Waste Foundry Sand Recycling by Calcinations. Quality and Economical Availability

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Carlos A. K. Gouvêa, tel. 55(47) 84216100 e-mail: gouvea@sociesc.org.


Waste foundry sand recycling by calcinations.

Quality and economical availability
Carlos Alberto Klimeck Gouvea, Tupy Suprior Institut, SOCIESC
Ana Lucia Berretta Hurtado, Tupy Suprior Institut, SOCIESC
Emerson Luiz Pereira, Tupy Suprior Institut, SOCIESC


The foundry industry is a segment that generates large amount of waste. Despite any hazardous
associated to waste foundry sand (WFS), the generation of huge volume of these residues has
brought concern to industry and also to the environmental agencies. Therefore, WFS elimination or
the simple reduction of this environmental residue is very important for the companies. Many
studies have been done seeking applications for WFS, as well as to regenerate them, however, it is
necessary to be sure of the quality of the sand regenerated by the calcinations process and whether
the investment for this regeneration is an alternative or if the best is still maintaining the current
practice of send them to landfills. An equipment for regeneration was designed, built and installed
for calcinations feed by methane, with the capacity to regenerate 2 t/h of sand. Analysis showed that
the characteristics of regenerated SFS allow unrestricted reuse in the foundry process, and
atmospheric emissions do not cause environmental impact. The total cost of the regenerator was
US$269,812.50, the cost of new sand in the process (including costs of disposal and transport) in
Joinville/SC is US$ 47.50 and the cost for regeneration in the equipment was US$27.86. Based on
these data revealed a savings of US$19.64 per ton of regenerated sand, the annual results will be
US$334,665.60 of savings, if the company manages this volume of sand to be regenerated and the
regeneration work continuously 24h/day during 355 of work days. Thus the payback time on
investment in this type of process is approximately 10 months, being a very attractive alternative to
the better management of industrial waste.

Keywords: regeneration of discarded sand casting, calcinations, cost of regeneration of WFS.


The metal casting process generates waste as well as other industrial processes, because in its
execution are used all kinds of raw materials and inputs, generating products, byproducts and waste.
In the foundry industry are used raw materials such as metallic chemical elements iron, manganese,
copper, tin, magnesium, aluminum, lead, and other elements as silicon, boron, nitrogen etc. In this
industrial sector are present oils additives, release agents, resins and other materials which may
have characteristics capable of pollution to the environment.

The majority of residues in the foundry industry comprise the sand from molding process. This sand
is composed of a mixture of green sand and chemically bonded sand. All that sand should be sent
and saved in landfills suitable for this type of waste, avoiding contact with the environment for the
legal compliance. In a survey conducted in landfills in Joinville/Santa Catarina (Brazil), it was
found that the amount charged for the sand disposal ranges from US$ 20.00 to US$ 200.00 per ton,
depending on their classification according to the appropriated waste solid classification (NBR
10.004/04 standard) and the amount to be sent.
Visiting the large size casting industries it was found that some of them choose to keep their WFS
in private landfill for this residues, however, the cost of its implementation, environmental licensing
and life cycle, make the final price per ton of sand deposited as not as different from that charged by
third-party landfills. In this way, it is imperative that new technologies has to be studied and
developed for the regeneration of wasting foundry sand (WFS), as well the other techniques for this
purpose needs to be better known, the investment demanded and the knowledge of the respective
time required for the payback time.

The production engineering seeks a direct role in the management of natural resources, through
cleaner production and promotion of regeneration of waste from the production process.
Environmental management must, necessarily, be economically sustainable, one of the goals of this
research work. Nevertheless, planning for efficient use of natural resources, in this case sand, is
directly related to the study of one type of recycling for the WFS.

