Chapter One: Introduction of Research

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Research Report for BBA Business Research

3 December, 2016

Chapter One: Introduction of Research

1.0 Introduction of Research:

Now a day it’s too hard to manage a better job from this tough job market in Bangladesh. Part
time job is much harder than full time job. Though a lot of applicants are searching for part time
jobs Part time job concept is not familiar among employers in Bangladesh because employers get
a full time employee at the cost of part time employee due to availability of human resource cost
is lower than any other country.  Getting the job you want requires more than just a better afford
and willingness. A person's job is their role in society. Many people have multiple jobs, such as
those of parent, homemaker, and employee. A person can begin a job by becoming
an employee, volunteering, starting a business, or becoming a parent. An activity that requires a
person's mental or physical effort is work .If a person is trained for a certain type of job, they
may have a profession. The series of jobs a person holds in their life is their career. In this
modern world everyone need jobs either they are unemployed, graduate, undergraduate.
Nowadays, besides full time jobs, many people also like to do part time jobs .Basically the
students like to do part time jobs besides their studies. Basically, a part-time contract is a form
of employment that carries fewer hours per week than a full-time job.

1.1 Background of Research:

Bangladesh is one of the one of the developing country around the world. Bangladesh developed
day-by-day. Now-a-days in educational sector Bangladesh doing really good and they are
improving. Students now more active than before and they are finding way how to gain
experience in practical life and another things is that they are willing to income some money
besides study. This research report is dedicated to the young students of Bangladesh. Young
students are the future of Bangladesh. In this research report there are trying to shows why
students prefer part-time jobs besides their study and what are the impact of the part-time jobs on
study. Many organizations giving opportunity to the young students to do part-time jobs besides
there study and that will help the students when they complete their graduation and they go for
full time jobs.

1.2 Statement of Research Problem:

In this analytical study, direct interviews occur with 25 students of many Colleges and private
University in Shagbag, Uttara and Tongi area. This direct interviews help to know the reason
why students go for part-time jobs. By taking this direct interview it help to know what the
factors behind this are. Participate given strong feedback about why they are doing part-time jobs
and it also helps to know the impact of part-time jobs on study.

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1.3 Rationale of study:

Now-a-days young student are more interested to do something besides their study. A lot of
students are get involved in jobs in student’s life. Most of the students like part-time jobs besides
their study because they wanted to get experiences and also want to earn money for more
flexibility. In recent year, colleges and universities students are more active and conscious about
their career this is why they like to get involved in part-time jobs. Part-time jobs has lots of
benefits, impact which students need to know these things and more conscious about study while
they are doing part-time jobs .This research will help to know the impacts, benefits of part-time
jobs which is important for the students to take decision whether they go for part-time jobs or not
while they are study.

1.4: Aims and Objectives:


This research aims is to find out why students prefer part-time jobs besides study and what are
the benefits and what are the impact of part-time jobs on study

Specific Objective:

Objective 1: To identify why students doing Part-time Jobs besides study.

Objective 2: To know the advantages for the students to have Part-time Jobs.

Objective 3:.To knows the disadvantages for the students to have Part-time Jobs.

Objective 4: To know the impacts on study while students are doing Part- time Jobs.

Objective 5: To identify either Part-time Jobs is a student’s needs or want.

Objective 6: To identify how Part-time Jobs play an important role in Professional Career.

Objective 7: To find out Money or Experience which more important for the students.

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Board Objective:

The main objective of this analytical research report is to know the advantages and
disadvantages, impacts, benefits of part-time jobs of the students and this research help to the
students to take decision whether they go for part-time jobs or not .

1.5 Scope of Study:

This research report deals with the young students who are doing part-time jobs besides their
study. This study also investigates why students doing part-time jobs and what are the impact of
part-time jobs on study. This research helps to the students who are willing to go for part-time
jobs to know about the advantages and disadvantages and it will help to take decision whether
they go for it or not.

1.6 Chapter Synopsis:

This research report comprises of primarily three chapters. An overview of thes chapter is as

Chapter One: Introduction of Research

This is introductory chapter which provides an overview of the whole research project. The aim
and objectives of this research including the scope and a statement of the research problems have
been examined. Furthermore, rationale of the study and scope of the study are well expressed in
this chapter. This chapter provides clear view of the total research study.

