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Concept For IFT (ex- EMILY1 EPC) Maintenance, Production Control

1. General
Project Production Management Concept briefly implemented to IFT Maintenance Project, Which The Process were break-
downed into several elements & several Standard Process, Resulting in Sequentially Tasks that integrated. Levels are defined
as below:

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6

= Group Layer

= Task
2. Mobilization
In prior to Mobilize for Maintenance Works which were driven by 4 Main Elements accordingly:

A. Manpower
B. Material
C. Equipment
D. Miscellanous
A. Manpower
Prior to Mobilize Manpower, 2 Standard Process have been developed Between:

ManPower Tripatra Hire:

Tripatra Direct Hire with combination both Management & Technician levels.

-ManPower Local Labour:

Subcontracting Direct Labour will be hired by 3rd PARTY/ through Subcontractors
B. Material
In Material Section, divided into 2 Standard Process:
-Spare Part, Quotation to Vendors
C. Heavy Equipments
Heavy Equipments have 2 difference Standard Process:

Heavy Equipment
Mobilize Heavy Equipment will be through SubContractors / Vendors

Existing Handtools from EMILY 1 Project will be Populated and verified at Site, Meanwhile additional Handtools will be bought
through Vendors.
D. Miscellanous
Miscellanous are items that outside from Material Manpower & Equipment, Although still necessary to be completed before Maintenance works
to be started (Ram Study, Calibration & Certification, Lube Oil Analysis, Warehouse & Office Setup, General Services, EAM Software)
E. Note:
Below are Items which have constraint task between another Standard Process.

Manpower – Technician Lvl Eq. & Tools – Existing Handtools

Miscell - RAM STUDY – Award Material – Spare Part

Manpower - Hiring Miscellanous – EAM - Training

Miscell – Catering & Vehicle Manpower – Tripatra Hire

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