Manuel D'utilisation Topcon Série MTS-602Rpdf

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interface Manual Corporation 2 caution (user) can use this manual interface (the document) and the information contained therein (information) with the purpose of interface of a software that would be made by a user (both on a commercial basis or Less, user software) with the total station produced by Topcon (Topcon). The document and / or
information is the exclusive Property of Topcon, and complete documents, the property, copyright and other intellectual properties of it remain attributed to Topcon in any and all time. No part of this document can be reproduced, modified, stored in a recovery system, or transmitted, in any form and by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopies,
recordings or other, without the prior written authorization of Topcon. Each document copyright notice must not be removed, deleted or rendered unclear. In any case, that user exchanges sells, soldiers, passages, rentals, locations or otherwise disposing of the document, the user must not divide this From the document. Nothing here allows the user
any right to use any topcon s brand or business name. On condition, however, that the user can descriptively indicate only to demonstrate that the software is an application software for equipment. In this case, the user will have to describe that these brands or names are they are o The commercial name of Topcon. The document is supplied to "as
well as" without guarantees of any kind. Additional Topcon does not recognize any warranty, including, without limitation, guarantees any implicit marketability, suitable for a particular purpose and not violation. In no case Topcon or its subsidiaries, affiliates, distributors or agents be held responsible for consequential, accidental, direct, indirect,
special, moral or other damage (including, without limitation, damage to profit loss, interruption, loss of Commercial information, or other damages) deriving from, deriving from or in connection with the use or incapacity 'to use the document and / or information. Even in the event in Topcon or its any controlled company, affiliates, distributor or
agent have been informed of the possibility of such damages. This manual will be changed without prior notice for improvement. Copyright Topcon All rights reserved. Printed in Japan Page 3 Index 1. Introduction equipment needed to make the GTS-750 connection system for the IBM-PN PC connection between the GTS-750 and IBM-PC interface in
STD mode Setting the GTS interface mode added Cr CR / Lf Selecting data output data mode GTS Format Character Data Format ... 4 (1) The 1mm mode of data output from GTS (2) The mode of 0.2 mm of outgoing data From the GTS (3) the preset data and data called (1,1mm) ... 10 (3) -1. Preset data ... 10 (3) -2. Data called ... 11 of Data (4) Preset
and Data called (0.1, 0.1 mm Unit) ... 12 (4) -1. Preset data ... 12 (4) -2. Data called ... 13 (5) Commands ... 14 4 How to make a start measure BCC communication protocol and receive single data or the start measurement Repetition mode and receive data in TRK (10 mm) mode for Preset data to recall the preset data Changing the GTS mode Example
programs for the IBM-PC summary The data / commands of the GTS interface cables ... 30 5 1. Introduction Total stations Topcon Series GTS-750 can be connected directly To a computer. This manual provides information relating to the interface between the GTS-750 series and a computer. Example interface programs are listed in this manual for
IBM-PC processor. For other computer or application programs, users are requested to modify the sample program in this manual. Please refer to the GTS-750 Instruction Manual for its operation the GTS-750 series specification, including the interface with a computer can be changed for the improvement by the manufacturer without notice 6 2.
Equipment necessary to make The system of the following equipment needed to make the system. 1) Total Topcon Station GTS-750 Series for connection with IBM PC, 2) Topcon IBM-PC computer or F-4 computer interface 3) 3. GTS-750 connection for connecting the IBM-PC cable It is illustrated later. GTS-750 F-3 or F-4 IBM PC-Series cable 2 7 4.
Connection between PIN GTS-750 and IBM-PC-750 GTS Series (6p) F-3-IBM PC cable (25p) 1. GND 7 . SG 2. NC 1. FG Note 1) TD 3. 4. RD RD 2. TD Note 2) RTS CTS 5. 6. VCC 6. DSR Note 1) The output voltage is about + 5V high level and -5v low level with a 3 kilo-ohm resistor. Note 2) The pin is always pulled up to the high level of the signal (+
7.2V tip.) Through a 1 kilo-ohm resistor. 5. Interface in STD mode 5-1. Setting the GTS-750 interface mode To connect the GTS-750 series to a computer, the GTS-750 Series interface mode must be changed according to the procedures described below Added CR / LF these procedures make the GTS-750 Series for Add the ASCII CR / LF characters
(Return to the head and Riga progress) at the end of the Outgoing data so as to make the interface simple with a computer. Please refer to the parameter setting modes of the instruction manual about the mode to change the adding of CR / LF selection of the output data mode. The output data mode is selected the mode 1mm mode 0.2 mm setting the
parameters. And GTS-750 can leave the usual state of auto tracking tracking additional output data Please refer to parameters of the instruction manual setting mode about the setting mode. 3 8 5-2. The data format of the GTS character format each character is demonstrated by the ASCII code. Beginning B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 EP Stop baud rate:
1200 baud boot bit: 1 bit (0 = high) bit data: 7 bit (0 = high, 1 = bass) parity bit: paritã equal (0 = high, 1 = Low) Stop Bit: 1 bit (1 = bass) The normal condition of output data is superior. But it can be changed by setting the parameters. Please refer to parameters of the instruction manual setting mode about the data format setting mode The output
data mode is the change with the interface mode. How to change the mode of 1 mm 0.2 mm is shown on page 3. (1) the 1mm mode of the data coming out of the GTS-750 1) SD mode (ID: 3FH)? MDT ETX (CRLF) ID SD M / F VH D / M / M HD T / * LPO BCC ID: an identification character that discriminates the data type (ASCIII3FH) SD: inclined
distance M (+/-, 8 digits) m / f: meters / feet v: vertical angle (7 digits) h: horizontal angle (+/-, 7 digits) (+/-: angle rotated to the right (+) or left (-)) d / g / m : degrees / grad / mil hd: horizontal distance m (+/-, 8 digits) t / *: inclination correction - t: yes, *: no l: edm return signal level 15 (2 digits) p: edm Atmospheric correction + 00 pp (+/- 2 digits)
or: constant prism + 25 mm (+/-, 2 digits) BCC: Block control character 099 (3 digits) ETX: the ASCII character (03h) to show the end CR text: optional ASCII character (0DH) LF: optional ASCII character (0ah) 4 9 Note 1) Distance data is represented in the unit of 0.001m 0.001ft .. The length of the data is fixed 8 Figures. Note 2) The angle data is
represented by the xxx xx xx or in the form of xxx.xxxx gon or mil The length of the data is fixed 7 digits. Note 3) In the event of a coarse mode, the signal level is replaced by **. FORMER.)? MDT ** ETX (CRLF) 2) VD mode (HD or ID: 52H) R MDT ETX (CRLF) HD ID M / F VH D / M VD T / * LPO BCC VD: Vertical distance M (+/- , 8 figures)
Note) In the case of the coarse mode, the signal level is replaced by **. . EX) R MDT ** ETX (CRLF) 3) Corn mode H (ID V or: 3CH)
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