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Strongly Strongly
No Statements Agree Neutral Disagree
Agree Disagree
I decide to purchase on the basis of
Mobile advertisements

2 I do not respond to telly callers

I get angry if caller calls frequently

1. Give your preference regarding type of Marketing executive calling you?


2. How do you currently react to receiving calls on mobile for advertising?

 Ignore it immediately
 Respond sometimes

 Respond always

Whether they visit and visit is transformed to purchase or not

Visit- for wht kind of products or services

Purchase- what kind

How many purchases thru callers

3. Have you registered for DND (Do not disturb service)? Sequence above
4. Do you use GPRS?


5. Do you use internet on your mobile


6. Do you have a 3G enabled mobile phone?


7. Which sites you access most from mobile? (Rate)

 Social networking/mail
 News and Alerts
 Online mobile gaming
 Others please specify_______

8. I pay attention to ads that come while I’m surfing?

 Always
 Sometimes
 Never five scale
Nehas report – add the table
9. How do you currently react on receiving mobile advertising through SMS?

Delete it without even looking at it

Read but rarely click or any follow ups
Read and follow most of time -5scale

10. Recall of the brand increase if you get sms on mobile.

YesNoCan’t say

11. In how much time you delete Marketing sms?

1 day
2 days
3 days
Do u save it for future reference

12. I give response to sms?

- 5 scale
 Always
 Sometimes
 Never

Visiting if yes wht kind of product

Transformed to purchase- what kind of product
If you purchase then which mode u motivates u
13. Select the product for which you like mobile marketing.( Rate the products)

 Apparels
 Mobile phones/ Recharging schemes
 Tours and Tourism
 Furniture
 Hotels and restaurants

15. If the prices of products and services in mobile shopping are lower than in traditional
shopping, I prefer mobile shopping


Personal Details:

Name: __________________________________

Gender: Male Female

Age: 18-23 24-29 30-35

Family Monthly Income: Below 15000 15000-30000

30000-45000 More than 45000

Occupation: Student
 Business man
 Employee

Highest Qualification:BBABCABABEBscB.Pharm

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