This paper studies the foundry sand reclamation by incineration process in methane powered
furnace, with the purpose of introducing it again in the casting process, it means in the molding
process and in the core process as well. Thus, the study covers the technical, environmental and
economic aspects of a thermal regeneration unit for foundry sand, built by the University
Educational Society of Santa Catarina - SOCIESC. Laboratory tests were made for the physics and
physical-chemistry characteristics determinations of the reclaimed sand as fines content, fineness
modulus, fire loss, acidity, pH and particle size distribution. Continuing, for the collection of
technical data on the regenerating, was done the atmospheric analysis of exhaust gases from the
cyclone filter, comprising the composition for the levels of CO, CO2, O2, NOx, SO2, particulate
material and cyanide.

Reclamation costs of the sand were done, checking the consumption of required methane gas and
electricity in relation to the ton of sand regenerated. Estimating the cost of regeneration and relate it
to the time of payback, as compared with the cost of new sand and the estimated time of life of local

Literature Review
The WFS can be recycled and then used in different applications such as construction, asphalt,
direct applications in road sub grade, base for piping systems, drainage and sewerage, and for any
of those uses costs are involved (Moreira, in 2004). The WFS is an industrial waste and a special
subject to be cared by the environmental control agency, but its ability to contaminate the soil is
still questionable (Mebs, 2005). There are many studies for ADF applications, however, can be
noted that there is a tendency for studies in applications such as asphalt concrete, clay products and
cement artifacts (Mello, 2004; Pereira, 2004; Bitencourt, 2004; Armange, 2005; Chegatti, Soares,
2010; Carmin, 2008; Siddique, 2008). The reclamation of the WFS has been the object of research,
even already being developed equipment for regeneration of sand core by pyrolysis process, a more
economical process than traditional burn in furnaces (Gouvêa et al., 2007), besides the processes of
calcinations and Fenton (Peixoto and Guesser, 2003; Scheunemann, 2008).

In the Peixoto and Guesser (2003) work it was demonstrated that the sand core reclaimed by the
incineration heat treatment have an amount of organic material lower than the new sand, because
during calcinations all resin is burned, and in nature occurrence, the virgin sands contain some
amount of organic material from plants and animals decomposition. Therefore, incineration
produces good quality sands, showing it is an environmental beneficial process, instead of the
extraction process of new sand by mining process of raw material is a finite process by itself. The
results obtained by furnace incineration of core sand mentioned in Peixoto work (2003), showed
that the regenerated sand has more rounded grains then the virgin one, probably because of the
friction from industrial operations in the casting equipment and regeneration. Moreover, it also has
a lower acidity than the virgin sand due to the presence of oxides from the refractory paint used in
the casting process, giving excellent properties to this sand to make new cores.

In the Guney (2010) study it is mentioned that 500 to 700 000 tons of foundry sand are used
annually in engineering applications in the United States. He also asserts that the foundry sands can
be used in landfill cover, highway construction, asphalt, producing cement artifacts, mortar, friction
material for snow uses, producing glass artifacts and hydraulic barriers. In the same article, it is
presented the results of the reuse of WFS in high strength concrete (tension and compression),
where trials were conducted with the replacement of virgin sand in concrete mix by mixing with
WFS in proportions of 5, 10 and 15%. At the end of those tests, the concrete containing the amount
of 10% of WFS maintained mechanical and physical properties similar to the traditional concrete. It
was the limit of amount addition, considering WFS without pretreatment. These results confirm
those obtained by Etxeberria (2010). Similar work was performed by Klinsky and Fabbri (2009)
studies, which aimed to evaluate the possibility of using WFS mixed with clay soils used as base
and sub-base material for roads. The authors concluded that mixtures of clay soil with 60% WFS,
and even those with 70% WFS, can be used as material for construction of bases and sub-base of
low traffic pavements.

In the same studies is emphasized the use of foundry sand in the construction of 15 cm thick road’s
base, consumes 180 kg of residual sand per square meter of base, it means, in a road with a width of
6m the reuse would reach approximately 1,100 tons of sand per kilometer of road. Based on these
figures, is possible to figure out that in a country of continental dimensions like Brazil, plus the fact
that roads are the principal means of transport roads for production and passengers, the use of WFS
as sub-base and incorporation into asphalt roads may be a promising alternative.

