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NAME: ________________________________________________________ SCORE: ___________

I. Identify each sentence whether it is in the past tense, present tense or future tense.
_______________1. Lyka danced gracefully.
_______________2. Lissa will visit her grandmother next week.
_______________3. Emmy checks her bag for her make-up kit.
_______________4. The dog barks loudly.
_______________5. Mika ate her favorite cake.

II. Fill in the correct tense of the verbs.

Past tense Present tense Future tense

cooked 6. will cook
7. go/goes 8.
walked 9. 10.
11. talk/talks 12.
13. 14. will sing
washed wash/washes 15.

III. Encircle the appropriate coordinating conjunction inside the parenthesis to complete the sentence.
16. Jose wants to go to the market ( and but or ) he doesn’t have enough money.
17. Kaye’s tooth is aching ( for but so ) she paid a visit to her dentist.
18. Are you going for a jog ( or and but ) you just want to sleep?
19. Anna got a high grade ( so but for ) she studied hard and submitted all her requirements.
20. It is raining hard ( so and yet ) she loves the weather so much.

IV. Complete the sentences using subordinating conjunctions in the box.

because since although whom unless while

21. I love apple __________________ my sister likes banana.

22. Beth failed the quiz __________________ she did a review.
23. Japz won’t be able to eat lunch_____________ he finishes cleaning the pigpen.
24. Lucy’s bird was dead _________________ she left it for a week without food and water.
25. I bought chicken _______________ its cheaper than pork.

V. Create your own sentences using coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.

26. _________________________________________________________________________________
27. _________________________________________________________________________________
28. _________________________________________________________________________________
29. _________________________________________________________________________________
30. _________________________________________________________________________________

1. PAST 16. but

2. FUTURE 17. so
3. PRESENT 18. or
4. PRESENT 19. for
5. PAST 20. yet
6. cook/cooks 21. while
7. went 22. although
8. will go 23. unless
9. walk/walks 24. because
10. will walk 25. since
11. talked 26. answers
12. will talk 27. may
13. sang 28. vary
14. sing/sings 29. answers
15. will wash 30. may vary

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