Atherosclerosis The: and Fat Content

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Atherosclerosis and the Fat Content of the Diet


A report to the American Heart Association and to the American Society for the Study of Arterio-
sclerosis the Nutrition Committee of the Council on Community Service and Education of the
American Heart Association and others.
T HE aim of this discussion is to summarize reasoning is applied to situations in which diet
and evaluate evidence for and against the is of little or no importance. The result is a
concept that the fat content of the average flood of diet fads and quackery. In the case of
present-day North American or north European atherosclerosis, there is some evidence that diet
diet is a significant factor in the genesis of cer- may be of considerable importance. It is now
ebral, myocardial, renal, or peripheral athero- the responsibility of research workers to deter-
sclerosis. To date there is no incontrovertible mine more exactly this possible role of diet in
evidence for such a relationship; nevertheless, the etiology of atherosclerosis.
a strong case is developing to suggest that the Atherosclerosis in all probability has no
nutritional status of an individual is an impor- single cause. It results most likely from a com-
tant environmental factor in the etiology of this bination of factors, or is, as Page1 suggests, a
disorder. The total fat and the type of fat in the "multifaceted disease." Among those facets
diet are among the nutritional factors particu- presently implicated are heredity, diet, mor-
larly involved. phologic and chemical anatomy of the blood
vessel wall, arterial blood pressure, lipid con-
GENERAL PRINCIPLES tent of the blood, and sex. Atherosclerosis is a
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A review of this kind may provide nutrition- focal lesion. Because its consequences are Isidely
ists and physicians with a guide when health variable, there is no practical means of clinical
recommendations are made to groups or to diagnosis of the uncomplicated, potentially
individuals. In formulating these recommenda- reversible lesions. A large plaque may be so lo-
tions, however, one must always bear in mind cated as to cause little injury and a small one
that the results of clinical studies on patients may be placed so strategically in a coronary
and experimental studies on animals are not vessel as to cause death by direct occlusion.
necessarily applicable to healthy individuals. Atherosclerosis is believed by some investiga-
It is hoped that industries concerned with tors to be episodic, with the plaques building
the manufacture, processing, and distribution up rapidly in days or weeks and remaining
of foods and the insurance industry, will take quiescent for months or years thereafter. Many
responsibility for performing and promoting workers believe this process to be reversible, at
effective basic as well as applied research on least in its early stages.
the problem of the relationship between diet The approach to the problem by animal ex-
and atherosclerosis. Industry is usually gener- periments has shown that atherosclerosis, simi-
ous in the support of research for product lar to but not identical with that of the human
development. It has given very limited support type, can be produced in a variety of experi-
to basic research in this vital field, even though mental animals by dietary variations. \Iany
the results of such investigative work would kinds of diets have been used; some are deficient
enable management to plan more intelligently in one or more nutrients, others contain exces-
for the future. The need for reliable information sive amounts of certain constituents or combine
and appropriate action is urgent. excess of one with deficiency of another. The
One of the first things that occur to lay results of such experiments have influenced
individuals in thinking about chronic diseases significantly the opinions of clinicians about
is a possible change in diet. Frequently this diet.
163 Circulation, Volume X VI, August 1957
Various types of dietary surveys have been have been related to abnormal clotting rather
conducted in the United States and in other than to primary deposition of lipids. These
countries to determine if a relationship exists alternatives are mentioned to illustrate the
between diet and atherosclerotic coronary ar- danger in taking too narrow a view of the prob-
tery disease. The importance of the evidence lem in our concern with dietary fat and the
derived from these epidemiologic approaches mechanisms that may relate it to athero-
and its seemingly obvious implications justifies genesis.
a critical evaluation of this phase of the Most of the investigation of atherosclerosis
problem. must be done of necessity with animals. No
The opinions of clinicians vary greatly. clinical, objective method of antemortem
Some hold in high favor the view that athero- diagnosis of uncomplicated atherosclerosis is
genesis and the lipid or cholesterol content of available. This fact must be kept in mind when
the blood are related directly. There is evidence reading the clinical literature.
both for and against this view. The most cogent This is a time when great pressure is being
evidence presented in favor of the serum lipid put on physicians to do something about the
theory is that hyperlipemia over a sufficient reported increased death rate from heart at-
length of time usually is associated with pre- tacks in relatively young people. People want
mature atherosclerosis. The first question to know whether they are eating themselves
raised concerns the concentration of plasma into premature heart disease. They are entitled
lipids that constitutes an abnormal elevation. to an unprejudiced answer. On the one hand,
Are the present normal standards and ranges some scientists have taken uncompromising
biologically optimal? Or are they normal only stands based on evidence that does not stand
for the North American population, a large up under critical examination; o1n the other,
proportion of which has premature or latent certain industrial groups appear to believe they
atherosclerosis? If the relationship between can suppress the problem by advertising cam-
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hyperlipemia and atherosclerosis is one of paigns. The current spate of articles in the lay
cause and effect, it follows that any regime press often does not present a balanced ac-
that will reduce even "normal" blood lipid count of current opinion.
concentrations should also decrease the inci- In the opinion of the authors of this review,
dence of atherosclerosis. Is reduction of dietary there is not enough evidence available to permit
fat or change in its type the only practical a rigid stand on what the relationship is be-
means of accomplishing this? And will it be tween nutrition, particularly the fat content of
effective? the diet, and atherosclerosis and coronary heart
.More recently, evidence has been presented disease. We are certain of one thing: the evi-
that the degree of unsaturation of fat in the dence now in existence justifies the most thor-
diet and, in particular, the essential fatty acid ough investigation. This should be done soon,
content of the diet in proportion to total die- thoroughly, and uncompromisingly.
tary fat may be of critical importance in deter- Many nutrients, either in excessive, or in in-
mining the level of cholesterol and associate sufficient amounts, have been implicated in
lipids in blood. the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Fats,
Another important aspect of the problem of alone or in association with cholesterol,i-8 have
coronary occlusion and its relationship to been given most attention, but intakes of pro-
atherosclerosis of the coronary vessels is the tein, carbohydrate,9 choline,10 pyridoxine,hi
possibility that the thrombosis is due more to a and organic sulfur7 also have been implicated
defect in the clotting mechanism than to an in atherogenesis, although largely from the as-
"incidental" coronary atherosclerosis. Defects pect of their relationships to fat and cholesterol
of clotting mechanisms have been related by metabolism. Fat is certainly the central issue
some workers to the fat content of the diet. of both basic and clinical investigation and,
Even the atherosclerotic plaques themselves now, also of lay speculation. This association