Even those several WFS research papers indicates the possibility of incorporation of WFS in
asphalt and cement, it should be emphasized that the WFS have a high content of fines, an
unfavorable characteristic for the production of concrete, asphalt, and other ceramic artifacts
(Mello, 2004; Pereira, 2004; Bitencourt, 2004; Armange,2005; Chegatti and Soares, 2010; Carmin,
2008, Siddique, 2008). This shows that is necessary and fundamental a pretreatment in the WFS for
it to acquires attractive physical characteristics for these new applications. Furthermore, finding
maximum sand that can be added in the manufacture of a device, without being impaired physical
properties of the final products is not a recycling through a new application, since the residue
incorporated into the process does not have any physical or chemical property that improves the
quality of the finished product. Doing so is not reuse or recycling, but residue dilution. Benefit the
residue (WFS), for it reaches the necessary characteristics for a new application is desirable and
safe for companies that have a potential use of this product, which consisting in recycling.

There are known four different core sand reclaiming processes; burning (incineration), mechanical
attrition, pyrolysis and Fenton process. The traditional incineration process occurs ideally at
temperatures above 950°C, which represents a considerable expense for generating because heat by
burning fossil fuels isn’t cheap. The combustion process can also be applied to the molding sand,
sand containing coal and bentonite, but is very expensive (US$19.00/t), since the discharge is also
economically advantageous (US$ 17.00 - 26.00/t), according to a company in Joinville city that has
implemented this system.

The furnace burns resins and Cardiff coal in a fluidized bed. Typically, these furnaces use natural
gas for combustion and as a result of the process it only does emission of CO and CO2. Due to the
high temperatures used for the combustion of the resin surrounding the grains of sand, it does not
form solid burning by-products from resins, with a zero emission of particulate material. Still
having doubts about the possible cyanide formations into the waste gas stream during the
combustion due to the presence of urethane groups from PU Resin (polyurethane).
In the process of sand core regeneration, thermal degradation by pyrolysis of organic material is
carried out in the absence of oxygen, which eliminates the formation of greenhouse effect gases,
CO2 and NOx combustion products. In this process of regeneration, the degradation reaction of the
resin occurs in more than one stage, where the first stage is a mild degradation, with the breaking of
weaker chemical bonds and in the next stage degradation is more aggressive, leading to resin
carbonization (Gouvea et al (2007) cited in Lefebvre). It is a process of degradation of lower cost
when compared with conventional incineration, however, the regenerated sand, although it has all
the physical properties suitable for their reuse, still having a dark yellow color because the residual
carbon presence.

Another way to study the degradation of residual resin from core sand is the Fenton process. In this
process the organic material is degraded by the oxidation of the carbons of the polymer chain by
Fenton's reagent, iron 3. The reaction occurs from a combination of hydrogen peroxide and ferric
sulfate (catalyst), at acidic pH (<4), under atmospheric pressure and temperatures from 20 °C to 40
°C. In the study of Scheunemann (2004) was obtained satisfactory result of resin degradation,
however, without evaluating cost, productivity and how to handle the large volume of aqueous
solution resulting from the reaction and the lack of evaluation of drying the regenerated sand.
Therefore, the work was intended to investigate the chemical reaction of organic matter oxidation
without the commitment of becoming an economically available process for industrial application.

The analysis should have levels of CO, CO2, O2, NOx, SOx, cyanides, Particulate Material, which
are substances that may be present in the exhaust gases emitted by the furnace of the regenerator
and determining the flow rate, temperature and colorimetric density. The results should be based on
the comparative Brazilian Law N. 14.675/09 and CONAMA 382/06. The methodology for
sampling and analysis is based on the Brazilian Technical Standards ABNT NBR 10700,
NBR10701, NBR12020, NBR10702, MB3080, MB3081 and MB3355. The National
Environment Council (CONAMA), by CONAMA’s Resolution 382/06 establishes the
maximum emission for combustion processes in stationary sources air pollutants, according to the
fuel used. The emission limits for air pollutants from processes of heat generation from external
combustion of natural gas are found in Annex II of this resolution. Emphasizes the resolution cited
that the results should be expressed in concentration unit mg/Nm3, dry basis and 3% excess oxygen.
Basic Environmental Law of Santa Catarina State – Law number 14.675/09 sets standards only for
visible emissions (black smoke in terms of colorimetric density) which must remain the values less
than 20% in the Ringelmann scale, except 15 minutes per day for heating furnace, or a period of 3
minutes, consecutive or not, at any stage of one hour.