Chapter Two: Literature Review

When conducting the research it is compulsory to review any literatures that have been related to
the research topic. All literature has been gathered from different article, academic sources of
websites. In this literature chapter, all gathered information has been presented.

Chapter Three: Research Methodology

This methodology chapter provides a summary of the different tools and techniques to be used in
data analyzing process. The research consists of quantitative methodology. In this research,
Interviews also have been conducted. For the purpose of gathering more appropriate and reliable
information have been conducted.

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Chapter Four: Data Analysis

This chapter provides a summary of the whole process conducting data analysis after getting the
expected results. Based on the information collated the researcher has been able to put forward
suggestions for improvement as mentioned earlier in aims and objectives section of this report.

Chapter Five: Recommendation and Conclusion

This chapter will provide all the findings of the total research report after conducting every
research. After successfully conducting the data analysis, the researcher has indentified the
findings and he has discussed these findings and concluded in chapter five.

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Chapter Two: Literature Review

2.0 Chapter Reviews:

This chapter provides overviews of the existing literature on Part-time jobs in Bangladesh. This
chapter provides an attempt to critically examine the current condition of Part-time jobs for the
students. This research report comprises of an analysis of both the primary data and secondary
data which have been collected in the report by giving a clear understanding of the research.

2.1 Defining Terms:

2.1.1 Definition of Job:

A group of homogeneous tasks related by similarity of functions. When performed by an

employee in an exchanged for pay, a job consists of duties, responsibilities, and tasks that are
defined and specific, and can be accomplished, quantified, measured and rated. From a wider
perspective, a job is synonymous with a role and includes the physical and social aspects of a
work environment. Often, individuals identify themselves with their job or role like foreman,
supervisor, engineer etc and derive motivation from its uniqueness or usefulness. A job is an
activity, often regular and often performed in exchange for payment. Many people have multiple
jobs, such as those of parent, homemaker, and employee. A person can begin a job by becoming
an employee, volunteering, starting a business, or becoming a parent. Jobs can be categorized by
the hours per week into full time or part time. They can be categorized as temporary, odd
jobs, seasonal, self-employment, consulting, or contract employment.

Source: Business Dictionary

2.1.2 Definition of Full-time job:

Employed for or involving a standard number of hours of working time. In general, one who
works for 35 hours or more usually 40 hours in a week. Full-time job often comes with benefits
that are not typically offered to part-time, temporary or flexible works. The Fair Labor Standards
Act (FLSA) does not define full-time employment or part-time employment. This is a matter
generally to be determined by the employer. Full-Time status varies between companies and is
often based on the shift the employee must work during each work week. The "standard" work
week consists of five eight-hour days, commonly served between 9:00AM to 5:00PM or
10:00AM to 6:00pm totaling 40 hours. 

Source: The free Dictionary

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2.1.3 Definition of Part-time Job:

Not meeting the requirements or standards of being full-time job. Participating in something
part-time job typically means spending a fraction of time compared to a full time counterpart.
A part-time contract is a form of employment that carries fewer hours per week than a full-
time job. There are many reasons for working part-time, including the desire to do so, having
one's hours cut back by an employer and being unable to find a full-time job. In some cases the
nature of the work itself may require that the employees be classified part as part-time workers.
"Part-time" can also be used in reference to a student usually in higher education who takes only
a few courses, rather than a full load of coursework each semester. The number of the students
working in part-time jobs has greatly increased in the past few years. One of the reasons for this
is the large number of students want to more flexible and gain practical experience during their

Source: Business Dictionary

2.2 Definition of Students Employment:

Working while you are students in college or universities one of the most plentiful, divers and
universal experiences of student’s life. It offers students the opportunity to explore career
options, obtain transferrable skills with experienced person and helps to ease financial burdens.
Student Employment is a form of financial aid, with programs to help you find a job that best fits
your needs.

Source: University of Minnesota Website

2.3 Role of the Students towards Social development:

Students must realize the importance of the relationship between an individual and the society.
Man is belongs to a society, and students are an important part of it. Students cannot live in
complete isolation from the community-life. Students can play an important role in improving
and strengthening the society. The simple fact is that united we stand, and divided we fall. The
society is the manifestation of that united existence, and the students are part of the society. 

 Students should take an active role in literacy campaigns.

