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1. Who is Fr. Juan de Plasencia? When dis he serve in the Philippines?

Fr. Juan De Plasencia wrote the custom of Tagalogs born to the illustrious family of portocarreros in
Plasencia in the region of Extremadura. Spain in the early 16 th century. He was one of the seven children
of Pedro Portocarrero, a captain of a Spanish schooner. he was a Spanish friar of the Franciscan Order. He
was among the first group of Franciscan missionaries who arrived in the Islands He is have arrived to
the Philippines in July 2, 1578, after a stopover in Mexico. As soon as he arrived, he joined forces with
another missionary, Fray Diego de Oropesa, and they both started preaching around Laguna de Bay and
Tayabas, Quezon, in Quezon Province, where he founded several towns.

2. How did he describe the hierarchy of people in the barangay?

He describes the hierarchy of people in the barangay was a The pre-Hispanic Filipinos did not possess a

high level of social organization. Although they lived in small communities called the barangays, this did

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not guarantee an organized socio-political and religious network comparable to European standard nor

to the Aztecs and Incas of the Americas.

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to communities were scattered all over the many islands of the archipelago. And the natives were mostly

subsistence farmers or fishermen, and occupied an area where they could easily farm, hunt and fish. And
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it is kind of circumstances, the friars discovered it too difficult to pursue a systematic instruction
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especially for the neo-converts. and explain However their six months stopover in Mexico gave this first
Franciscans in the Philippines a chance to experience -not only theoretically but in practice, as well- the
methods employed by the brothers there [68] and this provided them a solution on how to remedy this

problem. The solution was the reduction system, i.e., to "reduce" or "re-settle" the natives in central
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3. Which particular precolonial policy or rule stood out to you why?

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The particular pre-colonial policy or rule that stood out to me is Status of women why because women in
pre-colonial Philippine society had a right to inherit property engage in trade and industry and succeed
to the absence of a male heir, and also have the exclusive right to name her children that men walked

behind them as a sign of respect.


4. What does Fr. Plasencia’s account reveal about the religious and spiritual beliefs of early Filipino’s?

According to the accounts of Fr. Juan de Plasencia The early Filipinos adored the stars, although they did
not know them by their names, as the Spaniards and other nations know the planets–with one exception
of the morning star, which they called Tala.

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5. What are the reasons of the natives for offering sacrifices?

The reasons of the natives for offering sacrifices is Human sacrifice is the act of killing one or more
humans as part of a ritual, usually intended to please or appease gods, spirits or the dead ancestors,
such as a propitiatory offerings or as a retainer sacrifice when a king's servants are killed in order for
them to continue to serve their master in the next life.

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