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WAVES OF CHAOS Beta1 for Diablo2 LoD 1.


This is a –direct –txt mod. If you don´t know how to install it

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Beta 1

-new startscreen
-all monsters were powered up
-damage, Attack and level x6
-life and experience x6
-character changes
-mana per level x2
-life per level :2
-all chars start with the horadric cube
-the max level is now 250
-character skill changes
-level require of skills x2
-mana for Paladin und Barbarian skills :2
-damage of all skills x2
-6 new sorceres skills
-2 new necromancer skills
-1 new barbarian skill
-2 new paladin skills
-1 new assasin skill
-some other skill changes
-new: bone- and firedisks
-new: bone- and firedisks
-new: poison dagger
-new: lightning sword
-new typ: bracelets
-5 new sets
-51 new uniques
-gems give better stats
-required str/dex for weapons and armor x2

-3 new druid skills
-new pictures for all new skills

-2 new druid skills
-16 new high level gems

-removed fire prince/poison princess/spiders (because of the many problems)
-1 new type of charm: upgradeble Charm
-1 new gem: upgrade stone
-new cube recipe= 1(2 and 4 for better magical attributes)upgrade stone+ 1upgradable charm+
1chipped gem
-1 new set
-1 new type of armor

-about 20 new cube recipes
-1 upgrade stone + item unique item
-3 chipped upgrade stones + item set item
-1(2,3 or 4 for better high lev gem) upgrade stone + gem high lev gem of the same color
-1 perfect upgrade stone + the best high lev gem of the colors green/red/blue/yellow + 1
identifi scroll  stone of the warrior
-1 perfect upgrade stone + the best high lev gem of the colors green/red/blue/yellow + 1
townportal scroll  stone of the mage
-1 perfect upgrade stone + item high level crafted item
-5 new uniques
-4 new gems
-max skill level is now 50
-every char has now a high level skill
-assasin: blade fury
-amazon: valkyre
-barbarian: battle orders
-paladin: holy shock
-druid: plague poppy
-sorceress: blizzard
-necromancer: bone spirit

-experience in nightmare and hell x10
-removed some unique items (the amulets, the “Borg”)
-lightning swords do more max damage, are faster and do more lightning dmg
-poison daggers do more poison dmg and are slower
-added the normal Diablo2 + LoD unique/set items
-5 new sets
-corrected the new cube recipes (look at Beta5)
-high level gems no longer are selled in shops
-life per level x4
-3 skill points per level
-6 status points per level
-a new dungeon (instead of the den of evil in act 1 [should be entered only if your character
has completed act 5])

Thanks to:
-Johann Nicolas (PlugY)
-Phalzyr and Fusman (because of their big inventory plugin)
-SiLenTx (because he was the first [and only] who sent me the english d2common.dll)
-Spellcaster (because of his idea with the new dungeon)
-My brother: Typhoon_VN (because he´s testing my mod all the time)
-all others who are playing my mod

questions and ideas to:

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