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 They can teach the illiterate to read and write.

 They should be enthusiastic about opening blood donation camps, founding gymnasiums,
blind schools, health centers, libraries, etc. Such enterprises benefit a large number of
people, and help in maintaining the society in a good condition.
 Funds can be raised through subscriptions, lottery, and through government help.
Students, urged by the spirit of social welfare, can also arrange for charity shows to raise
the necessary funds.
 It is the students who should undertake the responsibility of fighting anti-social activities
of a few corrupt people.
 They must solemnly vow to eradicate drugs and drinks from their localities.

 Whenever there is a general crisis like the outbreak of malaria, or floods or earthquakes,
students are expected to come to the aid of the distressed.

Source: Important India Website

2.4 Importance of students Part-time Job:

A part-time job can help you become a better student and get a jump on your career track. One of
the only things a student cannot gain from the classroom is a work ethic, a work ethic is
something that is acquired over time and is vital to anyone’s success. A part-time job can consist
of many things – working at a sandwich shop, serving at a restaurant or even an internship at a
company in one’s desired field. Although it might not be direct experience in the field one
wishes to pursue, it still sets an individual apart from people who have no experience. The more
experience students have, the more they appeal to future employers. Through this experience
students gain not only a work ethic, but also time management and a professionalism they would
not gain unless in the work field. Another important thing about gaining work experience is
learning one’s likes and dislikes. Generally, students are given an allowance by their parents and
may go out and spend it all on one thing. By having a part-time job, students acquire their own
money that they worked for. This money has a much greater value than their allowance. All in
all, the extra money is great, but the real purpose of a part-time job is acquiring real world skills
that cannot be learned in a classroom. These skills are what employers are really looking for in
people they aim to hire.

Source: iPulse, Lynn University Students publication

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2.5 Research Questions:

Based on the literature review and the research’s aims and objectives, the following research
questions have been raised. The questions will be answered with the help of data gathered during
the study and discussed later in the study:

Question 1 Why students are doing Part-time Jobs?

Question 2 What are the advantages and disadvantages that students get by dong Part-time

Question 3 What are the impacts of Part-time jobs in study?

Question 4 What are the difficulties that students face while they are doing Part-time Jobs?

Question 5 How Part-time Job play an important role in Professional Career?

Question 6 Educational institution should give more working opportunities to the Students?

Question 7 Money or Experience which has more importance’s to the students?

Table 1: Research Questions

Source: Shoref (2016)

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2.6 Chapter Synopsis:

From the review of literature, it has been established there are lots of opportunities for the
students, and also has some responsibility towards society. There is evidence of several benefits,
opportunity for the students who are willing to get a job. From the review of literature, it has
been possible to claim research questions that are to be answered during the remaining of the
study and also bring about new scopes for further research.

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Chapter Three: Methodology

3.0 Introduction:

In every research, methodology needs to be clearly explained for better understanding of the
readers. Methodology is the systematic, theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a field of
study. Research methodology has been selected which is suitable for this research.

3.1 Methodology Approach:

The researcher has been used both methods that means primary data and secondary data
collected both methods.

The researcher has collected primary data by taking interviews from the different colleges and
universities students. In the interview researcher ask some question to the participate students
who are working part-time besides their study. The researcher has collected secondary data from
internet websites, different organizational websites, students related journals, Jobs related journal
,articles, newspapers populated with information in relation to the research topic of why students
prefers part-time jobs besides their study. Both methods of data collection have been discussed
later of this chapter.

3.1.1 Secondary Data:

Secondary data is the data collected by someone else other than the researcher himself. This data
can be gathered from government records, books, journals, national and international institutions,
statistics etc.

In this research report, the secondary sources have been used like the internet websites, journals,
and other research reports to collect the required data. Advantages and Disadvantage of secondary Data:

Advantages of Secondary Data:

 It is time saving.

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 It helps to make primary data collection more specific since with the help of secondary
data, we are able to make out what are the gaps and deficiencies and what additional
information needs to be collected.
 It helps to improve the understanding of the problem.
 It provides a basis for comparison for the data that is collected by the researcher.

