Christianity and Nursing in India: A Remarkable Impact

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Christianity and nursing in India: a remarkable impact

Article  in  Journal of Christian nursing: a quarterly publication of Nurses Christian Fellowship · April 2009
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Elizabeth B Simon
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A Impact

by Elizabeth B. Simon
According to Indian author Meera Guild and the Christian Nurses
CHRISTIANITY Abraham (1996),“The link between League has continued to elevate the
has greatly influenced churches and missions and the standard of the profession alongside
modern education in India, especially profession of nursing in modern the Trained Nurses Association of
nursing education. In India, although times is not found anywhere else India (Harnar, 1975).
Christians represent only 3% of the in the world” (p. 19). Early medical The evolution of modern nursing
population, 30% of nursing graduates missionary activities were an impor- and its link to Christianity is a fasci-
are from traditional Christian families. tant influence, paving the way for the nating study. It is inspiring to reflect
It is interesting to explore the reasons nursing profession to be influenced on the move of missionary nurses to
behind the overwhelming Christian by Christianity.The professional India and their long-lasting influence
presence in nursing. influence of the Catholic Nurses on Indian-educated nurses.

88 JCN / Volume 26, Number 2

HEALTHCARE IN ANCIENT INDIA hundreds of lecture rooms and thou- Koch (1843–1910) and Louis Pasteur
The history of nursing in India sands of students, one doctor for every (1822–1895) favored the establishment
dates to about 1500 B.C. Atharvaveda 10 villages, pharmaceutical gardens, and of Western medical missions. In addi-
(a sacred text of Hindus) contains the hostels for the physically challenged tion, the liberal administration of India’s
earliest accounts describing the practice were highlights of this period. first prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru,
of healthcare. In 700 B.C.,“halls of This glorious era for ancient from 1947 to 1964, and the Indian
healing” were founded, and Benares healthcare ended with the decline of constitution helped medical missions
(a city on the bank of River Ganges) Buddhism and resurgence of Brahman to grow in a favorable soil. For example,
was the center of medical education. influence with its repugnance for Article 25 of the Indian Constitution
The Ayurvedic (the science of life) pollution from sickness. By A.D. 1000, provides the right to propagate one’s
surgeon Sushruta (6th century B.C.) public hospitals vanished from India faith, and Article 30 establishes the right
and the physician Charaka (300 B.C.) until they were reestablished by the of minority groups to maintain their
were famous in the ancient world Indian army in the 1880s. Qii The inva- own institutions.
through their teachings in Samhita (a sion of India by Moghul emperors and It took enormous courage for
collection of texts) about asepsis and Muslim rule in A.D. 1200 accelerated a Hindu to convert to Christianity
techniques of cesarean section, plastic the decline of healthcare. because ostracism from Indian society
surgery, and eye and brain surgeries. and being an outcaste from the family
Sushruta asserted that cure rests on CHRISTIAN INDIA were bitter experiences similar to a
four feet—the ideal relationships of Christianity came to India with the living death. Despite the social perse-
physician, patient, nurses, and medi- first-century missionary activity of cution, however, many elites and poor
cine. Charaka, in Samhita, chapter 9, Thomas, the disciple of Jesus, and with people from different classes and castes
lists the four qualifications of the Western missionary activity from 1500 converted (Copley, 1997).
attending nurse as knowledge of the to 1975.The influence of the Roman Currently, India has 27 million
drugs to be compounded, cleverness, Catholic Church began in the 16th documented traditional Christians,
devotedness, and purity of the mind century, and its role in healthcare is who constitute 3% of the general
and body (Wilkinson, 1958). vital today. Protestant missions all population. Despite their minority
During the rise of Buddhism with across India were sponsored by many status, Christians are seen as leaders
its philosophy of mercy and compas- Western organizations dating from in the nursing profession, medical care,
sion, India witnessed the development 1701 (Warneck, 1901). and education. Early medical missionary
of medical education from 500 B.C. Unlike those known as St.Thomas activities depict the sacrifices and contri-
to A.D. 300.The practice of surgery, Christians, who confined their reli- butions of Western missionaries to India.
however, became extinct because gious beliefs to themselves, Protestant
Ahimsa (the rule that bars injuring living missionaries undertook aggressive and MEDICAL MISSIONS
beings) forbade dissection of animals and dedicated missionary work, experi- The impetus for medical missions
study of anatomy.The establishment of encing great success between 1830 originated in the Conference of
numerous hospitals for humans and and 1880. Among the many effective Mission convened at Liverpool in
animals, famous medical schools with strategies that the missionaries adopted, 1860.Attendees discussed the value
the medical mission was a favored of medical missions in India under the
■ Elizabeth B. Simon PhD, RN, approach. A major contribution of the theme “healing of the sin-sick soul.”
CCRN, CEN, is Assistant Professor
at Hunter College, New York and Christians was the establishment of This vision encouraged many young
a consultant for the Corporate
Nursing Services, NYCHHC. social services through schools and educated men and women to travel
She is a graduate of the College hospitals for the untouchables and to distant parts of the world to serve
of Nursing, Christian Medical
College, Punjab, India. Before outcastes (Harnar, 1975). people unknown to them.The famous
coming to the United States, she worked in Christian
Fellowship Hospital. She serves as a Visiting Professor Christian missions flourished in speech given by John Lowe (1887, p.
at The Faith Institutes of Nursing Sciences, Bangalore, India for a number of reasons.The 10) of the Edinburgh Medical Mission
India, and attends Salem Assembly of God Church,
Elmont, New York. scientific contributions of Robert Society—urging the “welfare of my