of fat with atherosclerosis has been pursued in able to the wide range of subclinical coronary
nearly every part of the world and at various atherosclerosis. Hence, some statisticians do
levels, epidemiologic, clinical, and experimental. not accept the proposition that, in this country
No attempt will be made to document all of the at least, there is an increasing incidence of this
evidence but rather to point out some of the condition; others believe that such may be the
seemingly significant directions it has taken, case, particularly in younger age groups.
with the aim of formulating some interim These difficulties in interpretation of the
conclusions. vital statistics occur even when the area under
study is a single community. They become
EPi)EMIOLOGIc APPROACH magnified as the area of study widens. Thus, a
The starting point of this approach is the comparison of the 1950 vital statistics of the
assumption that data are available that can United States and Italy for the age group 50
convincingly show the association, or lack of to 54 shows wide differences.14 In the United
association, between diet and especially coro- States cerebrovascular lesions would seem to
nary and cerebral artery disease. Some of the be 10 (females) to 16 (males) per cent less com-
difficulties of determining the prevalence and mon than in Italy, while in the United States
severity of coronary atherosclerosis are indicat- degenerative heart disease (coronary, angina
ed above and have been summarized elsewhere.12 pectoris, myocardial infarction) is 3 times more
The clinical diagnosis of coronary arterial heart common in males and 1.5 times more common
disease dates substantially from the first dec- in females. Ill-defined causes of death are more
ade of this century. No one questions the re- common in Italy than in the United States.
markable increase in the reported number of Clearly, differences in diagnosis and certifica-
cases of this condition. Undoubtedly the wide tion between 2 countries account for some of
use of the electrocardiogram in confirming these differences.
clinical diagnosis and the inclusion in 1949 of The unexpected finding is that like differences
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Arteriosclerotic Heart Disease in the Interna- also arise between different parts of the United
tional List of Causes of Death play a role in States, and even between neighboring states.'5
what is often believed to be an actual increased For example, the age-adjusted cardiovascular
"prevalance" of this disease. Further, in one disease rate for 35- to 64-year-old white males
year, 1948 to 1949, the effect of this revision was indicates a spread from 348 (South Dakota) to
to raise coronary disease death rates by about 734 (District of Columbia) and from 550 (Vir-
20 per cent for white males and about 35 per ginia) to 668 (Maryland) and from 395 (Arkan-
cent for white females. Lew1" states: sas) to 524 (Alabama). In the specific case of
coronary artery disease, the distribution of
In fact 30 per cent of the increase in the crude deaths in the United States assumes a geo-
death rate from coronary artery disease since 1940
is due merely to the aging of the population. Another graphic pattern with maxima in the Middle
40 per cent of the increase in the crude death rate Atlantic States and California and minima in
can be ascribed directly to the changes in procedures the East South Central States."6 The highest
and classification adopted with the sixth revision of rate occurs in New York and the lowest in New
the International Causes of Death. In my judgment, Mexico. The meaning of these differences is
a major part of the remaining 30 per cent represents
merely the acceptance of a broader concept of obscure. The data show that the vital statistics
coronary artery disease, better diagnosis and in- of an area can serve only as a crude index for
creasing usage of the certifying causes of death. In comparison with other areas and that the value
other woids, probably less than 15 per cent of the of such an index decreases greatly when the
increase in death rate can be attributed to a real areas studied have different cultures or when
increase in the mortality from this disease. one suffers the disorganization imposed by
Nearly a third of the reported cases of arterio- hard times, by famine, or by war.
sclerotic heart disease show a disparity between These difficulties on the diagnostic side occur
clinical and autopsy diagnosis, in part attribut- also on the nutritional side. Comparative

nutritional surveys range from estimates based total fat intake and the incidence of deaths
on the food balance sheets of 2 nations to care- attributed to arteriosclerotic heart disease. In
fully measured intakes of individuals. A na- Minnesota, Sweden, and Denmark, and
tional balance sheet includes estimated domes- high-income groups in Spain and Italy, they
tic production, plus imports, less exports, and reported a high fat intake and a high incidence
allowances for carry-overs of food stocks. of coronary vascular disease. In the poor of
Estimates must then be made of grain used these 2 countries, and in Japan, where the fat
for seed or animal feed, of edible crops used intake was low, they reported low incidence of
industrially (potatoes or grain for alcohol, fats coronary vascular disease. If the data can be
and oils for paint, soap, etc.) and of wastage confirmed, the trend of the findings is unques-
and spoilage. Finally, the food consump- tionably significant. That the dietary factor,
tion can be estimated by distributing net resid- i.e., fat intake, rather than the genetic factor is
ual food through the population by age groups, possibly the more significant variable is indi-
making allowance, if possible, for differences in cated by comparisons of southern Japanese in
food customs between different parts of the Kyushu with their relatives in Hawaii19 and of
country, such as the home use of corn in the southern Italians living in Boston with those
southern and of wheat in the northern United living in Naples. It must be borne in mind that
States. It is obvious that such estimates may there is a difference in the collection of the vital
indicate trends in single countries or demon- statistics in the areas under comparison that
strate wide differences in the adequacy of the may vitiate these conclusions. The validation
diets available, but that they have little appli- of vital statistics in these studies by inspection
cation to small groups, especially if the differ- of hospital records and examination of groups
ences are small. of patients may not be as cogent as it would
The problem is exemplified in a study of seem at first glance because standards for seek-
individual food balance carried out by the ing hospital admission vary widely with cultural
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Medical Nutrition Laboratory in U. S. Army and social levels.