For sand reclamation was constructed a mechanical rec-pak reclaimer, a small furnace, cooling
system for output sand, two cup lifts, one before the oven and one after the cooler, 3 garners, 1
before the furnace and 2 after cooling to keep the reclaimed sand. The device also has some
accessories such as helical thread, vibrating screen at the outlet of the cooler and gutters. For
complementing the reclaiming unit it has a supply system of gas filters, and a sleeve-type cooler
system. The semi-industrial scale equipment, has a capacity to reclaim 2 tons of foundry sand per
hour, with an furnace fueled by methane (natural gas) and equipped with exhaust system consisting
of cyclone filter.

It was processed two foundry sands from different origins, A and B companies. It was necessary to
remove impurities by sieving, such as wood, plastic and paper. Were regenerated about 50-60 tons
of urethane/phenolic sand produced by cold curing process. For evaluation of atmospheric
emissions, chemical analysis was performed to determine the CO, CO2, O2, SO2, volatile organic
compounds and cyanide. The analyses were corrected for 0oC temperature, 760 mmHg pressure and
3% of oxygen, as referenced in Brazilian Resolution CONAMA 382/06. The gas analyzer used for
determination of the Flow / Temperature and Particulate Material was a model XL 350 TEXT
brand, and the collector was the Isokinetic Air Pollutants - CIPA-M5. The results were on a dry
basis and in mg/Nm3. The determination of cyanide was made according to the sampling large
volumes, where the gases are sucked by and a pump isokinetic and bubbled in a sodium hydroxide
solution. The test was carried out in UV-VIS spectrophotometry on m3 basis. Colorimetric Density
was determined by visual comparison of smoke emitted from the chimney reclaiming foundry sand
with Ringelmann standard colorimetric scale. The results was compared with Brazilian Resolution
CONAMA 382/2006. The results of Particulate Material were obtained by averaging duplicate
samples. The readings results obtained were corrected to 3% oxygen. The tests for determining the
quality of reclaimed foundry sand were performed according to the following standards: Fire Loss -
NBR 10178,Size Distribution - NBR 9767, Demand acid stirring 24h pH 6 - NBR12.111, Fineness
Module - NBR, AFS and Clay Content of Fine - CEMP/ ABIFA 081.

To calculate the payback time of equipment it will used the difference between the replacement cost
for new sand (equation 1) and the total regeneration cost (equation 2).
New sand cost = new sand + disposal + transport (new sand and disposal of WFS) (1)

Regeneration Gain = cost of regeneration - cost of replacing the new sand (2)

Financial gain is based on the monthly capacity to regenerate the sand (equation 3).
Financial gain = financial gain X 2 ton / h X 24 h X 30 days (3)

Regardless of the cost of money over a time, the period for repayment is given by equation 4.
Amortization time = equipment cost (4)
financial gain