JCN/April-June 2009 89
women spend most of Muller of St. Stephen’s hospital in
the daytime.The Zenana Delhi stated,“In India the call for
Mission had a vision nurses is much louder than the call
focused on the welfare for women doctors” (Rafferty, 1997,
of Indian women.As early p. 75).The missionary nurses were well
as 1872, medical education educated to fulfill their call of duty.
for women was encour- In 1908, to differentiate missionary
aged, but Indian women nurses from missionaries who had some
physicians were few and nursing skills, the British Missionary
all were trained abroad. Directory for Nurses published quali-
The first class of female fications for “missionary nurses”—a
physicians, started in 1875, 3-year course of training in nursing
brother, his body, his soul, for time, for comprised women of European or plus midwifery, drug dispensing, and
eternity”—in 1871 encouraged more Anglo-Indian descent. By 1890, there tropical diseases.
Westerners to set sail to India. were many female medical students in
The American medical missionary, different parts of India, increasing the NURSING AND
Dr. Samuel Green, who worked in need and desire for helpers “who would THE BRITISH MILITARY
India during the mid-1800s, echoed commend Christianity to the patients The influence of Christianity in
the same vision by stating that his by the example of their lives and by Indian nursing started with modern
“growing hope” was to spread the helping the missionaries in teaching nursing and Florence Nightingale
“Gospel” and “Science” at the same and preaching” (Balfour & Young, (1820–1910).Although military
time (Abraham, 1996).This new vision 1929, p. 112). hospitals and nursing services (mostly
of the medical missionary movement Another productive work of performed by military men) had existed
overpowered the initial work and Christianity was the Arcott Mission earlier, in 1857 the British government
influence of evangelical missionaries in southern India.This was the work of India consulted with Nightingale. She
focused only on religious work. of the Scudder family for three gener- never visited India but provided strong
The first female medical missionary ations. Dr. John Scudder, the son of a leadership to reform the Indian nursing
to any non-Christian country was pioneer missionary to south India, service (Wilkinson, 1958).
Clara Swain, an American physician became a physician and minister at Nightingale sent questionnaires to
connected with the Women’s Foreign Arcott. His daughter, Dr. Ida Scudder, more than 200 large military stations
Missionary Society of the Methodist moved by the death of two women controlled by the British government,
Episcopal Church. Swain landed in in childbirth, one Brahmin and one inquiring about rules and regulations
India on January 2, 1870 and began Muslim, was drawn to train female pertaining to health and sanitation.
teaching classes to 14 women with physicians. She introduced Western This vast survey, together with indi-
regard to nursing, compounding drugs, midwifery in India, and sent candidates vidual communications to medical and
and medicine. In 1877 these ladies were for nurse training. Dr. Edith Mary military officers, provided Nightingale
examined by a board of three physicians Brown, pioneered similar work in with information about the health
and pronounced competent (Balfour & northern India at the only medical and sanitation practices of the previous
Young, 1929). school for women taught by women 10 years. She wrote a paper suggesting
In 1880, after her graduation, Fanny (Balfour & Young, 1929). that Hindu religious teachers could
Butler, the first female student at the In 1905, missionary nurses came to be used in the community as “health
London School of Medicine, left India as members of the Missionary missioners,” liaisons between the
Britain for the Zenana Mission in Medical Association and laid the villagers and the sanitation officer,
India. Zenana is an Urdu word that foundation for formalized nursing because the Hindu religion emphasized
stands for an exclusive place where education in India. In 1910, Dr. Jenny purity and cleanliness (Nightingale,

