2020 - Zakir Et Al - Dhole in Northeast Bangladesh

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Dhole Cuon alpinus in Satchari National Park: on the first verifiable evidence
from northeast Bangladesh

Article  in  Mammalia · May 2020

DOI: 10.1515/mammalia-2019-0050


2 536

3 authors:

Tania Zakir Harish Debbarma

University of Dhaka 3 PUBLICATIONS   2 CITATIONS   

Muntasir Akash
University of Dhaka


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Kalenga Wildlife Sanctuary of the Tarap Hill
T. Zakir et al.: Dhole in northeast Bangladesh 3

(Mukul et al. 2006). Having a tropical climate, the average We divided the study area into 53 grids of 250 m by
annual rainfall of the area is 4,162 mm. Temperature ranges 250 m and considered grids on the park border that
from about 12–32 °C, and relative humidity fluctuates between included more than 30% of the park area (Figure 1B).
74% during December to 90% during July–August (Choud- Camera trap points were selected that we considered as
hury et al. 2004; Mukul et al. 2006; NSP 2006). crucial after the initial reconnaissance survey. We
The SNP is one of the smallest among the 17 national considered intersections of the trails include bridge un-
parks of Bangladesh, an IUCN category II Protected Area derpasses, trails, crossroads and wide sections of dried out
with an area undulating with slopes and hillocks, ranging streambeds etc.
from 10–50 m in height (NSP 2006; WDPA 2016). The soil We carried out camera trapping by installing camera
texture is sandy loam to silty clay with sparse grass cover at traps in 12 grids for approximately 4 winter months
places. The entire park area is characteristically criss- (October 2018–January 2019). We began with three camera
crossed by networks of small, dried out sandy-bedded traps deployed from 25 October 2018 for more than a month
streams. These streambeds can hold temporary pools only considering theft issues and, then, placed nine more
during the rainy season. Other than the monsoon, severe camera traps in different stations within the forest
water scarcity is a primary feature of the park and two (Figure 1B). Due to camera theft in three stations later on
ponds excavated by the forest department serves the de- and vandalization of one despite usages of python lock for
mand of wildlife. The forest department has infrastructure strengthened security, the total estimated sampling effort
on the northwestern tip of the park. The only Tipperah turned out as 587 trap nights. We did not use any lure to
village of the area is also positioned there housing 24 enhance the encounter rate. We sorted the pictures and
families. The locals also face the issue of inadequacy of considered photos of 30 min or more apart as independent
water but never use the forest ponds. A national highway events.
traverses the reserve forest separating the northern limit of Considering sign survey, we followed trails and dry
the SNP from the rest. Five bridges were built through the streambeds traversing the park. The park area has three
area to construct this highway. Dry streambeds run below open trail-walks: Half-hour trail, 1 h trail and 3 h trail.
the bridge underpass, connecting the park with the RHRF. These are maintained by the Forest Department. In addi-
The park is home to more than 208 plant species; tion, we also looked for signs on a longer 4 h trail walk
together with natural and mixed forests, the park is currently closed to tourists. Considering signs, we looked
bordered by tea estates, rubber and agar plantations for paw marks, hairs, carcasses. We followed this approach
(Mukul et al. 2006). Southerly, the park shares a teak throughout the camera-trapping days with a standard
plantation that merges with the borderline forests, then preference to start during sunrise.
with that of the Baramura Hill Range, Tripura (Figure 1A). A Questionnaire survey was completed with semi-struc-
total of six amphibians, 18 reptiles and 149 species birds tured open-ended approach. We used coloured images of
are deemed as denizens of the park. Of the 24 sighted species for an ease in conversation. The aim of question-
mammals of the park, 15 are carnivore including two ca- naire survey was to get perspectives of the local Tipperah
nids, three herpestids, five viverrids, three mustelids, one tribe on mammalian diversity of the park area.
ursids, and three lesser cats (IUCN Bangladesh 2015; Khan We used Garmin GPSMAP 64st and DNRGarmin to
2018; NSP 2006). Till date, there has been no systematic obtain and handle the GPS data, ArcGIS version 10.4 (ESRI,
study on the biodiversity of the park. Redlands, USA) to process these data for geo-referenced
Our findings of dhole came from our yearlong survey maps following the geo-datum WGS 1984.
(April 2018–April 2019) on the mammalian carnivores. We Statistical analyses were carried out using R version
deployed camera traps aided with sign survey and ques- 3.6.0 (R Development Core Team 2019). Organization of
tionnaire survey. We used Bushnell 119576C Trophy Cam camera trap images was done following Niedballa et al.
HD Max Trail Cams and followed Wearn and Kapfer (2017); (2016). Plotting of activity patterns was expressed in kernel
Boitani and Powell (2012); O’Connell et al. (2011) and TEAM density estimation plots. Using Ridout and Linkie (2009);
Network (2011) for protocols regarding height and distance Niedballa et al. (2016); we measured activity patterns of
among the camera trap stations. The maximum height of dhole, its potential prey species barking deer Muntiacus
the installed cameras was 30 cm above the ground. Each of muntjak and wild boar Sus scrofa in SNP. We also calcu-
the cameras, corresponding SD cards, and locks were given lated kernel densities of anthropogenic activities on two
a unique identity (hereafter, deployment ID) to enable different categories: Human activity (appearance of human
correct notation of date, time and location of each of on camera trap images) and livestock movement (appear-
photographic capture of a small carnivore. ance of free-roaming cattle on camera trap images). The

