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Tishik international university

Faculty of engineering
Architecture department

Student district
Prepared by Enass younis ali

Supervisor Asst. Prof. Dr. Husein Ali Husein
Table of Contents
1.1 introduction
1.2 Definition and terminology
1.2.1 terminology and linguistic
1.2.2 definition
1.3 historical background
1.3.1 in the middle east
1.3.2 in Europe
1.4 reasons of selecting the problem

1.5 aim and objectives

1.6 benefits of the projects

1.7 summery of chapter 1

This chapter provides a brief explanation of the research topic area. It
justifies the importance of the study and describes the value added to
the existing knowledge. The section explains the purpose and the aims
of the thesis and suggests who may benefit from the findings. The
chapter ends with a short summary of the research approach, followed
by its delimitations and the structure of the thesis

1.2.1 terminology and linguistic

college town (English)
Noun town (pl. college towns)
A town or city that is dominated by its university population
2. 2013, Karen G. Weiss, Party School: Crime, Campus, and Community,
page 7:
"“College towns,” where many of a countrys largest public universities
(and most party schools) are located, are communities that would
probably not exist without the presence of the university. In most college
towns, there is a symbiotic relationship between the university and town,
with both highly dependent upon college students for their survival "

1.2.2 definition
a collage town or university district is a community that is dominated by
its student population. The university may be large or there may be
several smaller institutions.
In these towns the presence of these educational institutions improves
the economic and social life because many local resident may be
employed by the university which may be the largest employment in the
In this type of city the student population outnumber the local

In a university town the main activities are studying, socializing and

working which is held in a verity of buildings and institutions which may
not blind well with family neighborhood area. Therefor the student
housing should not be developed as a building it self . But as a space that
improve the student well as local residents

1.2 historical background

1.2.1 in the middle east

Despite not gaining university status until 1961, Al-Azhar University was
originally established as early as 970 AD in Cairo, Egypt. Originally a
‘madrasa’, teaching students from primary to tertiary level, Al-Azhar
University was first known as a center of Islamic learning but has since
developed a modern curriculum of secular subjects, ensuring its survival.
In Iraq The modern Mustansiriyah University was established with the
help and financial support of the Republic of Ίrāq Teacher’s Union in 1963,
mainly providing evening courses. In 1964, the University was given the
status of a semi-state institution and some state financial support.
The original Mustansiriya Madrasah was established in 1227 (or 1232/34
A.D. by some accounts) by the Abbasid Caliph Al-Mustansir and was one
of the oldest universities in the world. Its building, on the left bank of
the Tigris River, survived the Mongol invasion of 1258 and has been

1.2.2 in Europe
The first universities were created in Europe by Catholic Church monks.
The University of Bologna. founded in 1088.and offered strict housing
system for its student.
in 1452 the first student accommodation was build for poorer student in
oxford university in England and the accommodation had a system that
separate the student from the outside world.
After that in 1900 women start to apply for student housing.
Nowadays theres need to be anew typology for student housing. That
responds to nowadays student and society necessities .

970 A.D 1088 1227 1452 1800 1972 1990 2000 2010

Al-Azhar the first Mustansiriya oxford concept of Gradually State and In the early Student
University wa official Madrasah wa university the ivory student federal funds 2000 there accommodat
s the first university in s established developed tower the accommodat decreased was arise in ion
university in Europe was in 1227.with the dorms monastic ion began to and the sustainability developed to
history that the university residential houses for system allow unsex demand of not only in include
accommodat of bologna halls poorer meant to dorms dorms choosing fitness rooms
e students student separate increased. environment and dining
student from friendly halls.
the outside materials.
world. But also the
way the
resident used

1.3 problem statement

The population of Iraq is currently estimated at around 40 million.6 of

them are student. The population growth rate is 2.8%. In general, the
education system in Iraq was high-performing until the early 1980s. In the
preceding years, the country had continued to improve at all levels of
education and had achieved nearly universal primary enrolment in 1980.
Thereafter, following more than two decades of major wars, disastrous
military adventures, and irrational policies the system went into a steady
decline, driven by a combination of: · Lack of resources as public funds
were siphoned off for military expenditures and other priorities of the
ruling regime· The politicization of the education system, which
influenced everything and effected the infra structure of the education

So the development of the educational infra structure will be the first

step of Improving the educational system in our country and stop it from
further decline.

1.5 aim and objectives

To design a student housing with all required facilities and with good
architectural aesthetics sense. which will provide a comfort living to
students and young professionals.


1.edicational:To create a comfortable environment for students &

young working professional’s by providing proper facilities & also a
structure with good architectural senses. universitas include people from different background and

ages and cultures under one institution which improve the social life .
As major landowners, universities are significant investors in the built
environment. Campus developments reshape the skyline while
providing new civic identities.

3.economic:Universities are hotbeds of innovation and

entrepreneurship. In partnership with government and business,
academic research and technologies help to drive an array of vital
industries. Universities provide students with the skills to compete in
increasingly global workplaces and are themselves major employers.
Also universities are significant investors in the built environment.
Campus developments reshape the skyline while providing new civic
identities. International students provide a valuable source of export
income which benefits the local and national economy.

4.Politcal: educational building usally consider as the moiving engin

for many development in the country .

5.symbolic: the educational building has always been a symbol for the
development and progress of the society .

1.6 goal of the project

The goal of the project is to create a student district that will improve
the social ,educational and economics life of its region by offering
employment oppertonites as well as residental and educational facilities

1.7 benefits of the projects

The benfites of this project will be focused toword the Ministry of education
as well as student population.
the project will improve the social life of student by providing all the needed
facilites without interfering with the local life of the surrounding residents
and will improve the quality of education by providing all the needed facilites
of student which will improve the overall efficiency of the student experience
.the project will provide employment oppertointes of higher education field
such as profersprs .doctorts engeiners .

1.8 conclusion of chapter 1

In this chapter i showcase the problem with the current education system
Which is the resultant of the the government policy, the lack of infra structure and
the society in general.
And how the development of such educational project will be benefit our country as
did in many country throughout the history . Cause education hold great importance
in the development of society.


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