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Analysis of Hazardous and Toxic Waste Treatment in the

Implementation of Company Management: PT Indofood CBP

Sukses Makmur Tbk.
Intended to fulfil the assignment for the Industrial Management and Engineering Ethics
course which is conducted by: Maharani Kusumaningrum, S.T., M.Eng.

Lathifa Rahma Astuti




Analysis of Hazardous and Toxic Waste Treatment in the
Implementation of Company Management: PT Indofood CBP
Sukses Makmur Tbk.

PT Indofood CPB Sukses Makmur Tbk was established under the name of PT
Panganjaya Intikusuma based on the Deed of Establishment No. 229 dated August
14, 1990, which was amended by Deed No. 249 dated November 15, 1990, and
which was amended again by Deed No. 171 dated June 20, 1991, all of which
were made before Benny Kristanto, S.H., a Notary in Jakarta and has received
approval from the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia based on
Decree No. C2-2915.HT.01.01Th.91 dated July 12, 1991, and has been registered
at the South Jakarta District Court under No. 579, 580, and 581 dated August 5,
1991, and announced in the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia No. 12
datedd February 11, 1992, addition No. 611. This company changed its name
from PT Panganjaya Intikusuma to PT Indofood Sukses Makmur, based on the
decision of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders as stated in the
Deed of Meeting No. 51 dated February 5, 1994, drawn up by Benny Kristianto,
S.H., a notary in Jakarta.

PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk is one of the leading instant noodle and
processed food companies in Indonesia which is one of the branch companies
owned by the Salim Group.

PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk in Bandung branch was established in

May 1992 under the name PT Karya Pangan Inti Sejati which is a branch of PT
Sanmaru Food Manufacturing Ltd headquartered in Jakarta and started operating
in October 1992. At that time, the number of employees was 200 people.

In 1994, several subsidiaries within the Indofood Group merged, thus changing its
name to PT Indofood CPB Sukses Makmur Tbk which is specifically engaged in
the processing of instant noodles. The instant noodle division is the largest
division in Indofood and its factories are spread across 15 cities, including Medan,
Pekanbaru, Palembang, Tangerang, Lampung, Pontianak, Manado, Semarang,
Surabaya, Banjarmasin, Makassar, Cibitung, Jakarta, Bandung, and Jambi, while
branches without factories are Solo, Bali, and Kendari. It is intended that the
resulting product is sufficiently distributed to the area around the city where the
factory is located, so that the product can be received by consumers in a fresh
state and to assist government programs through equitable distribution of local

Vision: “A Total Food Solution Company”


- To provide sustainable solutions for food needs

- To continuously improve our people, processes, and technologies
- To contribute to the welfare of the society and environment in a
sustainable manner
- To continuously improve stakeholders’ value

Value: “With discipline as the basis of our way of life; We conduct our business
with integrity; We treat our stakeholders with respect; and together we unite to
strive for excellence and continuous innovation.”

“DPR Waste Work Committee Found Hazardous and Toxic Waste at an
Instant Noodle Factory in Medan”

Chairman of the Waste and Environment Working Committee of the Indonesian

House of Representatives (DPR) Commission VII Muhammad Nasir accompanied
by the Director of Crime at the Law Enforcement Directorate (Gakkum) of the
Ministry of Environment and Forestry (LHK) conducted a sudden inpection of the
Instant Noodle Factory owned by PT Indofood Tbk in Medan, North Sumatra.
During the inspection, hazardous and toxic waste (B3) was found scattered in the
factory environment.
Not only that, this politician from the Democratic Party (Partai Demokrat)
Faction also did not find any temporary disposal sites for the remaining
production or instant noodles in the company. "So, it is not clear where the rest of
the production or instant noodles that are no longer used will be taken and how
they will be destroyed," he added.

This condition, continued Nasir, is certainly not in accordance with UU No. 32 of

2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management. In fact, he is
worried about the process of recycling unused instant noodles into instant noodles
that are ready to be marketed. "Therefore, we ask Gakkum from the Ministry of
Environment and Forestry to first secure these untruthful processes. In my
opinion, an investigation should be carried out with a legal process and in
acordance with UU No. 32 of 2009. Considering that instant noodles are the most
consumed by the people of Indonesia," said the politician from the Riau II
electoral district.

