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Unit Phonics and Vocabulary Language / Grammar Development Civics / Song

Topic handwriting concepts / PHSE routin


1 A B – ant, apple, alligator, arrow,

bird, bag, bee, book
Tracing Aa, Bb
KEY VOCABULARY L1 – Horsey, Bella,
Lily, Jack, Mum, Dad,
Grandma, Grandpa
This is my (mum).
What’s your name? I’m …
How are you? I’m fine, thank you.
Family, friends
New voc
Hello! ADDITIONAL VOC – Hello, goodbye, Yes, please. Thank you. visitors Froggy’s
friend, family, HFW: is, for, a, on, his, and, in, Hello, h
sister, brother are, says,go, look Look at
The Alp
An appl

2 C D – cat, camel, car, cake,

caterpillar, cow, dog,duck, dad,
doll, dinosaur, dance, dish
crayon, book, bag, rubber, teacher
What’s this?
It’s a (pen).
New HFW: can, you,see, an, it
Discrimination Being tidy/
New voc
Phonic c
My school Tracing Cc, Dd good morning, classroom, rain, sun, Animal
rainbow, red, orange, Tidy up
yellow, green, blue, pink, purple Look at

3 E F G – elephant, egg, empty,

exercise, frog, flag, fish, family,
foot, five, gorilla, girl, goat,
KEY VOCABULARY L1 – car, ball,
doll, scooter, robot
Have you got a …?
I’ve got a … my/your …
Big and Small Sharing New voc
Phonic c
My toys garden, game ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY – big, A F jazz
Tracing Ee, Ff, Gg small, A F pho
Revise formation Aa – Cc Have yo
I’m a big

4 H I J – hippo, hen, horse, hop, hut,

hug, head, insect,
in, ill, igloo, ink, jellyfish, jelly,
cat, horse, duck, goat, donkey,
brown, grey
What are they?
They’re + plurals
HFW revise: see, on, says, of, has,
Matching Playing
New voc
Phonic c
On the juice, jam, jumper, jug ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY – baby a, our A F jazz
Tracing Hh, Ii, Jj Look at
farm Match capital and lower case. Ooh, oo

5 K L M – kangaroo, king, kite, kiss,

kitten, lion, leg, lolly, log, lick,
lemon, lizard, monkey, mug, milk,
KEY VOCABULARY L1 – eye, ear,
nose, mouth, finger, toe, tail
He/She’s got …
He/She hasn’t got
I haven’t got …
Awareness of left
and right
of difference
New voc
Phonic c
My body mum, mud, man left, right, march, foot You’ve got … A F jazz
Tracing Kk, Ll, Mm New HFW: her, the, look, this? Do The Left
This is m

6 N O P – newt, nut, nurse, net,

numbers, nose, octopus, on,
orange, ostrich, parrot, panda,
KEY VOCABULARY L1 – coat, skirt,
trousers, shorts, t-shirt, shoes, socks,
black, white
Do you want?
I want/I don’t want
New HFW: then? Up, likes
Getting ready
Politeness New voc
Phonic c
My pink, purple, party, pot ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY – hot, A F jazz
Tracing Nn, Oo, Pp cold Do you
clothes Revise formation Dd – Mm I’m hot

7 Q R S – queen bee, quilt, quiet,

quack, queen, quick, rabbit, run,
rain, rain,,red, robot, snake, sweet,
cheese, bread, apples, orange juice,
Do you like …?
Yes, I like …
No, I don’t like …
Making sensible choices Awareness
of healthy
New voc
Phonic c
I like six, sock, sun, sand, scooter ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY – New HFW: come? Into, fun where our A F jazz
picnics! Tracing Qq, Rr, Ss supermarket, trolley, lunchbox,
water, honey, banana, egg, lolly, cake
food comes
Round t
Do you

8 T U V – tiger, ten, tub, teddy,

two, teeth, toothbrush, trousers,
umbrella bird, umbrella, up,
KEY VOCABULARY L1 – run, jump,
throw, catch, hop, roll
I can …
Can you …?
Yes, I can.
Physical coordination
(forward rolls, catching,
hopping, etc.)
New voc
Phonic c
Run and vulture, vet, van, vase butterfly, No, I can’t. A F jazz
jump! Tracing Tt, Uu,Vv
Revise formation Aa – Cc
bee, bird, caterpillar, fly Can you
I’m a ca

9 W X Y Z – worm, window, wind,

wings, water, wall, ox, fox, box,
yak, yoghurt, yacht, yo-yo, yellow,
KEY VOCABULARY L1 – bowl, spoon,
cup, knife, fork, table chair
Where’s the/my …?
It’s in/on/under the …
Learning routines
(e.g. laying the table)
Helping at
New voc
Phonic c
In the yes, zebra, zigzag, zoo sandwich, tree A F jazz
kitchen Tracing Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz
Revise formation Nn – Vv
My boo

10 Revision and consolidation of the

whole alphabet and upper and
lower case letters
KEY VOCABULARY L1 – balloon,
kite, skateboard, jelly, ice cream
Revision Following instructions
(stand up, turn around,
Taking turns New voc
Phonic c
a party! wobble,
stand up, turn around, great
Red, red
Let’s hav

