

· High priority Service Call are identified by the icon .

· Purchasing Documents are identified by the icon .

· Sales Documents are identified by the icon .

coresuite time integration

If coresuite time is enabled, the following results are also expected:

· Time Projects are identified by the icon .

· Subscriptions are identified by the icon . integration
If the AddOn is installed, the following results are also expected:

· work orders are identified by the icon .

Indexed search is usually faster than the free text search. Whenever possible
this should be the first search method used by the user.

8 coreuite enterprise search 377

Selecting a BP, the search engine searches for all the documents related to the
selected business partner plus the contact people of that business partner.
Selecting a certain BP Contact, the search engine searches for the BP to which the
contact person belongs plus all the documents where that contact person is marked
as such in the document.
Selecting an Employee, the search engine searches for all the documents owned by
the selected employee plus the employee itself.
Selecting a certain item the search engine retrieves the master data sheet of the
item itself plus all the documents where the item appears in the document body.

Free Text Search

The free text search allows to search specific text in the Included categories
predefined by the user and the fields defined by the superuser.

To perform a free text search users have to click the search button .

Please note that if you select an entry from the drop down list you activate the
indexed search instead of the free text search and the search result could

The menu entries Time Projects and Subscriptions are only available if core
suite time in currently installed.

Advanced Search

The advanced search allows searching of multiple terms at the same time. For
example it is possible to search for a business partner that has already bought the
newly introduced item.
The single search term can be combined by the Boolean operator AND.

Assume that you want to find all the documents related to the Business Partner
"CTI Computer" which contain the item code "I00012". The string used to perform
this search is: CTI Computer AND I00012 .

After typing the search string press the button to perform the search.

8 coreuite enterprise search 379

Search Results

All search results are displayed in a tree view. Every category header displays
within brackets the number of documents found.

Open documents which are overdue are highlighted in red.

Closed documents are grayed out.

High priority service calls are marked with a red exclamation point (e.g.


Right clicking on each result item will open a context menu where different actions
could be performed. The following table defines all the possible options available
for each category.


Activitiy Open Activity
Open Business Partner
Business Send E-Mail
Open Business Partner
Create Activity
Create Marketing Document (e.g. Sales Quotation, Sales Order,
Delivery, ...)
Create Service Call
Create New Project (available only with coresuite time installed and
Create New Subscription (available only with coresuite time installed
and running)
Business Send E-Mail
Open Contact
Open Business Partner
Create Service Call
Draft Open Draft
Employee Open Employee
Item Open Item
Sales Open Opportunity
Open Business Partner
Service Call Open Service Call
Open Business Partner
Service Open Service Contract
Time Open Time Project (available only with coresuite time installed and

8 coreuite enterprise search 381

Projects* running)
Subscription Open Subscription (available only with coresuite time installed and
s* running)
Work Open Work Order (available only with AddOn installed and
Orders** running)
View Work Order structure (available only with AddOn installed
and running)

* : Requires coresuite time AddOn

**: Requires AddOn

An example right clicking on a Business Partner is here provided:

8.2.4 Open documents view

My objects show all assigned documents of the current SAP® Business One user.

Refresh open documents
Open the menu, after selecting the relevant object

As in the Search Tab, it's possible to display the context menu by right clicking the
selected document.

8 coreuite enterprise search 383

Please make sure that there is a link between the Employee Master Data and the
User Code of the Business One user otherwise marketing documents can not be

8.2.5 History view

The history folder shows the last edited SAP® Business One documents (since 10
days ago) sorted by date.

Refresh open documents
Open the menu, after selecting the relevant object

8 coreuite enterprise search 385

9 coresuite layouts, reports &

This section includes all information about standard layouts and reports delivered
with the coresuite country package.

The Overview displays a list of all available reports and layouts. These are grouped
in categories and detailed information about the settings and data displayed is
documented for each report.

9.1 Overview

The following Reports and Layouts are included in the coresuite country package

Usage and
Name Content Description
Menu entries
Outgoing Letter to a Business Partner which To display the form
Payment - LD includes relevant information about from the Preview
(BAN1000) CD Outgoing Payments. of the Form
Payment" (426)
Select -> Banking ->
Outgoing Payments
-> Outgoing

Activity BP Letter to a Business Partner which To display the form

Letter - LD includes relevant information about a from the Preview
(BUP00100) specific Activity. of the Form
"Activity" (651)
Select -> Business
Partner -> Activity

CRM Report - This Report displays all relevant To display the form
LD (BUP00301) information for a certain Customer from the Preview
(Contact Details, Addresses, Sales of the Form
Volume, Opportunities, Activities, Service "Business Partner
Calls, Financial Information,...). Master Data" (134)
Displayed are all open documents and Select -> Business
documents created after the Reference Partner -> Business

Usage and
Name Content Description
Menu entries
Date entered by the user. Partner Master Data

CRM Report - This Report displays all relevant To display the form
CR (BUP20000) information for a certain Customer from the Preview
(Contact Details, Addresses, Sales of the Form
Volume, Opportunities, Activities, Service "Business Partner
Calls, Financial Information,...). Master Data" (134)
Displayed are all open documents and Select -> Business
documents created after the Reference Partner -> Business
Date entered by the user. Partner Master Data

Document ESR Printing for the ESR document attached to To display the form
- LD an AR Invoice. from the Preview
(DOC00006) of the Form "AR
Invoice" (133)
Select -> Sales AR ->
AR Invoice

Item Label - Sample for label printing of all items To display the form
LD included in a Marketing document adjust the relevant
(DOC00007) Printdefinitions
By default not
assigned to any
Printdefinition. This
layout can be used
to attach to any

Document DIN Standard Marketing Document Layout to To display the form

- LD send to customers and vendors. Can be from the Preview
(DOC00008) used for the following marketing of any Marketing
document in SAP Business One: document Form
Sales Select -> Sales AR ->
· Sales Quotation · Sales Quotation
· Sales Order (149)
· Sales Order (139)
· Delivery
· Delivery (140)
· Return · Return (180)
· AR Down Payment Request · AR Down Payment
· AR Down Payment Invoice Request (65308)
· AR Invoice · AR Down Payment
Invoice (65300)
· AR Credit Note
· AR Invoice (133)
· AR Reserve Invoice · AR Credit Note

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 387

Usage and
Name Content Description
Menu entries
Purchasing (179)
· Purchase Quotation (only available in · AR Reserve
Invoice (60091)
SAP Version 8.81 and higher)
or select ->
· Purchase Order
Purchasing AP -> ...
· Goods Receipt PO
· Purchase
· Goods Return Quotation
· AP Down Payment Request (540000988)
· AP Down Payment Invoice · Purchase Order
· AP Invoice (142)
· AP Credit Note · Goods Receipt
· AP Reserve Invoice PO (143)
· Goods Return
· AP Down Payment
Request (56309)
· AP Down Payment
Invoice (56301)
· AP Invoice (141)
· AP Credit Note
· AP Reserve
Invoice (60092)

Document DIN Available for coresuite france and To display the form
FR - LD benelux (Belgium) only. from the Preview
(DOC00009) Standard Marketing Document Layout to of any Marketing
send to customers and vendors. Can be document Form
used for the following marketing Select -> Sales AR ->
document in SAP Business One: · Sales Quotation
Sales (149)
· Sales Order (139)
· Sales Quotation
· Delivery (140)
· Sales Order · Return (180)
· Delivery · AR Down Payment
· Return Request (65308)
· AR Down Payment Request · AR Down Payment
Invoice (65300)
· AR Down Payment Invoice
· AR Invoice (133)
· AR Invoice · AR Credit Note
· AR Credit Note (179)
· AR Reserve Invoice · AR Reserve
Purchasing Invoice (60091)
· Purchase Order or select ->
· Goods Receipt PO Purchasing AP -> ...
· Purchase Order
· Goods Return
· AP Down Payment Request · Goods Receipt

Usage and
Name Content Description
Menu entries
· AP Down Payment Invoice PO (143)
· AP Invoice · Goods Return
· AP Credit Note (182)
· AP Down Payment
· AP Reserve Invoice
Request (56309)
· AP Down Payment
Invoice (56301)
· AP Invoice (141)
· AP Credit Note
· AP Reserve
Invoice (60092)

Document DIN Available for coresuite france and To display the form
FR Blue - LD benelux (Belgium) only. from the Preview
(DOC00010) Standard Marketing Document Layout to of any Marketing
send to customers and vendors. Can be document Form
used for the following marketing Select -> Sales AR ->
document in SAP Business One: · Sales Quotation
Sales (149)
· Sales Order (139)
· Sales Quotation
· Delivery (140)
· Sales Order · Return (180)
· Delivery · AR Down Payment
· Return Request (65308)
· AR Down Payment Request · AR Down Payment
Invoice (65300)
· AR Down Payment Invoice
· AR Invoice (133)
· AR Invoice · AR Credit Note
· AR Credit Note (179)
· AR Reserve Invoice · AR Reserve
Purchasing Invoice (60091)
· Purchase Order or select ->
· Goods Receipt PO Purchasing AP -> ...
· Purchase Order
· Goods Return
· AP Down Payment Request · Goods Receipt
· AP Down Payment Invoice PO (143)
· AP Invoice · Goods Return
· AP Credit Note (182)
· AP Reserve Invoice · AP Down Payment
Request (56309)
· AP Down Payment
Invoice (56301)
· AP Invoice (141)
· AP Credit Note
· AP Reserve

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 389

Usage and
Name Content Description
Menu entries
Invoice (60092)

Document DIN Available for coresuite france and To display the form
FR Green - LD benelux (Belgium) only. from the Preview
(DOC00011) Standard Marketing Document Layout to of any Marketing
send to customers and vendors. Can be document Form
used for the following marketing Select -> Sales AR ->
document in SAP Business One: · Sales Quotation
Sales (149)
· Sales Order (139)
· Sales Quotation
· Delivery (140)
· Sales Order · Return (180)
· Delivery · AR Down Payment
· Return Request (65308)
· AR Down Payment Request · AR Down Payment
Invoice (65300)
· AR Down Payment Invoice
· AR Invoice (133)
· AR Invoice · AR Credit Note
· AR Credit Note (179)
· AR Reserve Invoice · AR Reserve
Purchasing Invoice (60091)
· Purchase Order or select ->
· Goods Receipt PO Purchasing AP -> ...
· Purchase Order
· Goods Return
· AP Down Payment Request · Goods Receipt
· AP Down Payment Invoice PO (143)
· AP Invoice · Goods Return
· AP Credit Note (182)
· AP Reserve Invoice · AP Down Payment
Request (56309)
· AP Down Payment
Invoice (56301)
· AP Invoice (141)
· AP Credit Note
· AP Reserve
Invoice (60092)

Dunning Letter Layout to print Dunning Letters from the To display the form
- LD SAP Dunning Wizard from the Preview
(DOC02500)CD of the
-> see below

Usage and
Name Content Description
Menu entries
Dunning Letter A new Form "DunningLetterSelect" which To display the form
- Select Grid displays a Select Grid with the list of from the Preview
(DOC02501) Customers from the loaded Dunning Run. of the Form
Printing" (60014)
Select -> Sales AR ->
Dunning Wizard ->
Load existing Run ->
Preview from Step 5
of 6 in the Wizard

Document DIN This Layout was created with Crystal To display the form
- CR Reports. adjust the relevant
(DOC40000) Standard Marketing Document Layout to Printdefinitions
send to customers and vendors. Can be By default not
used for the following marketing assigned to any
document in SAP Business One: Printdefinition. This
Sales layout can be used
· Sales Quotation to attach to any
· Sales Order Marketing
· Delivery document.
· Return For coresuite
· AR Down Payment Request america this layout
· AR Down Payment Invoice can be accessed by
· AR Invoice the preview from
· AR Credit Note any marketing
· AR Reserve Invoice document form:
Purchasing Select -> Sales AR ->
· Purchase Order · Sales Quotation
· Goods Receipt PO (149)
· Sales Order (139)
· Goods Return
· Delivery (140)
· AP Down Payment Request · Return (180)
· AP Down Payment Invoice · AR Down Payment
· AP Invoice Request (65308)
· AP Credit Note · AR Down Payment
Invoice (65300)
· AP Reserve Invoice
· AR Invoice (133)
· AR Credit Note
· AR Reserve
Invoice (60091)
or select ->
Purchasing AP -> ...
· Purchase Order

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 391

Usage and
Name Content Description
Menu entries
· Goods Receipt
PO (143)
· Goods Return
· AP Down Payment
Request (56309)
· AP Down Payment
Invoice (56301)
· AP Invoice (141)
· AP Credit Note
· AP Reserve
Invoice (60092)

Employee List Listing of the names, phone numbers and To display the form
- LD email addresses of all Employees of the from the Main
(EMP50000)CD selected department(s). Menu
Select Human
Resources -->
Human Resources
Reports -->
Employee List

Chart of Listing of all accounts and the existing To display the form
Accounts - LD profit centers and distribution rules. from the Main
(FIN05401) LD Menu
Select coresuite
Reports -->
Financials --> Lists
--> Chart of
Accounts (FIN05401)

Balance - LD Listing of assets and liabilities of the To display the form

(FIN05402) LD company's annual balance sheet date. from the Main
Select coresuite
Reports -->
Financials -->
Balance Sheet -->
Balance Sheet

Usage and
Name Content Description
Menu entries
Balance Balance sheet according to an external To display the form
Template - LD Template (SAP® partners can create their from the Main
(FIN05403) LD own templates). Menu
Select coresuite
Reports -->
Financials -->
Balance Sheet -->
Balance Template

Profit and Profit and loss statement according to the To display the form
Loss - LD chart of accounts (only standard subtotals from the Main
(FIN05404) LD and standard groupings) with possibility Menu
to analyse for each profit center, project Select coresuite
or distribution rule. Reports -->
Financials --> Profit
and Loss --> Profit
and Loss (FIN05404)

Profit and Profit and loss statement according to an To display the form
Loss Template external individual template (including from the Main
- LD the possibility to analyse for each profit Menu
(FIN05405) LD center, project or distribution rule) Select coresuite
Reports -->
Financials --> Profit
and Loss --> Profit
and Loss by

Business List of outstanding sales for business To display the form

Partner Ageing partners (customers / debtors). Debtor from the Main
- LD list, which are handled by the accounts Menu
(FIN05406) LD receivable manager. Select coresuite
Reports -->
Financials -->
Customer (A/R) -->
Customer (A/R)
Ageing Report

