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Tutorial 1

Part 1
1B 17 B
2B 18 C
3B 19 B
4B 20 A
10 C
11 B
12 D
13 C
14 A
15 B
16 C

Part 2
Question 3:
- Examples of how financial markets allow consumers to better time their purchases
include: (credit card - mortgage loans - auto loans)
● The purchase of a durable good, like a car or furniture
● Paying for tuition
● Paying the cost of repairing a flooded basement
=> In all three cases, consumers were able to pay for a good or service (education or the
repair of a flooded basement) without having to wait to save enough and only then being
able to afford such goods and services.

Question 4
- Hold Bond issued by a firm because the riskiness of bond is lower than the riskiness of
equity ( cái này trong kiến thức môn FM lec 6). The company have to pay debt first then
CEO and shareholder have to bear to take their responsibilities when the firm goes
- You can imagine this situation of flow of funds as the waterfall -> debt->shares.
- Hold bond because bondholders are paid off before making payments to the equity
holders, who are the residual claimants or applicants.
Question 6:
- Treasury bills are short-term debt instruments issued by the United States government to
cover immediate spending obligations, i.e. finance deficit spending.
- Certificates of deposit (CDs) are issued by banks and sold to depositors.
- Corporations and large banks issue commercial paper as a method of short-term funding
in debt markets.
- Repurchase agreement
- Federal funds are overnight loans from one bank to another.
Question 10
- Financial intermediaries earn from the difference between the earnings of the risky asset
and from the low risk assets. Investors benefit because they can invest in a lower risk
asset now
( Cái này thuộc sơ đồ cơ bản dòng chảy của tiền từ những người gửi cho các bên trung
gian tài chính cụ thể là ngân hàng rồi ngân hàng lại cho các công ty vay với lãi suất
- Financial intermediaries benefit by carrying risk at relatively low transaction costs.Since
higher risk assets on average earn a higher return, financial intermediaries can earn a
profit on a diversified portfolio of risky assets.
- Individual investors benefit by earning returns on a pooled collection of assets issued by
financial intermediaries at lower risk. Risk to individual investors is lowered through the
pooling of assets by the financial intermediary
( Các trung gian tài chính được hưởng lợi bằng cách gánh chịu rủi ro với chi phí giao dịch
tương đối thấp. Vì các tài sản có rủi ro cao hơn trung bình thu được lợi nhuận cao hơn, các
trung gian tài chính có thể kiếm được lợi nhuận từ một danh mục tài sản rủi ro đa dạng.
Các nhà đầu tư cá nhân được hưởng lợi bằng cách kiếm lợi nhuận từ tập hợp các tài sản do các
trung gian tài chính phát hành với rủi ro thấp hơn. Rủi ro đối với các nhà đầu tư cá nhân được
giảm bớt thông qua việc tập hợp tài sản của trung gian tài chính)

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