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(Week 1 Jan. 25, 27 & 29)

Learning Objectives
 Give an example of a belief system or a worldview about religion
 Differentiate religion from spirituality and theology
 Point out the relationship between the elements of religion and spirituality
Subject Matter
Topic: Introduction to World Religion
Reference: Introduction to World Religions and Belief System
Materials: PowerPoint
Time Allotment: 40 minutes per session

Week 1
Day 1 Jan. 25 (verbal-linguistic and Interpersonal)
 State the objectives
 Activate prior knowledge to new lesson by means of questioning
 Have you come across online posts that dared to challenge or question a religious
belief? Did you notice the emotions that were stirred and the manner by which
people reacted to each other’s comments?
 Introduce new lesson and topic which is Introduction to World Religion
 Discuss the following
 Define Religion and Spirituality
 Origin of Religion
 Elements of Religion and Spirituality
 Homo- Religious
 Religion vs. Spirituality
Guided questions:
- What is religion?
- What do varied religions worldwide share in common?
- How does geography and culture influence religion and how does religion affect
Day 2 Jan. 27 (visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic)
 Recall/review previews past discussion/lesson
 Continuation of discussion about:
 Differentiate Religion from worldview, spirituality, theology and philosophy of religion
 Different kinds of belief system and worldview
 Religion vs. Spirituality
 Value of studying religion
 3 Reasons for studying World Religion
Guided questions:
- How do you differentiate religion from worldview, spirituality, theology, and
philosophy of religion?
- Why is it important to differentiate religion from spirituality, theology, and
philosophy of religion?
Day 3 Jan. 29 (visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic)

 Recall/review previews past discussion/lesson

 Activity: Show a religious item or a picture that shows a part of a religious activity/ ritual
guided by the question below
1. For a religious Item:
 What is this item?
 What is it used for? What is its meaning or importance?
 How does it connect you to God?
 What does it say about God?
2. For an activity or ritual:
 What is this activity/ritual?
 Describe how it is performed
 How does it connect you to God?
 What does it say about God?
 How does a deeper understanding of key concepts in religion help one appreciate
his or her faith and that of others? How does awareness in geographical and
historical concepts of religion, as well as the positive and negative effects of it,
promote tolerance and understanding among believers.?

Evaluation (visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic)

 Answer the assessment questions on page 10 (A).

Assignment (visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic)

 Write one page essay on the topic “Religion:” What Does It Mean to Me?”
guided by the following questions:
a. What different values have your religion instilled in you?
b. What various guiding principles which may have been
influenced by your religion do you adhere to in your life?
 How to pass:
a. Use MS Word
b. Words: 400 – 500
c. Margin: 2x2
d. Font: Century Gothic
e. Font size: 12
 Where to pass:
 Google Classroom
 File name: Religion Assignment #1

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