Ingles Vocabulario

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event = suceso, acontecimiento, hecho (to) be successful = tener éxito

clause = oración (= to succeed)
hard = duro, duramente (adj. y adv.) success-succeed-successful = éxito-
triunfar-exitoso (adj)
hardly ever = casi nunca
teenager = joven adolescente
ever (adv.) = alguna vez, siempre, nunca
(to) warn = avisar, alertar (to alert)
timetable = horario
(warn = advise)
vowel = vocal
(expr.) I would not listen = yo no
stressed = acentuada escuchaba
arrangement = preparativo in the end = al final
fairly = bastante (= quite) at last = por/al fin
annoyance = molestia, cabreo actually = realmente, de hecho
yard = patio (to) starve = morir de hambre,
sense = sentido, sensación padecer de hambre (= to be very
sign = señal hungry)
entitled = titulado  title = título (expr.) it took me a while = me llevó
un rato
(to) entitle = titular
(expr.) nevertheless = no obstante,
(to) be entitled to = tener derecho a,
sin embargo
(= to have the right to)
troubled = perturbado
illness = enfermedad
staff = personal, plantilla
(to) share = compartir (= to have a part
in something) support = apoyo, ayuda
shares = acciones (comercio) (to) suffer from = padecer de
(to) reject = rechazar (= to refuse/ (to) face = afrontar (algo), encarar
turn down) (to) become = ponerse, llegar a ser
upset = cabreado disorder = trastorno, enfermedad
(to) succeed = tener buen éxito, triunfar, (expr.) yours truly = tu afectísimo
salir bien (= to be successful) (expr.) at least = al menos
(expr.) at present = actualmente (to) get dark = oscurecer
(to) cut down = reducir (el consumo (to) get asleep = quedarse dormido
de algo)
in spite of (prep.) = a pesar de, pese a
intake = consumo, toma (= despite)
commited = comprometido a, decidido a in spite of the fact that = a pesar de que
determination = decisión in spite of the rain = in spite of the
near = próximo, cerca fact that (conj.) it was raining
as = como electricity = electricidad
(to) deal with = tratar con, portarse con happiness = felicidad (contentment,
belonging = perteneciente joy)
lack = falta, carencia municipality = municipio
dancer = bailarín goodness = bondad (de una persona)
(= kindness)
test = prueba, ensayo, examen, control
sanity = sanidad
(to) solve = resolver, solucionar
humanity = humanidad
offer = oferta
nationality = nacionalidad
thin is in = thin is in fashion
greatness = amplitud
weight = peso  (to) weigh = pesar
usefulness = utilidad
(to) be round = estar alrededor
kindness = amabilidad, bondad
young man = hombre entre 20 y 30 años (= goodness)
a middle aged person = hombre de agreement = acuerdo
mediana edad (40-55 años)
intention = intención, propósito
a youth = the boy or the girl who is
teenager (adolescente, joven) rejection = rechazo
the youth = la juventud arrivals = llegadas
advice = aviso, consejo  to advise departures = salidas
(to) be away = estar fuera de la población approval = aprobación
(to) be out = estar fuera (cerca) judgement = juicio
(to) assist = atender a una persona (= preparation = preparación
help) invitation = invitación
(to) attend = asistir (a una reunión) starvation = hambre
attendance = asistencia (a clase) leaf = hoja (pl. leaves)
(expr.) owing to = debido a (because of,
due to)
failure = fracaso
(to) get thin = adelgazar


