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The Tomb of Oddli Stonehide

Level 1

A: These ancient stone double doors are unlocked but magically barred from the outside. The bar magically drops back
into place after 1 turn.

B: A shear drop to the waters 70 feet below. The surface is so slick with moisture that it is impossible to climb.

1. Through cluttered with broken statues, a path has been established by the passing of many feet.

2. The floor is slick with moss and constant exposer to the elements. 8 Stirges attack anyone that enters. The
exsanguinated remains of a human fighter are clad in functional plate mail. A backpack of general adventuring
equipment, a long sword, shield and short bow are scattered around the room.

a. Stirge: THAC0 = 17, HP = 8,9,5,6,7,8,6,4, Attacks = 1, (1-3) AC = 8, Blood drain

Level 2

C: Cave entrance that has been hidden and guarded by brigands.

D: Cave entrance that has been hidden and guarded by goblins.

3. A not to secret room, the door is held ajar by the corps of goblin. He appears to have been killed by a poison

4. A ruined giant beehive is now home to 4 giant carnivorous flies. And 5 giant centipedes scuttle amount the dead
giant killer bees. The high contains 100 pounds of honeycomb with 250GP.

5. A team of 7 goblins has set up camp here. If interrogated, roll on the Rumours Table. They have 61 GP and a
“tamed” fire beetle held in a iron cage. If released after the goblins are killed and treated well the beetle will
follow the party.

a. Goblin: THAC0 = 20, HP = 8, 6, 8, 7,5,10 Attacks = 1, Spear, Shield AC = 6

6. Secret Room. A hibernating giant toad appears to be sleeping but will attack if interrupted. I has swallowed a
silver bracelet worth 100GP.

a. Giant Toad: THAC0 = 17, HP = 20, Attacks = 1 (2d4) AC = 6

7. The area is littered with gnawed bones, both animal and humanoid, Otherwise empty.

8. A rotten and malfunctioning wood golem sits in the corner, twitching harmlessly. If attacked it emits a loud
piercing squeal (as per Shrieker mushroom)

9. This is the barrow for 3 giant shrews. Their pelts are work 55GP each if not too badly damaged.

a. Giant Shrew: THAC0 = 19, HP = 20,15,16, Attacks = 1, (2d4) AC = 7

10. A large gem sits on the pedestal in the center of the room. 4 Dwarven crystal statues line the edges of the room.
They will attack anyone who touches the gem in the center of the room. Each has an amethyst heart worth
25GP. The gem in the center is a glass fake.

a. Crystal Golem: HPs = 45, 35, 38, 40. THAC0 = 11, Attacks = 1 Damage: 2D6
11. This is the hideout for 12 Brigands. They have 6 stolen cows (3 HD heard animals) in a makeshift corral in the
South end of the room. The cows belong to a nearby rancher who would gratefully allow the party to use his
barn as a base of operations if they are returned. The bandits have 4 large rolled up tapestries worth 250 GP
and large cask of wine worth 500 GP.

a. Brigand: THAC0 = 19, HP = 12, Attacks = 1, Sword, bow, Shield AC = 7

b. Leader: THAC0 = 17, HP = 24, Attacks = 1, Spear, Chainmail, Shield AC = 3

12. Secret Room: A grey ooze lurks here. A scattered chess set made out of obsidian is in the room. It’s worth

a. Grey Ooze: THAC0 = 19, HP = 45, Attacks = 1, Spear, Shield AC = 8

Level 3

13. A large mosaic covers the walls. It depicts a history of Oddli’s rise to power and adventures. If studied and an
Intelligence check is made at -5 a Magic using character will discover how to cast the Stoneskin spell which can
be transcribed into their spellbook.

14. This is the queen’s chamber. Her body is in a glass coffin on an ornately carved pedestal. A permanent illusion
maintains how she looked in life. Her royal guard of 10 skeletons in remain loyal and on guard around the
room. They are armed with battle axes, Plate mail and shield. Anyone who attempts to disturb the queens’
remains will cause them to attack. They attack as a 4 HD monster (THAC0 of 16). HPs = 40, 35, 36, 25, 38, 34,
30, 27, 29, 25. They will not leave the room. She appears to wear an ornate set of jewelry but they are illusions.
In a secret compartment in the base contains the following: Scroll of Protection from Petrification, Wand of
Metal and Mineral Detection, 12 Beads of Force, Armor of Command, 3 Javalins +1, 2 large Rubies (250GP each),
2 ornate rings with the family crest

15. Secret Room: This room contains 500PP covered in Yellow Mold.

a. Yellow Mold: THAC0 = 19, HP = 80, Attacks = 1, Spear, Shield AC = 3

16. This room has a small fountain in the North wall. There is enough liquid in the fountain for 6 people to drink
from. Inscriptions around the fountain that show that the fountain is dedicated to the Dwarven gods of plenty
and trickery. Any fluid taken from the room with vanish as it leaves. If the waters are drank roll 2D6 on the
table below. The effects of 3, 6, 7, 8, 11 and 12 last for 6 turns and are as described as if it were a potion.