messes.'7 The master menu called for the pur- That the genetic factor may influence results
chase of 3,900 calories daily per man, but the of such studies is indicated by a recent co-
food offered in the mess hall measured from operative study made by the life insurance
3,068 to 3,326 calories daily per man. The companies in the United States. They investi-
cooking of bacon was one reason for the disap- gated 18,000 insured lives for periods of up to
pearance in calories; it involved a loss of 39 15 years and showed conclusively that persons
per cent of the original weight as drippings who had reported 2 or more cases of early
with a loss of 1,600 calories per pound of bacon cardiovascular renal disease in their families
used. Of the 182 Gm. of potentially edible fat were subject to death rates from cardiovascular
available daily to each man only 134 Gm. were disease that were from 134 to 212 times those
actually consumed. Thus not only national prevailing among all persons insured at stand-
balance sheets can be deceiving but even esti- ard premium rates. * More recently, Epstein
mates made under closely supervised conditions et al.20 have reported a study among garment
as in the U. S. Army messes. Evidently pur- workers which indicated that serum cholesterol
chase and inventory records do not accurately and body weight, as well as blood pressure,
indicate the true value of the food consumed. were determinants in the incidence of coronary
Keys and Anderson'8 have attempted to heart disease in men of Italian but not in those
circumvent these difficulties by personal esti- of Jewish origin.
mates of diet consumption and of the incidence Thomas21 has reported recently oii the iiici-
of coronary atherosclerosis in many parts of dence of acute fatal myocardial infarction in
the world, supplemented in some studies by about 17,000 autopsies that were performed
autopsy data. Reference will be made to some between 1910 and 1954. A change has occurred
of these studies below. They concluded that, in *
Impairment Study, 1951, Society of Actuaries,
general, there is indeed an association between April 1954.

in the relative incidence of the disease in white and then as the mother of hormones, became
individuals of the 2 sexes from 2:1 (males:fe- to many the villain underlying arterial catas-
males) before 1940 to 1:1 since 1940. This is trophe. A large factor in this association but
thought to be due primarily to the greater in- biologically the least significant was that the
crease of fatal infarction in elderly females. Liebermann-Burchard reaction made measure-
They also reported that the over-all incidence ment of serum cholesterol easier than measure-
of fatal infarction was 5 times as high among ment of other lipids. In fact, the reaction may
the whites as among Negroes. This difference have dragged a blue-green herring across the
was greater in the period 1940 to 1954 than in trail of investigation by concentrating too
the period 1910 to 1939 because the incidence much attention on cholesterol at the expense of
among white individuals had risen greatly but substances of equal or greater potential in-
that among Negroes had risen only slightly. terest.
The concentrations of plasma lipids usually
CLINICAL APPROACH tend to vary simultaneously in the same direc-
This approach depends primarily upon the tion"7 and any one of them might be as signifi-
association of increased incidence of athero- cant as cholesterol. In man, it seems likely that
sclerosis and of coronary arterial disease with serum cholesterol concentration is virtually in-
certain diseases such as diabetes, myxedema, dependent of the intake.2" But this cannot be
nephrosis, and xanthomatosis, when associated stated firmly as a generalization. Thus "pure"
with hyperlipemia and hypercholesterolemia. vegetarians with low-cholesterol intakes tend to
This experience indicates that the equation of have lower serum cholesterol concentrations
atherosclerosis with hypercholesterolemia is than nonvegetarians.2' A problem of absorption
presumably valid, but does not establish the also may be involved, since egg yolks added to
association between fat intake and hypercho- the normal diet increase serum cholesterol con-
lesterolemia. Thus, Page and Farr22 found no centration more effectively than pure choles-
erol in a majority of normal subjects."0
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effect of high or moderately low-fat diets on

plasma lipids of nephrotic children in short time Apart from the possibility that cholesterol
experiments, and Mann23 found no significant may not play a dominant or specific role in
increases in serum cholesterol or g-lipoprotein atherosclerosis, determinations of serum cho-
in 2 normal young men fed high fat diets. On lesterol began to go out of fashion after the first
the other hand, some hypertensive patients of a series of reports by Gofman and his asso-
exhibit large increase in both, while others show ciates.3' They found a close association between
little or none.' The wide variation in individual coronary atherosclerosis as manifested by myo-
response deserves much more attention. Turn- cardial infarction and subsequent serum con-
ing to normal populations, the evidence is not centrations of certain low-density lipoproteins;
concordant. Women in Iowa and Nebraska eat the association with over-all serum cholesterol
high-fat diets, but have a mean serum choles- content was not so close. These observations
terol of only 209 mg. per 100 ml.24 On the other initiated a vast study, the results of which
hand, Mayer et al.2' found that high-fat animal recently have been reported.32 Unfortunately,
or vegetable diets increased and low-fat diets the interpretations of the data are to some
decreased serum cholesterol of normal subjects, extent contradictory. The majority opinion
confirming earlier data of Keys.26 holds that as an index the total serum choles-
terol is as good as, if not better than, the
Cholesterol low-density lipoproteins. The Gofman group
Many years ago the clinical association continues to emphasize the clinical significance
between hypercholesterolemia and athero- of the low-density, in their view atherogenic,
sclerosis was correlated with the finding that lipoprotein molecules as compared to serum
rabbits fed cholesterol in oil developed athero- cholesterol. There are wide areas of agreement.
sclerosis. Cholesterol, once regarded as a non- Both serum cholesterol and low-density lipo-
metabolizable building block in animal tissues proteins were found to have a statistical correla-

