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Richard II - Summary and Character

King Richard II, the ill advised, unfit to rule king, banishes Henry
Bollingbroke and seizes noble land, using the money to fund
wars/military operations. Eventually, Henry conjoins an army of
all those opposed to Richard, and plans to overthrow him, take
back his stolen land. However, this policy is frowned upon by
many, as to commit regicide is to defy the divine right of kings.
Henry takes Richards crown, and imprisons him. Not long after
imprisonment, Richard is murdered.

Richard ascended to the throne at the extremely young age of 10,

from his dad the hero of history: the Black Prince. He is fitting to
be ruler in the sense that he knows how to indulge in a kingly
manner, however he taxes, highly unnecessarily, borrows a lot of
money, and awards noble titles to his personal friends. To be fair
to the king, he suited the king role precisely; lavished in luxury,
recited poetic brilliance. It didn’t take him too long to realise the
image of a king is not sufficient enough. One would need to be
efficient in decision making, economically profitable, and have a
respected reputation. His substandard flaw would soon lead to an
uprising in other parties, and inevitably he will be overruled.

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