Budget - LD Comparison of current income including To display the form

(FIN05408) LD the budget (broken down according to the from the Main
chart of accounts). Menu

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 393

Usage and
Name Content Description
Menu entries
Select coresuite
Reports -->
Financials -->
Budget --> Profit
and Loss vs. Budget
or in coresuite
france and benelux
(Belgium) only:
select Financials -->
Budget Setup ->
Etats -> Profit and
Loss vs. Budget

BP Account Account journal per business partner (all To display the form
Journal - LD postings per business partner) from the Main
(FIN05410) LD Menu
Select coresuite
Reports -->
Financials -->
Customer (A/R) -->
Customer (A/R)
Account Journals

Opening Opening Balance (in general the 1st day of To display the form
Balance - LD each fiscal year, without ongoing from the Main
(FIN05413) LD bookings for the new fiscal year) Menu
Select coresuite
Reports -->
Financials -->
Balance Sheet -->
Opening Balance

VAT by Code - List of taxation and VAT base amounts To display the form
LD (FIN05414) for each tax code defined in the from the Main
corresponding period. Menu
Select coresuite
Reports -->
Financials --> Tax
Report --> VAT by
Code (FIN05414)

Usage and
Name Content Description
Menu entries
VAT by List of taxation and VAT base amounts To display the form
Account - LD for each account and tax code defined in from the Main
(FIN05415) LD the corresponding period. Ideal to derive Menu
the VAT-liable turnover. Select coresuite
Reports -->
Financials --> Tax
Report --> VAT by
Account (FIN05415)

Reconciliation Sub report used by default from other To display the form
- LD reports to display details about the from the Report
(FIN05416) LD reconciliation. Select Linked Arrow
in --> Journal Entry

BP Ageing Statement of the open positions of the To display the form

Statement - Business Partners. The report can be sent from the Main
LD (FIN05418) to a client or business partner via e-mail. Menu
It can be used as an alternative to the Select coresuite
dunning letter. Reports -->
Financials -->
Customer (A/R) -->
Customer (A/R)
Ageing Statement

Journal Entry - Collection and presentation of all journal To display the form
LD (FIN05419) entries (possibly filtered by marketing from the Main
document type). Menu
Select coresuite
Reports -->
Financials -->
--> Journal Entry
To display the form
from the Preview
of the Form
Entry" (392)
Select -> Financials
-> Journal Entry

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 395

Usage and
Name Content Description
Menu entries
Journal Overview of a selection of accounts with To display the form
Transactions - Balance brought forward and movements from the Main
LD (FIN05420) in a specific time period. Includes a Menu
graphical representation of the Select coresuite
movements. Reports -->
Financials -->
--> Journal
To display the form
from the Preview
of the Form
"XX" (809)
Select -> Financials
-> XX

Business Available for coresuite germany, To display the form

Assessment switzerland and austria only. from the Main
YoY - LD Menu
(FIN05424) LD Select coresuite
Reports -->
Financials -->
Analytics -->
Assessment YoY

Profit and Profit and loss statement divided into To display the form
Loss by profit centers (including KPI measures). from the Main
Profitcenter - Menu
KPI Correct Account Mapping is required Select coresuite
(FIN05430)LD to view this report. Reports -->
Financials --> Profit
and Loss --> Profit
and Loss by Profit
Center (FIN05430)

Budget Report Budget according to chart of accounts To display the form

- LD (only Budget numbers). Grouped from the Main
(FIN05433)LD according to chart of accounts. Menu
Select coresuite
Reports -->

Usage and
Name Content Description
Menu entries
Financials -->
Budget --> Budget
Report (FIN05433)

Business Available for coresuite germany, To display the form

Assessment switzerland and austria only. from the Main
short-term - Menu
LD(FIN05436) Select coresuite
Reports -->
Financials -->
Analytics -->
Assessment short-
term (FIN05436)

Profit and Lost Profit and loss statement according to KPI To display the form
- KPI (with financial ratios), including the from the Main
(FIN05438)LD option to filter by profit center, project or Menu
distribution rule. Select coresuite
Reports -->
Correct Account Mapping is required Financials --> Profit
to view this report. and Loss --> Profit
and Loss - KPI

Profit and Comparison of current income including To display the form

Loss vs. the budget (broken down into KPI from the Main
Budget - KPI measures). Menu
(FIN05439)LD Select coresuite
Correct Account Mapping is required Reports -->
to view this report. Financials -->
Budget --> Profit
and Loss vs. Budget
- KPI (FIN05439)
or in coresuite
france and benelux
(Belgium) only:
Financials -->
Budget Setup ->
Etats -> Profit and
Loss vs. Budget -
KPI (FIN05439)

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 397

Usage and
Name Content Description
Menu entries
Budget Report Budget (only Budget numbers) according To display the form
- KPI to KPI (subtotals). the ideal report for the from the Main
(FIN05440)LD bank or third party. Menu
Select coresuite
Correct Account Mapping is required Reports -->
to view this report. Financials -->
Budget --> Budget
Report - KPI

Tax Report Available for coresuite switzerland only. To display the form
Switzerland - Country specific Report for Tax from the Main
LD (FIN05450) Declaration. This report is available in the Menu
languages German, French and Italian Select coresuite
only. Reports -->
Financials --> Tax
Report --> Tax
Report Switzerland

Journal des Available for coresuite france and To display the form
écriture - LD benelux (Belgium) only. from the Main
(FIN05500)LD Menu
Select Financials -->
Financial Reports ->
Accounting ->
Extension ->
Journaux -->
or select Financials
--> Financial
Reports ->
Accounting ->
Extension ->
Journaux -->
· Achat (FIN05500)
· Vente (FIN05500)
· Stock (FIN05500)
· Ecriture

Usage and
Name Content Description
Menu entries
· Chèque
· Report à nouveau
· Effet de
· Encaissement
· Décaissement
· Dépôt (FIN05500)
· Tous (FIN05500)

Plan Available for coresuite france and To display the form

comptable benelux (Belgium) only. from the Main
(FIN05510)LD Menu
Select Financials -->
Financial Reports ->
Accounting ->
Extension -> Grand
livres -> Plan

Cumuls des BP Available for coresuite france and To display the form
(FIN05511)LD benelux (Belgium) only. from the Main
Select Financials -->
Financial Reports ->
Accounting ->
Extension -> Grand
livres --> Cumulus -
> Cumulus des
clients (FIN05511)
or select Financials
--> Financial
Reports ->
Accounting ->
Extension -> Grand
livres --> Cumulus -
> Cumulus des

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 399

Usage and
Name Content Description
Menu entries

Cumuls des Available for coresuite france and To display the form
comptes benelux (Belgium) only. from the Main
généraux Menu
(FIN05513)LD Select Financials -->
Financial Reports ->
Accounting ->
Extension -> Grand
livres --> Cumulus -
> Cumulus des
comptes généraux

Journal Available for coresuite france and To display the form

centralisateur benelux (Belgium) only. from the Main
(FIN05515)LD Menu
Select Financials -->
Financial Reports ->
Accounting ->
Extension ->
Journaux --> Journal

Journal Available for coresuite france and To display the form

centralisé benelux (Belgium) only. from the Main
(FIN05516)LD Menu
Select Financials -->
Financial Reports ->
Accounting ->
Extension ->
Journaux --> Journal

Journal Available for coresuite france and To display the form

périodique benelux (Belgium) only. from the Main
(FIN05517)LD Menu
Select Financials -->
Financial Reports ->
Accounting ->
Extension ->

Usage and
Name Content Description
Menu entries
Journaux --> Journal

Grand Livre Available for coresuite france and To display the form
devise interne benelux (Belgium) only. from the Main
(FIN05518)LD Menu
Select Financials -->
Financial Reports ->
Accounting ->
Extension -> Grand
livres --> Général ->
Devise interne

Grand Livre Available for coresuite france and To display the form
toutes devises benelux (Belgium) only. from the Main
(FIN05519)LD Menu
Select Financials -->
Financial Reports ->
Accounting ->
Extension -> Grand
livres --> Général ->
Toutes devise

Grand Livre Available for coresuite france and To display the form
centre / benelux (Belgium) only. from the Main
général Menu
(FIN05520)LD Select Financials -->
Cost Accounting ->
Etats -> Grand livres
--> Centre / Général

Grand Livre Available for coresuite france and To display the form
général / benelux (Belgium) only. from the Main
centre Menu
(FIN05521)LD Select Financials -->
Cost Accounting ->
Etats -> Grand livres
--> Général / Centre

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 401

Usage and
Name Content Description
Menu entries
Grand Livre Available for coresuite france and To display the form
projet / benelux (Belgium) only. from the Main
général Menu
(FIN05522)LD Select Financials -->
Cost Accounting ->
Etats -> Grand livres
--> Projet / Général

Grand Livre Available for coresuite france and To display the form
général / benelux (Belgium) only. from the Main
projet Menu
(FIN05523)LD Select Financials -->
Cost Accounting ->
Etats -> Grand livres
--> Général / Projet

Grand livre Available for coresuite france and To display the form
des BP benelux (Belgium) only. from the Main
(FIN05525)LD Menu
Select Financials -->
Financial Reports ->
Accounting ->
Extension -> Grand
livres --> Clients ->
Grand livre des
clients (FIN05525)
or select Financials
--> Financial
Reports ->
Accounting ->
Extension -> Grand
livres --> Clients ->
Grand livre des

Balance Available for coresuite france and To display the form

collectifs / BP benelux (Belgium) only. from the Main
(FIN05527)LD Menu
Select Financials -->
Financial Reports ->
Financial ->

Usage and
Name Content Description
Menu entries
Extension ->
Balances -> Clients -
> Balance
collectifs / clients
or select Financials
--> Financial
Reports -> Financial
-> Extension ->
Balances -> Clients -
> Balance
collectifs /

Balance BP / Available for coresuite france and To display the form

collectifs benelux (Belgium) only. from the Main
(FIN05528)LD Menu
Select Financials -->
Financial Reports ->
Financial ->
Extension ->
Balances -> Clients -
> Balance clients /
or select Financials
--> Financial
Reports -> Financial
-> Extension ->
Balances -> Clients -
> Balance
fournisseurs /

Balance clients Available for coresuite france and To display the form
(FIN05530)LD benelux (Belgium) only. from the Main
Select Financials -->
Financial Reports ->
Financial ->
Extension ->

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 403

Usage and
Name Content Description
Menu entries
Balances -> Clients -
> Balance clients
or select Financials
--> Financial
Reports -> Financial
-> Extension ->
Balances -> Clients -
> Balance

Trial Balance - List of all account without grouping To display the form
LD (FIN05533) (Brought forward, Debit, Credit, Balance). from the Main
This is the ideal report for the accountant Menu
who can retrieve a breakdown in Debit Select coresuite
and Credit. Reports -->
Financials -->
--> Journal Balance
or in coresuite
france and benelux
(Belgium) only:
Financials -->
Financial Reports ->
Financial ->
Extension ->
Balances -->
Générale -> Balance
générale Devise
interne (FIN05533)

Balance centre Available for coresuite france and To display the form
/ générale benelux (Belgium) only. from the Main
(FIN05534)LD Menu
Select Financials -->
Cost Accounting ->
Etats -> Balances --
> Centre / Général

Usage and
Name Content Description
Menu entries
Balance Available for coresuite france and To display the form
générale / benelux (Belgium) only. from the Main
centre Menu
(FIN05535)LD Select Financials -->
Cost Accounting ->
Etats -> Balances --
> Général / Centre

Balance Available for coresuite france and To display the form

générale / benelux (Belgium) only. from the Main
projet Menu
(FIN05536)LD Select Financials -->
Cost Accounting ->
Etats -> Balances --
> Général / Projet

Balance projet Available for coresuite france and To display the form
/ générale benelux (Belgium) only. from the Main
(FIN05537)LD Menu
Select Financials -->
Cost Accounting ->
Etats -> Balances --
> Projet / Général

Cumuls Available for coresuite france and To display the form

analytique benelux (Belgium) only. from the Main
(FIN05538)LD Menu
Select Financials -->
Cost Accounting ->
Etats -> Cumuls
analytic (FIN05538)

Grand livre Available for coresuite france and To display the form
collectifs / BP benelux (Belgium) only. from the Main
(FIN05540)LD Menu
Select Financials -->
Financial Reports ->
Accounting ->
Extension -> Grand
livres --> Clients ->
Grand livre

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 405

Usage and
Name Content Description
Menu entries
collectifs / clients
or select Financials
--> Financial
Reports ->
Accounting ->
Extension -> Grand
livres --> Clients ->
Grand livre
collectifs /

Grand livre Available for coresuite france and To display the form
BP / collectifs benelux (Belgium) only. from the Main
(FIN05542)LD Menu
Select Financials -->
Financial Reports ->
Accounting ->
Extension -> Grand
livres --> Clients ->
Grand livre clients /
or select Financials
--> Financial
Reports ->
Accounting ->
Extension -> Grand
livres --> Clients ->
Grand livre
fournisseurs /

Balance Available for coresuite france and To display the form

générale benelux (Belgium) only. from the Main
Devise interne Menu
(FIN05543)LD Select Financials -->
Financial Reports ->
Financial ->
Extension ->
Balances -->
Générale -> Balance
générale Devise

Usage and
Name Content Description
Menu entries
interne (FIN05543)

Tax Report Available for coresuite switzerland only. To display the form
Switzerland Country specific Report for Tax from the Main
01.01.2010 - Declaration. This report is available in the Menu
30.06.2010 - languages German, French and Italian Select coresuite
LD (FIN60002) only. Reports -->
Financials --> Tax
Report --> Tax
Report Switzerland
01.01.2010 -

Balansrapport Balance report specific for the Swedish To display the form
- LF Localization from the Main
(FIN60005) CR Menu
Select Reports -->
Financials -->
Financial -->
Balansrapport - LF

Text List - LD Overview of all Textelements stored in To display the form

(GEN00001) LD the database, that can be used in Layouts from the Main
and Reports to be automatically Menu
translated. This layout displays all Select coresuite
existing texts in the main lanuage. The Reports -->
user can search for the corresponding Financials --> Lists
code. --> Chart of
Accounts (FIN05401)
To display the form
from the Preview
of the Form
Select ->
Administration ->
Add-ons -> core
suite designer ->

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 407

Usage and
Name Content Description
Menu entries
Configuration Overview of all Formtypes, Parameters, To display the form
- LD Print and Layoutdefinitions installed in from the Preview
(GEN00002)LD the system. of the Form
Select ->
Administration ->
Add-ons -> core
suite designer ->