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4 T. Zakir et al.: Dhole in northeast Bangladesh

diel cycle was categorized based on sunrise and sunset as simulation gave the true value with actual proportion of
diurnal (active during the day) and nocturnal (active dur- confidence intervals.
ing darkness). Crepuscular time band was created by tak- We followed Mackenzie et al. (2017) and ran single-
ing 1 h before and 1.5 h after sunrise and 1.5 h both before species, single-season occupancy model for dhole in SNP
and after sunset. Based on Gerber et al. (2012); activity using Presence version 2.12.36 (Hines 2006) to get naïve
pattern was set to be cathemeral in case of irregular ac- occupancy estimate (SD/S), and detection probability (p)
tivities at any time of night or day. for each trapping station.
We estimated temporal overlap between diel activities We obtained a total of 32 photos of solitary individuals
of dhole and those of potential prey species and anthro- from five different stations in three different days on eight
pogenic activities following Ridout and Linkie (2009). independent occasions. In comparison to the complete
Capture times were considered as a random sample of the effort, relative abundance index (RAI) of dhole was 1.36. To
photos taken at any time of the day. The overlap data for calculate the RAI for dhole, we multiplied independent
dhole-barking deer, dhole-wild boar, dhole-human activity detections by hundred, and, then divided by the total
and human-livestock movement pairs were expressed us- number of camera trap nights (Azlan and Sharma 2006).
ing a coefficient of overlap, Δ  1 – a quantitative measure The RAI are assumed to be linearly correlated to overall
ranges from 0 (no overlap on active periods) to 1 (complete abundance in a particular area (Palmer et al. 2018). The
overlap, identical activity density). In accordance with naïve occupancy estimate of dhole (SD/S) was 0.41 based
Ridout and Linkie (2009); we used estimator Δ  1 because it on detection in five out of 12 trap stations with detection
is best to describe scenario coming with small sample sizes. probability (p) of 0.6455.
The 95% confidence intervals of these pairs were obtained The first picture of an individual appeared on 17
as percentile intervals from 10,000 bootstrap samples. The December 2018, at 0719 h (Figure 2A; Supplementary

Figure 2: Evidence of dhole Cuon alpinus in

Satchari National Park. (A) Camera Trap
Station 009 17 December 2018 at 07:19 h;
(B) Camera Trap Station 012 15 January
2019 at 09:52 h; (C) Camera Trap Station
003 15 January 2019 at 11:44 h; (D) Camera
Trap Station 008 15 January 2019 at 12:06 h;
(E) Camera Trap Station 011 17 January
2019 at 07:39 h; (F) Footprint of dhole
(photo: Harish Debbarma).

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T. Zakir et al.: Dhole in northeast Bangladesh 5