90 JCN / Volume 26, Number 2

1896). It is understood from her missions. But because of the difficulty from polluting their Brahman homes.
writings that religion influenced the recruiting Hindu and Muslim women, Medicine bottles were kept on the
healthcare in India and that these the missionaries’ hope rested on floor and had to be picked up by
health missioners were men. recruiting Christian girls from schools the physician to avoid touching a
Thanks to Nightingale’s work, the to serve others through nursing. Brahman.This prejudice was based on
Royal Sanitary Commission of the religion and caste, not on gender. Male
army in India was appointed in 1859 OVERCOMING PREJUDICE missionaries faced similar prohibitions.
and established in 1861.The first The prime goal of Western medical Reverse acculturation also occurred as
nursing class consisted of six midwives and nursing missionaries in the 19th female medical missionaries were influ-
who were Europeans or Anglo-Indians. century was to teach and train enced by the local culture (Singh, 2005).
On March 28, 1888, the arrival of 10 “indigenous” physicians and nurses in However, early missionaries’ efforts
fully qualified British nurses in Bombay a Christian atmosphere with an ethos to overcome cultural difficulties opened
laid a foundation for the Indian army of selfless service and devotion.Training a path for those who came later.As a
nursing service.As women, they faced nurses of Indian origin faced many result, a group of missionaries serving
opposition from male orderlies and obstacles, mainly because Hindu parents in India started the Medical Missionary
medical officers alike. However, their were obsessed with caste prejudices and Association (MMA). In 1926, it was
dedicated service during a severe Muslims with the inhibitions of the renamed the Christian Medical Asso-
outbreak of cholera gradually changed purdah system, which required women ciation of India (CMAI).Affiliated
these attitudes. to be secluded from the public.The with more than 16 Protestant sects,
In 1914, British colonial forces low status of nursing among Hindus the CMAI oversees more than 330
recruited Indian nurses, who were was mainly because of the caste system. healthcare institutions and thousands
organized into the Indian Military Nurses need to touch their patients, of Christian professionals.The nurses’
Nursing Service (IMNS) in 1927. and sickness was considered unclean wing, named the Nurses League of
Nurses were recruited from two for Hindus. In addition, low-caste and CMAI, functions to “ensure the highest
cultural groups: Indian Christian high-caste Hindus were not allowed to standard of nursing education consistent
communities in the state of Kerala mingle or touch each other. with Christian principles.” Numerous
and Anglo-Indian communities.These In 19th-century India, female nursing textbooks are published by the
communities were open to allowing missionaries were more productive than Nurses League.
women to work, even in low-status their male counterparts because of their From the early days of nursing
jobs such as nursing, due to the active access to local women.Yet the process of education, church-related schools were
role of Western missionaries and the providing care was difficult because of committed to innovation with new
Christian nature of the Nightingale cultural practices. Despite their influ- programs and improvement of the old
model. Many civil hospitals were built ence, white women were the cultural ones (CMAI, 2008). In addition to
throughout India after the establish- other, without caste and therefore CMAI institutions, there are more than
ment of the IMNS, but they offered unclean for basic contact. Dr.Anna 400 hospitals and 1,000 health centers
training in nursing only to Europeans Kugler, who worked as a medical for the Catholic Health Association of
and Anglo-Indians. It was the mission missionary in India for 47 years India (CHAI, 2008).
hospitals throughout India that started starting in 1883, wrote about her In 1953, an American nurse, Rebecca
training Indian nurses. experience with caste prejudices. It Glanzer, was sent by Nurses Christian
Currently, more than 330 Protestant was uncomfortable to be reminded Fellowship USA to India to establish a
mission hospitals exist throughout India, that she was considered unclean and work among nurses.The emerging
with more than 150 located in southern would make the household objects movement became the Evangelical
states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, unclean in a high-caste Hindu home. Nurses Fellowship of India, currently
Tamil Nadu, and Kerala.Training nurses During home visits, patients were part of Nurses Christian Fellowship
was an important goal of the medical brought outside to prevent the physician International (Shelly, 2005).