Disadvantages of Secondary Data:

 Secondary data is something that seldom fits in the framework of the marketing research
factors. Reasons for its non-fitting are:-
A. Unit of secondary data collection-Suppose one person wants information on
disposable income, but the data is available on gross income. In this case, the
information may not be same as we require.
B. Class Boundaries may be different when units are same.
C. Thus the data collected earlier is of no use to you.
 Accuracy of secondary data is not known.

 Data may be outdated.

3.1.2 Primary Data:

Primary data is original research that is collect through first-hand investigation, while secondary
data is research that is widely available and collect from another party. Primary data includes
information collected from interviews. Secondary data can be found in publications, journals and
newspapers and websites. The process of collecting original data about the research by the
researcher on its own is called primary data research. This research is carried out after getting
some knowledge from the secondary sources. One can decide to go for primary data research if
he/she feels that the data available from secondary sources is not fulfilling the requirements.
Primary market research can be quantitative or qualitative in nature.

This process of this research can either be done by the. Although, this type of exercise may be
lengthy and costly for gathering the information. This data research is not carried out frequently
and organizations generally depend of secondary sources for information. In order to go for this
process, the researcher has to take care of everything, starting from designing questionnaires,
collecting replies from respondents and then interpreting it depending on requirements.

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Research Report for BBA Business Research
3 December, 2016 Advantages and Disadvantages of Primary Data:

Advantages of Primary Data:

 Basic data.
 Original data.
 Data from the primary population/market.
 Data direct from the population.
 Updated data. Usually secondary data is not so recent and it may not be specific to the
place or situation researcher is targeting. The researcher can use the irrelevant seeming
information for knowing trends or may be able to find some relation with the current
scenario. Thus, primary data becomes a more accurate tool since we can use data which
is useful for us.
 Data interpretation is better. The collected data can be examined and interpreted by the
researcher depending on their needs rather than relying on the interpretation made by
collectors of secondary data.

Disadvantages of Primary Data:

 Large volume of data.

 Huge volume of population.
 Direct and personal intervention has to be there.
 High Cost. Collecting data using primary research is a costly proposition as researcher
has to be involved throughout and has to design everything.
 Time Consuming. Because of exhaustive nature of the exercise, the time required to do
research accurately is very long as compared to secondary data, which can be collected in
much lesser time duration.
 More number of resources is required. Leaving aside cost and time, other resources like
human resources and materials too are needed in larger quantity to do surveys and data

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3.2 Sampling:

Sampling is the process of selecting a number of subjects from all the subjects in a particular
group or "universe."

In other words, it is the process of deciding, out of the entire population of interest, from whom
you will collect data.

Sample: The small selection is called sample. It’s denoted by “n”.

Population: The large number of items of units of particular characteristic is called population.
It’s denoted by “N”.

3.2.1 Sample and Sample sizes of this Research:

Sample of this research was some different colleges and universities students. Sample was 25
and among them 4 college students, 15 private university students and 6 public university

3.2.2 Sampling Strategies:

Sampling strategies are divided into two main categories.

 Probability
 Non-probability Probability:

A probability sampling method is any method of sampling that utilizes some form of random

selection. In order to have a random selection method, you must set up some process or
procedure that assures that the different units in your population have equal probabilities of being

Where the researcher has a significant measure of control over who is selected and on the
selection methods for choosing them.

Main Methods:

 Simple Random Sampling

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 Systematic Sampling
 Stratified Sampling
 Cluster sampling Non-probability:

A core characteristic of non-probability sampling techniques s that samples are selected based
on the subjective judgment of the researcher, rather than random selection, which is the
cornerstone of the probability sampling techniques.

Where the researcher has little initial control over the choice of who is presented for selection.

Main Methods:

 Convenience Sampling
 Voluntary Sampling
 Purposive Sampling
 Snowball Sampling
 Event Sampling
 Time Sampling

3.2.3 Sampling Method of Research:

The researcher has been used ‘stratified sampling method’ for sampling of my research.
Stratified Sampling means sampling within particular sections of the target groups. Researcher
has used it because the researcher could easily analyze target groups participates by using
stratified sampling method.

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Research Report for BBA Business Research
3 December, 2016 Advantages and Disadvantages of Sampling Method:


 Very accurate
 Economical in nature
 Very reliable
 High suitability ration towards the differs interviews and survey
 Take less time
 In case, when the universe s very large, then the sampling method is the only practical
method for collecting the data.