Responding to this, the Director of Crime of Gakkum KLHK Yazid confirmed that
after checking and identification of the instant noodle oil waste that was widely
scattered in the factory, it did contain waste. Furthermore, his party will re-check
the permit so far, whether it is in accordance with the applicable law. "We thank
you for this information and after we checkd and identified this instant noodle oil
waste containing B3 waste with the number B342-1. We will check the permit, if
it is not in accordance with the applicable law, we will take strict action and give
appropriate sanctions. One of them is the temporary closure of the factory. Here
we are talking about facts and data which of course are based on the applicable
rules and laws," concluded Yazid.


 Who
In this case, which becomes the centre of interest of industry from writer is
company named PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk. as main object, and
Waste and Environment Working Committee of DPR Indonesia as main subject.
 What
The use of chemical-based products have increased the production of hazardous
and toxic wastes in some industries and poses a major problem to safe disposal
with little risk to the environment, unexceptionally in PT Indofood CBP Sukses
Makmur Tbk especially in Medan. A sudden inspection was held by Waste and
Environment Working Comitte of DPR Indonesia.

In that sudden inspection, hazardous and toxic wastes were found scattered at
around factory environment. This factory has made environmental pollution from
the rest of instant noodle production or instant noodles that are no longer used and
it became hazardous and toxic waste. There is another problem in this factory.
There is no temporary disposal sites for the rest of the production instant noodles
in the factory. So, it is not clear where the rest of the production or instant noodles
that are no longer used will be taken or how they will be disposed.

 Where
The exact location of this case study or the problem occur is in PT Indofood CBP
Sukses Makmur Tbk in Medan. However, it it possible that this kind of problem
may occur in other branch of PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk.

 When
This sudden inspection which the problem found was held on July 16, 2019.

 Why
This sudden inspection was held due to community reports about this factory has
environmental pollution from the rest of instant noodle production.

 How
This condition was not accordance with UU No. 32 of 2009 concerning the
protection and management of the environment. Thus, to secure these processes,
an investigation was carried out with the legal process and in accordance with UU
No. 32 of 2009. The relevant parties would check the permit for the factory, if it
was not in accordance with the applicable law, strict action would be taken and
sanctions would be given, one of which was the temporary closure of the factory.
o Strength
1. One of PT Indoofod CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk product, that is Indomie
becomes no.1 delicious instant noodles around the world
2. All of PT Indoofod CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk products are long known
nationally and internationally
3. PT Indoofod CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk has a lot of branch factories nationally
and internationally
4. PT Indoofod CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk has many subsidiaries
5. PT Indoofod CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk has a strong financial condition

o Weakness
1. There are still various waste disposal problems
2. A lot of workers can be the main problem for company’s life caused by the
decreasing of sales

o Opportunity
1. Market growth that continues to increase from year to year
2. Products can be reached from the upper class to the lower class
3. Cooperate with supply chains that are under the same group, namely Salim

o Threats
1. A lot of new brands or company release similar product


Based on the definition itself, leadership is a trait applied by individuals who act
to influence group members to achieve mutually agreed goals and objectives,
while leaders are individuals who carry out the process of influencing a group or
organization to achieve a mutually agreed goal. At first glance, the term of
“leadership” anyone would refers to the act of leading. So, it is the relationship
between followers and someone who leads to move towards a certain direction in
pursuit of a certain goal. Yet, leadership is not solely about position or the
imposition of leader’s will over his or her subordinates. According to Peter F.
Drucker, who is a world’s leadership expert, “Leadership is not magnetic
personality, that can just as well be a glib tongue. It is not “making friends and
influencing people”, that is flattery. Leadership is lifting a person’s vision to
higher sights, the raising of a person’s performance to a higher standard, the
building of a personality beyond its normal limitations.”

Meanwhile, management the art of adjustment work through other person. This
definition was defined by Mary Parker Follet, which has meaning that a manager
on duty to arrange and direct others to achieve the aim of organization. Another
definition of management stated by Ricky W.Griffin. He defined management as a
process planning, organizing, coordinating, and controlling resources to achieve
target or goal effectively and efficiently. Effective means that the goal can be
achieved accordance to the planning, while efficient means that the task avail well
done, organized, and on time.