Table S1). We identified dholes from another four locations boar activity (Δ 1  0.31) as the latter being completely
later on (Figures 2B–E). It is noteworthy that, on 15 January nocturnal. Observing the 95% confidence interval for the
2019, three camera stations captured dhole. range of coverage’s for each pair, it becomes evident that
A single individual was captured on every image. the overlap estimate for dhole and barking deer shared a
However, we could only identify two different individuals narrower range; hence, higher likelihood of sharing the
which appeared on station 07. On 2021 h of 19 January 2019, same activity period. Supplementary Table S1 narrates the
within 5 s, two individuals singly appeared on camera dhole encounters in detail.
pacing at the same direction. We confirmed on their in- During the questionnaire survey, we found claims on
dividuality as the camera function was set as three the presence and sightings of dhole from the park area.
continuous images and one 8 s video in response to every Also, the interviewees reported findings of corpses of both
detection. One individual appeared on the last two of the 3- barking deer and wild boar allegedly attacked by dholes.
image series, the other on the video of the same sequence We compiled five incidents that were evidence of dhole
started immediately after the photo series. For the rest of
activity where at least two encounters indicated livestock
the images, we could not identify whether it was the same
depredation (Supplementary Table S1).
specimen or a different one.
Our study is the first confirmed evidence of dhole
Of all positive camera stations for dhole, the deploy-
presence from northeast Bangladesh. Owing to prey
ment ID 07 got the clearest and the highest number of
abundance and absence of any other sympatric apex
images (n = 12) on two events (Supplementary Table S1).
predators, we surmise that dhole likely uses the park area,
This was installed on a streambed that runs below a bridge
even the whole RHRF as well. This is based on direct ob-
and connects the RHRF with the park. The individual
servations as well as camera trap photos of two medium-
seemed curious, crossed the camera twice. We surmised
sized ungulate prey species: Barking deer M. muntjak and
that the individual had attempted to cross the underpass
wild boar S. scrofa. They appeared on 10 out of 12 camera
yet got startled for unknown reason and went back to the trap stations and are potential prey populations for dholes.
trail where it came from. Figure 3 depicts activity of dhole Kamler et al. (2012) and Grassman et al. (2005) stated
in SNP, its temporal overlap with potential prey species barking deer is the primary prey of dholes that live in
and human activity. Dhole appeared to be mostly diurnal similar habitats in Southeast Asia. In addition to the
with moderate degree of temporal overlap with barking abundance of barking deer and wild boar, we also recorded
deer (Δ 1  0.65) human activity Δ  1  0.63) and livestock the presence of eight smaller carnivore and mesocarnivore
movement Δ  1  0.59) (Figure 3A; C-D respectively). species: leopard cat Prionailurus bengalensis, fishing cat
Figure 3B indicates low overlap between dhole and wild Prionailurus viverrinus, jungle cat Felis chaus, large Indian

Figure 3: Daily activity patterns of dhole

Cuon alpinus in SNP and its temporal
overlap with potential prey species and
anthropogenic factors: (A) with barking
deer Muntiacus muntjak; (B) with wild boar
Sus scrofa; (C) with human acivity and (D)
livestock movement. The x-axis represents
the active time from all activity samples; the
y-axis range is the kernel density. The
vertical dashed (—) line pairs indicate the
crepuscular time band and separate diurnal
and nocturnal activity periods. The shaded
area under each density estimate
comparison denotes the corresponding
overlap coefficient (Δ 1 ). CI stands for the
95% confidence interval.

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6 T. Zakir et al.: Dhole in northeast Bangladesh

civet Viverra zibetha, common palm civet Paradoxurus research. We received equipment assistance and tech-
hermaphroditus, masked palm civet Paguma larvata, crab- nical support from WildTeam. Thanks to Mizanur Rah-
eating mongoose Herpestes urva, golden jackal Canis man, Fatema Tuz Zahura, Rafia Mahjabin and Zaber Khan
aureus and yellow-throated marten Martes flavigula indi- for companionship during the field work and to the
cating a diverse carnivore community in the park area. people of SNP who helped us on several occasions. We
Considering barking deer as potential prey of dhole for are also grateful to Dr Jan Kamler, Dr Kashimra Kakati, Dr
the region and scaling five other reserve forests of north- Anwaruddin Choudhury and Dr William Duckworth for
east Bangladesh, we found that studies pertinent to their invaluable insights on the distribution of dhole in
mammalian diversity are minimal. In this region, of all northeast India.
available studies, only Feeroz et al. (2011) and Rahman
(2017) applied camera-traps in their study sites. Rahman
(2017) deployed cameras in AHRF, PHRF RRF, THRF and References
WBRF whereas Feeroz et al. (2011) only to a wildlife sanc-
tuary of THRF (Figure 1). But, there is no rigorous research Ahamed, Y.S. (1981). With the wild animals of Bengal, Dhaka. p. 84.
in the region that deployed a prolonged and systemic Azlan, J.M. and Sharma, D.S. (2006). The diversity and activity
patterns of wild felids in a secondary forest in Peninsular
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Malaysia. Oryx 40: 36–41, https://doi.org/10.1017/
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In Tripura, known dhole presence is in the Trishna oso/9780199558520.001.0001.
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(Choudhury 2013). Figure 1A, interestingly, indicates that Bangladesh Forest Department, p. 52.
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Acknowledgements: We express our gratitude to Grassman , Jr, L.I., Tewes, M.E., Silvy, N.J., and Kreetiyutanont, K.
Bangladesh Forest Department for granting permission (2005). Spatial ecology and diet of the dhole Cuon alpinus
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both were for Tania Zakir to pursue her MSc thesis mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/software/presence.html.

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T. Zakir et al.: Dhole in northeast Bangladesh 7

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