 Inadequacy of the samples

 Chances for bias
 Problems of accuracy
 Difficulty of getting the representative sample
 Untrained manpower
 Absence of the informants

Source: MBA Official website

3.3 Data Collection Methods Involve:

In this research, researcher has used Qualitative methodology involve data both for collecting.
Data Collection is an important aspect of any type of research study. Inappropriate data
collection can impact on the results of a study and which make error results.

In this research report, data collection methods mainly categorized qualitative methods.
Qualitative methods are described in detailed in the following section. Qualitative and methods
of data collection have different techniques. Qualitative research report’s data collection
concerns more of the attitudes, behavior and the responses from the selected population.
Qualitative data is more subjective in respect to quantitative data which represents a more

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statistical and numerical presentation of the data gathered which makes it more objective
(Saunders 2012).

There are some strengths and weakness of qualitative methods which describe in following table:

Strengths Weakness
 Flexibility  Lack of validity
 Sharing of experiences  Subjective and
and Qualitative impressionistic
 feelings of participants  Not Generalized
 Sample size is smaller  Difficult to make
 More explanatory and comparison
rich in Approach  Dependent on
 information researchers
 Participants are free to  Input.
 express their feelings

Table 2: Strengths and Weaknesses of Qualitative Methods of Research

Source: Combined from (Bryman and Bell 2011 p 152) and Easterby-Smith,
Thorpe and Jackson (2012 p 83)

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3.3.1 Qualitative Methods of Data Collection:

In this research report, qualitative methods of data collection have been used.

According to Habib (2014), Anderson (2006).

“Qualitative Research is collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data by observing what people
do and say”. (p3)

Source: Habib (2014), Anderson (2006)

Qualitative Research is primarily exploratory research. Qualitative data collection methods play
an important role in impact evaluation by providing information useful to understand the
processes behind observed results and assess changes in people’s perceptions of their well‐being.
Furthermore, qualitative methods can be used to improve the quality of survey‐based quantitative
evaluations by helping generate evaluation hypothesis; strengthening the design of survey
questionnaires and expanding or clarifying quantitative evaluation findings. These methods are
characterized by the following attributes:

 They tend to be open‐ended and have less structured protocols They rely more heavily on
interactive interviews; respondents may be interviewed
 several times to follow up on a particular issue, clarify concepts or check the reliability
of data.
 They use triangulation to increase the credibility of their findings
The qualitative methods most commonly used in evaluation can be classified in three broad
 In‐depth interview
 Observation methods
 Document review Purpose of Qualitative Research:

For the better understanding of the data, it is clear that the data gathered is most preferred to be
in the narrative form which enables the researcher to have a clear view of the research problem.
Of the few researches which have been discussed in chapter two has given an insight into

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different factors which include the social, economic and environmental issues which are directly
linked to the students part-time jobs. Deeper insight into the research problem has also been
possible by the use of the qualitative method of research.

3.4 Interviews:

According to et al (habib 2014) Harish et al. (1999):

“Interview is the verbal conversation between two people with the objective ofcollecting
relevant information for the purpose of research.”

Researcher collects research data from both the primary and secondary methods. Researcher
collects the primary data by taking direct interviews with different institutions students. In this
interview, researcher ask questions to the participate students about the research topic.

3.4.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Interviews:

There are few advantages and disadvantages of the chosen method of data collection are which
are explained in the following table:

Advantages of Interviews:

1) Easy correction of speech: Any misunderstanding and mistake can be rectified easily in
an interview. Because the interviewer and interviewee physically present before the
interview board.
2) Development of relationship: Relation between the interviewer and the interviewee can
be developed through an interview. It increases mutual understanding and co-operation
between the parties.
3) Selection of suitable candidate: Suitable candidates can be selected through interview
because the interview can know a lot about the candidate by this process.
4) Collection of primary information: Interview can help to collect the fresh, new and
primary information as needed.
5) Sufficient information: Sufficient information can be collected through
the interview process. Because the interviewer can ask any question to the interviewee.
6) Time saving: Interview can help to save time to select the best suitable candidate. Within
a very short time communication can be accomplished with the interview.

