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History of Arnis/Kali/Escrima

● The specific history of Arnis is not 100% defined.

● During the pre-colonial period, people from the Philippine Archipelago used a short-bladed weapon called
TJAKELE/TJAKELELE where the name KALI was derived from.
● When Ferdinand Magellan came to the islands, he was treated to a feast with an exhibition of fighting skills,
according to the travel records of chronicler Antonio Pigafetta.
● Magellan was defeated by warriors from Mactan with the leadership of Rajah Lapu-Lapu whom used a
Kampilan during the fight.
● The Spaniards invaded and ruled the country and banned the practice of fighting arts among the natives.
● They later introduced stage play performances (Zarsuela, Moro-moro, Comedia etc.).
● The actors needed to present fight/battle scenes during their performances, so they asked the Spaniards to use
sticks as substitute for the sword fights.
● They used the sticks with harness trappings and the Spanish were entertained from what they saw that they
called it Harnes de Mano (Harness/trappings on the hand).
● The practice of Arnis became widespread as it was disguised as a part of the stage play presentations.
● Different styles and methods were developed. The Cebuanos called it Eskrima (derived from
the Spanish word for Fencing) famous styles are the Doce Pares, Arnis de Abanico etc.
● In other Visayan islands it is known as Balintawak,Kali/Kalis and Kali Ilustrissimo, Pekiti Tirsia in Mindanao.
● Jose Rizal, Andres Bonifacio, Juan and Antonio Luna were among our heroes who practiced it during that time.
● After the Spanish Regime the Americans occupied and ruled the country. They also banned the practice of
● fighting arts so the study and training of Arnis went underground to hide it from the authorities.
● The knowledge of Arnis was used during the American and the Japanese occupation.
● In the 1960’s the world wide interest in Karate and Kung fu made its way to the Philippines. The Presas
brothers (Remy and Ernesto) re-introduced Arnis to the public by giving seminar lectures and trainings about
Arnis and their system Modern Arnis.
● In the 70’s National Arnis Association of the Philippines(NARAPHIL) was formed and in 1986 it was changed to
● Arnis Philippines(ARPI) the national sports association(NSA) for Arnis.
● From then on Masters from different styles/ methods also introduced their systems to the country and to
different parts of Canada, USA, Europe, South America, Middle East and several parts of Asia.
● Arnis/Kali/Escrima is a very effective martial arts, in fact it is being used to train special forces in the USA,
Europe and other countries. It is also being used in Hollywood for fight stunts because of its simplicity,
Practicality, effectivity and efficiency.
● Due to its growing popularity worldwide and its acknowledgement as an authentic Filipino cultural heritage.
Senator Miguel “Migs” Zubiri from Bukidnon authored R.A. 9150 declaring Arnis as our National Sport.

Arnis Stick/Baston

One of the characteristics of Filipino martial arts is the use of weapons from the very beginning of training
and Modern Arnis is no exception. The primary weapon is the rattan stick, called a cane or baston
(baton), which varies in size, but is usually about 28 inches (71 cm) in length.


Pugay/Salute - Arnisador’s way of giving respect or acknowledgement to other Arnis practitioners.

Tindig/Attention - Proper way of standing/giving attention while holding a cane or stick.

Hawak/Grip - Proper way of holding the Arnis stick/Baston.

● Hawak Dulo
● Hawak Dali
● Hawak Dangkal
● Hawak Gitna
● Hawak Susi/Reverse

Handa/Ready - Proper way of getting ready while in a guarded position.

Stances - Way of balanced stance while attacking, resting or on-guard position.

● Forward Stance
● Center Stance
● Back Stance
● Abierta - Open guard stance
● Serrada - Closed guard stance


With Republic Act 9850 better known as the Arnis Law in place, proving the health benefits of arnis is
important if it must gain mass appeal in the Philippines and around the world. The wellness component of
martial art is a great factor affecting its popularity. This has been proven true in the cases of Chinese and
Japanese martial arts.

Leo Robert Viajar, MAT PE, an expert on human kinetics said that by pragmatic and scientific evaluation;
arnis qualifies as an effective exercise program. Viajar attested that arnis practice is capable of improving
all components of fitness like reaction time, speed, power, endurance, and balance.


Arnis masters were known to maintain the dexterity of their hands and gripping power way into their
twilight years, on this Viajar commented, “The dominant use of the hands and wrists in arnis maintains the
tonicity of the muscles and ligaments of the arc of the wrist joints.” He explained that this could help a lot
in preventing carpal tunnel syndrome, “The maintained integrity of the wrist arc prevents compression of
the nerves and other structures passing through the wrist,” Viajar added.


Viajar agrees that the various motions of arnis can improve muscle tone and strength. He said arnis
movements may sometimes display fluid continuity or resistance in case of a block by a training partner.

1. Left Side of the Head- use a slashing motion, stick is held at 1 o’clock. Forehand Strike.

2. Right Side of the Head- use a slashing motion, stick is held at 11o’clock. Back hand Strike.

3. Left Side of the Body- use a slashing motion, Forehand Strike to the body.

4. Right Side of the Body- use a slashing motion, Backhand Strike to the side of the Body.

5. Thrust to the Stomach(Solar Plexus)- use a thrusting motion towards the stomach.

6. Left Chest Strike- use a forward striking motion to the left side of the chest. Fingers and palm facing outward.

7. Right Chest Strike- use a forward striking motion to the right side of the chest. Fingers and palm facing inward.

8. Right Leg Strike- use a downward slashing motion to the right leg. Stick may be at 7-8 o’clock. Downward Backhand


9. Left Leg Strike- use a downward slashing motion to the right leg. Stick may be at 4-5 o’clock. Downward Backhand


10. Left Eye Thrust- use a forward striking motion to the left eye. Fingers and palms facing outward.

11. Right Eye Thrust- use a forward striking motion to the right eye. Fingers and palms facing inward.

12. Crown Strike- use a downward striking motion to the top of the head. Stick is at 12 o’clock movement.

*Blocking should also be executed to train for defense and striking interception.

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