Diane N.Mengote Bsit 1B Lesson 2. Science and Technology Development in The Philippines

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Lesson 2. Science and Technology Development in the Philippines

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Guide Questions:
1. Does our local government have any project or project proposal on the combat against the
COVID-19 pandemic today, which involves scientific and technological concepts?
Answer: Yes, based on my research 2, 161,892 confirmed cases of COVID 19 in Mahayag that’s
why Mayor Saladaga declared lockdown here in Mahayag.

2. What is the name of the project? What is the project all about?
Answer: For me the name of the project ECQ it is all about not increasing the number of people
in the market so that not to increase the number of those people affected by COVID 19.

3. What benefits will the people of this municipality gain from the said project?
Answer: The benefits of people of this Municipality gain from the said are the people to get their
safety and if the number of cases does not increase it maybe possible that everything will return
to normal.

4. What are the possible problems that the project may inflict on the people and the
Answer: The possible problems of this project are the people who do not follow the safety
protocol and there is a possibility, that there will be increase cases of COVID 19.

5. What is your message to the people regarding the proposed project?

Answer: My message to the people here in the Municipality of Mahayag is that we must follow
the health protocol.

Directions: Read the whole paper of Olivia Caoli on “A History of Science and Technology in
the Philippines. After reading, create a timeline of the scientific and technological developments
in the Philippines. Identify the developments that occurred in every period. Use a separate sheet
for your output. A sample is given be guide. See Appendix B.4 for the rubric.

Pre -Colonial

-The history of the Philippines from 1521 to 1898 was

period following the arrival of ferdenand magelland to the
-Spanish Regime
-During spain’s financed expeditions to the Philippines

-And the subsequent period of colonial rule.

-Spain reigned over the Philippines for 333 years from 1505
to 1998.

-Since spain was far from the country, does Spanish king
ruled the islands through the viceroy of Mexico which was
then another.

First Republic
-The first republic of the Philippines is the first in Asia
that declare itself free from foreign invaders.

-It was declared by Emilio Aguinaldo in June 23, 1899 and

-Became the first president

-The history of the Philippines from 1896 to 1946
-Hedescribes the aperiod
also created of the American
constitution colonialization
which is the Malolos of the
constitution that strengthened.

-The Republic with the army that will take oath at loyalty
the President in Filipino people.

-it began with the outbreak of the Spanish American war

in april1898.

-When the Philippines was still a colony of the Spanish

east indies, and

-Concluded when the united states formally recognized

the independence of the republic of the Philippines on
July 4,1940.

-With the signing of treaty of paris on December 10, 1898

-Spain coded Philippines to the united


- This led to the creation in passing of a new bill known as

tyclings – Mcdffie act or

- Philippine Independence act which allowed the

establishment of the commonwealth of the Philippines with
10-year of peaceful transition to full independence

- Commonwealth was officially on November 15,1935

- Before the Philippines attained complete independence

in 1946

- The countries education system was patterned on the

systems of Spain.

- He was prolific poet essay and

- Novelist whose most famous works where his two novels

- Noli Me tangere and its sequel El filibusterismo.

Post-colonial - This series embraces and broadly employs

the postcolonial approach.
- As a site of struggle, education has constituted a key vehicle
for the colonialization of the mind
- Post-Colonial theory is particularly at for exploring the
implication of educational.

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