seldom (adv.) = raramente, rara vez brother  broherhood = hermandad

neighbour = vecino likely = probable
neighbourhood = vecindad likelihood = probabilidad
(to) revolve = girar, dar vueltas scholarship = beca (universitaria)
around = alrededor relationship = relación
(to) hope = esperar (tener esperanza de) loss = pérdida
(to) owe = deber (algo), adeudar (to) lose = perder (pp. lost)
fact = hecho the one thing (= the only thing = the
brief (adj.) = breve (pl. brieves) unique thing)  la única cosa, lo único
(to) feel = sentir what else? = ¿qué más?, otra cosa
desire = deseo (= anything else?)  algo más?
surroundings = alrededores, entorno (to) fail = suspender, fracasar
(to) move = trasladarse or else = o si no, de otra manera
friendship = amistad goal = meta
(to) end = acabar goalkeeper = guardameta, portero
feeling = percepción (to) score a goal = marcar un gol
unrealistic (adj.) = imaginario achievement = objetivo, logro
(expr.) even though = aunque, aún distorted body = imagen deformada del
cuando cuerpo
(to) set = poner (= to put) mayor = alcalde
such as = como outline = contorno, perfil
(to) achieve = conseguir (= to get, summary = resumen, estudio breve
obtain) look out! = ¡cuidado! (emergencia)
(to) show = mostrar (to) look after = cuidar (a un niño) (=to
(to) distort = deformar take care of)
aware = conocedor de algo, consciente, beware of the dog = cuidado con el
enterado, estar informado sobre algo perro
(to) take place = tener lugar (expr.) once = una vez (que)
atmosphere = ambiente (entre la gente) the food intake = toma de comida
environment = medio ambiente goods = mercancía
such = tal (adv.) item = prenda (de vestir), artículo
drop = gota (de agua) clothing = ropa, de vestir
lenght = largo, longitud (to) bathe = bañarse
loaf = barra (de pan) (to) miss = echar de menos
piece = trozo, pedazo de, porción  (to) last = durar, permanecer
information, furniture, advice, news (to) obsess = obsesionar
sheet = hoja (de papel) illness = enfermedad
bouquet = ramo (de flores) ill = enfermo
box = caja ailment = dolencia
flock = bandada (de pájaros) sick = enfermo, indispuesto
furniture = muebles (pl.) (algo momentáneo)
binoculars = gemelos sickness = enfermedad
clothes = ropa disease = enfermedad contagiosa
earnings = ganancias taxes = tasas, impuesto
good = mercancía, género government spending = déficit público
grounds = terrenos, sedimentos, zonas chocolates = bombones
libres sheep = oveja
outskirts = afueras shepherd = pastor
pants = calzoncillos, bragas pack = baraja
particulars = detalles card = carta
pliers (a pair of) = alicates, tenazas range = cordillera
pyjamas = pijama set = aparato, juego (conjunto)
riches = riqueza drums = batería
scissors (a pair of) = tijeras bees = abejas
stairs = escaleras swarm = enjambre
tights = pantimedias team = equipo
trousers (a pair of) = pantalones match = partido
valuables = objetos de valor (to) lean against = apoyarse sobre algo,
(to) mouth = desembocar estar inclinado
the good = el bien (noun) (to) keep on = seguir (the phone kept
the evil = el mal on ringing)
(to) apologize = pedir perdón (disculpas) (to) go on = continuar

case = caja (container) loose = ancho (ropa)

tight = ajustado, apretado (to) make up = maquillar, inventar
arms = armas (weapons) stuff = things, belongings) = chismes,
frame = armadura tonterías
gang = banda, cuadrilla (expr.) therefore = por lo tanto
(to) come across = dar con algo, needless to say = no es necesario decir
encontrar (to) outrage = ultrajar
(to) appall = aterrorizar figure = figura (= statue, number)
skull = cráneo trace = rastro
quiz = pregunta (rápida), interrogatorio (to) figure out = aclarar, descifrar,
(to) study hard = estudiar duro comprender (= understand)
(to) rain cats and dogs = llover a the very moment = el mismo momento
cántaros (to) remain = quedar, permanecer
(to) rain hard = llover mucho paper = examen (= test)
(expr.) just as = justo cuando Ice Age = período glaciar
(expr.) like that = así amazing = asombroso
like = como amused = divertido
arrangement = acuerdo ant = hormiga (creature)
appointment = cita warning sign = síntoma
announcement = anuncio, declaración (expr.) in fact = en realidad, de hecho
(= notification) (= actually)
grade = grado, notas, nivel (to) expect = esperar (tener esperanza)
(to) get good grades = sacar buenas refutation = contradicción
notas brand-new = completamente nuevo,
lecture = class (lesson) of an university flamante
 conferencia, clase universitaria skepticism = escepticismo, desconfianza,
(to) lecture = dar una conferencia incredulidad
lecturer = professor = teacher of an challenged = desafiado
university 
creature = bicho (small animal)
ill-adapted = mal adaptado
(to) wipe = limpiar, barrer
(to) wipe out = eliminar a alguien,
liquidar, borrar
shock = choque, sobresalto, conmoción
(to) write down = anotar, apuntar