tion with each other, based primarily on the even when the intake of calories, cholesterol,
fact that the d-lipoproteins of lower Sf value are protein, and vitamins is constant."35
cholesterol-rich. Both also correlated with the Certainly there is an abundance of data, both
incidence of myocardial infarction. It was clinical and experimental, that tends to relate
concluded further that neither the analysis of excess fat intake to atherosclerosis. Unfortu-
one or both has specific predictive application nately, other significant parameters, such as
for any one individual. It seems that compara- total caloric intake, relative rate of caloric
tive cost and complexity make it likely that expenditure, and true obesity and exercise, are
serum cholesterol will remain the most used clin- not easily disentangled from the problem of
ical guide to hyperlipoproteinemia and that excess fat intake, so that this attractive hypoth-
chemical, ultracentrifugal, or electrophoretic de- esis finds opposition in some quarters. With
terminations of serum lipoproteins will be used regard to the often-cited Norwegian experience,
primarily in research. The need for both deter- Morris36 notes that mortality from cardio-
minations is exemplified by the occasional vascular disease is not easily estimated from
dissociations between the 2 measurements. the Norwegian vital statistics. Apparent
Such were found in rural Central Americans33 mortality from this cause tended to decrease
and in Nigerians,34 both groups having low before the food shortages of World War II
levels of cholesterol but definitely elevated became severe, and this decrease was associated
levels of low-density serum lipoproteins. with declines in rates for dental caries, tonsillar
Analytic methods for cholesterol must be hypertrophy, maternal mortality, suicide, and
rigidly standardized before data from different schizophrenia. He notes that in Britain, cardio-
laboratories can be compared accurately. Due vascular mortality decreased at the beginning
regard must be paid to such factors as day-to- of the war in 1939 (fat rationing began in 1940)
day variability and variations between indi- but resumed a climbing trend in 1943, in spite
viduals in any "therapeutic" trials. It must be of the fact that fat restriction continued and
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decided soon whether the North American even intensified in 1947. He goes on to suggest
"normal" mean is biologically a useful value. that there may be "several causes and mecha-
Lastly, before assuming that cholesterol intake nism . . . involved in the human disease, some
is of no significance, it can be pointed out that of them not related in simple fashion to serum
in animals it is the feeding of fat and cholesterol cholesterol . . . but [that] it is a fallacy to con-
together that provokes atherosclerosis. Feeding sider that this automatically renders them
fat alone is comparatively, but not absolutely, unimportant."
ineffective. The significance of serum cholesterol There has indeed been a tendency to gloss
concentrations in excess of the normal American over data that would run counter to the prop-
osition that high-fat intake, plus hypercholes-
range is illustrated in the Framingham study. terolemia, results in atherosclerosis. Thus,
In that study hypercholesterolemia, not neces- Wilkinson, Blecha, and Reiner37 found no
sarily from the diet, was associated with a relationship between diet and blood cholesterol
3-fold increased incidence of coronary artery and Shaffer38 could not detect an increased
disease.31 incidence of coronary atherosclerosis among
Fat men on "ulcer" diets of milk and cream. In
contrast is the association between fat intake
Total Fat Intake. Perhaps total fat consump- and cholesterolemia demonstrated in normal
tion is more relevant to clinical atherogenesis subjects.39 This last study was applied quickly
than the intake of cholesterol. Keys, in partic- by Morrison40 to patients who had had myo-
ular, has placed emphasis on the proportion of cardial infarcts. From the results of an 8-year
total dietary calories contributed by the com- survey, Morrison claimed increased survival
mon food fats. His thesis is that changes in (28 of 50 patients) among patients on a low-fat
this proportion "result in corresponding diet as compared with controls (12 of 50 pa-
changes in serum cholesterol concentration, tients) on a normal diet.
The Kempner rice diet is a good example of Animal vs. Vegetable Fat. The possibility
the effect of fat restriction. During the first that the kind rather than the amount of fat in
months when there is usually a marked loss in the diet is responsible for atherogenesis has
weight, patients consuming this diet show been raised. The first area of such studies has
considerable decreases in concentration of been a comparison of effects of animal fats
serum cholesterol. This is most evident when with those of vegetable fats.
the initial cholesterol level is high.4' 42 Watkins Some of the relevant data come from studies
et al.43 found that this dietary regimen brought of vegetarians. In one study, serum cholesterol
about an average decrease of 40 mg. per 100 levels were higher in nonvegetarians than in
ml. of total cholesterol, involving 5 mg. of free lacto-ovo-vegetarians and "pure" vegetarians.
and 35 mg. of ester cholesterol. The dispropor- The lowest concentrations of cholesterol were
tionately large decrease in ester cholesterol found in the "pure" vegetarians, in spite of
confirmed Starke's observations42 and was asso- the fact that 35 per cent of their total calories
ciated with decreased cholesterol-to-phospho- came from fat.29 Somewhat comparable are the
lipid ratio and with decreased serum neutral data that compare male adult mean serum
fats. This raised the question of possible hepatic cholesterol concentrations among Peruvian
dysfunction, perhaps imposed by the low-pro- Indians, Navaho Indians, American Trappist
tein character of the diet. That the decisive monks, and Cleveland Americans.46 The respec-
factor was not protein lack was suggested by tive levels were 186 +t 11.8, 175 -+ 6.2, 184 +
the fact that addition of small amounts of a 14.9, and 229.7 + 4.4. In all 3 special groups
vegetable oil to the diet of 5 patients and the there were lower serum cholesterol concentra-
feeding of 10 Gm. of oleic acid daily to 2 others tions than in the Cleveland group although
restored the proportion of free-ester cholesterol the Navaho Indians may be somewhat low
and the other serum lipid abnormalities to partly because they were in the hospital.47 The
normal without increasing serum cholesterol. Peruvian diet was largely vegetarian. The diet
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_Mann et al.44 have shown a rather striking of the Trappist monks was lacto-ovo-vegetarian
effect of severe exercise in regulating levels of and relatively low in calories, 1,600 daily,
serum lipoproteins and cholesterol in young (protein 51, fat 34, carbohydrate 275). Reports
adult males who consumed a diet high in fat, on the Navaho diets show that they consume
both in total (153-174 Gm.) and in animal a not inconsiderable amount of fat and choles-
fats, with a daily caloric intake of approxi- terol, but that there is uncertainty as to the
mately 6,000. The serum lipids were not in- exact composition of the diet, particularly in
creased as long as their caloric expenditure was places well removed from the hospitals.48
great enough to prevent any appreciable weight The possible association between vegetarian-
gain. As soon as forced exercise was stopped, ism and low levels of serum cholesterol is also
there was a gain in weight and an increase in tested by the data from a study of Eskimos,
level of serum lipids. In contrast to these who eat a high-meat, high-fat diet. With a
findings, Keys et al.45 as part of their epidemio- procedure that yielded a mean value of 177 mg.
logic studies, have estimated the physical per 100 ml. total serum cholesterol for the
activity of the groups of men they have studied control group of Canadians, the mean in 27
in the several countries and have concluded Eskimos was found to be 141 (range 93-222)
that "differences in physical activity do not and in 6 Devon Island Eskimos presumably
explain the large differences in serum choles- consuming less than the others of cereal fare-
terol which are found when groups with 132 mg. (range 116-158). The fats consumed
different dietary habits are compared." were largely of marine origin, and, like vege-
The problem of total fat intake, of the effect table fat, relatively unsaturated. However,
of moderate restriction of ordinary fats, and of tuberculosis is common among Eskimos and
the effect of exercise on the level of serum may account for the relative lipopemia.49
cholesterol must all be considered unresolved. Unsaturated Fats. The reported effects of

