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The Final Exodus-The Beast Destroyed & The Small

Redeemed Islamic Remnant

Taught 7/1/06

All quotes from RSTNE 3rd Edition, the world’s most popular Hebraic bible.

Main Sanctuary B'nai Yahshua Synagogue of North Miami Beach

Rabbi Brother Moshe Yoseph Koniuchowsky

Zacharyah/Zachariah- 5:9 Then lifted I up my eyes, and looked, and,

see, there came out two women, i ii and the wind was in their wings;iii
for they had wings like the wings of a stork: iv and they lifted up the
ephah-measure-barrel between the earth and the shamayim.v vi

The destruction of Mecca and Babylon/Iraq, or “BOTH WOMEN,”

is clearly presented in the Bible. The harlot of Babylon will be
ravaged. Muslims themselves will destroy and ravage Mecca,
since this is what the Master has proposed and it will be fulfilled.

In the Islamic book “Yawmul-Ghadhab hal-Bada’a be-Intifadat

Rajab," by Sheikh Safar Al-Hwaly he states: "The final battle will be
waged by Muslim faithful coming on the backs of horses, carrying
black banners. They will stand on the east side of the Jordan River
and will wage war that the earth has never seen before. The true
Messiah who is the Islamic Madhi, who will kill the pigs (Jews) and
will break the cross (Christians) and will defeat Europe, will lead this
army of Seljuk’s. He will preside over the world from Jerusalem
because Mecca would have been destroyed,” This is why Islam
MUST have Jerusalem [in their theology], even though it is NOT
mentioned at all in the Koran.
The Seljuk Empire was a Turkic Empire that preceded the
Ottoman Empire. It covered the region of Anatolia (Turkey), Northern
Iran, Syria, Iraq, Southern Caucasus, and Azerbaijan. It is fascinating
that even Islamic scholars believe that the Islamic Mahdi (the Bible’s
anti-moshaich) will lead an army of Seljuk’s who were clearly
Turkic/Assyrian people in history. And they are also ascribing the
last end time battle to these people. It is fascinating that Muslim
scholars believe that Mecca a city and Saudi Arabia a land mass
(both part of ancient Babylon), the spiritual headquarters of
Islam, will be destroyed and this is exactly what the Bible

Zacharyah 5:10 Then said I to the heavenly malach who talked with
me, Where do these who bear the ephah-measure-barrel go? vii
11 And he said to me, To build it a bayit viii in the land of Shinar: ix and
it shall be established, and set there upon her own base. x xi

Gilyahna/Revelation 20:7
And when the thousand years are expired, s.a.tan shall be loosed out
of his prison,
8 And shall go out to deceive the nations who are in the four quarters
of the land, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle against
the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.
9 And they came over the entire width of the land, and surrounded
the camp of the Yisraelite kidushim, xii and the beloved city: xiii and fire
came down from YHWH out of the shamayim, and devoured them.
10 And s.a.tan that deceived them was cast into the Lake of Fire and
brimstone, where the beast [anti moshiach] and the navi sheker
[Mohammed or the latter day spokesperson for the anti moshiach]
are, and shall be tormented day and night le-olam-va-ed. xiv xv

Final and full destruction of the end time Islamic beast after a second
postmillennial uprising of Gog and Magog (Part 2 of this battle)
against Israel, as seen in the sand of the sea metaphor. The word
world here is “land” of the land of Israel, not the whole world.

From 1.5 billion Islamics, a SMALL remnant shall join the

Commonwealth Of Israel! There is still hope in the blood of YHWH’s
Yeshayahu/Isaiah 19-

18 In that day shall five cities in the land of Mitzrayim speak the
language of Kanaan, xvi and swear to YHWH
tzevaoth; xvii and one shall be called, The City of Tzedakah. xviii
19 In that day shall there be an altar to YHWH in the midst of the land
of Mitzrayim, xix and a standing column xx at its border to YHWH.
20 And it shall be for an ot and for a witness to YHWH tzevaoth in the
land of Mitzrayim: for they shall cry to YHWH because of the [Islamic]
oppressors, and He shall send them a Savior, xxi and a Great One, xxii
and He shall deliver them. xxiii
21 And YHWH shall be known to Mitzrayim, xxiv and the Mitzrim shall
know YHWH in that day, xxv and shall do sacrifice and oblation; they
shall vow a vow to YHWH, and perform it. xxvi xxvii
22 And YHWH shall smite Mitzrayim: He shall smite and heal it: and
they shall return even to YHWH, xxviii and He shall be sought by them,
and He shall heal them. xxix
23 In that day xxx shall there be a highway out of Mitzrayim to
Ashshur, and the Ashshurite shall come into Mitzrayim, and the Mitzri
into Ashshur, and the Mitzrim shall serve with the Ashshurim. xxxi xxxii