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7) Less costly: It is less costly than other process of communication. It is very simple,
prompt and low cost method of communication.
8) Increasing knowledge: Any interview increases the knowledge of both the interviewer
and the interviewee. They can interchange their views and ideas.
9) Explore cause behind the problem: In business, executives need to solve different types
of problems. To explore or to find out the actual reasons behind the problem interview
method can be used.
10) In depth analysis: Through planed interviews detailed information can be collected
which enables proper analysis of a problem. Abstract factors like attitudes, feelings,
opinion etc. Can be successfully evaluated or analyzed through interviews.
11) Solving labor problems: Labor unrest and other disputes are very common in the
industries. Sometimes human resource managers use the interview as a means of reveling
actual causes behind the labor deputes.
12) Flexible: One of the major advantages of interview is feasible. That depends on the
situation it can be framed differently.

Disadvantages of Interviews:
1) Incomplete process: Suitable candidate cannot be selected by interview only. The
written test is more important than the interview.
2) No record: In the case of the interview some confusion may be arisen in the future as,
there is no evidence actually that have been discussed at interview.
3) Lack of attention: Much attention is required for a good interview. But sometimes it is
observed that both the interviewer and the interviewee are less attentive. That is why real
information cannot be collected.
4) Disappointed: Interviewee may be disappointed while she or he faces the interviewer’s
questions which are not related to the field. That is why suitable candidate may be
5) Time consuming: Time constrain is one of the major limitations of the interview process.
Preparation for the interview, taking interviews and interpretation of the responses
required much time, which makes the interview method time consuming.

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6) Biases of interviewer: Always there is a possibility that the interview process can be
influenced by the biases of the interviewer.
7) Costly: Generally interview method is expensive.
8) Inefficiency of the interviewer: Interview is a systematic process of data collection. The
success of an interview depends on the efficiency of the interviewer. This inefficiency of
an interviewer can lead to misleading results.
9) Not suitable for personal matters: Personal matters may not be revealed by interview

Source: The Business Communication website

3.4.2 Forms of interview techniques:

The two main types of interviews conducted in marketing research are structured and

1) Unstructured informal interview: The unstructured informal interview is normally

conducted as a preliminary step in the research process to generate ideas/hypotheses
about the subject being investigated so that these might be tested later in the survey
proper. Such interviews are entirely informal and are not controlled by a specific set of
detailed questions. Rather the interviewer is guided by a pre-defined list of issues. These
interviews amount to an informal conversation about the subject.

2) Structured Standardized interview: With structured standardized interviews, the

format is entirely different. A structured interview follows a specific questionnaire and
this research instrument is usually used as the basis for most quantitative surveys. A
standardized structured questionnaire is administered where specific questions are asked
in a set order and in a set manner to ensure no variation between interviews.

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There are also some other form of interview which is given below:

Figure 1: Forms of Interviews Technique

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Website

3.5 Research Design Structure:

A research study is the combination of different elements which include the factors of data
collection and synthesis. A suitable structure has to be in place in order to get the expected
results. This structure comes with qualitative methods.

3.6 Research Question Design:

Research questions are a designed as a form on inquiry for a concerned issue, which is discuss in
the first stage in a research report. To investigate the research questions, it is required to carry
out a process which involves collecting the data over a period of time. One form of data

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collection as part of the qualitative method of research is the direct or face to face interview

According to Berg, 2007:

The interview questions should capture the central aims and focus of the research study; and
must be considered in conceptualization and contextualization of the questions to be used for the
research process.

There are mainly four types of interview questions according to Berg, 2007. They are given in
the following table:

Essential Questions: Questions that address directly to research focus.

Extra Questions: To check the validity and reliability of the research.

Types of Interview
Throw away Questions: Questions that are used as ice-breakers during an
interview session.

Probing Questions: Questions specifically addressed to extract facts.

Table 3: Types of Interview Question

Source: Berg (2007)

The researcher’s job is to select the right questions which are relevant to the study and perform
during the interview in that manner. The selected interviewees are from different educational
institutions which have prompted the researcher to invest more time in designing questions of
interviews for the strategy analysis and the opinions being provided towards a better strategy
design and improvement.

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3.7 Primary Data Collection Process:

The decisions to get the results of primary data research depend on what type of research study
chose by the researcher. Primary data collection has lots of benefits which provide an
opportunity to get a better result which is the researcher expects. It is more concerned with the
practical aspect rather than the academic aspect in a project. Chosen research study is depends
which method use to collect the primary data. There are mainly three methods of conducting a
primary survey. They are:

 Survey method
 Interview method
 Observation method

For the purpose of this research report, the researcher has chosen to go forward with the direct
interview to collect the primary data which has been used. All data collected from semi-
structured interviews have been compiled to get the best results.