vegetable fats may be a function of their degree Speculative hypotheses, like those of Sin-
of unsaturation or of their content of "essential clair55 and Schroeder56 have been formulated.
fatty acids." The parameter of saturation of The starting point of this type of hypothesis
fat as a significant factor in cholesterolemia is that cholesterol is normally esterified with
aisd, by extension, in atherosclerosis, recently unsaturated fatty acids. When these are un-
has been explored in human beings by Kinsell,50 available, cholesterol esterifies with saturated
Ahrens,51 Beveridge,52 and Bronte-Stewart.11 fatty acids provided by the dietary fats or
These experiments showed that relatively un- synthesized in the body from carbohydrates.
saturated fats of vegetable or marine origin The hypothesis states that it is these saturated
tend to lower while, per contra, the particular cholesterol esters which tend to be deposited
hydrogenated vegetable fats usually, and in the arterial intima. Inability to form arachi-
saturated animal fat rather regularly, tended donic from linoleic acid (2 essential fatty acids)
to increase serum cholesterol. may be involved, and this latter synthesis may
It is important to keep in mind that the depend on pyridoxine. Therefore, pyridoxine
"test conditions" (variously, formula diets, deficiency might have the same effect as a
tube feeding, grossly distorted diets, hospi- deficiency of unsaturated fatty acid. It is also
talized patients, medical students, poor Bantus) suggested that cholesterol excess might have
do not necessarily bear directly on the possible similar effect. On this basis, hypercholestero-
effects of addition of reasonable amounts of lemia and atherosclerosis would be attributable
unsaturated fat to a North American "meat to absolute or relative deficiency of unsaturated
and potatoes" diet, and, at present, cannot be fatty acids. Sinclair's estimates of the composi-
extrapolated to the normal diets of large groups tion of western European diets led him to
of people free of cardiovascular disease. It is, conclude that they are indeed marginally de-
of course, only possible to obtain the evidence ficient in unsaturated fatty acids, but more
on which to base a way of dietary life where recent evidence does not support this estimate.
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such strictly controlled investigative conditions Lack of essential fatty acids now seems an
can be imposed. This is still an area of clinical unlikely factor in atherogenesis. Schroeder's
investigationi. It is reasonable to assume that speculation is that trace metals contaminating
none of the dietary regimens studied will be prepared foods might poison the pyridoxal
of practical value, as such, to people who are in enzyme systems and lead to atherosclerosis in
good health. Some of the diets contained as people whose diets are rich in saturated fat and
much as 40 to 60 per cent oil or fat by weight. cholesterol. Again, there is no substantial
The bizarre character of some of these diets is evidence in favor of this view.
exemplified by one that included 100 Gm. of Both series of propositions are highly specula-
pilchard oil daily (iodine number 180). This tive. It would be premature to act on these
was found to counter the hypercholesterolemic assumptions without good evidence for their
effect of concurrently consuming 10 eggs daily. validity. The fact is that the basic problem is
This observation was made with 2 cooperative not only lipemia, hypercholesterolemia, or the
Bantu subjects and for periods of only a few loading of the liver with lipid, but it is athero-
days. Nonetheless, this preliminary evidence matosis, and, in particular, myocardial infarc-
has provided an important investigative area tion or cerebral thrombosis. Atheromata have
that is now under intensive study. not been described or associated clinically or
The mechanism by which unsaturated fats experimentally with fatty acid deficiency.
might counter lipemia and hypercholestero- Further, myocardial infarction is not generally
lemia is not understood. Beveridge, Connell, precipitated in animals by excessive intake of
and M\layer54 are less concerned with the degree any particular fat or of cholesterol, or by a de-
of saturation than with as yet unidentified ficiency of pyridoxine or any unsaturated fatty
cholesterol-inereasing and cholesterol-de- acid. Incompletely reported experiments of
pressing factors found respectively in animal Hartroft, however, suggest that in rats on
and vegetable fat. special diets this may be possible.

Other observations of interest include those characteristic of animal tissue, may bear on
of Curran,57 who has evidence that cholesterol this unanticipated result. The amount of
esters of rabbits fed saturated fats hydrolyse sudanophilic material under the endothelium
less rapidly in vitro than the cholesterol esters of the valvular endocardium and aorta was
of animals given unsaturated fats. This suggests estimated and with all oils was found to be
that the latter esters may be less stable and proportional to the level of serum cholesterol.
perhaps more easily metabolized in vivo. This Thus, if this sudanophilic material is indicative
view could easily be tested on the large series of early "atherogenic activity," it would appear
of cholesterol esters synthesized by Page and to be mirrored by the level of serum cholesterol.
Rudy.58 Very low fat diets increase hepatic It has been suggested that the spacing of
and decrease plasma cholesterol in rats.57 Ab- fat meals is important. Certainly, in hyper-
sence of essential fatty acids may be the result lipemia and many of the secondary lipemias,
of failure of cholesterol esters containing other blood lipids can be maintained at "normal"
than polyunsaturated acids to be available for level by properly spacing fat without reducing
proper metabolism. In monkeys6 increasing the total daily intake.62
amounts of corn oil caused serum cholesterol Fat and Clotting. The hypothetical sequence
to rise progressively; hydrogenated cottonseed in vogue since the time of Virchow from hyper-
oil at low, medium, or high levels, caused even cholesterolemia to increased intimal lipid dep-
greater rises in serum cholesterol, while native osition ending in atheroma has been ques-
cottonseed oil gave responses similar to corn tioned. Duguid has restated the Rokitansky
oil; the responses to lard resembled those concept that atheroma begins in deposition of
obtained with the hydrogenated cottonseed fibrin and extends by incorporation and organ-
oil. That the changes in serum lipid may not ization of these deposits.63' 64 The bridge
reflect the tissue fat pool is shown by measuring between this view and that which associates
hepatic, as well as serum cholesterol in rats atherogenesis with lipemia is provided by
Downloaded from by on April 21, 2020