Assyria the future home of anti moshiach and his Islamic armies
[military center], will be come a hotbed of redeemed ex Muslims! It is
also possible that Egypt and Assyria here metaphorically represent a
redeemed Islamic remnant from both the Sunnis and the Shiites, or
both main branches of Islam.

24 In that day shall Yisrael be the third with Mitzrayim

[Just as Egypt is a metaphor for the sinful world, in this context, it is

probably a metaphor for any and all Islamic nations, from where this
SMALL redeemed Islamic remnant will join Israel’s Commonwealth
through Yahshua] and with Ashshur [YHWH invades the home of anti
moshiach and turns it into a key point of revival among Islam, as this
remains s.a.tan’s very literal throne in the earth, according to
Revelation 2:13], even a bracha in the midst of the earth: xxxiii
25 Whom YHWH tzevaoth shall bless, by saying, Blessed be
Mitzrayim My people, and Ashshur the work of My hands, and Yisrael
My inheritance. xxxiv

Symbolic of Mecca/Saudi Arabia and Babylon/Iraq, or Babylon and her daughter, the world’s
two leading oil producers.
First there was one woman (city) now there are two women (two cities). These women
(propagating false faith) are spreading false religion through their political clout i.e.
through the barrel of oil, and the blackmail of the petrodollar. They have a lot of
economical power to move entire nations.
Unclean winds, or demonic moves and movements all emanating from these two women the
mother and daughter of Babylon, Iraq and Saudi Arabia.
The stork is an unclean/unkosher bird and this faith and political/economic blackmail
emanating from the two women is unclean and hazardous to the physical and spiritual well
being of the nations, who drink her intoxicating oil, or wine of fornication. The picture of
the stork is an unclean animal that spreads something foul. This is why the wings indicate
spreading abroad through the unclean wind. Have we seen a revival of Islam since
9/11/01? Absolutely “yes,” as we are strangely finding more people becoming Muslims
rather then less. Basically we are told this is the revival of Islam, and the two cities in view
are Babylon in Iraq and Mecca in Saudi Arabia. For USA, or Rome “beast proponents,”
these criteria of two wicked women cannot be met! Let us not forget that the false religion
of Islam came from Babylonia and Allah already existed before Muhammad proclaimed his
own prophet hood. He/it was formerly a statue, but Muhammad proclaimed him/it to be the
unseen deity in heaven. So this fabricated monotheism was his invention and we have
both cities in view propagating the same evil to lead people astray.
Trying to blackmail, or “hold up” the whole world to take the mark of the beast and turn
against Israel. The mark of the beast is the very name of Allah, using oil as the bait.
Babylon the home base for all false religions birthed by Nimrod that made its way to the
Arabian desert is being spread to all four corners of the globe, as Islam seeks to move its
foul winds through the prince of the power of the air, the space between heaven and earth.
Al Jazera and now Al Jazera TV Int’l are TV satellite networks and are two such examples
of using the airwaves to spread this foul demonic faith.
Or what is, or where is, the historic center and origin of this oil wealth blackmail and evil
practice? The prophet enquires about where these evil people are heading, or where they
are dwelling with this liquid barrel of black gold.
House of Saud, or house of opulence and wealth.
Iraq/Saudi Arabia both parts of ancient physical and spiritual Babylon.
The base, or foundation of the Koran, not the Scriptures! Also Al Qaeda means “the
base” in Arabic. The oil revenue [the ephah/barrel] is used to promote Al Qaeda as the
base for global terrorist engagements.
The destruction of Mecca and Iraq, or “both women,” is clearly presented in the Bible.
The harlot of Babylon will be ravaged. Muslims themselves will destroy and ravage Mecca
(as taught even by Islam), while the western USA-UK coalition nations will destroy
Babylon, that today are several modern Islamic nations, by being YHWH’s weapons of
indignation, since this is what the Master has proposed and it will be fulfilled.