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cs / Songs, chants, Maths skills Cross- Story and Review
SE routine jingles curricular drama
ality New vocabulary chant Number 1; Counting; Matching; PHSE: People we Horsey and Bella
Phonics chant: AAA ant! Fine motor skills; Visual live with. meet Lily and
ming Animal Friends jazz chant and phonics song discrimination; 2D shape: circle; Jack’s family.
s Froggy’s song: This is the way we hold the pencil! find the next one in a sequence; This is my
Hello, hello! How are you? song reflection friend …
Look at me! Song Maths vocab: Circle
The Alphabet song
An apple, an apple song
tidy/ New vocabulary chant Number 2; Counting; Matching Science: How a Horsey makes a You can read chant! (a, b, c, and animal words)
l Phonic chant Fine motor skills; Visual rainbow is made. mess Revise Animal Friends story (AB) and orally
Alphabet song discrimination; 2D shape: square; blend and segment
Animal Friends jazz chant and phonics song find the next one in a sequence; CVC words
Tidy up chant Maths vocab: Square You can write! Revise formation Aa, Bb
Look at the rain! song HFW revision: is,for, and, in, says, a
g New vocabulary chant Number 3; Counting; Matching; Maths: Size – big, Horsey plays with You can read chant! (a–g)
Phonic chant Fine motor skills; Visual small Jack’s car Revise Animal Friends story (A–G) and orally
Alphabet song discrimination; odd one out; blend and segment
A F jazz chant 2D shape: rectangle; big, small; CVC words
A F phonics song next one in a sequence; You can write! Revise formation Aa – Gg
Have you got a car? song Maths vocab: Rectangle HFW revision: is, for, and, says, are, you, and,
I’m a big teddy song me, on, plays, in, a, an, with
g New vocabulary chant Number 4; Counting; Matching; Science: Baby Lily, Jack and You can read chant! (a–j)
Phonic chant Fine motor skills; Visual animals Horsey meet Revise Animal Friends story (A–J) and orally
Alphabet song discrimination; Number line; the farm blend and segment
A F jazz chant / A F phonics song 2D shapes: triangle; add one on animals CVC words
Look at all the animals song a number line; Tracing Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn
Ooh, oohI What are they? song Maths vocab: Triangle Revise formation Aa – Jj
New: HFW: I, have, my
ness New vocabulary chant Number 5; Counting; Matching; Physical Horsey painting You can read chant (a–m)
erence Phonic chant Fine motor skills; Visual education: Donkey Revise Animal Friend story (A–M) and orally
Alphabet song discrimination; 2D shape: star; Coordinated blend and segment
A F jazz chant / A F phonics song left, right; odd one out; movement CVC words
The Left, Right song adding two on a number line; Revise formation Aa – Mm
This is my friend song Maths vocab: Puzzle HFW revision: is, for, has, an, on, me, from,
says, you, a, of, to, in, and
ness New vocabulary chant Number 6; Counting; Matching; PHSE: Choosing Going to the You can read chant (a–p)
Phonic chant Fine motor skills; Visual appropriate shops to buy Revise Animal Friends story (A–P) and orally
Alphabet song discrimination; odd one out; clothes for the new clothes/ blend and segment
A F jazz chant / A F phonics song find the biggest group; find the weather. Life Skills CVC words
Do you want blue shoes? song next one in a sequence Revision formation Aa – Pp
I’m hot song HFW revision: is, for, a, and, on, in, the, he, has,
her, to, play, says
ness New vocabulary chant Number 7; Counting; Matching; Science: Healthy Shopping for a You can read chant (a–s)
lthy Phonic chant Fine motor skills; Visual food and making picnic Revise Animal Friends story (A–S) and orally
, Alphabet song discrimination; concept of zero; sensible choices. blend and segment
our A F jazz chant / A F phonics song draw next two in a sequence; CVC words
omes Round the supermarket song 2D shape review; Addition; Revision formation Aa – Vv
Do you like tomatoes? song Maths vocab: Empty HFW revision: is, for, says, it, and, I, to,on, a,
says, you, are, the, can, look, this?

ciating New vocabulary chant Number 8; Counting; Matching; Maths: Matching Horsey can’t do You can read chant (a–v)
ent Phonic chant Fine motor skills; Visual and visual lots of things Revise Animal Friends story (A–V) and orally
s Alphabet song discrimination; bigger group discrimination. but he’s really blend and segment
A F jazz chant / A F phonics song words for numbers; sequencing good at jumping CVC words
Can you run? song numbers; shapes; odd one out; Revision formation Aa – Vv
I’m a caterpillar song next two in a sequence; adding 1 HFW revision: is, for, says, it, and, I, to, on, a,
says, you, are, the, can,look, this?

g at New vocabulary chant Number 9; Counting; Matching; Food technology/ Jack & Lily lay You can read chant (a–z)
Phonic chant Fine motor skills; Visual Life Skills: Making the table; Horsey Revise Animal Friends story (A–Z) and orally
Alphabet song discrimination; next in a sequence; a sandwich messes it up blend and segment
A F jazz chant / A F phonics song find the differences; shapes; Getting ready Revision formation Aa – Zz
My book is in my bag song on, in, under; draw next two in a for a picnic Revision of story, story songs, HFW in story
sequence; addition Reading VC, CVC words, Known HFW
Revision of alphabet, Reading and writing
Revision of capital letters

g turns New vocabulary chant Number 10; Review; 1 more; Social studies/Life Everyone gets Revision of story, story songs
Phonic chant 2 more; Colours; Adding; Skills: Learning to together for HFW in story
Alphabet song Jumping on 1-4 on a number line; play new games/ a party Reading VC, CVC words and HFW Revision of
A F jazz chant / A F phonics song sequencing numbers; number memory/ alphabet
Red, red, red song words co-operation. Reading and writing
Let’s have a party song Revision of capital letters and lowercase
Writing VC and CVC words

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