JCN/April-June 2009 91
CHRISTIAN colonial rule ended in India and programs, 88 Master of Science
NURSING EDUCATION Pakistan in 1947, restricted access to programs, and 76 post-basic Bachelor
Service and devotion were the foreigners for medical missions (Singh, of Science programs in India. In addi-
dictum of missions, influencing nursing 2005). Most of the pioneer missions tion, 57 students are attending a PhD
education more than medical education. still exist today, flourishing as degree- program in nursing under the INC.
At the time of World War II, 90% of granting institutions managed by Among the names listed on the INC
Indian nurses came from the Indian Indian Christians. Web site, 475 programs carry distinctive
Christian community, and 80% of Many prominent women in India Christian names. It is impossible to iden-
these were trained in mission hospi- were influenced by the Christian reli- tify individual nurses’ religious affiliation
tals. Nursing as a profession was not gion and committed their service to from government publications, but an
restricted to women. Miss Schafer came nursing. Pandita Ramabai (1858-1922) estimated 30% or more of the nursing
to Miraj Mission Hospital at Bombay in was one well-known social reformer graduates are Christians from Kerala.
1921 and devoted her service to training who converted to Christianity. She Indeed, the demographics of participants
men in nursing. In 1927, the Missionary advanced women’s education, starting in studies conducted in the United
Nursing Association allowed men to Seva Sadan nursing (an Indian version States and the United Kingdom indicate
take its examinations. In 1930, male of modern nursing), the Hindu Ladies’ that the percentage of Christian nurses
nurses took the Bombay Presidency Social and Religious Club, and Arya is much higher (DiCicco-Bloom, 2004;
Examinations. Until 1940, all male Mahila Samaj (Women’s Club).Along George, 2005a; Jose, 2006).
nurses were Christians. From 1944, with her friend Ramabai Ranade (wife
men were admitted to other reputable of then Judge Ranade), she promoted THE KERALA PHENOMENON
schools, such as the nursing program at nursing as a service-oriented profession The southern state of Kerala has
Christian Medical College,Vellore. among high-caste Hindus.Thousands had a unique influence on Christianity
By 1940, the predominance of of medical and nursing students were and nursing in India. Kerala is the seat
European and Anglo-Indian nurses housed in Ranade’s dormitory, where of ancient Christianity, dating back
had declined, and Indian Christians she influenced them in their education to A.D. 52.Traditions and historians
from Kerala dominated the nursing and value systems (MacNicol & support that St.Thomas, Christ’s
profession. Compared with the other Mangalwadi, 1996). disciple, came to the region. Conse-
states in India, this southern state with Another prominent reformer, Raj quently, the descendants of the
its powerful Christian political clout Kumari Amrit Kaur, despite the Sikh Christians from those days are called
gave nursing its needed recognition and sound of her name, was a Christian, a the St.Thomas Christians or Syrian
support. In 1950, the state of Kerala follower of Gandhi’s principles, and Christians.They belong to Orthodox,
encouraged nurses to get a bachelor’s the first female cabinet minister. She Catholic, and Protestant traditions. In
degree in nursing, and the Keralite headed the Ministry of Health in India addition, 400 people migrated from
nurses were encouraged to return to in 1947 and became the president of Syria in A.D. 345 and joined this
their home state to become leaders in the World Health Assembly in 1960. Kerala Church. Later, Portuguese
their profession. Since then, in Kerala She gave nursing enviable social status traders in 1498 converted coastal
and other parts of India and abroad, through her influence. She started a residents and connected them to
Christian nurses from Kerala mark reputable college of nursing in New Rome.They were therefore called
their presence in clinical and adminis- Delhi, which is named after her in Latin Catholics. Most of the British
trative settings. recognition of her valuable contribu- mass converts were from the lower
Christian missions have played a tions elevating the status of the castes, with the exception of the high-
major role in shaping nursing as a profession during her political tenure. caste elite in major cities.They form
modern profession in Kerala (Abraham, The Indian Nursing Council (INC) the majority of the Protestant group.
1996; George, 2005b).The missions, reports that India has 1,570 diploma Despite their minority status in India,
facing major challenges after British programs, 808 Bachelor of Science Kerala Christians constitute prosperous

