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Câu 1: Write sentences using will, may, might not or won’t and the prompts. (3

1. I’m sure / Bill Jones / win / the next election


2 . Perhaps / I / study / biology at university


3. Perhaps / Tina / pass / the exam


4. I’m sure / they / not arrive / before 1.00 p.m.


5.Perhaps / we / not see / you until Tuesday



This programme looks at several animals close to extinction and questions why
they are now in danger. We are taken to the habitats of these different animals and
shown why their survival is threatened.

Changing skies
In this excellent series we look at how the changing weather patterns in different
continents is affecting the way the people live and how they have to adapt.
Natural power
This is an award-winning documentary that traces man’s efforts over the centuries
to use natural energy resources such as wind and wave power. We look at the first
windmills and watermills in several regions.

A day in the life

This unusual programme compares the lives of villagers in a third world country
with villagers in the UK and studies how they both deal with environmental issues.

Drive me
A special programme which reveals the range of options available to people who
wish to purchase cars that are kinder to the environment.

Complete the sentences with the correct programme title.

1. In _______ we can learn historical facts.

2. In _______ we can find out about how to buy something in an environmentally-

friendly way.

3. In _______ we can see different attitudes to the environment.

4. In _______ we can see how nature is affecting our lifestyle.

5. In _______ we can learn about the reasons for certain natural problems.


Write an essay on the topic ‘Increased surveillance in our society is a bad thing.’
•an introduction to the main issues
•arguments and evidence supporting the statement
•arguments and evidence supporting the opposite opinion
•a summary of your own opinion

Câu 1:

1. I’m sure / Bill Jones / win / the next election


2 . Perhaps / I / study / biology at university


3. Perhaps / Tina / pass / the exam


4. I’m sure / they / not arrive / before 1.00 p.m.


5.Perhaps / we / not see / you until Tuesday

Trả lời:
1. I'm sure Bill Jones will win the next election. 2. Perhaps I may study biology at
university. 3. Perhaps Tina may pass the exam. 4. I'm sure they won't arrive before
1.00 p.m. 5. Perhaps we might not see you until Tuesday.
Câu 2:

This programme looks at several animals close to extinction and questions why they
are now in danger. We are taken to the habitats of these different animals and shown
why their survival is threatened.

Changing skies
In this excellent series we look at how the changing weather patterns in different
continents is affecting the way the people live and how they have to adapt.

Natural power
This is an award-winning documentary that traces man’s efforts over the centuries to
use natural energy resources such as wind and wave power. We look at the first
windmills and watermills in several regions.

A day in the life

This unusual programme compares the lives of villagers in a third world country with
villagers in the UK and studies how they both deal with environmental issues.
Drive me
A special programme which reveals the range of options available to people who wish
to purchase cars that are kinder to the environment.

Complete the sentences with the correct programme title.

1. In _______ we can learn historical facts.

2. In _______ we can find out about how to buy something in an environmentally-

friendly way.

3. In _______ we can see different attitudes to the environment.

4. In _______ we can see how nature is affecting our lifestyle.

5. In _______ we can learn about the reasons for certain natural problems.

Trả lời:
1. In Extinction we can learn historical facts. 2. In Drive me we can find out about how
to buy something in an environmentally-friendly way. 3. In A day in the life we can see
different attitudes to the environment. 4. In Changing skies we can see how nature is
affecting our lifestyle. 5. In Natural Power we can learn about the reasons for certain
natural problems.
Câu 3:

Write an essay on the topic ‘Increased surveillance in our society is a bad thing.’
•an introduction to the main issues
•arguments and evidence supporting the statement
•arguments and evidence supporting the opposite opinion
•a summary of your own opinion