Parameter Report displays current Print and System To display the form
Check - LD Parameters such as Versions, File Paths, from the Preview
(GEN00012)LD Status,... of the Form
Select ->
Administration ->
Add-ons -> core
suite designer ->

SWA_LD_Mast Master Template in Portrait format to be To use the Master

er_Portrait used as "MasterReport" in the document Report
(GEN01000)LD properties of other reports and layouts. -> Open any Layout
in the Designer ->
Select this Report as
"MasterReport" in
the Document

SWA_LD_Mast Master Template in Landscape format to To use the Master

er_Landscape be used as "MasterReport" in the Report
(GEN01001)LD document properties of other reports and -> Open any Layout
layouts. in the Designer ->
Select this Report as
"MasterReport" in
the Document

Production Layout for Production Orders To display the form

Order - LD from the Preview
(PRD07001)CD of the Form
"Production Order"
Select -> Production

Usage and
Name Content Description
Menu entries
-> Production Order

Bill of Information about a Bill of Materials To display the form

Materials - LD from the Preview
(PRD07004)CD of the Form "Bill of
Materials" (672)
Select -> Production
-> Bill of Materials

Sales Overview of all Sales Documents To display the form

Documents - from the Main
LD (SAR06000) Menu
Select coresuite
Reports --> Sales --
> Documents -
Sales (SAR06000)

Sales Pivot - Pivot Table for Sales Revenue To display the form
LD from the Main
(SAR06001) CD Menu
Select coresuite
Reports --> Sales --
> Sales Pivot

Sales Revenue Graphical Dashboard with Sales To display the form

Dashboard - information from the Main
XC Menu
(SAR130003) Select coresuite
Reports --> Sales --
> Sales Revenue

Service Graphical Dashboard with information To display the form

Dashboard - about Service Calls from the Main
XC Menu
(SRV140000) Select coresuite
Reports --> Service
--> Service

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 409

Usage and
Name Content Description
Menu entries
Stock Layout for To display the form
Document - LD · Goods Receipt from the Preview
(STO08001)CD · Goods Issue of a Stock or
· Receipt from Production Production Form
· Issue for Production Select -> Stock
with an overview of all items, locations, Management ->
quantities and prices including Stock Transactions -
information about serial and batch >
numbers. · Goods Receipt
· Goods Issue (720)
Or select ->
Production ->
· Receipt from
· Issue for

Stock Transfer Layout for stock transfer document with To display the form
- LD an overview of all items, locations, from the Preview
(STO08003) quantities and prices including of the Form "Stock
information about serial and batch Transfer" (940)
numbers. Select -> Stock
Management ->
Stock Transactions -
> Stock Transfer

Pick List - LD Layout for Pick List with an overview of To display the form
(STO08004)CD selected Orders, items, locations and from the Preview
quantities. of the Form "Pick
List" (85)
Select -> Stock
Management -> Pick
and Pack -> Pick

9.2 Banking

9.2.1 Outgoing Payment - LD (BAN1000)

Letter to a Business Partner which includes relevant information about Outgoing

To display the form from the Preview of the Form "Outgoing Payment" (426)
Select -> Banking -> Outgoing Payments -> Outgoing Payments


9.3 Documents

The category Documents includes any layouts for Marketing documents to be sent
to customers and vendors.

9.3.1 Document DIN - LD (DOC00008)

Standard Multi-Language DIN Layout designed for all Marketing documents under
the Sales and Purchasing Modules. It applies the standard requirements of a
business letter to be sent to customers and vendors. Due to the expandable data
sources the layout can be adjusted with additional customized information stored
in User Defined Fields.

· The company Logo is automatically updated from the Logo defined in SAP under

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 411

SAP Business One Module Administration --> System Initialization --> Print
Preferences --> General Tab

· If exists Item Serial Numbers, Batches and Pictures are printed for each relevant
document row.
· Relevant information about base documents, payment and tax information and
down payments is printed when applicable.

This Layout is automatically assigned to be used for all marketing documents
(including draft documents):

Sales Module
· Sales Quotations
· Sales Orders
· Deliveries
· Returns
· A/R Down Payment Requests
· A/R Down Payment Invoices
· A/R Credit Notes
· A/R Reserved Invoices

Purchasing Module
· Purchase Order
· Goods Receipt PO
· Goods Return
· A/P Down Payment Request
· A/P Down Payment Invoices
· A/R Credit Notes
· A/R Reserved Invoices

These Marketing documents can be viewed in SAP Business One as preview before
and after adding the actual document. It can be exported to Word or PDF and
attached to Emails with predefined Subject and To Address.

To display the form from the Preview of any Marketing document Form
Select -> Sales AR ->
· Sales Quotation (149)
· Sales Order (139)
· Delivery (140)
· Return (180)
· AR Down Payment Request (65308)
· AR Down Payment Invoice (65300)
· AR Invoice (133)
· AR Credit Note (179)
· AR Reserve Invoice (60091)

or select -> Purchasing AP ->

· Purchase Order (142)

· Goods Receipt PO (143)
· Goods Return (182)
· AP Down Payment Request (56309)
· AP Down Payment Invoice (56301)
· AP Invoice (141)
· AP Credit Note (181)
· AP Reserve Invoice (60092)

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 413


Print Definitions


This Layout is automatically assigned to be used for all marketing documents

(including draft documents):

Sales Module
· Sales Quotations
· Sales Orders
· Deliveries
· Returns
· A/R Down Payment Requests
· A/R Down Payment Invoices
· A/R Credit Notes
· A/R Reserved Invoices

Purchasing Module
· Purchase Order
· Goods Receipt PO
· Goods Return
· A/P Down Payment Request
· A/P Down Payment Invoices
· A/R Credit Notes
· A/R Reserved Invoices

9.3.2 Document DIN - CR (DOC40000)

Multi-language DIN Layout created with SAP Business Objects Crystal Reports 2008.
Designed for all Marketing documents under the Sales and Purchasing Modules. It
applies the standard requirements of a business letter to be sent to customers and
vendors. Due to the expandable data sources the layout can be adjusted with
additional customized information stored in User Defined Fields.

· The company Logo is automatically updated from the Logo defined in SAP under
SAP Business One Module Administration --> System Initialization --> Print
Preferences --> General Tab

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 415

· If exists Item Serial Numbers, Batches and Pictures are printed for each relevant
document row.
· Relevant information about base documents, payment and tax information and
down payments is printed when applicable.

This Layout is automatically assigned to be used for all marketing documents
(including draft documents):

Sales Module
· Sales Quotations
· Sales Orders
· Deliveries
· Returns
· A/R Down Payment Requests
· A/R Down Payment Invoices
· A/R Credit Notes
· A/R Reserved Invoices

Purchasing Module
· Purchase Order
· Goods Receipt PO
· Goods Return
· A/P Down Payment Request
· A/P Down Payment Invoices
· A/R Credit Notes
· A/R Reserved Invoices

To display the form from the Preview of any Marketing document Form

-> Sales AR ->
· Sales Quotation (149)
· Sales Order (139)
· Delivery (140)
· Return (180)
· AR Down Payment Request (65308)
· AR Down Payment Invoice (65300)
· AR Invoice (133)
· AR Credit Note (179)
· AR Reserve Invoice (60091)
or select
-> Purchasing AP -> ...
· Purchase Order (142)
· Goods Receipt PO (143)
· Goods Return (182)
· AP Down Payment Request (56309)
· AP Down Payment Invoice (56301)
· AP Invoice (141)
· AP Credit Note (181)
· AP Reserve Invoice (60092)
These Marketing documents can be viewed in SAP Business One as preview before
and after adding the actual document. It can be exported to Word or PDF and
attached to Emails with predefined Subject and To Address.

In order to be able to view the Layout Crystal Reports Viewer (integrated in SAP
Business One Version 8.8 and higher) is required on the system.
In order to adjust the layout Crystal Reports 2008 is required.

See more details on how to customize the marketing layout with Crystal Reports in
the manual coresuite designer

The Marketing DIN Layout created with Crystal might be adjusted in a future
Version. Changes are NOT automatically applied to the layout in the system. In
order to get the latest Version of the Layout we suggest the following steps:
1. Duplicate the existing layout to ensure any customization is saved.
2. Reinstall the layout as described in the manual coresuite designer


9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 417

Print definitions

As the report created with Crystal Reports can only be viewed when Crystal reports
Viewer is installed we use the Standard Marketing DIN Layout in all Printdefinitions
for Marketing Documents. That means there are no preinstalled Printdefinitions
defined to use this layout. In order to use the layout for your marketing documents

change the existing Printdefinitions to use this layout instead of the standard DIN
layout "Document DIN (DOC00008)" as described below:

Step 1 (Option 1)

· Open an existing document of the relevant Type, e.g. A/R Invoice

· Open the Print Layout Designer from the Icon in the top menu

Step 1 (Option 2)

· Open the Printdefinition via

Module Administration --> Add-ons --> coresuite designer --> Printdefinition
· Select the relevant Formtype to adjust, e.g. 133:AR Invoice
· Select Find

Step 2

Change the Layout under the Document Tab from DOC: Document DIN (DOC00008)
to DOC: Document DIN -RPT (DOC40000)

Step 3

Update the Printdefinition for the changes to take effect.

Repeat these steps for all relevant Printdefinitions

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 419

9.4 Financial Reports

See below the list of all the current financial reports in coresuite country
The unique description is displayed in brackets in order to uniquely identify each

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 421
9.4.1 Profit and Loss

Profit and Loss - KPI (FIN05438)

Profit and loss statement according to KPI (with financial ratios), including the
option to filter by profit center, project or distribution rule

To display the form

Select coresuite Reports --> Financials --> Profit and Loss --> Profit and Loss - KPI

Parameter form
Field Description

Reference Date from Earliest Date in the query

Reference Date to Latest Date in the query

Add Voucher The default setting is "NO". In general it is possible

to take parked documents (vouchers) into
consideration by selecting "YES". These would be
selected in the query even though they have not been

Ignore Adjustment "YES" = Ignore adjustments in the 13. period

(per 13.) "NO" = Adjustments in the 13. are taken into account
"ONLY" = Only adjustments of the 13. period are

Show previous year "YES" = Show previous year

"NO" = Do not show previous year

Profitcenter When entering a profitcenter the results are filters

by profitcenter (several entries are possible)

Project When entering a project the results are filters by

project (several entries are possible)

Distributions Rules When entering a distributions rule the results are

filters by distributions rule (several entries are

Preview Sample

The 1st page (see above screenshot) is a contraction of the Profit and

Loss statement which fits on a DIN A4 page. These are important for the

operational manager to get an overview of the company.

More details are usually only required for the accountant. The required

details up to the individual posting can be easily accessed by navigating

through the tree on the left side of the report or by drilling down with

the orange arrows in the report.

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 423

Gross Profit I = Sales Profit; important comparative measure (with this

profit all indirect costs are balanced)

Gross Profit II = Operating Gross Profit after Salary; important comparative

measure (with this profit all indirect costs are balanced)

Profit and Loss (FIN05404)

Profit and loss statement according to the chart of accounts (only standard
subtotals and standard groupings) with possibility to analyse for each profit center,
project or distribution rule

To display the form

Select coresuite Reports --> Financials --> Profit and Loss --> Profit and Loss

Parameter form
Field Description

Reference Date from Earliest Date in the query

Reference Date to Latest Date in the query

Add Voucher The default setting is "NO". In general it is possible

to take parked documents (vouchers) into
consideration by selecting "YES". These would be
selected in the query even though they have not been

Ignore Adjustment "YES" = Ignore adjustments in the 13. period

(per 13.) "NO" = Adjustments in the 13. are taken into account
"ONLY" = Only adjustments of the 13. period are


Show previous year "YES" = Show previous year

"NO" = Do not show previous year

Profitcenter When entering a profitcenter the results are filters

by profitcenter (several entries are possible)

Project When entering a project the results are filters by

project (several entries are possible)

Distributions Rules When entering a distributions rule the results are

filters by distributions rule (several entries are

In comparison to the report Profit and Loss - KPI (FIN05404) there is no

contraction in this report and the report can therefore quickly become very

long (depending on the number of accounts in the chart of accounts).

There are also less subtotals.

Preview Sample

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 425

Profit and Loss by Template (FIN05405)

Profit and loss statement according to an external individual template (including
the possibility to analyse for each profit center, project or distribution rule)

To display the form

Select coresuite Reports --> Financials --> Profit and Loss --> Profit and Loss by
Template (FIN05405)

Parameter form
Field Description

Reference Date from Earliest Date in the query

Reference Date to Latest Date in the query

Add Voucher The default setting is "NO". In general it is possible

to take parked documents (vouchers) into
consideration by selecting "YES". These would be
selected in the query even though they have not been

Ignore Adjustment "YES" = Ignore adjustments in the 13. period

(per 13.) "NO" = Adjustments in the 13. are taken into account
"ONLY" = Only adjustments of the 13. period are

Show Zero Saldo "NO" = Zero Saldo are not displayed (Standard)
"YES" = Zero Saldo are displayed

Show last level "YES" = Display last level or account number

"NO" = Do not display last level or account number

Preview Sample
Individual according to the Template

Profit and Loss by Profitcenter - KPI (FIN05430)

Profit and loss statement divided into profit centers (including KPI measures)

To display the form

Select coresuite Reports --> Financials --> Profit and Loss --> Profit and Loss by
Profit Center (FIN05430)

Parameter form

Field Description

Reference Date from Earliest Date in the query

Reference Date to Latest Date in the query

Add Voucher The default setting is "NO". In general it is possible

to take parked documents (vouchers) into
consideration by selecting "YES". These would be
selected in the query even though they have not been

Ignore Adjustment "YES" = Ignore adjustments in the 13. period

(per 13.) "NO" = Adjustments in the 13. are taken into account
"ONLY" = Only adjustments of the 13. period are

Show Zero Saldo "NO" = Zero Saldo are not displayed (Standard)
"YES" = Zero Saldo are displayed

Show previous year "YES" = Show previous year

"NO" = Do not show previous year

Profitcenter When entering a profitcenter the results are filters

by profitcenter (several entries are possible)

Project When entering a project the results are filters by

project (several entries are possible)

Distributions Rules When entering a distributions rule the results are

filters by distributions rule (several entries are

Preview Sample

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 427

9.4.2 Balance Sheet

Balance Sheet (FIN05402)

Listing of assets and liabilities of the company's annual balance sheet date

To display the form

Select coresuite Reports --> Financials --> Balance Sheet --> Balance Sheet

Parameter form

Parameter form description

Field Description

Reference Date Select the annual balance sheet date

(Date Calendar

Add Voucher (Text Select from the Drop Down Box if Journal Vouchers
Drop Down Box) (Journal Entries which have not yet been posted)
should be displayed in the report or not.
Possible Selections:
· No (Default)
Do not display Journal Vouchers
· Yes
Display Journal Vouchers

Ignore Adjustment Select from the Drop Down Box if Transactions with/
(per 13.) (Text Drop without Adj. Trans (Period 13) selected are
Down Box) displayed.

