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376 2015 ¥ 4 ∂

Logistics Centre in Spreitenbach

Frei Architekten, Aarau
Christian Frei
Andreas Gautschi (Project architect),
Roman Bertsch, Michael Meier
(Construction management)
Structural engineer:
EAG Eichenberger, Lenzburg
Others involved in the project: see page 429

When the conditions are just right, the irreg-

ular, reflective wavy pattern covering a lo-
gistics centre in Spreitenbach, Switzerland,
reflects light in a way that nearly causes the
large cube to merge with the surroundings.
Three new structures – a 4-storey, order-
picking warehouse in reinforced-concrete aa
construction; a slender high-bay-storage
structure whose load-bearing structure is
made of steel; and a single-storey outlet –
were sheathed in this new skin. An existing
building was also cloaked in it. The archi-
tects allude to the contents of the ware-
house: they make reference to the foil of a
chocolate bar – an easily understood signifi-
er. Realizing this special skin required real
handicraft: to attain a varied pattern, 4000
aluminium sheets were riveted to the corru-
gated-metal supporting structure. The
sheets overlap 10 cm. The waviness was at-
tained by deliberately spacing the rivets on
the supporting structure closer together
than the spacing on the aluminium sheet.
The results of the first trial – 5.0 ≈ 6.0 metre
a mock-up – were unsatisfactory, so, based
on the architect’s sketch, the most important
contours were transferred via spray paint to
the substrate. In the end, the articulation of a
the pattern was determined by the respec-
tive installation teams: upon closer inspec-
tion the subtle differences in their work
methods can be discerned in the building’s
different facades. 1

Axonometric 2

Layout plans 3
scale 1:1500

1 Shop
2 High-bay storage warehouse (existing)
3 High-bay storage warehouse 4
4 Workshop 6
5 Order-picking warehouse 5
6 Loading station: rail
7 Loading station: lorry

A Refurbishment of the existing facade 7

B Facade of new building on steel skeleton
C Facade of new building on concrete wall

∂ 2015 ¥ 4 Documentation 377

378 Logistics Centre in Spreitenbach 2015 ¥ 4 ∂

Vertical section
Horizontal section
scale 1:20

1 80 mm plant substrate 3 80 mm plant substrate

20 mm protective mat/ 20 mm protective mat/
drainage mat drainage mat
15 mm bituminous roof sheeting, 15 mm bituminous roof sheeting,
two layers two layers
200 mm EPS thermal insulation 200 mm EPS thermal insulation
vapour barrier vapour barrier
80 mm corrugated metal 200 mm reinforced concrete deck
steel load-bearing structure 4 4000/700/0.8 mm aluminium sheet,
2 4000/700/0.8 mm overlapping 100 mm, cambering
aluminium sheet, created incrementally with rivets
overlapping 100 mm, cambering 45/150 mm corrugated
created incrementally with rivets aluminium
45/150 mm corrugated aluminium 200 mm mineral wool
80 mm mineral wool thermal insulation
thermal insulation between aluminium
between 80 mm spacer bolts supporting structure
120 mm mineral wool thermal 280 mm reinforced concrete
insulation in steel sheet panel 5 42 mm triple glazing in
steel load-bearing structure aluminium frame
∂ 2015 ¥ 4 Documentation 379

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