Trả lời:
The increase of security methods has been a hot debated topic recently. A majority of
people argue that this invades citizens’ privacy. Nevertheless, I regard that the
beneficial effects of the action has outweighed the disadvantages. Regardless of the
convenience of detecting crime, some people still opine that the act of putting
themselves under surveillance interrupts their lifestyle, even worse, violates their
freedom. Apparently, this situation is comprehendable since they are aware of the
constant observation around them. To illustrate, it is direly uncomfortable when
residents’ faces or images flooding through organisations or state agencies. Therefore,
the opposite argument indicates freedom and privacy importance should be
considered seriously. Despite of above debate, I strongly believe national supervision
are far more significant than the drawbacks. Widespread surveillance in public areas
would greatly contribute to crime reduction by deterring potential criminals from
engaging in unlawful activities, when they know that security cameras are recording
their every movements. Moreover, this helps to reduce future society’s vices. In
conclusion, despite the idea that increasing the use of surveillance systems will offend
individual freedom, I would argue that this brings more benefits than the drawbacks.

Kỹ năng tổng hợp 3 Bài KT 2 Chữ ký CB Coi thi Chữ ký CB Chấm thi
Name: Bùi Thế Son
Account: AV28.1BS216
Start: 31/10/2021 8:28:47 PM
31/10/2021 9:25:33 PM
Câu 1:

1 . ‘I’ve never had such a good meal,’ said Kate.


2. ‘It was a really interesting journey,’ she said.


3 . ‘We’re looking for some new employees,’ he told me.


4. ‘A trip to London will be good for your English,’ Jack told me.

5. ‘My brother doesn’t think it’s a very good idea,’ she said.
Trả lời:
1. Kate said that she had never had such a good meal. 2. She said that it had been a
really interesting journey. 3. He told me that they were looking for some new
employees. 4. Jack told me that a trip to London would be good for my English. 5. She
said that her brother didn’t think it was a very good idea.
Câu 2:

This programme looks at several animals close to extinction and questions why they
are now in danger. We are taken to the habitats of these different animals and shown
why their survival is threatened.

Changing skies
In this excellent series we look at how the changing weather patterns in different
continents is affecting the way the people live and how they have to adapt.

Natural power
This is an award-winning documentary that traces man’s efforts over the centuries to
use natural energy resources such as wind and wave power. We look at the first
windmills and watermills in several regions.

A day in the life

This unusual programme compares the lives of villagers in a third world country with
villagers in the UK and studies how they both deal with environmental issues.

Drive me
A special programme which reveals the range of options available to people who wish
to purchase cars that are kinder to the environment.

Complete the sentences with the correct programme title.

1. In _______ we can learn historical facts.

2. In _______ we can find out about how to buy something in an environmentally-

friendly way.

3. In _______ we can see different attitudes to the environment.

4. In _______ we can see how nature is affecting our lifestyle.

5. In _______ we can learn about the reasons for certain natural problems.

Trả lời:
1. In Extinction we can learn historical facts. 2. In Drive me we can find out about how
to buy something in an environmentally-friendly way. 3. In A day in the life we can see
different attitudes to the environment. 4. In Changing skies we can see how nature is
affecting our lifestyle. 5. In Natural power we can learn about the reasons for certain
natural problems.
Câu 3:

Imagine your friend has moved to another country. Write a letter to him/her in which
•say you are sorry for not writing sooner
•give him/her news about yourself
•give him/her news about your friends and/or family
•ask questions about your friend
Trả lời:
Sunday, October 31, 2021 Dear Adam, I am sorry I haven’t written for so long. One
month ago started school year and we have a lot of work. Finally I have new house.
It's awesome, my parents just bought a new house with a very large garden. I have
new family member. For me he is my cousin and his name is John he is now ten days.
And what about you? How are you doing in school and how are you and your family.
How looks city that you are life in now? I know your country is very far from mine -
Vietnam. But if you have a chance, I want to come and visit it - a very beautiful
country. I will show you my village first, its name is Sky Garden. Listening to the name
can make you know what there is in my village. Each house in Sky Garden has an
own garden, it's probably a banana garden, an apple garden, a flower garden and so
on. My village also has a paddy field, it seems be a very huge yellow rug. And if you
feel hot, you can go with me to the Red River and enjoy the cool winds. I really want
you to visit my village and my country. I hope you will have time for that. Write to me
as soon as you receive this letter. Yours, Son

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