So, the relation between leadership and management is, to achieve a well-
managed organization or company or such, we need a good leader. Accordance to
the definition of management, that is process planning, organizing, coordinating,
and controlling to achieve target, this process or work is conducted by a leader
and done by her or his subordinates. Here, in order to conduct or direct everything
effectively and efficiently, the leader’s functions can be as decision maker,
motivator, source of information and inspiration, representative of the
organization, and even resolve conflicts that may occur in an organization, or here
in term of company.

However, behind the relation between leadership and management, there are some
differences about them that are based on relationships and interaction, directions
and goals, and the main actor since they are two different things. Based on
relationships and interaction, leadership is more likely based on motivation and
inspiration to people. While management has more power that use more force,
punishment, even law and it is based on formal authority.
Based on directions and goals, leadership focuses on things like developing future
strategies and visions for organization while management more focuses on things
like short-term result, and creating plans, schedule, goals, etc to fulfil those result.

Based on the main actor, the person who act for leadership is called leader and
management is manager. Those actors have different kind of treatment to their
subordinates or followers, for example, leader remove barriers to develop and
empower people, while manager have more control and direction.


As a leader or manager who has leadership spirit, the step that I will take to solve
this problem is to motivate my subordinates so that they can open their mind to
solve this problem. I will hold a forum group discussion especially with
wastewater treatment division. I will act as manager who has leadership spirit.
Despite of being manager with maybe has overpower in a company so that
everyone can not really speak their mind to it because of their lower position, I
will be decision maker, motivator, source of information and inspiration,
representative of the organization, and even resolve conflicts which are the
function of leader in hope that everyone can freely speak their mind to solve this
problem. However, of course I will not forget about my position as manager that
has power to control everything, so the problem or case can be done efficiently
and effectively without receiving any sanctions and make sure that this problem
will not happen twice in the future. So, rather than take action as leader or as
manager, I will be half leader and half manager, which may apply according to the
current conditions.

The first solution to solve this problem or case is applicable legal settlement.
Accordance with UU No. 32 of 2009 concerning the protection and management
of the environment. Environmental protection and management (PPLH) according
to UU No. 32 of 2009 article 1 paragraph (2) is a systematic and integrated effort
carried out to preserve environmental functions and prevent pollution and/or
environmental damage which includes planning, utilization, control, maintenance,
supervision, and law enforcement. The las was passed in Jakarta, October 3, 2009,
by the President and Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic
Indonesia. This law is clearly stated in Chapter X section 3 article 69 regarding
prohibitions in environmental protection and management which include
prohibitions against polluting, importing hazardous and toxic wastes, importing
waste into environmental media, clearing land by burning, and so on. In this case,
PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk is clearly violate this law since they
dispose hazardous and toxic waste into environment.

UU No. 32 of 2009 utilizes various law requirement, either administrative law,

civil law, or code penal law. Civil law requirement covers the solution of conflict
in environment in court and out of court. The solution of environment in the court
covers group accusation, environment organization accusation right, or
government accusation right. Through the above it is hoped to give fright effects
as well as improve the awareness of the whole stake holders on the importance of
environment management for next generation (Triwanto, 2009).

The second solution is improving the wastewater treatment so that the hazardous
and toxic waste can be disposed into environment with low risk and will not harm
the environment and the ecosystem in. The company need to develop a new
method or maybe technology for their waste to reach safe limit for disposal to the
environment. If the problem is overload in wastewater tank, then they can raise
the capacity of the waste tub or maybe a new machine can help. Analyse the
content of the waste and treat it properly.
TRIWANTO, T. 2009. Penyelesaian Sengketa Lingkungan Hidup Menurut
Undang Undang N0mor 32 Tahun 2009. Jurnal Wacana Hukum, 8(1),



Pendleton, D., & Furnham, A. (2012). The impact of personality on leadership.

In Leadership: All You Need To Know (pp. 135-154). Palgrave Macmillan,

Mangundap, I. Y., Timpua, T. K., & Pianaung, R. (2016). PENGELOLAAN AIR

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Muslikhin Effendy. 2019. Sidak ke PT Indofood di Medan, DPR Temukan

Limbah B3:

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