classmate = compañero (de clase) (to) let off = dejar escapar

partner = socio (de trabajo) hook = anzuelo, garfio, gancho
(to) propose = proponer (= to have in (to) prove = demostrar, resultar
mind) (to) check = comprobar
(to) pass round = pasar de un lado a (expr.) but also = sino también
otro (to) stand up for = defender, hacer
(to) trick = engañar frente a algo, salir en defensa de
trick = engaño, trampa (to) stand up = levantarse, ponerse de pie
right = derecho (= to rise)
discovery = descubrimiento value = importancia
(expr.) he was wrong = él se equivocó elementary school = escuela primaria
ridiculous = ridículo (to) teach = enseñar, educar
fur = piel (to) tell = decir, contar
suspicious = desconfiado experience = lección (lesson),
experiencia, escarmiento
grade book = libro de notas
error = equivocación (= mistake)
(to) record = grabar
extremely angry = outraged
science = ciencia
worth = valor (= value), precio
period = período, época
valuable = valioso, de valor
(to) let = dejar (hacer algo), permitir
(= allow, permit) value = valor, importancia
(to) go to sleep = ir a dormir, dormirse (to) give a lecture = dar una
conferencia (en la universidad)
(to) be clearings = estar claros
throat = garganta
courage = valentía, coraje
suspicion = sospecha
(to) speak up = hablar alto
proposal = propuesta
(expr.) from beginning to end = desde
el principio hasta el final amazement = asombro
living organism = organismo viviente remainder = resto
needless = innecesario truth  truthful, true, truthfulness
(to) put together = montar, reunirse courageous = valiente
fortitude = fortaleza, eficacia argument = discusión, pelea (quarrel)
(to) dispute = discutir