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 429

Possible Selection:
· No (Default)
Display Transactions with and without Adj. Trans
(Period 13) selected
· Yes
Ignore (do not display) Transactions with Adj.
Trans (Period 13) selected. Only display
Transactions without Adj. Trans (Period 13)
· Only
Only display Transactions with Adj. Trans (Period
13) selected. Do not display Transactions without
Adj. Trans (Period 13) selected.

Show Zero Balance Select from the Drop Down Box if Accounts with
(Text Drop Down Box) Zero Balance should be displayed in the report or
Possible Selections:
· No (Default)
Do not display Accounts with Zero Balance
· Yes
Display Accounts with Zero Balance

Show previous year Select from the Drop Down Box if the Balance of the
(Text Drop Down Box) Previous Year should be displayed in the report or
Possible Selections:
· No (Default)
Do not display the Balance of the previous year
· Yes
Display the Balance of the previous year

To Level (Text Drop Select from the Drop Down Box to which Account
Down Box) Level the details should be displayed.
Possible Selections:
· All (Default)
Display all account levels up to level 7
· Number 1 to 6
Display accounts up to the selected Level

Currency (Text Drop Select the Currency Type from the Drop Down Box in
Down Box) which to display the amounts.
Possible Selections:
· Local Currency (Default)
· System Currency

Order By (Text Drop Select the Sequence of the Accounts.

Down Box) Possible Selections:

· Chart of Account (Default)
This Parameter is Sort by SAP Business One Standard Chart of
only available in
German Loc alisation.
· Account Level 2 - HGB
Sort by Account Level 2 from the Chart of Account.

The selec tion of ac c ount Level 2 - HGB is ac c ording

to the definition of the German Law (HGB).

Preview Sample

Balance Template (FIN05403)

Balance sheet according to an external Template (SAP® partners can create their
own templates)

To display the form

Select coresuite Reports --> Financials --> Balance Sheet --> Balance Template

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 431


Parameter form
Field Description

Template Select the external balance template if exists

Reference Date Annual balance sheet date

Add Voucher The default setting is "NO". In general it is possible

to take parked documents (vouchers) into
consideration by selecting "YES". These would be
selected in the query even though they have not been

Ignore Adjustment "YES" = Ignore adjustments in the 13. period

(per 13.) "NO" = Adjustments in the 13. are taken into account

Show Zero Saldo "NO" = Zero Saldo are not displayed (Standard)
"YES" = Zero Saldo are displayed

Show previous year "YES" = Show previous year

"NO" = Do not show previous year

Preview Sample

Opening Balance (FIN05413)

Opening Balance (in general the 1st day of each fiscal year, without ongoing
bookings for the new fiscal year)

To display the form

Select coresuite Reports --> Financials --> Balance Sheet --> Opening Balance

Parameter form

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 433

Parameter form description
Field Description

Reference Date Select the annual balance sheet date

(Date Calendar

Show Zero Balance Select from the Drop Down Box if Accounts with
(Text Drop Down Box) Zero Balance should be displayed in the report or
Possible Selections:
· No (Default)
Do not display Accounts with Zero Balance
· Yes
Display Accounts with Zero Balance

Add Voucher (Text Select from the Drop Down Box if Journal Vouchers
Drop Down Box) (Journal Entries which have not yet been posted)
should be displayed in the report or not.
Possible Selections:
· No (Default)
Do not display Journal Vouchers
· Yes
Display Journal Vouchers

Ignore Adjustment Select from the Drop Down Box if Transactions with/
(per 13.) (Text Drop without Adj. Trans (Period 13) selected are
Down Box) displayed.
Possible Selection:
· No (Default)
Display Transactions with and without Adj. Trans
(Period 13) selected
· Yes
Ignore (do not display) Transactions with Adj.

Trans (Period 13) selected. Only display
Transactions without Adj. Trans (Period 13)
· Only
Only display Transactions with Adj. Trans (Period
13) selected. Do not display Transactions without
Adj. Trans (Period 13) selected.

Currency (Text Drop Select the Currency Type from the Drop Down Box in
Down Box) which to display the amounts.
Possible Selections:
· Local Currency (Default)
· System Currency

Preview Sample

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 435

9.4.3 Journal / Statement

Journal Transactions (FIN05420)

Query of account activity, including the graphical representation of the movements

To display the form

Select coresuite Reports --> Financials --> Journal/Statement --> Journal
Transactions (FIN05420)

Parameter form

Parameter form description

Field Description

Reference Date Select the earliest Date as filter in the datasource

From (Date query
Calendar Selection)

Reference Date To Select the latest Date as filter in the datasource query
(Date Calendar

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 437

Filter by (Text Select the Date Type from the Drop Down Box by which
Drop Down Box) the Journal Entries (Vouchers) are filtered according to
the Date Range entered above.
Possible Selections:
· Reference Date (Default)
· Due Date

Account (Text Select the account(s) from the choose from list which
Choose From List) should be displayed in the report. It is possible to
select multiple accounts. Only Journal Transactions
posted on the selected account(s) will be displayed.

Display Settings The parameters below define which data or objects

should be displayed in the Report

Add Voucher (Text Select from the Drop Down Box if Journal Vouchers
Drop Down Box) (Journal Entries which have not yet been posted) should
be displayed in the report or not.
Possible Selections:
· No (Default)
Do not display Journal Vouchers
· Yes
Display Journal Vouchers

Ignore Adjustment Select from the Drop Down Box if Transactions with/
(per 13.) (Text without Adj. Trans (Period 13) selected are
Drop Down Box) displayed.
Possible Selection:
· No (Default)
Display Transactions with and without Adj. Trans
(Period 13) selected
· Yes
Ignore (do not display) Transactions with Adj. Trans
(Period 13) selected. Only display Transactions
without Adj. Trans (Period 13) selected.
· Only
Only display Transactions with Adj. Trans (Period 13)
selected. Do not display Transactions without Adj.
Trans (Period 13) selected.

Hide accounts Select from the Drop Down Box if accounts with no
with no movements in the selected date range should be
movements (Text displayed in the report or not.
Drop Down Box) Possible Selections:
· Yes (Default)
Do not display accounts with no movements in the
selected date range
· No

Display the balance brought forward of accounts with
no movements in the selected date range

Hide cancelled Select from the Drop Down Box if Cancelled Journal
Journal Entries Entries including the Reversal Journal Entries should
(Text Drop Down be displayed in the report or not.
Box) Possible Selections:
· No (Default)
Display all Journal Entries including the Cancelled
Journal Entries and Reversal Journal Entries
· Yes
Do not display Cancelled Journal Entries nor Reversal
Journal Entries

Details (Invoices) Select from the Drop Down Box if Details from Invoices
(Text Drop Down should be displayed in the report or not.
Box) Possible Selections:
· Yes (Default)
Display all Invoice details
· No
Do not display all Invoice details

New page after Select from the Drop Down Box if a new page should be
new account (Text started after each account or not.
Drop Down Box) Possible Selections:
· Yes (Default)
Start a new page after each account.
· No
All accounts are listed below each other

Show Chart (Text Select from the Drop Down Box if a bar chart of
Drop Down Box) balance per month should be displayed in the report or
not. The bar chart is only relevant for profit and loss
Possible Selections:
· No (Default)
Do not display the Chart
· Yes
Display the Chart

The c hart is only display ed w hen only one ac c ount

is selec ted in the filter below

Optional Filter The parameters below allow to filter the data displayed
in the Report. All filters are optional and can be left

Profit center (Text Select the profit center(s) from the choose from list
Choose From List) which should be displayed in the report. It is possible to

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 439

select multiple profit centers. Only Journal
Transactions posted on the selected profit center(s)
will be displayed.

Project (Text Select the project(s) from the choose from list which
Choose From List) should be displayed in the report. It is possible to
select multiple project. Only Journal Transactions
posted on the selected project(s) will be displayed.

Distributions Select the distribution rules(s) from the choose from

Rules (Text Choose list which should be displayed in the report. It is
From List) possible to select multiple distribution rules. Only
Journal Transactions posted on the selected
distribution rules(s) will be displayed.

Preview Sample

Preview Sample incl. Chart

Trial Balance (FIN05533)

List of all account without grouping (Brought forward, Debit, Credit, Balance)

The ideal report for the accountant who can retrieve a breakdown in Debit

and Credit.

To display the form

Select coresuite Reports --> Financials --> Journal/Statement --> Journal Balance

Parameter form
Field Description

Reference Date from Earliest Date in the query

Reference Date to Latest Date in the query

Ignore Adjustment "YES" = Ignore adjustments in the 13. period

(per 13.) "NO" = Adjustments in the 13. are taken into account
"ONLY" = Only adjustments of the 13. period are

Show Zero Saldo "NO" = Zero Saldo are not displayed (Standard)
"YES" = Zero Saldo are displayed

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 441

Preview Sample

Journal Entry (FIN05419)

Collection and presentation of all journal entries (possibly filtered by marketing
document type)

To display the form

Select coresuite Reports --> Financials --> Journal/Statement --> Journal Entry

Parameter form
Field Description

Reference Date from Earliest Date in the query

Reference Date to Latest Date in the query

Ignore Adjustment "YES" = Ignore adjustments in the 13. period

(per 13.) "NO" = Adjustments in the 13. are taken into account
"ONLY" = Only adjustments of the 13. period are

Document Type Select the marketing document type from a choose

(Text) from list (eg. Invoice). This is Optional.

Preview Sample

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 443
9.4.4 Budget

Profit and Loss vs. Budget - KPI (FIN05439)

Comparison of current income including the budget (broken down into KPI

To display the form

Select coresuite Reports --> Financials --> Budget --> Profit and Loss vs. Budget -
KPI (FIN05439)

Parameter Form

Parameter form description

Field Description

Reference Date Select the earliest Date as filter in the datasource

From (Date Calendar query

Reference Date To Select the latest Date as filter in the datasource

(Date Calendar query

Add Voucher (Text Select from the Drop Down Box if Journal Vouchers
Drop Down Box) (Journal Entries which have not yet been posted)
should be displayed in the report or not.
Possible Selections:

· No (Default)
Do not display Journal Vouchers
· Yes
Display Journal Vouchers

Ignore Adjustment Select from the Drop Down Box if Transactions with/
(per 13.) (Text Drop without Adj. Trans (Period 13) selected are
Down Box) displayed.
Possible Selection:
· No (Default)
Display Transactions with and without Adj. Trans
(Period 13) selected
· Yes
Ignore (do not display) Transactions with Adj.
Trans (Period 13) selected. Only display
Transactions without Adj. Trans (Period 13)
· Only
Only display Transactions with Adj. Trans (Period
13) selected. Do not display Transactions without
Adj. Trans (Period 13) selected

Budget (Text Drop Select one or all of the available budgets from the
Down Box) Drop Down Box. For example Internal/External
Budget or Worstcase/Bestcase. In general budget
scenarios are created on profit center, therefore the
default value is "All" (all budgets of the individual
profit centers combined).

Show Chart (Text Select from the Drop Down Box if 4 Gauges and 5
Drop Down Box) Bar Charts of Profit & Loss vs Budget should be
displayed in the report or not.
Possible Selections:
· No (Default)
Do not display the Gauges & Charts
· Yes
Display the Gauges & Charts

Show previous year Select from the Drop Down Box if the balance and
(Text Drop Down Box) budget of the previous year should be displayed in
the report or not.
Possible Selections:
· No (Default)
Do not display the previous year balance and
· Yes
Display the previous year balance and budget

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 445

This Parameter is new sinc e c ountry pac kage version


Optional Filter The parameters below allow to filter the data

displayed in the Report. All filters are optional and
can be left empty.

Profit center (Text Select the profit center(s) from the choose from list
Choose From List) which should be displayed in the report. It is possible
to select multiple profit centers. Only Journal
Transactions posted on the selected profit center(s)
will be displayed.

Project (Text Choose Select the project(s) from the choose from list which
From List) should be displayed in the report. It is possible to
select multiple project. Only Journal Transactions
posted on the selected project(s) will be displayed.

Distributions Rules Select the distribution rules(s) from the choose

(Text Choose From from list which should be displayed in the report. It is
List) possible to select multiple distribution rules. Only
Journal Transactions posted on the selected
distribution rules(s) will be displayed.

Preview Sample Page 1

Preview Sample Details

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 447

Profit and Loss vs. Budget (FIN05408)

Comparison of current income including the budget (broken down according to the
chart of accounts)

To display the form

Select coresuite Reports --> Financials --> Budget --> Profit and Loss vs. Budget

Parameter form
Field Description

Reference Date from Earliest Date in the query

Reference Date to Latest Date in the query

Add Voucher The default setting is "NO". In general it is possible

to take parked documents (vouchers) into
consideration by selecting "YES". These would be
selected in the query even though they have not been

Ignore Adjustment "YES" = Ignore adjustments in the 13. period

(per 13.) "NO" = Adjustments in the 13. are taken into account
"ONLY" = Only adjustments of the 13. period are

Budget Various budgets can be selected, if available (eg.

internal / external budget or Worstcase / Bestcase).
In general budget scenarios are created on profile
center. Therefore, the default value is "All" (all
budgets of the individual profit centers combined).

Show chart "NO" = standard is not to show the charts

"Yes" = additionally to the report a chart (bar chart
per month). Only relevant for profit and loss

Profitcenter When entering a profitcenter the results are filters

by profitcenter (several entries are possible)

Project When entering a project the results are filters by

project (several entries are possible)

Distributions Rules When entering a distributions rule the results are

filters by distributions rule (several entries are

In comparison to the report Profit and Loss vs. Budget - KPI (FIN05439)

there is no contraction in this report and the report can therefore quickly

become very long (depending on the number of accounts in the chart of

accounts). There are also less subtotals.