The sands were regenerated at temperatures ranging from 800°C and 900°C, which was due to
variations of core size, amount of sand used to fed furnace and humidity. Were collected 28
regenerated sand samples during the tests and these were analyzed in the sand laboratory. The
results of regenerated sand physical and physical-chemical analyses after furnace burn are presented
in Table 1.
Table 1 Results of physical and physic-chemical analysis of regenerated sand
n. FL (%) SD (%) FC (%) (%) (%) T (°C) pH Note
0 1,89 89,34 0,81 55,81 34 - 6,01 before burning
1 0,37 89,72 0,42 65,09 3,8 800 7,02 Company A
2 0,48 72,4 0,4 60,22 0,1 800 7,28 Company A
3 0,14 81,12 0 60,13 0,35 800 6,9 Company A
4 0,01 89,72 0,7 60,78 3,9 800 7,06 Company A
6 0,03 79,00 1,62 63,29 3,9 900 7,21 Company A
7 0,02 80,82 1,12 62,43 5,8 884 7,03 Company B
8 0,005 85,49 1,1 60,66 17,7 900 7,38 Company B
9 0,09 78,40 0,86 59,86 3,8 900 7,37 Company B
10 0,07 89,23 0,57 57,12 14,4 900 7,56 Company B
11 0,02 84,03 0,58 57,57 5,9 850 7,76 Company B
- <0,1 >70 <2 <55 - - 6,5 – 7,9 desirable
FL: Fire Loss SD: Size Distribution
FC: Fine Content FM: Fineness Module AD Acid Demand (pH 6.0)
At First, it can be seen that there was a considerable reduction of the carbon surrounding the sand
grains after burn, this result can be observed in Fire Loss. For the first two burned samples it
appears that the equipment was not properly adjusted, because the reduction of organic material was
very high comparing to the other samples, below 0.1%. Virgin sand showed result of Fire Loss
below 0.1%, thus sand regenerated by the equipment presents the same levels of carbon comparing
to new sand.

For the particle Size Distribution, the analyzed sands showed values over 70, indicating no
dispersion of the average grain size. It is a fact that, even before burning, the particle Size
Distribution was over 80, indicating high grain size uniformity. The mechanical reclaiming process
promotes the grins breakdown and not too much in the moving during the furnace treatment, but it
not absent. The result shows that the total reclaiming process is not increasing measurable breaks in
the sand grains. However, increases in the Fines Content in three samples were noted, which not be
due to breakage of grains during the regeneration process. It must be considered that discarded sand
humidity maintain agglutinated and glued the bentonite and coal powder over the grains. In these
case, three results over eleven is not enough to assume the reclaiming process breaks sands grains.
It also import verify no sample reach the maximum 2.0% for Fines Content.

The Fineness Modulus, as well as the particle Size Distribution and Fines Content depends on the
type of sand used in the manufacturing process, therefore, those are prior characteristics of sand
before reclaiming. The results show there was no increase in Fines Content or changes in Grain Size
Distribution, even in the Fineness Module, which is very positive for reclaiming process,
confirming that mechanical attrition of the sand movement does not implies in breakage of the
grains in measurable quantity.

Regarding the Acid Demand, apparently the results vary greatly among the sands from Company A
and Company B. The discarded foundry sands from Company A kept a fairly low level of acidity
when compared with the results with sands from Company B. It is, however, the acid demand is a
function of sand composition (before regeneration), due to the use of refractory inks during process,
ink is composed from oxides of alkaline metals and alkaline earth metals. These residual oxides
infer a greater Acid Demand for the sands. Thus, they are different values for the Acid Demand of
sand from Company A sands and Company B sands due to their origin and not as calcinating
process result.

Regarding the regenerated sand pH, the Company B sands maintain a slightly alkaline pH, with
values slightly up to 7, while Company A sands remain close to neutral. For sand's surrounding
resin grains complete calcination the oven temperature should be maintained between 800 and 900
°C. The Company B sands, very thin and with black color, were burned at 900 °C constant
temperature, because it already pass trough the mechanical reclaimer. The Company A sands came
with lumps and, therefore, with no constant sand amount feeding the furnace. This variation of sand
amount feeding the furnace implies in changes of burning temperature.

These temperature data are directly related to the consumption of combustion gas. Initially, the
equipment had a high consumption of fuel and, as in other parts of the equipment, adjustments were
necessary. After the complete adjustments of equipment, the gas consumption reached a more
fitting value, however, based on engineers information, this equipment can operate with gas
consumption between 25 and 30 cubic meters per ton of sand. The gas medium consumption to
process two tons of sand was 70m3 / t.

