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Marketing Assignment

Strategy Definition FR
Customer Decision Journey problem or need Helps define what motivates
recognition, information customers to buy expensive
search, evaluation of chocolates. ‘Celebration
alternatives, purchase, and Chocolate’
post-purchase behaviour.
Pricing To determine whether a FR used this to conquer the
product is either too cheap, market in India. A huge
cheap, expensive, too success in a country that
expensive, or a bargain. does not have a premium
Then, these prices are chocolate.
plotted, and the area
between is used to
determine the range of
acceptable prices.
Competitive Analysis identify major competitors This is done to ensure FR are
and research their aware. They admit they
products, sales, and cannot compete with Godiva
marketing strategies
Brand Awareness Brand awareness represents Done, ‘Ambassador’s Party’
how familiar your target instantly recognisable
audience is with your brand chocolate
and how well they recognize
Marketing Message Testing process of testing out different This could be of use in
versions of your marketing markets such as China where
messages. It's experimentation psychological differences are
at its finest and it can help you big.
determine which messages
drive the most leads and sales
Market Segmentation (see below Psychographics, demographic, Used extensively (see below)
table) geographical , behaviour
Product Development Idea generation, product Used by FR when developing
screening, concept dvpt, the box of flavoured
analysis, product dvpt, test chocolates.
marketing, conceptualisation
Market Segmentation Definition FR
Demographic, Age, sex, job Used extensively for product
development and new markets
Psychographic Motivator to buy
such as India and China
Geographic Location
Behavioural Why buy

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