2) Poison 4D6 points of damage (Save for half)

3) Gaseous Form
4) Extra Healing (3D6+6)
5) Harm (take 1D6+1 points of damage)
6) Diminuation (50%)
7) Delusion (roll and drink again)
8) Growth (200%)
9) Healing (1D6+1)
10) Extra Healing (3D6+6)
11) Invulnerability
12) Super-Heroism

17. Secret Room: The entire room is filled with a Gelatinous Cube. A small emerald worth 250GP lays inside the
a. Cube: THAC0 = 17, HP = 80, Attacks = 1, (2d4+paralyzation) AC = 8
18. A nest of 5 ghouls resides here. They are ravenous. There are 70 GP scattered around the room. One of the
ghouls wears a filthy Elven Cloak.
a. Ghoul: THAC0 = 19, HP = 16, Attacks = 3, (1d3, 1d3, 1d6) AC = 6

19. This is the King’s burial chamber: There are 12 dwarven skeletons armed similar to the ones in the Queen’s
chamber standing at attention in the alcoves that line the walls. The king’s stone coffin sits in the middle of the
room. There is a large golden statue in the East wall with its hands outstretched and empty. The king’s coffin
can only be opened with 3 successful strength checks with a combined strength of 30 or more. Only 3
characters may attempt to open it at a time. Any failures and the lid slides back in place and they must rest for 3
turns (30 minutes).

Once opened the skeletons attack and the lid will start to close. It will close again after 15 rounds.

Inside the King’s coffin are the following items: Heavy gold plated scepter (500GP), Short sword+2, Ceremonial
plate mail (effective AC = 5), Shield +1, bag of 10 diamonds (100 GP each), bag of 100 PP, 2 ornate rings with the
family crest.

If the scepter is placed in the statues hands the arms drop down and the scepter becomes one with the statue.
To the side of the statue a secret door swings open revealing a small room with a door in it. The door is wizard
locked and cannot be forced open. There are 2 large holes and a small hole by the door handle (both the rubies
from the Queen’s chamber and the emerald found in the cube fit and unlock the door).

Once the door is unlocked it can be opened to reveal a 80’ long hallway with sputtering torches along the walls
and the floor is concealed with a thin layer (2”) of fog that appears to be coming from the mouth of a small
single horned dragon statue that is off to the side . There are 2 large rings anchored into the walls here as well.

If the ring is placed on the horn of the dragon statue the fog stops coming out and an audible click is heard. The
corridor is under a permanent “Grease” spell along the middle of the hallway. The outer 2’ on each side are free
of the spell. Any character who attempts to walk down the greased area must make a Dex check at -10 (1
always succeeds) or lose his balance and start to slide towards the end of the hall. If the ring was placed on the
horn the trap door is locked in place and the player crashes into the wall at the end of the hall and takes 3D6
points of damage.

If the ring was not placed on the dragon but trap door swings open and the character drops down into a 40’
deep pit and takes 5D6 points of damage.

A small statue of a unicorn rests on a pedestal in a alcove off to the side.

If one of the family crest rings is placed on the horn the door unlocks. Otherwise it will not open by any means
other than a Passwall or similar spell.
20. Royal Treasure Room: This room contains several statues, bookshelves, bags, weapons and armor racks. On a
mahogany table in the corners sit several bags. Total amount of coins in the room is
a. 343 PP
b. 785 GP
c. 1838 SP
d. (30) 100 GP diamonds
e. Wand of Size Alteration (27 charges)
f. Spade of Colossal Excavation
g. Dwarven Plate +1 with Rings of Readiness
h. Tome of Understanding
i. Trident+1
j. Girdle of Many Pouches
k. Scimitar +3
l. Ring of Wizardry (1st)
m. Spear +1
n. 13 Arrows +1
o. 2 handed battle axe +2

21. A band of 12 Kuo-toa have taken up this area as a temporary base to raid the surface world. They have no
knowledge of the complex and this area partially floods each evening when the tide comes in. The floor will be
slippery and the characters will be at a -1 to hit. There is a 50% possibility that the entire band is present when
the characters open the door.

a. Chieftan: THAC0 = 14, HP = 43, Attacks = 3/2, Spear, Shield AC = 3

b. Lieutenant: THAC0 = 17, HP = 33, Attacks = 3/2, Short Sword, Shield AC = 3

c. Priest/Thief: THAC0 = 18, HP = 21, Attacks = 1, Spear, Shield AC = 3

d. 9 Warriors: THAC0 = 19, HP = 16, Attacks = 1, Spear, Shield AC = 3

22. Secret Room: The door to this room is completely obscured by the moss, mold and lichens that have grown up
due to the moist/marine conditions. It can only be detected by rolling 2 consecutive 1’s. Inside is the fabled
Stone-Squarer Crown. It acts as a Rod of Splendor giving the wearer a Charisma of a 18 (20 vs Dwarves). The
value of it’s gold and jewels is 10,000 GP but to the dwarves of the area it’s beyond measure.

23. Maze: This winding tunnel leads out to the sea. The entrance to the tunnel is partially open only for a few hours
at low tide. Any other time the tunnel is flooded. 2 Giant crabs have been placed here by the Kuo-toa to guard
the entrance.

Giant Crab: THAC0 = 17, HP = 24, 26, Attacks = 2, (2d4/2d4) AC = 3

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