92 JCN / Volume 26, Number 2

communities commanding extraordi- out as the Mount Everest of
nary political clout. However, religion social development; there’s
in India is the basis of social life and may truly no place like it.”
not be a deep-rooted conviction of indi- However, Kerala is an
vidual faith. Religion influences many agrarian society, and educated
everyday aspects of Indian life: marriage men and women must move
choices, career selection, food habits, out of Kerala to get a decent,
education, festivals, general appearance well-paid job.They travel all
(choice of clothing, jewelry, and colors), over India and to different
attitudes toward women and children, countries and continents.
recreation, and more. In essence, Indians’ In spite of social and human
cultural practices are deeply rooted in development comparable with first- negotiate the patrifocal nature of the
their religion. world nations, Kerala is poor even community and family (Nair, 2007).The
This interplay of religion and social by the standards of India, whereas Kerala phenomenon contributes to their
life in India has influenced education the inhabitants are enjoying a middle- professional choices.
and career choices among Kerala class social life comparable with that Kerala, nursing, and nuns are inter-
Christians. Kerala has the largest of the first world. Lack of industrial twined. In 1906, eight Swiss nuns began
Christian population of any Indian state. development, demographics, and histor- work as nurses in Kerala. In 1920, formal
The importance of education, especially ical factors are seen as contributors to nursing courses were organized, often
female education, has been influenced this situation.This “Kerala phenom- with Christian students. During the
by the large number of Christians. enon” or Kerala model, denoting poor 1950s, the number of nursing schools
The adult literacy rate of 91%, with the economic development in the midst in the private sector increased to meet
highest female literacy index and human of commendable human development, the demands of the growing profession
development index, is the highest in high female literacy coupled with poor (Jeffrey, 1992). Currently, 257 recognized
the country.There are 2,700 govern- job opportunities, and a high percentage nursing schools and colleges are found
ment medical institutions in Kerala, of Christians in Kerala, causes a large in Kerala (Nair, 2007). Nevertheless,
with 160 beds per 100,000 population. number of young women to choose a large number of educated men and
The indicators of material well-being nursing as a profession. women move to larger cities such as
in Kerala, such as the infant mortality The socially conservative parents of Mumbai and Bangalore for nursing
and birth rates, are comparable with young women find that professional education. Because of the job opportu-
U.S. standards. In 2007, Kerala was nursing has the structure to offer their nities for nursing in a global market,
declared the world’s first baby-friendly daughters a safe haven outside their even small village bank branches are
state by the World Health Organization secure homes in Kerala.The hospitals getting a 1,000% increase in deposits
and UNICEF.The baby-friendly in India provide hostels (dormitories) from nurses working abroad. Nursing is
hospital initiative (BFHI), launched similar to their home settings, a decent changing the villages of India, especially
in 1991, is a UNICEF designation employment, and salaries that Kerala in the more Christian-influenced state
for maternity hospitals based on their cannot offer. In addition, the Christian of Kerala.
breast-feeding policies. More than 90% ethos of service and healing is more Most of the Indian immigrants to the
of the hospitals in Kerala qualified for acceptable to Christian parents than to United States come from central Kerala,
this designation.The high female literacy Muslims or Hindus. It is said that Kerala where the majority of Christians reside.
rate and health awareness contributed nuns and nurses are found everywhere The unique and most important aspect
to that designation. in India and various parts of the world. of immigration is the role of nurses.
According to anthropologist Bill For the young women who move Williams aptly states,“Christians are the
McKibben (2006, p.1),“Though a land to different parts of India from this only Asian-Indian group coming on the
of paddy-covered plains, Kerala stands southern state, it is an opportunity to shoulders of women” (Williams, 1996,

JCN/April-June 2009 93
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94 JCN / Volume 26, Number 2

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