Preview Sample

Profit and Loss vs. Budget (FIN05408)

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 449

Budget Report - KPI (FIN05440)

Budget (only Budget numbers) according to KPI (subtotals). the ideal report for the
bank or third party.

To display the form

Select coresuite Reports --> Financials --> Budget --> Budget Report - KPI

Parameter form

Parameter form description
Field Description

Reference Date Select the earliest Date as filter in the datasource

From (Date Calendar query

Reference Date To Select the latest Date as filter in the datasource

(Date Calendar query

Add Voucher (Text Select from the Drop Down Box if Journal Vouchers
Drop Down Box) (Journal Entries which have not yet been posted)
should be displayed in the report or not.
Possible Selections:
· No (Default)
Do not display Journal Vouchers
· Yes
Display Journal Vouchers

Ignore Adjustment Select from the Drop Down Box if Transactions with/
(per 13.) (Text Drop without Adj. Trans (Period 13) selected are
Down Box) displayed.
Possible Selection:
· No (Default)
Display Transactions with and without Adj. Trans
(Period 13) selected
· Yes
Ignore (do not display) Transactions with Adj.
Trans (Period 13) selected. Only display
Transactions without Adj. Trans (Period 13)

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 451

· Only
Only display Transactions with Adj. Trans (Period
13) selected. Do not display Transactions without
Adj. Trans (Period 13) selected

Budget (Text Drop Select one or all of the available budgets from the
Down Box) Drop Down Box. For example Internal/External
Budget or Worstcase/Bestcase. In general budget
scenarios are created on profit center, therefore the
default value is "All" (all budgets of the individual
profit centers combined).

Optional Filter The parameters below allow to filter the data

displayed in the Report. All filters are optional and
can be left empty.

Profit center (Text Select the profit center(s) from the choose from list
Choose From List) which should be displayed in the report. It is possible
to select multiple profit centers. Only Journal
Transactions posted on the selected profit center(s)
will be displayed.

Project (Text Choose Select the project(s) from the choose from list which
From List) should be displayed in the report. It is possible to
select multiple project. Only Journal Transactions
posted on the selected project(s) will be displayed.

Distributions Rules Select the distribution rules(s) from the choose

(Text Choose From from list which should be displayed in the report. It is
List) possible to select multiple distribution rules. Only
Journal Transactions posted on the selected
distribution rules(s) will be displayed.

Preview Sample

Budget Report (FIN05433)

Budget according to chart of accounts (only Budget numbers). Grouped according to
chart of accounts.

To display the form

Select coresuite Reports --> Financials --> Budget --> Budget Report (FIN05433)

Parameter form
Field Description

Reference Date from Earliest Date in the query

Reference Date to Latest Date in the query

Add Voucher The default setting is "NO". In general it is possible

to take parked documents (vouchers) into

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 453

consideration by selecting "YES". These would be
selected in the query even though they have not been

Ignore Adjustment "YES" = Ignore adjustments in the 13. period

(per 13.) "NO" = Adjustments in the 13. are taken into account

Budget Various budgets can be selected, if available (eg.

internal / external budget or Worstcase / Bestcase).
In general budget scenarios are created on profile
center. Therefore, the default value is "All" (all
budgets of the individual profit centers combined).

Show Zero Saldo "NO" = Zero Saldo are not displayed (Standard)
"YES" = Zero Saldo are displayed

Show last level "YES" = Display last level or account number

"NO" = Do not display last level or account number

Profitcenter When entering a profitcenter the results are filters

by profitcenter (several entries are possible)

Project When entering a project the results are filters by

project (several entries are possible)

Distributions Rules When entering a distributions rule the results are

filters by distributions rule (several entries are

Preview Sample

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 455
Profit and Loss vs Budget Dashboard - XC (FIN600001)

The coresuite Profit and Loss vs Budget Dashboard compares the current income
including to the budget (broken down into KPI measures).

Gross Profit, Turnover, Profit(loss), Total Costs and Budget are calculated
according to the account classification of coresuite accounting.

This is a Sample Dashboard delivered for free w ithin the c ountry pac kage to
demonstrate how data related to financ ial key numbers c an be visualized w ith Cry stal
Dashboard. To use this dashboard in a produc tive environment c ontac t
support@c oresy stems.c h to buy the adjusted dashboard spec ific for y our c ompany .

Requirements & Settings

To view the report on ensure that Flashplayer is installed on the system. We
recommend the free Adobe Flashplayer 10.0.
By default the values of the Dashboard are refreshed automatically every 15
Minutes. This interval can be adjusted by your administrator.

To display the form

Select coresuite Reports --> Financials --> Budget --> Profit/Loss Dashboard - XC

General Authorizations
Only users with authorization right to the Datasource "Profit/Loss Dashboard - XC
(FIN60001)" can view this report. The authorization can be set in SAP Business
One under

Main Menu -> Administration -> System Initialization -> Authorizations -> General
-> User Authorization -> coresuite designer -> Datasource -> FIN -> Profit/Loss
Dashboard - XC (FIN60001).



9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 457

9.4.5 Customer (A/R)

Customer (A/R) Ageing Report (FIN05406)

List of outstanding sales for business partners (customers / debtors). Debtor list,
which are handled by the accounts receivable manager.

To display the form

Select coresuite Reports --> Financials --> Customer (A/R) --> Customer (A/R)
Ageing Report (FIN05406)

Parameter form
Field Description

Reference Date By default the current date is entered. That means all
open postings are displayed.
If the reference date is set to the past only postings
with a posting date (Field: RefDate) BEFORE this
date are displayed.
Furthermore the "Age" of postings is calculated
according to the date entered here.

Age by Select the date type to be used to calculate the age

of the postings. The default is the "Due date" (Field:
DueDate). It is also possible to age by posting (Field:
RefDate) or document (Field: TaxDate) date.

Optional Filter

Business Partner Filter the report by business partner(s). The default

is empty that means all Business Partners will be

Control Account Filter the report according to control account, which

is defined for the customer (eg. domestic and
foreign). The default selection is for all open

Due date to Filter the report by Due Date to. That means postings
with a later due date (Field: DueDate) will not be

Optional Parameters

Additionally there are optional Parameters for specific customer requirements that
can be activated on request. To activate the parameters it is required to duplicate

the report and enter values in the input order.
The coresuite standard reports do not display these parameters as it would lead to
more complex and not user-friendly reports.

Field Description

Due Date from Parameter "FromDate": Filter the report by Due Date
from. That means postings with a earlier due date
(Field: DueDate) will not be displayed.

Posting Date from Parameter "Date01": Filter the report by Posting Date
from. That means postings with a earlier posting
date (Field: RefDate) will not be displayed.

Document Date from Parameter "Date03": Filter the report by Document

Date from. That means postings with a earlier
document date (Field: TaxDate) will not be displayed.

Document Date to Parameter "Date04": Filter the report by Document

Date to. That means postings with a later document
date (Field: TaxDate) will not be displayed.

Preview Sample

The age of a posting is calculated depending on the 2 Parameters "Age By" and
"Reference Date".
Postings on Account (e.g. unallocated Payments) always have the age 0 that means
they will be displayed in the column "Postings on Account & not due Invoices"

An Invoice was created on 01.01.2010 with due date 02.02.2010.
Parameter entered:
· "Reference Date" = "03.03.2010"
· "Age By" = "Due Date"

>> Age of the Invoice is:

"03.03.2010" - "02.02.2010" = 29 days

Section 1 (Business Partner Overview)

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 459

Section 2 (Postings in detail by Business Partner)

Selecting the "star" (see the marker on page 2 of the report) jumps directly

into the SAP® Business One "Internal reconciliation" and provides the option

to reconcile the different postings.

Section 3 (Summary)

Customer (A/R) Ageing Statement (FIN05418)

Statement of the open positions of the Business Partners

The report can easily be sent to a client or business partner via e-mail. It

can be used as an alternative to the dunning letter.

To display the form

Select coresuite Reports --> Financials --> Customer (A/R) --> Customer (A/R)
Ageing Statement (FIN05418)

Parameter form
Field Description

Reference Date to By default the current date is entered. That means all
open sales are taken into consideration.

Specific Card Code It is possible to filter by business partner.

Preview Sample

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 461

Customer (A/R) Account Journals (FIN05410)

Account journal per business partner (all postings per business partner)

To display the form

Select coresuite Reports --> Financials --> Customer (A/R) --> Customer (A/R)
Account Journals (FIN05410)

Parameter form
Field Description

Reference Date from Earliest Date in the query

Reference Date to Latest Date in the query

Order by Sort by Reference Date, Due Date or Tax Date

New page after new "YES" = A new page for each Business Partner
business partner "NO" = Everything together

Business Partner Filter by one or multiple Business Partners

Preview Sample

9.4.6 Vendor (A/P)

Vendor (A/P) Ageing Report (FIN05406)

List of outstanding purchases from business partners (vendor / creditors).
Creditors list, which are handled by the accounts payable manager.

To display the form

Select coresuite Reports --> Financials --> Vendor (A/P) --> Vendor (A/P) Ageing
Report (FIN05406)

Parameter form
Field Description

Reference Date By default the current date is entered. That means all
open postings are displayed.
If the reference date is set to the past only postings
with a posting date (Field: RefDate) BEFORE this
date are displayed.
Furthermore the "Age" of postings is calculated
according to the date entered here.

Age by Select the date type to be used to calculate the age

of the postings. The default is the "Due date" (Field:
DueDate). It is also possible to age by posting (Field:
RefDate) or document (Field: TaxDate) date.

Optional Filter

Business Partner Filter the report by business partner(s). The default

is empty that means all Business Partners will be

Control Account Filter the report according to control account, which

is defined for the customer (eg. domestic and
foreign). The default selection is for all open

Due date to Filter the report by Due Date to. That means postings
with a later due date (Field: DueDate) will not be

Optional Parameters

Additionally there are optional Parameters for specific customer requirements that
can be activated on request. To activate the parameters it is required to duplicate

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 463

the report and enter values in the input order.
The coresuite standard reports do not display these parameters as it would lead to
more complex and not user-friendly reports.

Field Description

Due Date from Parameter "FromDate": Filter the report by Due Date
from. That means postings with a earlier due date
(Field: DueDate) will not be displayed.

Posting Date from Parameter "Date01": Filter the report by Posting Date
from. That means postings with a earlier posting
date (Field: RefDate) will not be displayed.

Document Date from Parameter "Date03": Filter the report by Document

Date from. That means postings with a earlier
document date (Field: TaxDate) will not be displayed.

Document Date to Parameter "Date04": Filter the report by Document

Date to. That means postings with a later document
date (Field: TaxDate) will not be displayed.

Preview Sample

The age of a posting is calculated depending on the 2 Parameters "Age By" and
"Reference Date".
Postings on Account (e.g. unallocated Payments) always have the age 0 that means
they will be displayed in the column "Postings on Account & not due Invoices"

An Invoice was created on 01.01.2010 with due date 02.02.2010.
Parameter entered:
· "Reference Date" = "03.03.2010"
· "Age By" = "Due Date"

>> Age of the Invoice is:

"03.03.2010" - "02.02.2010" = 29 days

Section 1 (Business Partner Overview)

Section 2 (Postings in detail by Business Partner)

Selecting the "star" (see the marker on page 2 of the report) jumps directly

into the SAP® Business One "Internal reconciliation" and provides the option

to reconcile the different postings.

Section 3 (Summary)

Vendor (A/P) Account Journals (FIN05410)

Account journal per business partner (all postings per business partner)

To display the form

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 465

Select coresuite Reports --> Financials --> Vendor (A/P) --> Vendor (A/P) Account
Journals (FIN05410)

Parameter form
Field Description

Reference Date from Earliest Date in the query

Reference Date to Latest Date in the query

Order by Sort by Reference Date, Due Date or Tax Date

New page after new "YES" = A new page for each Business Partner
business partner "NO" = Everything together

Business Partner Filter by one or multiple Business Partners

Preview Sample

9.4.7 Lists

Chart of Accounts (FIN05401)

Listing of all accounts and the existing profit centers and distribution rules.

To display the form

Select coresuite Reports --> Financials --> Lists --> Chart of Accounts (FIN05401)

Parameter form
No parameter form

Preview Sample

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 467

Chart of Accounts KPI (FIN05401)

Listing of all accounts, including the division into classes, class groups and
Subtotals (KPI)

To display the form

Select coresuite Reports --> Financials --> Lists --> Chart of Accounts KPI

Parameter form
Field Description

Show Details YES" = Default setting. Show details including

"NO" = Do not show details (only classes and class

Preview Sample

Chart of Accounts Template (FIN05401)

Listing of all accounts (including the profit center and distribution rules) of
existing external chart of accounts templates.

To display the form

Select coresuite Reports --> Financials --> Lists --> Chart of Accounts Template

Parameter form
Field Description

TemplateID Select an existing external chart of accounts


Preview Sample
Individual according to the Template

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 469

9.4.8 Tax Report

VAT by Code (FIN05414)

List of taxation and VAT base amounts for each tax code defined in the
corresponding period.

To display the form

Select coresuite Reports --> Financials --> Tax Report --> VAT by Code (FIN05414)

Parameter form
Field Description

Reference Date from Earliest Date in the query

Reference Date to Latest Date in the query

Details YES" = Default setting. Show details including the

individual postings.
"NO" = Only show the contraction of the tax codes

Code Filter by each tax code so that only the selected

codes are displayed

Preview Sample

VAT by Account (FIN05415)

List of taxation and VAT base amounts for each account and tax code defined in
the corresponding period. Ideal to derive the VAT-liable turnover.

To display the form

Select coresuite Reports --> Financials --> Tax Report --> VAT by Account

Parameter form
Field Description

Reference Date from Earliest Date in the query

Reference Date to Latest Date in the query

Details YES" = Default setting. Show details including the

individual postings.
"NO" = Only show the contraction of the tax codes

Code Filter by each tax code so that only the selected

codes are displayed

Preview Sample

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 471

Tax Report Switzerland (FIN05450) - CH Only

Country specific Report for Tax Declaration. This report is available in the
languages German, French and Italian only. It was used before 2010 only.

To display the form

Select coresuite Reports --> Financials --> Tax Report --> Tax Report Switzerland

Parameter form
Field Description

Reference Date from Earliest Date in the query

Reference Date to Latest Date in the query

Display Tax Tutorial "Ja" = Display the Tutorial on how to adjust the
settings in SAP for the Tax declaration Boxes as first
"Nein" = Only show the tax declaration report

Preview Sample (DE)

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 473

Tax Report Switzerland 01.01.2010 - 30.06.2010 (FIN60002) - CH Only

Country specific Report for Tax Declaration. This report is available in the
languages German, French and Italian only.