A final last gasp postmillennial Islamic uprising of the defeated Islamic nations. Part 2 of
the battle of Gog and Magog.
Jerusalem. Notice that the set-apart ones/born again believers are citizens in Yisrael
and thus must be Yisrael.
This speaks of the false deity, the false prophet and s.a.tan himself, all under eternal
Unclean spirit beings suffer forever since they have immortality within them. Human
beings who reject the Good News also go to the Lake of Fire to die a second death, since
they have no immortality within them to withstand and survive the Lake of Fire.
Language of Zion. Hebrew.
Trust in YHWH.
Many believe this to be a prophecy of the composition of the LXX (Septuagint)
translated in Alexandria Egypt circa 150 BCE, the very basis of the Renewed Covenant.
Many from Egypt/Islam will also turn to YHWH in the day when the restoration of all
things comes.
Dolman, or stone pillars built by the people of Yisrael wherever they wandered as a sign
of their presence there.
The Savior of Egypt is the same one for Jacob. Yahshua of Nazareth. During their
oppression, or Great Tribulation distress, some in Egypt/Islam will seek YHWH for help.
The Mighty El.
By many of them accepting the Good News.
Age to come.
In the age to come, many scattered Hamites and Ishmaelites will cry out to Yahweh,
and He will send them Yahshua the Savior to bring them peace, life and national Yisraelite
citizenship. These same redeemed Semites and Hamites will be allowed into the rebuilt
millennial Temple to make slaughter offerings, and to perform vows to the Prince and His
Father, since they will be considered part of millennial Yisrael.
After these individuals from Ham and Ishmael accept Yahshua, they will follow Torah
as seen by their vows.
After being smitten in the Great Tribulation.
The full healing and acceptance of remnant Egypt/Islam into Yisrael.
Age to come/millennial kingdom.
Both Assyria and Egypt will have remnants that join Yisrael by trust in Messiah.
Yisrael’s historic enemies now join with them.
In verses 23-25 we see some of the greatest glimpses into the peace plan amongst
Arab/Islamic nations hostile to Jewish-Yisrael. In the days of Ishmael’s ingathering to the
rest of Yisrael, there shall be a Torah highway from Egypt to Syria. Assyria and those from
Assyria/Syria will go to Egypt, and those from Egypt will go to Assyria. It will be the
highway, or path of return and repentance. Ishmaelites/Muslims from both these nations
are prophesied to come together in order to serve YHWH the Elohim of Yisrael. This
renewed tripartite Yisraelite alliance in verse 24 that will enter the millennium under
Messiah, is said to be composed of Efrayim/Yisrael, Jewish/Yisrael, and Ishmael/Yisrael.
All three parts are Yisrael. And why not? In Solomon’s day before the Kingdom of Yisrael
split, Ishmaelites in Lebanon and Syria, were already large parts of national Yisrael, as
were Arab lands and governors (Second Chronicles / Divre HaYamim Bet 8:6, 9:14). In that
Great Day of final ingathering, symbolized by the 7 day of the Feast of
Sukkot/Tabernacles, Jewish/Yisrael will be one of three main branches of Yisrael (Isaiah
17:6). Yahweh wants to take all the descendants of Noah’s three sons, Shem, Ham, and
Japheth, and bring them all under the Captain of their salvation, the only brought-forth
Son of Righteousness for all of mankind, seated eternally on Dawid’s Throne in heaven,
and one day soon in the earthly Jerusalem.
In the days of the great Semitic/Ishmaelite awakening, many of Ishmael's sons
scattered in and among the nations, along with a small remnant of Edom/Muslims who
willingly denounce falsehood, will be joined together by Messiah's blood, and will move
Father Yahweh to pronounce a new bracha/blessing, patterned after the Aaronic
Benediction of (Numbers 6:23-27). May Yahweh bless Egypt My people/Ami, May Yahweh
bless Assyria, the work of My hands, May Yahweh bless Yisrael/My inheritance (Isaiah
19:25). And in so doing, all three parts of Yisrael, Judah, Efrayim, and Ishmael, will carry
the Name of Yahweh and “I Myself shall bless them, for I have returned them,” says
Yahweh (Numbers 6:27,10:36).

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