Laboratory Activity 1: Definition of Terms

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Christian Emmanuel Enriquez RN MAN

Definition of Terms

INSTRUCTION/S: Define the following Anatomical Terminologies correctly and briefly. Your definition
should not go over 150 word per terminology. This activity is worth 20 points.

Anatomy The study of human or animal form, by observation or examination of

the living being, examination or dissection of dead specimens,
microscopic examination, and/or textbooks
Developmental Anatomy Is the field of embryology concerned with the changes that cells, tissues,
organs, and the body as a whole undergo from a germ cell of each
parent to the resulting offspring; it includes both prenatal and postnatal
Systemic Anatomy Is an approach to anatomic study organized by organ systems, for
example, the cardiovascular system, emphasizing an overview of the
system throughout the body; distinguished from regional anatomy
Gross Anatomy It is the study of the organs, parts, and structures of a body that are
visible to the naked eye
Physiology A list of terms that concern with the anatomy of the human body. It
gathers the terms that pertain to the anatomical regions and specific
structures, planes, directions and body movements
Pathology Is a branch of medical science that involves the study and diagnosis of
disease through the examination of surgically removed organs, tissues
(biopsy samples), bodily fluids, and in some cases the whole body
Pathophysiology Deranged function in an individual or an organ due to a disease. For
example, a pathophysiologic alteration is a change in function as
distinguished from a structural defect
Organism An individual form of life, such as a bacterium, protist, fungus, plant, or
animal, composed of a single cell or a complex of cells in which
organelles or organs work together to carry out the various processes of
Histology The study of the form of structures seen under the microscope (light,
electron, infared ). Also called microscopic anatomy, as compared to
anatomy and physiology which involves structures that can be observed
with the naked eye. The word "anatomy" comes from the Greek ana-
meaning up or through + tome meaning a cutting. Anatomy was once a
"cutting up" because the structure of the body was originally learned
through dissecting it. The word "histology" came from the Greek "histo-"
meaning tissue + "logos", treatise
Cytology The medical and scientific study of cells. Cytology refers to a branch of
pathology, the medical specialty that deals with making diagnoses of
diseases and conditions through the examination of tissue samples from
the body

Levels of Organization

INSTRUCTION/S: Identify the Level of Organization in the picture presented below. This activity is worth
10 points.

1._Chemical Level 2. _Cellular Level 3. _Tissue Level_

4._Organ Level 5. _System Level__
Parts of Cell

INSTRUCTION/S: Identify the part highlighted on the image below and provide its function. This Activity
if worth 20 points.
1 Cytoplasm Responsible for holding the components of the cell
and protects them from damage. It stores the
molecules required for cellular processes and is
also responsible for giving the cell its shape
2 Mitochondrion It generate most of the chemical energy needed to
power the cell's biochemical reactions
3 Nucleus It controls and regulates the activities of the cell
(e.g., growth and metabolism) and carries the
genes, structures that contain the hereditary
4 Ribosome It is the translation of genetic information
encoded in nucleotide bases of DNA into amino
acid sequence of proteins
5 Golgi apparatus Is responsible for identifying, processing and
packaging proteins and lipids into vesicles for
delivery to targeted destinations

Types of Tissues

INSTRUCTION/S: 4.1 What is tissue and its function? 4.2 Identify the tissue samples provided below and
specify where they can be found. This Activity if worth 20 points.

Name of Tissue Location

1.Connective Tissue Bone, Cartilages, tendons,
- A bind structures and ligaments.
together, form a
framework and
support for organs
and the body as a
whole, store fat,
substances, protect
against disease, and
help repair tissue
damage. They occur
throughout the
2.Muscle Tissue Inside of the heart, digestive
- It composed of organs, and blood vessels.
cells that have the
special ability to
shorten or contract
in order to produce
movement of the
body parts. The
tissue is highly
cellular and is well
supplied with blood
3.Epithelial Tissue Skin, Body Linings, and
- They perform a Glandular Tissue
variety of functions
include protection,
excretion, filtration,
diffusion, and
sensory reception.
4.Nervous Tissue Brain, Spinal cord, and
- It is responsible for Nerves
coordinating and
controlling many
body activities.

Organ Systems

INSTRUCTION/S: Provide the main function of the following organ system and identify at least one organ
that is part of the system being described. This Activity if worth 20 points.

Organ System Function Related Organs

Integumentary system It protects the inside of the Skin
body from elements in the
environment—like bacteria,
pollution, and UV rays from the
sun. The skin and its associated
structures also retain bodily
fluids, eliminate waste
products, and regulate the
body's temperature
Nervous system It coordinates the human’s body Brain
actions, both voluntary and
involuntary and sensory
information in response to
stimuli from the environment
Skeletal system It works as a support structure Bones
in the body. It gives the body its
shapes, allows movement,
makes blood cells, provides
protection for organs and stores
Endocrine system It is a network of glands that Hypothalamus
secrete hormones which
regulate functions that include
metabolism, growth and
development, reproduction,
sleep and mood
Muscular system It allows person to move, speak, Smooth skeletal
and chew. They control
heartbeat, breathing and
digestion. Other seemingly
unrelated functions, including
temperature regulation and
vision and it also, rely on the
muscular system
Cardiovascular system It brings oxygen, nutrients and Heart
other good things to every cell
in your body, it also take away
carbon dioxide and waste
Lymphatic system It maintains fluid levels in our Lymph vessels
body tissues by removing all
fluids that leak out of our blood
Urinary system It keeps everything in balance Kidneys
by removing waste, like urea,
extra salt, extra water and other
things the body does not need
Respiratory system It helps to move fresh air into Lungs
your body while removing
waste gases. It also, allows
people to talk, laugh and sing
Digestive system It breaks down and absorbs Stomach
nutrients from the food and
liquids you consume to use for
important things like energy,
growth and repairing cells
Reproductive system It produce sex cells that is Ovaries
gametes and release the
gametes for fertilization
Nervous system It coordinates the human’s body Brain
actions, both voluntary and
involuntary and sensory
information in response to
stimuli from the environment

Homeostasis – Body Regulation

INSTRUCTION/S: Briefly explain the difference between positive and negative feedback and how it helps
the body maintain Homeostasis. Provide at least 2 examples of each This Activity if worth 20 points.

_The difference between the positive and negative feedback. The positive feedback homeostasis differs
in negative feedback homeostasis in that it develops the stimulus, improving productivity. Negative
feedback homeostasis, on the other hand, diminishes the stimulus impact, lowering productivity. Blood
clotting and birthing in animals are instances of positive feedback homeostasis, as it is a regulation of an
ideal internal environment by controlling temperature, blood, pH, hormone levels and other factors.

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