fed an unsaturated oil (soya bean oil) and one experiments showing that lipemic blood may
more saturated (coconut oil): on these rations, hasten coagulation in vitro65-67 or shorten
hepatic cholesterol was more than doubled in plasma clotting time induced by an incomplete
rats receiving the unsaturated oil as compared thromboplastin.68 Increase in coagulability of
with their controls fed saturated fats. There lipemic plasma does not seem to be found by
was a tendency to low serum cholesterol con- all observers.69 The effect of fat ingestion on
centration in the rats with the high levels of coagulation is possibly associated with changes
hepatic cholesterol.60 Saturation, as such, is in circulating phosphatidyl-ethanolamine,66' 70
not the only factor. Thus, rats were given a which mav act as a thromboplastin. Fibrino-
variety of fats with added cholesterol and lysis appears to be inhibited by alimentary
cholic acid.61 They were sacrificed at 8 and 12 lipemia, among other things.71 These associa-
weeks and the serum cholesterol mean values tions are of considerable interest, since they
were averaged. Those rats given coconut oil tend to link atheroma and lipemia with throm-
and butter respectively showed mean serum bosis. They are preliminary. In particular, the
cholesterol levels of 553 and 453 mg. per 100 concept of atherogenesis on the basis of fibrin
ml.; those given cottonseed and corn oils had deposition has little, if any, direct or sequential
lower cholesterol levels, namely 308 and 392 demonstration.
mg. per 100 ml.; hydrogenated cottonseed oil
with two thirds the iodine number of the raw Carbohydrate
oil yielded a mean of 461 mg. per 100 ml. Tung The conversion of carbohydrate to saturated
oil, which is highly unsaturated, yielded the and mono-unsaturated fatty acid is implicit
highest mean serum cholesterol, namely 1130 in the "corn-hog ratio," which dictates a
mg. per 100 ml. The fact that tung oil is rich portion of the farm economy. Further, ingestion
in eleostearic acid, an octadecatrienoic acid of a high carbohydrate diet usually implies a
and an isomer of linolenic acid, which is un- low-fat ration and vice versa. But there may
be still subtler influences of carbohydrate changes, and do they involve the amount and
feeding. Thus, in rats, the kind of carbohydrate type of fat?
fed seems to affect the catabolism of cholesterol Katz et al.75 stated unequivocally that the
to bile acid.72 Chow-fed rats excreted more fat content of the American diet has increased.
bile acid than rats fed sucrose as the primary To prove his point, he cited data from the
carbohydrate source. When a variety of purified Department of Agriculture going back to 1910.
carbohydrates was studied, it was shown that But these data are of food estimated to be
starch elicits a larger bile acid output than the available at the retail level and are really no
simple sugars. When cholesterol was added to true measure of the actual food consumed.
the diet, rats given starch had lower levels of Stare76 was not nearly so certain that there
serum cholesterol than rats fed simple sugars. has been any marked increase in the fat content
In man it has been shown that the total blood of American diets. He pointed out that data on
lipids of Chinese, who consume only 10 per cent food consumption for estimates of dietary
of their calories as fat and 90 per cent from changes are generally obtained by 2 methods:
carbohydrate and protein, are higher than com- the official tables of food availability prepared
parable groups of Americans, who consume 43 by the Department of Agriculture, and survey
per cent of their calories from fat.87 data of families or particular groups. The first
method, that of food availability, erroneously
Proteins called food-consumption data, consists of esti-
Dietary proteins also may be involved in mates of food stuffs available for civilian
experimental atherosclerosis. The production of consumption based on foods at the retail level.
atherosclerosis in the monkey was accomplished The data have not been adjusted for waste in
by means of diets containing a protein prepared homes or wastes in institutions. Data on waste
from soybeans and commonly referred to as are usually not very reliable; however, (quantity
"alpha protein" and prevented when casein of waste is probably very important. For
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was the dietary protein.7 This effect of alpha example, how much fat is discarded after the
protein is presumable due to its low sulfur acid cooking of meats, bacon, or fat frying? Have
content, but this supposition has not been not the cooking methods changed in this
rigorously proved. Similar results have been country so that more food is broiled and excess
obtained in rats.73 Other studies with rats74 fat discarded? Since in periods of prosperity
showed that the hypercholesteremic response waste may be greater than in periods of auster-
varied according to the protein level. The ity, food-availability tables may not present
lowest response was observed among those a true picture of changes in the dietary. The
animals receiving the highest level of dietary tremendous fat collection from kitchen waste
protein. Since atherosclerosis in man is asso- during the war years is an indication of the
degree of the loss.
ciated with an abundant diet, it is difficult to From the data of the Department of Agricul-
believe that diets low in protein or low in essen- ture77 it is found that from 19:35 to 1953, the
tial amino acids can be a causative factor. average caloric consumption per capita per day
Possible interrelations between fat and protein has decreased slightly, approximately 70
intakes are unexplored. In any event, these calories. Protein has increased from 90 to 97
are indications that cannot be completely Gm., fat from 134 to 148 Gm., and carbo-
ignored. hydrates have decreased from 440 to 384 Gm.
American Diet per day. The decreased use of potatoes and
cereals, and an increase in milk, meat, and eggs
Has there been a marked change in the seem to have been responsible for these changes.
American diet during the past one or two Since consumption of cereals and potatoes has
generations a period in which the incidence decreased, as well as total calories, the percent-
of coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis age of fat in the diet would show an increase
may have increased? What are the principal even if the total fat consumed has not changed.