To display the form

Select coresuite Reports --> Financials --> Tax Report --> Tax Report Switzerland
01.01.2010 - 30.06.2010 (FIN60002)

Parameter form
Field Description

Reference Date from Earliest Date in the query

Reference Date to Latest Date in the query

Display Tax Tutorial "Ja" = Display the Tutorial on how to adjust the
settings in SAP for the Tax declaration Boxes as first
"Nein" = Only show the tax declaration report

System Message

In case one or more if the Tax Declaration Boxes is not defined in SAP, a message
box will be displayed as information. To display the Report select OK.

Tutorial for Tax Declaration Box Settings

Display the Tutorial on how to adjust the settings in SAP for the Tax declaration
Boxes as first page by selecting Yes in the Parameter Form.

For a correct swiss tax report you need to enter exactly the following tax
declaration boxes in SAP Business One under:
> Administration > Setup > Financials > Tax > Tax Declaration Boxes

Please ensure to fill in the correct:

1) Boxcode
2) Type
3) Summary Field
4) Debit/Credit
5) Formula Syntax

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 475

The tax codes are defined as displayed below:

Legal requirements:

· The Taxcode 'V5' or 'V4' is not used anymore for the swiss tax-report 2010. They
can be kept or removed as required.
· Tax declaration box 230 (see report) is used for special tax exempt transactions
like education, rent etc. If you need to fill in that box an additional tax code and
tax declaration box will be required.
· For more information about the swiss tax report 2010 visit:

Sample German

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 477

Sample French

Sample Italian

9.4.9 Cash Flow

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 479

Liquidity Forecast (FIN60000)

Query of account activity, including the graphical representation of the movements

To display the form

Select coresuite Reports --> Financials --> Journal/Statement --> Journal
Transactions (FIN05420)

Parameter form

Parameter form description

Field Description

Reference Date Select the earliest Date as filter in the datasource

From (Date query
Calendar Selection)

Reference Date To Select the latest Date as filter in the datasource query
(Date Calendar

Filter by (Text Select the Date Type from the Drop Down Box by which
Drop Down Box) the Journal Entries (Vouchers) are filtered according to
the Date Range entered above.
Possible Selections:

· Reference Date (Default)
· Due Date

Account (Text Select the account(s) from the choose from list which
Choose From List) should be displayed in the report. It is possible to
select multiple accounts. Only Journal Transactions
posted on the selected account(s) will be displayed.

Display Settings The parameters below define which data or objects

should be displayed in the Report

Add Voucher (Text Select from the Drop Down Box if Journal Vouchers
Drop Down Box) (Journal Entries which have not yet been posted) should
be displayed in the report or not.
Possible Selections:
· No (Default)
Do not display Journal Vouchers
· Yes
Display Journal Vouchers

Ignore Adjustment Select from the Drop Down Box if Transactions with/
(per 13.) (Text without Adj. Trans (Period 13) selected are
Drop Down Box) displayed.
Possible Selection:
· No (Default)
Display Transactions with and without Adj. Trans
(Period 13) selected
· Yes
Ignore (do not display) Transactions with Adj. Trans
(Period 13) selected. Only display Transactions
without Adj. Trans (Period 13) selected.
· Only
Only display Transactions with Adj. Trans (Period 13)
selected. Do not display Transactions without Adj.
Trans (Period 13) selected.

Hide accounts Select from the Drop Down Box if accounts with no
with no movements in the selected date range should be
movements (Text displayed in the report or not.
Drop Down Box) Possible Selections:
· Yes (Default)
Do not display accounts with no movements in the
selected date range
· No
Display the balance brought forward of accounts with
no movements in the selected date range

Hide cancelled Select from the Drop Down Box if Cancelled Journal

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 481

Journal Entries Entries including the Reversal Journal Entries should
(Text Drop Down be displayed in the report or not.
Box) Possible Selections:
· No (Default)
Display all Journal Entries including the Cancelled
Journal Entries and Reversal Journal Entries
· Yes
Do not display Cancelled Journal Entries nor Reversal
Journal Entries

Details (Invoices) Select from the Drop Down Box if Details from Invoices
(Text Drop Down should be displayed in the report or not.
Box) Possible Selections:
· Yes (Default)
Display all Invoice details
· No
Do not display all Invoice details

New page after Select from the Drop Down Box if a new page should be
new account (Text started after each account or not.
Drop Down Box) Possible Selections:
· Yes (Default)
Start a new page after each account.
· No
All accounts are listed below each other

Show Chart (Text Select from the Drop Down Box if a bar chart of
Drop Down Box) balance per month should be displayed in the report or
not. The bar chart is only relevant for profit and loss
Possible Selections:
· No (Default)
Do not display the Chart
· Yes
Display the Chart

The c hart is only display ed w hen only one ac c ount

is selec ted in the filter below

Optional Filter The parameters below allow to filter the data displayed
in the Report. All filters are optional and can be left

Profit center (Text Select the profit center(s) from the choose from list
Choose From List) which should be displayed in the report. It is possible to
select multiple profit centers. Only Journal
Transactions posted on the selected profit center(s)
will be displayed.

Project (Text Select the project(s) from the choose from list which
Choose From List) should be displayed in the report. It is possible to
select multiple project. Only Journal Transactions
posted on the selected project(s) will be displayed.

Distributions Select the distribution rules(s) from the choose from

Rules (Text Choose list which should be displayed in the report. It is
From List) possible to select multiple distribution rules. Only
Journal Transactions posted on the selected
distribution rules(s) will be displayed.


Preview Sample incl. Chart

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 483

Cashflow Statement (FIN60004)

Geben Sie hier den Text ein.

9.5 Sales Reports

See below the list of all the current sales reports in coresuite country package.
The unique description is displayed in brackets in order to uniquely identify each

9.5.1 Sales Revenue Dashboard - XC (SAR130003)

The coresuite Sales Revenue Dashboard displays Sales Revenue of the current
Financial Year grouped by Sales Employees, Countries, Customers or Item
Groups (Service documents are marked as "Service" item group) in comparison to
the Previous Year To Day (YTD).
The amounts displayed are the net amounts taken from the Sales Marketing

Documents. Sales Revenue is the combination of Invoices and Credit Notes.
Discounts are taken into consideration, Tax or Freight are not included.

This is a Sample Dashboard delivered for free w ithin the c ountry pac kage to
demonstrate how data related to sales doc uments c an be visualized w ith Cry stal
Dashboard. To use this dashboard in a produc tive environment c ontac t
support@c oresy stems.c h to buy the adjusted dashboard spec ific for y our c ompany .

Requirements & Settings

To view the report on ensure that Flashplayer is installed on the system. We
recommend the free Adobe Flashplayer 10.0.
By default the values of the Dashboard are refreshed automatically every 15
Minutes. This interval can be adjusted by your administrator.

To display the form

Select coresuite Reports --> Sales --> Sales Revenue Dashboard - XC (FIN60001)
Select Sales --> Sales Reports --> Sales Revenue Dashboard - XC (FIN60001)

General Authorizations
Only users with authorization right to the Datasource "Sales Revenue Dashboard -
XC (FIN60001)" can view this report. The authorization can be set in SAP Business
One under

Main Menu -> Administration -> System Initialization -> Authorizations -> General
-> User Authorization -> coresuite designer -> Datasource -> SAR -> Sales Revenue
Dashboard - XC (FIN60001).


9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 485


9.5.2 Sales Documents (SAR06000)

Display relevant data for selected Sales Documents. All amounts displayed are net

To display the form

Select coresuite Reports --> Sales --> Documents - Sales - LD (SAR06000)

Parameter form

Parameter form description

Field Description

Order by (Text Select the Object Type from the Drop Down Box by
Drop Down Box) which the Data is grouped.
Possible Selections:
· Business Partner (Default)
· Delivery Date (Due Date)
· Document Date
· Document Owner
· Sales Person
· Item Group
· Country
· Item Name
· Business Partner Group
· Dist. Rule (Profit Center)

Document Type Select the Document Type(s) from the Drop Down Box
(Text Drop Down which should be displayed in the report.

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 487

Box) Possible Selections:
· Sales Quotation (Default)
· Sales Order
· Delivery & Return
· Delivery Only
· Return Only
· Invoice & Credit Memo
· Invoice & Credit Memo & down Payment Invoice
· Invoice Only
· Credit Memo Only
· Down Payment Invoice
· All

Status (Text Drop Select from the Drop Down Box documents of which
Down Box) status should be displayed.
Possible Selections:
· Open (Default)
Only display open documents
· Close
Only display closed documents
· All
Display both open and closed documents

Detailed (Text Select from the Drop Down Box if the all document
Drop Down Box) rows should be displayed in the report or not.
Possible Selections:
· No (Default)
Do not display document rows
· Yes
Display document rows

Include document Select from the Drop Down Box if Freight and
Freight/Rounding Rounding on Document Header should be calculated in
(Text Drop Down the amounts displayed or not.
Box) Possible Selection:
· No (Default)
Do not take the Freight and Rounding on Document
Header into consideration
· Yes
Take the Freight and Rounding on Document Header
into consideration

This parameter is new sinc e V ersion 2.90. Before the

freight and rounding on doc ument header w as not taken

into c onsideration. In general the c orrec t w ay w ould be to

take it into c onsideration. For c ompatibility reason w e

added this parameter and used the default value to display

the same values as in older V ersions.

Optional Filter The parameters below allow to filter the data displayed
in the Report. All filters are optional and can be left

Business Partner Select the Business Partner(s) from the choose from
(Text Choose From list which should be displayed in the report. It is
List) possible to select multiple Business Partners. Only
Documents for the selected Business Partner(s) will be

Item (Text Choose Select the item(s) from the choose from list which
From List) should be displayed in the report. It is possible to
select multiple items. Only Documents for the selected
item(s) will be displayed.

Reference Date Select the earliest Date as filter in the datasource

From (Date query
Calendar Selection)

Reference Date To Select the latest Date as filter in the datasource query
(Date Calendar

Sales employee Select the Sales employee(s) from the choose from list
(Text Choose From which should be displayed in the report. It is possible to
List) select multiple Sales employees. Only Documents for
the selected Sales employee(s) will be displayed.

Preview Sample

9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 489

9.6 Service

See below the list of all the current service reports in coresuite country package.
The unique description is displayed in brackets in order to uniquely identify each

9.6.1 Service Dashboard - XC (SRV140000)

The coresuite Service Dashboard displays the queue of all open Service Calls in
the SAP Business One system and offers analysis of the Workload of Service
Consultants with 3 integrated charts.

This is a Sample Dashboard delivered for free w ithin the c ountry pac kage to
demonstrate how data related to servic e c alls c an be visualized w ith Cry stal Dashboard.
To use this dashboard in a produc tive environment c ontac t support@c oresy stems.c h to
buy the adjusted dashboard spec ific for y our c ompany .

Requirements & Settings

To view the report on ensure that Flashplayer is installed on the system. We
recommend the free Adobe Flashplayer 10.0.

By default the values of the Dashboard are refreshed automatically every 5
Minutes. This interval can be adjusted by your administrator.

To display the form

Select coresuite Reports --> Service --> Service Dashboard - XC (SRV140000)
Select Service --> Service Reports --> Service Dashboard - XC (SRV140000)



9 coresuite layouts, reports & dashboards 491

10 coresuite widgets

This section includes all information about widgets delivered with the coresuite
country package which can be used in the SAP Cockpit.

10.1 Prerequisite

In order to be able to use the coresuite widgets the following is required:

· SAP Business One 8.8 PL12 (or later is installed)

· .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
· Adobe® Flash Payer

Furthermore you need to enable the Cockpit functionality

· The Cockpit is enabled for the Company (contact your administrator in case it is
not activated)

10 coresuite widgets 493

· Activate the Cockpit:

10.2 Overview

The following table resumes the widgets currently available with the country

Name Description Access

dashboards View simple and complex Dashboards To display the form
from the SAP Business One Cockpit to get and use it in the
important numbers in a quick view SAP Business One
Select -> My Cockpit
-> coresuite widgets
-> dashboards
and drag the widget
to the cockpit

Name Description Access
enterprise Search your Database for Contact, To display the form
search Documents and more from within the SAP and use it in the
Business One Cockpit SAP Business One
Select -> My Cockpit
-> coresuite widgets
-> enterprise search
and drag the widget
to the cockpit

social Access Social Networks like Linked In, To display the form
networks Facebook and others from the SAP and use it in the
Business One Cockpit to contact your SAP Business One
Business Partner Contacts online. Cockpit
Select -> My Cockpit
-> coresuite widgets
-> social networks
and drag the widget
to the cockpit

world time Show different clocks with all time zones. To display the form
Add your custom description like the and use it in the
name of the company, customers or SAP Business One
subsidiaries Cockpit
Select -> My Cockpit
-> coresuite widgets
-> world time
and drag the widget
to the cockpit

coresuite time Shows relevant data to each employee, To display the form
balances like the worked time and the remaining and use it in the
holidays. SAP Business One
In order to use this w idget, c oresuite
Select -> My Cockpit
time must be installed as prerequisite.
-> coresuite widgets
-> Balances
and drag the widget
to the cockpit

10.3 dashboards

View simple and complex Dashboards from the SAP Business One Cockpit to get
important numbers in a quick view.

10 coresuite widgets 495

Right-Clicking in the Settings menu you can choose which dashboard should be
displayed on the current widget.

Some of the dashboards are here described:

Preview Dashboard Name Description

The coresuite country

package provides a Sample
Column Chart to be used as a
Dashboard Container to
display only data relevant for
your company.

The Column Chart can be used

to display financial data like
Column Chart
turnover or profit over 12 months in
Dashboard Container comparison to the budget defined

In 3 simple steps your

administrator may create several
Dashboards that fit your
requirements. For detailed
information how to refer to the
coresuite designer administrator

Preview Dashboard Name Description

The coresuite country

package provides a Sample
Gauge to be used as a
Dashboard Container to
display only data relevant for
your company.

The Gauge can be used to

display financial data like turnover
Gauge Dashboard
or profit of the current finance year
Container in comparison to the budget defined

In 3 simple steps your

administrator may create several
Dashboards that fit your
requirements. For detailed
information how to refer to the
coresuite designer administrator

The coresuite country

package provides a Sample
Pie Chart to be used as a
Dashboard Container to
display only data relevant for
your company.