there will be = habrá throughout = por todo

there was/were = había, hubo low-fat milk = leche desnatada
there had been = había habido choice = elección  to choose = elegir
there had to be = tenía que haber serving = servidor
mistake = error, equivocación pancake = hojuela
(expr.) is worth = vale waffle = barquillo
(to) be worth + -ing = valer la pena (to) function = funcionar (= to work)
undefinite = indefinido plain = puro
still (adv.) = todavía honey = miel
till, until (prep.) = hasta rice = arroz
(expr.) so far = hasta ahora chance = oportunidad
(to) spare = prescindir de algo, ahorrar, properly = adecuadamente
evitar (to) test = poner a prueba, examinar,
(to) rush = darse prisa, apresurarse probar
break = interrupción (expr.) roush hour = hora punta
meal = comida (expr.) time to spare = tiempo de sobra
routine = hábito, rutina (to) skip = saltar (= to jump)
(to) provide = proporcionar, suministrar fast = ayuno
(to) maintain = mantener spare time = tiempo libre (= free time)
blood = sangre spare wheel = rueda de repuesto
(to) react = reaccionar rather than = más bien que
(to) tire = cansarse I’d rather = preferiría
unable = incapaz, imposible if you do have a minute = si no esperas
(to) play a part = desempeñar un papel un momento
raw vegetables = legumbres sin cocer low fat = bajo en grasas, desnatado
(to) travel = sentar una comida, venir label = etiqueta
cracker = galleta (= biscuit) (to) take a look = echar un vistazo
(to) be on the go = no parar, estar en bill = cuenta (restaurante), billete de
acción, ser activo banco, factura
wages = salario, sueldo (= salary)
(expr.) set phrase = frase hecha slim = thin  delgado
(to) wage a battle = librar una batalla (expr.) touching to = hacer referencia a
at present = now (to) lead to = producir (= to produce,
rule = regla, norma provoke, cause)
spare parts = piezas de repuesto (to) cause to = hacer que
spare room = habitación de reserva plain = simple
(para huéspedes) seldom = rara vez
to spare = to give since = desde, puesto que
to skip = to ommite  omitir (expr.) by this time = por este tiempo
leap = salto quite = bastante
(expr.) leap year = año bisiesto quiet = silencioso  quietly = (adv.)
(to) skip breakfast = ayunar (to) agree = ponerse de acuerdo
(expr.) for whatever reason = por degree = título, grado
cualquier razón air conditioner = acondicionador de aire
rather than = en vez de (= instead of) bookcase = estante de libros
(to) take off = quitarse common sense = sentido común
baby-sitter = niñera compact disc = disco compacto
break = pause, interrupción fire brigade = bomberos (cuerpo de)
(to) experience = experimentar handbag = bolso
finally = finalmente headache = dolor de cabeza
suggestion = indicación junk food = comida basura
(expr.) above all = sobre todo letter box = buzón
(= especially)
nervous breakdown = depresión nerviosa
(to) carry out = llevar a cabo, realizar
policeman = policía (hombre)
however = sin embargo, en cambio,
post office = oficina de correos
por el contrario (= nevertheless)
fireman = bombero
help = avail = benefit
toothache = dolor de muelas
(to) refer = referir, aludir a algo
bagache = dolor de espalda
(to) mean = querer decir, significar
police (pl.) = policía (cuerpo)
(to) communicate = comunicar
(to) bring = traer, llevar
(to) link = conectar, unir (= connect)
ice cream = helado
(to) be linked = estar conectado

ice cube = cubito de hielo ice skates = patines de hielo

life style = estilo de vida (to) shout = gritar  shout = grito
life saver = socorrista punishment = castigo
life span = duración de vida essay = redacción
salad bowl = ensaladera thief (pl. -ves) = ladrón  (to) thieve =
salad bar = barra o mostrador robar
(donde están las ensaladas) (to) steal = robar (= to rob)
salad dressing = vinagreta dry = seco
human being = ser humano coat = chaqueta, abrigo
human rights = derechos humanos meat = carne
human race = raza humana quantities = cantidad
(expr.) on the go = sobre la marcha, fresh = fresco
por el camino
(to) forget = olvidar
folk tales = cuentos populares
daily = diariamente
folk songs = canciones tradicionales
packet = paquete
folk dancing = baile de música popular
(to) recommend = recomendar
fire alarm = alarma de incendios
(to) rearrange = colocar de otra
fire escape = escalera de incendios manera, reorganizar, reordenar
pattern = modelo rearrangement = reorganización
above = arriba, encima (to) order = ordenar, mandar
implied subject = sujeto implícito (to) shut up = callarse
paragraph = párrafo (to) lend = prestar (pp. lent)
incident = incidente strict = estricto, riguroso
amusing = divertido (to) regard = observar, contemplar
unsual = raro, excepcional manner = modo
useful = útil (= helpful) item = detalle (= detail)
complaint = queja connectors = conectores, enlaces
(to) feed = alimentar  feed = alimento conjunction = conjunción
fluently (adv.) = fácilmente (= easily) relative clause = claúsula relativa
necklace = collar, gargantilla ticket = entrada, billete
homework assigment = tareas, deberes traffic lights = semáforo
truth (noun) = verdad
true (adj.) = verdadero
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(to) hurry = darse prisa, apresurarse, precipitarse (= to rush)

hurry = prisa, precipitación (to) disturb = molestar
(to) choose = elegir, seleccionar (to) count on = contar con (to rely on)
several = varios (to) make up  to decide
(expr.) never mind! = no importa (to) rely on = confiar en, contar con
(= don’t worry) (to) match = unir, enlazar
it won’t work = it can’t succeed meaning = significado
you can count on me = you can rely (expr.) the more the better = cuanto
on me más, mejor
leave me alone! = don’t disturb me (to) taste = saber, probar (una comida)
you must make up your mind = you strange = extraño
have to
lawyer = abogado
judge = juez
(to) happen = ocurrir, suceder (un hecho)
(to) work = trabajar, dar resultado,
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one winter’s day = un día de invierno muscle = músculo