3.8 Interview Respondents:

For getting a good result, a strategic approach has been taken by the researcher. A major element
was pleasure in the relationship with the interview, which was sufficient to make even
questioning on delicate subjects enjoyable.

A total of 25 participant’s students from different intuitions took part in the direct interview
sessions. Each participate has been categorized in different group which slowed following table:

Category Number of Participants

College Students 4

Private University Students 15

Public University Students 6

Table 4: Classification of Participants

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3.8.1 Research Participants:

The researcher has taken direct interview of different segments comprises working young
students of different College, Public University and Private University who are directly involved
with the part-time jobs. As the data has been established in chapter three, the method for the
qualitative data analysis; an inductive approach has been adopted which include the content
analysis and the narrative analysis as part of the research endeavor.

The number of interview participants consists of different educational institutions giving

complex opinions towards the study of student’s part-time jobs.

3.9 Presentation of Researcher Finding:

As part of the research study, the researcher aims to present all findings in a concise manner for
better representation. All data that have been gathered through the course of the different
interview and analysis f the data from different literature will be contextualized focusing on the
different areas of the research focus areas and objective.

3.11 Reliability, Validity and Ethical Consideration:

Reliability, validity and ethical consideration of research are very crucial and it is very important
for the researcher to understand every term from different aspects.

3.12 Chapter Summary:

In This chapter has there discussed overall understanding of different steps, research philosophy,
research approaches, and the methodology that has been used in this research. Proposed
methodology has been justified with more details information and explained difficulties and
benefits of each method and approach.

Chapter Four: Data Analysis

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4.0 Introduction:

This chapter will provide clear understanding on data analysis after getting the desire results. The
findings will be presented after a further analysis of data collection through interviews conducted
about part-time jobs, and what are the advantages, disadvantages and impact of the part-time jobs
on study.

4.1: Summary of Interview:

The total number of interview questions varied as the selected participants students as the role of
the respondents is different in the context of delivery of the policies and formulation. The results
vary to the response from the participants. All information collected from the interviews has
been aligned with the research objectives and literature review in chapter two.

4.2 Interview Question Answers:

Interviews questions and answers, which ask by the researcher is given below in a table:

Research Questions
Objective1: To identify why students doing Part-time Jobs besides study.
Question 1: Why students are doing Part-time Jobs?
Answer: According to the participants, In 25 students there are 19 students who are doing part-
time jobs because of earning money besides their study which reduce families money pressure and
other 6 students doing part-time jobs to know how work practically or they want to have
experiences before complete study.

Objective 2: To know the advantages and disadvantages for the students who are doing Part-time Jobs.
Question 2: What are the advantages and disadvantages that students get by dong Part-time jobs?
From the analysis of the answers given by the participants students, most of the participants
describe advantages is like- earning money to reduce pressure of family, they have to more
flexible and getting experience. But students also have disadvantages which is-it is kill the study
hours, sometimes it is to hard maintain time for study and job, academic results is not satisfactory.
Objective 3: To know the impacts on study while students are doing Part- time Jobs.
Question 3: What are the impacts on study while students doing Part-time jobs?
According to the participant’s students, part-time jobs had a great impact on their study and
results, mental pressure also a big factor. Sometimes, because of pressure they become sick and
another big impacts is that they did not maintain social relationship to the family, friends properly.

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Objective 4: To identify how Part-time Jobs play an important role in Professional Career.
Question 4: How Part-time Job plays an important role in Professional Career?
From the Analysis of participants answers, majority of participate students says they besides study
part-time jobs give them a big chance to achieve practical knowledge about professional life.
Sometimes share their thought about importance is that these who working now they going to
have to suitable for the job because of experiences.

Objective 5: To find out Money or Experience which more important for the students.
Question 5: Money or Experience which has more importance’s to the students?
Participant’s students give a combined answer of this question, as earlier question participants
students give idea of this but matter of importance of money or experience majority of participants
students give more importance on money as a reason they need money for money problems. But
minority students give importance on experience as a reason they thought about future
opportunities, because now a day in Bangladesh experience is big factor to get a good job.