The second method of estimating food con- It may be of interest to mention that early
sumption is the dietary survey. Many studies, margarines in this country were made partly
ranging from approximately 1900 to the present from beef fat, though for many years hydro-
day, show a considerable variation in dietary genated vegetable fats have been used almost
intake, depending on the group and area under exclusively. Margarine in other countries is
scrutiny. However, variations with time are made from various types of fats, whale oil
not very striking. For example, a dietary being used extensively in the United Kingdom.83
survey of college men in a "boarding club" in Interestingly, per capita availability of lard is
1891 showed 44 per cent of the calories coming about the same now as it was in 191077 but
from fat, and a survey of women eating at lard processing now includes refining, decolor-
college clubs in 1894 reported 36 per cent of ization, and often the addition of some amounts
the calories came from fat.78 And even the of hydrogenated fat (also, in some cases, addi-
Harvard Crew in 1898 consumed a diet pro- tion of gum guaiac and various anti-oxidants).84
viding 39 per cent of the calories as fat.79 A It might be pointed out that an increase in
study in 1953 of adult women showed the the consumption of hydrogenated fats during
percentage of calories derived from fat ranged the past 25 to 30 years does not necessarily
from 36 to 46 per cent of the total.80 Thus, mean a decrease in the intake of the essential
there may not have been an increase in fat fatty acids. This follows from a number of
consumption by Americans over the past 50 reasons.
years as claimed by some. A study of the U. S. 1. While the use of hydrogenated vegetable
Army rations in the western outpost in the oils has increased over the past several years,
late 1880's showed a fat content almost identical these fats are substitutes for lard and butter
with current U. S. Army rations.81 This lack and hence their use has increased slightly the
of change in American dietary can be corre- amounts of essential fatty acids in the diet.
lated with the stand taken by the few that While it is true that hydrogenation gives rise
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there has been no real increase in coronary to a variable mixture of isomers, there is no
heart disease, but only an increasing awareness. evidence that those isomers act as anti-linoleic
It is true that the use of hydrogenated fats compounds, particularly with regard to choles-
has increased in the past 50 years, but since terolemia. In fact, there is evidence8 that the
the 1920's there has been no major increase linoleic acid in fats treated by selective hydro-
until after the war (about 1945), when the use genation has biologic activity and is at a level
of margarine went up sharply. Hydrogenation as high as 13 per cent and usually not less than
is a controllable process and within limits the 10 per cent. In addition the use of these same
relative amounts of mono-unsaturated and oils in their natural state has increased and
poly-unsaturated fatty acids can be varied. As has led to a substantial contribution of essential
hydrogenation is practised commercially, itis unsaturated fatty acids.
not carried to complete saturation. On the 2. Gross measurements of changes of satura-
contrary, considerable amounts of unsaturated tion induced by hydrogenation and frequently
fatty acids remain, including essential fatty evaluated by determination of iodine number
acids. do not necessarily indicate the degree of change
Actually, the proportion of animal and vege- in the content of biologically active poly-
table fats in the diet has remained relatively unsaturated acids. During hydrogenation, the
constant. Again, from Department of Agricul- content of normal linoleate of an oil, while
ture tables, of 132 Gm. of fat available for reduced, is not abolished.
human consumption in 1935 to 1939, 73 per cent McCann and Trulson85 have recently esti-
was from animal sources and 27 per cent from mated the intake of essential fatty acids in
vegetable fats. In the 1955 preliminary report82 current and past American diets. They com-
158 Gm. of fat were available, 70 per cent ment as follows: "However, there has been no
animal, and 30 per cent vegetable fat very marked change in the total amount of essential
little change. unsaturated fatty acids in the American diet

over the past half century. The increased Even if one accepts the equation hypercholes-
saturation of fats induced by the hydrogenation terolemia = atherosclerosis (or some variant
of shortenings and margarines has been thereof) the fact that serum lipid concentra-
balanced by an increased consumption of 'other tions, perhaps more in some people than in
fats and oils,' fats which are mostly unsaturated others, show considerable "spontaneous"
and have a high content of essential fatty fluctuations makes its application difficult.
acids." The increased consumption of other Variations of serum lipid concentrations among
fats and oils has not increased the total fat individuals of the same sex and age, consuming
intake because of decrease of butter, lard, similar diets, are also great. Consequently, data
bacon, and trimming off the fats of meats. based on single determinations are potentially
highly inaccurate, and control data, by repeated
GENERAL COMMENT observation on standard regimes, should be
One can summarize the hypotheses presented secured over several weeks.
as follows: (1) that diet may play an important Vital statistics, particularly from countries
role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, (2) with different methods of reporting, under-
that the fat content and the total calories in staffed health departments, and low autopsy
the diet are probably important factors, (3) rates, are very likely to be misleading. The
that it may be more the type of fat than the diagnostic accuracy of all physicians is not
total fat, or the ratio or balance between the equal, standards vary from place to place. The
saturated and certain unsaturated fats that is taking of diet histories is time consuming and,
the basic determinant, and (4) that the proposi- at best, yields data of only moderate accuracy.
tion that the character of the American diet When obtained through interpreters, under the
has so changed during the past 50 years as to press of time and when good rapport has not
increase the incidence of coronary vascular been possible, diet histories lose even this
disease cannot be supported. It was indicated limited value. A national diet low in fat is
Downloaded from by on April 21, 2020