since = desde, puesto que (to) let alone = dejar en paz, no tocar
excitement = emoción rather = bastante, más bien
injury = daño, lesión (= wound) (to) rest = descansar
harm = daño moral (to) hurt = herir  hurt = herida
damage = daño físico ache = dolor
no matherwhere = sin importar dónde whole = entero, todo, completo
(to) blow the whistle = denunciar, dar (to) summarize = resumir
la alarma, alertar, dar el alto (to) train = entrenar
ladder = escalera trainers = zapatillas de deporte
(to) set up = establecer lonely = solitario
score = resultado, puntuación, marcador job = empleo
draw = dibujo work = trabajo (en general)
balance = equilibrio (to) wait = esperar (físicamente)
(to) remove = quitar (to) hear = oir
(to) fall through = fracasar (to) listen = escuchar
(to) fall down = caerse (una persona) look at (+ direct object) = mirar a
(to) award = conceder (to) treat = tratar (a una persona)
(to) race back = correr hacia atrás, (to) deal with = consiste en
regresar atrás, irse hacia
(to) win = ganar, vencer
atrás rápidamente
(to) earn = ganar dinero
(expr.) let alone = por no hablar de,
y mucho menos appointment = cita (más oficial),
(to) bump = chocar
date = cita (más familiar)
painful = doloroso
notice = aviso (warning)
thankful = agradecido
advertisement = anuncio (announcement)
bother = preocupación
(to) realize = darse cuenta de algo
smooth = liso, suave, calmado (mar) (que viene pensamiento)
eagerly = con impaciencia (anxiously) (to) notice = notar, darse cuenta de
(to) await = aguardar, esperar
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whereas = mientras que (to) get better = mejorar

silent = silencioso (quiet) food processor = robot de cocina
conduct = comportamiento, conducta (to) deliver = entregar
notice = announcement (to) pick up = coger, recoger
(to) accuse = acusar instead (adv.) = en cambio
(to) criticize = criticar (to) release = liberar, ponerlo en
alone (adj.y adv.) = solo/a, sólo libertad
solamente (to) persuade = tratar de convencer
acknowledgement = reconocimiento (expr.) on bail = bajo fianza
(to) acknowledge = reconocer, dar las (to) manage = conseguir (= to get)
gracias por, agradecer (to) become = hacerse uno especialista
(to) thank = dar las gracias (a alguien) (en algo)
(to) see = ver athlete = atleta
(to) get = conseguir, llegar standing = de pie, levantado
(to) have a degree in Science = ser (to) be awarded = ser concedido
licenciado/a en Ciencias (expr.) as I stood = mientras yo me
(to) guess = adivinar colocaba
whenever (adv.) = siempre que thought = pensamiento, intención, opinión
whatsoever (adj.) = en absoluto (expr.) I’ve just had a thought = acabo
fog = niebla de tener una idea
(to) reach = llegar a, alcanzar (= arrive
at) (to) pull somebody’s leg = tomarle el
summit = cima, cumbre pelo a uno, gastar bromas
request = ruego, solicitud (to) pay an arm and a leg = costar un
ojo de la cara
(to) lift = levantar
arm = brazo
(to) ski = esquiar
leg = pierna, pata (de un animal)
(to) beat = vencer, derrotar, ganar
gradually = gradualmente, poco a poco
(to) chop = cortar (= to cut)
slowly = lentamente (= gradually)
(to) get ready = prepararse
bump = golpe (en la pierna, p.ej),
(to) get old = hacerse viejo
porrazo, hinchazón
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health = salud (expr.) to let = se alquila

