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Name : Ahmad Junaidi

NIM : 2019.C.11a.0997
Study Program : S1 Keperawatan Tingkat 2A
Subject : English
Lecturer : Desy Natalia.S.pd.,M.Pd
Assigment : Unit 7 Reading

Coming to terms with terminal illness
1. How would you feel if you were told tomorrow that you had six months to live? Spend
five minutes writing down words that come to mind. Then explain your thoughts to a
: I will surrender and enjoy the rest of the life to the best of it
2. Read the text and name the five phases that palliative care experts talk about.
1. refuse to believe 4. Depression
2. angry 5. Give up
3. surrender
3. Read the text again and match the feelings a-j to one of the phases 1-5 in 2.
a. They may speak to the illness as if it is human. (3)
b. They often don't allow doctors to treat them. (4)
c. They stop fighting the idea that they are going to die. (2)
d. They don't want their friends to run away from them. (5)
e. They make their family's lives hard. (4)
f. They try to get control of the situation. (3)
g. There are times when they do and feel nothing. (5)
h. They make plans for the end of their life. (5)
i. hey spend a lot of time alone. (2)
j. They pretend they are not really ill. (5)
4. Answer the questions.
 Imagine you want to become a palliative care nurse. Decide the order in which you
would read these articles on a website about nursing the terminally ill. Write 1-5.
(5) Communicating with the patient
(3) Helping the patient's family
(1) The phases of terminal illness
(2) Ethical issues
(4)Dealing with different cultures and religions
 Compare your order with a partner, explaining your reasons. Then together make a
list of four more articles you would like to see on the website.

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