root محاضرة

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The root

The root is defined as the part of the plant that

grew below the surface of the soil
The area is called the root plant.-Rhizosphere .
• Root functions:
• 1-fix the plant in the soil
• 2- Absorbing water and dissolved from the soil
to transport it to the leg and from there to the
rest of the plant
• 3-Store food inside its tissues for a limited
time to tune the most needy and the roots
may become specialized members in storage
such as carrot roots, beets, turnips and radish
• 4- The roots of some plants secrete salts and
organic acids in the soil, which
microorganisms feed on them.
‫‪- 5‬تتحور الجذور فى بعض النباتات لتؤدى و ٌ‬
‫ظفة معٌنه تالئم •‬
‫عش فٌها وتعرف‬ ‫إحتٌاجات النبات أوظروف البٌئة التى ٌ ٌ‬
‫بالجذور المتحوره أو المتخصصة مثل الجذور المتسلقه فى‬
‫نبات حبل المسا ٌكن وتقسم الجذور بالنسبة الى منشئها الى‬
‫ثالثة مجا ٌمع هً ‪:‬‬
• -5The roots in some plants are modified to
perform a job with the means of filling the
needs of the plant or the conditions of the
epidemics that live in it and are known as
modified or specialized roots
• Such as the climbing roots in the rope plant,
the roots are divided for the origin of the
dwellings to the third of the groups:
• Primary roots ‫ابتدائي‬
• Secondary roots‫ثانوي‬
• Adventitious roots ‫عرضي‬
• Primary roots
• The presence of this type of roots in plants with
falqq in and plants of seed stains, and this type of
roots take several forms according to the root
edition and these forms
• 1- Tap Root ‫الجذر الوتدي‬
• And it is a type of roots characterized by being
fish and length and presence in the plant of the
peas- Vicia faba
• ‫ونبات الجت‬Medicago sp
• 2Root Fleshy root-
• Fleshy root ‫الجزر اللحمي‬
• It is an enlarged root of innovation that is
intended to store water and food and takes
several forms, including:
A- Conical root ‫المخروطي‬
Conical fleshy root that is broad- accidental- at
the base and gradually tapered at the top, such
as carrots. ‫الجزر‬- carota Daucus. ‫عريض‬
• Fusiform Root ‫مغزلي‬
• It's a spindle, and it's going to gradually knock
towards the end, like a white radish.-
Raphanus sativus ‫الفجل االبيض‬
• Napiform Root ‫متكور –مكور‬

• Beta veugaris -bee root-‫ البنجر‬-‫الشمندر‬
• Secondary roots

• It originates from the primary root of the

surrounding circle area(Pericycle) and is
characterized by being higher and thicker than
the primary root.
• Secondary roots swell some time, such as in
sweet potatoes.(Ipomea batatus )
• As a result of storing food and becoming a
tuber.( ‫ (درنة‬.
• 3-Adventitious Roots
• It originated from the stem or from the leaf and is
one of the following forms:
• Roots Fibrous :
• A characteristic of plants with a single flak, where
the root dissolves early shortly after its formation
and is replaced by a set of slim roots almost equal
in length and fish, such as wheat. Triticum
• and. ‫والشعٌير‬sp Hordium
‫الشعير •‬
• Roots Prop ‫الجذور المساعدة‬
• It grows from the lower nodes of the stem
above the surface of the soil and goes down to
the soil. Ex: Zeamays ‫الذرة‬
• Tuberous Roots ‫الدرنية‬
• It's named after its inflation and storage of
food, and it's originally fibrous roots, which
may be far apart.
• Aerial root ‫جزور هوائيه‬
• get out of the stems and help climb.
• By circumvention ‫ االلتفاف‬without snooping on it
• Ex: hedera helix

‫حبل المساكين‬hedera helix
‫حبل المساكين‬
• Pillar roots ‫الجزور الداعمة‬

‫جزور تخرج من عقد على الساق تعمل على دعم السيقان‬
A roots that comes out of a contract ‫ عقد‬on the
stem that supports the stem and
branches.ex: Ficus benghalensis ‫التين البنغالي‬
Haustorical roots odr parasitic roots
‫الجزور الممصية او المتطفلة‬
‫تراكيب صغيرة تقوم بوظيفة االمتصاص تشبه الجزور تنشا من سيقان‬
‫بعض النباتات الزهرية المتطفلة على هيئة بروزات او ممصات‬
Small compositions that perform the function of
absorption similar to the roots starched from the stems of
some flowering plants in the form of protrusions ‫بروزات‬
or absorbers ‫ممصات‬
penetrates the tissues of the host plant until it reaches
the vascular beams and absorbs the ready food as in the
Cascuta plant ‫الحامول‬
And Orbaniche ‫الهالوك‬
• 7Climbing roots ‫المتسلقة‬
• It comes out of the stem of some plants
wrapped ‫الملتفة‬in supports‫ دعامات‬and these
bodies come out from the side of the stem.
‫– •‬
‫و ًهي التًي تتكون فًي ااالبصال او الكورمات لشد البصلة او •‬
‫الكورمة الى المستوى المناسب تحت سطح التربة كما تساهم‬
‫فًي تد ٌ‬
‫عيم وتثبٌيت ااالجزاء الهوائٌية لهذه النباتات‪.‬‬
• 8
• Root Contractile roots ‫الجزور المتقلصة‬

• It is formed in the serums or cormat to tighten

the onion or cormina to the appropriate level
below the surface of the soil and also do
strengthening and stabilization of the air parts
of these plants
• 9 9 Root Respirratory
• ‫سة‬ٌ ‫الجذور التنف‬-
• It helps aquatic plants that live in poorly
ventilated soils to respire as in the shura plan
• What are root hairs? What is their role?
• Identify three major functions of roots.
• Contrast a taproot system with a fibrous root
• Explain how roots “know” which way to grow

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