(to) heal = sanar, curar (to) quote = citar
healthful = saludable, sano evidence = hechos, pruebas
healthy = sano (to) support = apoyar, mantener
(to) answer = responder, contestar chance = oportunidad
(= to reply) claim = demanda
(to) massage = dar masaje a (to) speed = acelerar
(to) force = forzar (to) coerced = coaccionar, forzar
pain = dolor noticed  perceived  realized
both = los dos, ambos (to) vanish = desaparecer (disappear)
(to) notice = observar, notar, fijarse en (to) assume = suponer (to suppose)
(to) turn = girar, volverse, cumplir anxiously = con inquietud
(to) seem = parecer will = voluntad, espíritu (spirit)
equipment = equipo (expr.) That will do! = ¡se acabó!
(to) bother = preocupar, molestar (expr.) same as = igual que
rough = áspero (to) differ = diferenciarse (de algo)
(to) find = descubrir (= to discover) either = tampoco
gym = gimnasio coach = entrenador, instructor, autocar
(to) be eager to do something = tener neither = ni
muchas ganas de hacer algo,
(to) coach = entrenar (= to train)
impacientarse por hacer algo
real = auténtico coach  trainer
team = equipo (expr.) by the time = en el momento
match = partido (expr.) in order that = para que
junior high school = escuela superior (to) soothe = aliviar
juvenil aching muscles = músculos doloridos
even = incluso (to) absent = ausentar(se) alguien
faster = más rápido (to) estimate = estimar
blood = sangre (to) conduct = dirigir algo, conducir
(to) show = mostrar (to) stay up = quedarse despierto
statement = afirmación though = sin embargo (al final de frase)
painfully = dolorosamente
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care = cuidado (en alguien)

(to) nurse = cuidar, atender thick = espeso, grueso
(to) ask = hacer una pregunta (to) remade = reconstruir
(to) ask for = pedir, solicitar furious = furioso, violento
(to) lend = prestar ever since = desde entonces
(to) borrow = pedir prestado Houses of Parliament = Edificio del
(to) charge = cobrar (= to cash)
House of Commons = Cámara de los
(expr.) as time passed = conforme el Comunes
tiempo pasaba
bell = campana
fornight = quincena
ton = tonelada (is one thousand kilos)
tip = propina
north-eastern = noreste
luggage = equipaje
original = primitivo, primero
(to) behave = obrar, portarse bien
(to) afford = permitirse un gasto
(to) mind = molestar (a uno una cosa)
(to) turn = dar vueltas a algo, inclinar
invention = invento
(to) call out = gritar (= to shout)
steak = biftec
MP  Member of Parliament
(to) hand = colgar
if you are asked  if asked
frame = armazón
(to) sound = sonar, tocar (= to ring)
fire = incendio
(expr.) an argument raged = una
hammer = martillo
discusión se desencadenó
tin = estaño
(expr.) whatever the reason =
copper = cobre cualquiera que sea la razón
unsuitable = inadecuado, impropio (to) hang = colgar (pp. hung)
maybe = tal vez, quizás, a lo mejor, es slightly (adv.) = ligeramente
posible que (= perhaps) (expr.) as to = en cuanto a (= as for,
(to) rise = levantarse, alzarse concerning)  as for my brother
(to) link = enlazar, unir (join), conectar I’ll phone him
(to) rage = rabiar, enfurecerse (to) decide on something = decidirse
por una cosa
(to) stare = clavarse la mirada
(to) decide something = decidir algo
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slight = ligero veterinary surgeon = veterinario
shallow = poco profundo, superficial reproach = reproche
deep = profundo, hondo suggestion = sugerencia, indicación
tough = recio (sweater) polite (adj.) = cortés
(to) swim in = bucear expectation = esperanza
ceiling = techo snack food = comida ligera
harrow = estrecho (to) come about = surgir
truck = camión customer = cliente
wide = ancho chef = encargado de la cocina
driving licence = carnet de conducir (to) compliment = echar piropos,
(to) delay = retrasar (train), retardar felicitar
(expr.) land mark = distintivo (expr.) again and again = una y otra vez
gift = regalo (to) sound = parecer
(to) taste = probar, saber (una comida)

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