Principlesof Purpose

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School of Purpose


Principle, by definition, is an accepted or professed rule of action or conduct. Thus
principles are fundamental truth with universal application. They govern or reveal the normal
operation or behaviour of something. Principles are laws that cannot be broken!

Purpose is the original intent for the creation of a thing, the cause for the creation of a thing,
the aspiration for the inspiration.
 It is the why that explains the reason for existence.
 Your existence is evidence that this generation needs something that your life
 Without purpose, life is an experiment. Life without purpose is time without meaning.
 God’s design for your life governs your design, function, assignment and your
nature. God designed you to meet the requirements of your purpose!
 Personal fulfilment is the only true measure of success.

The 7 Principles of Purpose:

Principle # 1: God is a God of Purpose
 Purpose precedes creation.
 Every creator or manufacturer begins with a purpose in mind.
 God never made anything just for the fun of it!
 He never acts without first setting the end toward which His intentions are directed

Principle # 2: Everything in Life Has a Purpose

 If God is a God of purpose and He created everything, then everything in life has a
 Nothing is created without a purpose
 Ignorance of purpose does not cancel purpose
 Beauty is a by-product of design, not the creator’s intended purpose

Principle # 3: Not Every Purpose is Known

 Having something is not really the most important thing, but knowing the reason for
what you have is much more important!

Life without purpose is meaningless…So Find it! 1

School of Purpose

 Jonah is a good example of what happens when purpose is not known. The book of
Jonah describes the adventures of a prophet who did not want to obey God’s
command. The sailors’ problem was not the storm, but the unknown purpose of the
storm! Their lack of knowledge didn’t cancel the storm’s purpose.
 Unknown purpose always wastes time and gives the possibility of danger
 The failure to live out all that God put us here to do has not changed God’s purpose
 Paul was a very talented and progressive person but he did not know what he was
supposed to do with his life before he met Jesus!

Principle # 4: Wherever Purpose is Not Known, Abuse is Inevitable

 Abuse occurs whenever we don’t use something according to its creator’s intentions.
The word abuse means ‘abnormal use’
 Unknown purpose also leads to misuse, which is a stronger form of ignorance. To
misuse something means that you miss the intended use. It is very important,
therefore that you either discover the purpose for everything you encounter in life or
refrain from using that person or thing until you gain that knowledge.
 The drug problem in the UK is not a substance problem but a substance abuse

Principle # 5: If You Want to Know the Purpose of a Thing, Never Ask the Thing!
 A created thing can never know on its own what was in the mind of the creator when
he planned and built it
 The Book of Job illustrates the futility of understanding God’s purpose apart from
 Everything you do outside God’s purpose for your life is meaningless eternally.
 Created things can never create themselves – they don’t have that capacity!

Principe # 6: Purpose is Only Found in the Mind of the Creator

 If you want to know the purpose of a product, you must ask the manufacturer or his
authorised dealer.
 That is why every genuine and authentic product has a label!
 Only God knows the purpose of your life because He alone created you – You carry
His label, you are marked, you have the authentic seal, and you belong to someone.
 Your plans do not and cannot change God’s purpose for your life. Infact God’s
purpose and promises for your life are not dependent on the environment.

Life without purpose is meaningless…So Find it! 2

School of Purpose

 God’s purpose is not hindered by your past – He turned a coward called Gideon into
a mighty leader, He also turned a Samaritan prostitute into an evangelist, Moses a
murderer, into one of the legends in the history of the Israelites.
 Just imagine what He could make of you!

Principle # 7: Purpose is the Key to Fulfilment

 If the purpose of the manufacturer and the expectations of the purchaser don’t
match, the product cannot satisfy both the consumer‘s desires and the
manufacturer’s objectives.
 Purpose dictates performance which influences satisfaction
 Your purpose is the key to your life. It tells you what you are supposed to do and
 Without purpose the events of life become more important than the reasons behind
them. Your fulfilment is dependent on your discovering and fulfilling your purpose
 You cannot be truly happy without knowing your purpose!
 But the world has confused success with fulfilment, accomplishment with
satisfaction, and achievement with peace. But success can only be measured by
purpose and measured by obedience to God.

 Purpose reveals the reason behind life’s experiences and demands; it supplies the
vision for the future, and gives life significance and meaning.
 Purpose transforms mistakes into miracles and disappointments into testimonies.
 If you have made decisions that have interfered with God’s plan and purpose for
your life, I want you to know that God has pre-arranged a reformation programme to
redeem you from the detours of your life.
 To discover your purpose, you have to go back to God, the Source and Creator. He
destined you for a life of purpose.
 If you don’t find your God-given purpose, Satan will supply one for you.
Refuse to allow activity without progress to dominate your existence.

Life without purpose is meaningless…So Find it! 3

School of Purpose

Principle, by definition, is an accepted or professed rule of action or conduct. Thus
principles are fundamental truth with universal application. They govern or reveal the normal
operation or behaviour of something. Principles are laws that cannot be broken!

Purpose is the original intent for the creation of a thing, the cause for the creation of a thing,
the aspiration for the inspiration. It is the why that explains the reason for existence.
Your existence is evidence that this generation needs something that your life contains.
Without purpose, life is an experiment. Life without purpose is time without meaning.
God’s design for your life governs your design, function, assignment and your nature.

The 7 Principles of Purpose:

Principle # 1: God is a God of ___________

Principle # 2: Everything in Life Has a ______________

Principle # 3: Not Every Purpose is ___________

Principle # 4: Wherever Purpose is Not Known, __________ is Inevitable

Principle # 5: If You Want to Know the Purpose of a Thing, Never Ask the _________!

Principe # 6: Purpose is Only Found in the _________ of the Creator

Principle # 7: Purpose is the Key to _____________________

Purpose transforms mistakes into miracles and disappointments into testimonies.
If you have made decisions that have interfered with God’s plan and purpose for your life, I
want you to know that God has pre-arranged a reformation programme to redeem you from
the detours of your life. To discover your purpose, you have to go back to God, the Source
and Creator. He destined you for a life of purpose.

Life without purpose is meaningless…So Find it! 4

School of Purpose

If you don’t find your God-given purpose, Satan will supply one for you.

Life without purpose is meaningless…So Find it! 5

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