that (5) other aspects of fat metabolism may usually also low in sucrose and animal protein;
be determinants, and (6) that a wide variety it is usually high in fiber and starch, and the
of other factors, dietary and nondietary, may vitamin and mineral content may differ from
be of equal or greater importance, and (7) that American diets.
infarction, the real nub of the problem, is not Lastly, there are other common factors in
generally produced experimentally, despite the human life that are atherogenic, but not related
extensive and severe atherosclerosis that has to lipemia. Of these, the most common and
been produced. Possibly this objection has best documented is arterial hypertension. This
been very recently overcome. association is well recognized. The greatest
It should be realized that these conclusions frequency of complications of atherosclerosis,
are subject to some very basic criticism. One is fatal and nonfatal, was found in the group of
that most of the studies have focused attention patients whose severe hypertensive disease had
on the concentrations of serum cholesterol, been brought under some control with anti-
serum lipid, or serum lipoprotein without pressor drugs. Among these, such complications
proper emphasis on the focus of the problem, occurred 3 times as often in those with high
which is atheroma and infarction, whether (greater than 110 mm. Hg) diastolic pressures
myocardial or cerebral. Is there compelling than in those with lower average pressure. In
evidence that, if we treat the hypercholestero- these patients, there was no demonstrable
lemia by dietary means, we are doing anything association between the incidence of these
to lessen the chances of myocardial infarction? complications and the level of serum cholesterol
Perhaps the best that can be said is that there or of the light or dense lipoprotein fractions.86
is an association that has statistical value, but
that is not an obligatory association either in CONCLUSION
small groups or, and much less so, in an in- Atherosclerosis, cerebral thrombosis, and
dividual. myocardial infarction are diseases in which

numerous factors are involved. Diet and nutri- nutrition readily suggest various types of diet
tion are important factors in experimental therapy that may prove useful to certain pa-
atherosclerosis and, very probably, in the tients. Investigative procedures of this type,
human disease. Thrombosis and infarction of together with continued basic research, will, in
the cerebral, cardiac, and renal vessels occur time, provide the facts upon which sound
in severely sclerosed arteries, but so far neither dietary recommendations may be made to the
has been clearly produced experimentally. public at large and which may help in lessening
Evidence is presented to suggest a possible the prevalence of cerebral and coronary disease
general association with high fat consumption, with consequent stroke and mvocardial
but it is difficult to disentangle this from caloric infarction.
balance, exercise, changes in body weight, and
other metabolic and dietary factors that may SUMMARIO IN INTERLIN-GUA
be involved. Thus, the evidence at present Atherosclerosis, thrombosis cerebral, e in-
does not convey any specific implications for farcimento myocardial es morbos in que un
drastic dietary changes, specifically in the grande numero de factores es implicate. Dieta
quantity or type of fat in the diet of the general e nutrition es factores de alte importantia in
population, on the premise that such changes atherosclerosis experimental e probabilissi-
will definitely lessen the incidence of coronary memente etiam in le occurrentia del morbo in
or cerebral artery disease. On the other hand, humanos. Thrombosis e infarcimento del vasos
the fact that obesity is a nutritional failure, cerebral, cardiac, e renal occurre in arterias que
that it is caused by consuming more energy than es severmente sclerotic, sed usque al tempore
one expends, that dietary fats are the most presente ni le un ni le altere ha essite repro-
concentrated source of energy, providing some ducite clarmente per medios experimental.
40 to 45 per cent of the daily caloric intake, Es presentate datos que supporta le vista
suggests that many should consume less que iI existe un association general con alte
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calories. For most, this wvill mean eating less grados de consumption de grassia, sed il es
fat. difficile isolar iste factor ab le balancia caloric,
Prudence, as well as habit and taste, wvrill le intensitate de exercitios, alterationes del
dictate the selection of a diet with some fat. peso corporee, e altere factores metabolic e
Diets providing 25 to 30 per cent of the calories dietari que es possibilemente interessate in le
from fat, rather than the current 40 to 45 per problema. Assi, le datos nunc disponibile non
cent in the American diet, can still provide justifica le recommendation de drastic modi-
palatable meals for our accustomed tastes. ficationes dietari specificamente con respecto
The key points of nutritional common sense al quantitate o al typo de grassia in le dieta del
for better health generally, and most likely in population general con le expectation que tal
regard to atherosclerosis specifically, consist of modificationes va definitemente reducer le
a balanced, varied diet that adjusts total incidentia de morbo de arteria cerebral o
calories to reach or maintain a desirable weight. coronari. Del altere latere, le facto que
Such a diet should provide more protein from obesitate es un dysfunction nutritional, que illo
lean meat, fish, poultry, and animal products, resulta del consumption de un excesso de
cereal and grain products, and a reasonable energia in comparation con le expension de
selection of fruits and vegetables. The fat energia, e que grassias dietari (que provide 40
content should be sufficient only to meet a 45 pro cento del diurne ingestion caloric)
caloric and essential fatty acid demands. es le plus concentrate fonte de energia supporta
These conclusions obviously apply to the le recommendation que multe personas de-
general population, and not to patients or to berea reducer lor consumption de calorias. In
individuals with a strong family history of le majoritate del casos isto significa un reduc-
early deaths from cardiovascular disease, who tion del consumption de grassia.
are being observed with some regularity by Prudentia insimul con habitude e preferentia
their physician. Here, the newer concepts of personal va determinar le selection de un dieta

con un certe portion de grassia. Dietas que 5 PAGE, I. H.: Symposium on atheroselerosis.
deriva 25 a 30 pro cento de lor contento caloric National Academy of Sciences. National Re-
ab grassias (in loco del 40 a 45 pro cento in le search Council Publication No. 338, Washing-
ton, D. C., 1955.
dieta american currente) es certo capace a pro- 6 PORTMAN, 0. W., STARE, F. J., AND BRUNO, D.:
vider repastos appetibile secundo nostre gustos Level and type of dietary fat and experimental
habitual. hypercholesteremia in the cebus monkey. Fed.
Le punctos cardinal in un programma dietari Proc. 15: 570, 1956.
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STARE, F. J.: Experimental atherosclerosis in
meliorate stato de sanitate physic in general Cebus monkeys. J. Exper. Med. 98: 195, 1953.
como etiam con respecto a atherosclerosis in 8 PAGE, I. H.: Arteriosclerosis and lipid metabolism.
particular es recommendationes visante a un Biological Symposia 11: 43, 1945.
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Effect of dietary carbohydrate on experi-
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