Regarding the gaseous emissions analysis from the furnace, sampling was performed with the oven
at full load, 2 tons per hour. The analysis was performed in duplicate and the analysis results of
particulate material present in the exhaust stream is shown in Table 2.
Table 2 Analysis report from Organica Laboratory Ltd for Particulate Matter (PM) from exhaustion gases
Sample 2
Sample Conditions Sample 1 Average
Day 10/11/2010 10/11/2010 10/11/2010
Flow (Nm3/h) dry basis 11.060,00 11.239,00 11.149,50
Temperature Chimney (ºC) 48 48 48
Unit gas (%) 3,5 3,4
Acquisition interval (h) 10:20 to 11:20 11:25 to 12:25
Emission Rate of Material Part (kg/ h) 0,049 0,054 0,051
MP-total (mg/Nm3) dry basis 4,4 4,8
MP-total (mg/Nm3) 3% O2 dry basis 28,24 30,81

Based on average obtained from the two samples, laboratory delivered the analysis report of O2,
CO, CO2, SO2 and NOx, with the results in Table 3.

Table 3 Analysis Report from Organic Laboratory Ltd for O2, CO, CO2, SO2 and NOx from exhaustion system
Parameters Results CONAMA 382/2006
Average MP-total (mg/Nm ) dry basis 4,6
MP-total (mg/Nm3) dry basis at 3% 29,52 250
CO (mg/Nm3) dry basis N.D -
CO (mg/Nm3) dry basis at 3% O2 N.D N.A
CO2 (%) 1,58 -
O2 (%) 18,2
NOx (mg/Nm3) dry basis 25,62
NOx (mg/Nm3) dry basis at 3% de O2 337,25 320
SO2 (mg/Nm3) dry basis 1
SOx (mg/Nm3) dry basis at 3% de O2 18,81 N.A
Colorimetric Density <20,00 <20%
Cyanides (mg/Nm3) dry basis at 3% de O2 N.D 5

It should be noted that Brazilian Resolution CONAMA 382/06 specifies maximum values for
emissions from heat systems that uses natural gas fuel for combustion, as specified in item 1 of its
Annex II. However, in Brazil, there is no other reference to limit the concentrations of atmospheric
emissions. For this reason, to evaluate the increased of pollutants concentration was admitted the
sum of the ceilings as result of resin burning, meaning that all values exceed the limits for natural
gas burning will come from the resin burning.

The results obtained in the analytical report means air pollution complete control (particulate
material and other gases) emitted from the chimney of the furnace for thermal regeneration, it
means, are in accordance with the specifications imposed by the legislation referenced. However,
the parameter NOx (3% dry basis) has the result of 337.25 mg/Nm3 to a limit 320mg/Nm3. It is
understood that the limit for emissions from burning fuel seeks to limit the release of greenhouse
gas from the reaction between N2 and O2 from the air at high temperatures. In the situation under
review comes a new condition that is not provided in the cited Resolution, the burning of waste
containing nitrogen between its components. This fact leads to the formation of nitrous oxides from
burning, with no possibility to decompose them without formation of the corresponding oxides.

As regards the evaluation of the regeneration costs and the payback time capital, Table 4 shows the
regeneration costs per ton of calcined sand, taking into account the consumption of fuel,
consumption of electric drive motors to sand transportation and pumping cooling water.
Table 4 Regeneration costs for WFS ton per hour
Parameters Unit cost (US$) Consume Cost (US$)
Natural gas (m3) 0.58 35,5 20.59
Power (kW) 0.20/kW 4,2 0.84
Running Total 21.43
Other expenses such as manpower, maintenance and depreciation (30%) 6.43
Total 27.86

Table 4 shows that cost results of regeneration due to the consumption of fossil fuel and electricity
to drive the equipment are far outweighs cost of new sand. Those costs to sand regeneration
inhibiting many companies to invest in such kind of technique to reclaiming sand, however, it is
important to consider not only the new sand cost alone, since there is a disposal cost which must
necessarily be included in each ton of new sand entering the process. Thus, Table 5 shows the costs
for new sand purchase, as well as regeneration and final disposal.