Click on the Magnifier or

information icon to change the view

Pie Chart Dashboard

Container The Pie Chart can be used to
display Sales Revenue of the Top 10
Items, Business Partners,

In 3 simple steps your

administrator may create several
Dashboards that fit your
requirements. For detailed
information how to refer to the
coresuite designer administrator

10 coresuite widgets 497

Preview Dashboard Name Description


The coresuite Sales Revenue

Dashboard displays Sales
Revenue of the current
Financial Year grouped by
Sales Employees, Countries,
Customers or Item Groups
(Service documents are
Sales Revenue
marked as "Service" item
Dashboard - XC
group) in comparison to the
Previous Year To Day (YTD).

The Report can also be

launched from the menu c oresuite
Reports --> Sales --> Sales Revenue
Dashboard - XC (FIN60001) w ithout
using the Widget Functionality

The coresuite Service

Dashboard displays the queue
of all open Service Calls in the
SAP Business One system and
offers analysis of the Workload
of Service Consultants with 3
Service Dashboard - integrated charts.
XC (SRV140000)

The Report can also be

launched from the menu c oresuite
Reports --> Service --> Service
Dashboard - XC (SRV140000)
without using the Widget

The coresuite Profit and Loss

vs Budget Dashboard
compares the current income
Profit and Loss vs including to the budget (broken
Budget Dashboard - down into KPI measures).
XC (FIN600001)
Gross Profit, Turnover, Profit
(loss), Total Costs and Budget
are calculated according to the

Preview Dashboard Name Description

account classification of core

suite accounting.

The Report can also be

launched from the menu c oresuite
Reports --> Finance --> Budget -->
Profit and Loss vs Budget Dashboard
- XC (FIN600001) without using the
Widget Functionality

In order to display all the dashboard w idgets, Adobe® Flash Play er must be installed
and c oresuite designer must be installed and running.

10 coresuite widgets 499

10.4 enterprise search

With the coresuite enterprise search widget you can search and display objects
of your SAP® Business ONE Systems and show them in a single screen.

Searc h w ith autoc ompletion

Searc h results

The detailed manual of the coresuite enterprise search is available at

coresystems website.

10.5 social networks

The social networks widgets displays the most common social network portals into
your SAP® Business One Cockpit.

To choose which website should be display click on the Settings menu entry located
at the top right corner of the widget.

10 coresuite widgets 501

The Widget settings form is displayed. After selecting one of the entries, press OK
to confirm. The portal will then be displayed on the main widget form.

The configuration is automatically saved. When Business One is restarted and the
coresuite country package starts, the choosen portal will be re-loaded

10.6 world time

The world time widgets shows a lit of configurable clocks. This widget can be used
to monitor the time in different time zones (e.g. with subsidiaries or business

After dragging the world time widget into the SAP Business One cockpit, two clocks
are displayed by default.

The widget settings form allows the user to modify the existing clocks or add new

Time Span is referred to UTC Time.

10 coresuite widgets 503

After confirming with OK the widget is reloaded with all the clocks specified in the
configuration settings.
Clocks are updated every minute.

10.7 coresuite time balances

This widget shows the worked hours and holidays of each employee.

In order to use this w idget, c oresuite time must be installed as prerequisite.

11 FAQ

· What is the difference between the Datasources Document_88 and Document for
Marketing Documents?
See answer under "Document_88 vs Document Datasource"

· Why is it very slow or I even get Timeout errors when printing marketing
documents after upgrading SAP Business One to Version 8.8?
See answer under "How to use the new Datasource"

· Why are my VAT details not displayed in the Marketing Documents when using
the Datasource Document_88?
See answer under "How to adjust VAT Subtotals"

· Why are my Batch Number details not displayed in the Marketing Documents
when using the Datasource Document_88?
See answer under "How to adjust Batch Number details"

· Why are my Serial Number details not displayed in the Marketing Documents
when using the Datasource Document_88?
See answer under "How to adjust Serial Number details"

11.1 Document_88 vs Document Datasource

Due to new Tables introduced in SAP 8.8 for Batch and Serial Numbers, we
introduced a new Datasource Document_88 for Marketing documents.
The Datasource Document is still available for compatibility reason but not used in
the latest Version of the coresuite country package. The datasource may still be
used in user defined layouts.

The table below should explain the similarities and differences between these two
datasource and when you should use which datasource.

Description Document_88 Document

Supported SAP Business One SAP Business One 2007 SAP Business One 2007
Versions SP01 SAP Business One 8.8
SAP Business One 8.8
W e experienc ed
major performanc e

11 FAQ 505
Description Document_88 Document
issues in V ersion 8.8
w hen using this
datasourc e in a
Company Database that
handles many Batc h or
Serial Numbers.

Handling of VAT subtotals Available Datasource Available Datasource

Queries are: Queries are:
The former datasourc e · B1_Data.Document. · B1_Data.Document.
"Doc ument" inc luded 5 Queries
DocumentDocument DocumentVatSum
for c ompatibility reasons. These
WithExpDpmVatSum · B1_Data.Document.
w ere replac ed by one query in
the new Datasourc e DocumentDpmVatSu
W hen c hanging an m
"Doc ument_88" to improve the
existing lay out to use the
overall performanc e. · B1_Data.Document.
new datasourc e
"Doc ument_88" the
Databand that display the m
V AT Subtotals must be · B1_Data.Document.
adjusted. See details DocumentDocument
below . WithExpVatSum
· B1_Data.Document.

Handling of Batch Numbers Available Datasource Available Datasource

Queries are: Queries are:

B1_Data.Row. B1_Data.Row.
RowRowBatchNumber RowRowBatchNumber
s s
Relevant Data from Relevant Data from
Tables: Tables (VIEW in SAP
SAP Business One 8.8 Business One 8.8)
· OITL - Inventory · OIBT - Batch Number
Transaction Log for Item
· ITL1 - Serial & Batch · IBT1 - Batch Number
Details in Transaction
· OBTQ - Batch
Number Quantities

SAP Business One 2007

· OIBT - Batch
Numbers for Item

Description Document_88 Document
· IBT1 - Batch Number

Relevant Data from
· OBTN (Batch
Numbers Master
· OR in case of draft
documents OBDN
(Batch Numbers -
Draft - Master Data)

For SAP Business

One V ersion 2007 the
Datasourc e
Batc hNumbersMaster
returns an empty row

Handling of Serial Numbers Available Datasource Available Datasource

Queries are: Queries are:

B1_Data.Row. B1_Data.Row.
RowRowSerialNumber RowRowSerialNumber
s s
Relevant Data from Relevant Data from
Tables: Tables (VIEW in SAP
SAP Business One 8.8 Business One 8.8)
· OITL - Inventory · OSRI - Serial
Transaction Log Numbers for Item
· ITL1 - Serial & Batch · SRI1 - Serial Number
Details in Transaction for Item
· OSRQ - Serial
Number Quantities

SAP Business One 2007

· OSRI - Serial
Numbers for Item
· SRI1 - Serial Number

11 FAQ 507
Description Document_88 Document
Transaction for Item

Relevant Data from
· OSRN (Serial
Numbers Master
· OR in case of draft
documents ODSN
(Serial Numbers -
Draft - Master Data)

For SAP Business

One V ersion 2007 the
Datasourc e
returns an empty row

Fields RowRowBatchNumbers
Below is a detailed view of the fields in the datasource RowRowBatchNumbers
Name Description Document_88: Document:
Origin SAP Origin SAP
Business One Business One
Table.Field Table.Field

DocEn Unique key of the relevant document @@RDR1. @@RDR1.

try DocEntry DocEntry

LineN Unique key of the relevant line/row in @@RDR1. @@RDR1.

um the document LineNum LineNum

Quant Actual Quantity of the Batch in the WHEN Sales IBT1.Quantity

ity Document Line Order

Total Total Quantity of the Batch in the WHEN Sales -

Name Description Document_88: Document:
Origin SAP Origin SAP
Business One Business One
Table.Field Table.Field

Quant Document Order


Direct Batch is coming in or going out of stock WHEN SUM IBT1.Direction

ion 0: In (default) (ITL1.
1: Out Quantity) > 0

ItemC Unique Key for the Item OITL. OIBT.

ode ItemCode ItemCode

Batch Distinct Number for Batches OBTN/ODBN. OIBT.

Num DistNum BatchNum

WhsC Warehouse where the batch is located OBTQ. OIBT.WhsCode

ode WhsCode

ItemN Description of the Item OITL. OIBT.

ame ItemName ItemName

SysNu System Number OBTN/ODBN. -

mber SysNumber

SuppS Batch Attribute 1 OBTN/ODBN. OIBT.

erial MnfSerial SuppSerial

IntrSe Batch Attribute 2 OBTN/ODBN. OIBT.IntrSerial

rial LotNumber

ExpDa Batch Expiration Date OBTN/ODBN. OIBT.ExpDate

te ExpDate

PrdDa Batch Manufacturing Date OBTN/ODBN. OIBT.PrdDate

te MnfDate

InDate Batch Admission Date OBTN/ODBN. OIBT.InDate


Locat Batch Location OBTN/ODBN. OIBT.Located

ed Location

11 FAQ 509
Name Description Document_88: Document:
Origin SAP Origin SAP
Business One Business One
Table.Field Table.Field

Notes Batch Details OBTN/ODBN. OIBT.Notes


Quant Duplicate field in Datasource Document - (Duplicate OIBT.Quantity

ity1 Actual Quantity of the Batch in the field in
Document Line Datasource

BaseT Transaction Type OITL.DocType OIBT.

ype -1, 0 BaseType
13 A/R Invoice
15 Delivery
16 Returns
17 Sales Order
18 A/P Invoice
20 Goods Receipt PO
21 Goods Return
22 Purchase Order
23 Sales Quotation
59 Goods Receipt
67 Inventory Transfer
69 Landed Costs
163 A/P Correction Invoice
164 A/P Correction Invoice Reversal
165 A/R Correction Invoice
166 A/R Correction Invoice Reversal
202 Production Order
203 A/R Down Payment
204 A/P Down Payment

BaseE Base Document Internal ID OITL.DocEntry OIBT.

ntry BaseEntry

BaseN Base Document Number OITL.DocNum OIBT.BaseNum


BaseLi Base Document Row Number OITL.DocLine OIBT.

neNu BaseLineNum

CardC Business Partner Code OITL. OIBT.

ode CardCode CardCode

CardN Business Partner Name OITL. OIBT.

Name Description Document_88: Document:
Origin SAP Origin SAP
Business One Business One
Table.Field Table.Field

ame CardName CardName

Creat Batch Creation Date OBTN/ODBN. OIBT.

eDate CreateDate CreateDate

Status Status OBTN/ODBN. OIBT.Status


Direct Duplicate field in Datasource Document - (Duplicate OIBT.Direction

ion1 Batch is coming in or going out of stock field in
0: In (default) Datasource
1: Out Document)

IsCom Committed Quantity OBTQ. OIBT.

mitte CommitQty IsCommitted

OnOrd Ordered - OIBT.OnOrder


Count Counted Quantity OBTQ. -

Qty CountQty

Consi Consignment Goods Warehouse - OIBT.Consig


Datas Data Source - OIBT.

Sourc DataSource

UserSi User Signature - OIBT.UserSign


Transf Transferred - OIBT.

erred Transferred

Instan Instance - OIBT.Instance


LogEn Log Internal ID MIN(OITL. -

try LogEntry)

TransI Transaction ID MIN(OITL. -

d TransId)

Manag Management Method OITL. -

edBy 10000044 - Batch Numbers ManagedBy

11 FAQ 511
Name Description Document_88: Document:
Origin SAP Origin SAP
Business One Business One
Table.Field Table.Field

10000045 - Serial Numbers

4 - Item

Stock Stock Effect (default 0) OITL.StockEff -


DocQt Doc. Quantity SUM(OITL. -

y DocQty)

Stock Stock Affecting Quantity SUM(OITL. -

Qty (+): stock receipt StockQty)
(-): stock issue
(0): stock quantity 0 for documents that do not affect
the stock

LocTy Location Type OITL.LocType -


AppDo Applied Document Number OITL. -

cNum AppDocNum

AbsEn Primary Key to BatchNumbersMaster OBTN. -

try AbsEntry

Fields RowRowSerialNumbers
Below is a detailed view of the fields in the datasource RowRowSerialNumbers
Name Description Document_88: Document:
Origin SAP Origin SAP
Business One Business One
Table.Field Table.Field

DocEn Unique key of the relevant document @@RDR1. @@RDR1.

try DocEntry DocEntry

LineN Unique key of the relevant line/row in @@RDR1. @@RDR1.

um the document LineNum LineNum

Direct Serialized Item is coming in or going WHEN SUM SRI1.Direction

ion out of stock (ITL1.
0: In (default) Quantity) > 0
1: Out THEN 0

Name Description Document_88: Document:
Origin SAP Origin SAP
Business One Business One
Table.Field Table.Field

WhsC Warehouse where the item is located OSRQ. SRI1.WhsCode

ode WhsCode

ItemC Unique Key for the Item OITL. OSRI.

ode ItemCode ItemCode

SysSer Distinct System Number for Serial OSRN/ODSN. OSRI.SysSerial

ial SysNumber

SuppS Manufacturer Serial No. OSRN/ODSN. OSRI.

erial MnfSerial SuppSerial

IntrSe Serial Number OSRN/ODSN. OSRI.IntrSerial

rial DistNum

BatchI Lot Number OSRN/ODSN. OSRI.BatchId

d LotNumber

ExpDa Serialized Item Expiration Date OSRN/ODSN. OSRI.ExpDate

te ExpDate

PrdDa Serialized Item Manufacturing Date OSRN/ODSN. OSRI.PrdDate

te MnfDate

InDate Serialized Item Admission Date OSRN/ODSN. OSRI.InDate


GrntSt Mfr Warranty Start Date OSRN/ODSN. OSRI.

art GrntStart GrntStart

GrntE Mfr Warranty End Date OSRN/ODSN. OSRI.GrntExp

xp GrntExp

Locat Serialized Item Location OSRN/ODSN. OSRI.Located

ed Location

Notes Serial Details OSRN/ODSN. OSRI.Notes


Quant Actual Quantity of the Serialized Item WHEN Sales OSRI.Quantity

ity in the Document Line Order

11 FAQ 513
Name Description Document_88: Document:
Origin SAP Origin SAP
Business One Business One
Table.Field Table.Field

Total Total Quantity of the Serialized Item in WHEN Sales -

Quant the Document Order

BaseT Transaction Type OITL.DocType OSRI.

ype -1, 0 BaseType
13 A/R Invoice
15 Delivery
16 Returns
17 Sales Order
18 A/P Invoice
20 Goods Receipt PO
21 Goods Return
22 Purchase Order
23 Sales Quotation
59 Goods Receipt
67 Inventory Transfer
69 Landed Costs
163 A/P Correction Invoice
164 A/P Correction Invoice Reversal
165 A/R Correction Invoice
166 A/R Correction Invoice Reversal
202 Production Order
203 A/R Down Payment
204 A/P Down Payment

BaseE Base Document Internal ID OITL.DocEntry OSRI.

ntry BaseEntry

BaseN Base Document Number OITL.DocNum OSRI.BaseNum


BaseLi Base Document Row Number OITL.DocLine OSRI.

neNu BaseLineNum

Creat Serial Creation Date OSRN/ODSN. OSRI.

eDate CreateDate CreateDate

Name Description Document_88: Document:
Origin SAP Origin SAP
Business One Business One
Table.Field Table.Field

CardC Business Partner Code OITL. OSRI.

ode CardCode CardCode

CardN Business Partner Name OITL. OSRI.

ame CardName CardName

ItemN Description of the Item OITL. OSRI.

ame ItemName ItemName

Status Status OSRN/ODSN. OSRI.Status


Direct Duplicate field in Datasource Document - (Duplicate OSRI.Direction

ion1 Serialized Item is coming in or going field in
out of stock Datasource
0: In (default) Document)
1: Out

Datas Data Source - OSRI.