Question 6: Educational institution should give opportunities to the Students?

Answers from participants is yes, now-a-days educational institution of Bangladesh becoming
more digital and active then before, high technologies are been used which make students world-
class. But there are some few opportunities for the students to show their talents in professional
life during their study period. Educational institution should create opportunities for the students
to get practical knowledge. But recants some colleges and university give opportunity to the
students to work in computer lab, library which is good sign.

Table 5: Interview Questions and Answers

4.3 Chapter Summary:

In this chapter, researcher has analyzed the information of the interviews. By analyzing
interviews transcription, the researcher has found some advantages, disadvantages and impact of
part-time jobs of the students. This chapter now set a platform for critical discussion the research
objectives and questions.

Chapter Five: Recommendation and Conclusion

5.0 Introduction:

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The final chapter of the report covers the recommendation and conclusions of this research
report. This chapter concentrates on giving some recommendations according to the findings of
this study.

5.1: Recommendation:

This section will provide recommendations on the findings from the study and providing a scope
for further research. The study and the data analysis conducted, it is possible to put few
recommendations for the students who are working as part-time jobs and these who are willing
to have part-time jobs. For more concern the following recommendations may help to the
students to take their valuable decisions:

 Students should take appropriate discussion for their part-time jobs

 Students should select part-time jobs to their the related field
 Students should concern about study and results while doing part-time job
 Government or private sector should give the opportunity to students for work
 Educational institutions should give them a platform where they can use their skills
 Students should not continue job when academic results hamper for job
 Students should not choose work which not related to their field
 Students should not choose any risky job which is not suitable
 Students should not involved with any illegal work
 Families, societies should encourage student to do so

5.2 Further Research:

The research has some limitations in terms of scope and resources, further research can be
carried out in the future. The research focused on the part-time jobs of students. The research
also focused on the advantages, disadvantage and impacts which is important to know.

5.3 Conclusion:

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This research report was not at all an easy research to complete. Collecting information was also
very difficult task. Whatever the limitations were, the researcher tried to make best effort to
overcome the limitations.

In according to the research, young generation that means young students should involved in
work besides their studies at the same time students also concerns about their study.
Governments or private sector and also educational institutions should concern about this study
because working besides study is very essential in generation, everywhere competitions going on
how become more successful. So working as part-time besides study play a vital role for the
students because it give experience of practical work which helps to find a good job after
complete graduation, on the other hand it also give money by which student can more flexible
and this reduce the family money pressure .Today’s students are going tomorrow’s future of
Bangladesh .

At last, researcher must say he is very fortunate to research on this nice and friendly topic.
Researcher has work on this topic passionately. Researcher got practical knowledge about the
study which can help him or he can help others to share his experiences.

Therefore, researcher would like to say, students part-time jobs is very much essential for the
students because students can get experience. So, everyone in related field should more concern
about the future of students and this will make our county more developed.


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1. Change your Life-boss. 2011 .Part time job for the students of Bangladesh. [Blog] Better
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9. Primary Research Advantages and Disadvantages. 2014. I Answer 4 U, [Online].
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[Accessed on: 29 November 2016].

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Appendix A

Hello! I am Md. Shoreful Islam. I am a BBA student Business Research course at IUBAT
University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. As part of my course’s research, I am conducting a research on
“Why Students prefers Part-time Job besides Study.
The research is a partial fulfillment of the requirement of Business Research (BUS-301) Course.
The purpose of these questions is to know what are the advantages and disadvantages, impacts of
the part-time job.
There is no right or wrong, desirable o undesirable answers. Your opinions and views on the
regarding the questions are all that matters. Your answer will be held in strict confidentiality and
only used for the purpose of this academic study as stipulated in the form.

Thank you for your valuable time!

Details of Participants:

Total of Participants:

Total Number of Participants : 25

Gender : Male and Female

Age Limit : 17-26 Years

Date : 24 November, 2016

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General Questions:

1. Why students are doing Part-time Jobs?

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages that students get by dong Part-time jobs?

3. What are the impacts on study while students doing Part-time jobs?

4. How Part-time Job plays an important role in Professional Career?

5. Money or Experience which has more importance’s to the students?

6. Educational institution should give opportunities to the Students?

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