Table 5 Comparison costs associated with foundry sands (in Brazil)

Item evaluated Associated Cost (US$)
a) New sand purchase 17.50
b) New sand transportation 5.00
c) Sand final disposal 20.00
d) WFS transportation 5.00
Total (a + b + c + d) 47.50
e) Sand regeneration 27.86

The assessment based on the results presented in Table 5 show the total cost associated with the
traditional process of buy and disposing sand in landfills is much higher than the US$ 17.50 that has
been considered by the industry. Thus, the difference between the traditional buy and disposing
compared with regeneration by calcination is US$ 19.64. It should be noted that the estimated cost
for other expenses such as manpower, maintenance, depreciation etc., was 30% of the cost of
regeneration, little conservative value. The final cost of the equipment, including design, execution
and assembly was US$ 269,812.50.

It is possible to admit that with larger scale equipment, with a greater sand volume capacity in the
furnace, resulting in reduction of regeneration cost, but it has an increasing in the total investment
cost. However, it doesn’t belong to the aim of this work, reducing the cost of regeneration by
calcination, but to demonstrate that the regeneration process itself is able to bring a very attractive
financial result for the foundry industry. Using equation 1 is founded the cost of new sand, that is
US$ 47.50. Earnings per ton of regenerated sand were obtained by equation 2, the amount of US$

Through equation 3 is obtained US$ 28,281.60 as the total financial gain from the regeneration by
calcinations during a month and US$ 334,665.60 per year (US$19.64 x 2tons x 24 hours x 355work
days). Finally, using equation 4 the payback time found is 9.3 months or 9 months and 10 days.
Trying to be not so optimistic with the results, it must to be considered if the company actually
generates 1440 tones of WFS per month in addition to considering the cost of money over time. The
considered time begins in the project creation till the amount of the WFS regenerated that amortizes
the investment. Even so, a period of approximately one year is considered short for the investment
amortization, making investment in this type of process a viable alternative for midsize businesses.
Taking the environmental into account, wasted foundry sand regeneration eliminates the
environmental liability, a problem that has led some companies in the foundry sector to suffer law
suits. Nevertheless, every burning process generates greenhouse effect gases from generation of
CO2 and NOx, however, were not explored in this paper the possibilities for treatment of air
emissions with electrostatic precipitator, equipment that react carbon dioxide and alkalis to
eliminate or to minimize the emission.


By the laboratory tests it was found that the technical characteristics (Fines Content, Fineness
Modulus, Fire Loss, Acidity, pH and Particle Size Distribution) of the sand reclaimed by calcination
allow these to be reused in the casting process, both in core and molding process. This is due to the
fact that the reclaimed sand does not present a high Fines Content or carbon residues which prevent
from being applied in the most critical processes, such as the preparing of new cores.

The analysis of atmospheric emissions (levels of CO, CO2, O2, NOx, SO2, particulate matter and
cyanide) showed that the regeneration process does not emit gases above the standards established
by the Brazilian Resolution CONAMA 392, except for the parameter NOx. These oxides have its
limits based on the burning of fuels, having no normalization for processes such as calcination.
Therefore, as the calcination process in an average temperature of 800 °C, a mixture of sand, coal
dust and resin (which contains nitrogen in its composition), it sets the scope of Brazilian Resolution
CONAMA mentioned for control of gases from burning fuel. It was shown that there is no emission
of cyanide in the exhaust gas stream.

The cost of WFS regenerated by calcination per ton of sand in a little outfit is US$27.86 (in Brazil),
therefore, above the US$20.00 mentioned by visited companies who has the similar reclaiming
system. Still, it is possible a payback investment over a period of approximately 12 months, an
absolutely feasible period for medium and large economical size companies. It is possible to save
US$ 334,665.60 per year if regenerating 2 tons of WFS per hour in 355 days of work.

Considering the fact that the equipment cost is not prohibitive and that the payback period of
investment is relatively short, this work demonstrates that the regeneration of waste foundry sand
by calcination is a feasible alternative to many companies, and this possibility should be explored
by companies from this businesses area.

For the last but not the least, the elimination of the environmental liabilities as WFS is a goal of
many companies. The reclaiming sand by calcination not only eliminates this type of liability but
also preserves the natural deposits of this ore, which, like any other, is finite. The more the ore
shortage, the higher is the cost, contributing for the importance of studies and developments in
calcination process or any other process that explores recycling of WFS


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