Sourc DataSource

UserSi User Signature - OSRI.UserSign


Transf Transferred - OSRI.

erred Transferred

Instan Instance - OSRI.Instance


LogEn Log Internal ID MIN(OITL. -

try LogEntry)

TransI Transaction ID MIN(OITL. -

d TransId)

Manag Management Method OITL. -

edBy 10000044 - Batch Numbers ManagedBy
10000045 - Serial Numbers
4 - Item

Stock Stock Effect (default 0) OITL.StockEff -


11 FAQ 515
Name Description Document_88: Document:
Origin SAP Origin SAP
Business One Business One
Table.Field Table.Field

DocQt Doc. Quantity SUM(OITL. -

y DocQty)

Stock Stock Affecting Quantity SUM(OITL. -

Qty (+): stock receipt StockQty)
(-): stock issue
(0): stock quantity 0 for documents
that do not affect the stock

LocTy Location Type OITL.LocType -


AppDo Applied Document Number OITL. -

cNum AppDocNum

AbsEn Primary Key to BatchNumbersMaster OSRN/ODSN. -

try AbsEntry

11.1.1 How to use new Datasource

Issue: After upgrading SAP Business One to Version 8.8

· It takes much longer to print or preview Marketing Documents
· There is a Timeout error when printing or previewing Marketing Documents

New Tables for Serial and Batch Numbers were introduced in SAP 8.8. The old
Tables where replaces by SQL Views. When using these views in the original
Datasource SQL Query combined in JOINs with other tables it takes many
ressources to get the results. The more Serial and/or Batch Numbers are in a
Company Database the slower it will be to return these Results.

Solution: Use the datasource Document_88 instead of Document in the affected

1. Open a relevant document (example AR Invoice) and Preview the the Layout by
selecting the Preview... Button or via Menu > File > Preview
2. From the preview launch the Layoutdefinition by selecting the Print Layout
Designer... Button or via Menu > Tools > Print Layout Designer...
3. Change the Datasource in the Layoutdefinition to "Document_88" and update the

11.1.2 How to adjust VAT Subtotals

Issue: After changing the Datasource in the Layout:

· VAT Values are not displayed in the printout or preview anymore.
· When launching the Report Preview from the Designer the following Render
message appears:

The Datasources B1_Data.Document.DocumentVatSum, B1_Data.Document.
DocumentDpmVatSum, B1_Data.Document.DocumentExpVatSum and B1_Data.
Document.DocumentDocumentWithExpVatSum were removed in the Datasource

Solution: Use the correct Datasource.

1. Open the Sharpshooter designer from the Layoutdefinition by selecting the Open
Designer Button
2. Find the databand in the Document tree that displays the VAT Subtotals of the
Example in the DIN Layout DocumentVATSum AdvancedDataBand

11 FAQ 517
3. Change the DataSource Property of the Databand to the correct Datasource

11.1.3 How to adjust Batch Number details

Issue: After changing the Datasource in the Layout:

· Details on Batchnumbers (for example Dates, Notes, User Defined Fields, ...) are
not displayed in the printout or preview anymore.
· When launching the Report Preview from the Designer a Render message
appears to notify that certain Datasource field(s) related to Batch Numbers were
not found:

The default Marketing DIN lay out "Doc ument DIN - LD (DOC00008)" delivered w ith the
c oresuite c ountry pac kage is NOT affec ted by this issue as the relevant details are not
display ed.

Due to the changes in the Table structure for Batch Numbers in SAP Business One
we had to move the Batch Number Details like Dates, Notes, User Defined
Fields, ... to a new Datasource Query BatchNumbersMaster.

Solution: Draw the data from the new Datasource Query

1. Open the Sharpshooter designer from the Layoutdefinition by selecting the Open
Designer Button.
2. Find the databand in the Document tree that displays the Batch Number details
of the Document on Item Level.
Example in the DIN Layout "Document DIN - LD (DOC00008)" look for the
DocumentRowBatchNumbers AdvancedDataBand in the Document tree under
> doc1 > page1 > Document > DocumentRow > RowGroup

11 FAQ 519
3. Adjust the relevant Text Fields to draw the data from the new Datasource
Query RowBatchNumbersBatchNumbersMaster.
Example in the DIN Layout "Document DIN - LD (DOC00008)" use the relevant
fields (Example CreateDate, ExpDate, UDF,...) of the subquey
RowBatchNumbersBatchNumbersMaster of the AdvancedDataBand
DocumentRowBatchNumbers under Bands.

11.1.4 How to adjust Serial Number details

Issue: After changing the Datasource in the Layout:

· Details on Serial Numbers (for example Dates, Notes, User Defined Fields, ...)
are not displayed in the printout or preview anymore.
· When launching the Report Preview from the Designer a Render message
appears to notify that certain Datasource field(s) related to Serial Numbers were
not found:

The default Marketing DIN lay out "Doc ument DIN - LD (DOC00008)" delivered w ith the
c oresuite c ountry pac kage is NOT affec ted by this issue as the relevant details are not
display ed.

Due to the changes in the Table structure for Serial Numbers in SAP Business One
we had to move the Serial Number Details like Dates, Notes, User Defined
Fields, ... to a new Datasource Query SerialNumbersMaster.

Solution: Draw the data from the new Datasource Query

1. Open the Sharpshooter designer from the Layoutdefinition by selecting the Open
Designer Button.
2. Find the databand in the Document tree that displays the Serial Number details
of the Document on Item Level.
Example in the DIN Layout "Document DIN - LD (DOC00008)" look for the
DocumentRowSerials AdvancedDataBand in the Document tree under
> doc1 > page1 > Document > DocumentRow > RowGroup

3. Adjust the relevant Text Fields to draw the data from the new Datasource
Query RowSerialNumbersSerialNumbersMaster.
Example in the DIN Layout "Document DIN - LD (DOC00008)" use the relevant
fields (Example CreateDate, ExpDate, UDF,...) of the subquey
RowSerialNumbersSerialNumbersMaster of the AdvancedDataBand
DocumentRowSerials under Bands.

11 FAQ 521
Index -C-
C# 112, 130
categories 374
-*- Chart of Accounts (FIN05401) 467
Chart of Accounts KPI (FIN05401) 468
*.cocu 140 Chart of Accounts Template (FIN05401) 469
Choose from List 265
-A- Class Groups 57
Classes 53
Account Mapping 50 closed documents 374
AddHyperlink 310 cocu 140, 144
Advanced Data Band 290 Code 136
Advanced Group Band 292 Combobox 131, 132, 175, 264
Advanced Text 286 configuration 196, 370
AdvancedGroupBand 301 Content 294
Aggregatfunktionen 331 Copy Queries 241
Anzahl 331 COR_CUSTOM_EC 125
Arrows 304 COR_CUSTOM_EX 126
Ausdruck 105 COR_CUSTOM_FB 118
Auslöserelement 105 COR_CUSTOM_FO 105
Availability French 17 COR_CUSTOM_IM 127
Availability Germany 17 COR_CUSTOM_IP 115
Availability Swedish Database 17 COR_CUSTOM_NI 120
Availability Switzerland 17 COR_CUSTOM_NM 123
Availability UK 17 coresuite time 367, 370, 372, 377, 378, 380
Availability USA 17 Course 130
Availability, Standalone designer 17 Create items 132
Average 331 CreateTableFromText 311
Customer (A/R) 458
-B- Customer (A/R) Account Journals (FIN05410)
Balance Sheet 429 Customer (A/R) Ageing Report (FIN05406)
Balance Sheet (FIN05402) 429 458
Balance Template (FIN05403) 431 Customer (A/R) Ageing Statement (FIN05418)
Barcode 289 461
Basic element 105
Basiselement 105 -D-
BatchPrinting 237
BookmarkText 311 Data Sources 243
Breite 185 DataSource 290
Budget 444 Date 315
Budget Report - KPI (FIN05440) 450 default fields 367
Budget Report (FIN05433) 453 Delete rule 146
Button 132 Designer Summary 336
Detail 291 Grid 132
document lines 373 Grid Settings 329
Document tree 295 Grouping 301
DrawImage 315
Durchschnitt 331 -H-
-E- Header
Editor 112 Hide field 171
E-Mail 250 history view 384
estimated Standard deviation 331 Höhe 185
Estimated variation 331
Example 130 -I-
Examples 149
Export 126, 140, 144 Import 127, 140
Export rule 144 Import rule 140
Extended Code 125 Inclination 331
ExtendeTextEdit 131 Integrated Sharpshooter Designer 17
External Crystal Reports 17 Introduction 130
External XCelsius 17 IsEmpty 321
IsPurchase 322
-F- IsPurchase / IsSales
IsSales 322

Fenster 185 Item Placement 115, 175

File 140 ItemPlacement 175
FilterExpression 296
Filtering Data 296 -J-
Footer 292
Form 105 Journal / Statement 437
Form Types 235 Journal Entry (FIN05419) 442
Forms 103 Journal Transactions (FIN05420) 437
FormTyp 137
FormType 137 -K-
Fstr 315
Function button 118 Kurtosis 331
Functions 297, 308
-G- Language Selection 255
geschätzte Standardabweichung 331 Layout 305
Geschätzte Varianz 331 Layoutdefinition 214
GetDesc 316 Left 185
GetDimensions 318 Linked 154
GetEANCheckDigit 319 LinkedObject 154
GetFormattedAddress 319 Links 185
GetMLDesc 320 List 131, 132
Lists 467 OpenPrintdef 325
LuunkedObject 154 Optimizer 105
Orange arrow 154
-M- oranger Pfeil 154
own documents 372
Master Template 294
Median 331 Page Footer 294
Min 331 Page Header 289
MultiLine 322 Page Overlay 294
MultiLine RTF 323 Page properties 305
Multilingual 252 Page Settings 305
Pane 157
-N- PaneLevel 157
Panning 175
Neues Register 164 ParamDate 326
New Item 120 ParamDateTime 327
New Menu 123 Parameter 186, 234, 258
Parameter Design 262
-O- Parameter modes 263
PDF Export 267
Object 154 Permissions 128
Objectives and General Information 49 Picture 287
--OLD KEYWORDS-- 137, 154, 157, 185, Planning 21
331 Print 268
----OLD_KEYWORDS----Color field 167 Printdefinition 225
----OLD_KEYWORDS----COR_CUSTOM_FB Printout 105
Profit and Loss 422
----OLD_KEYWORDS----Editor 112
Profit and Loss - KPI (FIN05438) 422
----OLD_KEYWORDS----Item Placement 115
Profit and Loss (FIN05404) 424
----OLD_KEYWORDS----Lock field 173
Profit and Loss by Profitcenter - KPI
----OLD_KEYWORDS----Mandatory fields (FIN05430) 426
Profit and Loss by Template (FIN05405) 426
----OLD_KEYWORDS----New Item 120
Profit and Loss vs. Budget - KPI (FIN05439)
----OLD_KEYWORDS----Optimizer 105 444
----OLD_KEYWORDS----Pre-installed examples Profit and Loss vs. Budget (FIN05408) 448
prototype 23
----OLD_KEYWORDS----UDF auf Hauptform
OneNewLine 323 -Q-
Open 136
Quantity 331
open documents 383
Queries 243
Opening Balance (FIN05413) 433
Query 132
Opening the Designer 305, 339
QueryData 327
OpenLayout 324
QueryDataDate 328
OpenObject 325
Quick access 102 Top 185
Quick Guide 102 Totals 331
Trial Balance (FIN05533) 441
-R- Trigger element 105

Read parameter
Read value 131
186 -U-
RegEx 112, 136 UDF 180
RemotePrinting 272 UDF auf Hauptform 180
ReplaceTextParam 328 UI 103
Rightclick 160
Rightclickmenu 160 -V-
Rule 183
Rules 128 Validation 190
Varianz 331
-S- Variation 331
VAT by Account (FIN05415) 471
Schiefe 331 VAT by Code (FIN05414) 470
search free text 378 VB 112
search in autocomplete mode 377 VB.Net 130
SelectGrid 274 Vendor (A/P) 463
settings 370, 372 Vendor (A/P) Account Journals (FIN05410)
Shape 288 465
Shell 186 Vendor (A/P) Ageing Report (FIN05406) 463
Side by Side 293 Visual Basic 130
SQL 112, 136, 186
SQL Parameter Query 266 -W-
Standard deviation 331
Standard Functions 308 WeekOfYear 329
Standardabweichung 331 Width 185
styles 330 Window 185
Subtotals 57 Windows 103
Sum 331 Wizard 160
Summe 331
Systeminformationen" 32

Tax Report 470
Technical information 189
Template properties 329
Text Collection 252
Textbox 285
Textcollection 230
TextEdit 131, 132, 175
Texttools 330
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