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Học phần: Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành 1

Họ và tên sinh viên thực hiện: Phạm Thanh Dũng

Mã số sinh viên: 511206087
Ngày tháng năm sinh: 04/12/2001
Khối: DCQ2020
Tổ: 04
Điện thoại liên hệ: 0793513366

Năm học: 2020 – 2021

Điểm Điểm Giảng viên chấm 1 Giảng viên chấm 2
(bằng số) (bằng chữ) (Họ tên & chữ ký) (Họ tên & chữ ký)

Tiêu chí đánh giá

Category Scoring Criteria Score
Organization The layout is appropriate for the topic and audience. 5
(10 points) Information is presented in a logical sequence. 5
Introduction is attention-getting, lays out the problem
well, and establishes a framework for the rest of the 5
Technical terms are well-defined in language
appropriate for the target audience.
(30 points) Information is presented accurately. 5
Material included is relevant to the overall message. 5
Visual aids are well prepared, informative, effective,
and not distracting.
The writer completes the task with about 1,000 words. 5
The writer can exhibit a logical and coherent sequence
throughout and smooth transitions between ideas.
The writer can use a wide variety of vocabulary that
Language expands the topic.
Use The writer can use a wide range of structure with full
(60 points) flexibility and accuracy with rare minor errors.
The writer can fully address all parts of the task with
relevant, fully extended and well supported ideas.
Score Total Points 100

Compare brand name medicines and generic ones. Your paper should clearly
present the following information:
 brand name medicines
 generic medicines
 the similarities of generic medicines and their brand name counterparts
 the price
 reasons why there is much decrease in the price of generic medicines
Your paper should contain about 1,000 words and 3 images with captions.


A medicine is a drug that used to prevent or cure disease or to help relieve pain. When
people get to drugstores in order to buy similar medicines to cure a certain disease, they
may sometimes wonder why there is such a big difference in their prices. The reason is
that medicines circulated in the market are divided into 2 types: Brand name medicines
and generic counterparts. The information below will help us know what are brand name
medicines and generic ones and how to distinguish them.

A. Brand name medicines

When a new medicine is discovered, the company that researched and discovered it
would apply for patency. It would be protected its copyright in a certain time.Therefore
this company would be able to prevent other companies from producing and selling the
medicine. This patency may take up to 20 years and during this time, the company will
produce and put the medicine on the market under a brand name to recover its investment
and make a profit. With time, this name becomes synonymous with the medicine. This is
the way a brand name medicine was born. For instance, Astra Zeneca company found out
a new active ingredient:Dapagliflozin- an one that could help in diabetes treatment, they
would have the right to apply for patency. Therefore, other companies would not be
allowed to copy and produce it. Astra Zeneca would be the only one could produce and
sell it in about 20 years. They would have a brand name for it: Forxiga.

A brand name medicine of the Astra Zeneca company: Forxiga


The patency

B. Generic medicines:
After the patency mentioned above expires, other companies are permitted to produce a
similar medicine. However, that one is not copyrighted. It is called generic medine. Trade
laws prohibit generic medicines to look exactly like the brand name ones but must all
have the same active ingredients for the same medicinal effects. For example, when the
patency of paracetamol expires, the company no longer has the monopoly to manufacture
this medicine. Thus, other companies are able to produce and call it by names such as
Panadol, Calpol, etc. Differences between generic drugs and brand name ones often come
from non-active ingredients used such as the dyes, fillers, and preservatives, which help
to determine the size, shape and color.

A generic medicine of the Teva company: Ranexa

C. The similarities of generic medicines and their brand name counterparts
Generic medicines and brand name ones have identical dosage form, safety, route of
administration, strength, purity, quality, mechanism of action and intended use. These
factors must all be proven bioequivalent. This means the generic medicine must work in
the same way and provide the same clinical benefits as its original brand name one.
Similarities of generic medicines and their brand name counterparts are:
- They have identical active ingredients.
- They cure the same disease.
- They have the same concentration, dose and use.
- Their extent of absorption into blood is alike.

D. Price
Cause of the differences we concerned above, the price of generic medicine may be much
more cheaper than brand name medicine’s one. If you are concerned that generic
medicines are cheaper and may affect the quality, you are one of a large number of
people who have the same question. But you ought not to worry about this problem,
because a company that produces a generic drug has to prove that it has the same result in
the body of the patient and is produced according to the identical quality of its original
brand name product. Additionally, the food and drug administration (FDA) works to
make generic medicines as safe and effective as brand name medicines. Patients who use
generic drugs can be ensured that they are able to get the desired result in curing diseases
like using brand name ones. Moreover people can save money cause the price of brand
name medicine is expensive than generic medicine’s one. Most generic products may be
the cheapest drug when compared to their original brand name ones. Unless there are
generic products, some patients cannot access to essential drugs cause of the high price of
brand name products. Thanks to generic drugs, people can have enough and affotable
essential drugs.

E. Reasons why there is much decrease in the price of generic medicines

When a generic drug is manufactured, this means the patency of brand name counterpart
has been long enough and expired. Their competitors are allowed to copy that product.
Manufacturers of generic drugs do not have to repeat the years of costly laboratory and
clinical trials that the developing company invested in to gain FDA approval. In other
words, they just borrow manufacturers of brand name drugs’s achievement and they
don’t spend too much time and money to produce their own products. While brand
name manufacturers spend a large amount of money and time on researching and
discovering a new active ingredient, generic ones simply copy it and do not spend
several million dollars and several months or years on research in their laboratories.
Moreover, original manufacturers have to pay a very high price to advertise their new
products. Investment in marketing takes them millions of dollars to circulate their new
drugs. Manufacturers of brand name drugs must charge a high price to develop their
products before they finally reaches the market. In addition, they must pay additional
large costs to promote their new medicines and access to medical professionals. Thanks
to this, their products can be well-known. However, generic manufacturers don’t have
to pay all costs above. The investment in discovering and advertisement their products
is not required or less intensive. So that, the price of generic medicine is cheaper than
brand name counterpart.

1. The Differences between Brand Name and Generic Medications. Retrievable at
2.Similarities and differencies between brand name and generic drugs. Retrievable at
3.Difference between brand name and generic drug. Retrievable at
4.Luisa Benigni. English in Pharmacy. Generic drugs
5.Luisa Benigni. English in Pharmacy. Branded versus to generic medicines

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