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1. Who is the inventor you like best?

Nhà phát minh mà bạn yêu thích

that was Thomas Edison. He was an inventor and businessman who developed many
devices that greatly influenced life in the 20th century. One of them was the light bulb
and it gave us a lot in our work. everyday, help us to see objects in the evening.
2. What do you want to do first when you first travel to a place?
Bạn muốn làm gì đầu tiên khi lần đầu tiên đi du lịch đến một địa điểm?
If I can travel to a certain place, namely Da Lat, I want to first drive around the city so
I can enjoy nature, then I want to eat the specialties there because I want to go there.
Playing without eating is a bit of a waste. And at the end of a trip, I want to go for a
walk on the beach and have a campfire there.
3. In your opinion, which is the most natural place in Vietnam nowadays?
Theo bạn, đâu là nơi tự nhiên nhất ở Việt Nam hiện nay?
It is Hoi An Ancient Town because it is one of the World Heritage Sites of Vietnam,
when we come here we will be immersed in the space of the old times here with
shimmering colors of lanterns, doors and windows. Handcrafted windows. Garment
shops, restaurants are located deep in the small alleys… This place brings the ancient
beauty of the area that used to be a busy trading port since the 15th century.
4. Do you like exploring historical places?
Bạn thích khám phá những địa danh lịch sử?
Yes, I love exploring historical places. Ancient architectural works have their own
identity and characteristics. Bringing beauty and different historical background
.Visiting and exploring helps us to understand more about the history and history of
that place, helps us to expand our knowledge more.
5. Have you ever had a job (full-time or part-time)?
Bạn đã từng có việc làm (toàn thời gian hoặc bán thời gian) chưa?
Yes, I have. My job is a part-time job at a place 40 kilometers from home. The job is
that when I go to work, I check the goods at a shoe factory. After work, I have to take
the goods home to let my family do more work. When my family is done, I have to
take it back to the factory for the company to check the goods.
6.What do you do on Christmas day?
Bạn làm gì vào ngày giáng sinh
Because of Christmas in my country, families rarely eat and drink at home, most of
them go to the street to go out. On Christmas day, me and my friends will plan to go
out somewhere, maybe watch a movie, go out to eat, etc. I'll go for a walk then I'll
find a place to eat and drink to talk to my friends.
7. Can you speak English?
yes but only briefly
8. In your opinion, what is the most important invention?
Theo bạn phát minh nào quan trọng nhất?
In my opinion, the invention of the light bulb is the most important because it helps us
a lot in work such as reading, working, or when we are looking for something, it is
very necessary to light from the light bulb. In addition, the light also helps to make
our house more sparkling at night.
9. What are the difficulties with you in your language learning?
Bạn gặp khó khăn gì trong quá trình học ngoại ngữ của mình?
In my opinion, my only problem in the learning process is that my vocabulary is too
small, which makes me slow to approach this subject, so I need to supplement my
own vocabulary more.
10. What do you do now?
11. Do you mind about the world's technology?
Bạn có bận tâm về công nghệ của thế giới không?
I am a little concerned that when technology is very advanced today, it helps people a
lot in terms of health, but the consequences are that when machines replace humans,
manual workers will be lost. own income. .
12.In your opinion, what is the most impressive civilization in the world history?
Theo bạn, đâu là nền văn minh ấn tượng nhất trong lịch sử thế giới?
In my opinion, the most impressive civilization in the history of the world is the
ancient Egyptian civilization, because ancient Egypt gave us the Pyramids, the
founders of the ancient pharaohs to this day. today , shape object vv
13.Are you interested in history?
Bạn có thấy thú vị với môn lịch sử?
14. Describe the way you learn vocabulary in learning language?
Mô tả cách bạn học từ vựng trong học ngôn ngữ
I have my own method of learning vocabulary, which is to learn 5 new words every day,
write the words I just learned on a notepad and stick it near my desk so I can see those
words at any time

15.Do you enjoy the natural environment?

Bạn có thích môi trường tự nhiên không?
I really like the natural environment. There I can enjoy the view, the atmosphere of
the mountains. I watch TV series about nature, mountains and forests a lot, I want to
experience it once and live for a day to experience being in harmony with nature. That
must be great
16. Do you like your job now?
Bạn có thích công việc của mình bây giờ không?
If I say I like it, I don't like it either. But this is a job, I recommend it to me and my
family so I have to do it, it helps me save time in my free days, I can earn money and
can help a bit in my life. my tuition money to help the family a little bit.
17.How many languages can you speak?
Bạn có thể nói bao nhiêu ngôn ngữ?
Currently, I can only speak Vietnamese in my mother tongue, but I can speak a little
English as well
18. Do you want to have a job?
Bạn có muốn có một công việc?
No, now I have a job that can earn money and can help my family, so I don't need
another job.
19. Can you speak Spanish?
I, don’t no
20.What are historical places you want to visit?
Địa điểm lịch sử bạn muốn đến thăm là gì?
The historical site that I wanted to visit is the My Son Sanctuary, which houses the
largest Caring ruins in Vietnam that was the religious and political center of the
Champa kingdom for centuries. The temple was built by French archaeologists
discovered in the late 19th century but was later heavily damaged by American
22. Do you like wild animal?
Bạn có thích động vật hoang dã?
Among the wild animals I like the most is the lion, because it has the great stature
of nature, once known as the king of the jungle. It looks so cool and resilient that
few animals have personality. there
23. Who is the historical character you like best?
Nhân vật lịch sử bạn thích nhất là ai
My favorite historical figure is President Ho Chi Minh. As a person with great
contributions to the revolutionary cause of the Party and the nation, Uncle Ho was
the first to go out to find a way to save the country. After many years of wandering
abroad, Uncle Ho returned home to lead the nation in struggle. gain independence
and bring about a glorious victory. Uncle brought the right ideas and ways for our
people to fight for independence. Although Uncle Ho passed away, he is always in
the hearts of millions of Vietnamese people.
24. Describe a technology you like best?
Mô tả một công nghệ bạn thích nhất?
there are many technologies in our lives 1 of which I am impressed is technology
4.0 .it enables smart factories, smart products and also smart supply chains, and
makes production systems production and services become more flexible and
responsive to customers. In the future, it will replace people with heavy jobs to
help improve human life expectancy.
32. Do you want to protect the wild animals from extinction?
Bạn có muốn bảo vệ các loài động vật hoang dã khỏi nguy cơ tuyệt chủng?
I want to protect wild animals from the danger of extinction because without
animals, nature will lose its vitality, making trees not grow well. That's why we
often join hands to protect animals.

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